1st primary school of sitia-erasmus +-presentation of flora and fauna

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Flora and Fauna


Mediterranean SeaThe Mediterranean , although a sea of small extent compared to

other seas in the world ocean, is a deep sea with many coasts and major islands such as:

Cyprus, Crete, Euboea, Rhodes, Lesbos, Chios, Kefalonia and Corfuin the eastern Mediterranean.

It is one of the richest, in terms of numbers of animals and plants that live in its waters. This is due to the geological history and the

variety of physicochemical conditions.

THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT so different from the land…


The natural wealth of Crete is not exhausted in the mountains and gorges, the rare habitats and beaches. It goes even deeper.

Literally!The seabed of the island hides another, magical world, where colors

rages, fishes are masters of camouflage, corals (yes, we have corals in Crete!) forming improbable formats, octopus lurking lazily

in their hiding places, the eels emerge from the most unlikely places and the nuns? move in herds! Of course this is not all:

molluscs, crustaceans, anemones, small and large fishes, Sea grass meadows, endemic species, tropical "immigrants" ,who

slipped in the Mediterranean after the opening of the Suez Canal, and more live here!.


The fake coral Μyriapora truncata 

The largest collection of color contrasts ...

MEADOWS OF SEA GRASS…The forests of the sea

…It is in terms of evolution a superior marine plants with

important ecological role, as a rich marine fauna and flora is

developed. They offer natural oxygen for reproduction and growth of

many marine organisms. In the depths of the meadows of Sea

grass the network of roots retain the sediment of the seabed, while the high density of the leaves

absorbs lots of energy of waves and limit beach erosion.

Where ever there is Sea grass the sea is certainly clean

Sea grass is not seaweed ...

…and what is it;

Sea grass Oceanic.. The planet of Mediterranean Sea

They are immersed in seawater. They have roots, stems, leaves, even flowers

and fruits. Their leaves may reach 1 meter length

and their color is green.But, as the leaves

grow older it becomes dark brown and falls from the plant, while new ones are reborn. The fallen leaves

will be taken by the waves and washed onto the sandy

shore. So actually these are the brown ‘’ribbons’’

we often find onto the beaches..

... And what about algae?

Algae are evolutionarily inferior water plants which have no roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits.

These ..If Sea grass is not


…then which are algae?

Exploit light lengths

…Stay on rocks, other algae and even on living organisms ?…

Swing… Err in water………

There are…

..the basis of the food chain .. The perfect display for the excellent quality of sea water. Our country is home to more than 600 different species of algae , which were developed in the Greek seabed, precisely because of the lack of major hot

spots. Algae are also very common in coastal waters. Those who love diving from the rocks or love swimming with masks on rocky shores definitely will have seen them. They are those small plants, usually of brownish color, which sometimes

looks like small shrubs. Their size is small in Greece, usually not exceeding 20 - 30 centimeters.

"Rodymenia" red-brown algae,the salad of the sea

in the western part of Crete…

Cystoseira Small trees or

shrubs that have hard texture. In

Greece these species are very

common in shallow depths

(0-1 meter).

"Alga or sycamore umbrella"Useful indicator of clean sea .

"Kelp"Loves light

and prefers shallow depths until 20m. Looks like the form

of ventalias- funnel and belongs to brown algae.

"Brown algae" Loves the luminous life of sea...

"Red algae"in shaded areas of the seabed.

These algae grow up in large quantities in

polluted ports, piers, near conduits that

removes effluents?, covering all the surface

of the rocks in very shallow depths- usually in the point where the waves are crashing.

The lettuce Ulva that…….warns

Attention!!….further up…..

The reason that makes it so special is that it is edible and

eaten mainly from the residents of Western Crete,

who hunt it?. The result is that it’ s population is being

reduced more and more and it is becoming extinct. We meet

the Polysiphonia Algae on rocks in shallow waters and local people names it “ The

salad of the sea”.

Polysiphonia Algae..

a special kind of algae in the

West of Crete ..

Caulerpa racemosa,Algae..alien

Τhe algae alien, has been located in many submarine areas of the Greek space and “migrated”

from tropical areas to the Mediterranean basin. It threatens the Greek seas, as it is behaving as an invasion which leads to biological pollution of the

marine ecosystem. It covers the flora of the area and as a result the food of the herbivorous marine

organizations and fishes is reduced and subsequently it changes the composition of the habitats which

are the refuge for many marine organisms.

The ¾ of the earth are covered by water, by big water masses. Sweet and mainly salted water. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans.. A fantastic and rich variety of plants and animals, from tiny to huge organisms have evolved, adjusted, living in the land and

in the sea and are characterized from important similarities and differences. The coastal zone, a transition zone from the land area, to the water and in deed to

the salted water, is an area worth studying, It is particularly rich. Every single organism plant or animal, small or big, has it’ s own position due to its

environment, its necessities, its adaptations.So, both Sea grass and algae are necessary for conservation of the life in the sea

( and not only because the oxygen they release is being used from other organizations), and their role is corresponding to them at the forests of the land for

the overland wormwood animals. So Sea grass is considered today both from European Union and Greek legislation

as a protected species and have already started efforts mapping it in Greece.

THE EARTH ………..IS A WATER WORLDWe read…and learned…



The diversity with the many and rocked coasts of inhabited and uninhabited islands and islets of Greek seas creates favorable

conditions for establishment and reproduction of many species of marine fauna.

Sponges hold an important position in the

aquatic ecosystem, mainly due to the

enormous importance of the disinfection of water, the live filters as they are called, and for providing shelter and support for a variety of organizations.

Their shape is characterized by

asymmetry, with main feature of the porous

structure of the skeleton. The sponges need hard

substrate (rocky bottom) to attach and filter water

to feed.


Cnidarians are producing poison which they use in order to kill small

sea animals. Jellyfishes, sea anemones etc….belong here

CNIDARIANS… be careful!!!

“jellyfish “ marine invertebrates

(Cnidarians), plank tonic organisms.

Usually roaming at the surface of the warm

seas and carried away by winds and currents.

Sea Anemone (Anemonia viridis)

As beautiful as it is, it can be proved dangerous if

someone is found closer to the legal limit. The sea

anemone is the number one enemy of the summer holidays .. It is found in small deep till 20 m. in

areas of direct sunlight. Its tentacles have, depending on the lighting, different colors. Although it can be moved, most of the time it

is attached to rocks


Annelids spreads its impressive fan .

We meet them attached to rocky substrates of the

seabed at depths of 40 to 200 m.

MOLLUSKSThe Mollusks are one of the most

populous phyla of animals, perhaps the greatest after arthropods. In order to be fed they use a special tongue, like rasp.

Most mollusks are living in the sea. Some are buried in the sand of the seabed or stuck on rocks, such as

barnacles and oysters, while others, such as cuttlefish and octopuses are

swimming freely and are skilled predators.

Yes it shines! This cuttlefish features luminescent cells in the skin that produce light by chemical processes.

"Ilex» Todarodes sagittatus, it’ s

ugly doubles.?...

….of “squid” Loligo.

«Octopus» Octopus vulgaris, is

considered one of the smarter


are living near the coasts at rocked



Greek “shells”, small treasures of Greek seas ...

"Gloss" ..... so shiny ... that you think it’s handmade!


Urchin, is living on rocky substrates, up to 30 meters deep, which are usually covered with

shells from shellfish or algae which are it’ s food. Eaten and due to intensive fishing, its populations

have decreased significantly.

Red starfish, Echinaster sepositus, a common species in the

Mediterranean sea. It is modest and stands out easily from the striking

orange-red color.

ARTHROPODSTheir body has many

microscopic pores. Living under the water surface, adherent on


“ Lobster ”, it’ s characteristic is the two long antennae. It’ s length typically ranges from 25 to 30 cm., while it’ s color is reddish-brown with many yellow spots .. During the day, it’s hiding in crevices or holes while at night time it’s coming for feeding. It is living at the

bottom of the seas, particularly preferring rocks.

LOBSTER, the Aegean Star

“Shrimp” we find it in small sizes, it has orange color and lives in deep waters. But when they want to breed they come into shallow


FAUNA of the Greek and Cretan seas

Σάλπα (Sarpa salpa)

Μουρμούρα (Lithognathus


Φαγγρί (Pagrus pagrus)

Λαβράκι (Dicentrarchus


Τσιπούρα (Sparus auratus)

Σμέρνα (Muraena helena)Τόνος (Thunnus thynnus)

Συναγρίδα (Dentex dentex)

Μυλοκόπι (Croaker)Λυθρίνι (Pagellus erythrinus)

Κυνηγός (Sphyraena sphyraena)

Γλώσσα (Solea solea)

Μπακαλιάρος (Cod)

Μπαρμπούνι (Mullus surmuletus) Ροφός (Epinephelus


Μουγγρί (Conger conger)

Μαγιάτικο (Seriola dumerili)

Παλαμίδα (Sarda sarda)

Ζαργάνα (Belone belone


Σαλάχι (Skates)

Γοφάρι, Temnodom saltator, strong and

fierce fish

Σκουμπρί or Κολιός (Scomber japonicus)

Αθερίνα (Atherina hepsetus), when is polished, usually sleeps.

Γόπα (Boops boops)

Κέφαλος (Mugil cephalus)The lonely Χάνος (Serranus cabrilla)

Δράκαινα (Trachinus draco), the poisonous

Σκορπιός (Scorpaena


Καλογριά (Chromis chromis)

Μελανούρι (Oblada melanura)

Σαργός (Diplodus sargus sargus)

Σπάρος (Diplodus annularis)


Caretta Caretta turtleThe turtle Caretta caretta is one of the

seven species of marine turtles that exist worldwide. Of these only three are

visiting the Mediterranean. The loggerhead is the only species of

Mediterranean sea turtles that also breeds in Greece. In Crete such places are found in Chania, Rethimno, Mesara

and in Petras (on area) in Sitia.

MARINE MAMMALS travelling with the angels of the sea

«Σταχτοδέλφινο» (Grampus griseus), the dolphin with the white


All dolphins have a sonar system which helps them to orient, identify

their food and communicate. A communication with codes that

anyone could easily imagine for a marine mammal. The Greek seas are privileged to host four species

of dolphins ...

«Ρινοδέλφινο», (Tursiops truncatus) the playful, funny acrobat.

«Ζωνοδέλφινο» (Stenella coeruleoalba), it took it’ s name from the line that starts from the eye and

reaches the belly.

CETACEANS The rest members of the company…

On Greek beaches, of course, residents are not only dolphins but and other cetaceans, which

we would like to introduce to you..

Φυσητήρας, (Physeter macrocephalus) with the biggest brain in the animal kingdom

«Πτεροφάλαινα» ,( Balaenoptera physalus) the fasten? blackfish, some of them have been

observed in the deep waters of southern Crete.

The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)

is living in Greece. She is using long whiskers over her mouth as sense organs.

Instead of external ears she has small acoustic holes.

A sea that balances our life itself, quietly but decisively.

The clear blue Greek waters hides a world of magic,

mystery, with untold beauty, with its own laws and values.


Greece…. covered in blue

1ο Δημοτικό σχολείο Σητείας

1st Primary School of Sitia


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