1800040-2005-04 - conflict in the family - good for business or bad

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  • 7/30/2019 1800040-2005-04 - Conflict in the Family - Good for Business or Bad


    Sep/ Oct 2004 Families in Business 67


    In the many years that we have been involved in business, both

    running our own,working in someone elses and advising oth-

    ers on how to run theirs, we never cease to be amazed by the

    plethora of initiatives, projects and plans undertaken by organi-

    sations to bring about change and improve performance. We

    have seen appraisals, competence models of managing perform-

    ance, through to empowerment and self-managing teams. We have

    been involved in outdoor management development through to

    the more esoteric mind games approach to management. We have

    seen fire-walking, the use of theatre, painting, poetry and even the

    army used to motivate and persuade people towards better per-formance. We have seen team building, team development and

    team destruction la The Office. We have seen downsizing,re-engi-

    neering, total quality, Investors in People and a myriad of other

    approaches from vision and mission to corporate culture and the

    learning organisation. Organisations of all shapes and sizes have

    embraced the change culture, spending millions chasing the elu-

    sive answer, looking for the quick fix and hoping the next man-

    agement fad will bring the long awaited results.

    So what is it all about? Why are organisations interested in

    developing people? Organisations want to achieve the best from

    their employees in order to boost sales, output and profit.This is not

    a comfortable habitat for (mostly male) managers charged with

    ensuring maximum performance. Men do not find this stuff easy

    much of it is right brai n,intui tive, creative, touchy-feely and scary.


    So what has all this got to do with families in business and more

    mysteriously, what has it got to do with a Crosby Stills, Nash and

    Young song written more than 30 years ago? The song says it all: it

    tells us why life in a family business is so different from life in any

    other form of business, particularly if you happen to be a member

    of the owning and/or managing family. The song suggests its sim-

    ple,dont ask questions,dont try to understand the relationship,just

    know that it is based on love. Parents are often intrigued by how

    closely their children resemble them, physically, emotionally and

    intellectually. Children are even more horrified to think that they

    may have anything in common with their parents, until well past

    their 30th birthday. Parents teach their children and often in the

    context of the family business children learn most, if not all of their

    knowledge about the business from their parents.

    In the context of a family in business,most of the change, quali-

    ty, people initiatives will fall at the first or second hurdle if we don't

    understand and consider the powerful relationship issues encoun-

    tered when engaging with a family in business. It is within these

    powerful relationships that many of the conflicts reside, particular-

    ly between fathers and sons working together in business.

    It is very difficult for a son to emancipate from his father (a crit-

    ical task in becoming an adult),when they both work together and

    the son does not have his own universe in which to mature.From a

    The concept of learning is gaining currency among researchers in entrepreneurship andfamily business. So are disputes in a family business a constructive or a destructiveforce for change? Andrew Godfrey andJohn Tucker explain


  • 7/30/2019 1800040-2005-04 - Conflict in the Family - Good for Business or Bad


    68 Sep/ Oct 2004 Families in Business


    business perspective the son almost always has some independent

    ideas that differ from the fathers, if for no other reason than a gen-

    erational perspective. Given the essentially emotional nature of

    family relationships, it would not be surprising if there were con-

    fusion about whether a sons actions were a form of rebellion

    rather than a reasoned disagreement over business issues. Sorting

    though this requires some understanding of the history of the

    father/son relationship,as well as the dynamics of the entire fam-

    ily constellation.

    Research published by Grant Thornton in Family Values in

    Family Business showed that During periods of challenge or

    change, families and their businesses are supported by their

    belief in a set of shared values. These are sometimes described as

    lived values, in contrast to espoused values, which may not

    always survive the challenge. The report adds: When a familybusiness goes through change such as generational transition,old

    habits and vested privileges are frequently challenged.

    E mbe d de d, or lived , family values that remain intact can ,

    arguably, help to sustain the business during periods of difficult

    change. The challenge can also expose the distinction between

    espoused values and lived values. These revelations may create

    conflict. It is within conflict that values are tested and exposed to

    critical appraisal.


    Families need to take time out to learn how to learn from each

    other. The concept of learning is gaining increasing currency

    among researchers in entrepreneurship and family business, both

    as a driver of research agendas and as an emergent, integrative per-spective for understanding the dynamic nature of entrepreneur-

    ship and family business management.A primary advantage of the

    learning perspective is that it provides linkages between the com-

    plex processes of personal and business development. There is an

    emergent consensus that there is extremely complex interplay and

    interdependence between these parallel processes of personal and

    business development and that these are not adequately explained

    within the dominant personality and process paradigms within

    entrepreneurship theory and family business theory.

    In these terms, the multi-generational family firm is a special

    and particularly interesting context in a number of ways.Firstly, the

    involvement of the founding generation is often protracted and

    overlaps the involvement of younger family members, enabling a

    range of possible mentoring roles. Secondly, younger generations

    growing up in the family business environment enjoy a lengthyperiod of socialisation, not only into the family and society but also

    into business and the specific family enterprise. Thirdly, this sociali-

    sation process may be undergone within an environment where

    there are powerful and explicit family expectations about future

    roles in the business and perhaps eventual management succession;

    on the other hand, these expectations may operate only at the sub-

    tle, tacit level or indeed be non-existent.

    Whatever the nature of expectations of involvement in the

    family firm, it is reasonable to suggest that, compared with the

    population at large, the formative experiences of children who

    grow up in family firms may include protracted and extremely

    complex processes of learning about business and management.


    You, who are on the road

    Must have a code that you can live by

    And so, become yourself, because the

    past is just a goodbye

    Teach your children wellTheir fathers help did slowly go by

    And feed them on your dreams

    The one they fix, the one you're known by

    Don't you ever ask them why

    If they told you, you would cry

    So just look at them a sigh

    And know they love you.


    And you, of tender years

    Cant know the fears

    That your elders grew by

    And so please help them with your needs

    They seek the truth before they can die

    Teach your parents well

    Their childrens help will slowly go by

    Feed them on your dreams

    The one they fix, the one they're known by

    Don't you ever ask them why

    If they told you, you would cry

    So just look at them and sigh

    And know they love you.

    Source: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young


  • 7/30/2019 1800040-2005-04 - Conflict in the Family - Good for Business or Bad


    Sep/ Oct 2004 Families in Business 69

    It is also reasonable to argue that these

    experiences set them apart from people

    from non-business backgrounds in terms

    of the potential preparation for business

    careers that their environment provides.

    It is also the breeding ground for future

    relationship conflicts that often emerge

    when parents and children work closely



    Conflict is not something anybody enjoys

    but when it occurs in a family business it

    can be even more pro b l e m at i c. T h e

    dynamics of a family generally mean thatsaying something critical about another

    family member can be difficult so within

    a family business delicate issues can be

    delayed for fear of offending a family

    member. Yet conflict resolution is essen-

    tial if the business is to survive and a

    degree of objectivity is required to do

    this.Conflict need not be destructive if its

    aims are beneficial to the business and

    u l t i m ately all of its dependents. It is

    essential therefore in family businesses to

    distinguish conflicts which are personally

    based from those which relate to the com-

    pany. You may ostensibly be in conflictwith your brother over a decision he

    made in the boardroom but is the real

    reason you are annoyed the new car he

    gave his wife out of company funds last

    year? Conflict like this is destructive and

    needs to be addressed.

    The main relationships that cause con-

    flict are parent/son or daughter relation-

    ships, sibling rival ry, and relationships

    between cousins and other relatives. Oneof the main causes of conflict between a

    parent and their child is the father or

    mother wanting the child to enter the

    b u s i n e s s. H o w ever most parents are

    reluctant to give up the reins and want to

    continue to run the business and ignore

    their childs desire to take control. The

    ambitious child may, after years of trying

    to introduce their own ideas and initia-

    tive into the business, decide to leave the

    business altog e t h e r. W h at the pare n t

    must recognise that to encourage their

    child into the business and then not allow

    them to take control removes their motivation and interest and

    may, ultimately, put them off the business completely. The

    mature decision is to invite the child to participate in the busi-

    ness and then establish a fixed period within which the parent

    will step aside and allow control to pass to the next generation.

    Sibling rivalry is, of course, normal in a family but in a busi-

    ness in can have a corrosive impact. The most obvious example

    is when more than one child wishes to take control of the fami-

    ly business. A decision by a parent to promote one over the other

    is difficult and frequently outside help can be used to take the

    heat out of the situation.A suitable shareholding structure must

    be put in place to ensure all children involved feel motivated and

    rewarded for their participation in the family company. You

    dont want to see your personal relationships and your business

    destroyed so you must negotiate a contract which provides allsiblings with fair rewards and a motive in seeing the business

    succeed. This can be done using a variety of motivational tech-

    niques including share allocation, places on the board and tasks

    allocated to those most suited.

    Running a business with a brother or sister means that your

    children will be involved in the next generation and, if you have

    other brothers and sisters, their children may want to become

    involved also. The problem is you may find you have around four

    children keen to get involved and a further half dozen cousins.By

    the following generation you may have 20 family members keen

    to be involved. All are likely to believe they deserve a job in the

    family business and at a senior level. It is vital to ensure that this

    is resolved. Some shares can be allocated and a general review of

    who owns the business and where it is going is essential. You can-not assume that a family business can be large enough to support

    every member of your family. What is vital is to ensure that the

    children most suited to manage the business are selected against

    fair and objective criteria. Frequently it is helpful to involve a pro-

    fessional adviser in this decision as it is very difficult for parents to

    have to choose amongst their children.

    Resolving conflict is difficult but to ensure that it is handled

    smoothly you need to consider the following objectives: plan a future together

    address critical issues relating to the familys involvementwith the business

    articulate core values for the business

    do not be put off making difficult decisions

    establish continuous processes to resolve conflicts, maintain

    communication and monitor progressOnly by re cognising and acting upon co n flicts can yo u

    e n s u re that your family business doe s nt collapse into acrimo-

    nious disputes.

    Consider developing a family charter to address some of the

    destructive conflicts that threaten not only the stability of the

    family, but often the sustainability of the business. The process

    will allow the family to learn together and embark on a journey

    of exploration culminating in the production of the charter.s

    ANDREW GODFREY is international director of PRIMA, the family

    business consulting practice of Grant Thornton. JOHN TUCKER is

    head of UK Family Business Serv i ces at Grant Thornton.




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