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-Muhammed yunus life and micro credit business


PowerPoint Presentation

Presentation onlife and EntrepreneurofProf . DR. MUHAMMED YUNUS

Sunday, December 14, 20141

Presented By Zannatul Ferdus Tamanna

Semester : 11th ; Year : 4thsession : 2010-2014Sec : 01Subject : (CIM-101); Introduction to Computer

Submitted To: Imran Bin Azad Lecturer of CSE,Faculty of Business Administration, Eastern University

Sunday, December 14, 20142

Dr. Muhammed Yunus(1940-present)"Banker to the Poor"

Sunday, December 14, 20143

Background of the Entrepreneurship Born : On 28 June 1940, in the village of Bathua, by the Boxirhat Road in Hathazari, Chittagong.Father : Hazi Dula Mia Shoudagar, a jeweler.Mother : Sufia KhatunPosition on Family : The third of nine children.


Studied at Lama bazar Primary Schoolin 1944

In 1957, he enrolled in the department of economics atDhaka University.Completed his BA in 1960 andMAin 1961.

He was appointed as a lecturer in economics inChittagong collegein 1961.In 1971 he joinChittagong Universityas head of the Economics department.

He became involved withpoverty reductionafter observing thefamine of 1974, and established a rural economic program as a research project.

Sunday, December 14, 20144

The Background of how Started Business. In 1976, during visits to the poorest households in the village of Jobra near Chittagong University Yunus discovered that very small loans could make a disproportionate difference to a poor person.

Village women who made bamboo furniture had to take usurious loans to buy bamboo, and repay their profits to the lenders.

Muhammad Yunus was then successful to secure loans from Janata bank, a bank owned by the government and proceeded to secure loans from other banks which they would break up into smaller amounts to loan to the poor

Sunday, December 14, 20145

Obstacles to start He was the pioneer for this idea so he was starting from 0 experience .No relevant past data were available .It was risky to trust the people for lending the loan .Concentration for the people.Organize fund for the capital.Trust on the poor people and maintain them.At first poor people don not trust on them.

Sunday, December 14, 20146

List Of OrganizationsGrameen Solutions Limited (GSL)Grameen Danone Foods Grameen-Veolia Water LtdGrameen AmericaGrameen TrustGrameen ShikkhaGrameen Byabosa BikashGrameen Shakti Grameen TelecomGrameen Communications

Sunday, December 14, 20147

CSR of Dr. MUHAMMED YUNUS Giving full scholarship for students to study in Malaysia who are capable.Education is the basic need for all and they add this to their principles so that the rate of education increase For public health they added using sanitary latrine essential for their loan borrowers .

Sunday, December 14, 20148

Recognition Nobel Peace Prize

Muhammad Yunus was awarded the 2006Nobel Peace Prize, along with Grameen Bank, for their efforts to create economic and social development. In the prize announcement The Norwegian Nobel Committeementioned.Dr. Yunus has been awarded 50honorary doctoratedegrees from universities across 20 countries, and 113 international awards from 26 different countries including state honors from 10 countries.

Receiving Nobel Peace Prize Sunday, December 14, 20149

Sunday, December 14, 201410

Research on YunusLeadership & play the role of entrepreneurship

Sunday, December 14, 201411

Thank You All

For Being with usSunday, December 14, 201412

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