
Post on 28-Nov-2014






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1. 1. A nurse who wants to apply a theory that relates to moral development should read more from the work of:1. Gould 2. Freud 3. Erikson 4. Kohlberg: Kohlberg

2. 10. A child's understanding of the concept of ice becoming water, Piaget's stage of cognitive development, is seen in:1. Sensorimotor2. Preoperational3. Formal operations 4. Concrete operations: Concrete operations

3. 11. The nurse in a pediatric health care setting is using Kohlberg's developmental theory. A child is evaluated as having reached level I, the preconventional level, if the child:1. Makes sure that he or she is not late for school2. Cleans the blackboards after school for the teacher3. Runs for school council in order to change policies4. Stays away from peer groups that harass other children: Makes sure that he or she is not late for school

4. 12. In applying Gould's developmental theory, the nurse anticipates that a client will have a greater concern for one's health within the following theme and age-group:1. First theme (20s)2. Second theme (early 30s)3. Fourth theme (40s)4. Fifth theme (50s): Fifth theme (50s)

5. 13. The nurse is working with a new mother who will require surgery. The follow-up treatment will interfere with bonding. In applying Freud's theory, the nurse recognizes that the stage of development that may be affected is the:1. Oral stage2. Anal stage3. Phallic stage4. Latent stage: Oral stage

6. 14. In accordance with Erikson's theory, it is expected by the nurse that a middle-aged adult client will be involved in the process of:1. Developing a sense of identity2. Searching for meaning in life3. Enhancing one's capability to love others4. Expanding personal and social involvement: Expanding personal and social involvement

7. 15. The primary purpose for the nurse to understand human growth and development is to be best able to:1. Identify deviations from normal2. Select effective nursing interventions3. Be sensitive to age-appropriate needs4. Enhance nurse-client communication: Identify deviations from normal

8. 16. Which of the following should the nurse consider first when assessing the cognitive ability of an older adult?1. A life-long bachelor 2. Orphaned at age 123. History of a chronic disease process4. Recent immigration to the United States: Recent immigration to the United States

9. 17. A nurse caring for a 78-year-old client recently diagnosed with pneumonia will find Erikson's psychosocial development theory most helpful in determining:1. Which needs the client will typically develop 2. Which coping mechanisms the client will likely use3. How the client will respond to the respiratory problem4. How the client and his family will adjust to the stressors: How the client will respond to the respiratory problem

10. 18. As described by Freud, the nurse recognizes that a young adult best shows a well-developed superego when he:1. Tells a friend that he'll help him stop smoking2. Returns a lost wallet to a stranger who dropped it 3. Arranges for a cab ride home after consuming alcohol4. Has 10% of his salary automatically transferred to savings: Arranges for a cab ride home after consuming alcohol

11. 19. A nurse is preparing to discharge an 11-month-old child after a hospitalization for a viral infection. The nurse uses anticipatory guidance most effectively when: 1. Encouraging the parents to limit visitors for 14 days2. Providing the parents with written discharge instructions 3. Arranging the follow-up pediatrician appointment for the parents 4. Informing the parents that the child may cry when taken to daycare: Informing the parents that the child may cry when taken to daycare

12. 2. The nurse using Erikson's theory to assess a 20-year-old client's developmental status expects to find which of the following behaviors?1. Coping with physical and social losses2. Enjoys participating in the community3. Applying self to learning skills4. Overcoming a sense of guilt or frustration: Enjoys participating in the community

13. 20. Which of the following situations/statements best depicts Gould's fourth theme of adult development?1. "When I made that decision, I didn't expect it to turn out like it did."2. "I have to take the opportunity to be my own boss and not rely on others."3. "I think you can do anything if only you have your health and good friends." 4. "As much as I'd love to open my own shop, I just can't take that kind of chance.": "As much as I'd love to open my own shop, I just can't take that kind of chance."

14. 21. The nurse is caring for an older adult client who has reported symptoms suggestive of depression. Which of the following questions asked by the nurse is most therapeutic in assessing the client's perception of the impact depression has had on her life? 1. "What does it mean to be depressed?"2. "How does being depressed make you feel?"3. "Were you happy before becoming depressed?"4. "What makes you think that you are depressed?": "What does it mean to be depressed?"

15. 22. The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old child who is scheduled for outpatient surgery. Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that the nurse can help the child cope with the stressors of this hospital experience best by:1. Arranging for the parents to be with the child until the anesthetic takes affect2. Explaining the entire process with the child using age-appropriate language3. Using play as a means of familiarizing the child with the events he will experience4. Providing the child with a coloring book that shows the events he will be experiencing: Using play as a means of familiarizing the child with the events he will experience

16. 23. Which of the following nursing responses is most therapeutic when made in response to a parent's concern about her 3-year-old child's tendency to "break the rules"?

1. "Just keep reminding her of the rules."2. "Daycare will help her learn to play fair."3. "She will begin to understand that concept in a year or so."4. "Add an age appropriate punishment for breaking the rules.": "She will begin to understand that concept in a year or so."

17. 24. To help a comatose client's family make a moral decision regarding the termination of life support, the nurse must first:1. Refrain from expressing his/her personal beliefs concerning the life support issue 2. Provide the family with information regarding the process of terminating life support3. Determine whether the client had expressed any written or oral wishes regarding the issue4. Facilitate the family's decision-making process by providing them with a quiet, private space for discussion: Refrain from expressing his/her personal beliefs concerning the life support issue

18. 25. Which of the following best describes a nurse thinking at stage 5 of Kohlberg's Moral Developmental Theory?1. "The client has a right to decide whether or not to proceed with the treatment plan."2. "The hospital's policies and procedures are excellent tools for making client oriented decisions."3. "It won't be fair to expect to get every weekend and holiday off, so I'll certainly work my share."4. "If you don't keep client information confidential you could be terminated immediately.": "The client has a right to decide whether or not to proceed with the treatment plan."

19. 26. Which of the following client statements made by an older adult best reflects an understanding of the decrease in physical strength and stamina in this developmental stage?

1. "I know I'm not as young as I use to be."2. "I just hire help with jobs I can't do myself."3. "You get older you can't do as much, that's life."4. "I have to ask my son for help with the yard work.": "I just hire help with jobs I can't do myself."

20. 3.The nurse recognizes that Freud's theory approaches development by looking at:1. Moral reasoning.2. Logical maturity3. Psychosexual aspects4. Cognitive development: Psychosexual aspects

21. 4. According to Piaget, a preschool child (3 to 5 years old) who comes to the clinic is expected by the nurse to exhibit which of the following behaviors?1. Far-reaching problem-solving 2. Exploration of the environment 3. Cooperation and sharing with others 4. Thinking with the use of symbols and images: Thinking with the use of symbols and images

22. 5. For an older adult client, an example of a common behavioral task or critical event is:1. Selecting a mate2. Rearing children3. Finding a congenial social group4. Adjusting to decreasing physical strength: Adjusting to decreasing physical strength

23. 6. The nurse working in an adult medical clinic wishes to learn more about a developmental theory that focuses on the adult years. The nurse investigates different

possibilities and selects the theory proposed by:1. Gould2. Piaget3. Freud4. Chess and Thomas: Gould

24. 7. The nurse recognizes that which one of the following statements about growth and development is correct?1. Development ends with adolescence.2. Growth refers to qualitative events.3. Developmental tasks are age-related achievements.4. Cognitive theories focus on emotional development.: Developmental tasks are age-related achievements.

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