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How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



FASTING: the fastest way to healing and cleansing.

First we will take a look at the spiritual aspects of fasting. If your not a spiritual person, that’s ok, we all have the right to choose, all I ask is that you listen with open ears.

“Let your body be henceforth a temple dedicated to your God. Purify, therefore, the

temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy

of him.

Renew yourselves and fast. For I tell you truly, that Satan and his plagues may only be

cast out by fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting

to no man. The living God shall see it and great shall be your reward. And fast till

Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother

come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from

the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray

fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing. While you fast, eschew

the Sons of Men and seek our Earthly Mother's angels, for he that seeks shall find.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book I.

The Bible mentions fasting 74 times. (Mathew 4:21) says that Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights. The Gospel of Luke says “in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungard” (Luke 5:33).

Not only in Christianity but Fasting is also a shared practice in all major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Muslims, Islam, ect…

Cleansing your Body.

This is a very important part to having superior health and strength. We must clear out all the old debris in order for the body to rebuild so that new cells can function at their maximum capacity. You can choose different methods for this but be aware that what you are about to read is not the magic pill but the true ways of cleaning and healing the body.

Fasting is the best way to clear the body of old garbage. There are several different kinds of fasts so we will start with some of the easier ones and move on to the more intense fasts. Fasting basically means doing without. You can fast from anything, negative thoughts, TV, alcohol, talking, eating ect... but here I am talking about not eating solid food. Your body is always trying to repair itself 24 hours a day. When eating dead foods for 3 meals a day, the body doesn’t have time to excrete all of the waste material from these foods. Over time these wastes products build up everywhere in the body causing all sorts of disease. Arthritis, balding, cancer, back pain, and on and on.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



"For I tell you truly, evils and dangers innumerable lie in wait for the Sons of Men.

Beelzebub, the prince of all devils, the source of every evil, lies in wait in the body of all

the Sons of Men. He is death, the lord of every plague, and taking upon him a pleasing

raiment, he tempts and entices the Sons of Men. Riches does he promise, and power,

and splendid palaces, and garments of gold and silver, and a multitude of servants, all

these; he promises renown and glory, fornication and lustfulness, gluttony and wine-

bibbing, riotous living, and slothfulness and idle days. And he entices every one by that

to which their heart is most inclined. And in the day that the Sons of Men have already

become the slaves of all these vanities and abominations, then in payment thereof he

snatches from the Sons of Men all those things which the Earthly Mother gave them so

abundantly. He takes from them their breath, their blood, their bone, their flesh, their

bowels, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Man becomes short and

stifled, full of pain and evil-smelling, like the breath of unclean beasts. And his blood

becomes thick and evil-smelling, like the water of the swamps; it clots and blackens,

like the night of death. And his bone becomes hard and knotted; it melts away within

and breaks asunder, as a stone falling down upon a rock. And his flesh waxes fat and

watery; it rots and putrefies, with scabs and boils that are an abomination.

And his bowels become full with abominable filthiness, with oozing streams of decay;

and multitudes of abominable worms have their habitation there. And his eyes grow

dim, till dark night enshrouds them, and his ears become stopped, like the silence of

the grave. And last of all shall the erring Son of Man lose life. For he kept not the laws

of his Mother, and added sin to sin. Therefore, are taken from him all the gifts of the

Earthly Mother: breath, blood, bone, flesh, bowels, eyes and ears, and after all else,

life, with which the Earthly Mother crowned his body.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

What happens to the body during fasting?

Jesus explains here in parables: "You are like the prodigal son, who for many years

did eat and drink, and passed his days in riotousness and lechery with his friends.

And every week without his father's knowledge he incurred new debts, and

squandered all in a few days. And the moneylenders always lent to him, because his

father possessed great riches and always paid patiently the debts of his son. And in

vain did he with fair words admonish his son, for he never listened to the

admonitions of his father, who besought him in vain that he would give up his

debaucheries which had no end, and that he would go to his fields to watch over the

labor of his servants. And the son always promised him everything if he would pay

his old debts, but the next day he began again. And for more than seven years the

son continued in his riotous living. But, at last, his father lost patience and no more

paid to the moneylenders the debts of his son. "If I continue always to pay," he

said, "there will be no end to the sins of my son." Then the moneylenders, who were

deceived, in their wrath took the son into slavery that he might by his daily toil pay

back to them the money which he had borrowed. And then ceased the eating and

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



drinking and the daily excesses. From morning until night by the sweat of his face

he watered the fields, and all of his limbs ached with the unaccustomed labor. And

he lived upon dry bread, and had naught but his tears with which he could water it.

And three days after he suffered so much from the heat and from weariness that he

said to his master: 'I can work no more, for all my limbs do ache. How long would

you torment me?' 'Till the day when by the labor of your hands you pay me all

your debts, and when seven years are passed, you will be free.' And the desperate

son answered weeping: 'But I cannot bear so much as seven days. Have pity on me,

for all my limbs do burn and ache.' And the wicked creditor cried out: 'Press on

with the work; if you could for seven years spend your days and your nights in

riotousness, now must you work for seven years. I will not forgive you till you pay

back all your debts to the uttermost drachma.' And the son, with his limbs racked

with pain, went back despairing to the fields to continue his work. Already he could

hardly stand upon his feet because of his weariness and of his pains, when the

seventh day was come the Sabbath day, in which no man works in the field. Then

the son gathered the remnant of his strength and staggered to the house of his

father. And he cast himself down at his father's feet and said: 'Father, believe me

for the last time and forgive me all my offenses against you. I swear to you that I

will never again live riotously and that I will be your obedient son in all things. Free

me from the hands of my oppressor. Father, look upon me and upon my sick limbs,

and harden not your heart.' Then tears came into his father's eyes, and he took his

son in his arms, and said: 'Let us rejoice, for today a great joy is given me, because

I have found again my beloved son, who was lost.' And he clothed him with his

choicest raiment and all the day long they made merry. And on the morning of the

morrow he gave his son a bag of silver that he might pay to his creditors all that he

owed them. And when his son came back, he said to him: 'My son, do you see that

it is easy, through riotous living, to incur debts for seven years, but their payment is

difficult by the heavy labor of seven years.' 'Father, it is indeed hard to pay them,

even for seven days.' And his father admonished him, saying: 'For this once alone

has it been permitted you to pay your debts in seven days instead of seven years, the

rest is forgiven you. But take heed that in the time to come you do not incur more

debts. For I tell you truly, that none else but your father forgives you your debts,

because you are his son. For with all else you would have had to labor hard for

seven years, as it is commanded in our laws.'

My father, I will henceforth be your loving and obedient son, and I will not any

more incur debts, for I know that their payment is hard.'

"And he went to his father's field and watched every day over the work of his

father's laborers. And he never made his laborers work hard, for he remembered

his own heavy labor. And the years passed, and his father's possession increased

ever more and more beneath his hand, for the blessing of his father was upon his

labor. And slowly he gave back tenfold to his father all that he had squandered in

the seven years. And when his father saw that his son used well his servants and all

his possessions, he said to him: 'My son, I see that my possessions are in good

hands. I give you all my cattle, my house, my lands and my treasures. Let all this

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



be your heritage, continue increasing it that I may have delight in you.' And when

the son had received his inheritance from his father, he forgave their debts to all his

debtors who could not pay him, for he did not forget that his debt also had been

forgiven when he could not pay it. And God blessed him with long life, with many

children and with much riches, because he was kind to all his servants and to all his


Then Jesus turned to the sick folk and said: "I speak to you in parables that you

may better understand God's word. The seven years of eating and drinking and of

riotous living are the sins of the past. The wicked creditor is Satan. The debts are

diseases. The heavy labor is pains. The prodigal son, he is yourselves. The

payment of the debts is the casting from you of devils and diseases, and the healing

of your body. The bag of silver received from the father is the liberating power of

the angels. The father is God. The father's possessions are earth and heaven. The

servants of the father are the angels. The father's field is the world, which is

changed into the kingdom of the heavens, if the Sons of Man work thereon together

with the angels of the Heavenly Father. For I tell you truly, it is better that the son

should obey his father and keep watch over his father's servants in the field, than

that he should become the debtor of the wicked creditor and toil and sweat in

serfdom to repay all his debts. It is better, likewise, if the Sons of Man also obey the

laws of their Heavenly Father, and work together with his angels upon his kingdom,

than that they should become the debtors of Satan, the lord of death, of all sins and

all diseases, and that they should suffer with pains and sweat till they have repaid all

their sins. I tell you truly, great and many are your sins. Many years have you

yielded to the enticings of Satan. You have been gluttonous, wine-bibbers and gone

a whoring, and your past debts have multiplied. And now you must repay them,

and payment is difficult and hard. Be not, therefore, already impatient after the

third day, like the prodigal son, but wait patiently for the seventh day which is

sanctified by God, and then go with humble and obedient heart before the face of

your Heavenly Father, that he may forgive you your sins and all your past debts. I

tell you truly, your Heavenly Father loves you without end, for he also allows you to

pay in seven days the debts of seven years. Those that owe the sins and diseases of

seven years, but pay honestly and persevere till the seventh day, to them shall our

Heavenly Father forgive the debts of all these seven years.

The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

The Science of Fasting and Cleansing:

Unless you have lived on the countryside and have eaten nearly a perfect diet your insides are probably loaded and coated with all sorts of filthy debris. I do not say this to scare anyone, my full intention is only to create awareness and understanding. Before I had ever done any fasting or cleansing I had always thought of myself as being a little more health conscious than the average guy. I was a good weight for my height so I thought, “how bad could I actually be internally?” Was I in for a surprise! During my

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



first colon cleanse I was in shock and disgusted at what had come out of my body. The 3rd day of the cleanse I expelled three long green ropes each about 3 ft. long and about an inch in diameter. They were in the shape of what looked like my small intestines. Here’s what was happening inside. Your body is mostly made up of elastic tubes. From your esophagus to your anus and all the blood veins and corpuscles your body. These tubes are lined with mucus membranes for protection against foreign material. When unnatural and de-natured foods pass through these tubes they are recognized as foreign material and the tubes then start to secrete mucus to push these materials away. It’s one of the bodies natural defense systems. The same thing happens when you get a cold and your nose starts “running.” The immune system kicks in and many of your mucus membranes start to activate so that they can push out whatever foreign bacteria your body might be holding. But the sad thing is that many people take antihistamines to stop the body from producing its natural mucus. By doing this, the body cannot get rid of the bacteria and now it stays in the body. Then eventually we have to take more antibiotics to kill the bacteria, which might actually work, but in the process antibiotics destroy your intestinal flora (good bacteria). These synthetic medicines can also cause damage to other organs such as the liver, and most of them have a paragraph of possible side effects. Not Cool!

The same thing happens inside the intestines when we eat unnatural and de-natured food. The intestines start to secrete mucus to protect themselves from these disturbing substances. Many of these food particles that are being passed through the digestive tract get caught in this sticky mucus. Without enough fiber (which most people do not get) these things cannot be completely swept out of the intestines. And with nothing to clean them nor allowing enough time for your body’s enzymes to break them down, the corrosion builds up just like the inside of old pipes that have not been cleaned in a long time. Eventually your internal “pipes” get so corroded that food cannot properly pass through or nutrients cannot be fully absorbed through the walls of the small intestines. This causes malnutrition along with thousands of different diseases formed in the body. This internal garbage is the cause of protruding bellies. It is not just the over weight people who have this problem but even so called “normal bodies” can carry this “pooch gut.” Once you “clean your pipes” this pooch gut clears away. When we eat too much, especially the wrong kinds of foods (which actually trick us in to over eating), our bodies do not have enough time to assimilate it and excrete the waste products of these foods. Do you remember that important word enzymes? Within 24 hrs. of curbing food intake, those enzymes stop entering the stomach and head south to the intestines and blood stream to “clean house.” Without all the stress of trying to break down and package food particles, these guys start circulating in the intestines and blood stream. They are now on a “search and destroy mission” where they gobble up dead and damaged cells, metabolic wastes, unwanted microbes, pollutants, and all sorts of waste material.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



When these toxic materials are pulled out of the tissues they are sent to the blood stream for evacuation. At some points during fasting you may feel light headed, nauseous, weak, or even have headaches. This is a GOOD thing! Because now you know the fast is working. Your blood stream runs through your entire body, and some times it is possible for these toxins to circulate through the blood vessels in your head causing you head aches. If you eat lots of sugar or drink coffee you can expect to have a little to mild headache during your detox. This is usually only for the first and sometimes second day. The toxins that are in the blood stream are eliminated either through the lungs, the skin, the colon, or kidneys. When these things come out they are NOT a pretty site or smell. Everyone will experience detoxing a little different. Sometimes your breath will become very fowl but that is only the garbage that is being pushed out of the stomach and throat. Some people start to get zits or boils on the skin, this is only toxic material trying to push itself out and will shortly disappear. But all will experience the evil-smelling abominations that come out of the colon. There, you will experience the site and smells of hideous fecal matter that has been stuck and encrusted on your intestinal walls for years. It should shock and disgust any first-time faster sufficiently enough to make fasting and colon cleansing a life-long habit. During your fast you may also experience what is called “herxheimers reaction” or “die-off.” This is the body’s reaction to the massive killing of unwanted microorganisms and the resulting sudden load of toxins released into the blood stream. These reactions are characterized by flu like symptoms such as chills, aches, and sometimes a low-grade fever. Many times you will experience a worsening of symptoms you experienced in the past. The best example can be seen with Candida. If you have had candida problems in the past and didn’t fully get rid of it, it may re-express itself pretty strong in the skin as the body attempts to push it out and get rid of it. If you see any of these type reactions don’t worry, they are short lived. If you don’t fast and clean your insides every once in a while, then the toxemia in your body will become so bad that the body will automatically purge itself in different forms such as diarrhoea, acne, pimples, boils, liver spots, foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath and so forth. Once those forms of purging have been exhausted then the body gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, tuberculosis, and other fatal diseases. After the body is fasted and cleansed the blood stream becomes pure again. This happens to be one of the best benefits for your body. Blood is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to all cells and carries away the trash of the metabolic wastes of cells to be excreted. It also contains white blood cells, enzymes, and other immunity factors that are on the look out 24-hrs-a-day to attack and destroy any unwanted invaders.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



The intestines and other organs in your body are surrounded by blood vessels. When they are clogged with waste material and debris, these toxins are constantly seeping back into your blood stream. This is how the body is actually poisons itself. Medical terminology calls it autointoxication. This causes the blood to be thick and dirty. In this state it cannot deliver sufficient oxygen and nutrients and then malnutrition sets in, your bodies resistance to foreign invaders becomes weak, toxemia becomes a chronic condition, and bacteria, funguses, and viruses have a field day invading your most valuable tissues. Not only do blood vessels surround the colon but also just about all nerves from every organ in the body are connected to the colon. When we have putrefaction or encrusted fecal matter stuck to that part of the colon it poisons those nerves causing irritation and eventually loss of vitality to those organs. Many times this is where simple headaches come from. Fasting also rebalances proper blood pH levels. This is the acid/alkaline balance in your body. As we continue to eat acidic foods (meat, refined sugar, processed grains or processed milk products, ect.) eventually the body becomes over acidic. These high levels of acids in the blood turn into acid crystals where they are deposited in various joints. They literally start to cements the joints together. This is where arthritis and bone spurs come from. When we fast, enzymes now have time to enter the joints and dissolve these crystals. In turn this will restore the synovial fluid where joint mobility can return. Many times the unpleasant side effects from fasting are due to these dissolved acid crystals re-entering the blood stream for proper evacuation. The whole digestive tract gets a much needed rest. Now these enzymes can start repairing, purifying, and rejuvenating the stomach, small intestines, and colon. Fasting also allows for other organs and endocrine glands to be rebalanced and regulated. For example the thyroid gland gets a chance to rest and rebalance your metabolism bringing your body back to its normal weight.

The body always knows how to heal itself if we would just clean it out and let it do

its job. When you get a cut on your arm you don’t have to think about the cut sealing back together, you just keep it clean from all obstructions and it heals by itself. It’s no different on the inside of your body. If you will just clean out all the garbage built up inside, the body will begin repairing itself down to the last cell bringing back your youth, vitality, and strength! If you’ve never fasted just think about this for a second. Most people have had 3 meals a day, every day, for their entire lives, unless they got sick and couldn’t eat. This just shows that fasting is your body’s natural way of healing. Animals do this instinctively. If you have ever payed attention to a sick animal they tend not to eat until they are feeling

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



better. So even if you’re not “sick” it is still very beneficial to rest the internal organs by fasting.

Other Scientific studies done on fasting.

Dr. Yuri Nikolyev of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry showed how fasting successfully treated over 7,000 patients with various psychic disorders such as schizophrenia and neurosis. In Russia it is called the hunger cure. That sure beats forking out thousands of dollars on useless medications. I have personally known people on prescriptions for psychic disorders who have only gotten worse. Many reports showed that when the diets of laboratory rats were restricted they lived far longer than the ones who were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. In fact, this limited diet was the only way that the researchers could extend their lifespans. After a few therapeutic fasts and colon cleanses many cases of infertility were found ‘with child’ even after 10 to 20 years. Many times it is the case of heavy, clogged colons pressing against the reproductive organs.

Tips for Fasting.

There are several different ways to fast. First we will start with the easier fasts and then increase to the stronger fasts. If you are new to fasting I highly suggest that you start out doing a few lighter fasts first. This will be a little more gentle on your body and you can still perform your normal daily tasks.

Light fasting/cleansing.

• Breakfast - Any type of fruit you desire.

• Lunch - fruits or a salad, but don’t mix

• Dinner - same as lunch Try and pick a fresh fruit that is in season and grows locally in your area. This type of light fasting should be fairly easy for most people to handle and will produce good effects. It will also help to take a good fiber mixture that contains healing herbs to help remove some of the old plaque in the intestines. Take this with each meal. For a bit stronger cleanse:

Pick one of these fruits below and eat only that fruit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Three days will produce a great cleansing effect. Fruits are always good for cleaning the body.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



• Watermelon- great for liver flushing

• Grapes- great for blood rejuvenation

• Oranges- has a high content of alkalizing minerals. This helps to alkalize the body as people are usually over acidic from poor diets. They are also excellent cleaners for the body. Many companies that produce house hold cleaning products know the powerful cleaning effects of the orange, that’s why you will find citrus in so many of them.


• Coconut water (not milk)- water comes from fresh coconuts. I personally suggest the younger green ones but they are not available everywhere. The brown fuzzy ones are older and mature. You can usually find these in every grocery store. They are hard to crack into so I just use an electric screwdriver with a drill bit. You can drill 2 holes in the top where the 3 eyes are located and the water will pour out smooth. They are loaded with so many nutrients one or 2 glasses will give you the sensation of being full. They contain the highest electrolytes than any other drink. Companies would try and produce them as a sports drink but the liquid is too volatile once it has left the coconut shell. Coconut water is so clean and close to being the same structure as blood that in WW II soldiers in the pacific used coconut water for blood transfusions on wounded soldiers.

When you can do 3 days on fruits then try and go 5 days, this will produce even greater effects. If you have access to wheatgrass shots I would highly recommend this. This will give you all the nutrients you need for keeping your strength plus the chlorophyll is one of the best body cleansers known to man. Do these light fasts every 1 to 3 months. A little stronger cleanse

After you’ve done a few lighter fasts followed by better eating habits then try the next step. Only wheatgrass and fruit and vegetable juices for 1to 3 days. Liquids only. Then in 1 to 3 months perform this again.

The strongest cleanses

Only liquids and juices for 5 to 7 days with wheatgrass will create the strongest cleaning effect on your body. Usually after the third day all feeling of hunger disappears. Much of your body’s energy will go into “self cleansing” and often times you may have to lay down and rest until your energy returns. Please, for your sake, only do a fast this long

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



when you have plenty of time to relax. I have made the mistake of trying to do a fast like this during a stressful and physical job and it is no fun. So Warning! Try this at home,

not work. Build up to this kind of fast slowly by performing a few of the shorter fasts first. I was pretty hard core and did a week on my first fast. My skin turned almost a grey color and I just about passed out every time I stood up. I also ate the SAD diet(standard American Diet) right before I entered the fast. At the end of my fast I SNAPPED, and binged on a box of white chocolate covered pretzels and a bag of popcorn that mom had sent as a little treat from home. Needless to say I was constipated for 3 days and felt terrible. So What can you learn from this? Before you attempt to perform a longer fast I highly recommend that you eat healthier foods at least for a couple weeks and only fruits and vegetables for 1 or 2 days right before the fast. This will make the fast so much easier for you to handle. It’s really pretty simple. The cleaner you are on the inside from a good diet, the easier it will

be for you to fast with less side effects (nausea, dizziness, headaches, loss of energy, ect..). As you eat healthier foods, and do a few smaller fasts you will see how they become easier and how your mind and body becomes stronger. I can do a 3-day fast now with no problem at all. The Earthly Angels Who Help During Fasting.

"The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren. They were given to the

Son of Man that they might serve him, and that he might go always from one to the

other. "Holy, likewise, is their embrace. They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother,

so do not you put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one. Let these

three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through all your


"For I tell you truly, the power of devils, all sins and uncleannesses shall depart in

haste from that body which is embraced by these three angels. As thieves flee from a

deserted house at the coming of the lord of the house, one by the door, one by the

window, and the third by the roof, each where he is found, and whither he is able, even

so shall flee from your bodies all devils of evil, all past sins, and all uncleannesses and

diseases which defiled the temple of your bodies. When the Earthly Mother's angels

enter into your bodies, in such wise that the lords of the temple repossess it again, then

shall all evil smells depart in haste by your breath and by your skin, corrupt waters by

your mouth and by your skin, by your hinder and your privy parts. And all these things

you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose and touch with your hands. And

when all sins and uncleannesses are gone from your body, your blood shall become as

pure as our Earthly Mother's blood and as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



And your breath shall become as pure as the breath of odorous flowers; your flesh as

pure as the flesh of fruits reddening upon the leaves of trees; the light of your eyes as

clear and bright as the brightness of the sun shining upon the blue sky. And now shall

all the angels of the Earthly Mother serve you. And your breath, your blood, your flesh

shall be one with the breath, the blood and the flesh of the Earthly Mother, that your

spirit also may become one with the spirit of your Heavenly Father. For truly, no one

can reach the Heavenly Father unless through the Earthly Mother. Even as no

newborn babe can understand the teaching of his father till his mother has suckled

him, bathed him, nursed him, put him to sleep and nurtured him. While the child is yet

small, his place is with his mother and he must obey his mother. When the child is

grown up, his father takes him to work at his side in the field, and the child comes back

to his mother only when the hour of dinner and supper is come. And now his father

teaches him, that he may become skilled in the works of his father. And when the

father sees that his son understands his teaching and does his work well, he gives him

all his possessions, that they may belong to his beloved son, and that his son may

continue his father's work. I tell you truly, happy is that son who accepts the counsel

of his mother and walks therein. And a hundred times more happy is that son who

accepts and walks also in the counsel of his father, for it was said to you: 'Honor thy

father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon this earth.' But I say to you,

Sons of Man: Honor your Earthly Mother and keep all her laws, that your days may

be long on this earth, and honor your Heavenly Father that Eternal Life may be yours

in the heavens. For the Heavenly Father is a hundred times greater than all fathers by

seed and by blood, and greater is the Earthly Mother than all mothers by the body.

And dearer is the Son of Man in the eyes of his Heavenly Father and of his Earthly

Mother than are children in the eyes of their fathers by seed and by blood and of their

mothers by the body. And more wise are the words and laws of your Heavenly Father

and of your Earthly Mother than the words and the will of all fathers by seed and by

blood, and of all mothers by the body. And of more worth also is the inheritance of

your Heavenly Father and of your Earthly Mother, the everlasting kingdom of earthly

and heavenly life, than all the inheritances of your fathers by seed and by blood, and of

your mothers by the body.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

I have obtained some of the best results from fasting when I had plenty of access to fresh air, water, and sunlight. You should try and find a forest, wooded area, places where there are huge fields of grass, or the beach, any place that is away from cities. These are ideal places for getting a good stiff dose of oxygen from the trees and plants. Christ spoke of three different brethren to seek during fasting. The first was the Angel of


"Seek the fresh air of the forest and of the fields, and there in the midst of them shall

you find the angel of air. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of

air to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of air may

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



be brought within you. I tell you truly, the angel of air shall cast out of your body all

uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And thus shall all evil-smelling and

unclean things rise out of you, as the smoke of fire curls upwards and is lost in the sea

of the air. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of air, who cleanses all that is unclean

and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor. No man may come before the face

of God, whom the angel of air lets not pass. Truly, all must be born again by air and by

truth, for your body breathes the air of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit breathes the

truth of the Heavenly Father.

Jesus, Essene Gospel of Peace

Fresh Air/Oxygen

Healthy human cells love oxygen. Disease causing bacteria, fungi, and parasites – including HIV & cancer Virons, arthritic microbes and others are all anaerobic

(meaning, without oxygen). These diseases thrive in a low oxygen environment and cannot live in an environment that is saturated with oxygen. Remember when I said that beauty lies in simplicity. Here you have it at its best. If we can richly saturate the body with oxygen this will disrupt and kill all these lower life forms. I know, it’s almost too simple. Oxidizing means to burn without giving off light or heat. Oxygen is an oxidizer, which simply means that it “burns up” waste products, pollution, and microbes. Microbes cannot protect themselves from this oxidation so they are killed or “burned up.” Human cells have an antioxidant coating that protects them from this oxidation. You can see this process best when you use hydrogen peroxide on a scrape or when gargling it in your mouth. Hydrogen Peroxide is water (H2O) combined with an extra oxygen molecule making H2O2. When it comes in contact with harmful microbes a singlet of oxygen breaks away and attaches itself to the harmful microbe oxidizing and killing it. This is what you are witnessing during the bubbling effect. Nature intended to keep us healthy and clean by naturally oxidizing away microbes and toxins. This is why there is a natural intake of oxygen in living-foods, air, and water. As we all should know from third grade science, most of our oxygen comes from plants and trees. Due to constant rain-forest destruction and air pollution our atmosphere does not contain near as much oxygen as it used to. For superior health we should do everything we can to help reintroduce more oxygen back into our bodies by seeking natural places away from cities whenever possible. Most of us don’t spend enough time out doors in fresh air but there are over 30 different therapies to introduce singlets of oxygen back into to the blood stream and body. Here are a couple of the most affordable methods:

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



1.) Deep breathing exercises - just simply practise taking deep breaths when you go outside especially when you are in nature. You can do this when you go walking, running, practising yoga, or when just sitting and meditating. Breathing has a direct influence on our health. Just for the next 24 hours become fully conscious of your breathing. You should be taking long relaxing deep breaths in through the nose and out through the nose. If you get put into a stressful situation or if you’re even thinking about something that disturbs you, immediately bring your attention back to your breathing and see if you are still taking long relaxing breaths. More than likely you will see that you have basically stopped breathing or that your are taking very shallow short breaths when you are under stress. Become fully aware of your emotions by practising this exercise. Learning to breathe deeper and more relaxed under stressful situations will definitely calm your nerves allowing you to have better health. You will live much longer if your body is not under constant stress. I’ve even had zookeepers tell me that some animals live several years longer in the zoo because they don’t have the stress factor of surviving predators. 2.) Adding 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to your drinking water. This is an affordable way to help saturate your body internally with extra oxygen. MAKE SURE

IT IS FOOD GRADE!!! All other forms have chemicals bonds that are harmful when ingested. The white blood cells in your body naturally produce hydrogen peroxide. They use this to destroy any foreign invaders. As we overeat, eat the wrong foods, and don’t get enough fresh oxygen the body cannot produce enough to keep up with the constant damage. This is why adding extra oxygen to the body can dramatically increase your health. You are helping it with its natural process. Other research has shown that hydrogen peroxide helps a multitude of chemical reactions in the body. For example, Vit C fights infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. The good bacteria found in our intestines also produces hydrogen peroxide. This helps to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, also preventing a host of other ailments such as bladder infections, vaginitis, and colon diseases. One big factor that people tend to forget is that we get rid of body fat by oxidizing it. This is where the phrase “fat burning” came from. Its technical term “fat oxidizing.” We burn more fat when have more oxygen in the body. The word Aerobics means with oxygen. This is why so many people do Aerobic exercises, it helps circulate more oxygen into the body so that it can oxidize or “burn up” that unwanted fat. Adding 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide to your drinking water is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to add extra oxygen to your body. You can usually find it in your local health food store and if not, just order it off the Internet.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



Below is a protocol of how to use hydrogen peroxide. This is not written in stone

but has been used over and over by thousands of people with great results. This comes from Purehealthsystems.com

35% Food Grade H202 must be: 1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin--immediate flushing with water is recommended). 2) diluted properly before use. 3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer). One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even Aloe Vera juice or gel. (Don't use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!) The program outlined is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ. Day Number of drops Times per day 1 3 3 2 4 3 3 5 3 4 6 3 5 7 3 6 8 3 7 9 3 8 10 3 9 12 3 10 14 3 11 16 3 12 18 3 13 20 3 14 22 3 15 24 3 16-21 26 3 MAINTENANCE DOSAGE

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows: 25 drops once every other day for 1 week 25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks 25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like after-taste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however. Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhoea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.


One of the main things to remember is that most of the microbial diseases in the body thrive where there is a lack of oxygen. The body will thrive with superior health when it has an abundance of oxygen. There is an abundance of oxygen for free so go to a forest or an open field away from the city and suck down as much as possible and often as you can. Always practise deep breathing wherever you are whether, working, relaxing, exercising, doing yoga, ect.... and especially during fasting. The second brethren, the Angel of Water.

"After the angel of air, seek the angel of water. Put off your shoes and your clothing

and suffer the angel of water to embrace all your body. Cast yourselves wholly into his

enfolding arms, and as often as you move the air with your breath, move with your

body the water also. I tell you truly, the angel of water shall cast out of your body all

uncleannesses which defiled it without and within. And all unclean and evil-smelling

things shall flow out of you, even as the uncleannesses of garments washed in water

flow away and are lost in the stream of the river. I tell you truly, holy is the angel of

water who cleanses all that is unclean and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet

odor. No man may come before the face of God whom the angel of water lets not pass.

In very truth, all must be born again of water and of truth, for your body bathes in the

river of earthly life, and your spirit bathes in the river of life everlasting. For you

receive your blood from our Earthly Mother and the truth from our Heavenly Father.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1


There is so much information about water that it would take you a long time to read every study and experiment. So let me show you some of the best basic things you can do to prepare superior water in your home. But first here is some basic information you all should know about water. When healthy, our bodies are about 70% water. Every function in the body is dependent upon a sufficient amount of water. The body cannot absorb salts or convert sugars to glycogen without water. Your blood is a watery type substance that carries nutrients so that they can “catch a ride” to all the cells in the body.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



The body loses water even when you breathe. You can see this when your breath evaporates into the air on cold days. However there are many factors that contribute to dramatic water loss, the sun, heat, wind, high elevation, and strenuous exercise. Many athletes know that when the body is dehydrated fatigue and slower brain function set in. The most common suggestion for water is to drink about (6-8) eight oz. glasses of water per day or about 1 gallon. You can receive most of this amount if you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. If you have scanty urination or your urine is dark yellow then these are a couple signs showing you don’t have enough water. Whether you are fasting or not, here are some key secrets to creating superior water.

1. Adding ozone 2. magnetizing it

1) Adding Ozone What is ozone? Simply, activated or energized oxygen. Bare with me, I’m going to explain this as simple as possible. There is a truckload of information, research, and studies that have been done on this subject and I encourage you to learn and read as much as you can. But for now, here is basically how it works. Regular oxygen is O2, which is, two oxygen atoms in the same molecular structure sharing electrons so to speak. Ozone (O3) is three oxygen atoms sharing the same molecule but in this state it is highly unstable. It will only stay like this for about 30 minutes before it breaks apart into O2 and O1. This free-floating O1 molecule is negatively charged and is searching to combine which other atoms. And it just so happens that they love to bind to things that are naturally harmful to man, e.g. bacteria, viruses, toxic compounds and other pathogens. When the O1 combines with these nasty critters it oxidises and kills them. This is nature’s way of keeping everything clean. Ozone is 5 times stronger than chlorine at killing microbes. Ozone occurs naturally in several places. I’m sure you’ve heard of the ozone layer. UV rays from the sun bombard oxygen into the upper atmosphere to produce the ozone layer. These ozoned molecules come back down to earth in the form of rain where they start breaking apart cleaning the air and plants. This is the freshness in the air you smell after a rain shower. It’s also been clinically proven that our bodies even produce ozone. One of the best ways to create superior water is adding ozone to it with an ozone

machine. Just recently produced is a small ozone machine for just over a hundred dollars. Before this everything was about $600 dollars and up. This little machine is a small miracle. You can perform several different tasks with it but for now we will stick to the point, superior water. You can use this machine to add higher amounts of oxygen to your drinking water. This extra oxygen will go in and start breaking down unwanted microbes and internally helps

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



your body repair damaged cells. You don’t always have to use bottled water, you can even use tap or mineral water with this machine because ozonated water thoroughly cleanse the water of any impurities. Taking a hot bath with added ozone will alleviate and rid the body of many if not all skin disorders. This is also one of the greatest ways to absorb oxygen into the body. When bath water is warm the pores in your skin will dilate and the fresh oxygen will be sucked in all over the body. This is one of the reasons you should avoid swimming in chlorinated water. After about 20 minutes of being in chlorinated water your body absorbs the equivalent of drinking 2 quarts chlorine water. One of the main damages of chlorine is that it kills the intestinal flora (good bacteria) in our bodies.

This little Ozone machine has been one of the best investments I have ever made.

2) Magnetizing Water.

What happens to the water when we magnetize it? Here again, there is a ton of scientific research which I encourage you to read but for now here are the basics and why it is healthy. One important thing to remember as we discuss magnetized water (H2O) is that the body uses the oxygen and hydrogen of water independently. The oxygen cleanses or detoxifies while the hydrogen controls the proper functioning of glands and organs. In all liquid chemistry, molecules of the same type cling together in grape-like clusters known as chemical associations. As we drink this normal water only the hydrogen and oxygen on the out side of the grape-like clusters are absorbed by the body. Since the inner molecules of the association are all stuck together the body cannot efficiently metabolize them because they are not easily broken apart.

Water is a molecule made up of atoms that all contain electrons. When we magnetize normal water with either a positive or negative charge the grape-like clusters will all break apart into a singular stasis because like charges or like poles repel each other. You can demonstrate this when you try and put two south ends or two north ends of a magnet together, they push away from each other, this is known as molecularly mono-atomic.

As we drink these mono-atomic molecules of water the body more efficiently metabolizes the singular oxygen and hydrogen due to their greater availability. With a larger share of these essential requirements the body has shown to start functioning in a more balanced state which in turn creates healing.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



The big question is, “Which is better to drink, positive or negative charged water?”

North pole water has a negative charge. This is great for healing and calming acute conditions such as fresh cuts, sunburns, upset stomachs and nervousness. Just pour it on the problem area several times throughout the day and in a couple days you should notice great relief. You can also give this to your pet if he or she is a nervous animal. Some sources say it is not advised to take supplements when drinking this water. South Pole water has a positive charge. This is very stimulating and encourages growth in animal and plant cells. Some farmers learned that by clamping south pole magnets to their irrigation lines produces much more vigorous growth in their crops. Use this water to help give you energy. Even try putting it on bald spots. But do not put it on infected areas because you may promote the growth of pathogens. South Pole water is great for hydrating and dissolving. Using this water is great when taking supplements because it better dissolves the vitamins/minerals making them more available to the body’s cells. This happens because the basic cellular charge of the body is negative, now the positively charged vitamins/minerals create a stronger attraction between the two allowing better penetration into the cells giving you more efficient nutrition. Just think of a positive and negative magnet binding together, it’s the same principle. Because this water is such a great dissolver many people have reported aches and pain to go away along with maladies such as kidney or gallstone, arthritis, high blood pressure, fatigue, and many other discomforting problems. South pole water occurs naturally as water passes through the earth. It has a higher potential than the minerals around it causing the minerals to dissolve and filter into the water, making it healthy for us to drink. But as water is processed through treatment plants and passes through rubber, plastic, or metal pipes, it loses much of its charge because these materials have a higher potential than the water. This causes the minerals to leave the water clinging to and clogging your pipes. So if we throw a higher charge back on the water the minerals will stay dissolved into the water. Mixed pole water has more of a balanced charge. This is great for just general health improvement.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



Here is how to make your own magnetized water.

1. Take a one-liter glass jar and either glue or duck tape two long magnets on opposite sides of the jar. I use magnets that are 4” long 2” wide and a quarter inch thick.

2. Then place the north or south side of the magnets facing the water to create whatever charge you wish to make.

When you combine Ozone and magnets to your drinking you have just created a cocktail of wholly water! The charged oxygen(O3) in the water now becomes magnetized and cannot help but suck to the body. This is the most powerful cleaning and healing water you can make at home. In the science world, oxygen would reign king over all other cleansing and healing elements and treatments. I cannot stress enough to you how strong and fast this element works. There are thousands of studies supporting the above statement. One study was of a mouse in a laboratory who was injected with all types of experimental drugs and microbes. All the hair on his head and neck had fallen out from either fungal or cancer disease, there were open infected lesions on his brown leathery skin where he had violently scratched, one of his eyes was opaque white from a formed cataract, and his stomach almost dragged the ground because the tumor inside it was so large. Needless to say, this poor little guy was on his way out. So a scientist, knowing the mouse was about to die, used this little guy for an ozone experiment. He was trying to see how much pure ozone it would take to kill him so that he could find a toxicity level. They were developing ozone machines for warehouses so that the ozone would kill any microbes that may begin to grow on the stored fruits and vegetables. Because there would be humans working in the warehouses they wanted to know how much ozone a person could take before it became toxic.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



The decrepit mouse was put into a small wooden container and blasted with pure ozone. At first the mouse was initially agitated by the blast of the air, but within one hour he was busily shredding up paper for a nest, with bouts of violent scratching in between. (the next time you have a scrape or cut notice if it ever begins to itch as it is healing.) Later that evening and far beyond the time he was expected to live, the mouse seemed very calm and serene in his new environment but the big difference was that he wasn’t scratching anymore. By the next morning all his lesions had developed healing scabs. He seemed to function normally throughout the rest of the test, which was 60 consecutive hours of pure ozone. The mouse was then kept in the same cage with normal air for 6 weeks to observe any long-term effects. Much to the scientists surprise, not only that it did not die, but in the first week all the lesions and scabs were gone and the skin was becoming soft, the second week the skin was a normal pink color and hair was starting to grow back, also the tumor seemed much smaller. By the end of six weeks he was completely normal. All his hair had grown back, the stomach tumor was completely gone, and the cataracted eye became pink and clear and visually responsive. He was then returned to a normal breeding cage where he produced many litters and lived to a respectable age with no further complications and disease free. When the scientist saw that the ozone did not kill but healed the little guy, he knew it was time to take another look at ozone toxicity. The scientist’s name was Merlin and he named this experiment The Mouse That Walked Away. I’ve also seen videos of several people who have gained full function of their decrepit side after their stroke. They were put into hyperberic oxygen chambers where pressurised oxygen is forced deep into the body’s tissues. Miraculous healing took place with in one to three weeks. You can buy these for your home for about $25,000 dollars. For those of you who don’t have 25 grand laying around the methods mentioned earlier will cost you much less and you will notice great improvement. Before the great flood of Noah’s time scientist found that there was a thicker hydrosphere that surrounded the earth. This created a double atmospheric pressure, which in turn forced more oxygen into the human body. It was almost like living inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. This is probably one of the main reasons man was able to live 800 to 900 years. After the flood this dense hydrosphere became thinner, this could possibly be one reason why we don’t live as long anymore. This is off subject but, this atmosphere was denser than what we have today. Only this type atmosphere would allow giant animals, like the pterodactyl, to fly. Very interesting information on this subject found by a man named Dr. Kent Hovan. Check him out if you ever get a chance he’s got some mind blowing scientific evidence on this subject.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



Internal Cleansing

"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell

you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without.

And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like the tombs

that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible

uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to

baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that

within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight

"Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its

inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon

the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer

the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may

flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel

of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray

the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease.

Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the

unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell

with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of

your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner

of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your

baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water

which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the

coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living

God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water

is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall

hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water

may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

So what is the above paragraph talking about? Enemas. Enemas! Yes, I know, for those of you who are not familiar with enemas and fasting that word can be a little alarming. But for now, put away your thoughts about it and just listen with open ears for a moment. We must occasionally take internal baths. And trust me, your insides need it way more than your outsides. As I mentioned before, the colon can become clogged with all sorts of debris from poor eating habits. So it would be wise to occasionally clean your internal pipes.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



But Why? The colon is to the body as a sewer treatment plant is to a city. If a sewer plant in a city breaks down and sewage starts building up, then we are going to have some major problems. Same goes for the body. Over time the walls of our colon builds up so much waste and fecal matter that it becomes a living cesspool for germs and disease. Here is a quick picture to give you a visual idea.

Old encrusted fecal matter building up inside the Colon

This putrefaction and decay that stagnates in the colon eventually seeps through the walls and enters the blood stream. Circulating throughout the blood stream these poisons eventually hit every organ in the body;

• causing brain and nervous system damage that make us depressed and irritable.

• cause the heart to weaken and become listless.

• cause the liver and gallbladder to become so clogged that they cannot function properly (which in turn creates the bloated sensation after you eat).

• and causes the skin to look sallow and unhealthy. These things mentioned above will make you look and feel older, your joints stiff and painful, your eyes become dull and your brains sluggish as your body prematurely ages from the burden of too much accumulated waste. M.D. Harvey Kellog of Battle Creek, Michigan, “ Of the 22,000 operations I personally performed I never found a single normal colon; and of the 100,000 performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.”

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



The first picture below is how a normal healthy colon should look. The next three pictures are examples of colons from people eating poor unnatural foods.

Many people have back problems, especially in the low back. Injury to the back plays only a small percentage of back problems. Most back problems come from poor eating habits and poor posture. The intestines sit very close to the vertebral column. Most are over burdened and clogged with morbid waste. As these toxic substances seep into the blood stream they start collecting in the surrounding area such as the low back. Many of us sit several hours during the day and most of the time with poor posture. This puts stress on the lower back making it weaker over the years. It also creates a prefect place for impurities from the colon to settle. Weaker tissues get attacked first because the cells are not strong enough to fight off toxins and wastes. Most of the pain sensation in the low back comes from the nerves in the spine that are irritated by the poisons and impurities that have settled there.

Spinal Cord

Colon The red lines indicate nerves in the low back being damaged by poor posture and toxins seeping through the colon on to the nerves.

Over fed bodies and poor postures

are a perfect combination for back


How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



Nerves from all organs in the body are connected to the colon. Even the eye balls. Many times headaches are cause directly from over burdened and encrusted colons. This is a very basic picture showing how nerves are connected from the colon to other organs.

The red lines indicate nerves Liver Stomach Colon Enemas are a must do when you are fasting. As the body cleanses itself, most of the toxic materials are dumped into the colon for evacuation from the body. During this time the body produces a lot of mucus to push impurities out of the cells and carry them away. This mucus and sludge will build up in the colon and if you do not use water to help wash this material away, you could be in for some bad headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

Thoughts and Emotions of Enemas: I have always considered myself as being a “man-ly man” I guess you could say. Vowing that nothing would ever enter my rectum, a huge lump rolled up in my throat just over the thought of performing an enema. Trust me, at first, I really didn’t want to do this.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



My first enema I sat on my knees in a bathtub and just before I inserted the tip I said “God why hath thou forsaken me.” I had a picture of Christ being nailed to the cross in my mind. I figured if he could endure that for me, I guess I could endure this. Even though there is no comparison of pain, I still felt like it would be that bad. But much to my surprise it wasn’t that bad at all. Sometimes people complain that it is uncomfortable or that there is some pain. Yes, it can be a little uncomfortable at times but all you have to do is get up and release whatever water you’ve put in. It doesn’t matter how much water goes in. Some sources will tell you to let the whole bag of water go in before you let it out, that’s Nonsense! Listen to your body and if you feel you need to go, then just get up and go. It may take a couple times before you can take in the whole bag but you don’t have to do it the very first time. I’ve also noticed when food is still in the stomach it can be very uncomfortable. This is why it’s better not to eat the night before when you do an enema the next morning. One last thing to keep in mind is the more material that is in the colon, the more uncomfortable it might be, and less water may be retained because of a pain sensation in the colon. Again, there is no reason to hold it or force the water in. Expel what water you have retained and start again until you are able to hold all the water from the enema bag.

Simple steps for doing enemas. All you need is: 1. An Enema Bag (less than $10) 2. Clean water (spring, distilled, or your magnetized ozone water.) NOT regular tap

water! Tap water contains chlorine that will destroy the good bacteria in your colon. 3. Two towels 4. Lubrication for the tip ( coconut or olive oil work just fine.) 1. Fill your enema bag with clean water and hang it as high as possible somewhere in the bathroom. Just make sure that the tip extends far enough to reach you. 2. Place towel on the floor and fold one a few times to place it under your knees if you have a hard bathroom floor. 3. Lubricate the tip with the oil and maybe put a little on the anus. 4. Release the plastic clamp over the toilet or sink until you see water flowing. This will push out whatever air is left in the tube. 5. Squat down on knees and bend forward. Make sure your knees are spread apart so that they are not applying pressure on the abdominal region. 6. Slowly insert the tip and release the plastic clamp for water to flow in.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



7. As the water flows in take deep breaths pushing the stomach out on each inhale. This

will release even more pressure on the abdomen.

8. If you start to feel uncomfortable just push the clamp so that the water stops flowing and either get up and let it out in the toilet or take a few deep breaths and when the irritation has stopped then release the clamp again for more water to enter. Continue doing this until you can retain the whole bag of water. If you cannot do it your first time just be patient and try again the next day. I have found it better to perform enemas in the mornings. The body is well rested and has plenty of energy to for the colon to perform the peristaltic action it needs to expel the water and old fecal matter. There are several different kinds of medicated enemas you can do but here are some of the most effective, simple, and affordable things you can add to a full bag of water that will create an excellent cleansing effect. 1. No more than 3 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Food Grade is the best but I’ve used the stuff out of the grocery store before with no problems. 2. 1 heaping teaspoon of organic sea salt with a level teaspoon of baking soda. (both dissolved thoroughly.) 3. Magnetize the water and add ozone or hydrogen peroxide. 4. Wheatgrass- I’ve juiced a whole tray and added it to the water. Only do this when you can take in the whole bag so that the wheatgrass has time to really do some cleaning. Wheatgrass is the best thing you can use but if you don’t feel like growing your own then just use something from #’s 1, 2, or 3. They also produce great effects. I highly recommend that you perform an enema each day of your fasting. You are only helping your body do what it is trying to do naturally. Please remember that enemas are much more comfortable on and empty stomach. You can perform them anytime of the day but it is best performed in the morning because your body has rested for several hours and the colon has more vitality to make the peristaltic action it needs for excreting the water and wastes. It also gives the stomach time to digest the food that it had contained the day before. It is better to not eat at all the night before so you could make a shake or drink some juice, those would be easier digested than a solid meal. You can also go to a hydrotherapist and have them perform a colonic irrigation. One of these is like doing 4 to 6 enemas. Although, I believe most people would prefer the privacy of their own home and it is more affordable to do your own enema.


I understand how the thought can seem a little scary if you are new to enemas. But if you can get past yourself and see the potential benefits of this you will be making a GIANT step towards superior health. Cleaning the colon and saturating the body with as much oxygen as possible are the top two things you can do for improving your health.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



When you are clean inside and out, you feel like you have been reborn. You feel much lighter and Vital energy returns. Sometimes I’ve have had so much energy I felt like bursting out into sprints all day. When you have done a few of these you will know what I am talking about. The third brethren, the Angel of Sunlight.

"And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleannesses,

seek the angel of sunlight. Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel

of sunlight to embrace all your body. Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of

sunlight may be brought within you. And the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your

body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within. And all

unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night

fades before the brightness of the rising sun. For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of

sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet

odor. None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass.

Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight

of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the

Heavenly Father.

Jesus, Essene Gospel of Peace


Sunlight is very beneficial to the whole body. The sunlight acts as a magnet drawing toxins out of your body. Sunlight is the best source to help the body produce Vit D which is essential so that the body can use and absorb calcium. When fasting, it is excellent to take a nude sunbath for at least 10 minutes a day. There is a mountain of evidence that shows how good sunlight is for the skin. Recently Dr. Giovannucci of Harvard Medical School gave a speech to the American Association for Cancer Research about the benefits and proven links of sun exposure and Vit D. He convincingly argued that staying away from the sun would increase about 70 cancer deaths per 100,000 people each year. He also challenged anyone to find a nutrient that was stronger than Vit D for anticancer effects. This is one of the reasons the U.S. Government made a law to add Vit D to milk products. Several decades ago, when children were working in coalmines, they noticed that their bones were becoming deformed and not growing properly. Because of the lack of sunshine down in the mines their bodies didn’t create the Vit D needed to utilise calcium in their bones. Here is another great misconception that many people have been misinformed on. It is not sunshine that causes skin cancer. Skin Cancer comes from the toxins floating through our bloodstream that get baked into our skin by too much sun exposure.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



I lived in Hawaii for almost 5 years. At times when I was completely eating raw foods for a couple months, I noticed I could stay out in the sun for several hours without sunscreen and not even get sunburned or irritated skin. Later, as I “back slid” eating some sugary and over cooked foods I noticed my skin getting very irritated and sunburned after only a short time of being in the sun. Do not worry about overdosing on Vit D from the sun because the sun will actually destroy any excess vitamin D. Getting your Vit D from the UV rays of the sun is the best source but just use common sense and don’t stay out so long that the skin burns. If you are very sensitive start out with 10 minutes a day and over several weeks work your way up to 45 minutes. Try not to get your sun from tanning beds as they increase your risk of cancer. Too much info to explain here but I highly suggest you do your research. Be careful about using sunscreen. Ninety percent of them are loaded with poisonous

concoctions. E.g. (OMC) octylmethoxycinnamate, is a common chemical found in sunscreen. Research showed that it killed mice cells even at low levels. When sunlight was added even more cells died. I did find two sunscreens that are virtually free of chemical toxins. Green Tea Sunblock and Titania Full Spectrum Sun Block made by Aubrey Organics. Whether you are completely eating living foods or denatured foods enough sunlight is essential for good long-term health. And again, exposing your whole body to sunlight during fasting can really help to detoxify your body.


Fasting can be a little tough at times but know that your reward of feeling wonderful and a better life await you afterwards and these things are totally worth it. You will find several different programs for fasting if you look but the best results occur with simplicity. Plenty of fresh air, fresh water, sunlight, and rest are the key ingredients to performing a proper fast. Fresh juices and herbs are secondary but will definitely help speed up the process. The supplement that I’ve notice that helps the most is Wheatgrass

shots! They help so much that I prefer not to fast unless I can take 4-6 shots throughout the day. You can waste thousands of dollars on herbal products and medication trying to rid your body of certain ailments. And sometimes these may help to a certain extent but normally the ailments keep coming back. But to truly rip the problem out by the roots you must fast and cleanse the body so that no disease can reside within.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com




After the fast, rebuild your body on superior foods that I have mentioned in this book.

The most important thing to do after a fast is to eat clean healthy living foods as you

come off of the fast. At least as many days that you performed your fast.

After the fast your body will be like a sponge, absorbing and soaking up whatever foods you put into it. It is crucial that you eat only the best foods directly after the fast. If not, you could actually do more harm that good. You do not have to eat 100% living foods the rest of your life after the fast but at least as many days that you have performed your fast. I cannot stress this point enough. There is an old Chinese proverb saying, “Any fool can fast, but it takes a wise man to

break it.”

Let your first meal consist of simple fresh fruit or some type of sprouted grain. After that follow either Plan A or Plan B under the SIMPLE MEALS PLAN section, at least as many days you performed your fast. Then you can go back to eating other foods if you choose.

And it was by the bed of a stream, many sick fasted and prayed with God's angels for

seven days and seven nights. And great was their reward, because they followed Jesus'

words. And with the passing of the seventh day, all their pains left them. And when the

sun rose over the earth's rim they saw Jesus coming towards them from the mountain,

with the brightness of the rising sun about his head.

"Peace be with you."

And they said no word at all, but only cast themselves down before him, and touched

the hem of his garment in token of their healing.

"Give thanks not to me, but to your Earthly Mother, who sent you her healing angels.

Go, and sin no more, that you may never again see disease. And let the healing angels

become your guardians."

The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

If you’ve never performed a fast before or just feel like you are not ready for one yet, here is a good alternative.

How to Gain Superior Health and Strength, The Secret Knowledge of Ancient Healers, Wisemen, Warriors, and Prophets.

Michael-Paul Patterson All Rights Reserved www.howtogainsuperiorhealth.com



• Eat only brown rice for ten days. (It’s better to soak it in water 24 hours before you cook it. Salt or Tamari sauce would be the best condiment for giving it taste and keeping it simple.)

This is a simple remedy used in the oldest-known book of traditional Chinese medicine. The book is called, Classic of Internal Medicine (Don’t ask me how to spell that in Chinese). Traditional Medicine workers usually treated illness first by diet with the protocol mentioned above. If there were no signs of improvement after the ten days of eating short-grain brown rice then the healer used the roots and leaves of medicinal plants to, in their view, harmonize the person's energies. Eating this brown rice for ten days will give the body nutrients and calories so that you can carry on with your daily tasks more easily. It will also supply plenty of fiber that will help to clean out your intestines. The shear simplicity alone will give your body a much needed rest from all the artificial and de-natured foods in today’s diet.

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