15 powerful techniques for seo

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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15 Powerful Techniques In

Search Engine Optimization



Welcome to Simplymyservices.in “15 Powerful Techniques In

Search Engine Optimization” Presentation. This presentation will

provide you with information to quickly and effectively plan, build,

maintain and promote your online business.

Your websites search engine ranking is no doubt one of the most vital

aspects of broadcasting your website to a worldwide audience. When

searches are done online, search engines look for specific things before

returning results. If you want your website to get more traffic, you should

consider optimizing it so your site appears on the first page of the

search results. It has been proven by many researchers that web

surfers usually only review the first couple pages of search engine

results. Below are a few basic ideas to help you accomplish getting on

one of these pages that people actually see.


1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step to any type of website optimization project.

Compile a list of keywords that relate to the content of your website. Take a look

at your competitors? Which keywords are they utilizing? Ask yourself a simple

question: Do I need to reevaluate the keywords I am planning on using? Don't

copy their keywords, compare them! After you have decided on a list of

keywords you need to ensure that these keywords are included in your content.

Create a plan of action and spread them throughout your websites pages.

Some of the top sites on the Internet have thousands of pages and these pages

are filled with a variety of keywords. A good rule of thumb is to include three to five major keywords per page


2. Description & Title

The real point of your SEO is to bring in traffic. It's not just some competition for

the top spot. So if your listing doesn't look very interesting then it may not get

selected and so you are missing out on traffic. So, always write a compelling

description tag. The search engines usually use your description tag when they

display your webpage in their search results so think of your description tag as

a mini advert.

A clever tactic is to use the page title to ask a question and then use the

description tag to suggest that your webpage has the answer to that question.

This is especially powerful when the question you are asking in your page title

matches the question in the searchers mind when they type their keyword

search into Google. So always ask yourself what question you think someone is trying to answer if they are typing your keywords.


3. Content

Write the best content you can and as much as you can.There's a reason why

content is king, it's because it is. All your content should be written by you, not

copied from another website but written in your own words. You also need to

write new content on a regular basis to attract new visitors and give an incentive for them to be repeat visitors.


4. Get links from high ranking sites

If your website is brand new many websites won't link to you until you have

some decent page rank. To get that rank and get indexed fast link your site to

sites that get crawled fast such as Digg, Stumbleupon, and Facebook.

When you get links from sites similar to yours your building authority and that your competition finds your site valuable.


5. Localization of your website to enhance local visibility

Similarly in the world of Internet marketing, we need to interact with our

customer to know what exactly he requires. Localization is an important part of

search engine promotion and Google has been adding a lot of localization

features recently, which can be utilized to provide our client a powerful local

presence and accessibility from the devices like tablets PCs and smart phones.


6. Adding translated keywords in

meta data

Changing a lot of meta data, title tags and URL extensions as a part of a vast

website coding campaign is a good idea, but the key to remember is that it

should not affect the outer appearance of your web page and the content in it,

which most probably would be in English.

For example, if you are selling home decoration items, your visible page will

contain information in English, but if someone searches with "Dekoartikeln" in

Germany he will land onto your website, because the keyword Dekoartikeln is

found in your meta tags.


7. List your website on local directories

and popular online yellow pages

You can also submit your website to local directories and local online yellow

pages frequented by the local surfers.

For example, to localize your website in India you can submit your website on

“classifieds" or “sulekha" and also get yourself listed on all the prominent online

and offline yellow pages. You should have a clear goal in mind when going to

implement localization campaign for your website.


8. Google +1 Button Means For

Your SEO

Marketers have long known that word-of-mouth is a powerful force in shaping

consumer opinion and action, and Google is now hoping to use that force to

improve user engagement with search results and ads.

The +1 button will be visible to anyone signed in with a Google account. If

searchers come across a search result or ad that they like or find useful, they

can +1 the item to recommend it, which will be visible to anyone in their social

circle. The idea behind this is that consumers will be more likely to trust the

opinion of their friends, and therefore more likely to click on those links.


9. Write a Blog Post Title That Will Rank High on the Organic Search Engines?

Writing a Blog or Article starts with the most critical component of all. The Blog

Post Title. If this is done correctly and keyword rich you can control 80% of the

Organic Search engines traffic. Sending it to your website!

Can you imagine every person, in the entire world, running around without a

name or a title? I can't! We are talking total confusion. We solved that problem

long ago and came up with a system that everyone can identify with a person

over a name.


10. Things to Remember for

Ranking in Google

1. Geo-targetingFirstly, if you use Webmaster Tools (a must for any website owner) the geo-targeting should

be set for your local country. In my case, for the India.

2. Backlinks servers locationFor instance, if you need to rank in India searches it's best to both have your website server

located in the India and have websites linking to you also hosted in the India. I discovered this quite by accident when I saw great rankings on Google.com over Google.co.in. I'm now

having to relook at my backlinks so that I get better rankings on Google.co.in instead of.com.

3. Check your competitorsUse of the Yahoo Site Explorer tool can also be used to check up on competitors ranking

ahead of you and see how they get their backlinks and page rank. See if any of the sites linking to them are ones you could also try getting a link from


11. What's Article Marketing Got to

Do With SEO?

Article marketing involves publishing content in a variety of places on the web.

Don't settle for just sending articles to article directories. Publishing good

content should include more than just articles. Don't forget about publishing

content and articles other places. Blogging is another powerful tool to include in

SEO. Articles on a blog are often shorter and published more frequently than

those used in article marketing. All content helps search sites like Google and

time should be taken by any company with a website to have good a strong

content strategy.

So, the bottom line is that creating good content including quality articles for

article marketing is a must. Don't waste the time of your staff in this area if they

are not able to produce the quality content that gets results. You will most likely

get a much bigger bang for your buck if you outsource this area to a company

that specializes in SEO that can get the job done right for you. This way,

company owners and staff can focus on the business they do best and leave

the internet marketing to the expert www.simplymyservices.in

12. Important Steps to Follow

� Meta Tags

� Domain Name

� Title

� Description

� Heading Tags

� Keyword

� Relevant Content

� Images

� Site map www.simplymyservices.in

13. Optimize Your Website for

Better Ranking

� Content: Fresh and crisp content and accurate placement of the chosen

keyword is considered to be the most important aspect required to gain a better


� Anchor text: They are clickable links and play an important role in the

optimization of a website. The links should be four to five words long that are

made bold.

� Links: Gaining relevant links from popular and quality sites will help you to

achieve a higher ranking and this can be done through article submission,

blogging, forum posting, link directories etc.

� Sub Pages: The sub pages of the website should also contain inbound links in

order to increase their popularity. This contributes to the success of the entire

website www.simplymyservices.in

14. Get Google Page Ranking

Tip 1: Your main keyword/s should be in your domain name somewhere

(preferably in the root...)

Tip 2: Your keyword/s should be in your meta tags (title, description, and

keyword meta tags)

Tip 3: Your keyword/s should then be in your main heading (H1 tag)

Tip 4: Your keyword/s should next appear in the body of your content

(beginning, middle and end)


15. Start to Use Link Building


� Article Directories

� Bookmarking

� Blog Commenting

� Profile links

� Link exchanges

� Web Directories

� Press Releases

� RSS Feeds



Congratulations! After reading the information in this guide, you should be better

informed about the overall process of getting your website optimize.

The best advice may be to start slowly and grow your site to meet the needs of

your business.

We hope that you feel well informed about techniques for search engine for

your business. We would like to invite you to see how Simplymyservices.in can

help you to create a winning search engine websites.


Simplymyservices.in FeaturesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your businesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your business:s:

� Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing

� PPC, Adwords Advertising

� Classifieds Listing

� B2B Product Listing

� Social Bookmarking

� Directory Submission

� Video Distribution Service

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