14 public relations tips

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Whether you are just starting up, or a fully established business, these 14 Social Relations Tips will begin to get your brand heard.


14 SOCIAL RELATIONS TIPS Be heard without spending a cent.

Wednesday, 6 August 14


In todays busy social landscape, businesses are fighting harder than ever to get themselves heard.

Here at the The Empire, we specialise in getting our client’s voice heard, by the customers they want to be heard by.

If you are a small to medium sized business, without the budget to employ social relations professionals just yet, here are a few tips to get you started.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Introduce yourself.

Make a list of your dream customers, then go out and introduce yourself.

First introductions don’t need to be a big sales pitch, but perhaps there is something small you can offer to grab the attention of others.

Remember, how you are seen and perceived in the community shapes your reputation.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Use your existing network.

It’s easy to take the support of our friends for granted. Sometimes we’re so focused on expansion, that we forget to ask our friends to share our news.

Your friends make up a network of people who are already interested in you and what you do. With a network like this at your fingertips, why not let them help you improve

your brand exposure?

By simply asking them to share a piece of content on social media, your work will begin reaching larger audiences. With a little help from your friends, you’ll be surprised

how easy it is to begin to be heard.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Ask to Participate.

Is there an event, website, conference or summit that directly relates to your business or industry ?

Becoming a speaker or contributor at events like this can greatly increase your reputation as a professional in your field.

If getting up on stage isn’t your thing, that’s OK. Events like this can also act as great networking events for like-minded business people.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Where is your next lead coming from?

Often, your best word-of-mouth referrals for new business often come straight from your existing customers. However, it is important to remember that even

your most dedicated advocates can run out of steam from time-to-time.

Make sure you keep in touch and always bring something shiny and new to the conversation.

Knowing your audience is key.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Know your Audience.

Who is interested in, or engaging with, your brand?

Where do they want to see your brand?

What types of content do they like and when are they most likely to see it?

Wednesday, 6 August 14


Do something on brand, but out of the box and entertaining. Is your business’ birthday coming up? Is there a special day of the year that calls to you?

Take the opportunity to loosen up and do something out-of-the-ordinary.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Get yourself viral.

To take a leaf out of the politician playbook, there is always room for shaking hands and kissing babies.

The most successful viral content typically revolves around babies, weddings, pets and weight loss/body transformations.

The secret here is human connection. People love seeing babies and puppies playing together because it makes them feel good. Think about how your content will affect

your audience.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Be Fearless.

Be fearless in talking about what your business stands for. Let current and prospective customers know that what they see is what they get. This tactic will

help to increase your brand trust and see your brand loyalty skyrocket!

Say it. Write it. Vlog it. Blog it.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Communicate one united message.

Are you communicating on-brand and on-message to your audience? Do you have a set of guidelines you post to?

Have you thought about what your brand personality and message is?

Sometimes most of the noise interfering with your key message may come from your own business.

Clean it up before your send it out.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Are you a Facebook fiend?

Not everyone is, and that’s okay. Using a hook, relevant hashtags, figuring out the best time to post and adding pictures to your posts are simple tricks to create a

good Facebook post strategy.

We know how to beat the Facebook algorithm, do you?

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Do you Tweet?

The more you share, the more powerful you become. Use Twitter to communicate directly with influential people or your dream clients.

Put your brand out there by sharing what you find interesting; what you have done lately and most importantly, what you are doing right now.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

More than a pretty filter.

Instagram is becoming an increasingly powerful platform for businesses. This means your Instagram community is very important.

Decide on a theme, choose innovative key messages and stick to it.

Share interesting content once or twice a day and use geo-localisation and hashtags to not only increase your brand visibility, but also find out what people

might be saying about you.

Above all, have fun and engage with your community on topics of interest.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Are you searchable?

Are you blogging? Are you using keywords in those blogs? No? You need to be.

To increase your searchability, make sure to reference your blog in social posts and that when you write a post, you use keywords.

Remember, people are lazy. Statistics show that the majority of people do not look past the first page of a google search, so use these simple steps to instantly improve

your placement in a Google search and ensure you get on the top page.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Growing Social platforms

Pinterest, the third largest social media site, is fast becoming an influential business sales platform - if used correctly.

People are on it to be inspired. If they like something, they will pin it and share it with others, before following a direct link to your website/e-commerce site.

Don’t let your products be left behind. Make sure your brand is pin-worthy.

Wednesday, 6 August 14

Want more? This is just the beginning. Give us some more information about your specific

business needs and let us put together a tailored Social Relations strategy just for you.

Call today on

08 8215 0175 or email us at

beheard@empirepr.com.au256 Rundle Street,

Adelaide, 5000

Wednesday, 6 August 14

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