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akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.1 OVERVIEW / Malicious actors seek to monetize the exfiltration and compromise of information from the computers and devices of their victims. The value of this information varies depending on the targeted victim’s reputation, level of income, place of work or membership in an organization. Several recent incidents covered by the mainstream media involved blackmail and extortion of the victims, some of whom were famous personalities.

The tools of choice in these incidents are Remote Access Tools (RATs), a type of software that can be used to control a device or computer remotely. When a RAT is installed unbeknownst to the targeted victim, it is called a Trojan horse or a Remote Administration Trojan, which also uses the RAT acronym.

The recent indictment and multiple arrests pertaining to the Blackshades RAT1 operation show that cyber criminals are seeking to extract sensitive information and targeting famous personalities2. RATs have also been used in advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns, such as the use of XtremeRAT3 during the Molerat campaign.

In this threat advisory, PLXSert identifies and analyzes the most recent RAT threat, Blackshades RAT.

The list of options offered by the Blackshades RAT is enormous. A feature-packed RAT such as this can be very attractive to many cyber groups. It offers the ability to spy on victims while providing a malicious actor full and undisclosed access to their personal lives. Surveillance features such as webcam and screen capture provide tangible data about the victim, and keylog data can provide access to sensitive information. It also creates an avenue for attackers to hide their own malicious acts by using their victims as proxies, as well as offering mechanisms to use blackmail tactics for monetary or other personal gains.

1.2 RECENT HISTORY OF RATS / Remote access tools were not always used maliciously. The technology has been around for decades in the field of information technology, where companies and IT personnel sometimes require remote access to systems for troubleshooting purposes. In more recent years, however, RATs have been used maliciously to create back-doored systems in which an attacker can cause further harm to an infected system or systems at a later time.


GSI  ID:  1076  

1  "International  Blackshades  Malware  Takedown."  FBI,  19  May  2014.  2  Katerksy,  Aaron.  "Dozens  of  Arrests  in  'Blackshades'  Hacking  Around  the  World."  ABC  News  Network,  19  May  2014.  3  Dahms,  Timothy.  "Molerats,  Here  for  Spring!"  FireEye  Blog.  2  June  2014..  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

Significant anti-government campaigns have employed RATS and have been associated with APTs such as the Molerats campaign, where security firm Fireeye witnessed the propagation of XtremeRAT via email phishing campaigns4. RATs have been used to spy on officials and, likewise, government entities have used RATs to spy on their citizens.

DarkComet and Blackshades are among the most popular RATs in the criminal underground. DarkComet was allegedly developed by DarkCoderSC, an independent programmer and computer security specialist from France. Initially developed as a network administration tool, DarkComet quickly grew popular in the cybercrime world. It was even allegedly used by a major government entity to spy on rebels during a civil turmoil. This malicious use prompted the author to create the DarkComet RAT Remover, which he makes freely available. The most recent RAT to make headlines is Blackshades, which is believed to have surfaced on the Internet in 2010. Blackshades RAT was allegedly a co-developed by Alex Yucel and Michael Hogue5; both were arrested recently by the FBI for their involvement in the creation and monetization of the Blackshades RAT6. U.S. officials have also announced the arrest of more than 90 other individuals allegedly connected to the Blackshades RAT operation. Next, we dissect and investigate some of the capabilities and characteristics of the Blackshades toolkit. 1.3 INDICATORS / Blackshades RAT comes in two distinct versions: Blackshades NET and Blackshades Stealth. Blackshades NET was developed in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, while Blackshades Stealth was developed in Java. According to underground forum users, the NET version provides a wide range of options and utilizes a hardwareID lock feature to thwart software leakage and boost individual sales of the toolkit. In contrast, Blackshades Stealth uses encrypted communication, does not utilize a hardware ID lock, and provides fewer options.

Blackshades NET seems to be the more popular of the two and is the most accessible due to the availability of leaked and cracked versions that disable the hardware ID lock. The payload generated by the builder is also developed in Visual Basic, and can come in several different forms, depending on the options desired by the malicious actor.

The diversity of the Blackshades RAT also serves as its biggest weakness. The volume of options provided to its users creates more indicators of compromise, providing the security community with multiple options to identify and clean up a possible Blackshades infection.

4  Dahms,  Timothy.  "Molerats,  Here  for  Spring!"  FireEye  Blog.  2  June  2014.  5  Kenealy,  Bill.  "Feds  Charge  Blackshades  Malware  Makers  with  Computer  Hacking."  Business  Insurance.  21  May  2014.  6  Spencer,  Leon.  "More  than  100  Charged  in  Blackshades  Crackdown."  ZDNet.  20  May  2014.  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

The following section will highlight some of the options provided by this toolkit. It can also serve as unique indicators for antivirus companies that wish to aid in the cleanup effort of Blackshades RAT infections.

1 .4 BL ACKSHADES RAT ARCHITECTURE / The typical architecture of a RAT consists of two components: a client and a server. When discussing RATs, the meanings of client and server are reversed; the server component resides on the infected host, and the client component is the command-and-control (C2) for the malicious actor.

The client component can be web-based or application-based depending on the implementation. Blackshades RAT uses an application-based C2, which an attacker uses as the central location to maintain and administer its botnet and to create bot payloads (also known as the builder). Once a victim has been successfully infected and a callback to the C2 has been established, the malicious actor has complete control over its victims. Figure 1 shows the main connection pane.

Figure  1:  The  main  connection  pane  of  the  Blackshades  C2  with  a  list  of  infected  hosts  (one  infected  host  in  a  lab  environment)  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.5 PAYLOAD CREATION / The Blackshades panel includes the capability to generate the infectious payload (server). The malicious actor has available several options to control the installation and persistence of the server executable. The Blackshades developers provide users with a full setup guide and table explaining some of the options to create the server payload. The table is shown in Figure 2 below.

Many of the options in this table are self-explanatory. However, a few offer unique capabilities, or are strong indicators of compromise. These are described in more detail below. 1.5A CL ONE FILE / The Clone File option, listed under Other, allows an attacker to use the file information of another legitimate system program (or any other arbitrary program) and clone its information into the server payload for more stealth. In the lab environment, PLXSert was able to disguise a server payload with the file information from a legitimate executable, notepad.exe. Figure 3 illustrates this capability – the notepad executable is shown on the left, and the cloned version information (disguising the server payload) is shown on the right.

Figure  2:  Feature  list  provided  by  the  Blackshades  RAT  authors  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.5B MUTEX / The  mutex  prevents  multiple  instances  of  the  bot  from  running  and  infecting  the  same  system,  in  the  event  an  attacker  accidentally  attempts  to  re-­‐infect  current  victims.  The  use  of  a  mutex  is  a  common  technique  among  many  families  of  malware  to  manage  execution  control.  With  the  Blackshades  RAT,  a  mutex  may  be  randomly  generated  by  the  payload  builder  or  an  attacker  may  set  a  unique  mutex  for  the  payload  manually.

Figure  3:  Cloned  file  information  of  a  legitimate  Windows  executable,  notepad.exe,  disguises  the  malicious  payload  

Figure  4:  A  user-­‐defined  mutex  for  a  server  payload  from  the  Blackshades  RAT  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.5C .NET CRYPTER SETTINGS / This  option  provides  the  actor  with  default  options  for  the  file  name  and  sets  several  default  options  to  make  the  process  of  building  the  server  payload  straightforward  with  minimal  user  input.  The  name  implies  that  these  default  settings  allow  attackers  to  use  most  crypters  without  conflict.    1.6 BL ACKSHADES BUILDER / The  Blackshades  NET  builder  (shown  in  Figure  5  below)  is  straightforward.  Its  simplicity  is  one  of  the  major  reasons  why  this  toolkit  has  gained  so  much  popularity  within  the  cybercrime  community.  Not  only  does  it  provide  basic  obfuscation  features,  it  enables  the  malicious  actor  to  manipulate  the  payload  for  more  effective  stealth  and  infection,  depending  on  the  host  environment.

Figure  5:  The  bot  builder  for  Blackshades  NET  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

A feature not specific to Blackshades is the option to use FUD (Fully Undetectable) crypters. These programs can be used in conjunction with the builder to create an even more difficult to detect bot payload. FUD crypters are used to modify payloads in an effort to bypass popular anti-virus (AV) scanning engines. Cybercriminals have been known to test FUD crypter results on multi-AV engine websites such as VirusTotal to ensure their payloads avoid detection or have a low detection rate. 1 .7 INFECTION AND PERSISTENCE / The  Blackshades  RAT  server  payload  makes  several  system  modifications  in  order  to  function  properly.  Most  of  these  changes  serve  as  the  backbone  for  the  tool’s  capabilities.  These  system  changes  range  from  installing  system-­‐wide  hooking  procedures  and  monitoring  keyboard  and  mouse  data,  to  registry  modifications  that  introduce  persistence  for  the  payload.    Once the Blackshades RAT server payload has infected a system, it typically goes through several stages of infection. One of the more important stages is stealth, where the RAT tries to leave the smallest footprint possible on the infected system. The next stage is establishing persistence, which allows the malware to survive system reboots. Once stealth and persistence are attained, a multitude of capabilities becomes available to the malicious actor. 1.7A REGISTRY MODIFICATIONS / The  Windows  registry  is  the  single  most-­‐used  artifact  in  any  malware  infection,  and  Blackshades  RAT  utilizes  the  Windows  registry  for  several  purposes.  One  purpose  is  ensuring  the  infection  persists  on  the  system  during  reboots.  Another  purpose  is  payload  identification.  Upon  execution,  the  server  payload  adds  keys  to  the  registry  to  identify  itself  to  the  C2.  A  registry  subkey  with  the  name  of  the  server  is  added  under  HKCU\Software\VB  and  VBA  Program  Settings\SrvID\ID.  This  location  also  contains  the  date  the  victim’s  device  was  infected.  Figure  6  below  shows  a  screenshot  of  these  registry  entries.  

Figure  6:  Identification  data  present  in  the  Windows  registry  during  a  Blackshades  RAT  server  infection  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

Blackshades utilizes the Run key to maintain persistence on an infected system. This value may be modified by the malicious actor during bot creation and is typically located in any of the registry’s Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys, as illustrated in Figure 7.

Another registry modification made by the Blackshades payload involves the Program Compatibility Assistant service. The Windows operating system (OS) provides this service to maintain application compatibility across different versions of the operating system. The Blackshades server utilizes this feature to force compatibility to the lowest supported OS version (Windows XP). The payload also uses registry modifications to create firewall policies for itself, allowing the payload to connect back to the C2 without alerting the user about connection attempts.

Figure  7:  Windows  registry  entries  installed  by  the  server  payload  of  Blackshades  RAT  

Figure  8:  A  server  payload  adding  firewall  policy  exceptions  for  Blackshades  RAT  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.7B KEYBOARD AND MOUSE MONITORING / Blackshades  uses  the  SetWindowsHookEx  API  to  create  system-­‐wide  hooks  to  monitor  keyboard  and  mouse  events.  Figure  9  shows  two  hooks  being  placed  by  the  Blackshades  server  payload,  which  are  specific  to  system  level  hooks  for  monitoring  keyboard  (HookIdentifier  2)  and  mouse  (HookIdentifier  7)  events  on  the  victim’s  machine.  More  information  about  this  API  can  be  obtained  from  the  MSDN  webpage  for  the  SetWindowsHookEx  function.  

1.7C ANTI-ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES / The  Blackshades  server  payload  implements  anti-­‐analysis  features.  It  uses  the  IsDebuggerPresent()  API  to  determine  the  presence  of  a  debugger.  It  also  contains  an  anti-­‐kill  feature  that  will  automatically  prompt  the  operating  system  to  shut  down  if  a  user  attempts  to  terminate  the  server  payload  process.  This  capability  can  be  set  by  the  malicious  user  during  the  bot-­‐building  process.  In  rare  cases,  attempting  to  kill  the  process  can  crash  the  operating  system,  resulting  in  the  Windows  blue  screen  of  death.  

Figure  9:  System-­‐wide  hooks  are  placed  on  the  victim’s  system  for  keyboard  and  mouse  monitoring,  as  shown  in  a  Cuckoo  Sandbox  report  

Figure  10:  The  anti-­‐kill  feature  in  the  Blackshades  RAT  server  process  can  cause  the  operating  system  to  shut  down  if  the  user  attempts  to  stop  the  malicious  payload  process  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.8 REMOTE ACCESS CAPABILITIES / The  Blackshades  RAT  toolkit  provides  a  malicious  actor  with  a  plethora  of  powerful  remote  access  capabilities  to  control  its  victims.  Once  a  victim  has  been  infected,  the  level  of  compromise  is  high.  These  capabilities  include  system  administration  and  modification,  surveillance,  system  infection,  networking  controls  and  data  exfiltration,  as  well  as  features  that  could  be  used  for  monetary  gain.   1.8A SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION AND MODIFICATIONS / The  Blackshades  RAT  provides  operating  system  administration  utilities  such  as  process  enumeration  and  access  to  the  Windows  registry.  In  the  wrong  hands,  these  utilities  may  cause  irreversible  damage  to  a  compromised  system.  Malicious  actors  are  capable  of  gathering  the  same  information  about  a  remote  system  as  if  they  had  physical  access  to  the  machine.    In  addition,  the  malicious  actor  has  the  capability  to  download  remote  executables  and  run  them  on  the  infected  machine.  This  functionality  can  be  dangerous,  allowing  a  malicious  actor  to  propagate  other  malware,  such  as  the  Dirt  Jumper  DDoS  toolkit  called  Drive  or  the  Zeus  crimeware  toolkit.  

Figure  11:  System  administration  features  provided  by  the  Blackshades  RAT  panel  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.8B SURV EILLANCE / Blackshades  has  gained  popularity  primarily  due  to  its  surveillance  features.  The  news  media  has  reported  their  use  against  Miss  Teen  USA  and  by  government  entities  during  civil  unrest.  The  Blackshades  RAT  toolkit  allows  malicious  actors  to  monitor  video  and  audio  data  on  their  infected  victims.  It  also  allows  a  malicious  actor  to  record  keylogging  information  from  the  user,  potentially  giving  them  access  to  sensitive  credentials  for  banking,  email,  personal  websites  and  other  web-­‐based  applications.    The  live  logger  is  a  keylogging  feature  that  provides  the  cybercriminal  with  real-­‐time  logging  data  about  its  victim,  including  the  window  in  use  when  inputting  data  and  the  victim’s  local  time  of  day.  These  details  give  the  criminal  context  about  where  the  information  is  being  used  and  for  what  purpose.    

Blackshades  RAT  also  allows  its  users  to  capture  the  screen  of  an  infected  victim.  This  feature  allows  the  attacker  to  watch  what  the  user  is  doing  in  real  time.  The  surveillance  feature  mimics  the  capabilities  of  legitimate  software  such  as  TeamViewer  with  the  unfortunate  advantage  that  its  victims  are  unaware  that  they  are  sharing  information.  

Figure  12:  The  live  logger  interface  as  seen  by  a  malicious  actor  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.8C ADDITIONAL FEATURES / The  Blackshades  RAT  provides  its  users  with  several  other  features.  For  example,  the  Fun  manager  lets  the  malicious  actor  randomize  a  user’s  mouse  or  display  a  message  box  to  an  infected  victim.  The  Malware  killer  option  is  intended  to  clean  the  system  of  an  infected  payload,  although  this  feature  was  ineffective  in  our  own  lab  tests.  

Figure  13:  Miscellaneous  features  provided  in  the  Blackshades  RAT  panel  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.8D REVENUE GENERATION / Other  features  may  be  used  to  generate  revenue,  such  as  AD  Clicker,  which  allows  an  attacker  to  force  the  user  to  browse  to  certain  webpages  and  systematically  click  ads.  These  ads  are  most  likely  placed  by  the  malicious  actor  on  self-­‐hosted  webpages.  With  a  large  enough  botnet,  this  feature  could  result  in  ad  revenue.    Blackshades RAT also includes File hijacker option that behaves like CryptoDefense and CryptoLocker ransomware, allowing an attacker to lock files on a system using a key-based cryptography scheme, and then prompting the victim to pay the key to unlock the files.

Figure  14:  The  Blackshades  file  hijacker  feature  acts  like  ransomware  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

1.9 NETWORK INDICATORS / Our  initial  analysis  indicates  the  command  protocol  structure  under  an  unencrypted  connection  is  fairly  simple.  The  Blackshades  RAT  uses  specific  default  ports  for  communication.  For  example,  the  server  payload  uses  port  3333  to  establish  a  connection  with  the  C2,  and  port  4444  is  used  for  activities  such  as  transferring  files  and  using  the  screen  capture  feature.  The  Blackshades  RAT  client  communicates  to  the  server  payload  over  port  3333  and  sends  its  commands  in  the  form  of  a  letter  (x)  and  then  a  sequence  of  numbers.  These  commands  could  be  used  as  an  indicator  of  compromise  for  the  Blackshades  RAT  server  payload  on  an  infected  system.  Figure  15  shows  some  commands  recorded  while  using  some  of  the  RATs  features.  

 Packet analysis revealed two unique packets that remained consistent across the entire connection. These appear to be the heartbeat or keepalive packets that notify the C2 of an established connection. The two packets can be identified by a series of x114.1.0 and x53.1.0 strings. Note that the keepalive and the command packets have a slight variation: a trailing period is appended to some (but not all) commands but is not found in the keepalive packets (Figure 16).

Figure  15:  Packet  data  observed  during  an  infected  Blackshades  session  

Figure  16:  A  possible  keepalive  packet,  which  was  sent  between  the  server  payload  and  C2  of  Blackshades  RAT  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

In  addition  to  the  normal  traffic  generated  by  the  Blackshades  RAT,  malicious  actors  are  also  given  the  opportunity  to  anonymously  surf  the  web  through  their  infected  victim’s  connection  by  way  of  a  proxy  manager  feature,  which  is  shown  in  Figure  17.  This  feature  allows  the  malicious  actor  to  open  up  a  port  on  the  victim’s  computer  and  redirect  traffic  through  that  IP  address.  This  feature  can  be  dangerous  if  used  for  cybercriminal  activity  as  the  activity  may  implicate  an  unsuspecting  victim  in  a  cybercrime.

1.10 MITIGATION / Blackshades  RAT  payloads  can  be  difficult  to  detect,  and  therefore  challenging  to  mitigate.  Payloads  may  be  customized  and  obfuscated  using  tools  such  as  crypters.  Furthermore,  a  typical  infection  consists  of  a  multi-­‐stage  attack,  where  the  victim  is  tricked  into  downloading  a  file,  usually  a  dropper,  which  will  subsequently  download  and  execute  the  actual  Blackshades  payload.    Due to these effective infection techniques, enterprises and individuals must practice diligence while browsing the Internet, reading emails and using other web-based applications prone to drive-by attacks. Antivirus companies have effectively identified the signatures of several variations of the Blackshades payload, and PLXSert provides a host-based YARA rule (Figure 18) for the identification of the payload. However, a malicious actor may customize the payload in a way that prevents detection with known signatures.

Figure  17:  The  proxy  manager  feature  from  the  C2  in  Blackshades  RAT  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  

YARA  is  an  open  source  tool  designed  to  identify  and  classify  malware  threats.  It  is  typically  used  as  a  host-­‐based  detection  mechanism  and  provides  a  strong  Perl  Compatible  Regular  Expressions  (PCRE)  engine  to  match  the  identifying  features  of  threats  at  a  binary  level.  PLXsert  uses  YARA  rules  to  classify  the  threats  that  persist  across  the  campaigns  and  attacks  that  occur  throughout  the  year.  Figure  18  is  a  YARA  rule  provided  by  PLXsert  to  identify  the  Blackshades  payloads  identified  in  this  advisory.

1.11 CONCLUSION / In  attack  campaigns,  malicious  actors  switch  and  apply  different  attack  vectors  and  customized  tools  to  compromise  their  victims’  computers  and  devices.  Stealth  remote  administration  tools  such  as  Blackshades  RAT  allow  malicious  actors  to  repurpose  their  botnets  and  require  very  little  networking  and  operating  systems  knowledge.    The large number of features combined with its ease-of-use has helped Blackshades RAT flourish among aspiring cybercriminals and even more seasoned malicious actors. It has gained the interest of major organized crime groups and government entities. The FBI’s takedown of the official webpage and subsequent mass arrests are a testament to the popularity of the toolkit itself.7 PLXsert expects the Blackshades RAT toolkit will gain more traction and continue to be a persistent threat for motivated cyber criminals. PLXsert will continue to monitor the use of Blackshades RAT and provide updates when applicable.

7  “International  Blackshades  Malware  Takedown."  FBI,  19  May  2014.  

Figure  18:  The  PLXsert  YARA  rule  for  the  Blackshades  RAT  server  payload  




akamai’s [state of the internet] / Threat Advisory  


The Prolexic Security Engineering and Research Team (PLXsert) monitors malicious cyber threats globally and analyzes these attacks using proprietary techniques and equipment. Through research, digital forensics and post-event analysis, PLXsert is able to build a global view of security threats, vulnerabilities and trends, which is shared with customers and the security community. By identifying the sources and associated attributes of individual attacks, along with best practices to identify and mitigate security threats and vulnerabilities, PLXsert helps organizations make more informed, proactive decisions.

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