11 english mixed test paper 05

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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General Instructions : 1. The question paper is divided into four sections: Section A-Reading 20 marks Section B-Writing 30marks Section C-Grammar 10marks Section D-Literature 40Marks 2. 3 All questions are compulsory. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, Follow these instructions carefully. 4. Do not exceed the word limit.

SECTION A (READING) 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1. Money came into existence to answer a need of mankind, but this need did not arise until civilization had grown beyond its earliest stages. Primitive man lived by hunting, each hunting only for himself and his family or tribe. At such a stage when strangers were unnecessary. Later, when he had learnt to domesticate wild animals, man lived a nomadic and pastoral life, constantly wandering as he drove his flocks and herds to new pastures. As the road to wealth was then the possession of beasts, money in its modern from was still not necessary, although the beasts themselves were a form of money. It would suit, what few craftsmen there were, to be paid for their wares in cattle and farmers and herdsmen to pay in that way. 2. When human communities began to settle down and cultivate the land, instead of wandering over it with their flocks and herds, the division of labour increased and people specialized in crafts and trades. Most men specialized in growing or producing something of which only a very small potion was necessary for their own wants. So they had to get rid of their surplus. In exchange for it, they wanted something which would give them the power to choose what they wanted from the surpluses ofMaterial downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks


other people. A few transactions might take place in straightforward exchange or barter, but only certain things could be treated in this way. It was unlikely for instance, that a shoe-maker needing supplies of corn for his family from time-to-time would always find that the farmer would take shoes in exchanges. It would be more convenient, if there were some other object that would always be useful to both the shoemaker and the farmer. 3. Once the people have agreed what this other object is to be and once they are prepared always to accept of it or offer it in payment, then we have money in its primitive form, It is the go-between in all business transactions or as the economists say, a medium of exchange. We have seen that in the pastoral stake of human history, cattle themselves were this generally acceptable commodity; if is therefore not strange that the Latin word for money, pecunia comes from a similar Latin word, pecus meaning cattle. In modern English we still use the adjectives, pecuniary meaning, concerned with money, and impecunious meaning having no money. 4. The trouble about the cattle is that they may become diseased, are easily driven away while their owners are asleep, require a lot of land on which to graze and cannot easily be subdivided without being killed and so losing their value. The precious metals such as gold and silver do not suffer from any of these disadvantages. It can be buried and hidden away easily, it does not rust or lose weight through storage; it can be weighed out into quite small quantities without loss of value. Even some modern communities have used the precious metals by weight as their standard money, although they have used coins for pocket money and small change. For many years the standard money of China was the tael which was not a coin, but a weight of silver, the dollar and the cash were used for small change and minor transactions. 5. There are, however, disadvantages in using weighed quantities of these metals. Dishonest persons may mix them with less valuable metals of the same appearance and weight. In time, so many mixtures might then be passing from hand to hand that every businessman would need to be accompanied by an assayer to test and weigh every piece presented to him. The obvious way out of this difficulty is for the state to make coins a standard shape, weight and fineness which are then called currency. 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions as briefly as possible. (a) Why did the primitive man not feel the necessity of money? (b) How was the need to have money in all business transactions felt? [9] [2] [2]

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(c) How did the word Pecuniary originate? (d) What advantage did the precious metals hold in comparison to the cattle? (e) What was the TAEL? (f) List any one disadvantage of using weighed quantities of metals. 1.2. Find words in the passage which mean the same as the following : (a) belonging to country life (Para 1) (b) in excess of requirements (Para 2-3) (c) one who checks the purity/ fineness (Para 5) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 1. The nine-letter word interview can perspire the most knowledgeable and strong people in the world. That may be one-reason political leaders and corporate giants normally do not agree for an interview. But the popular ones, or those who want to make an impact, willingly give interviews. In modern times, whether or not you like an interview, your prospects depend on its success. So you must know what an interviewer expects from you. 2. First an academic question: What is an interview? It is a discussion in which an interviewer faces a candidate for a short while and asks questions to probe his knowledge and awareness of the interviewee. It is a very formal means of interaction with one person facing a group of persons, each of whom is a specialist in his or her field. Though it is expected that questions would be asked only on areas known to the interviewee, the interviewers do ask on any subject they like. 3. For a successful interview, you have to understand that knowledge is an important component of success. Knowledge has two aspects: range and depth. The former implies that you should know a lot beyond your own specialization and the latter means an awareness of the various aspects of the topic under discussion. An in-depth knowledge is gained through reading and listening. Be a serious, voracious and avid reader and do not justify your ignorance by saying that the subject does not interest you. Listening may be more important than reading. Be a keen listener, store major facts in your mind and use them at the appropriate time. 4. Next comes appearance, which means your dress for the interview. You must be elegantly attired for the occasion. Going an interview is different than attending an evening party. Wear a simple outfit I, that suits your physique and features. If the weather demands wear a jacket with a tie. The just I should be formal, and the tie plain or striped. Women should wear sarees or any other sober dress. Casuals like kurtapyjamas, jeans, T-shirt or Kolhapur is should not feature in your selection of dresses.Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks

[1] [2] [1] [1] [3]


5. Conducting yourself in the apt way is equally significant. The way you move your briefcase and talk to the members reflect your behavior. Walking sloppily, talking loudly or inaudibly, getting irritated easily, and showing documents instantly are symptoms of bad behavior. A better way is to enter the room smartly, move forward with dignity, greet the board, sit when asked to, and thank at the end before you leave. Place your briefcase close to the chair, sit cross-legged with hands on your lap and talk too the members in a natural tone. 6. Expression is the most important aspect of the interview. During the time you spend with the board your expression conveys your views and opinions. For good expressions, what you need is clarity of mind and speech. Show your balanced thinking to convey your views clearly. Choose your words carefully. Use right words of normal usage, and abstain from verbosity. Avoid making ambiguous statements. 7. Convey your point of view effectively. In an interview, you may be asked questions where you have to either agree of disagree. Whatever your approach, convince the board that it is unbiased. The board may not agree with your view. Even if you disagree, let not your face show it. Create an impact through your expressions. Give the impression of being a leader. Show that you can cooperate and get it; that you can share views and get people to accept your authority to reach decisions and implement them. 8. Finally, never consider yourself to be a perfect person.. Being a human being makes you susceptible to flaws. However, try to confirm to the highest standards and reach as close to perfection as possible. 2.1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary, minimum 4 and a format you format consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. Find words in the passage which mean the same as the following: (i) eager and enthusiastic (Para 2-3) (ii) untidy and messy (Para 4-5) (iii) doubtful, unclear (Para 6-7) SECTION B: WRITIND 3. Write a description is about 100-125 words on what on what should be done in case of an Earthquake. You may use the following hints: Take essential articles only Grab even water and run Move in open area [5]


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Beware of If indoors stay under. OR Recently a Counsellor, an expert in Psychology, was invited to your school to address the students of Classes XI and XII. The event was help in the School Auditorium. Write a description of the event in about 100-125 words. 4. Promoting literacy in a National concern for the Govt.. of India, with the National Literacy Mission organizing a number of activities to promote the need for education for all children. Write an article, in about 150 words, to be published in a newspaper, expressing your views on the same. Also give your suggestions on how the mission can be made more successful and relevant. OR In spite of the Economic Progress and fast moving changes in the India Society, the condition of women and girls in India remain far from satisfactory. They are victims in various forms, in all the stratus of our society. As Vinay / Vibha write an article, in about 150 words, expressing your opinion about the issue. You are Kartik / Kritika, a resident of 15 / 112 Rajiv Nagar, Ananthpur (a. P.). Lately, there have been a number of thefts in your area and some incidents of chain snatching. As a concerned. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily, drawing the attention of the concerned authorities towards the urgent need of safety and security in the locality. OR Vinita / Vishal Dua brought a 14 inch coloured Television from M/s Ram Dutt & Co., 26, Raja Bazaar, New Delhi. On reaching home and operating it, he / she find that the tuner knob was malfunctioning and picture quality was blurred. He / she decide to write a letter, complaining about the problem. Write the letter, requesting for an urgent action. SECTION C : GRAMMAR 6. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the correct MODALS. It is a good book. You (a) ______________ read it. I want to but I (b) ___________________ (not ) as I am leaving the town tonight. I (c) __________________ he gone for a few days. But I (d) ______________ get it issued as soon as I return. Fill in the blanks with determiners: (a) __________________ entire polling station seemed to be (b) _________ huge mass of humanity. It was (c) _____________________ public holiday. (d) __________________ old man insisted on talking to (e) __________________ polling officer. He also refused to show (f) _______________ identity slip.Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks








Complete the dialogue using the clauses given in the box. If there is any guarantee on it. What the price of this watch is Which you have chosen Customer : Will you tell me (a) ____________ ? Shopkeeper : The price of this watch (b) ______________ is Rs. 750/-, Sir. Customer : I also want know )c) __________________. Shopkeeper : Yes, Sir. The guarantee is of one year.



Rearrange the following jumbled up words to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. [opacity / of the / cataract / eye / is the / in the lens. Cataract is the opacity in the lens of the eye. (a) lens / the retina / the normal / allows / to reach / light. (b) it becomes / we are / to see / when / clearly / opaque / unable. (c) Cataract surgery / medical advances / very / modern / successful / have made. (d) techniques / excellent vision / new / in 07% / surgical / can restore / of all cases. SECTION D : LITERATURE



Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: and forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin, And make pure and beautify it ; (For song, issuing form its birthplace, after fulfillment, wandering Reckd or unreckd, duly with love returns.) (a) How does I give back life to its own origin? (b) What is the parallel between I and music? (c) Why are the last two lines of the stanza placed between brackets? OR Was it the time I realized that adults were not all they seemed to be, They talked of love and preached of love, But did not act so lovingly, Was that the day ! (a) What has the poet understood about the adults? (b)Describe briefly the feelings of the poet in the given lines. (c) Complete the question raised in the last line of the stanza. Answer any two of the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (a) How is the laburnum tree transformed during the birds visit? (b) What is the poet trying to discover in the poem Childhood?


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(c) In the poem A Photograph, the poet says its silence silences. What does she wish to imply? 12. Answer any five of the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (a) Why does Frank encourage Taplows comments on Crocker-Harris? (b) Explain the term a holistic and ecological view. (The Ailing Planet) (c) How has Nek Chand been honored for his work? (d) How was Carter responsible for the irrevocable damage of King Tuts mummy? (e) Somehow we had to make it. Why does the author say so? (Were not afraid . ) (f) Why does the grandmother ignore the protests of her family members on the last day? Answer any one of the following in about 100-125 words. What qualities of the character of the Captain of Wave walker and his crew helped them overcome the crisis at sea? OR What are Earths principle biological systems? What is their current ecological status? Answer any one of the following in about 100 words. Shahid any a sorcerers ability to transmute the mundane into the magical. In view of the given statement, give a brief character sketch of the poet. OR The narrator mentions a crazy-streak running in his family. Which characters showed this streak in their behavior and words? Support your answer the examples from the text. Answer any two of the following in about 30-40 words each. (a) How does the Pearson family spend the evening finally? (b) Why did Albert Einstein dislike his living quarters? (c) Why didnt Mrs. Dorling not allow the narrator come inside her house? [10]







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