10 words to take off your linked in profile

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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And Maybe Your Resume?

#10. dynamic

DynamicQuiz which is dynamic?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its primary meaning is “of or pertaining to force producing motion: often opposed to static.” So by using this word, you have literally told your potential employer that you are adept at not being stationary. You are the type of person who does things and moves from place to place.

#9. communication skills#8. problem solving

communication skillsproblem solving

Both of these guarantee nothing more than the person not being paralyzed by the prospect of a conversation or an empty stapler.

#7 Innovative#6 motivated


two more generic adjectives suggesting attributes that an employer would probably like to take for granted.

#5. Track record#4. extensive experience

Track recordextensive experience

Note that it is not specified whether this track record is good or bad, though this person definitely has a track record of some kind. More important, a curriculum vitae is a track record in and of itself. Listing “track record” on a résumé is the equivalent of putting “reasons you should date me” on your OkCupid profile. Or tacking “things I need to buy” onto your shopping list.

3. effective

EffectiveWho’s been more effective lately?Christian Ponder or Tim Tebow?

a promise that when you are being dynamic, you’re really making the most of it

adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result: effective teaching methods; effective steps toward peace.

effective [ih-fek-tiv] Show IPA Part of Speech: adjective Definition:

productive, persuasive Synonyms: able, active, adequate, capable, cogent, compelling, competent, convincing, direct, effectual, efficacious, efficient, emphatic, energetic, forceful, forcible, having lead in pencil, impressive, live, moving, on the ball, operative, playing hardball, potent, powerful, powerhouse, practical, producing, resultant, serviceable, serving, sound, striking, sufficient, telling, trenchant, useful, valid, virtuous, wicked*, yielding

2. organizational


which may be important if you are, say, applying to be an accountant. But in most cases, it is not the most striking skill to be championing — it’s like saying one is punctual or has neat handwriting.

No. 1 most overused professional buzzword is creative

creative This attribute, like many of the

others, is one that is better shown than told. As LinkedIn’s connection director put it in a release, “Use language that illustrates your unique professional accomplishments and experiences. Give concrete examples of results you’ve achieved whenever possible and reference attributes that are specific to you.”

And please, never use the word synergy without your tongue firmly pressed into your cheek.

How about using these words together?

Creative problem solver?

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