10 ways to make your tiny apartment feel large

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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10 Ways To Make Your Tiny

Apartment Feel Large

By : Yuge.ca

Turn a closest into bunk beds so the kids can have full reign of their rooms to play

A bed that doesn’t look like a bed: couch by day, bed by night.

Convert your attic into an office space.

If you’re not using every spare cupboard to store your clothing, utilize a cupboard as a home office.

Use a glass wall divider to visually divide a room without sacrificing space or light

Use your open wardrobe as a bedhead.

Create a tiny shelf if your bed is up against the wall.

If you’re renting and/or have little room tostore your jewelry, hang them on the wall in the bathroom

This is like the real-life version of Barbie's kitchen “Great for Studio”

Incorporate sliding doors for ensues and walk-ins.

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