10 tips for building an -...

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10 tips for building an effective community on Facebook07/ 2014

White paper

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Introductionincreasing the number of your fans is great, gaining their loyalty is better!

Facebook has more than 1.23 billion of active users in the world per month*, but the acquisition of fans is not necessarly easy!

* Facebook datas - December 2013

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Facebook allows you to create a community around a common center of interest: your brand, your product or your service.

Don’t forget that a community build itself over time, be patient!

This white paper aims to give you advices about the animation of your community and teach you the preactices to gain your fans’ loyalty

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Facebook today

• 874 millions active users on mobile devices

• 50 millions fan pages

• 350 millions pictures added everyday

• 250 millions people play every month on Facebook

• One user likes about 89 fan pages fan

• Less than one second, it is the time for Facebook to spread an information about an user page.

Sources : Facebook datas - décembre 2013, Le Figaro - april 2012

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1 / Listen to your communityBefore you rush into buying banners to promote your Fan page, Take your time!

Define a coherent strategy that will allow you to develop your image and your likeability, to share and to communicate with your users.

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Feedbacks from your fans will allow you to tailor your editorial, animate your community, retain your audience with qualified and targeted content.

Feedbacks from your users are essential!

“I think its incredibly important that community leaders always retain the ability to listen, and to seek to listen to every facet of their community.

Interview with Jono Bacon - Ubuntu Community Manager (www.linuxquestions.org)

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2 / Notify your current communityIf you have an e-commerce website, a showcase website or a blog with a base of members, feel free to contact people about the arrival of your Facebook Fan page.

These users already like your brand, you just have to talk to them!

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You can communicate by several ways:

• Emailings, newsletters, posts on your blog

• Install a Facebook widget on your website

• Word of mouth (use your network!)

• Offer exclusive products: discount coupons, shop, competitions, goodies …

• Offer exclusive services or contents with high value-added

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Create a profile for your Fan Page

Facebook allows each administrator to create a profile to communicate behalf his fan page. You will be able to visit, comment or «Like» other fan pages under the name of your own fan page.

This new feature will allow you to get a better visibility, better interactions with users and inevitably more word of mouth.

Be careful not to abuse this feature.

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3 / Be welcomingWhen the users arrive on your Fan page for the first time, the first thing they see is your Facebook cover.

That’s why we recommend you to manage this picture which will allow you to enhance a particular message or strengthen your brand image.

New Facebook pages display automatically the name and the category above the cover. Be careful not to overlay the texts.

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You can for example:

• Introduce your services or current events

• Advance a Facebook promotion

• Make the promotion of your products

• Propose riddles

• etc.

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Facebook guidelines regarding the cover

All covers are public. This means that anyone who visits your Page will be able to see your cover. Covers can’t be deceptive, misleading, or infringe on anyone else’s copyright. You may not encourage people to upload your cover to their personal timelines. However you can include:

• Price or purchase information, such as «40% off» or «Download it on socialmusic.com».

• Contact information such as a website address, email, mailing address, or information that should go in your Page’s «About» section.

• References to Facebook features or actions, such as «Like» or «Share» or an arrow pointing from the cover photo to any of these features; or Calls to action, such as «Tell your friends», «Enter our new contest»

The 20% restriction of text presence in Facebook covers is no longer applying. However, the picture is here to attract the user and too much writings can create the exact opposite effect.

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Don’t hesitate to update regularly your Facebook cover to analyse what messages are the most relevant!

Some brands put promotions they organize monthly to thank most faithful members...

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4 / Buy advertising on Facebookpromote the most relevant posts

You can easily sponsorize a post on your page by clicking on the “Boost Post” button and choosing the audience and the budget. If you want to create real Facebook campaigns, use the Power Editor. Choose an objective for your campaign, create an ad set and customize each ad (image, location , texts).

More information on Facebook.com/ads

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avoid generic messages!

An ad containing a picture and a personalized message (centers of interests, activities, tastes) according to your target will have more impact than a generic message announcing your page fan.

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5 / Offer exclusive content on FacebookOffer high value-added contents to increase subscriptions, sharing and discussions. These interactions will create a trustful and durable relationship with your fans.

Avoid posting too regularly and repeatedly, that could «pollute» your wall and that of your fans :

“ They always expect something interesting to be shared by the company.

Livia Iacolare – Community Manager for Current TV (www.communitymanagers.nl)

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Flux d’activité

Publications will be visible by relevance: the most shared, or most commented on the top of the page.

Do not be surprised if you see messages posted several days ago still in first position, before other more recent publications.

in administrator mode:

Publications are ordered chronologically. As so, you can bounce on a comment of one of your fans. Facebook also provides an automatic moderation on some keywords you have considered as spams.

Set it in: Settings, General then Page moderation.

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6 / Engage the conversationPropose high value-added contents to favor « I like », sharing and conversation with your community.

These exchanges will allow you to recruit new fans eager to take advantage of these exclusivities but also to develop loyalty of your existing fans in a trustful and durable relation. Avoid publishing messages too regularly and in repetition which risks «to pollute» your timeline as well as your Fans’ one.

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“ I truly believe that the important factor is what companies do with the feedback and enabling our end users with the ability to have a say in the development of our products.

Alain Quinto, EA Sports Community Manager. (www.bitmob.com)

What are you expecting from a brand on Facebook?

• 60% it must take my comments into consideration

• 50% it must quickly respond thanks to a manager

• 45% it must ask users’ opinion concerning its products or services

• 12% it must put active contributors forward

Source : Performics - DDB/Opinion Way

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7 / Recognize your active fansFacebook is for you and your brand an extraordinary way to maintain a closer relation with your customers or prospects. Take this opportunity to ask for feedbacks of your products, start the conversation by questions, polls, competitions of ideas, react on a positive or negative comment or celebrate your success with them!

Valorise publicly your active user

“ Enabling users to become brand ambassadors is a constant goal.

Adi Sideman, CEO/President of Oddcast. (womma.org/word)

Skittles chooses every week a new BFF : Best Fan Forever

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8 / Optimize the visual impact

About 70% of customers said: “A positive reference from a friend on Facebook has influenced my decision of buying.”

Feel free to publish content with photos, videos, diagrams, links, surprising information, or telling stories that will affect the senses and the emotions of your fans.

Your users will share this content with their friends.

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9 / Create regular eventsUsers get bored quickly. Therefore, it is important to entertain and bring them back to your fan page regularly.

You can try to create regular and unmissable events to gain the loyalty of your fans.

Create regular events for your community

“ The way to attract new members to our community is located in approaching them. It is vital that the conventional media is integrated into the Social Media.

Ida Vega Santana from Sony Iberia (www.smcitizens.com)

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Visibilité sur tous vos fans

Avec la nouvelle version de Facebook, vous pourrez voir l’intégralité de vos Fans par ordre chronologique (derniers inscrits).

Cette nouveauté va vous permettre de découvrir les profils de vos nouveaux membres au fur et à mesure de vos communications.

ATTENTION ! Vous ne pouvez toujours pas organiser de jeu-concours de type : Nous sommes à 1292 Fans. Le 2000ème fans gagnera un iPad, invitez-vite vos amis !

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10 / Comment savoir si mon contenu est adapté ?Sous chacune des publications de votre page vous verrez une petite ligne vous indiquant le nombre de personnes ayant vu ce post s’afficher dans leur news feed mais surtout le nombre de personne touchées par votre message via un ami, c’est le principe de la viralité.

Facebook vous propose aussi des statistiques détaillées dans l’adminsitration de votre page Fan.

Elles vous permettent de constater l’évolution au quotidien des intéractions avec vos Fans, de comparer vos publications afin de trouver les messages les plus populaires et pertinents.

N’oubliez pas, si certaines recettes sont connues pour fonctionner, la plupart du temps cela dépendra de votre communauté, du secteur dans lequel vous vous trouvez.

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ConclusionFan mal acquis ne profite jamais »

Frédéric Cavazza, consultant indépendant - fredcavazza.net

Dynamiser sa communauté sur Facebook ne s’improvise pas.

Evitez la course au recrutement intensif de Fans non ciblés.

La communication sur les réseaux sociaux est synonyme d’échanges et d’intéractions. Vous devez construire une stratégie qui est propre à votre communauté, tout en adaptant votre processus de recrutement avec des animations régulières ou des événements ponctuels qui vous permettront de construire une communauté fidèle.

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animate your page timeline

It is now allowed to promote a game on your Newsfeed. This could be a good way to regularly entertain your audience.

Warning : with Newsfeed promotions you won’t be able to collect qualified datas.

So, if you want to create a real brand experience and gather qualified datas for your future marketing campaign, we advise you to install a dedicated app on your page.

Learn more about Newsfeed promotions vs. dedicated app

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10 / How do I know if my content is appropriate?Under each post, you will see a small line indicating the number of people who have actually seen your post : directly (organic reach) or via a friend (viral reach).

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Click on this line to see more about Likes, shares and clicks on this post.

Facebook Insights are really complete. It allows you to have a whole vision of the evolution of fans interactions.

Don’t forget to check the number of comments, likes and shares your posts gather. It will help you know what kind of content your fans appreciate and what kind of content they don’t.

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Conclusion“Improperly acquired fans never profits

Frédéric Cavazza, independent consultant - www. fredcavazza.net

Boosting the community on Facebook can not be improvised.

Avoid running an intensive recruitment of untargeted Fans.

Communication on social networks means discussions and interactions.

You must build a strategy that is specific to your community, while adapting your recruitment process with regular entertainment or punctual events to get a loyal community.

Leverage your brand through games

Build awesome contest and promotion apps for Facebook, web and mobile

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