10 principles of sustainable south-lumburg - anya niewierra

Post on 22-Jan-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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The 10 principles of


South-LimburgAnya Niewierra

General Director Tourist Board South Limburg,


South-Limburg, most southern part of the Netherlands and the centre of Europe



Surface : 25 x 25 km

Turnover : ± € (industry-wide)

Employment : 21.000 persons + 12.000 overflow

Overnights : 5 million (87% Dutch, mostly short breaks)

Spenditure : highest in NL: € 44 pppn (NL = € 29)

Guest come : because of our landscape & culture

South Limburg: 150 years of tourism, and still the most popular destination in NL

Why are we a success for already 150 years?

...because we stick to our 10 principles

Principle 1: We are aware of the fact that humans have

eyes and that they can see, so:

We do not disturb scenic views on our scenic locations

We make sure our historical cities stay visible behind advertising signs

New buildings should look like old buildings

As we are aware of the fact that our scenery is our Chicken with the Golden Egs

Example: POL, our Provincial Environmental Plan Limburg that sets rules about whát can be done, how and where

Example: the city of Valkenburg, rebuilding the old fortress gates and setting strict rules on advertisement in the streets

Example: a new bungalow park built in regional architecture

Principle 2: We know that guests love a historical décor

and a picturesque landscape, so:

We give owners of monuments the possibility to develop their business within old walls to make

sure our monuments stay well preserved

We make sure our landscape is clean and well maintained

Example: we have the organization IKL that is financed by our Province. IKL preserves small elements in our

landscape, par example by pruning fruit trees and hedges

Example: Kruisheren Cloister in our capital Maastricht, a 5 star design hotel in a 15th century Gothic church & cloister

Principle 3: We want to make sure that our

accommodations remain “future proof” (= sustainable)

We invest in projects that “educate” our entrepreneurs about sustainability, hospitality,

trends and developments

A new exit strategy is developed at this moment to deal with accommodations that are not future proof

Example: Sustainability Manual for small accommodations

Example: a workshop for businesses about the opportunities of sustainable tourism

Principle 4: We try to be accessible and to make a good

FIRST and LAST impression!

We invest in our accessibility & parking

We created a good network of walking & cycling routes with respect for vulnerable locations

We invest in the entrance (and exit) of our cities with flowers, signing & smart spatial planning

Example: Route Point South Limburg: 1 counter that develops and maintains ALL walking, cycling, all-terrain

bike and horse riding routes. With quality criteria

Example: Maankwartier Heerlen, a new design train station as city entrance

Principle 6: We focus on that what makes us

unique and not copy able!

We encourage investors that seek connections with our Limburg DNA.

We rather do not invest in projects that have no connection with whom we are.

Example: Thermae 2000 in Valkenburg, a thermal bath on a high hill in a 19th century air health resort

Example: Creative-City in Kerkrade, an innovative discovery centre, referring to our long industrial tradition

Principle 7: We consider that a year has 12 months,

and not just those 3 of summer. So we are attractive during 12 months.

We encourage that attractions create a year round experience

We created events in winter

Example: South Limburg is the only region in NL with hills, and NL is a cycling nation. So we acquired world cycling events and became known as thé cycling region in NL

Example: Christmas Markets in the caves of Valkenburg, now we have more overnights in December then in July

Example: Gaia Zoo in Kerkrade with an indoor Dino Dome

Example: Snowworld Landgraaf: the largest indoor ski village in the world, built on a coal mine slag heap

Principle 8: We know that a destination is not just

hard ware, but also soft ware, like regional food, traditions and culture.

We make our soft ware visible and available. It is good for the planet (less km, strengthening

regional agriculture) and good for the people (it cherishes our local identity).

Example: project ‘Region with Taste’ together with Belgian Limburg and Province de Liège (B).

A programme to motivate restaurants and hotels to use regional products. Including a communication campaign

Example: Rosa Festival in Sittard: an old Catholic tradition became the basis for a major after summer event

Principle 9: We are honest about the fact that there ARE

limits of growth. So we dare to say ‘NO!’

We try not to cross the line of our capacity! So we try to manage our crowds.

We choose quality over quantity!

Example: we are building new attractions on former coal mine sites and not anymore in the already crowded hill

region. Photo: our Governor twitters about our new theme park Nature Wonder World (in planning, on a slag heap)

Example: Rivierpark Maasvallei gets developed, to fight the flooding of the river Meuse

AND to create new nature for a silent tourist experience

Example: actions to diminish the use of cars & motorbikes like a Tourist Bus Ticket i.c. with attractions, and campaigns

to promote the use of electric motorbikes

Principle 10: We invest in a professional regional

Destination Management Organization (DMO).

We promote our region as a whole and not just a village. As guests distinguish our region as a whole.

We stay close to our DNA in our communication (par example by using themes and story telling).

Example: our South Limburg AIDA approach

On behalf of South Limburg, I thank you for your attention!

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