10 alcohol abuse

Post on 26-May-2015






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TEACHER: Dra. Rosa Gonzáles Llontop

MEMBERS:Paredes Campos LigiaPintado Coronel DavidPisfil Colchado JonathanRodas Regalado CarlotaSegura Rios PatriciaVera Bances Paul


It’s not always easy to see when your drinking has crossed the line

from moderate or social use to problem drinking. But if you consume alcohol to cope with difficulties or to

avoid feeling bad, you’re in potentially dangerous territory.


What is alcohol abuse?

Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic beverages negative consequences.

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance or drug.

whose excessive consumption candamage to the body

basically the

nervous system or


Alcohol abuse differs from alcoholism

in that it does not include

loss of control or physical dependence.

the desire orcompulsion to drink alcohol

Somebody that abuse alcohol

drink every day

But others are people

And other, drinking heavily for weeks ormonths

only in certain moments

who drink large amounts of alcohol

Alcohol abuse is defined

that isaccompanied

over a period of 12months:

by one or more of the following conditions

as a pattern of drinking

Failure to comply with work responsibilities, college or home;

Drinking alcohol while you are physically dangerous activities

such as operatingmachinery or driving a car

arrested forDriving under the influence of


Continuing to drink despite struggling constantly to interact

with other people

by physically hurting someone whileintoxicated (drunk).


There is no known cause.

But there are factors that may play a role in its development.

It is more likely the unleashing of a alcoholism in persons with some alcoholic family.

The need for relief for anxiety.

Psychological factors

Low self-esteem.

Conflicts in personal relationships

The social acceptance of alcohol consumption.

Social factors

Ease of use of alcohol.

Lifestyles of stress.

Can be found in biochemical or genetic abnormalities.

Other factors …

Symptoms of alcohol abuse

People suffering from alcoholism often:

continue to drink, but are affected health,

work or family

They become violent when they drink.

Memory lapses (gaps) after binge drinking.

Shiver in the morning or after periods without a drink.

They do not care or are ignorant of how they are dressed or if they are clean

They can not control their drinking: are unable to stop or reduce alcohol consumption.

drinking alone

Enfermedades relacionadas con el alcohol, como

hepatopatía alcohólica 

Exams and Tests

The following questions are used by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to assess alcohol abuse and


Do you ever drive when you have been drinking?

Do you have to drink more than before to get drunk or feel the desired effect?

Do you ever missed work or lost a job because of drinking?

Is there someone in your family worried about your drinking?


Put the entire consumption of alcohol is the ideal goal of treatment.

This is called abstinence.

A strong social network and family support are important in achieving this.


Many people with alcohol problems do not recognize when their drinking gets out of hand.

The ideal method of treatment is to help people to realize how much damage he is doing alcohol to his life and the lives of those around them.

Alcohol withdrawal is best done in a controlled, supervised setting in which medications relieve symptoms.

Complications from withdrawal can be fatal.

The doctor should order blood and urine tests to check for health problems that are common in people who abuse alcohol.


Recovery programs or support can help you stop drinking entirely.

These programs usually offer:

• Counseling and therapy to address alcoholism and its effects and how to control your thoughts and behaviors.

• Mental health support.

• Care.

Sometimes medications are prescribed to prevent relapses.

• The acomprosato is a drug that has been shown to reduce relapse rates in those who are alcohol dependent.

• Naltrexone (Vivitrol) decreases the craving for alcohol and is available as an injection.

You can not take these medications if you are pregnant or have certain diseases.

Often, you need long-term treatment with counseling or support groups.

Depression or other anxiety disorders or mood can manifest once you are no longer taking alcohol and should be treated promptly.

Support groups are available to help people who are dealing with alcoholism.


-Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a self-help group of recovering alcoholics that offers emotional support and specific steps for people recovering from alcohol dependence.

Alcoholics Anonymous offers help 24 hours a day and shows that it is possible to participate in social activities without drinking.

Family Groups Al-Anon is a community resource that provides assistance to people affected by the compulsive drinking of another. The only requirement for membership is being or be affected by the compulsive drinking of another.

What is AL-ANON?

What is Alateen?

Alateen is part of Al-Anon. It consists of the youngest members, aged 12 to 20 years, whose lives have been or are being affected by the compulsive drinking of another.

Forecast alcoholism.• Alcoholism is a major

problem at the social, economic and public health. The drinking problem can affect every part of a person's life.

Causing risks to alcoholism

• Incidence of malnutrition in alcoholic intake function.

• relationship between excessive alcohol intake and malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer.

• malnutrition• nutrition

• malnutrition• nutrition

• Incidence of tumor recurrence according to alcohol intake.



• Individuals who drink heavily are at greater risk of dyingby the immunosuppressive effects of alcohol, which are enhanced by malnutrition-and systemic disorders related to alcohol. In cancer patients,alcohol increases the incidence of cancer and co-morbidity.

• desnutrition

• Overall mortality.


promoting factor?

• DALY global percentages attributed to the 19 most important risk factors, by income group.

• severe brain damage and addiction

• harmful effects

• blurred vision• slurred speech

• bleeding throat

• breathing may stop• heart disease irregular heart

beat.stomach ulcersliver disease liver failure.muscle weakness

Intestinal cancer.Intestinal ulcersImpotence and infertility


• severe brain damage and addiction

• harmful effects

• blurred vision• slurred speech

• bleeding throat

• breathing may stop• heart disease irregular heart

beat.stomach ulcersliver disease liver failure.muscle weakness

Intestinal cancer.Intestinal ulcersImpotence and infertility


LONG TERM (chronic).

CHD risk by sex.

Alcohol consumption in grams per day.

Relative risk.

• Hipert and arterial nsión • Alterations of the dream

Gastritis • Aggressiveness gastroduodenal

Ulcer • Depression • Hepática cirrhosis • Disfunciones sexual • Cardiopathies • Cognitivo deterioration • Encefalopatías • Dementia • Cancer • Psychosis

It is remarkable the physical and psychic deterioration, and its social behavior. It is reduced to the tolerance to the toxic and the occasional appearance of convulsive pictures. The patients present/display severe pictures of undernourishment, can appear cancer of the digestive subsystem

• hepática cirrhosis

• skin problems

• Problems of the system, nervous power station

• loss of memory psychological disorders • larynx, mouth, lip cancer, • of esophagus and liver

• bad food digestion.

• lost of the appetite and vitaminic deficiency

• pancreatitis

• sexual impotence

• obesity

• hepática cirrhosis

Some of the possible long-term effects of ethanol an individual may develop. In addition, pregnant women, alcohol can cause

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Prevention of Alcoholism

• From table No. 03 and figure No. 03, we can see that the group of teenagers of School "United States" who received prevention information, the 64.0% consume alcohol and 36.0% did not consume, while the group that did not receive prevention information, 78.4% consume alcohol compared to 21.6% who do not consum.e

Students per information received, according to alcohol consumption in educational institutions.

prevention of consumption..

• No alcohol sales inplaces or in the popular camping sites.

• Eliminate the sale of beer pilotsin urban areas and near highways.

• No alcohol in official activities of organizations and institutions,unions or centersworking.

• A glass or drink is defined as a bottle of beer of 12 ounces (340 mililiter), a wine glass of 5 ounces (142) or one 1 ½ ounces (40 mililiter) of a drink of licor.

Women should not drink more than one drink a day.

Men should not drink more than two drinks a day

Sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants limited in amount.

Increase the rigor of traffic laws.

Activities festive and massive social agencies alcohol-free youth.


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