1 welcome overview part i. 2 the 21 st cclc story

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Overview Part I


The 21st CCLC Story


How can students reach academic goals if they don’t see the relevance of learning to their lives?

That is the Intent of the Massachusetts 21st Century Community

Learning Centers Program


The MA 21st CCLC approach to learning focuses on strategies that engage & support students with different learning styles in gaining a greater understanding of classroom content in an atmosphere the fosters creativity.

How do we do this?


• Offering hands on, project-based, experiential learning activities that complement and support the school day and enable students to become more active & engaged learners.

• Focusing on projects such as digital story telling that cut across content areas to enable students to see the connections between different domains (ELA, Math, Science & Technology, History and Social Sciences).

• Providing the opportunity to understand how the content learned in the classroom connects to everyday life ( E.g., connection between sports and math, science and art, service-learning and literacy).

• High quality professional development that connects to needs identified through data sources.

Project-Based Learning involves:

Service-Learning involves:

Contextual Learning involves:

Contextual learning projects engage students in academic work applied to a context related to their lives, communities, workplaces or the wider world.

Service-learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic

responsibility, and strengthen communities.

Project-based learning is an instructional method that provides students with complex tasks based on challenging questions or problems that involve the students' problem solving, decision making, investigative skills, and reflection that includes teacher facilitation, but not direction.


By embedding academics into engaging projects we not only give students a richer and more in-depth learning experience but we are also are helping them to develop self-expression, critical thinking, problem solving skills and positive relationships.


Goals of the Massachusetts 21st

Century Community Learning Center Programs

Coordination between school day instruction

and out-of-school time academic

enrichments and supports, with

shared learning goals, teaching,

and support strategies.

A school and community-based infrastructure with

established procedures that improve student


Development of College and

Career Readiness Skills (includes analytic

reasoning, critical-thinking, problem-solving)

Development of a tiered system of


A system that evaluates program

effectiveness through data collection and


Implement Assessment of After-School Program Practices (APT) observation tool.*

Implement the ESE-developed Survey of After-School Youth Outcomes (SAYO) evaluation tool.*

Submit data to ESE three times per year on students who are enrolled in programs and services funded by this grant.*

Submit data to USED once a year on hours of operation, staffing, partnerships, and activities.*

Attend 21st CCLC coordinators meetings and trainings.

* Training provided by ESE



Results Oriented Approach

The MA 21st CCLC Program worked with the National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) over a three-year period to create the Survey of After-School Youth Outcomes (SAYO), an evaluation tool for use by Massachusetts’ 21st CCLC grantees.


Survey of After-School Youth OutcomesEvaluation System

• Uses brief pre and post-participation surveys to collect data from school-day teachers and after-school staff.

• Programs collect data on selected outcomes that are aligned with their goals and program practices.

• Each outcome area is measured by asking school-day teachers and after-school staff to respond to four or five questions related to observable youth behaviors.

• Enables the 21st CCLC programs to capture information reflecting changes that are (a) associated with participation in a high-quality after-school program and (b) likely to occur over a one-year period.

• Customizable to meet district / school needs. • Programs select from a list of outcomes and measure what

best reflects the focus and goals of the programs.


Academic Outcomes-SAYO Teacher Version (SAYO-T-Academic)

Grantees are required to report on 2 Academic and 3 intermediary outcomes.

Academic• ELA (Reading, Verbal Communication,

and Written Communication) • Math (Communication, Reasoning, and

Problem Solving) • Science• Social Studies

Intermediary Outcomes• Homework (if offered)• Analysis and Problem Solving• Behavior in the Classroom• Communication Skills• Adult Relationships • Engagement in Learning• Initiative

After-School Staff Version (SAYO-S)Grantees are required to collect and report on learning skills plus the four outcomes that best match the goals of their 21st CCLC program.

• Learning Skills• Behavior in the Program• Initiative• Problem Solving• Communication Skills• Relationships with Adults• Relationships with Peers

Additional SAYO Information

• Select outcomes that fit with your program, school priorities, connect with the school/district benchmark data, Student Growth Data and participant needs.

Select 2 Academic Outcomes

Select 3 SAYO-Teacher Intermediary

Select 5 SAYO-Staff Outcome (Learning Skills + 4 others)

Afterschool ProgramPractices Tool

APT Features

Measures program quality.Helps programs strengthen how they work with youth in order to enhance their experiences and promote SAYO outcomes.APT-O

Guides observationsSnap shot of your program “in action”

APT-QExamines aspects of quality that are not easily observed – “behind the scenes”Guides reflections of practices

What Does The APT Measure?

Program climateRelationships (staff:youth and peer:peer)Program practices

That support individual interests and needsThat promote youth engagement and stimulate thinking

Youth participation

What Type of Enrollment Data?

Student Name

SASID (state assigned student ID number)

21st CCLC Site

Hours of service (enrolled and attended)


Gender, grade, race/ethnicity

LEP, Low-Income, and SPED status



Applications from agencies and organizations other than a school district, city, or town will be screened for capacity to administer the program based on the applicant's:

• Proven fiscal responsibility (demonstrated through an annual audit);

• Previous experience with similar amounts of funding at the state or federal level through government, foundation, or private grants;

• Documentation of linkage with the school site; and

• Documentation of a clear plan of communication and linkage with the school site for purposes of completing required Survey of After-school Youth Outcomes (SAYO) teacher surveys and access to pertinent student data.

Part IITA Session

Fund Code 647-B-1Supporting Additional Learning Time

New Communities/Sites



School districts, cities and towns, community-based organizations (CBOs), other public or private entities, or a consortium of two (2) or more of the above.

CBOs must have a partnership with a public school.

Applicants must have (or plan for) a local council with one of its primary functions the coordination of the 21st CCLC program.

Current 21st CCLC grantees may apply, provided they meet the eligibility requirements and are applying for funding to expand into new sites.

LESSONS LEARNED SITES (Previous Massachusetts 21st CCLC Grant sites whose funding ended prior to FY2012).


Eligible applicants must meet at least one (1) of the criteria listed below:

Primarily serve students in schools designated as Title I school-wide programs.

AND/ORServe students in districts/schools with 20% or more low-income families as indicated on the ESE’s School and District profiles page. http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/

Competitive Priority*

• Propose to serve youth in schools/districts designated as a Level 3-5 school/district.

• Schools with a FY2011 Composite Performance Index (CPI)** below 87.2 in English language arts (ELA), and/or in 79.9 in Mathematics, and/or 77.5 in Science (to view a districts CPI go to http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/).

• Applications that are submitted in full partnership by a school district and community-based organization(s) or other public or private entity(ies). Application was jointly developed. *Preference over an application of comparable merit that does not meet the


**The CPI is a 100-point index that measures the extent to which students are progressing toward proficiency (a CPI of 100) in ELA, mathematics, and science.

FUNDINGFY2013 Competitive Grant

A total of approximately $4.8M is available through Fund Code 647-B-1 for implementing FY13 school year and summer programs.

Applicants are eligible to apply for an amount related to the number of proposed sites, which is between $50,000 and a maximum of:

• $175,000 = 1 site• $275,000 = 2 sites• $350,000 = 3 sites

When determining the number of sites and amount to request, consider: The amount of experience the district/community has in developing and implementing programs of this type; and the scope of services, number of students to be served, and needs of the families and community.

Funds must support the allowable purpose and priorities (see Funding Opportunity RFP for more details). Services must be only during non-school hours. At least five (5) percent of the total budget must be set aside to support family involvement. This may include a part-time Family Engagement/Outreach Liaison if one does not currently exist.No more than 20% of the total budget may be used for program coordination and administration and no more than 10% may be for program materials. FUNDS CANNOT be used for rental of space or utilities including phones and cell phones, capital expenses, or educational materials that are used as part of the school day curriculum. Indirect costs are frequently referred to as overhead costs. If you opt to take indirect, use your most recently approved rate. If the approved rate is higher than 5.0%, the agency can use only a maximum rate of 5.0% for this grant. (Any entity that wishes to include indirect costs in the budget and does not have a current approved rate see Funding Opportunity RFP for details.


Use of Contracted Providers

Must be held to the same standards as the fiscal agent (e.g., administrative costs, materials/supplies, indirect costs must be calculated at the same rate as fiscal agent).

Application must include budgets and budget narratives for each individual contracted provider.


Applicants are required to hire a project coordinator who will serve as the applicant’s primary point of contact with ESE, and who is responsible for administrating and implementing the proposed program.

For programs that have multiple sites, a full-time project coordinator is recommended.

For programs that have 1 site a part-time project director is recommended.

Project directors, whether full-time, part-time, funded by 21st CCLC funds or not, are required to fulfill all responsibilities described in the Funding Opportunity RFP.

A site coordinator is suggested for each site. A teacher or part-time project coordinator may serve as the site coordinator, if the person works a sufficient number of hours to fulfill all of the responsibilities.

A data entry/data management person strongly suggested.

Title IX (Uniform Provisions) of the No Child Left Behind Act

School districts are mandated to consult with non-public school administrators about the non-public school students’ needs and how those needs can be best addressed by federal programs. This must occur in a timely and meaningful way during the design and development of the program.

Schools/districts must provide equitable services to non-public school students and their families, if those students are part of the target population.

Continued funding in years two (FY 2014) and three (FY 2015) will be based on meeting all grant requirements including:

submission of yearly progress updates;timely submission of required forms and data;the ability to use data to inform and demonstrate continuous program improvement;maintenance of attendance levels and program quality;evidence that the grantee is working towards sustaining the program beyond the grant period; and submission of a yearly reapplication.

Pending budget appropriation, continuation of funding will be available for a total grant period of 3 years.

Project Duration

Drop-in programs are NOT ALLOWED

• Each 21st CCLC site must operate a minimum of 4 days per week and offer at least 448 hours per year (refer to Part III for specifics on options).

• ESE strongly recommends encouraging individual participants to attend for at least a specified number of hours per week.

• The recommended dosage is at least 80-90 hours of

participation per student. 


How will your proposed program specifically address the need?

Include what assets you have and how they will be mobilized.

How will it benefit the school and community?


District Standards and Indicators

ESE Priorities

We believe that the Commonwealth's future prosperity depends on our ability to enable communities to provide the supports needed to develop strong, competent, college and career ready children and youth.

Research tells us that strength and competence are built by providing children and youth with enriching experiences, led by caring adults, that encourage them to make choices and learn by doing.

That is why we will fund proposals that demonstrate intentionally design out-of-school time programs that incorporate principles of project-based learning with contextual activities that are academically infused, led by qualified staff, and occur within a meaningful context.








Form a Community Council

•Prepare, conduct and analyze community profile/needs assessment/resource map

•Conduct a Student/ Family Interest Survey

Map Available Resource


Analyze results to determine program

needs and directions

Assessing Need


• Academic Support Programs (Fund Codes 632/625, 627/626, 619/592, 598/593, 596/597)

• ASOST-Q Grants (Quality Enhancements) – state-funded (FC 530)

• Local Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan efforts

• Title I (Supplemental Educational Services or School Improvement Grants)

• Special Education• Race to the Top• School Redesign Grants• Wrap Around Zones• Massachusetts Tiered Systems of Support

Collaborating with other District Grants and Programs

Experiential learning driven by the interests of the young people and building understanding through a process of inquiry and reflection.

Opportunities for leadership, mentorship, and collaboration.

Service-Learning (SL) requirement to implement a minimum of one SL project each year. ESE will provide training.

Civic engagement focus on connecting students and family to culture and community.

Technology employed as a commonplace tool for exploration, communication, learning and fun.

Awareness of media to support academics and help young people become healthy consumers, innovative producers and critical thinkers.

Creative environment where art, health and wellness, social/emotional learning, and academics merge.

Homework support that is designed as a strategy for supporting student academic needs or not just about completing the assignment.

Elements of Successful Programs

Webbing To Develop Project Ideas

Plan out possible activities for an inquiry based project by Webbing:

• place your primary idea/question at the center.

• Identify three or more content areas that relate to the primary question.

• For each content area, explore where you might find answers -- experts, experiments, online, etc.

Also, think through how youth might share what they have learned with others.


• Elementary - Donna Traynham• Secondary - Nyal Fuentes• Service-Learning - Kristen McKinnon

Developing College & Career Readiness Skills


College and Career Readiness in 21st Century Community Learning



College and Career Readiness in 21st Century Community Learning



College and Career Readiness: Definition

Being college and career ready means that an individual has the knowledge and skills necessary for

success in postsecondary education and economically viable career pathways in a 21st century



Short-Term Measures for DESE’s CCR Unit (Present – 2014)

5-Year GraduationRate

MassCore Completion Rate

College & Career Ready


Five Challenges

• Creating a Personalized and Orderly Learning Environment

• Assisting Students Who Enter School with Poor Academic Skills

• Improving Instructional Content and Pedagogy

• Preparing Students for the World Beyond High School

• Stimulating Change

Adapted from Quint, J. (2006) Meeting Five Critical Challenges of High School Reform


Creating a Personalized and Orderly Learning Environment

• Recruitment and Retention of students who are “reluctant participants” or otherwise involved in other activities

• Creating “space” for student engagement and student ownership of the program

• Developing appropriate and positive participant-adult relationships

• Building in wrap-around services for socio-emotional support


Creating a Personalized and Orderly Learning Environment - Socio-

Emotional Supports• Socio-emotional supports can include stand-alone

activities on a case by case basis.– Program consideration: Get to know the

mental/behavioral health experts in your area - both within your program and in your community so that you can help students, families, and staff access appropriate supports.

• AND socio-emotional supports can also include techniques that are woven into all of your regular activities. – Program consideration: Structure a variety of

activities and ways students can participate in areas in which they have interest or competence, and facilitate ways for all students to take on leadership roles. This will be helpful for building both academic and socio-emotional skills.


Creating a Personalized and Orderly Learning Environment - Socio-

Emotional Supports• State & national research shows that students report

that lack of connections with adults in the school environment is one of the most common reasons for disengagement and dropping out. In particular, students that drop out often have a perception that adults do not really get to know them as individuals.– Program consideration: Allow time for informal and

formal activities that facilitate connections between students and adults in an appropriate, authentic ways. This doesn’t mean that adults take on a clinical role, however they should know how to access internal and external clinical experts.


Assisting Students Who Enter School with Poor Academic Skills

• Providing academic support and enrichment that creates opportunities for students to meet state standards

• Meeting specific needs in literacy, numeracy and other core subjects

• Meeting specific needs of homeless students, English language learners, students with disabilities and other struggling learners


Improving Instructional Content and Pedagogy

• Engaging instruction that meets rigorous standards on the Curriculum Frameworks

• Creating challenging lessons, modules and units that engage students in learning

• Creating opportunities for instructors to “experiment” with new activities and instructional techniques


Stimulating Change• How does programming change school culture?

• How does programming change instructional practices during the school day?

• How does the program know it’s “doing well” and what are the methods in place for evaluating and changing?

• How does programming effect the way students look at post secondary opportunities?

• How does the programming assist in preventing students from dropping out/becoming disengaged from education?


Elementary School

• What does this all mean for students in the early grades?– Research shows the link between

proficiency in the elementary grades and its impact on high school graduation (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2011)

– Ability to build academic, social and emotional skills and competencies in the early years serves as a critical foundation for students’ learning and continued engagement as they enter middle and high school


Personal Social Skills in Young Children

In the elementary grades, instruction includes varied opportunities for students to demonstrate their:

• Ability to problem solve and persist in a task• Ability to work collaboratively with others• Ability to be independent• Ability to provide leadership• Ability to communicate effectively with others• Ability to demonstrate appropriate interpersonal

skills• Self-confidence


Most importantly….

Students should have the opportunity to practice and build these skills in a safe and supportive learning environment that:

• Is age-appropriate and engaging• Follows students’ interests• Provides opportunity to build positive

relationships with adults and other peers• Allows students to experience success• Fosters student leadership• Is linked to the 7 Curriculum Frameworks Content



Instructional Approaches

• Cooperative Learning - Cooperative learning is an approach to organizing activities into academic and social learning experiences. It differs from group work, and it has been described as structuring positive interdependence. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_learning)

• Service Learning – Service-learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic (From the National Commission on Service-Learning, 2001)responsibility, and strengthen communities.”


Instructional Approaches (cont….)

• Project Based Approach - The Project Approach refers to a set of teaching strategies that enable teachers to guide students through in-depth studies of real-world topics. Projects have a complex but flexible framework within which teaching and learning are seen as interactive processes.

• http://www.projectapproach.org/project_approach.php



Students Who are College and Career Ready in English Language Arts can:

• Demonstrate independence• Build strong content knowledge• Respond to varying demands of audience, task,

purpose and discipline• Comprehend as well as critique• Value evidence• Use technology and digital media strategically and

capably• Come to understand other perspectives and



Group Discussion

• Using the project framework just described, discuss ways that activities can be intentionally designed to help elementary students build college and career readiness skills:– Academic (example on previous slide)– Social and Emotional


Characteristics of Students in 2010-2011 High School Programs

• Nearly all of our students will have been born during the Clinton administration

• The United States has always been in conflict with Iraq and there has never been a Soviet Union

• There has always been a World Wide Web and Pentium processors

• There have always been charter schools and they have always taken the MCAS

• Youth employment rates are the lowest since data collection began in 1948

• Technology has created an entire new “change in the learning ecosystem”*

• Prospects for future career opportunities are muddled at best

*Pew Internet & American Life Project (2009)


Preparing Students for the World Beyond High School

• Meeting particular needs of first generation college students

• Awareness and understanding of Post-Secondary educational opportunities

• Creating access to internships, shadowing, work and learning, co-op’s, entrepreneurial and CSL opportunities that provide context to learning and open up the world of work

This is a team wide effort and you need to demonstrate that all partners are committed to sustaining the program beyond the grant period.

Sustainability starts from day 1.


On budget pages be sure to include hourly rates for stipends.

Provide a detailed budget narrative that itemizes how grant funds will be used and how funds from other sources will be used. Costs should be allocated, and will be judged, against the scope of the project and its anticipated benefits. Any fees that are charged must be reflected in the narrative and be used to support the program.

Budgets should include funds for:

Coordinator to attend a two‑day Summer Institute put on by the U.S. Department of Education. (air fare + hotel =approx. $1,500)


Remember peer reviewers are reading multiple applications so make your application as easy to read as possible.

Pages numbered, single-spaced, and printed on 1 side only.

Font - no smaller than Arial 10 pt.

Respond to each question as listed, do not answer multiple questions in one.

Make sure the question to which you are responding is written directly above the answer to your question.

Keep to the page and additional non-required information to the limit (10 pages in total not including required forms).

If including additional information, provide enough of a synopsis in the body of the application for the reader to get the point.

Do not spend unnecessary time or money on frills like binders.

Assembling Your Application


Full and enthusiastic commitment of the principal, from the design to the implementation.

Programs must be standards based, hands-on, and engaging for students, if the program is to effectively attract and retain students.

There must be active and on-going communication between school day and after-school teachers to ensure the curriculum is aligned with the students school day program, in order to identify and address existing learning gaps.

There needs to be a variety of offerings from which the students can choose, and they must be creatively marketed to maximize participation.

There must be experienced and qualified staff so that they are able to effectively incorporate learning standards into hands-on engaging projects.

The collaborative relationship with community partners needs to be strong and ongoing.

The communication must be complete and timely about expectations and roles, and there must be regular opportunities for reflection and assessment so that modifications can be made if necessary.

It is important the out-of-school programs be enhanced by utilizing the expertise and resources of community partners to broaden students exposure and engagement.

Parents/families need to be informed and engaged as often as possible including ongoing communication about activities and schedules as well as opportunities for them to view student work and if possible engage them as volunteers.

Finally, it is important to consider sustainability and explore funding opportunities right from the beginning of the funding cycle as opposed to waiting until the final year to begin planning.



Be very realistic about the number of students you will serve and the number of sites to be developed.

Describe the specific strategies you will use to engage hard to reach populations.

Be clear in addressing HOW specific activities: will connect to and support learning.

will assist students in their area(s) of need.

Merely asserting that the project will assist students in academic areas does not provide the reviewers with a full understanding of how this will occur.

Be succinct and to the point and careful not to overwhelm the reviewers with too many facts and figures.

Highlight innovative practices…..

Our best innovations come from changing the way we do things.

Letters of Intent August 23, 2012

Grant ApplicationsSeptember 20, 2012

5:00 P.M.

There will be no extensions.

Create an open climate for questioning deeply ingrained assumptions about out-of-school programs. Think “DIFFERENT” in terms of designing a creative and responsive program.

Because thepeople who areboldenough to think they canchange the world are theones who do.

Karyl Resnick - Coordinator 21st Century Community

Learning Centers


If you have additional questions contact:

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