1. scan every possible source to determine if it is trustworthy. be on the lookout for opinion...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Researching History

Lesson 1.3

Choosing a Topic

• Write questions at the top of notecards and use these cards as your research tools

Choosing Research Materials

• 1. Begin to gather research using reference books such as encyclopedias, textbooks and class notes.• 2. Also, try looking for

books about your subject in your library or media center.

Distinguishing Fact from Opinion1. Scan every possible source to determine if it is trustworthy. Be on the lookout for opinion statements - this will give you a clue that a source could be biased.2. Historical research should rely on facts and primary sources rather than opinions.

Making Notes

1. As you discover information, make notes using your own words, in complete sentences, on your cards.

2. On the back of your cards, make notes about the books in which you found the information.

Researching on the Internet1. Reliable articles will be signed by well-known experts on the subject and the authors will include details about their credentials, or evidence they're experts.2. A uniform resource locator, or URL, is the address of an online resource and can tell you a great deal about the content of that source.

Writing without Bias1. To plagiarize means to present the ideas or works of another person as your own without offering credit. This violates copyright laws.

2. To avoid plagiarizing, put information in your own words, always reference the author and always include a footnote when you use a direct quotation from one of your sources.

Ancient History and Modern Values

1. Your evaluations of history should be based on the evidence, not on today's understandings of rights and society.

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