1. - intro2business- · pdf filewe negotiated with the stamps manager to hange our selling day...

Post on 16-Feb-2018






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1. Have to attend every meeting, maximum 3 times for absent

2. Appreciate others

3. Don’t forget to say thank you and help

4. On time

5. Respond every conversation on group

6. Be productive

7. Communicative to prevent miss-communication

8. Clean up after doing any kind of activities ex: cooking, meeting, etc

9. Speak up

10. Backstabbing each other

11. 3S Senyum-Salam-Sapa

1. Company Profile:

NAKKI, Nakki is a company that sells Taiyaki with a new concept. Taiyaki is a

Japanese snack, and what makes Nakki is different with the real Taiyaki

(that usual Taiyaki made only with Red bean filling and ice cream) are we

make Taiyaki with many kind of fillings and toppings, that taste more like

waffle, with sweet and salty flavour, so people can satisfied with our

product with no exception. Anyone, even eldery or children can consume

our product because our ingredients are made from good quality and we

think about the dose of sugar, flour, and all of our ingredients so we can

keep our quality and healthiness of our product.

There’s 5 sweet filling (caramel, chocolate, strawberry, peanut butter, and

cheese), 3 salty filling (scrambelled egg, sausage, and beef), 7 toppings (ice

cream, oreo, chocolate chip, rainbow sprinkles, BBQ sauce, teriyaki Sauce,

Chili sauce and sweet condensed milk) and for the beverages, we have Mint

tea and Lemon tea afor our product with affordable price. Our most

favorite menu (filling) so far that chosen by consumer for sweet Nakki are

Caramel and Chocolate, and for salty Nakki is Beef filling. The price ranges

of our product are Rp12.000 to Rp25.000 for the Package with drink.

Values that we propose through our business are we can have experience

in business life before we have our real business, we can learn more about

teamwork and how to cook especially making Taiyaki, and we have to think

how to innovate something and make something different than before, like

what we did to our Taiyaki and give experience to the costumer to buy

Taiyaki in new taste.


The meaning of “The Greater Good” in our product are:

1. “Nakki” name and logo

2. Introducing Japan’s traditional food to people

3. We innovate Taiyaki from the original one

4. We sell Taiyaki with affordable price, cheaper than usual Taiyaki

5. We bought the ingredients from traditional market (pasar), so we can help their income

for them to provide their family needs

6. We make Taiyaki with two kind of flavour so we can reach a broader customer

The philosophy behind our brand name “Nakki” is it came from the reversed word of “Ikan”

(fish) and we add an “k” in there to make it better. The logo was made to reflect our spirit and

our product. Dark Turqoise water as the bottom section means our company is based on

brotherhood and peacefulness. We encourage our member to respect each other to prevent

any conflict. On the top side, we give yellow color as a symbol of our cheerful and energetic

company. In the middle, we have brown-gold colored fish means victory and glory. We use

Japan accented font and we use hiragana to make our product felt more Japanese.

Looking at our product, our main product is a snack originated from Japan. Taiyaki is a

popular snack in Japan. Although sushi or other Japanese food is already popular here in

Indonesia taiyaki is not that popular. That way, we offer a new snacking experience to our

customer. We innovate taiyaki from its original form. We give a variation of filling, we give

toppings to our taiyaki, and we sell salty taiyaki (originally taiyaki is only with red beans filling).

We offer this whole new experience of taiyaki with a price lower than another seller. We hope

we can reach bigger segment of costumer and give them this whole new taiyaki experience. We

bought our supply mainly from traditional market which automatically help the economy run

and help them as they are started to be left by its customer while minimarket and department

store expanding enormously. We deliver goodness to our customer and bring happiness to their



1. Our target is to get 1000 costumers 2. Give a promo coupon 3. Promoting product through social media 4. Attract people to buy our product


1. There’s only one person in this division who is expert at design Solution: We maximize her ability to design but she didn’t have to do the advertisement as much as the others.

2. We planned to create a promo coupon but it didn’t work as we expected Marketing team planned to give a 15% discount to people who had followed us on LINE and Instagram. But unfortunately it didn’t work as good as we planned. The coupon didn’t work effectively.Solution: We didn’t continue this promotion.

3. Attract people to buy our product at Japan Art Project At Japan Art Project, we had difficulty to attract people to buy our product because the booth next to ours offered main course food which price was almost similar with our product, while we only offered snack kind of food. Solution: We dropped our price and gave buy one get one promo to attract people to buy our product. We also put a display in front of our booth so people would know the appearance of our product.

4. We expect more buyers but it didn’t reach our target When we opened our booth in STAMP, there was a huge rain and storm. We couldn’t sell our product and cancel our selling because there wasn’t anyone there. In Japan Art Project, the vendor said that there would be around 5000 visitors and they couldn’t get out from the venue as they want. Unfortunately, at D-day it didn’t happened as what the vendor said. Visitors could get out freely from the venue and they can bought food from the outside. So they didn’t buy from the booth inside the venue. Solution: a. We negotiated with the STAMP’s manager to change our selling day because of the

bad weather become the week after. She agreed with that so we can change our selling day but unluckily we still loss our productivity to sell our product that day. We also loss our capital in the ingredients.

b. We offered the buy one get one promo and dropped our price.

Major Plan

1. Searching for the cheapest ingredients for our product

First we went to Borma Supermarket to buy the ingredients, but it was too expensive.

So we decided to search elsewhere. Then we survey to different places in Bandung like

Kijangmas, Cibadak, Cicadas, and Baltos Traditional Market. In Kijangmas we bought the

ingredients for the sweet filling, topping, and some main ingredients like baking soda

and the baking tools. In Baltos, we bought the ingredients for the salty filling and other

main ingredients too like flours, sugars, and some topping. In Cicadas, we found the

place that sell the cheapest eggs. Last but not least, we bought the ingredients for our

drinks and the bottles too in Cibadak.

2. Searching for the cheapest and faster packaging vendor in Bandung

Our plan was to find the cheapest that can produce low quantity and finished in one

day. We found the vendor in Pagarsih. Althought the quantity must be at least 2000

pieces to get discount. For one packaging it cost only Rp 600.

3. Searching for the cheapest and tastiest recipe for our product

In total we found 5 recipes for the product and we tested it in our trial and error. Then

we found the best recipes for the perfect taste.

4. Every member in our company must be able to cook our product

We train every member of our company, so they can cook taiyaki, althought in

execution some of our member still can’t cook our product.

5. We have to keep our batter for the product fresh

Our batter can’t last for the long time. So we still try to find the best solution to keep it

fresh for about 3 days.


Problem and Solution

1. We bought too many ingredients

Because we are too optimistic with high expectation, with that we bought a lot

of ingredients becauce we thought the sales will raid 2000 pieces for 2 weeks.

2. Our batter can only last for 24 hours

At our first execution, we still didn’t know how long the batter will last. Suddenly after

the execution, our product became rotten. And then we found a solution like put the

batter in the refrigerator. But, the batter only last about 36 hours. So we try to put it

again on the freezer. But the batter became frozen and it’s not edible and also useless,

because it can’t be cooked.

3. One of our member didn’t participate in some of our agenda’

We feel like we lack of resources that we had made it harder for us to do our job.

Because of that, we decided to evaluate that person through peer to peer evaluation.

4. Our satay waffle didn’t attract the customer

At first, we try to think a sub menu for our daily income. And then we came up

with an idea which is satay waffle. In the first day we sell it, it went successfully. But in

the second day we sell it again, it was totally failed. Because of that, we try to find

another sub menu. And that is unique drinks. We sell it to the one of our member’s

high school. And it was successfull.

5. Our teriyaki sauce suddenly taste awful

At the first week, the sauces still taste good like usual teriyaki sauce. But, in the

second week, the teriyaki sauce taste like soy sauce. Because of that, we decided to

not use it and erase it from our menu.

Major Plan:

All member must

1. Respect each other

2. Obey the Code of Ethics

3. Help Each Other

4. Follow the Jobdesc


1. Everybody has their own priority. Even though we all know Business Simulation is for

Introduction to Business that has 4 credits, not everybody has the same sense of

urgency for Business Simulation. Some prioritize their organization even though their

presence is very needed in a meeting.

Solution: We communicate through messenger (LINE) to keep the meeting running. We

also look for other people in same division as the people that is not coming as they

knowledge are relatively the same.

2. Not everybody is productive. Some people are not responsible to the task and job

description that has assigned to them. Some do not give any information about their


Solution: We encourage them to participate and to be responsible. We look for a

substitution if it is necessary.

3. Job description and division does not work so well. Finance or marketing division

sometimes also do the cooking. However, it is okay if they are still performing well in

their original division.

Solution: We do not restrict helping each other as long as their original responsibility is

not abandoned.

Fundamentally, there are objectives of Financial Management. The main

objective of financial management is profit maximization. The finance team tries to earn

maximum profits for the company. The second thing, is to maintain proper cash flow to

pay the day-to-day expenses such as purchasing the raw materials, rent, etc. The third

thing is to ensure optimum funds utilization. Once the funds are procedure, they should

be utilized in maximum possible way at least cost. To summarize, the aim of finance

team is able to allocate and to manage fund of the company in order to keep the

stability of the monetary, and also the fund can be used effectively and efficiently.

So in our real execution, it doesn’t happened as we have predicted before. There

are several problems that we face. First, we find that it is quite difficult to search for

payback money for the customer, so we use our staff money for the payback. Second,

sometimes our friends want to buy the product, but they don’t have/bring any money,

they have a debt to us. We still sell our product to them in order to get the profit. Third,

there are unexpected expenses. When we do the execution, sometimes we found that

lack of preparation of material. So, we must spend money directly on the raw materials.

How we solve the problem, we use a bill to notes who have paid and who

haven’t paid. We also use a notes for the money that we lend from our staff. We also

prepare about one hundred thousand for unexpected expenses and in addition, we still

doing the transaction until we reach our target.


A. Key Partners:

We only have 1 key partners that is SMAK 1 Bandung, we didn’t have many partners to

do this business simulations, we only do partnership with SMAK 1 Bandung. We put

some of our product (beverages) there and we supply our beverages there for 2 weeks

and got some profits from there. Another key partners from Nakki are traditional

market and kijang mas, we bought our ingredients there to get affordable price of

ingredients with good quality.

B. Costumer Segments:

We divide our target costumer into 3 segmentation, such as Kids up to 3 years, students,

college students, elderly and actually everyone can taste and like our product because

our product have many kind of taste like sweet and salty taiyaki. We divide our target

into 3 segmentation like that because we predict that children and students also college

students would want to know our product.

C. Value Preposition

In simple terms, a value proposition makes a case for why a customer should

pick one product over another, citing the unique value the product provides over its

contenders. The Business Model Canvas value proposition provides a unique

combination of products and services which provide value to the customer by resulting

in the solution of a problem the customer is facing or providing value to the customer.

This is the point of intersection between the product you make and the reason behind

the customer’s impulse to buy it. A product can have a single value proposition or

multiple value propositions.

In this part, we have several value preposition at whole market in Bandung. First,

Nàkki product have an innovation than the original one like a filling and topping that

have some variant which is popular in the market. We choose this because this one is

nothing in Bandung. Second, Based on survey “Nàkki” product is cheaper than the other

taiyaki in Bandung even in the other places. That’s because we want to every people

affordable to buy our product then Nàkki Company can reach target market

appropriately. Third, Nàkki Company provide pre-order and free delivery to the


That make customer will be more convenient with our service. Every value that

we want to give to the customers is conveyed to the customers well. Because of this

value, most of customers satisfied with our service.

D. Key Activities

Key activities are about the most important activities in executing a company's

value proposition. Nàkki Company doing several things to reach satisfying of customers

especially our value‘s proposition that will we give. To realize our value preposition,

Nàkki Company has several act to do. First, we do research and development before we

execute this business that’s about three times until our product is sure and appropriate.

Research and development is for make sure about the menu of Nàkki Company then we

hope our value preposition, innovative, will be realized. After that, we’ll know about the

cost then we deciding how much the price that will be fixed to our customers with the

consideration of affordable price relate with Nàkki Company’s value proposition. Then

about production, we make sure that each people that’ll be cook is already to execute.

Finally after we do that, we do promotion to introduce our product then The Nàkki

Company product will be known by people in Bandung.

E. Channels

Channels are about which way that we choose to sell our product to the

customers. We have several ways to reach the customers such as direct, indirect,

awareness and delivery orders. First way is direct, we sell our product on site by renting

a place and joining an event that’s japan art project who relate with our product. Second

way is indirect, we entrust some of our product to some school in Bandung. We can do

that because we have an partnership with Canteen manager so we have a way to get

there. The third is awareness, we use social media such as line and instagram to

promote our product then Nàkki product will be known. Besides that, the social media

was our market to sell our product. The last is delivery orders, we provide delivery

orders to serve our customer and especially reach larger market. All of our channels

can we reach then our activities work well.

F. Key Resources

Key resources are the most important things that company should have so the

key activities will be able to work and the value proposition can be produce to the

customers. We have three main assets as our key resources. The first one is physical

assets, which contain car, motorcycle, stove and personal assets. The second one is

human resources, Nàkki Company have 20 people that we divided into four division and

they all have to be responsible to their job description. In otherwise, we make sure all of

the members can cook so we wouldn’t depend on one person only. The last one is

finance, to reach the purpose of our company we manage the financial then we make

sure the finance to support our activities in this business.

G. Cost Structure

Cost structures are about the detailed cost that Nàkki Company has to spend.

Our cost structures have three aspects. First one is cost driven which mean that the

prices of the ingredients in our product. Second is fixed cost which involve the renting

fee of everything transactions. The last one is variable cost, which is about the cost of

each product such as filling, topping, batter and packaging. That's all about IDR 3000/

unit. For the detailed cost, it’s attached on this report.

H. Revenue Streams

Revenue Stream is filled with ways of how our company made the revenue from our

value proposition. The main method we earned revenue is by asset sale. Asset sale

means that we sold our product to our customers and we will sell our unused assets.

In past 2 weeks, from business simulation we did a lot of activities and selling our product in many different places, we have a lot of experience from that and learn a lot from business simulation.

We opened stand at:

1. Wahana Trapped at SBM ITB on 11- 12 November 2016 from 6 pm to 9 pm

2. CFD at Jl. Dago on 13 November 2016 from 6 am to 10 am

3. STAMP Factory Outlet on 19 November 2016 from 8 am to 5 pm

4. Japan Art Project at Sabuga on 20 November 2016 from 8 am to 8 pm

In the first preparation day, we do a Research and Development about our product. We had a lot of failures at the first time we try to cook taiyaki, because whether the batter is too liquid or even too solid. And we also had a difficulty to do a research about our product, because Taiyaki is a food that still un-wellknown among itb students. So we try our best to make a good batter based on our own taste.

We had so many failures when we made our batter, for example: at first time, our batter is too slushy, then when we made the other batter and it became too thick. In the next time, our batter is very smelly because we forgot to put it into refrigerator. After many trials, finally we found the right dose to create our batter. Subsequently, we did some survey to decide places for us buying our ingridients and other stuffs.

We had a problem to find a right vendor for our packaging, because it hard to find a vendor that want to create packaging at small amount but with a cheap price. So we find the suitable vendor for us that can produce 2000pcs with cheap price. We had an expectation that we will sell 2000 pcs and likewise with the drink package. We bought 200pcs of drink packaging. At the first time, we do an Research and Development about our drink we had failed many times. Once we put too many Mint essences to our Mint Tea & Lemon Mint and it taste like toothpaste. Another day, we change the ingredient to natural ingredient. Then, after 3 days our tea went rotten and very sour. Our tea products are not feasible to be sold.

The next day, we did some survey on the location and found some trouble. At first, we went to PVJ because we heard that they were holding a Halloween event. But, when we asked the manager about the event, he said that the event is already over or no space for food tenants. Fortunately, we got information from our friend that STAMP held a seminar, so we went to STAMP and talk to the head of stamp named bu Ririn. After we discuss and do a negotiations, they put price at Rp.500.000,00 for one day. Then we negotiate the price and ask for Rp.250.000,00 a day. After the negotiation session about the price was fixed, we had a deal to open our booth at STAMP at November 13th.Later on, we look for other place around Jl. Riau for backup plan, so we go to Lilly & Rose and they said that they will let us know the price as soon as possible. Thereafter, we went to Jessie James to compare the price. And after we talk to the information center and negotiate with them, we conclude that Jessie James is not suitable for us to open stand because the price is too high and the location is not really worth it. At the end, we agreed together that we going to open our booth in STAMP only.

On the first day of our selling, we started to open our booth on TRAPPED 3.0 which is held in SBM’s parking lot on 11th and 12th of November. The first day of TRAPPED which is on 11th November was started raining so hard that made many company delayed the opening of their booth, then around 7 pm we’re ready to open our booth. In the first hour of our opening we already had customers queue for our booth, then around 8 pm we found some problem. Before we chose to open our booth on TRAPPED the committee told us that we are only allowed to use electric stove so we bought a small electric stove to make our products instead of using the regular stove. In the sequel, the problem came around 8 pm when suddenly there was a power failure in SBM so we couldn’t make our products anymore. We complained to the committee about this and they responded it , quickly the power started to emerge and we can sell our products again, but then the power went off again and it took a long time than the first one. We complained again to the committee then they said to us that we have to stop producing our product because it took more electricity. Because of that, we changed our electric stove to a portable stove.

The next day on 12th November we opened our tenants again in TRAPPED 3.0 and we heard that some companies don’t want to open their tenants in TRAPPED 3.0 anymore because of what happened yesterday (lack of electricity) and we thought that this will be our day to sell our products more but we found another problem, the committee moved the waiting room to Kresna so people that come to TRAPPED 3.0 can’t see our booth directly so our group members have to walked and shouted our company in Kresna.

When we were preparing to open our booth in STAMP at November 13th, around 10 o’clock,the skies is getting dark and the wind blows strongly. And when we prepared to closed our booth the rain pour heavily and we didn’t have much time to move our stuff. So, we had a loss. Our packaging is wet and our stove was broken. So we decided to close our booth and chose not to sell our product at that day. And we ask the head of STAMP for a refund or exchange the date. After we do a negotiation we got a deal to open our booth at November 19th.

On November 14, we plan to sell mini Taiyaki that are not perishable for sale on workdays by using dough unused on 13 Nov, but the dough was stale because of we forget to store in the refrigerator, and finally we suffered a loss of about 200pcs dough Taiyaki. To cover the losses and maximize the time available, we sell mini Taiyaki that should not be sold in a fresh state freshly cooked. And we sell it at SBM.

Then on the 17th Nov we started to think of other sales alternatives, namely the pre-order and free delivery system. And we started on Thursday night, the results are pretty decent though not too much

Saturday, November 19, we start selling at 8 o'clock STAMP. And thank goodness the weather was bright enough so that execution is quite smooth, although there are small problems like running out so we had to cook toping it elsewhere, then the cooker is left behind so we had to pick it up, but we can overcome it all. Then about 5 hours we decided to finish selling since it started raining again and we prevent adverse events on November 12. Sunday, November 20th, is the day in which we target our profit peak. Our target at that time was sold 600pcs, we are currently optimistic because based on the ticket sales data from the organizers, around 5,000 tickets were sold.

And poorer in all it was beyond our expectation, we only sold our product about 200pcs. Our disappointment grew because all day we sell, the profit is very little due to the rent cost .

Major Plans:

1. Selling 2000pcs taiyaki in 2 Weeks

2. Selling 200pcs beverages in 2 Weeks

Fact in the Field:

In the field turns out we do not reach the target due to several different problems, such as,

1. The weather is bad when execution, so we cannot sell our product. We have prepared to sell our product at Stamp's parking area. Suddenly, the rain fell very heavy with the big storm. So we take shelter and bring our inventory to the save place. But, there are so many destroyed packaging that can't be used again. Besides, all of our batter can't be sold. And we wasted our money on the batter.

2. Spoiled batter so we can’t use it anymore because the batter is not sold in execution day. On the day that we open our booth at STAMP we had an unexpected bad weather, batter for 200pcs is not worthy to sell. So we planned to keep the batter and use it for the next day. But, we forgot to keep the batter in our freezer. So when we check the batter on the next day, it was spoiled and smelly. Because of that we take a major lost.

3. Wrong assumption of demand

We were targeting that approximately 600 pieces of taiyaki will be sold in the Japan Art Project event that makes us prepared a high stock of batter & ingredients that in reality, we were wrong. In the Japan Art Project event we sold approximately 200 pieces of taiyaki which means that there are many ingredients and stocks of batter that were not fully used.

4. Lack of preparation

We were too focused in selling taiyaki and buying ingredients for the batter. So that too much time wasted waiting for the company member buy the technical stuff that we forgot to prepare such as oreo, LPG, sweetened condensed milk, etc.

5. Difficulty in tools and ingredients mobilization

We spend too much time for mobilization because of lack of transportation and the length of distance.

6. Different target market

We had to adjust and do a revision to our price because we faced a different Target market/Customer in a few place that we open our booth in.

How we solved the problem:

1. Negotiation with the STAMP for changing the day of execution

Because of the bad weather when execution, we can’t do the execution. So, we do the negotiation with the STAMP to delayed our execution to the next week. We explain to STAMP why we have to change our day of execution to next week. And finallu, STAMP agree with the negotiation and give us chance to change the day of execution to the next week (November 19th 2016)

2. Spoiled Batter

Because of the spoiled batter at the day before, we learn a lot that we have to put our batter at the right place which was at freezer. So, when we made a lot of batter, we can used it at the day after and the batter wasn’t spoiled.

3.Because of the wrong assumption of demand, it makes us learn a lot that before we do something we have to make sure that information we got is true. To prevent loss and ingredients that not fully used.

4.From lack of preparation, we learn a lot about time management and day by day our team’s time management more better than before

5. Because of that, we used other transportation and used our member’s assets, our member’s car for mobilization.

6.We adjust our product prices according to our target market. We try to find the suitable price for our customer by finding the equilibrium price.

7.Daily selling in SBM mini taiyaki to maximize raw material and time, we sell mini Taiyaki that can be cooked in advance.


1. Promotional Materials (i.e. Photographed Version)

2. Financial Transactions Records (e.g. Receipts)

Menu Printing

Menu Printing

Menu Printing

Menu Printing

Drinks Ingredients

Drinks Ingredients

Drinks Packaging

Ice Cream

Logo sticker

Spoon & Glass


X Banner

Nakki Ingredients

Nakki Ingredients


3. Several Documentations

4. Self-Reflection

Bagas Naufal Prayitno – 19716321 - CEO

I am so grateful that I was chosen as a CEO. Responsibility is my middle name. As the whole

business process started to run I always keep that in mind. I have given a trust from my friends to be

their leader and I can not afford to ruin it. I have learned a whole business process even in a small scale.

Additionally, I learned about negotiating, leadership, and teamwork. I know from this business

simulation that reality is not as easy and as simple as the theory we learned back then in class. There are

plenty plot twists and surprises even we went through planning phase thoroughly. As a CEO, I learned

about how to allocate resources and how to deal with problem regarding our whole business process. It

is including how to deal with people that is not performing so well and even force majeure that hit us.

Here I act as an influencer and a guardian that keeps the whole squad on track toward our goal. I am not

afraid to “get my hand dirty” and see and help directly on the execution phase. I do not only work on the

planning/concepting phase like CEO in other/big company, because I have a belief that Nakki as a small

business that is even still struggling to stand on its own foot I am needed not only in the planning but

also in the execution phase. Unconciously it made myself to have a broader way of thinking and to be

more creative and solutive and to have a bigger stress threshold. It is not easy and it consists of restless

night but I enjoy it as I know what does not kill me just make me stronger. The experience and the

lesson learned worth more than all the profit we get.

M. Fachry Nindyo - 19716123 – Finance

During running the activities/tasks of business simulation, I got a lot of lessons in various aspects of

business, especially in the culinary field. Thinking of an idea about the products we sell, innovating the

product by trying to show something with a new and exciting concept while still considering the target

market. Paying attention on maintaining the quality of the our products that we sell and think about the

length of time we’re ready to serve out product is also a new experience and a lesson for me. I also

learned how important it is to plan a marketing strategy to promote our products, the survey of

strategic selling location is also have a big influence in the realization of our primary goals which is trying

to sell as many products as possible so that our company gain a large profit. The importance of

cooperation and good communication within the company will have a positive impact on the effective

performance. And we should be able to use our capital as effectively and efficiently as possible.


Najla P Gunawan – 19716270 - Secretary

During this past 5 weeks of Business Simulation, I’ve got many experience and lesson to learn,

especially for doing a real business in the future. I take part as Secretary, but my job is not only taking

notes or write about the conference that we held, but i take part as a production team, and excecution. I

also contribute myself for concepting the idea for what we have to do with our company. Business

simulation teach me a lot especially during teamwork, appreciate other, how we manage the time and

team well and how we solve the problem together in team. And from this business simulation too i

realized that in business, every aspects like production, marketing, excecution, finance and the leader

have to be syncronized. Other lesson that i learned from this Business simulation is we have to predict

and survey about the condition of the place that will be the place for us to selling our product. Is it

possible to get profit, how’s the situation, to prevent loss , and because we do the business that based

on food and without any added preservatives, we have to think how to make the raw materials not easy

to stale, so, we have to predict how much the raw materials that we have to make. In conclusion, i really

enjoyed doing this business simulation with my team, so far we did our job well, and i’ve got many

experience especially for doing a real business in the future and I just instill in my mind that doing

business is not just about the profit, but experience is more valuable.

Ummi Nadra Irham – 19716318 - Head of Finance

In my company, I take part as the head of Finance Team. Being as a Finance Staff is surely not

easy, because I personally am not familiar with Accounting. To calculate the real Cash Flow, Balance

Sheet, Income Statement, BEP, and another Finance related has been new experience for me. During

the execution, the purchasing transcation from the customer and the spending transaction of the

company must be noted accurately so that the calculation of profits and losses can be correctly

calculated. Besides, I also helped the Production Team to cook the Taiyaki during the execution times.

Lesson learned from Business Simulation is that among team members, the essential things are good

teamwork and the awareness of its company members. Every member has been set to different team,

so they have to work in accordance with their specific team. Another thing I learned is that in a business,

sometimes we need to do a forecasting sales. At Japan Art Project 2016, we predicted the kind of filling

that customers would buy, because we knew that if we cooked the Taiyaki right after the customers

ordered, it would take more times to cook it, and that time the number of customer was high. So, we

did the prediction. To sum up, the Business Simulation really helped me to experience about doing a real


Ivana Pang – 19716101 - Finance

I am one of the staff of NAKKI.ID. NAKKI.ID is a company which sell taiyaki as the main product.

But this taiyaki is different from others because we make it many variant flavors and topping. I think this

simulation business project is an interesting project because we learn the process of make a business,

start from make a company name, what is the product you will sell, searching for a vendor and a place

or stand to sell the product. In this business simulation, I also found some difficulties that we face like

the prediction of the people who come and the dough is not suitable. The dough often excess,

meanwhile the dough is easy to stale, so that we must make another new dough. Other difficulties is

weather. If we open a stand outdoor, then, when raining, there will be nobody come to our stand, and

we ourselves also fell difficult to make a taiyaki. In this simulation business project we also learn how to

collaborate with other and helping other. In my opinion, to start a business is neither easy nor difficult.

To start a business we have to think innovative and ready to take a risk. We also have a bravery to try

something, although it has a bad response from the customer. And if we get bad response from

customer, we can have a self introspection and make it better. This is what I can get from this business

simulation project.

Azmi Firmansyah – 19716271 – Vice CEO

Business is about how to manage some money to be grow and then can get much more money

than the first invest. For two weeks ago, I was learned about business in the real world but it’s not just

learned, I’ve got experience how to execute a business. I’ve got several learning from business

simulation. First, I got a lot of experience which can’t I get in the other places such as step by step to

running the business. Second, I’ve learned how to manage Human Resources in team to execute

business and for this thing I can understand to making a business we’ve to plan well before we execute

that. I have a team which has name “Nàkki”. It’s a honor of me to be a President Director at my team.

I’ve got a lot of experience and learned when I was President Director. I learned about how to manage

and conduct people to do their Division Job. At this position, I’ve learned how to making decision and

then discussion with CEO, member of team, and then people to deciding something. I’ve got real

experience how to negotiate with the other people or stakeholders. At this time, I’ve real experience

when I was doing this business. Then from this business simulation I know business is very gambling, you

wouldn’t know what will happened later. But to solve this problem, we’ve to analyze something before

we deciding something to measure how advantageous or disadvantageous and then what’s possibility

and impossibility before we execute a business. It’s pleasure to me for doing this business simulation,

because of this business simulation I can get a lot of experience which can I get in the other places

Naufal Dzaki N – 19716154 – Head of Product

During the business simulation in introduction to business, i learn a lot from it. For example as

the leader of product divison, i learn how to become a good leader and how to cooperate in real

business life. Beside that this is the first time i do business and i found that it surprisingly harder than i

though, because you have to find the supplier for the product, packaging, tent, etc. It really hard too to

cycle the profit for the production cost. But it really is an amazing experienced one thing that i learn the

most is that in business you never know the outcome so don’t ever hope too much and don’t think

negative too because in business everything is like a game of cards/gamble. Beside that we also find

some experienced in execution such as doing business in event, stand, delivery, etc. Also in this

simulation i learn that sometimes you have to make big decision every time even when you encountered

a dead end. But i think this simulation is a lot of fun and gladly my team is really cooperative and luckily

there are no “perselisihan” and yeah i think my team is the best because we feel like one doing this and

also we feel like a family doing this business. Hopefully though after this simulation is over my teamwill

still wanted to doing this business again in the future. I hope that this experienced will be useful in the

future also i can’t wait for the next IBE at SBM ITB.

Ikhsan Abdalla – 19716082 - Product

So many experience I’ve got in Business Simulation. First I learn how to make organization

structure from CEO, secretary, finance, marketing, production, execution, etc. The organization made

based on what is company needed. Then I learn that in business with friends we have to contribute each

other, give an idea for what we sell and don’t be shy don’t be scared. Cause it’s our business not only

CEO business. Next after got idea we have to prepare the report from list of equipment, the price, how

we sell it, how to get break even point, and how to get profit, etc.

After all the preparation welcome to the execution. Efficiency and effectivity is the key in

execution. Before we make the product we have to know the market that will we sell ,that we can get

approximately how many production we should make at this time. Especially for food production that

we have to know when it will be expired. Because quality one step on quantity. Then the selling section,

before sell the product we should survey the location license, how many customer, and our team

productivity. Marketing is the important here they should sell the product spiritly, innovatively and get

customer heart. Well that’s short story of my business experience, actually it’s many more. Thanks for

my business team.

Naufal Mustafa – 19716296 - Product

I’ve learned many thing from this business simulation in 2 weeks. I was in the product team. In

this division, I’ve learned how to make our product which is taiyaki that usually filled with red bean, but

we make innovations like filled taiyaki with chocolate, caramel, strawberry and some topping. I also

knew the place to bought the material such as packaging, filling, eggs, flour, beef, etc like Pagarsih,

Kijangmas, Cibadak, Antapani, etc. I knew the price of every materials and knew how to set the prices

for our products. I’ve learned a recipe how to make a perfect taiyaki’s batter and how to cook taiyaki

with a yummy taste. And the most important, I learned how to do a teamwork which is the hardest

thing to do at first because we barely knew each other and we have different backgrounds and ideas but

we can get through this. I also learned how to brave to take a risk, how to not have a high expectations

about something, how to predict amount of material that should be bought, and how to manage time. It

was the very wonderful experience. It’s make me exhausted, but many lesson I have learned that it is

important to have a business in the future.

Eggy M Prayoga – 19716159 – Head of Excecution

In my company, I took part as the head of Execution Team. Being as an Execution staff is not

easy. Because this is my first experience to handle and to plan anything related to the execution. Look

up for a good spot to open our booth, make a “Plan B”, Look for partner, etc. I learn a lot from my

Business simulation experience. I learned that we dont need a big capital to open a small business. Just

how we handle the cash flow and use it to increase our capital. And I learned that to open a small

business, you don’t have to bought too many material/ingredients. And we not doing a research at first

about what kind of filling that have a high demand from our customer. From our mistake I learn that we

have to be careful when we choose nor buying the material/ingredients. Because we have a high

expectation about this business. So we bought material and ingredients as many as we expect to sold. I

admit we were too hasty at that time. And I learned that Teamwork and Trust is very Important. In our

team we have at least one person from every Team that can cook Taiyaki. So we can do a shift or help

each other. And I learned to analyze the price that suitable for our customer and solving the problem.

When we open our stand in Japan Art Project. We set our price at Rp.13.000,00 . after 2 hours opening

our booth. We only got a few customer. But the stand that next to us had many customer. From what I

see, the stand that next to us is selling a main food with price Rp.15.000,00 and compared to us that

selling a dessert food with price at Rp.13.000,00 then I put myself as costumer and think that I rather

buy main food than buying our taiyaki. And our target market is different with than before. To sum up,

Business Simulation is really helped me to gain experiene in doing a real business

Metta Dewi Siawanta-19716143 – Head of Marketing & Design

In this self reflection, I want to tell what I have learned in 2 weeks. I was in Marketing division,

which means I directly communicate with the customer. At first, my task was to make posters, but after

my group sell the taiyaki in the booth/stand, I was in charge of cashier and serve the customer. For my

duty, I have to learn about detail of our menu and the price, because I need to explain the menu to the

customer. I also learned how to serve the customer with a good attitude, how to calm the customer

when the taiyaki is still cooked. This skill is very important in the business world. Because, in the

business world there are many kinds of customers, there is also many customers that can not the wait

or very temperamental, so we need to be patient and know how to calm the customer. For the example

when we sell taiyaki in the Wahana Trapped 2.0, there was a problem when the electricity suddenly run

out, but the customer already reserve the taiyaki. At that time we could not cook the taiyaki because

we used electric stove, so me as a cashier need to explain the customer our problem calmly, and how to

make the customer want to wait our product. Fortunately, our customer want to wait until we could

cook the taiyaki again. There are also a problem when we sell taiyaki in Japan Art project, at that time

the order is very plentiful, but the stove was only 2 and the mold was only able made 8 taiyakis, so I

need to confirm patiently the customer again and again every time they ask. I need told them and said

that the taiyaki is already make by our chef. I also learned to always keep the money of our sales, write

very detail of our order, and confirm the chef about the order so there is no mistake in order that

already make.

Name: Aulanniswah Al Fadhilah – 19716277 – Marketing & Design

I got a lot of valuable experience during this business simulation project. I was a member of the marketing team. At the beginning this division looks not working at all, but I realized that marketing is a very important part in running a business. Product branding and attractive promotions, for me is an important thing in marketing. Our group already had a good idea in picking unusual food products that sold in Bandung. As a marketing team I always make designs that attract people's attention, such as logo, posters, feeds, etc. But that was not enough. I feel the way our group introduced products with buzzing in the various groups are not sufficiently effective. As the marketing team, we are less creative promotions, I feel that promotion we do is common. Then when selling on the stand, I learned that attract the attention of people is not easy. Position, decoration, and branding were very influential in the outcome of the sale. As the marketing team I have to do persuasive campaign to attract people to visit and buy our products. Even in Japan Art Project I should wear costume, smiles a lot, and do promotions like Japan people in order to attract people. We also have to reduce prices. And now I understand why in many companies, the marketing team got a huge bonus, because the task is not easy.

Natasha Forsa J – 19716119 - Marketing

My name is Natasha from tutorial B, as a SBM students, we have a project that called business simulation in introduction to business class. We did this project since October until 29 November. In this project we have to do a real business and create our own company, make product and sell it to people. My company is NÀKKI, we sell a new concept of taiyaki with fillings and toppings. I join marketing division. My job is to do market research and promote our product to people. We made google form and try to find what customer want, we promote our product via line and instagram so people aware about NÀKKI.

NÀKKI opened stands in three places: Trapped 3.0 SBM, STAMP Factory Outlet and Japan Art Project in Sabuga. Before that, we did open pre-order and deliver it to our customer near ITB. We use official line and instagram as media for customer to order our product. We have to fold the packagings and cook the taiyaki by ourself, it was not easy.

For promotion, as marketing we made posters, posting photos in instagram, and buzzing in line groups so people would aware about NÀKKI and order our product. The hardest part was when we open booth in Japan Art Project. So many people there. As marketing I have to explain about taiyaki and persuade peope to buy our product. The biggest challange in marketing is to make people aware about our product and interested to buy it. But I enjoy it.

Cornelia Maria Astrid – 19716326 - Marketing

I had spent at least 5 weeks to do this Business Simulation. Three weeks for planning and two weeks for execution. There are many lessons that I got from this. Here are some.

The first lesson that I learned is that business is unexpected. Sometimes things didn’t go as smooth as our plan. I had that experience in this business simulation when we only had one hour to sleep at night because we prepared dough and all ingredients for our selling for the day after. Unluckily, there was a huge rain and wind at that day and we can’t sell anything because of the bad weather. We were really disappointed.

Another lesson is how to attract people to buy our product. As a marketing, I should be creative and think how to make our product atrractive and tantalize for our customers. I also learn how to communicate and serve people nicely via our official LINE when they order something, because the principle is that customers are our king.

Worked together with 19 people, I learned how to work together as a team. We got to help each other, no matter what our division is. If there was any problem, we should unite as a team to solve it. I also learned how to communicate well with each person to prevent any miscommunication. Last lesson that I learned is honesty. In this teamwork and business simulation, honesty is important. Without this honesty, we can’t work properly as a team.

Rizki Akbar Wibowo – 19716062 - Marketing

During the business simulation that runs for about five weeks ago, I got a wide range of

experience from a lot of things. Starting from my jobdesc as marketing division, I learned about

Segmenting, Targeting and positioning. How to find the appropriate target market for our products,

determine the prices of our products which suit to the target market who are students. The lesson how

we do promotions to the through social media buzzing includes Line and Instagram, so that we’re not

only promoted it to the ITB student, but also to the people aroud us likes UNPAR. We’re forced to be

creative in promote our product so that many people will be interested and want to buy our taiyaki. I

had also learned about producing our products range from seeking vendors with the good quality of raw

materials but also cheap, the technique of making products ranging from making the dough, the cooking

process products which include the level of maturity, put the fillings and toppings and also serve the

taiyaki above the packaging to looks beuty.I also got the experience for delivering orders to the

customer’s house / boarding around the ITB likes Cisitu, Tubagus Ismail, Dipati Ukur, and Dago Asri. The

important thing I have learned during our business is also how to build a good relationship and

cooperation to outsiders whether other companies of SBM ITB and also cooperation against such event

organizers and also the owner of Stamp outlet. last thing that is more important in my opinion is the first

experience of doing business that I get along with 19 of my colleagues in my company, starting from the

experience of working together with people who are not familiar earlier, the pro and contra I often

encounter during this business simulation. It’s not an easy things to face many people with different

characters and also paradigm. Teamwork is also very important I think to run the business, so that it can

brings us to our success.

Dhamira Ramadhania Irfan – 19716244 - Product

Business simulation taught me that making a business is not as easy as imagined. When we are

creating a company, we have to think about everything in detail. We have to think forward when we are

about to make a decision and think of all the possibilities that can happen in the future. Also, it is a must

to have another plan, so when plan one fails, we can immediately execute another plan. When we build

a company, we have to be able to work in groups, the communication between the members is very

important to the continuity of this business simulation activities. Each member of the company must

know their job description so we won’t always rely on one person. After knowing the job description,

each member must be willing to do their job well and it will become their responsibility. I was one of the

production staff in my company. So, I was one of the people who actually cook and purchase the

ingredients for our product. We also learned to not put our expectation too high after the error we

made in Japan Art Project 2016.

Teresa Bungauli- 19716174 - Excecution

In this self reflection i want to tell you what did I get from this simulation business course. First, I

get a very wonderful experience that I can’t exchange it with money or anything , because it’s too

precious than that stuffs. From this two weeks execution , i know how important to make a planning

before we do some business. Plan is very important because from our planning we can decide which

path we want to take. Is it the safe one or the risky one. Some people said that making a business is the

dumbest thing ever, because we don’t know what we’ll face ahead and business is abstract. I learn how

to be patient to each other, how to produce some product from the very beginning until it is ready to be

sell ,and how to interact with customer. Luckily, in NÁKKI , I was in the execution division. The division

that interact with people the most. I really love to meet new people, or customers, so I was really happy

in this division. I face customers directly everyday, and from that I know the characteristic of each

customer. There are customer who really patient waiting until our product is finish (because we’re

making taiyaki that is directly cooked at the time), customer who didn’t patient even he/she just waiting

for about 5 minutes, until customer who already pay but forget to take their order. I really grateful that I

can do this kind of wonderful experience

Javier Noer Rahman – 19716093 - Excecution

Business simulation teaches me the confidence to dare to do business and made me realize that

plunge to try and take risks is the initial capital for the business. In addition, careful planning at the

beginning is also an important thing in business because if the plan beginning not ripe, it will create new

problems in the future.It was all I got out of the business simulation, in terms of courage to jump directly

do business for example. Before, I felt too think long to think the risk, but in the end, I cancel my idea.

But in business simulation, we were forced to try to do business and to find out when, the risks and

threats is not something to be feared, but to be faced.

Then in terms of careful planning at the beginning, I also became aware that it was important.

That is evidenced by the appearance of the problems that hinder us as a lack of planning at the

beginning. For example, during production, lots of time is wasted because little things like goods forgot

taken or left behind, ran out of raw materials in the midst of production, etc.

And also the efficiency of distance and time is also important, that I feel because of the distance

of my home far away from the place of execution and production severely hampered me. As a result I

became less than the maximum in contributing because of it. But, of all that I get to experience the

business. And also realize that the courage to start a business and take risks is the initial capital for the


Marcello Syuterhan P - 19716013 - Excecution

From the business simulation that we have been doing in last 2 weeks, I’ve got may experience

about running a business as a team. As a part of execution team in NAKKI company, I’ve got experience

in preparing every details about business’ execution like venue, stand, transportation and many more.

It’s really tiresome but I’m enjoying it. From business simulation I know how we can multiple the money.

We also learn how to cooperate as a team in one company. In our company, there are 4 divisions;

Finance, Marketing, Execution and Production. The Divisions was conducted by CEO that helped by

director and secretary. Every part of this company has done their jobs perfectly, although sometimes

there are member who dont maximize its work but overall we’re a good team.

We work as a professional workers but our relation just like a family, we do the job seriously but still we

can enjoy it. It can be happen because we avoid any form of potential quarell. We dont push each other

but , I think, everyone in this team has know what to do and did everything good. The most unforgetable

moment that I had when we do this business simulation was the first we made a stand in STAMP. When

we’ve just open the stand, then the thunderstorm came and destroy many of our assets. Me and my

friends tried to defense our tent but the rain is too heavy and damged our tent, so we decide to took off

our tent and cancelled the plan to selling our products that day. Everyone who tidying up the stand

getting rained and freezing including me. Its really a new experience to me and unforgettable one. It

shows our solidarity as a team.

Fifi Alayda Sari – 19716217 - Excecution

In this self reflection i wanted to write what i’ve learned from this simulation to business in 2 weeks,

i was in the execution team but on some eveents i was one of the cashier too first i learned about how

to make seomething big out of small things and make innovations from it such as my product it is a

taiyaki which is known it is filled with red bean but we filled it with other fillings such as chocolate etc

and some topping so many people appriciated us with this innovations and then i learned how to deal

with customers and how to communicate drectly with them we met so many different kind of

customers some of them complained about how long it took us to cook but i have never heard them

complaind about our taste, i also learned how to make a deal or to bargain with other sellers, such as

when we bought the materials for our taiyaki that we bought in Cibadak i knew the price of every

materials and knew how to set the prices for our products i learned how to do a teamwork which is the

hardest thing to do at first because we barely knew each other and we have different backgrounds and

ideas but we can get through this, and i also learned how to not have a high expectations about

something; when we opened our booth in Japan Art Project the committee said that there will be 5000

people that will come to the event so we hope that at least 1000 people will buy our products but the

reality its just too far away from what we hope, and i also learned how to manage time.


8. Captions of social media activities:

1.[ NÀKKI GOES TO CFD ] Come and run with us tomorrow at CFD DAGO!

06.00-10.00 What will be in our menu? ✅Taiyaki with choices of sweet and salty filling (and our yummy toppings ofc) ✅ Lemon and Mint Tea So, what are you waiting for?


4. [ PRE-ORDER TAIYAKI ] Ngidam taiyaki tapi mager? PO TAIYAKI AJA YUK! Siap delivery order nanti malam jam 19.00-21.00 untuk area Cisitu, Tubis, Plesiran, Dago (minimum order 2 pcs aja ) Langsung contact oa: @koi5157s untuk info

dan order ✅


2. [OPEN RECRUITMENT] Open recruitment tomorrow for anyone who is ready to fulfill their stomach with our

yummy taiyaki Visit our booth at:


17.00-22.00 Tantalize your tongue with many choices of

flavours and toppings! For more info contact us on: Line: @koi5157s Instagram:


3. The longwaited is finally over .

Introducing ✅ NÁKKI, a food company that ready to pamper your tongue with our new concept of taiyaki . What will be in our menu? ✅Taiyaki with choices of sweet or salty filling.

And don't forget our yummy toppings! ✅Waffle satay . Curious, right!? Prepare your tongue to taste our taiyaki starting on November 9th 2016✅ . Follow us for further information on: Line: @koi5157s Instagram: @nakki.id


Hah? NÀKKI? Ke Jepang⁉ Gausah jauh-jauh ke Jepang kalo mau cobain taiyaki! Ayo dateng ke booth NÀKKI di JAPAN ART PROJECT 2016

Minggu, 20 November 2016


Sabuga ITB Ke Japan Art belum afdol kalo belum cobain

makanan khas Jepang NÀKKI? #eNAKKInaja

6. [ PO TAIYAKI DIBUKA LAGI ] Belom sempet PO taiyaki? Mau sarapan nggak ada makanan? ORDER TAIYAKI AJA SOBB!

Siap delivery order besok pagi jam 07.00-12.00 untuk area Cisitu, Tubis, Plesiran, Dago, Ciumbuleuit (minimum order 2 pcs aja ) Langsung contact oa: @koi5157s untuk info dan order NÀKKI #eNAKKInaja

7. [ PO TAIYAKI DIBUKA LAGI ] Dingin-dingin mau ngemil tapi mager? Yukk delivery taiyaki!

Siap delivery order malam ini mulai jam 19.00 untuk area Cisitu, Tubis, Plesiran, Dago, Ciumbuleuit, ITB (minimum order 2 pcs aja ) Langsung contact oa: @koi5157s untuk info

dan order � NÀKKI #eNAKKInaja


10. Income Statement

11. Cash Flow

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