1.잘 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는...

Post on 19-Aug-2018






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※ 1번부터 20번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 듣고, 답을 하시기 바

랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 들려줍니다.

1. 잘 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 그림을 고르시오. [2.3]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2. 대화를 듣고, 지혜가 호진이를 위해 하려는 일을 고르시오. [2.3]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

3. 잘 듣고, 대화가 이루어지는 장소를 고르시오. [2.3]

① 도서관 ② 박물관 ③ 체육관

④ 경찰서 ⑤ 우체국

4. 대화를 듣고, 지수가 시청하고 있는 운동 종목과 그 운동을 좋아하는 이

유로 바르게 연결된 것을 고르시오. [2.5]

① 배드민턴 - 운동이 많이 되기 때문에

② 배드민턴 - 진행이 빨라 흥미진진하기 때문에

③ 야구 - 선수들의 멋진 모습에 반했기 때문에

④ 야구 - 배우고 싶은 종목이기 때문에

⑤ 야구 - 야구 경기를 보는 동안 스트레스를 풀 수 있기 때문에

5. 잘 듣고, 그림의 상황에 가장 잘 어울리는 대화를 고르시오. [2.3]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

6. 대화를 듣고, 수지에게 고양이를 사 준 사람과 고양이를 사 준 이유로 바

르게 연결된 것을 고르시오. [2.5]

① 삼촌 - 수지가 애완동물을 키우고 싶어 해서

② 아빠 - 수지가 잃어버린 고양이를 그리워해서

③ 아빠 - 수지가 애완동물을 키우고 싶어 해서

④ 숙모 - 수지가 잃어버린 고양이를 그리워해서

⑤ 숙모 - 수지가 애완동물을 키우고 싶어 해서

7. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 타야 할 버스 종류와 내야 할 버스 요금을 바르게

짝지은 것을 고르시오. [2.5]

① Express Buses ― \32,000 ② Express Buses ― \50,000

③ General Buses ― \21,000 ④ General Buses ― \28,000

⑤ General Buses ― \39,000

8. 잘 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오. [2.5]

① 여자는 남자가 이어폰을 끼고 있는지 몰랐다.

② 남자는 음악 소리를 줄이겠다고 말했다.

③ 여자는 두 가지에 대해 불평했다.

④ 남자는 과자를 이미 먹었다.

⑤ 여자는 남자의 태도에 기분이 나쁘다.

9. 잘 듣고, Mr. Wilson에 관하여 들려주는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고

르시오. [2.5]

① 한 달 전에 취직을 했다.

② 다른 나라에 있는 회사들과 물건을 사고파는 일을 한다.

③ 오늘 저녁에 처음 위통을 느꼈다.

④ 오늘은 저녁 식사를 전혀 하지 못했다.

⑤ 내일 아침에 의사에게 진찰을 받으러 갈 것이다.

10. 대화를 듣고, 미진이가 지원하게 될 자원봉사를 고르시오. [2.3]

① 컴퓨터 가르치기 ② 요리하기

③ 수영 가르치기 ④ 그림 그리기

⑤ 책 읽어 주기

11. 잘 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. [2.5]

① Sam wants to meet Sora at 5:15.

② The meeting place is the school gate.

③ Sora and Sam belong to the same group.

④ Mrs. Kim expects Sora to be home soon.

⑤ Sora went to her uncle’s to return a book.

12. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 주된 의견으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [2.6]

① The food is very expensive in the restaurant.

② Computer skills and foreign languages are important, too.

③ Cooking skills are more important than the other two skills.

④ We can save a lot of time by eating pre-cooked meals.

⑤ Going to a big supermarket is good to get more food.

13. 대화를 듣고, Mike가 무엇을 하고 있는지 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.


① lying ② debating ③ comforting

④ complimenting ⑤ giving a lesson

14. 대화를 듣고, 민호가 좋은 음식점을 알아보는 이유를 고르시오. [2.3]

① 음식점 조사하기 과제를 하기 위하여

② 아버지의 생신 파티를 하기 위하여

③ 사촌의 출국 환송회를 하기 위하여

④ 조별 과제를 하기 위하여

⑤ 사촌의 귀국 환영 파티를 하기 위하여

15. 잘 듣고, 여자가 들려주는 이야기의 목적으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시

오. [2.6]

① to give you a lesson

② to tell you a funny story

③ to warn you about dogs

④ to say what happened to the man

⑤ to make you pay attention to others’ words

16. 잘 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오. [2.7]

① It’s so hot because it’s already mid-summer.

② The man doesn’t want to move until winter comes.

③ In deserts, people feel uncomfortable because of the heat.

④ The man only knows the American way of telling the temperature.

⑤ The woman sometimes doesn’t understand English words.

[17~19] 잘 듣고, 들려주는 대화의 마지막에 이어질 말로 가장 알맞은 것을


17. [2.7]

① I think red is better because red means fire.

② Green is good because it’s the color of nature.

③ I like it because it is a clean and fresh color.

④ I agree. Blue is better than the yellow one we have now.

⑤ Yes, I have a reason. We’re going to have a new gym uniform.

18. [2.7]

① Yeah, I wish they wouldn’t use natural gas any more!

② Yeah, having no yellow dust may be the main reason.

③ Yeah, I can see that all of these are working for you.

④ It’s because you exercised a lot and drank a lot of water.

⑤ You have to figure out how to prevent coughing in the future.

19. [2.7]

① My position is not as strong as your position.

② We don’t need to see horror movies.

③ Many people like to be thrilled by horror movies.

④ We read about horror in the newspaper every day.

⑤ A good movie should have good storylines.

20. 잘 듣고, 여자가 마지막에 할 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [2.7]

① Bigger is better.

② Keep it at home.

③ We can’t do ‘Show and Tell.’

④ I’ll show it on the big screen.

⑤ You also have to bring something else.

※ 이제 듣기 문제는 모두 끝났습니다. 21번부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라 답을 하

시기 바랍니다.

21. 다음 중 짝지어진 두 단어의 관계가 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? [2.3]

① buy ― sell ② go ― come

③ long ― short ④ arrive ― depart

⑤ interesting ― exciting

22. 다음 중 단어의 의미가 나머지 넷과 다른 하나는? [2.5]

① important ② meaningful ③ significant

④ minor ⑤ weighty

23. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것은? [2.5]

① I wrote her a letter.

② Where did she go?

③ He is younger than you.

④ I was working at that time.

⑤ I called to my grandmother.

24. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 것은? [2.7]

① Tom is married Cathy.

② Let’s stop to working. I’m tired.

③ Mike got dressed in a hurry this morning.

④ Calm down! You shouldn’t gotten so angry.

⑤ As soon as I finish my homework, I went to bed.

[25~26] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?

25. [2.5]

Yesterday was my grandmother’s birthday. My uncles and aunts

① arrived at 7 o’clock. My cousins arrived, too. One of my

grandmother’s friends ② also invited. My uncle told me, “You ③ are

now taller than your sister.” We had a nice time with my

grandmother. After dinner my sister played the piano and I ④ played

the flute for her. My grandmother ⑤ sang a song to us and all of

us sang together.

26. [2.6]

Here are two tigers in the picture. Their names are Stat and

Mont. Stat looks ① alike Mont. But is Stat exactly the same ② as

Mont? The pattern of the stripes on ③ each tiger is different. ④ No

two tigers are exactly alike. Even though Stat and Mont are similar to

each other, they are different from each other ⑤ in the exact pattern

of their stripes.

27. 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.3]

“Okay, kids, stop!” Mr. Barnes shouts. “There are no ghosts in

this town. Now stop talking and go to sleep.” “Of course, there are

ghosts here,” the old man says. “This is a ghost town!” Mr. Barnes

and the students look at the old man. Then they all run to the van.

They drive away... fast. They don’t go to the mountains. They don’t

stay in the ghost town. They go back to Plainsville, where there

aren’t __________!

① no people ② scary teachers ③ ghost students

④ no buildings ⑤ any ghosts

28. 내용상 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 골라 바르게 짝지은 것은? [2.5]

“The smell alone is not enough,” the judge said. “You are (A)

(wrong/right). Just the smell alone is not food. Then is there any

warmth in the fire away from Arha? The fire far away was not warm,

either,” Hailu said. The judge realized his mistake and Hasei was

ashamed. The judge (B)(thanked/blamed) Hailu for his advice. He

announced that Arha was the owner of the land, the house, and the

cattle. Then Hailu (C)(praised/ordered) his servants, “Bring the food

out.” The guests enjoyed a big and happy feast.

(A) (B) (C)

① right ― blamed ― ordered

② right ― thanked ― praised

③ right ― thanked ― ordered

④ wrong ― thanked ― ordered

⑤ wrong ― blamed ― praised

29. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2.3]

My family is always happy. My father is a firefighter and my

mother is a nurse. Their working hours are always changing. Often

they cannot meet for a week as they work at different times.

However, they love their work very much. I have one brother and

one sister. They are twins. My brother, Andy, likes dogs. The dogs

are good friends to him. In contrast, my sister, Daisy, doesn’t like

dogs. She likes flowers. She grows many kinds of flowers in the

garden. They are different, but I love my family members.

① 부모님은 각각 소방관, 간호사이다.

② 부모님께서 일하시는 시간대는 거의 비슷하다.

③ 두 동생은 쌍둥이이다.

④ 남동생은 개를 좋아한다.

⑤ 여동생은 꽃 가꾸기를 좋아한다.

30. Ben에 관한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? [2.5]

Ben is an early bird. He gets up at 5:30 every morning. He usually

runs in the park, has a simple breakfast with a cup of coffee and a

fried egg and goes to work. However, today he could not get up

early as he went to bed very late. Last night he met a friend who

came from Korea and talked till 2:00 a.m. So he did not eat

breakfast and took a taxi to work, but the traffic was terrible. He

could not arrive at the office on time.

① 일찍 일어난다.

② 아침 식사를 간단하게 한다.

③ 어젯밤에 먼 곳에 있는 친구를 찾아갔다.

④ 오늘 아침 출근할 때 교통 상황이 좋지 않았다.

⑤ 오늘 아침 직장에 지각했다.

31. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 알맞은 곳은? [2.7]

It keeps the sea lion’s body warm.

Sea lions love water! That is a good thing because they spend

most of their lives in it. Usually, the water is very cold. People

cannot stay in cold water very long. The coldness slows down a

person’s heartbeat. It can actually make a person’s heart stop

beating. Sea lions do not feel the cold. ( ① ) Their bodies are

covered with fat. This fat is called ‘blubber.’ ( ② ) Like people, sea

lions are mammals. ( ③ ) They are warm-blooded. They breathe air.

Baby sea lions are born on land. The mother sea lions produce milk

for their babies. ( ④ ) The mother knows just what her baby smells

like. This is how she tells which baby is hers. She only takes care of

her own baby. ( ⑤ )

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

32. 주어진 문장 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.3]

Johnny Cake jumps up and runs away. The bear runs after

Johnny Cake. Johnny Cake is far ahead of the bear. The bear

is far behind Johnny Cake. Johnny Cake says, “I’m proud of

myself.” A fox sits by a fence quietly.

(A) It shouts in the fox’s ear. “NO ONE CAN CATCH ME.” The

hungry fox jumps and catches Johnny Cake. The fox eats

Johnny Cake.

(B) “Why?” Johnny Cake says. “Because my hearing is poor,” the

fox says. Johnny Cake is now close to the fox.

(C) Johnny Cake says, “I’m very fast. No one can catch me.” The

fox says, “What? Come close to me.”

① (A) ― (C) ― (B) ② (B) ― (A) ― (C) ③ (B) ― (C) ― (A)

④ (C) ― (A) ― (B) ⑤ (C) ― (B) ― (A)

33. 다음 글의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.6]

Summer is just around the corner. All you want to do is to run

into the swimming pool and have fun. Swimming in a pool can

be great exercise, but _________________________________. In order

to prevent accidents, there are many warning signs at the

swimming pool. What does each sign mean?



No eating,drinking,

or smoking in the swimming

pool area.

① it can be very dangerous, too

② you need to learn how to read signs

③ exercising in a gym is better to lose weight

④ you should not enjoy swimming for too long

⑤ it takes so much energy and makes you tired

34. 다음 두 화가에 대한 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [2.6]

Monet and Renoir shared the same style of painting. Their

paintings are made up of very small dots of paint. If you stand close

to their paintings, you can only see small colorful dots. But if you take

a few steps back, something interesting happens. You can see the

whole painting clearly. However, they were different in the use of

colors. Renoir liked to use black in his paintings. For example, he

colored a girl’s eyes black in a painting. Western people found it very

strange because their eyes are mostly blue or brown. On the other

hand, Monet preferred bright colors and did not use black.

① They both liked to use small dots of color.

② You see small dots in their paintings from far away.

③ Western people thought that brown eyes were strange.

④ They were the same in using the color black.

⑤ Their painting style was the same because they used bright colors.

35. 다음 메모의 주요 목적으로 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.3]

To Cathy,

I’m writing this to let you know once again that we have a meeting

this evening. Last time you forgot to come. As you already know,

we’re going to discuss the place and the time schedule for the

school field trip. It’s at 7 in room 417. I’ll see you there.


P.S. Would you bring your umbrella? It looks like it might rain.

① to warn ② to invite ③ to remind

④ to complain ⑤ to persuade

36. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2.7]

Chopsticks were originated in China. They have been around for

more than 5,000 years. The earliest chopsticks came from people

who used them to take hot food from a pot. In that way, people

didn’t burn their fingers. Chinese chopsticks were usually made from

ivory, jade, or wood.

In Japan, most chopsticks were made from wood. And instead of

two separate sticks, chopsticks were put together at one end. But

during the tenth century, the sticks were separated.

Today’s chopsticks often have a square end to fit the hand


① The history of chopsticks goes back to 5,000 years ago.

② In the 10th century, chopsticks became two separate sticks in Japan.

③ There was a main material for Japanese chopsticks.

④ At first, Japanese chopsticks were two separate sticks in a set.

⑤ Chinese people began to use chopsticks not to burn their fingers.

37. 내용상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.5]

Question: Next weekend your parents want to take you to visit your

grandmother. She lives quite far away. There’s nothing to do in

her village and you usually get bored. Next weekend is also

your best friend’s birthday party and you really want to go.

Try to change your parents’ mind so that you can stay

at home or you can at least go to your best friend’s house.

What would you say to your parents in this situation?

Your answer: ________________________________________________

① Can I go to Grandmother’s house by train? I want to take a train this


② How far away does Grandmother live? I want to look at the map on

the Internet.

③ I have to buy birthday gifts for my friend. Could you give me some


④ I can’t miss the party because he’s my best friend. Is it possible for

me to go to Grandmother’s some other time?

⑤ Is there anything to play with in Grandmother’s house? I want to

have a good time there.

38. 다음 글에서 학생들이 하는 말의 주제로 가장 알맞은 것은? [2.6]

“Children, let’s begin our class,” says Mrs. Jones. “Today, we

are going to talk about the five senses that help us learn about the

world. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are the five senses.

Who can tell me some of the ways we use our senses?”

“We use our eyes to see where we’re going,” says Cathy.

“We use our hearing when we listen to each other talk,” says


“We use our noses to smell food,” says Jenny, “and we use our

mouths to taste it.”

“Great!” says Mrs. Jones. “What else?”

“We use our hands to touch things,” says Mike.

① what the five senses are

② some ways to use our eyes and noses

③ examples of using five senses

④ other new types of senses

⑤ functions of mouths and hands

39. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [2.3]

The next morning, Miss Peach is not at school. The students are

very happy. They shout, “Hooray! We are free!” They throw more

paper planes around the classroom. They sit on their desks. Then

the door opens. A woman in a brown dress comes in. Her hair is

brown. Her shoes are brown, too. “I am your new teacher, Mrs.

Pumpkin,” she says. “Where is Miss Peach?” the students ask. “Be

quiet. Open your math books,” she says. They open their math

books. “Oh, she is so different,” they think.

① Peach 선생님이 결근하자 학생들은 좋아한다.

② 학생들은 종이비행기를 날리며 Pumpkin 선생님을 환영한다.

③ 학생들은 자리에 앉지 않고 계속 떠들고 있다.

④ Pumpkin 선생님은 학생들의 질문에 친절하게 답해 준다.

⑤ 학생들은 Pumpkin 선생님이 Peach 선생님과 무척 닮았다고 생각한다.

40. 다음 글의 내용을 통해 알 수 있는 좋은 식습관으로 가장 알맞은 것은?


People have different eating habits. Some eat like a pig. They

eat many kinds of food at a time, but that is not enough. They try

to find more food and eat everything. Others have the opposite

problem. They eat like a bird. They eat some grapes and that’s it.

They eat almost nothing all day. But our body doesn’t like these kind

of unbalanced eating habits. Our body wants a reasonable amount

of food at each meal. How about you? Do you eat like a pig, or do

you eat like a bird?

① 육류를 피해야 한다. ② 영양가 있는 식사를 해야 한다.

③ 적당한 양의 식사를 해야 한다. ④ 가끔씩 금식하는 것이 몸에 좋다.

⑤ 육류와 채소를 골고루 섭취해야 한다.

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