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Post on 27-Oct-2019






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您必須自行蒐集所有學歷資料,並且繳交,填寫文件。請將所有必需文件整理後,用大型信封裝好,附上美金七十五元申請費(不能退回),請寄至: Dallas Theological Seminary, 3909 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204, U.S.A.


本指引乃是針對入學申請時可能會有的問題預先加以解釋。若您有其他問題未列在這些指引範圍之內,或對課程概覽有不明白之處,請來電撥 (800)-992-0998或(214)841-3661。



所有文件務必在下列期限內遞交:碩士科: 哲學博士科:秋季班,七月一日 夏季、秋季班,一月一日冬季、春季班,十一月一日 冬季、春季班,九月一日夏季班,四月一日



1. 個人資料請詳細填寫您的姓名、住址。若仍在學,也請附上您現有的學校地址、電話號碼,並在現在的通訊地址欄位內註明有效通訊時限之準確年份和日期(從那日起到那日止)。

2. 就讀科別請依照您的事工異象與目標來達拉斯神學院選讀最合適的科別。申請人若是沒有大學院校畢業的學位就必須經過特別資格考核程序才能進入專業預備科別或者研究証書科。設有專業預備科別的課程包括神學碩士,聖經輔導碩士科,聖經語言碩士科,基督徒教育碩士科,傳播媒體碩士科,跨文化事工碩士科。


3. 學術背景您在申請時請附上所有已完成、將完成的大專院校學位成績單,祇要超過十二個學分就應附上。您若是從其他學校轉學去原校就讀而取得學位也是同樣作法。




4. 考核測驗 碩士科申請人若是沒有學士學位就必須參加GRE或MAT的測試。若在學總成







5. 介紹函請您列出三位與您熟悉又願意成為您的申請介紹人的名單。其中一位應該是您的牧者/屬靈導師或者您事工上的監督人。如果您仍在學校就讀,那麼第二位介紹人就應該是您的教授其中一位。如果您已經就業了,那麼第二位介紹人應該是您的僱主或是經理。請不要讓您的親戚如父母等近親或姻親為您寫介紹信。若是非學位或研究証書學位申請人,您衹需兩封介紹信便可,其中一封必須是牧者所寫的。


6. 教會的關係基督徒全職事奉的裝備過程往往始於教會內的培育,然後才是神學教育。所以在申請入學時您要請教會長執出據一份證明函件,內容包括介紹您:(1)在教會的會員身份,而且經常參與教會各項活動。(2)贊同您能夠有效服事的潛能。(3)証實您參與教會事工年資與內容性質。請注意:這封信與上述的牧者介紹函不相同,即使您的牧者也可以撰寫這封信函。雖然部份申請人沒有計劃投身於全職事奉行列;但是教會事工的參與和潛能確實是入學許可評估的重要因素。


7. 個人狀況請清楚列明您的性別、婚姻狀況、配偶姓名,並請寫明您自己或您的配偶是否曾經離婚。如果您已經訂了婚,請在這部份冠上未婚夫/妻代替配偶一詞。



8. 國籍身份請詳細註明您的國籍身份。如果是國際學生來達拉斯神學院就讀,必須申請學生簽証 (F1) 或是 J1。您必須提供資料文件証明您入學後十八個月內有穩定的經濟來源及支持。


9. 英語能力如果申請人的母語不是英語,您必須証明您的英語熟練程度足以應付在達拉斯神學院修讀神學。如您的母語不是英語,即使您有美國公民身份;曾經在美國或英語系大專院校就讀;或者在英語系國家長期居住,亦必須提出同樣証明。


10. 申請人自傳請在您的申請文件中附上兩篇自傳短文:第一篇乃是關於您的得救見證經過;另一篇請敘述您將來的事工方向。此外在申請表中仍然有些問題需要您一一回答。如果您希望以另外的附件方式來回答這些問題,也沒有問題;但請您務必在短文結尾或其他附件上簽名。

• 得救見證敬請撰寫一篇得救見證。並請於短文中闡述人怎樣可以得著永生,而您又在何時得著救恩。短文以五百字為限(一至二頁)。

• 事奉的潛能與方向敬請附上一篇有關事工異象短文,內容包括:(1) 您有何確信表明上帝已引領您走上事奉之路。(2) 您計劃將來投身於那一種工場事奉。(3) 達拉斯神學院可以怎樣裝備您去達成這些事奉目標。短文以五百字(一至二頁)為限。敬請列出您曾經服事的工場、活動,請註明日期、事工的性質、和參與的教會/機構。

• 職場與領導的經驗請就這些問題作簡短答覆,讓入學委員會評估您在過去職場與教會事工的經驗與領導經驗。請註明您就業的日期。

• 個人的健康與經濟狀況關於您的經濟能力問題,入學委員會對您是否實際地計算代價後才入讀達拉斯神學院表示關注。

11. 配偶或未婚夫/妻支持信函請您的配偶(若未婚的申請人有未婚夫/妻的情況)撰寫一篇文章,交代他或她何時信主的得救見證,以及表明他或她對入神學院進修的支持程度,並請在信函上簽名。如果是研究証書申請人或非學分研究申請人則無須附上此信函。

12. 遵守品行守則請確認遵守達拉斯神學院所列明的學生品行守則。

13. 教義立場請您確認持守本院的教義立場核心信念。如果您對課程概覽後頁上或達拉斯神學院網頁上的教義立場核心信念內容有任何疑問,請與入學申請辦事處聯絡。




Application for Admission申請表格

1. PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION 個人資料__________________________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________________LAST OR FAMILY NAME 姓氏 FIRST NAME 名字 MIDDLE NAME 别名INTERNATIONALS: PASSPORT SURNAME FIRST NAME ADDED BY PARENTS OTHER NAMES ADDED BY PARENTS


____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER NAME YOU GO BY OTHER NAME UNDER WHICH YOU ATTENDED COLLEGE

社會安全號碼 其他曾使用過名字 大學在使用過名字

_________________________________________________________________ ( ) ____________________________________________PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS FROM: ____ / ____ / ____ TO ____ / ____ / ____ HOME PHONE住宅電話號碼現在通訊地址 有效通訊時限_________________________________________________________________ ( ) ____________________________________________ WORK PHONE (if we may contact you there) 工作電話號碼 (如果方便聯絡)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PERMANENT MAILING ADDRESS

永久通訊地址_________________________________________________________________ ( ) ____________________________________________ PHONE 電話號碼

_________________________________________________________________ ( ) ____________________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS 電郵通訊址 CELL PHONE手機號碼

____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yy) 出生年/月/日 PLACE OF BIRTH 出生地

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHERE DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR HOMETOWN TO BE? 國藉與藉貫

2. COURSE OF STUDY 就讀科别Note: The Doctor of Ministry degree uses a different application form; please contact the Admissions Offi ce.

注意:教牧學博士科申請人請至入學申請處領取另一份專用表格Check program:❑ Th.M. (ministry track and concentration required): _________________________________________________________________________________________

神學碩士科 (務必填寫主修範圍)❑ M.A. in Biblical Counseling Note: Admission to the Biblical Counseling program is a two-stage process.

聖經輔導碩士科 注意:聖輔科入學申請分兩大階段 Stage 1 admits the student into the program. 第一階段:接受學生入校就讀 Continuing to Stage 2 requires the completion of prerequisite M.A./BC courses as well as an interview with M.A./BC faculty.

第二階段:學生必須完成聖輔科先修課程並且與聖輔科教授面試❑ M.A. in Biblical Exegesis and Linguistics 聖經語言碩士❑ M.A. in Christian Education (ministry track and concentration required): ______________________________________________________________________

基督徒教育碩士科(務必填寫主修事工科別)❑ M.A. in Cross-cultural Ministries 跨文化事工碩士科❑ M.A. in Media and Communication 傳播媒體碩士科❑ M.A. (Biblical Studies) 碩士科(聖經研究)❑ S.T.M. (M.Div. prerequisite) Major Dept: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

聖神道學碩士科(道學碩士科先修)注意:務必填寫主修事工科別❑ Certifi cate of Graduate Studies 研究證書科❑ Nondegree Note: For C.G.S. and nondegree programs, refer to the application instructions for special procedures.

非學位 注意:研究證書科及非學位申請人請仔細看填表指引特別注意事項❑ Ph.D. Check major: ❑ Theological Studies ❑ Biblical Studies: ❑ O.T. ❑ N.T. ❑ Bible Exposition

哲學博士主修: 神學研究 聖經研究 舊約 新約 釋經What prerequisite degree have or will you have earned? ❑ 3 year M.Div. ❑ 4 year Th.M.

您已取得或將取得的學位 三年道學碩士 四年神學碩士

Note: A master’s level thesis is required for Ph.D. Stage 2 applicants (those with a Th.M. degree or equivalent). A master’s level thesis, or in the absence of a thesis, a research paper is required for Ph.D. Stage 1 applicants(those with an M.Div. degree or equivalent). You will need to submit a copy of your master’s level thesis or research paper to the Admissions Offi ce in order to complete your application.

注意:哲學博士第二階段研究生必須有碩士等級 (神學碩士或相等學位) 的論文著作;哲學博士第一階段研究生必須有碩士等級 (道學碩士或相等學位) 的論文著作或研究報告。請您儘快將論文著作或研究報告繳交給入學申請處。At what school did you write your thesis/research paper? _________________________________________________________________________________________



When do you plan to begin your studies? Check one. The application deadline for the Master’s degree pro grams is two months before classes begin.

預定就讀時間: 請填寫一項。碩士科入學申請期限為開課前兩個月。❑ Fall Semester 200___ (begins at the end of August; application deadline is July 1 for Master’s applicants and January 1 for Ph.D. applicants)

秋季班 (每年八月底開課; 碩士科入學申請期限為七月一日; 哲學博士入學申請期限為一月一日)❑ Wintersession 200___ (begins just after Christmas; application deadline is November 1)

冬季班 (每年聖誕節前開課; 入學申請期限為十一月一日)❑ Spring Semester 200___ (begins mid-January; application deadline is November 1 for Master’s applicants and September 1 for Ph.D. applicants)

春季班 (每年一月中旬開課; 碩士科入學申請期限為十一月一日; 哲學博士入學申請期限為九月一日)❑ Summer School 200___ (sessions begin mid-May through mid-July; application deadline is April 1)

夏季班 (每年五月中旬開課至七月中旬結束; 入學申請期限為四月一日)

Where do you plan to begin classes? 預計就讀校區 (Check one 請填寫一項)

❑ Dallas 達拉斯 ❑ San Antonio 聖安東尼❑ Atlanta 亞特蘭大 ❑ Tampa area 滕帕校區 (Classes meet in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.)

❑ Austin 奧斯汀 ❑ Online only 只參與網上神學課程❑ Houston 休土頓

Have you applied to Dallas Seminary before? 是否曾經申請達拉斯神學院 ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否If yes, when? ________________________________ 如果曾經,申請何時曾經申請達拉斯神學院?If you are an alumnus or former DTS student, when were you enrolled? ___________________

您是達拉斯神學院的校友嗎? 何時在達拉斯神學院就讀?

3. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND 學歷For each school attended beyond high school, give the following information: 請您詳列大專院校的學歷資料 Attended Degree or Year degree Check if fewer thanName of institution from/to diploma was/will be received 12 hours completed

校名 就讀時間 學位或文憑 完成或將完成年度 若少於12學分請勾劃______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❑______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❑______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❑______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❑

Please request that an offi cial transcript be sent to the Admissions Offi ce. Use the Request for Academic Transcript form for this purpose.

請要求該校將正式的成績單直接寄至達拉斯神學院入學申請處。請使用本手冊的成績單申請表來與他們聯繫。You need not send a transcript from a school where you took fewer than 12 semester hours.

若在該校修讀少於12學分則不需要要求成績單。Have you ever been expelled or suspended by any school? 是否曾經有被停學、退學的處分 ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否Are you under any kind of disciplinary action or pending action by any school? 是否曾經有任何紀律處分 ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

If you answered yes to either question, attach a statement describing the situation. 若有上述情况, 請另文附加說明。

4. ASSESSMENT TESTS 考核測驗Master’s Applicants: 碩士科入學申請人 To the best of your understanding: 請儘詳細加以填寫a. Have you completed or are you about to complete a bachelor’s degree (4-year B.A. or B.S. or equivalent)? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否 您是否取得學士學位? (四年制學士學位或相等學位) b. Is the school that awarded you the degree accredited by a generally recognized regional accreditation agency? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否 該校是否有當地學術評鑑協會認可頒發學位?

c. Is your cumulative grade point average (a combined calculation from all schools) above 2.5 on a 4.0 scale? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否 您的學業總成績平均是否高於2.5? If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, you should arrange to take an assessment test, either the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) orthe Miller Analogies Test (MAT), before applying. See the Catalog for details. Contact the Admissions Offi ce for a bulletin on either test.

您的在學總成績若是二點五以下,就必須參加學術測試, 請參加GRE或MAT任一皆可。請參酌課程概覽,注意考核 測驗的細節。請讓入學申請處辦理人員知道測驗的時間安排。I took or plan to take the ❑ GRE ❑ MAT on ___________________________________. 曾經參加GRE或MAT的時間。

Ph.D. Applicants: Is the school that awarded your qualifying master’s degree accredited by a generally recognized accreditation agency?

哲學博士入學申請人: 當您取得碩士學位時, 該校是否有當地學術評鑑協會認可頒發學位? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否A Personality Inventory is required for you and your spouse. Contact our Counseling Services Offi ce for more information: 214-841-3789.

您與您的配偶就必須接受性向測試, 詳情請洽輔導處: (214) 841-3789

For Admissions Offi ce Use Only 入學申請處專用

$75 Fee 申請費 _____________

Initials 草簽_________________

Photo 照片_________________

Addl. Info 其他資料_______________

ID 身份證明____________________


5. REFERENCES 介紹函Please complete the top portion of each reference form and request each of your references to complete and return it to you in a sealed envelope with his or her signature across the fl ap. 請在每封介紹函上方填妥您自己的姓名、住址。然後請您自行預備一個有回郵地址、貼妥郵票的標準信封。The fi rst reference should be from your pastor/spiritual mentor or from a ministry leader who has had spiritual supervision over you. 第一位介紹人應該是您的牧者/屬靈導師或者您事工上的監督。If you are a college student, the second reference should be from one of your professors. If you are out of college, the second reference should be from an employer

or a business associate. 如果您仍在學校就讀,那麼第二位介紹人就應該是您的教授其中一位。如果您已經就業了,那麼第二位介紹人應該是您的僱主或是經理。If the suggested references do not know you well, you may use other references. However, one of your references must be from your pastor/spiritual mentor or from a ministry leader who has had spiritual supervision over you.Note: Reference forms should not be completed by someone who is related to you by birth or marriage.如果上述建議介紹人與您不熟識, 您邀請其他人士為介紹人。然而, 其中一位介紹人必須是您的牧者/屬靈導師或者您事工上的監督。請注意: 不要讓您的親戚如父母等近親或姻親為您寫介紹信。

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAME OF PASTORAL REFERENCE 牧者姓名 POSITION 職稱 PHONE 電話_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS (include zip code) 住址 (連郵遞區號) EMAIL 電郵

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAME OF EDUCATIONAL OR PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE 教授、僱主姓名 POSITION職稱 PHONE 電話_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS (include zip code) 住址 (連郵遞區號) EMAIL 電郵_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAME OF REFERENCE POSITION 職稱 PHONE 電話(not required for C.G.S. or nondegree applicants非學位或研究証書學位申請人可省略)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS (include zip code) 住址 (連郵遞區號) EMAIL 電郵

36. CHURCH RELATIONSHIP 教會的關係Please request a letter from the offi cial board of your church stating 請貴教會的長執會出據一份證明,內容包括:(1) that you are a member or participant in good standing, 您在教會的會員身份,而且經常參與教會各項活動。(2) that you are endorsed by them as having promise for effective ministry, and 贊同您能夠有效服事的潛能。(3) confi rming the length of time and description of your involvement. You may use the Validation of Church Relationship form to make this request. The letter should be

sent back to you in a sealed envelope with the church offi cial’s signature across the sealed fl ap. 証實您參與教會事工年資與內容性質。請使用本手冊的

教會關係表格來與他們聯繫。貴教會的同工寫完之後務必封好後簽名在封口,然後再由您連同其他申請文件一併送回。Name of local church where you are a member or in current fellowship (give name and location): 教會名稱與地址


With what ecclesiastical body is this church affi liated? 該教會所屬宗派_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you have attended this church less than one year, where were you attending before and for how long?

如果您在該教會聚會未滿一年, 請說明您之前在哪一所教會聚會, 聚會多久時間?

Are you licensed? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否 Are you ordained? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否您是否领有教牧執照? 您是否已經按立封牧?

7. PERSONAL STATUS 個人狀況Sex性別: ❑ Male 男 ❑ Female 女Marital status: ❑ Single ❑ Married ❑ Engaged ❑ Widowed ❑ Separated

婚姻狀況: 單身 已婚 訂婚 寡居 分居

(If engaged, please substitute “fi ancé” or “fi ancée” for “spouse” below.) 如果您已訂了婚,請在這部份冠上未婚夫/妻代替配偶一詞。

Have you ever been divorced or are you now separated? 是否曾經離婚現正分居? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

If yes, attach statement. See instructions for details. 如果曾經離婚, 請另外寫一篇短文敘述該離婚經過。

Spouse’s name 配偶姓名: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Spouse’s date of birth 配偶出生日: ___________________________ Date of marriage 結婚日期: _____________________________

Has your spouse ever been divorced? 配偶是否曾經離婚? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否 If yes, attach statement. See instructions for details. 如果配偶曾經離婚, 請另外寫一篇短文敘述該離婚經過。Names of children and dates of birth (if applicable) 子女姓名與出生日(如果有子女) ________________________________________________________________________________


8. CITIZENSHIP 國籍身份Are you a/an (check one):

❑ Citizen of the U.S.A. by birth? 出生即成為美國公民❑ Naturalized citizen of the U.S.A.? 入籍成為美國公民。 When 何時入籍成為美國公民? ________________________________________________❑ Permanent resident 永久居民 (holder of a green card 持有綠卡)?

(Enclose a copy of this documentation with this application. 請將永久居民影印本隨同申請文件一併遞交)❑ International student coming on a visa? What type of visa? _____________________________________________________________________________________

國際學生以簽證入境就讀, 請說明入境簽證種類?If you are a permanent resident or international student, what is your country of citizenship? 若持有綠卡, 請說明現有國籍?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY 英語能力Is English your native or birth language? 您的母語是不是英語? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否(If yes, skip to section 10, Biographical Facts about the Applicant 如果是請直接到下一部份填寫).

Applicants for whom English is not their native or birth language must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of Written English (TWE). 如申請人的母語不是英語,必須接受英語能力測驗如托福, 包括英語寫作能力測驗。This applies even if the applicant is a U. S. citizen, has attended American or English-speaking schools, and/or is a longtime resident of an English-speaking country. 甚至有美國公民身份;曾在美國或英語系院校就讀;或在英語系國家居住的申請人都必須提出証明。The Institution Code for reporting TOEFL/TWE scores to DTS is 6156. The TWE is included in the computer-based TOEFL test.

達拉斯神學院在托福測驗的機構代碼是6156, 英語寫作能力測驗應該包括在電腦托福測驗之內Have you taken the TOEFL test previously? 您是否曾經接受托福英語能力測驗? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否If yes, please list dates and scores 如果曾經接受托福測驗, 測驗分數是: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

If no, 如果尚未接受托福測驗 please list the date TOEFL will be taken 安排考試日期是: _____________ Note: If you have taken the TOEFL test more than two times, please contact the Admissions Offi ce.

注意:如果曾經接受兩次以上托福測驗, 請與入學申請處辦理人員聯絡。

10. BIOGRAPHICAL FACTS ABOUT THE APPLICANT 申請人生活詳情These questions are to guide you in presenting yourself to the Admissions Committee. You may choose to submit your own statement on separatepages covering all of these areas. Your “Salvation Experience” and “Potential and Direction for Ministry” essays will be used to assess your writing

ability. 下列問題仍是幫助您與入學委員會深入溝通,您可以在另一份文件上來回答這些問題。另外入學委員會將依據兩篇「得救見證」與「事工潛質與異象」短文來考核您的英語寫作能力。

Salvation experience 得救見證Please attach a signed essay about your saving faith in Christ. Please state what a person must do to receive eternal life and when you took that

step. Please limit your essay to one or two pages: 500 words maximum. 敬請撰寫一篇得救見証。並請於短文中闡述怎樣才可以得著永生,而您又在何時得著救恩。短文以五百字(一至二頁)為限。

Potential and direction for ministry 事奉潛質與方向Please attach a signed essay describing the following areas 敬請附上一篇事工異象短文,內容包括:(1) your conviction about the Lord’s leading you into ministry, 您有何確信上帝已引領您走上事奉之路。(2) the area of ministry in which you are planning to serve, and 您計劃將來投身事奉的工場範圍。(3) how Dallas Seminary can help you reach these goals. 達拉斯神學院可以怎樣裝備您達成這些事工目標。Please limit your essay to one or two pages: 500 words maximum. 短文以五百字(一至二頁)為限。

Christian service and activities教會事工與活動

Please list your Christian service/ministry activities in which you have served, including dates, church/organization, and ministry involvement.

請列出您曾經服事的事工、活動,請註明日期、事工的種類、參與的教會/機構。 Date 日期 Church/Organization教會/機構 Involvement參與的內容__________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Employment and leadership experience 職場與領導的經驗List the types and dates of employment in which you have been engaged. If currently employed full-time, state the position.

請列出您曾經工作的職業種類與日期。如果目前仍然全職, 請說明職稱。 Date日期 Organization 機構 Responsibilities 職任__________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________


In what campus organizations, extracurricular activities, service organizations, or fraternal societies have you taken an active part?

您在校期間是否曾參加校園組織, 課外活動, 服務團體或社交活動?


What opportunities have you taken to demonstrate leadership, and what evidence of success in leadership have you seen?

您是否曾參與領袖階層而表現出來有領導才華的機會? 有哪些成果來驗證?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4Health, fi nancial, and personal information 個人的健康與經濟狀況How is your health at present? 您目前健康狀況如何?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been under mental or emotional health care? 您是否曾接受心理或情緒治療? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

If yes, what has been the resolution of the care and what ongoing care is in process? 如果是, 請說明治療的效果及後續治療的進程如何?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you on a sound fi nancial basis at this time? 您目前經濟狀況是否穩定? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否If no, please explain: 如果否, 請說明目前經濟狀況:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Amount of current indebtedness to previous school(s)(excluding student loans): $ ______________

前次就學所欠下的債務 (不含學生貸款)Amount of student loan balance outstanding 尚欠學生貸款: $ ______________

Amount of credit card debt 信用卡債務: $ ______________

Amount of auto loan/lease debt 貸款/租赁債務 : $ ______________

Amount of all other debt 其他債務 (excluding home mortgage 不含房屋貸款): $ ______________

(please explain type 請說明債務種類) _______________

Amount of loan repayments currently past due 過期未付貸款: $ ______________

Please explain any delinquencies of debt repayments. 請說明過期未付的概况。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is your plan for meeting the expenses of seminary study? Include expected annual income.

請說明您就讀神學院所有費用的供應來源, 並預估年收入金額多少?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you been charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense? 您是否曾經因非法行為被檢警單位起訴? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否This would include any appearance in court for any misdemeanor or felony accusation regardless of dismissal or conviction.

包括您必須到法院庭應訊後被判無罪的情況。If yes, please discuss the circumstances and the decisions of the court. 如果是, 請說明當時情況及裁決結果。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A background check will be done on all new students. 所有新生都必須接受良民背景調查。Do you understand that if signifi cant differences are found between the application information and the background check, this information will be forwarded to the dean of students and could result in appropriate discipline or dismissal from Dallas Seminary?

在良民背景調查之後, 若發覺結果與申請入學資料內容大不相符, 該調查內容將送至學生訓育長處理, 結果可能導致紀律處分甚至於退學,您是否瞭解其嚴重性? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

Are there any other facts or information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know for evaluation of your application? 您是否仍有其他情事需告知入學評估委員會以便評估您的入學申請?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



11. SPOUSE’S OR FIANCÉ’S/FIANCÉE’S INFORMATION STATEMENT 配偶或未婚夫/妻資料與支持信函Please attach a signed statement written by your spouse or fi ancé/fi ancée describing his or her saving faith in Christ, when he or she took thatstep, and whether he or she is in agreement with your plans to enter seminary.

請您的配偶(若未婚的申請人有未婚夫/妻的情況)撰寫一段敘述他或她信主的時間與經過,以及他或她對您計劃修讀神學的支持度,並請在信函上簽名。This statement is not required if you are applying for Certifi cate of Graduate Studies or nondegree admission.


12. LIFESTYLE COMMITMENT 遵守品行守則While the Seminary recognizes the freedom of each student to develop under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, students at the Seminary are

recognized as Christian leaders by people in the community. Therefore, biblical standards of conduct and appearance are to govern the student body.達拉斯神學院認知每一位學生在聖靈管理帶領下的自由, 但達拉斯神學院的學生在基督徒團體中也經常被人視為領袖。因此, 每一位學生的品行和服飾更應該符合聖經的標準。In addition, the Seminary believes that the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages (except for liturgical, ceremonial, medicinal, or otherexceptional instances) is not considered suitable for the faculty, staff, and students.

此外, 達拉斯神學院確信教職員工與學生絕對不應有抽煙與飲酒的行為, 除非是在聖禮、慶典、醫療或其他特殊情況下使用,則屬例外。As representatives of Jesus Christ students are responsible to demonstrate a lifestyle consistent with His character. They are expected to bemen and women of high moral character and men and women whose sexual conduct is consistent with the standards of Scripture. This includesavoiding any pattern of addiction and abstaining from homosexual, premarital, and extramarital sexual conduct.

身為耶穌基督的代表, 達拉斯神學院的學生有責任活出效法基督的品格。男女學生們都應有崇高的品德操守, 並且有符合聖經標準的性倫理,因此必須嚴禁任何形式沉溺於淫亂中的行為、以及同性恋、婚前性行為、與婚外性行為。Do you agree to abide by the Standards of Conduct stated above? 您是否願意遵守上述所有品行守則? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

13. DOCTRINAL QUALIFICATIONS 教義規範Have you read the Doctrinal Statement of the Seminary in its entirety?

您是否讀完全部達拉斯神學院的教義立場核心信念? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否This statement is located in the Catalog or “We Believe” booklet or online at www.dts.edu/aboutdts.

達拉斯神學院的教義立場明列在達拉斯神學院的課程概覽後頁或在「我們所信的」小册裡, 或請上網查詢。Every faculty member affi rms his or her full agreement with the Doctrinal Statement every year.

我們全體教員每年必須表示同意持守下列所有教義立埸核心信念。To be admitted and to graduate, students must adhere to the following doctrines:

而學生則在入學就讀時及畢業前亦須同意持守下列教義立場核心信念:• the inerrancy and authority of Scripture 聖經的無繆誤和權威• the Trinity 神是三位一體的• the full deity and humanity of Christ 基督是全然的神,也是完全的人• the spiritual lostness of the human race 人類在靈裡是全然的失喪• the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ 基督替代救贖和肉身復活• salvation by faith alone in Christ alone 惟獨信基督可以得救• the physical return of Christ. 基督將以肉身再臨世上Do you adhere to the above doctrines? 您是否願意信守上述所有教義立場核心信念? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否In the interest of campus unity, do you agree not to promote views contrary to the Doctrinal Statement of the Seminary?

為了使本院保持合一, 您是否願不發表任何違反達拉斯神學院立場核心信念的言論? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否


I promise, in submission to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, that, if admitted to Dallas Seminary, I will at all times conduct myself as a Christian, faithfullyand diligently apply myself to the studies as required by the Seminary curriculum, promptly meet all fi nancial and other obligations, carefully observethe rules and regulations as set forth by the Seminary and its faculty, and submit to the authority of the faculty and administration. I understandthat faithful adherence to this promise is expected throughout my seminary career. I also affi rm that the facts in this application and accompanyingbiographical statement(s) are true to the best of my knowledge.

如果被達拉斯神學院取錄入學, 我願意順服聖靈的帶領, 經常在行為上有基督徒的樣式, 信實勤勉地研究神學院的教材, 而且

克盡我個人財務及其他義務, 謹守神學院的教授團隊所設立的規則, 也順服教務管理的權柄。我瞭解凡在神學院就讀的期間都必須如此忠誠信守。我也確認這份申請文件中的資料及自傳中的個人資料均為屬實。

________________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Applicant 申請人簽名 Date 日期


APPLICANT’S CHECKLIST 申請人清單❑ 1. All questions answered? 所有問題均已答覆?❑ 2. $75 nonrefundable application fee enclosed? 美金七十五元申請費已附上?❑ 3. Transcript(s) requested? 所有院校成績單已申請?❑ 4. Arrangements begun to take GRE or MAT? 已申請參加GRE或MAT的測試? ❑ 5. Reference forms enclosed in sealed envelopes? 介紹函已填妥,信也封好、簽名在封口? ❑ 6. Church letter enclosed in sealed envelope? 教會介紹函已填妥,簽名在封口?❑ 7. Applicant’s and/or spouse’s signed statements on divorce or separation (if applicable) enclosed? 離婚情事短文已附上?(若有情況下)❑ 8. Arrangements begun to take TOEFL and TWE? (if English is not one’s native or birth language) 已申請參加托福測驗與寫作能力測驗?❑ 9. Applicant’s signed conversion essay enclosed? 蒙恩見証已簽名附上?❑ 10. Applicant’s signed essay of the Lord’s leading or reason for applying enclosed ? 事工異象短文已簽名附上?

❑ 11. Spouse’s signed information statement (if applicable) enclosed? 配偶或未婚夫/妻資料與支持信函已附上?



This information will not be used in considering you for admission. If you wish, you may submit this page after acceptance.

這份資料要等到您的入學申請被神學院接受後才會使用。 如果您不介意,可以在您被正式取錄後才遞交這份表格。

Ethnic origin (required for statistical reporting purposes原籍種族(本資料將用作統計數據):

❑ Nonresident Alien 非本土居民之外藉人士

(I will attend DTS under visa status 我在達拉斯神學院就讀期間所使用簽證類別是: )

❑ American Indian or Alaskan native 美國本土印第安人或阿拉斯加土人 ❑ Black or African-American 美國本土黑人❑ White, non-

Hispanic 美國本土非拉丁美洲裔白人

❑ Asian 亞洲族裔 or Pacifi c Islander ❑ Hispanic 拉丁美洲裔人 ❑ Other 其他

Please list any physical disabilities or limitations, such as blindness or hearing problems, for which you will need accommodation.



Name and address of parents: 父母姓名與通訊地址




Parents’ phone 父母之電話號碼: ( ) _______________________________________

May we send your parents Kindred Spirit magazine 神學院可否寄給您的父母Kindred Spirit雜誌閱讀? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

Name and address of parents-in-law 您的配偶雙親姓名與通訊地址:




Phone of parents-in-law您的配偶雙親之電話號碼: ( ) _______________________________________

May we send your parents-in-law Kindred Spirit magazine 可否寄給您的配偶雙親Kindred Spirit雜誌閱讀? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否

How did you fi rst hear about Dallas Theological Seminary 您在甚麼情況下第一次聽聞達拉斯神學院?


What or who prompted you to apply to Dallas Seminary 是誰在何種情況下鼓勵您申請達拉斯神學院?


Are you a veteran who will receive veteran’s benefi ts during your studies? ❑ Yes 是 ❑ No 否


What musical/artistic abilities, hobbies, and interests do you have 您是否有音樂/藝術方面才藝,嗜好與興趣?




Please indicate in which of the following campus or Christian groups you have had leadership experience:


❑ Baptist Student Union 浸信會學生聯盟 ❑ Campus Life 校園生命團契 ❑ Navigators 導航會

❑ Bible Study Fellowship 聖經研習團契 ❑ Fellowship of Christian Athletes 基督徒運動員團契

❑ Young Life 青年生命團契 ❑ Campus Crusade for Christ 學園傳道會

❑ InterVarsity Christian Fellowship 交流基督徒團契 ❑ Other 其他: _______________________________


YOUR NAME 您的姓名 (signature簽名)


YOUR NAME 您的姓名 (printed 正楷)


Request for Academic Transcript 成績單申請表

APPLICANT申請人注意: Please photocopy this form, complete it (including signature), and send it to each college, university, seminary, or

learning institution you have attended since high school where you have completed at least 12 semester hours. 請將這份表格影印後填妥並簽












Please send a copy of my academic transcript for the purpose of application for admission to:

本人現正申請於達拉斯神學院就讀,敬請 貴校將本人的成績單寄至:

Admissions Offi ce

Dallas Theological Seminary

3909 Swiss Avenue

Dallas, Texas 75204

The Seminary asks you, as registrar, to please sign across the sealed envelope fl ap.

達拉斯神學院請 貴註冊組封好成績單後簽名在封口。

________________________________ ____________________________________


我當時就讀貴校所用的姓名 申請人簽名

________________________________ ____________________________________


就讀貴校年度 姓名 (正楷)

________________________________ ____________________________________


________________________________ ____________________________________



________________________________ ( ) __________________________


Validation of Church Relationship 教會關係證明

THIS SECTION IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT. 這部份由申請人填妥_____________________________________________________APPLICANT NAME 申請人姓名_____________________________________________________ADDRESS 申請人地址_____________________________________________________CITY, STATE, ZIP 市,州, 郵遞區號

Dear Pastor or Church Offi cer 親愛的牧長、同工: The person stated above is applying for admission to Dallas Theological Seminary. We ask that you write a statement that validates the following areas regarding the applicant: 上述申請人目前正申請於達拉斯神學院就讀,本院懇請 貴教會的長執會出據一份證明,內容包括:(1) The applicant’s membership or regular participation in good standing 在教會的會員身份,而且經常參與教會各項活動。(2) The churc’sh endorsement of the appli’csa nptotential for effective ministry 貴教會是否贊同該申請人能夠有效服事的潛質。(3) The length of time and description of the a’psp liincvanoltvement in ministries of the church. 證實該申請人參與 貴教會事工年資與內容性質。 If the applicant is not a member but is a regular attender, please qualify your statement accordingly.如果該申請人並非 貴教會會員但經常在 貴教會聚會,請據實寫在證明裡。The Admissions Committee prefers you use your church letterhead to write this statement. If this is not feasible, you may make yourstatement on this form. Be sure the statement is signed and includes the title or position of the signer.

達拉斯神學院入學委員會懇請 貴教會最好使用堂會正式信函來出據證明。如有不便之處,請在本表格中填寫。敬請 貴教會的牧長、同工簽名並註明職位。 To increase the applicant’s control over the timetable of the application, we are using a self-managed application. Please (1) seal the church endorsement in an envelope, (2)

sign across the fl ap, and (3) return to the applicant the sealed envelope to be included with his or her application. 為幫助該申請人可以盡快辦妥申請事宜,我們採用自我管理方式申請法。因此請您 貴教會的同工在填妥信函後 (1) 務必將信函封好 (2) 封好後在封口簽名 (3) 然後再交由該申請人連同其他申請文件一併送回。

Admissions Offi ce Dallas Theological Seminary


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If not using church letterhead, please use the space below (and on the back if necessary) to write your statement.

如 貴教會沒有堂會正式信函,敬請使用本欄以下或背面來出據證明。

___________________________________ ___________________________________SIGNATURE 出據人簽名 DATE 日期

___________________________________ ___________________________________NAME (PLEASE PRINT) 出據人姓名 POSITION 出據人職位

___________________________________ ___________________________________NAME OF CHURCH 教會名稱 ADDRESS 教會地址

___________________________________ ___________________________________PHONE 教會電話號碼 CITY, STATE, ZIP 市,州, 郵遞區號

Reference Form介紹函THIS SECTION IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT. 這部份由申請人填寫_____________________________________________________APPLICANT NAME 申請人姓名_____________________________________________________ADDRESS 申請人地址_____________________________________________________CITY, STATE, ZIP 市,州, 郵遞區號

THIS SECTION IS TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE REFERENCE. 這部份由介紹人填寫The individual named above has given your name as a reference in applying for entrance to our Seminary. We rely on people like you to help us accurately appraise our incoming students. 上述申請人現正申請於達拉斯神學院就讀,同時請您做為介紹人。因此我們需要您來幫助入學委員會正確地評估申請人的入學資格。This includes identifying positive or negative situations from the past or present conditions which affect the applicant’s ministry effectiveness or suitability for admission into the Seminary community. 我們需要您從過去與現今的交往中,指出那些會影響該申請人將來事工或適合就讀達拉斯神學院與否的正面與負面因素。

Instructions in the box at the end of this form explain how to submit this reference to us in a secure manner through theapplicant. We appreciate your honest estimate of this applicant’s personality and character traits, and will treat your reply as confi dential. It is the policy of Dallas Seminary that reference forms are NOT made available to the applicant and will be destroyed when he or she begins studies.在本表格最後一欄會清楚指示您如何以安全方式送達這封介紹函。我們非常感謝您可以誠實地評論該申請人的人格與品德,我們也會將本表格內容絕對保密。為確保該申請人不會閱讀本表格內容,達拉斯神學院的政策規定在該申請人入學的同時將這表格銷毀。

How long have you known the applicant 您認識該申請人多久時間? ______________________________ You have been the applicant’s: ❑ Teacher ❑ Pastor ❑ Friend ❑ Employer ❑ Adviser ❑ Other: _____________您是該申請人的 教師 牧師 朋友 雇主 輔導 其他

Please rate the candidate by placing a check mark by one or more items under each of the headings below. If you wish, describe briefl y and concretely specifi c instances which support or interpret your judgment.請在下列各主要類別中勾選至少一項適用於描述該申請人的特質。您亦可以簡單地引用較具體的例子說明你的看法。Do not check items about which you feel uncertain or concerning which you have had no opportunity to observe.請勿勾選您不肯定或仍未觀察到的項目。

A. Physical condition 身體狀況 E. Leadership (ability to inspire others 領導能力 I. Teachability 受教程度❑ Frequently incapacitated 經常不適 and maintain their confi dence) ❑ Rigid, argumentative 屢教不改❑ Somewhat below par 偶而微恙 ❑ Makes no effort to lead 從未領導 ❑ Highly opinionated 意見太多❑ Fairly healthy 頗為健康 ❑ Tries but lacks ability 缺乏能力 ❑ Open-minded 心胸開放❑ Good health 非常強健 ❑ Has some leadership promise 略有才能 ❑ Willing to receive instruction 願意受教 ❑ Good leadership ability 頗有能力 ❑ Eager to receive instruction 渴望學習 ❑ Unusual ability to lead 領導精英

B. Sociability or friendliness 社交表現 F. Teamwork (ability to work with others)團隊能力 J. Perseverance (in completing task) 堅韌程度❑ Avoided by others 人見人畏 ❑ Frequently causes friction常有磨擦 ❑ Gives up easily or easily discouraged 容易灰心❑ Tolerated by others 尚可忍受 ❑ Usually cooperative 經常肯合作 ❑ Needs encouragement to persevere 需要鼓勵❑ Liked by others 人緣不錯 ❑ Prefers to work alone 喜歡獨立作業 ❑ Persists in most circumstances 在多數環境中能應變❑ Well-liked by others 人見人愛 ❑ Able to work with those of different ❑ Persists even under adversity 在逆境中能堅忍❑ Sought by others 與人相處融洽 personality or temperament 能與不同個性的人相處 ❑ Most effective in teamwork 在團隊中有高效能

C. Intelligence 聰明程度 G. Responsiveness (to the feelings and K. Self-image 自我形象❑ Learns and thinks slowly 思考學習遲緩 needs of others) 靈敏程度 ❑ Insecure 缺乏安全感❑ Average mental ability 一般智力 ❑ Slow to sense how others feel 反應遲緩 ❑ Inferiority complex 自愧不如❑ Alert, has a good mind 高警覺有見解 ❑ Reasonably responsive 反應尚可 ❑ Self-confi dent 頗有自信❑ Brilliant, exceptional capacity 聰穎非凡 ❑ Understanding and thoughtful 對人體貼 ❑ May be prone to boast 傾向自誇 ❑ Responds with unusual insight ❑ Modest, true estimate of self 謙和,認識自我 and consideration 反應敏銳,極之細心

D. Achievement 主動性 (ability to formulate, H. Emotional Adjustment 情緒控制 L. Wisdom in use of money 個人理財 execute, and carry plans to conclusion) ❑ Yields to urges or cravings 經常情緒波動 ❑ Talks frequently of debt or fi nancial❑ Does only what is assigned 按指示做 ❑ Tense, fearful, worried 易緊張懼怕擔憂 worries 經常負債生活擔憂❑ Starts but does not fi nish 虎頭蛇尾 ❑ Easily angered, easily frustrated 易怒易沮喪 ❑ Expects others to meet needs 望人接濟❑ Meets average expectations 一般主動 ❑ Downhearted, blue, depressed 無精打采憂鬱 ❑ Careless 不善計劃❑ Resourceful and effective 有策略高效率 ❑ Maintains balance, self-controlled ❑ Extravagant 揮霍無度❑ Superior creative ability 創作力出眾 保持情緒平衡有節制 ❑ Careful, has a budget 小心花費,善於預算

1Please comment with any insights/concerns you have regarding this applicant’s qualifi cations in the previous areas.請按上述所選項目說明您對該申請人的入學資格有何看法。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How is this person gifted for vocational Christian service?該申請人的恩賜是否能適合投身於全職事奉工作?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As representatives of Jesus Christ students are responsible to demonstrate a lifestyle consistent with His character. They areexpected to be men and women of high moral character and men and women whose sexual conduct is consistent with the standards of Scripture. This includes avoiding any pattern of addiction and abstaining from homosexual, premarital, and extramarital sexual conduct. 身為耶穌基督的代表, 達拉斯神學院的學生有責任活出效法基督的品格。男女學生們都應有崇高的品德操守, 並且有符合聖經標準的性倫理,因此必須嚴禁任何形式沉溺於淫亂中的行為、以及同性恋、婚前性行為,與婚外性行為。

Do you believe the applicant is living by the standards of conduct as stated above? ❑ Yes是 ❑ No 否 您是否相信該申請人的生活謹守上述的品行守則?If not, please specify:________________________________________________________________________________________________________如果否定,請加以詳細説明。If the applicant is married or engaged, how would you evaluate their relationship?如果該申請人已婚或訂婚,您對於他們的關係有評估? ❑ Don’t know ❑ Superfi cial ❑ Detached, aloof ❑ Reserved ❑ Warm, growing ❑ Good communication 不知道 淺薄 有一定距離 仍有保留 既親切又深化 溝通良好

Comments您的看法: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Listed below are some of the tendencies that may reduce the effectiveness of the student. Place a check mark by any characteristics or traits that you have noted in the applicant: 下列傾向會影響讀書效率,請您勾選該申請人可能有的性格或傾向:❑ Impatient 沒有耐心 ❑ Critical of others 喜愛批評 ❑ Argumentative 喜好辯論 ❑ Domineering 弄權跋扈❑ Lacking tact 缺乏機智 ❑ Intolerant 不夠寬容 ❑ Easily offended 容易激怒 ❑ Self-centered 自我中心 ❑ Sullen 悶悶不樂 ❑ Irritable 易怒暴躁 ❑ “Cocky” 驕傲自大 ❑ Aloof 與人疏離❑ Discouraged 易受打擊 ❑ Rude 魯莽 ❑ Nervous 緊張 ❑ Easily embarrassed 害羞❑ Quick-tempered 易發脾氣 ❑ Frequently worried 經常憂慮 ❑ Depressed 憂鬱 ❑ Given to exclusive and❑ Impersonal 不夠親切 ❑ Lacking in humor 缺乏幽默 ❑ Prejudiced toward groups, absorbing friendships, ❑ Anxious 憂慮 or inability to take a joke races, or nationalities i.e., “crushes” 關係強制化❑ Tense 有壓力 ❑ Rigid, not adaptable 頑固 對種族或群體有偏見 ❑ Unteachable 屢教不改

Comments您的看法: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you believe to be the applicant’s reasons for applying to Dallas Theological Seminary?您認為該申請人申請達拉斯神學院就讀的理由是甚麼?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How would you rate the applicant’s potential success in Christian ministry?您認為該申請人將來的全職事奉會否有一定成就?❑ Exceptionally good 很高期望 ❑ Very good 非常好 ❑ Good 良好 ❑ Fair 普通 ❑ Poor 不佳Do you have any reservations in recommending this person for admission to Dallas Seminary?您是否對於該申請人就讀於達拉斯神學院的推薦有所保留?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If there are additional facts which we should know, please write them on a separate sheet. You may include the names andaddresses of additional references which you think would be of help in evaluating this application. Thank you.如果您認為該申請人有些情事應該告知達拉斯神學院,請您另外寫一份說明。您可以再提供其他人士的詳細姓名、住址以便作為達拉斯神學院的入學評估參考。

______________________________________ ______________________________________SIGNATURE 介紹人簽名 POSITION & ORGANIZATION 介紹人職位與機構______________________________________ ______________________________________NAME (PLEASE PRINT正楷) 介紹人姓名 ADDRESS 介紹人地址______________________________________ ______________________________________DATE 日期 CITY, STATE, ZIP 市,州, 郵遞區號______________________________________ ______________________________________EMAIL 電郵址 PHONE 電話號碼

To increase the applicant’s control over the timetable of the application process, we are using a self-managed application. Please (1) sealthe reference in an envelope, (2) sign across the fl ap, and (3) return to the ap p l i c ant the sealed envelope to be included with his or

her application. 為幫助該申請人可以盡快辦妥申請事宜,我們採用自我管理方式申請法。因此請您填妥信函後(1) 務必將信函封好 (2) 封好後在封口簽名(3) 然後再交由該申請人連同其他申請文件一併送回。



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