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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR LXVI—10 Hol land, Michigan March 12, 1954



During my college days a t Hope I remember hearing several s ta tesmen say tha t our two best f r i ends were the Atlant ic and Pacific Oceans. But these " f r iends" have suddenly become almost helpless to protect us. Every major city in the land is now within atomic bombing range of potential enemies. So conscious have we become of our vulnerabili ty tha t we are now spending millions constructing a vast radar screen along the sea boards, and also in Alaska. We are rearming at a feverish rate, and are using every fo rm of pressure to rearm the f ree s ta tes of Europe. We are exceedingly anxious to create buffer s ta tes around the communistic hordes t h a t threaten the f ree countries of the world.

As a result of the external t h rea t s to our American way of life, we have focused a t tent ion upon our border defenses. We are marshal l -ing our best thinkers to stop the onward march of the hammer and the sickle. We are spending fabulous sums to create an aerial and an electronic "Maginot" line at least seven miles high behind which we may hide and enjoy a degree of democratic safe ty .

Certainly no r ight thinking individual would dare to suggest tha t we do less, but in our zeal to stop communism we must not fo rge t tha t another significant invasion threa tens America. Before our very eyes a tremendous a rmy is marching in upon this land and victory is sure! It will take over the government , the schools, the churches, and every business, g rea t or small. It will invade our homes and lay claim to all we hold dear. In the short span of 10 to 30 years nearly every phase of life will have fallen under the dominion of i ts vast conquering battal ions. This a rmy is composed of 35,000,000 children and young people in America. One of our grea t problems today is whether we can s tand against the invasive forces t h a t th rea ten f rom without. .The other g rea t problem is whether we are ready to surrender our land, its inst i tut ions, its her i tage, and the fa i th to tha t g rea t a rmy, the next generat ion, which is marching to ul t imate control within.

Dr. William Wister Comfort , President of Haver ford College, de-clared tha t the lack of religious education in many of our schools is responsible for "droves of pagans" . "Youth 's appal l ing lack of spirit-ual and moral guidance" said Dr. Comfort , "is more threa ten ing to democracy than war internal demoralization is a g rea te r danger to America than foreign invasion. We see signs of social and pr ivate immorality everywhere: divorce, suicide, intemperance, and disregard for debts—indications of a serious national decay which has marked the fal l of empires".

A few years ago. Dr. Bernard Iddings Bell said some very pene-t ra t ing things about our educational fa i lu res in Li fe magazine. Said he, "Our public schools and colleges are rarely anti-religious. They simply ignore religion. They look on it as a minor amusement to be practiced by those who find it fun , to be neglected if one desires." As a result , he concludes, "most of the American people a re religiously i l l i terate." S ta tements such as these are a hopeful sign upon the horizon—a small cloud the size of a man ' s hand. Perhaps America is beginning to sense tha t education itself may prove more of a danger than a blessing if Christ is le f t out and the Bible is relegated to the rare book shelf of the library.

Dr. Van Raal te recognized this fac t years ago when Holland and Hope College were founded. We should be exceedingly g r a t e f u l fo r Hope College and all tha t it has meant in the years tha t a re pas t to our American way of life and to the church of Jesus Christ. We should

thank God fo r Hope College, and all other evangelical church related colleges, because of their t remendous potential i t ies in shaping the fu ture . During the early years of the last g rea t w a r Gregor Ziemer wrote a book entitled "Education for Death". It is the s tory of how Hit ler almost succeeded in t ra in ing a whole generat ion to be fanat ical Nazis. Thank God, there is an "Education fo r Life" , and we may have a share in it here at Hope College.

Van Voorst Wins Speech Medal

Hope College, long noted f o r i ts proficiency in forensic activities, has added another t r iumph to i ts long record of victories in speech work. Las t Friday, March 5, Bruce Van Voorst of Holland, Hope's en-t ran t in the Men's division of the final ora tory contests of the Mich-igan Inter-Collegiate S p e e c h League, won a well-earned first place ra t ing f rom the panel of eight judges.

Bruce's oration, entitled "The Clock," dealt with the problems facing the world today as the Atomic Age ushers in f r igh ten ing possibilities of total destruction. The oration won a clear-cut de-cision over tha t of Andrew Rien-s t ra of Calvin College who took second place. Robert E. Lee, of Wayne Universi ty won third place with his timely speech entit led "A Dangerous Way of Life ." Rien-s t ra ' s address, "Make the Most of I t ," described the ways in which a young man or woman of today can improve his or her life, in

order to "make the mos t" of tha t life. Lee's speech enumerated the dangers of "McCarthyism" and "book-burning," and gave a s t rong plea f o r intellectual f reedom.

The women's contest, unusual in tha t all three winning orations were concerned with educational procedures and policies, was won

by Kippy Voorhees of Kalamazoo College, who spoke on "The Case of the Little Lost Sheep." "The Number One Menace," by Barbara Joan Pa rham of Western Michigan College of Education won second place. Catherine Regan, of the Universi ty of Detroit, took third with ' T h e Vanishing Freedom." Hope's entrant in this contest was Donna Raymer, who spoke on "The Fallen Flag ."

"Royal Family" Opens On P&M Stage Tonight

Tonight a t 8:30 is the opening of the fou r night run of P & M's Spr ing production, The Royal Family. This play is the divert ing story of the American s tage and of the family life tha t is character is t ic of ac tors and actresses.

Ruling over the Cavandish family with her sharp tongue and

- courage is Fanny Cavandish, played

Applications For Anchor Editor

Now Available

Langenburg Gets Assistantship

Robert Langenburg, senior Chem-istry major , has been awarded a $1200 scholarship to the Univer-

sity of Vermont. It is in the fo rm of an Assistantship. Under this plan, he will teach while working towards f u r t h e r degrees in the field of chemistry.

Within the next two months, the Hope College Publications Board must decide who the editor of the Anchor will be fo r the 1954-55 school year. In a new system in-voked last year, the Anchor editor is now chosen on the basis of pas t high school and collegiate journal-istic experience. Some considera-tion is also given to the appli-cant ' s conception as to the purpose of the Anchor on Hope's campus, and to any new ideas of policy the appl icant may propose.

A new editor mus t be chosen short ly a f t e r the conclusion of spr ing vacation in order tha t he or she may become fami l i a r with the dut ies and problems which con-f r o n t the editor, and learn by ex-perience the responsibilities which will be his or hers next year.

Anyone interested may obtain application blanks by asking fo r them at Dean Hinga ' s office, or tho Student Council Office in Van Raalte basement.

Records of Sing,

Speeches Available A new service was made avail-

able for the first t ime last week through the recording facil i t ies of Radio Station WHTC. It is now possible fo r s tudents (and local residents) to obtain custom re-cordings of any of the many cam-pus activities at a minimum cost by merely contacting Bill Allen of WHTC.

Recordings have already been

taken this week of all of Rev.

Schaap's chapel speeches, and are available upon request . The same is t rue of the All-College Sing and the MISL contest.

Dorians, Arkies Cop Sing Cups

Performances of "The Chocolate Pr ince" and "The Song of the Open Road" were the winning selec-tions a t the annual All College Sing held last Thursday evening in Hope Memorial Chapel.

The Dorian Society won the cup for the second consecutive year with the rendition of "The Chocolate Pr ince" by the modern contempor-ary composer Wagner . Miss Bet ty Schepers directed the Dorians.

The Arcadian f r a t e rn i ty , directed by Nevin Webster , captured the men's honors with their number "The Song of the Open Road" by Malotte-Knickmann.

Miss Marcia Veldman directed the Delta Phi sorori ty, whose song "I Got Shoes" won second place in the sorori ty division.

The Cosmopolitans, directed by Lloyd Arnoldink, sang "Where in the World, But in America" and took second place among the f r a -ternit ies.

WAL Plans Little Mardi Gras; Proceeds for Korean Refugees

When carnival t ime rolls around

in New Orleans, the people dress

in their most fan tas t ic costumes,

parade around the s t ree ts and

have an uproarious t ime in prepar-

ation for Lent. In imitat ion of the

famous Mardi Gras, the W.A.L. has chosen th is gala_JiQliday_for the theme of its<^Penny Carnival^ which is to be held March l^TfOTfr 8:00 to 9:80 in Carnegie Gym.

Proceeds f r o m the Carnival will be contributed to persons in Taigo, Korea. This home is f o r adul ts and children who are war casualt ies. I t shelters some 248 people with physical defects such as amputa-

tions, blindness, and stiff limbs. I t was first s t a r t ed as an emergency shel ter when many re fugees flooded this a rea dur ing the bat t les f o r

Seoul, where it gave aid in the way of food, shelter, and clothing. Still opera t ing on an emergency basis, the home consists of huts and tents , with very limited funds fo r expansion. However, the ad-minis t ra tors are going ahead with plans to build a new dormitory in the spring. They lack approxi-mate ly $3000 fo r the completion of th i s building. Money is also needed to supply more adequate medical, educational, and vocational needs. The home has an elemen-t a ry school at tached wi th fa i r ly qualified teachers, but the re is a g r ea t need f o r bet ter facil i t ies.

Society Chairmen

General chairmen, Darlene De

Tuncq and Barba ra Jef f rey , have

announced the chairmen of the

society booths as follows: A.S.A., Jean Kroman; Delphi ,-Irma Derks; Dorian, Judy Kingma, Irene Wesch; Sib, Ann Dykhuizen; Sorosis, Alyce De Pree; Theta , Elaine Vruggink; Arkie, Rob Verduin, J e r r y Redeker; Cosmo, Bud Pr ins ; Emmies, John Soeter ; F ra t e r , John Kenwell; Knicks, Don Pangburn ; Hopeives, Char Laman; Y's, Mary Burg-graff .

Carol Es t roe is admission chair-man, and Carol Kuyper is in charge of the p rogram. En te r t a inment will be provided by some of the more talented personali t ies on campus. P a t Pickens will be mis t ress of ceremonies, and the en te r ta iners will be Eleanor De Vries and Norma Damst ra , the F r a t e r Combo, and J im Loch on the accordian. Group singing will be held while the money is being counted.

by Joyce Vanderborgh. Her g i f ted daughter Julie, will be played by-Fran Frye . Hope Schutmaat will fill the role of Gwen, Jul ie 's daugh-ter, and Don Prentice ac t ing the par t of Tony, Julie 's bro ther .

Suppor t ing roles will be por-trayed by Ed Kellogg, Barb Brook-stra , J e r r y Kruyf , Ron Brown, Nina DeMaagd, Norm Rater ing, Tom Moore, Bob Cook, and Bark Brinks.

The s tage crew, under the head of Gene Stoddard, and assisted by A1 Hill and Don Byro, has played an impor tant pa r t in the produc-tion by skillfully building the two-level set required fo r the play. This se t t ing is str ict ly modern, an unusual th ing fo r the P&M stage. It is decorated in contras t ing shades of brown.

Joyce Hofman is cha i rman for the propert ies crew, assisted by Marilyn Fischer and Barba ra Lub-bers. The modern fu rn i tu re used for the set has been obtained by-Lee Fasce f rom the John Good Co.

Others working in the production are Bob Berghage, business man-ager ; Donna Raymer , in charge of make-up; A1 Hill, l ight ing; Ardis Bishop, ar t work; and J e r r y Redeker, house manager .

Tickets for the Monday and Tuesday per formances a re still available at the Student Council Office.

Students Offer "The Telephone"

By Menotti The performance of an unusual

composition will h ighl ight a pro-g ram sponsored by the Hope Col-lege Music Depar tment on Thurs-day evening, March 18. Students f rom the voice class of Norma Hark Baughman will present the one act comic opera "The Tele-phone" by the popular Italian-American composer, Gian-Carlo Menotti.

Heard in the leading roles will be Richard Ten Haken, baritone f rom Clymer, New York, and Rosa-lind Smith, soprano f r o m Milwau-kee. Bet ty Schepers of Holland will be the accompanist.

Although opera is not generally thought to be a g rea t American pastime, Menotti has produced several such works t ha t have s tar ted a whole new trend in Amer-ican concert halls. The Telephone, along with two other compositions by Menotti, The Medium and The Consul, pleased critics and audi-

ences alike in .New York and on tour with resul t ing runs longer than many Broadway favor i tes .

"The Telephone" in i ts music and humor has an immediate ap-peal to the l is tener and on first hear ing provides an enjoyable ev-ening's l istening. The opera is under the direction of M r s . Baughman.

Included on the p rogram with the opera will be a g roup of in-s t rumenta l and keyboard soloists.

Page Two


Editor-in-Chief Ray Vedder Managing Editor Dave Angus Sports Editor Dan Eager Feature Editor Pat Pickens Society Editors Dot Lindahl, Myron Denekas Rewrite Editor Lee Fasce Photographers Bill Parson, Verne Barkel Typists Marge Mac Ewan, Marge Luneberg

Mary Jane Rietveld, Ethel Groeneveld

Business Staff

Business Manager Ron Mac Clary Assistant Business Manager Gene Ouderkirk Advertising Manager Herb Morgan Circulation Managers Warren Buitendorp, Ken Gnade


Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

Subscription Rate: $1.00 per year.


Published every other week by the students of Hope College except during holidays or examination periods.

Voice of The Campus To the Students :

As Hope College was assigned the task of playing host to the s ta te tournament of college ora-

tors, which occurred last Fr iday , March 5, the local speech f r a t e r n -ity was determined tha t we should be the best possible of hosts. The experience has been over the years tha t when the ora tors f rom the various schools a t tend the s ta te contest, they speak to vir tual ly empty rooms (except for the few judges) , and the host school stu-

dent body generally appears to be somewhat oblivious to the out-standing event tha t is taking place. So the local Pi Kappa Delta speech f ra te rn i ty decided tha t we should t ry to play the good host. This of course required effort on the pa r t of many people. Successful a s it was, the event could not have been so if it were not fo r the generous cooperation of many stu-dents and facul ty who actual ly donated thei r services and suppor t on a completely voluntary basis. To all of these people, thank-you, very much.

Whereas it would be impossible to thank each on an individual basis, cer tain groups do deserve special recognition. Each of the f ra te rn i t ies and sororities gracious-ly consented to cancel their meet-ings fo r tha t evening. The Alcor girls made possible that typical f r iendly a tmosphere fo r which Hope has become known, by s tag ing a tea for the af ternoon of the con-tests. To publicize the event, the help of Mrs. Stryker , the pictures of Bill Parson, the cooperation of the Anchor, the passing-out of pamphlets a f t e r Chapel, . . . all were important . To welcome our guests in the audience, and to help them to their seats , groups of ushers graciously volunteered and donated thei r services. To make our banquet in the Koffee Kletz possible, a group of girls went down and waited table there.

These and many others played important roles, and to all we are deeply indebted. To all of you who attended the contests, we a re sure tha t you fe l t they were wor th-while, but even so we do appreci-a te your interest .

On behalf of the committee and the local Pi Kappa Delta chapter , thanks, all of you, f o r helping to make this one of the most out-s tanding af fa i rs of i ts type to occur in recent years .

Sincerely, Bob Dethmers

To the Edi tor :

I am one of the countless Hope s tudents who enjoy reading the Dire Events column. I am also one of those who believe in the press and its powers. If cer tain persons on this campus can not persevere the humor which "The T iger" a ims at certain of their adminis t ra t ive acts, then perhaps we had bet ter stop publication of the ANCHOR. The only people who could be hu r t by the columnist are those who think too highly of themselves.

I re fe r red to previous issues of the paper in order to see where, along the line, our humoris t had "so grossly t ransgressed ." I was looking part icularly fo r the le t ters to the editor tha t would carry the objections to the "moral ly degen-e ra t e " articles. I was amazed at the fac t t ha t not one of the "cr i t ics" had the adult character enough to present their names in print .

I would suggest , therefore , tha t unless they wish to do so they c e a s e their "mora l " campaign agains t one of the best all around s tudents on Hope's campus.

Tom Carlson










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MIND? Now that the All College Sing

is over, and t he . rivalry and "wasted t ime" past , do you think we should continue this t radi t ion?

Ben Le Fevre, Arcadian.

As long as rehearsal time is limited to two weeks I don't think the time is "wasted", but well spent. I'm all fo r continuing the Sing.

Peggy Prentice, Delta Phi.

Yes, it is one of the few nice tradit ions tha t Hope has.

John Angus, Independent.

As an outsider I think the All College Sing is an impor tant ac-tivity for f r iendly competition among the f ra te rn i t i es , outside of sports . However, it shouldn't t ake so long to practice for it.

Dave Kempers, Fra te rna l .

There is a misdirected spirit of competition in the Sing. It ought to be up to the discretion of the sorori ty or f r a t e rn i ty as to whether they want to compete in it or not.

Ron Brown, Knickerbocker.

Such benefits as may be derived f rom the All College Sing are f a r outweighed by the inconvenience entailed in practice, and the obvious absurdi ty of teaching a group of men who know nothing about sing-ing, to sing one song for one oc-casion.

Bill Helder, Cosmopolitan.

It is the one thing in the spr ing term tha t has any kind of uni fy-ing force in a f r a t e rn i ty .

Hereford Williams, Knickerbocker.

I think it should be continued be-cause it's actually a lot of f u n prepar ing fo r it. I t ' s an experience for those who don't live in the f r a t e rn i ty house to get to know the fellows better .

Bob Hoeksema, Emersonian.

I have only fe l t tha t it is a wonderful feeling of excitement, competition and hear tbreak. I like it.

John Roundhouse, Cosmopolitan.

My only objection to the Sing is the way tha t it was scheduled this year. It should never have been on a Thursday night in the first place because it was not only an inconvenience to the whole s tu-dent body (with classes the next day) but it also mixed up the f r a -terni ty basketball games when when chapel practices were sched-uled fo r Wednesday evening.

Bill Heydorn, Cosmopolitan.

I think it 's overemphasized. I t should not be compulsory fo r every f r a t e rn i ty member but le f t to a select group f rom each society.





NEW BOOKS All God's Children by J a m e s Keller

America is founded on a belief in God—a belief tha t "all men are endowed by thei r Crea tor with

certain inalienable r ights ." Yet we have tended more and more to overlook the question of a proper recognition of God in our schools. This book proposes a simple and practical method of br inging to everyone of the thir ty-s ix million young people in our schools, f rom kindergar ten to the university, a renewed sense of the importance of fa i th in God. The book does not deal with the ful l religious t ra in-ing of our youth. Rather , it em-phasizes the need for recognizing God in the very subject ma t t e r of the curriculum. 377.1 K283a

Confessor of the Name by Gladys Schmitt—Novel

Gladys Schmitt turns to history to show how a man's destiny is inevitably shaped by the society around him and to tell what be-comes of a very fo r tuna t e young man when he tr ies to live accord-ing to the necessities of his spirit in a world torn between conflicting beliefs. This is a novel of a yester-day which is all too like our own

tomorrow. But, it is a s tory of hope because the primitive Christ-ian Church survives the collapse of this dying civilization. 813 Sch 56c

The Green Leaf by Robert Nothan

This book contains the collected poems of Robert Nothan. In this book Nothan has collected f r o m his several earl ier books all of the poems he wishes most to have re-membered. These poems contain the qualities of f an t a sy , philosophy, humor, love of na tu re and human insight tha t have long endeared Robert Nothan to hundreds of readers. 811 N195g






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has looked to a shrewd, genial philosopher who began his studies at the cracker barrel of a country store.

Chicago: City on the Make by

Nelson Olgren

Here is the story of the whole spectacular span, the pulsat ing his-

tory of the growth of a g rea t metropolis. It is a g ian t paint ing of a tumul tuous city in all its vivid colors. Nelson Olgren's Chi-

cago is "a town with the nervous violence of a two-t iming bride-groom." 917.781 A138c

The Spreading Flame by T. F. Bruce—R i s e a n d Progress of Christ ianity

The Spreading F lame represents more than an ecclesiastical his tory, or his tory of inst i tut ionalism. He follows the course of the Spiri t of Christ kindling in men's soul an inextinguishable fire. The author

shows an amazing command of the general background of Biblical his-

tory, and of the wr i te r s of all the schools who have deal t with the problems of the ear ly church in the last two centuries. 270.1 B83s

AAUW, College Cater to Moppets

In Pops Concert Thursday af te rnoon, March 18 at

3:30, the Hope College Orchestra, under the sponsorship of the Amer-ican Association o f Universi ty Women, will give a Young People's Concert in the Hope College Chapel for children of the third through the s ixth grades .

Featured on the p rogram will be the musical s tory of "Pe te r and the Wolf" with Bill Allen of Holland Radio Stat ion WHTC as na r ra to r . Other port ions of the p rogram will be used to demons t ra te the brass and percussion sections of the or-chestra and to i l lus t ra te the use of American folk songs in sym-phonic music.

The program is planned f o r the child of e lementary school age and will be of sl ightly less than one hour 's durat ion. In order to pa r -tially cover the cost of the con-cert an admission of 15 cents will be charged.





These Attractions





DIRE Evtrm t /

Before present ing another un-accountable discourse, I want to thank the many for their encour-agement . The only "Dire Even t" now is tha t I shall continue to write this column. AND AWAY WE GO!

I wonder how many of us are aware of the glorious history of our college? Every student should read this with care—you never know when it might come in handy, yak, yak, yak.

In 1492, the Chinese were build-ing the "Great Wall of China," more commonly called "Hadr ian ' s Wall ," and an eminent American, namely. Dr. Van Raalte, decided he would build something to rival this insignificant Chinese endeavor. He chose to build Hope College. This was smar t .

A f t e r he had assembled his "Erec to r Se t" and finished building a "Cyclotron" in the Science Build-ing, he turned to Daniel Boone and said, "This is the Anchor of my Hope." From this s ta tement we obtained our motto, "Ex Libras," which t rans la ted means, "Without Liber ty ." This was not smar t .

Dr. Phillip Phelps was the next pres ident (in 1513 B.C.), but he was assassinated by fou r Puer to Rican exchange s tudents . Under the F i f t h Amendment they pleaded innocent and were campused fo r one week-end. This was smar t ? ? ?

The building of Van Vleck Hall was a keystone to progress . It was designed by Sydnesy Carton who loved "Bast i l les ." The building re-ceived f a m e as an Indian For t . The words "Van Vleck" t ransla ted f rom the Dutch means, "The Wreck."

In 1776, the college was divided into two political c a m p s—the " W h i g s " and the "Yahoos." The "Yahoos" got toge ther some of their f r a t brothers and ran through the gir ls ' dorms. The "Whigs" were mad because they weren' t in-cluded. They q u i t school and founded Calvin College. They never did amount to much.

In 1890, the college installed concrete sidewalks. This was smar t . The sidewalks a re still in use as Ice Skat ing Rinks. The college has since regre t ted this, however, be-cause the s tudents and facul ty in-sist on d i r ty ing up the walks with blood and flesh.

The college now being 436 years old in 1934, decided to s t a r t en-rolling students . Marilyn Monroe enrolled. This made a find Student Body. This also was smar t .

In 1940, Hope obtained a new Dean of Men whose name was "Agamemnon." He was burned in effigy. From this point on, Hope grew into a universi ty, but one th ing became definite and holds t rue today in 1954, and a f amous poet expressed this feel ing when he said,

"Where there 's life there 's Hope." By Elizabeth Bar re t Tennyson


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Joint Meetings Top Frat Slate

With the all important College Sing completed, the f ra te rn i t i es on Hope's campus are turn ing their interest to joint meetings with the sororit ies. At least these joint meet ing should prove more st imu-lat ing than the countless practice sessions tha t go along with com-peting in the All College Sing.

The Knickerbockers recently in-st i tuted a project which they be-lieve will aid in establishing bet ter contact with the alumni of their f r a t e rn i ty . Ray Vedder and Don Shull have been appointed to pre-pare a news-let ter tha t will be sent to all fo rmer Knicks, inform-ing them of the present activities and goals of Knickerbockers.

The Knicks are prepar ing for a number of joint-meetings and date-nights in the fu ture . No definite plans however have been made as yet.

The Arcadian f r a t e rn i ty is the

new All-College Sing champion, winning the event with "Song of the Open Road." Congratulat ions to the f r a t e r n i t y and to their director, Nevin Webster!

The Arkies will hold a joint-meet ing with their s is ter sorority, Theta , this Fr iday evening, March 12. Sam Hofman has been ap-pointed to take charge of the preparat ions . The f r a t is also pre-

par ing fo r the penny carnival with co-chairmen, Rob Verduin a n d J e r r y Redeker making a r range-ments .

The men of Cosmopolitan are looking forward to a joint-meet-ing with Sorosis this Fr iday even-ing in the Kletz. J im Boonstra is in charge of the program.

J e r r y Kruyf and John DeVries

have been working on the new recreation room in the basement of the Cosmo House. The color scheme will car ry out the f r a t e rn -ity colors of green and white.

Emersonian is planning a rush-ing meet ing for second semester bidding and a smoker has been tentat ively planned by president, Bernie Plomp.

The Emmies are also prepar ing for joint-meetings. A meet ing has been scheduled with Theta in the near fu tu re . Bill Coventry and

Bernie Plomp are working out plans fo r an Emmie "date-night" and a toboggan par ty has been planned if the weather permits .

Works of Foster

• Shown at Graves An unusual showing of a few

of the works of Stephan Foster ,

some articles and pictures is on

display in the l ibrary for those

s tudents interested in early Ameri-

can music and folk songs.

There are reduced facsimiles of manuscr ipts tha t Fos te r wrote in his t ight , r a the r unintelligible hand, as well as some of his printed works. He wrote most of his songs before and during the Civil W a r and managed to capture the feel ing of the leisurely life in the old South and the lackadaisical life of the Negro before the devastation of the Reconstruction Period. Most notable of his songs are, perhaps. Old Black Joe, My Old Kentucky Home, and Camptown Races, all published between 1852 and 1860. Beautiful Dreamer, the last song ever wri t ten by Stephan Foster , is sometimes thought of as his lov-liest and was composed only a few days before his death.

The f r a t has appointed J im

Lyness and Ken Gnade, co-chair-

men of the spr ing par ty .

In an a t t emp t to raise the schol-astic averages of slacking pledges, in te r - f ra te rn i ty men, Eugene Stod-dard and Bob Berghage are ques-

t ioning the f r a t about the elimina-tion of possible ineligible pledges f rom all Spr ing sports .

The Fra te rna l Society has ap-pointed John Kenwell chai rman of the Penny Carnival, with Don Byro and Dave Van Eenenaam ass is t -ing.

The F r a t e r s are going to have a new television set! All of the money has been collected and the only remaining work is to purchase the set.

The dates of the F r a t e r Frolics have been set at April 29, 30, and May 1. Monte Dyer, chairman, has announced the theme will be "Mystery of History."

The F ra t e r s are resuming thei r Sunday af ternoon religious meet-ing. On March 7, Rev. Wein-garden, Presbyter ian minister f r o m Grand Rapids, was the guest speaker.


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Tantalizing Pizza-Pie Takes Hope By Storm

by Marianne Wierks

We're thri l led! We've jus t discovered pizza and we love it. We don't even mind t ha t our f r iends avoid us because a s t rong au ra of garlic hovers about us.

Pizza is the most exciting mixture of cheese and sausage and cheese and pepperoni and achovies and cheese and cheese . . . . or tuma, provolona, mazzurel la , and romano.

The first bite we bit sent us reeling with the illusion of a small I talian cafe with lots of a tmos-

• • •

phere . . . and each subsequent mouthful intensified our picture. The gu i t a r music was wonderfully rhythmic, and we chewed in time with it. We could even imagine

that the long, rubbery s t rands of cheese twanged in harmony. When we discovered tha t i ts del ightful consistency was a resul t of its be-ing made f rom goa t s ' milk, we promptly turned a lovely purple, but we resumed eat ing.

The shadows along the wall pro-vided sufficient light to illuminate

the menu . . . and we decided our next t r ial would be to conquer tha t impressive sounding invention called impressive s o u n d i n g invention called the super-duper pizza pie.

We told the I ta l ian chef of our decision, and were fascinated by his process of making pizza. A f t e r tossing the dough in the air a few

times, he flattened it on a board and covered it with numerous lay-ers of tomato and wood shavings

and sausage and wood shavings and mushrooms and more wood shavings. Then he put it in a brick-bottomed oven and almost

immediately it was done. We must have looked perplexed a t the sight of it . . . the wood shavings had mysteriously vanished. However, the chef kindly explained tha t they were cheese . . . which melted.

On our re turn t r ip f rom the

kitchen we encountered a wander-ing violinist who pursued us to

our table. He wrung some painful notes f rom his bat tered ins t rument , and we pretended to ignore him. However, he had eyes par t icular ly like those of a dog I used to know.

My hand slid over a hard and slightly cold object . . . and, a f t e r recovering f rom the shock, I real-ized tha t it was the empty tin plate. And we were nowhere near the picturesque res tauran t with i ts pungent odors and red and white tablecloths. Nevertheless, our con-viction tha t we had been there never wavered. But it was late, so we licked our fingers and strolled homeward.

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Page Four H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

By Bruce Van Voorst

An assor tment of 8,000,000 sheets of mimeograph paper, 180 type-wri ters , 300 desks, 85 assorted dictionaries, a large contingent of delegates, and a $3,000,000 expense account opened the Tenth Inter-

American Conference in Caracas, Venuzuela, last week. This is the first conference since the f a t e fu l 1948 Bagota meet ing

marred by bloody rioting. It marks a significant s tep in the long

s t ruggle for Pan Americanism. Pan Americanism has become a vital core of American policy,

par t icular ly since the onslaught of another " ism"—Russian Commun-ism. Basic considerations revolve around the factual inter-dependence of the entire Western Hemisphere . In the 21 other American re-publics much of the answer to America 's f u t u r e lies. Our $7 billion t r ade wi th Latin America, much of it in s t ra tegic goods, is g rea te r than t ha t of any other a rea in the world, including Europe. Our $6 billion investment in Latin Amreica is exceeded only by even g rea t e r

investment in Canada. But in addition to dollar signs and important stat ist ics, the re live

in these republics people, more in fact than in the United States. Indeed, here exists the foundation fo r e i ther increased Pan American cooperation or discord of f a r reaching importance. The role of "people" is something tha t even Americans don't really understand. We chide other nations fo r emphasis upon the s tate , and then in turn think of them only as a s tate . Why must the spirit of revolution, the individual s t r ivings for bet ter things, be so misunderstood by America

of all na t ions? It is not coincidence tha t Latin America has long termed the U.S.

the "Colossus of the Nor th . " Might we mention the Panama "pa t r io t s " revolt f r o m Columbia in 1903 tha t succeeded because of U.S. interven-tion and jus t happened to clear the way fo r a Panama Canal. Or the " ( T ) Roosevelt Corol lary" to the Monroe Doctrine under which we assumed police powers over the Western Hemisphere with r ight to intervene when we thought fit. Under this concept American marines operated the customs houses of Dominican Republic fo r 28 months, paved the way f o r vir tual American protectorate of Haiti in 1915 (incidentally killing 2,000 Hai t ians in the process) , and found a goodly share of the American a rmy chasing Mexican bandits (in Mexico) at the outbreak of the F i r s t World War .

But we need no longer hang our heads in shame. For ty years ago Woodrow Wilson assured Latin America what had become obvious ". . . the United Sta tes will never again seek one additional foot of te r r i tory by conquest." President-elect H. Hoover toured Latin Amer-ica and specifically repudiated the Roosevelt corollary. An acid test of revolutions proved America 's non-intervention intent, and domestic concern of the depression era fostered the famed "Good Neighbor" policy. President F. D. Roosevelt traveled all the way to Buenos Aires for a conference and even offered a mult i la teral expansion of the Monroe Doctrine. Came the war t ime cooperation, and t ruly Columbus discovered America in 1492 and America discovered Latin

America in 1942. Nevertheless, while direct intervention has been denied, a creep-

ing fo rm of control in the fo rm of dollars has given America s t rong

interes ts throughout the area. Where one million housing units a year are needed and 166,000 are being provided, people began to get ideas about being exploited. Actually investment is a two way process, i.e., Americans invested $25 billion in Canada f rom 1947-1952, and took out an average of 3% interest . But Canada also upped 011 production f rom 21,000 to 169,000 barrels a year , thus saving $300,000,000 in fore ign exchange. This f ac t is sometimes fo rgo t ten by the ul t ra-nat ional is ts . It is not being fo rgo t ten by the communists.

A Senate subcommittee est imated there are 200,000 communists in Latin America, a drop of 100,000 f rom 1946. Of the 21 republics 12 of them outlaw the par ty , but tha t hasn ' t curbed its power. Bri tain recently found one of i ts top officials in Guiana was a par ty member, Guatemala 's government is almost under their control. Brazil has the

la rges t pa r ty in Latin America al though it has been illegal since 1948, Bolivia has a radical government fr iendly to communist pres-

sures. Communist ef for ts in all these countries are aimed a t basic econ-

omic disruption. The lessons throughout the Near and F a r Eas t , and in Europe were well learned. When the masses tu rn to communism, it 's usually f o r economic reasons. Thus communist pressure dis-courages American capital or cooperation hoping in this way to prevent growth and bet terment of the s tandards of living. Obviously, main t h rus t of the present conference will be economic—perhaps a t a cost to American taxpayers . But if there be any dissension, if there be any complaints, think on these things.

Women Sketch Carnival Plans

A f t e r spending a busy two weeks practicing f o r the All College Sing, the girls of Hope's sororities took a short rest and then began work-ing on their plans for the Penny Carnival next Fr iday night.

The Sorosite chairman for the Penny Carnival is Alyce DePree. Sorosites are looking forward to their joint meet ing with the Cosmos tonight . Barb Larson and J im Boonstra are in charge of the meet-ing. Next Wednesday the Soro-sites will have their annual joint tea with the Delphi sorority. The girls of Sigma Sigma are also busily working on their formal party, "South of the Border," to be held at the Occidental Hotel in Muskegon on March 20. Co-chair-men "of this par ty are Shirley Decker and Nancy Gaikema.

The Thetas have chosen Elaine Vruggink as their Penny Carnival chairman. At their business meet-ing last Fr iday night the Thetas elected their new officers for the spring te rm. They are Nan John-son, president ; Hope Berger, vice president; Avis South, secre tary; and Shirley Hand, t reasurer . To-night the Thetas will have a joint meeting with the Arcadians.

The A.S.A. chairman for the carnival is Jean Kromann. The Teshmen girls held a short liter-ary meet ing last Fr iday before the speech contest. The members of A.S.A. are busy planning their date night which will be held March 20. Tonight the f reshmen girls will have a joint l i terary meeting with the Sibylline soror-


The Delphi Penny Carnival chair-man will be I rma Derks. The Del-phis had a shor t business meet ing last Fr iday night a f t e r celebrat-ing winning second place in the Sing. Next Wednesday the Delphis will join the Sorosites at their an-nual tea.

The jubi lant Dorians met last Fr iday night for a business meet-ing and also to celebrate winning tha t coveted cup for first place in the All College Sing. Congratula-tions to Bet ty Schepers for direct-ing the Dorians to thei r second win in two years! Rusty Wesch and Judy Kingsma are the Dorian co-chairmen for the Penny Carni-val. The Dorians are looking for -ward to their date night par ty , " I t ' s Amore," to be held at the Lit Club tomorrow night.

The Sibylline chairman fo r the carnival is Ann Dykhuizen. The Sibs will have a joint l i terary meeting with the members of A.S.A. tonight . Betty Geiger will be in charge.

Economics Profs Study Unemployment Benefits

Members of Hope's Depar tment of Economics are engaged in an extensive project authorized by the Michigan Legislature 's Joint Interim Study Committee on Employment Security Benefits.

The study will serve as a basis fo r a revaluation of Michigan's current Unemployment Security Legislation. Specifically, the study will provide information about the


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efficiency of the present system in relation to the assistance ren-dered to the recipients, the cost to the s tate , the effects on labor incentive, and pa t te rns of abuse of benefits.

The study will deal with essen-tial sustenance levels, comparat ive correlation of benefits to spendable

earnings, and the classifications of wage earners most affected.

In order to avoid any possible political s t int , the project is being conducted by a college which re-ceives no s ta te support, and is be-ing financed by funds supplied by-pr ivate research foundations.

To make a project of^this mag-ni tudeTpr . Yntema a f l d M r . We l l e r / both long associated with the Ec-onomics Department , have been joined this semester by Mr. Charles

Leininger who is teaching as well as assist ing in research.

The staff is at present engaged in preliminary planning of the

sampling program and outlining the details of the study. Work will be continued throughout the sum-

mer. At tha t t ime a selected sam-ple of the labor force will be in-terviewed to obtain basic data . The details of the field work will be handled in conjunction with the Universi ty of Michigan's Survey Research Center.

The information gained f rom the sampling will be evaluated and

correlated during the fall and a repor t submitted to the Legislature at the end of the year.

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H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Page Five

Cosmopolitan Fraternity History by Bill Helder

I he Cosmopolitan Society was born in the year 1890. It originated as the result of a class feud, and, as many a nation tha t fights its way into existence, h a s proved its r ight to live by growing on in spite of the many s torms tha t have passed over and around it since. It was the first f r a t e rn i ty to be organized on the campus of Hope College and as such has a legi t imate claim to the ti t le of F i rs t Hope College Fra te rn i ty . Its founding was a re-sult of the college. As more men came from the West—Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois—they felt they had outgrown the other social organi-zation on the campus and, with the courage of these convictions, or-ganized themselves into Cosmo-politan.

One of the things tha t had prompted these men to action was the s tereotype action of a single organization. To combat this situ-ation they proposed a f r a t e rn i ty in which there would be no " type" —a f r a t e rn i ty where everyone had a place if deemed worthy. To this day the unusual thing about the Cosmos is tha t they are men of widely different interests, all drawn together by a spirit of real fr iend-ship, which welds them into an active f ra te rn i ty . Each member contributes his special ta lents fo r the benefit of the group, and the feeling of accomplishment is shared together. The name itself is in-dicative of the basic tenet of the group, fo r to be Cosmopolitan means to be f ree f rom petty and local prejudices—to be a citizen of the world—to be a par t of anything worthwhile, regardless of its source. The individual members of Cosmopolitan fill places in all phases of college life—to list them through the year would be to list the history of activities of the college. Nor is it only a t school tha t the members of Cosmopolitan are active, Cosmo alumni are found everywhere in places of respons1'-bility.

During World War II, the Cos-mos gave up their identity with the rest of the f ra te rn i t i es on the campus, and banded together in a single organization to keep the spirit of f ra te rn i t ies alive which the bulk of the men were serving in the Armed Forces. In the fall of 1946 Cosmopolitan resumed its independent existence in a room

above one of the local stores. 1950 brought them again into a home of their own—the white pillared brick house on the corner of 11th and Maple which was dubbed the Citadel of Cosmopolitan perhaps more commonly known as Den Herder 's Den a f t e r the house-mother who held sway until 1952 when the Cosmos were chosen to experiment with a house fa ther .

Getting down to current history, the fall of 1953 found the Cosmos once again taking their place of importance on the campus with two significant changes. It now has a house only a block from the Chapel which it is hoped will be the permanent home of Cosmopoli-tan so it can put down deeper roots in tradition than are possible to a group with f requent changes of residence. The other change of significance is t ha t the new house is the only student-run f ra te rn i ty house on campus.



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GO FOR 25% LESS than the regular coach fare by traveling home and back with two or more friends on Group Economy Plan Tickets. They're good on trips of 100 miles or more. Gather a group of 25 or more and you each save 28% riding long-distance on the same train, then returning as a group or individually.

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In view of the many and varied activities of Cosmopolitan through the years, the main purpose of Phi Kappa Alpha is still to pro-mote Friendship, Truth, and Prog-ress. With its spirit , we will al-ways have an organization which both members and the College may be proud. The plumed knight of the crest of Cosmopolitan will sur-vive into the fu tu re as it has in the past to serve as an example fo r those to come.

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See him whi le you can.

Lt. Grady L. Friday, Jr. will be at Hope College on F r i d a y , March 19, 0930 A.M. to 330 P.M.


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Helpful Hints on How

To 'Pass' Thru College (ACP)—Following arc 10 suggestions from Robert Tyson,

of the Hunter College (New York) department of psychology and philosophy, on how to stay in college:

1. Bring the professor newspaper clippings dealing with his subject. Demonstrates feeling interest and gives him timely items to mention in class. If you can't find clippings dealing with his subject, bring in any clippings at random. He thinks everything deals with his subject.

2. Look alert. Take notes eagerly. If you look at your watch, don't stare at it unbelieving and shake it.

3. Nod frequently and mumer, "How t rue!" T o you this seems exaggerated; to him it's quite objective.

4. Sit in front, near him. (Applies only if you intend to stay awake.) If you're going to all the trouble of making a good impression, you might as well let him know who you are, especially in a large class.

5. Laugh at his jokes. You can tell. If he looks up from his notes and smiles expectantly, he has told a joke.

6. Ask for outside reading. You don't have to read it. Just ask.

7. If you must sleep, arrange to be called at the end of the hour. I t creates an unfavorable impression if the rest of the class has left and you sit there alone, dozing.

8. Be sure the book you read during lecture hours looks

like a book from the course. If you do math in psychology class and psychology class, match books for size and color.

9. Ask any questions you think he can answer. Converse-ly, avoid announcing tha t you have found the answer to a question he couldn't answer, and in your brother's second grade reader at that.

10. Call attention to his writing. Produces an exquisitely pleasant experience connected with you. If you know he's written a book or an article, ask in class if he wrote it.

As to whether or not you want to do some work in addition to all this, well it's controversial and up to the individual.


52 East Eighth Street Telephone 9608

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Page Six H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

Cagers Close Campaign — Cop Couple Even though deprived of a third

s t ra igh t MIAA basketball title, the Hope Dutchmen closed out a not unsuccessful season in ra t t l ing off two impresive victories in their final encounters, crushing Alma, 1)7-71, and bumping Calvin, 100-90. Both conference tilts, the wins en-abled the Dutch to snag a second place tie on an 11-3 record, and to hang up a 12-7 over-all season

performance. The Alma Scots, upset victors

over Hope earl ier in the year in their own gym, hung on for a little more than a quar te r before slipping behind the well-balanced power of their hosts. Ahead by 15-14 at the first gun, the Alma crew was jolted by a blistering 38-point second quar te r spree by the Dutch, in which Will Rink and Bob Hendrick-son poured in 11 and 9 respectively. A sophomore-dominated team, the Scots again showed promise of be-ing a title contender next year, though the squad is hampered somewhat hampered by a lack of height.

Guard George Fox was high fo r the losers with 23, followed by Bud Miller with 20. For Hope Hendrickson netted 22, while Rink added 17.

Behind a consistent, effective f a s t break at tack he Dutch hum-bled con%^ence champ and tra-ditional rival Calvin in one of the better-played contests in the Arm-ory this season. A f t e r the Knights dumped in the first few points, the Hope machine began to roll and threatened fo r several minutes to turn the f r a y into a rout, leading at one point 19-9. The Calvin five recovered f rom the jolt and hung

H O P E (97) FG FT T P

Visser, f . 4 4 12

Brannock, f . 2 0 4

Adams, f. 5 0 10 Riemersma, f . __2 1 5 Hendrickson, c. _9 4 22

Kramer , c. 2 1 5 Molenaar, g. 5 4 14

Rink, g. 7 3 17 Redding, g. 1 0 2 Wagner , g. 1 1 3 Armst rong, g. 1 1 3

Totals 39 19 97

ALMA (71) Miller, f . 8 4 20 De Causin, f. 1 0 2 Sawyer, f . 2 2 6 Ford, c. 3 • 1 7 Stockham, c. 0 2 2 Thelen, g. 0 2 2 Fox, g. - - 8 7 23 MacDonald, g. —1 1 3 Payton, g. 0 6 6

Totals 23 25 71 Hope 14 38 24 21-- 9 7 Alma 15 22 16 18-- 7 1

on to about the same margin the rest of the half , a last-second swisher by John Brannock giving the Dutch a 53-46 ha l f t ime lead.

Opening minute play in both the third and four th periods saw Cal-vin creep up behind the Dutchmen, in the la t ter instance nabbing a short-lived one-point lead, but each t ime the victors managed to in-crease the spread to a safe total . Hope freezing tactics and result-ing f o u l s f rom the desperate Knights in the last moments helped the Dutchmen, who popped seven s t ra ight f ree throws, to build the total up toward the three-figure mark, which was finally achieved at the buzzer by Hendrickson on a follow-up tip.

Pacing the losers by f a r in both floor play and point-making w a s short classy guard Don Vroon, who fired in 26. Hendrickson dumped 18, Rink and John Adams 17 each, and Harold Molenaar 15 for the ma jo r Hope scoring.

Junior Hendrickson's eighteen boosted his three-year total to 1009 points, and gave him 342 for the year, an average of 81 per. In conference play alone he also hit for an even 18, racking up 252 fo r

fourteen games. As a team, the Dutch fell jus t

under the 90 mark in conference action, hi t t ing an average of 89.7 per game, a slight dip f rom last year 's all-time record 91.3. In overall competition the offensive total showed 85.3, one of the higher marks around the nation. Defen-sive records were lower than the previous year, the averages being 71.9 for the MIAA and 74.4 for the whole schedule. This season's activity brought coach John Visser 's record to 40 wins agains t 18 losses for his three years a t the helm.

HOPE (100) FG FT T P

Visser, f. 2 2 6 Brannock, f . 4 1 9 Adams, f . 4 9 17 Riemersma, f. —3 3 9 Hendrickson, c. _5 8 18 Molenaar, g. 7 1 15 Rink, g. 7 3 17 Wagner , g. 2 4 • 8 Armstrong, g. —0 1 1

Totals 34 32 100 CALVIN (90)

FG FT T P Kok, f. 6 5 17 Diekema, f . 5 7 17 Newhof, c. 6 2 14 Kamps, c. 1 2 4 Vroon, g. 10 6 26 Boersma, g. 2 0 4 De Kruyter , g. - 3 2 8

Totals 33 24 90 Hope 25 28 24 23—100 Calvin _19 27 25 19— 90

All Games—85.3 points per game for 74.4 points per game against 621 field goals, 1696 a t tempts , 37% 379 f ree throws, 618 a t tempts , 61%

Conference Games—1256 points for , 89.7 per game 1006 points against , 71.9 per game




$10,000 EACH

• • • • •

Bob Hendrickson, Hope's leading point-

maker, and first man ever to score over

1,000 points in 3 seasons.


FG FT TP FG% made

Hendrickson —137 68 342 43.9

Adams 105 69 279 36.1

Visser . 73 55 201 32.2

Riemersma . __ 79 34 192 40.7

Rink __ 62 29 153 44.3

Molenaar __ __ 43 43 129 35.5

Brannock __ __ 42 22 106 33.9

Wagner 31 25 87 27.9

Kramer __ 17 15 49 28.8

Klomparens __ 15 5 35 34.1

Kempker - 5 4 14 31.3

Arms t rong __ 4 6 14 13.8

Bieri _ 3 1 7 42.9

Phillips _ 2 0 4 40.0

St. Aubin __ __ 1 2 4 25.0

Hondorp 1 1 3 11.1

Redding _ 1 0 2 33.3

IRC Members Represent Hope

At Conference Hope College was represented at

the annual Midwestern Conference of International Relat ions Clubs by Walter De Vries, Dick Spield-enner, and Lar ry Siedentop. The 1954 Conference was held a t the campus of De Pauw Universi ty, Greencastle, Indiana, on Februa ry 26 and 27.

The general theme of the meet-ings was "The Fu tu re of American Foreign Policy"—a discussion of economic, mil i tary, and political programs and of thei r proper in-tegrat ion in permi t t ing the United Sta tes to preserve internat ional peace and national security.

The ma jo r address entit led "Ed-ucation and Peace" was delivered by Robert Maynard Hutchins, fo r -mer President of the Universi ty of Chicago and present ly associated with the Ford Foundat ion. Dr . Hutchins severely criticized the educational system as it is pres-ently consti tuted and its inabili ty to work towards peace. Among other speakers was Mr. Richard Fr iedman of the S ta te Depar tment who analyized the relat ionship be-tween public opinion and our fo r -eign policy.

Fraters, Indies Assured of Tie in "A", "B" Leagues


Fra t e r s 7 0 418 248

Cosmos ___4 3 324 266

Emmies ___4 3 313 259

Seminary __ 3 4 248 347

Arkies . 2 5 200 321

Knicks _ _ _ 1 5 222 336

J e r r y Veldman established a new individual high fo r the " A " League and the F r a t e r s clinched a share of the ti t le in a 68-32 rout of the Arcadians. Veldman connected for 13 field goals ancf both of his foul shots for 28 points. Karl Vander Laan led the losers with 14. The F ra t e r s also made the Emmies thei r victims in a fa i r ly close ball game which ended, 55-47. Veldman dunked 18 to lead the victors, but Bob Ritsema of the Emersonians scored 19 fo r game honors.

The Cosmos made it four in a row by knocking off the Seminary 64-41 and the fading Emmies 44-27. The victory over the Emmies en-abled the winners to gain a tie fo r second place with them. Bill Heydorn dumped in 15 against Western and 12 in the Emmie f r a y to lead the victors. Eddie Mulder bagged 8 for the Seminary and John Soeter tallied 8 also for the followers of Emerson.

A f t e r 15 s t ra igh t setbacks in two years the Knicks finally won an "A" League game by downing the Arkies, 35-31. Dick Korman was high for the winners with 10, but Vander Laan took game laurels by chalking up 13. The sweets of victory weren' t too long enjoyed as they fell the following week to the Seminary 53-48. " H a n k " J a g e r showed signs of regaining the fo rm tha t made him individual leader in 1952 by meshing 24. Again it was Korman f o r the losers as he poured in 13.

A1 Nelson of F ra te rna l has climbed to within three points of King in the individual scoring race. Other changes was the movement of Veldman f r o m tenth to sixth, and the addition of Korman to the top ten.




Arkies .

W L P F PA 8 0 389 303

6 2 399 324

5 3 440 348

3 5 309 389

1 7 301 397

1 7 253 330

Heading for an undefeated sea-

son, the power packed Independents

assured themselves of a tie for

first place and eliminated the

F r a t e r s f rom title contention by

licking them 61-52. As it has been

all season the high scoring trio of

Bill Boeskoel (24), Kenny Van

Wieren (19), and Dave Hondorp

(7) brought the Indies closer to

an unblemished championship. A1

Dykema stood out fo r the van-

quished with his 20 points.

With thei r high scoring guard Joe Mart in injured early in the game, the Knicks bowed to the Cosmos, 61-27. John Keyser of the victors was high man with 18, while Bob Bedingfield netted 7 for the losers.

The Arcadians l i f ted themselves out of the cellar by thumping the Emmies, 49-35. Dick Ten Haken led the exodus as he poured 24 through the cords. Jack Borr was successful on 6 two pointers and 7 foul shots but his team still fell into a fifth place tie with the winners.

In the preceding week's action the Indies overcame the 27 points of Joe Mart in to ease by the Knicks, 60-52. Van Wieren with 21 and Coach H o n d o r p with 19 brought home the bacon fo r the winners. As in the previous game a player on the losing team was the individual scoring s tar but the Cosmos downed the Emmies 55-24. Borr had 25 but he couldn't beat the offense minded Cosmopolitans who were led by Keyser who bucketed 13. Lit t le Jim Ziegler with 23 led the F r a t e r s to a 60-44 t r iumph over the Arcadians. Vern Hoffman took the ribbon fo r the losers with his 11 markers .


King, Emmies _38 25 101 SCORING

Nelson, F r a t e r s _38 22 98 FG F T T P

Ritsema, Emmies . . 3 5 23 93 Martin, Knicks 52 34 138

Heydorn, Cosmos - _34 21 89 Borr, Emmies 39 51 129

Vander Laan, Dykema, F r a t e r s 42 31 115

Arkies 34 18 86 Van Wieren, Indies-44 25 113

Veldman, F r a t e r s _35 10 80 Kuyers, Cosmos —33 24 90

Van Hoeven, Hondorp, Indies 33 20 86 Cosmos 22 18 62 Keyser, Cosmos 40 5 85

DeGraw, F r a t e r s - . 25 1 51 Ziegler, F r a t e r s 36 44 76 Smith, Arkies -19 13 51 Karsten, Cosmos —26 20 72 Korman, Knicks . _22 6 50 Boeskoel, Indies —26 19 71


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