02 13-2013-test review

Post on 25-May-2015






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What absorbs ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere?


What type of energy heats up the Earth’s atmosphere?

Infrared radiation

What is the greenhouse effect? Process by which gases hold heat in the


What type of heat transfer requires two objects to be touching?


How is heat transferred to you from a campfire?


What type of heat transfer is responsible for heating the troposphere?


Why does convection happen?

a. Warm air is more dense than light air

b. Warm and cold air have the same density

c. Cold air is less dense than warm air

d. Cold air is more dense than warm air

Wind is caused by differences in

a. Precipitation

b. Humidity

c. Air pressure

d. Turbulence

How are local winds different from global winds?

Local winds are caused by unequal heating in a small area

Why do land breezes form? Because land cools off faster than water

What type of wind blows from a specific direction over long distances?

Global wind

Earth’s rotation makes winds seem to curve. What is this called?

Coriolis effect

When do clouds form? When water vapor condenses

What type of clouds produce thunderstorms?


What are high feathery clouds called? Cirrus

What type of clouds are layered and cover most of the sky?


Any form of water that falls from a cloud is called what?


How does energy travel through space to the Earth?

As electromagnetic waves/radiation

Energy from the sun that reaches the Earth is visible light, infrared radiation and _______________.

Ultraviolet radiation

What tool is used to measure how hot or cold the air is?


A sea breeze is a type of what kind of wind? Local wind

What tool is used to measure air pressure? Barometer

Which heats up more quickly, land or water? Land

What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?


What percent of the atmosphere is oxygen? 21%

What is altitude? The measurement of how high something is

above sea level

What human activity causes the most air pollution?

Vehicle exhaust

What is rain or sleet mixed with acids called?

Acid rain

Why does air have pressure? Because it has mass

How do we measure air pressure? With a barometer

What does the ozone layer do? Protects us from ultraviolet radiation

Photochemical smog forms in the presence of what?


What happens to happens to air pressure as altitude increases?

It decreases

In what layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer or ozonosphere found?


What are the four main layers of the atmosphere in order from the ground upwards?

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

What does the mesosphere do? Causes meteors to burn up before striking


Where does the aurora borealis form? In the ionosphere

Where does weather occur? The troposphere

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