0111: poijift espera apture rosse ointe - local history

Post on 17-Feb-2022






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ointeIPolice Bullets CaptureTwo Bandits In AttemptedRobbery of Grocery Store

rosseFarms Official.Clarify PublicDebt Situation

The pablie debt of the ViUage ofGrosse Pointe FanDI is $120 per capi.ta of direct obijp tions alld $J2 per

capita of indir«t obligations, it was Two shott fired by • pair of alert of the car. With 110 0Be steeriDa'. ttseall401Illced tbit week in a slatement City of Grosse Pointe poIiceae:a re- alltclmobil.e tIIIalbed into a biz tree.made by offICial, of Ibe Village. III1ted in the seizure ed arrest of l1li Two "'ery fnpte.Qed mest wue puDq

The .talement wu issued, the o!i- arm~d bandit alld his aeCOll1plke early frOlll the wreck by the ..,;gila!!! !:lfficera.cw. said, to correct remarks thai TIIt$da,. morning when the erimizWs Trombley', bullet bad hit the large wiII-were made at a. meeting of the Grosse attempted to ac:.ape in • stolen car dow.hout!Z inches from the driYeI'"Poinl Fa.rms Property Owners' Asso- after bi!ing detected tryirqr 10 CIIter a bead. while Teeturt', sb<lt had t~ciatiGa last Febl"llar)' 19 al the Grosse grocery store at the c:ortIe!' of Wash- iAto the hOOll dole to the small no-Pointe High SmooL At that meeting. iagto.a Boulevard aDd Mad: A--. draft ftfttilatioll win&-;t .-as .tated that the Farms public At 2:55 a, m. while cnrisillc ap Wash- The dri"er, icIatIti6eel as Lee Kdlil-deht '- $200 per capita. inston Boulnard oa their .... iIht Jaa, 24, of 457 Brainard, _ fotmd ..

The olfid&l fipres are takea frOlll watch,- Serput Edwar4- ~ poasesaion of a 5-ahot. DiekeI-plate4.the bonded indebteclDftl recorda in the and Patrolmall Andy Teebert IIlIticed her Jon.- .3Z c:aJibr_IWdnr. The.&le, of the ViIlage Treuarer, These a ear parked iD the rear of the C. F. __ ... IoacIecI aDd .. -.. boz ofshow that the total public debt of tbe Smith .tore ill! Madr. The o8iecR ~ was fOWKl........... ~ !!!~Farms i. ~.OCVJ of :fu'ett ub:Je ...,..... "uUed their KOUt car into the aDey and QI', but McVi!IaII h... bee D tooaDd $240,000 of indirect obligations. The the headlights 0'11 t 1 i II e cI two meD sbocked to fire. Aldredge FlemiDc. .u.per capital ratio iI baaecl on a popula- scrambIiug for the .t~ 1m Baid: his comP&Q.ioa, aDd aIIo of 451 Brain ..lion of 1.soo people. Though this popu. two-door sedan ia wflich. the,> had u- arcl was in possession of a CONpIet.IariOli ficare is uuolficia1, it is derived rived. SergelUlt Trombley lBaIICln'ered let of new buraIar:r tools. This aJl,.from the ac:carate indices of the ltlichi- the police car iIlto a position blocldne 1ectiOG, ....hic:h iDctuded saws. JaUr ..PJl Bell Telephone Co. and the R. L. the oa!,. exit aDd both olfic:en roUed hatchets, etc.., was 10 lIew that policePolk Director Co. down Ibe wincloon eel drew their.-. oif"lCiaJ. remarked that tIaae weapoas

Tblt direct abJiptions are bonda that The bandits seeing that the,- Wtte _t also baYe been stolen. 11ae thineIhue been issued b;y the Village over a trapped, taraed the BIIick iutG the hud PtJIldIed It ~ in a ~_ ...period of IIWIT )'e&n &lid which are" adjacent field and headed for Wuhine- were jimmying the stole .u.Iow __beina' retired at the rate of approxi- ton B1Yd. Trombley Md Teetcart eadJ dae oBbn animLIUtely $lS5,llOO a ytar, fired one shot. with both baIIeta Iadaiac After the JWiIoaen had beeB hook!eI

The indirect obligoatioas life boDds is- ia the ear close to Ibe dmer. Tryiag to in the City of Grosae Pointe iaiI. ChiefStled by the water department 011 the uoid the sIQI. the !Iourglan tlu-e.w Thomas V, Trombley aDd his assist-VilIoJge water worD plant, ....hich are themselwea to the 11_ I0Il41lost ecmtrol aDls ~ III iaftStiaa_ wbicbJrUranteed by tJae ViDage. Payment _ sbnrecl that Deither of the capt1If'C'l4or interect aDd principal !l!: t!:=t Aut.G Ci'iiiih IOlIa !Ilea had a pn.orioe t«llri ill ..hoBds .. boweni'. baa al... ,.. beea Girland Ift-- Detreit police ilea.lI:l&de from RVeaae ef the water de. Two n..L. _~;; ~ A a&ort tlme after low lIetectiYaP&rtment. VUICI' IftCII from the Detroit PotK:e ~

The Grosse Pointe' FIInIII bonds bear arriftd Tuesday .. 0t • j It.. the ~aa interest rate of 4 to 4~ per cent be- A ZZ-;rear-old girl was IdIIed aM two ~ mal. related ~ ~e cmfaocause' ttley were issued at times wbea men were injured last s.da,. ~ ~ of .their. eaRer III ~

tbat nte .... -eM ..--aWe, at 7:15__ tIleir QI' ....... e.dJ .~ ~ ~ .....tile olEiciats' ItataReal cxa ..... At ~q~ ~J~".~'~',.,. _._' _. ,~. .. ~.

Buried by a Senate appropriatioDslIlbcommittee ~ently. Grosse Pointeand Detroit baft twidenlly lost theirmuc:h-fovctrt-for Coast Gaard statioa011 Lake St. Clair,

After the !iOUIe of Represeutatinllhad PUlled the Treuury-Poatoif"_supply hiD, in which the $100,00) ex-~c was iIlcluded, the Senate Sllb-COIDIIIittee balked and p~eoa-hored theIChedaIed COftItnle:tion.

Van, intet'Clted offid;.!;, 10dWiaaReprese:DtItiYe Clarenea], McLeod, ofYic:bip.o.lIId WiIliaat M, Walker. ]r..Detroit Commissioaer of hWic Wornban -lac:tt.d WasI1iqtoa 10 find OIl!"why tIoe statiol1 pf'OPOH1 was sl!tind.



..... 0111: POIJIftPaJln'lJfQ CO. • I" •


-YOLo lS-No, 28

espera OS apture-(ir-OI-"B7-E~-.="tiaou? WHY BITE THE HAND ~:i.=:-'

We took adY&.:~:;::f the fint t1III8J' THAT SAVED YOU FROM At a .bon meetins of the Grosse

~,I::..r;a':"~ :::'::: ~ NCREASED TAXES? ~::;.:::~':.'::.~;':~~:.:IJaYell't leetl ALL the Beacb Cabs ill --.-____ 10 certify Johll W. Chandler ucI AI-the world, but Ibil .oae ~ust ~ ~d I~•• toqIa old wericI, tIN. .orIeI 01oara. If,_ ....... tbiiic I freel ]. Ganb .s 1I0000tneesin the fizWto beat. The beach 'hell UI teml-ol'CU- ~I«tion for villare prelident on ),farchIIred Il7 colorful c.abaJw aDd just be- riPt, ,oa',.. critic:iaed. ... if ,._ ...... Bliatake, ,oa're cradfied. lL

At .., rate tIIat ..... to .. tile attitacIe 01 tile Cia-.- Auocia- SUIt]. Ktetbliclc, attomey for1'0---- • .-1. -1.- IIa L....- •• ,. t Chandler, presented the Board wilh a

tioa 01_ Polatep--.. -- Ye - Cl"iticiaias ~....- ~tition askille that his dieDt's DZme~ riPd ... left. DIlYeI" .iYiaa' credit .... cncIit ill..... DOt be certified as a. candidate because

If it .. 't ... tbiBr, it'D uotIaer theJo are .01.... Moat _ bis eligibility has been challenged andtbe court actioa lhat would foDowIDDIt .. iaadJ'. RiPt!lOW their f:II7 ..... to .. "«aaa.,," coald calise disnJption of viUace aUairs.

"et if:roar citiuBa Imew the f.eb NYiew" apeB ... However, Julius L. Berus, l'illqe al-.... jadicM ..w, ,oa miPt Me the IiPt itu....... torney, staleel Ibat the Canvus Board

had no power to withdraw or ...dd a..... £ • ip.,. DZme tG the olficw. ballot.

Did',... bow, 'or ft. tUt "oar ...... t Sf. eiodrstioa On Yoaday, Krem1iclc obtailled aD

IIJB4 tIlcre ia .. oatdoor I1rimmIalI --L_" ftlII ... order to show caase writ and a hearingpool, Ja,... eaouP to boLt the U. S. ,.. ewer $1.......... ---- ... PS wiD be beld March 1, before CourtJl• .,.. :r. the Cab Houe are pma wii.un w. tIaoacIat DOt IIat tIae7 .m.D,.... JCaodaeftI judge.

t'ooau. IIIU5ap I'OOIIIJ, bairdreasirlc A ,.CIa wiD ... t .r ..... woodea Woek psi 81lt ......ulmu, diDing room &ad bar. Oa the •Olbcr ailie of the Co 11. • the outdoor 11M ?DIll wiUl ...,. ... ...,. ram .. Wocb IMac:IdecI .. ....,. dud thepltio wben lUDell is ICrftd Oft little IIrset wu )II'SdicsII,. hnpe ... LIe Sa. 'I b.. MIl to .. daae, ..=t''::th=C:;~-:::~:=,.........-at ..... made ~ tIesl with tile w~ o..t, RoadCOIIrtI. C ! Ii""... to do the PSYiac lor which tbe,. to -.pt

We ~ iDto the bar at a huadred ..... biz I'eCeipb for 6ft ~ W.,.. CoaDt,. ac--.aDd e.ia'h1J' deIree. aqle, aed Uenyed YPI at • ClOd 01 •• ,. Mi: i.t., $1 J'et l'eClIhed ..,. $It,551.77ap bdcwe IOiuc iDto ~ NeYer haft '"- Gnu. Poiate PsrIri ", ......,. --.we __ a more nried 01' siamoroas ,....clispIa,. of food oa a bdet ta.ble. n..h •."A cIinIric:t 01W A.-. '"- ... West LiaUbGtoaniDc board irlCleed! As we ~ to S n It Nt JIIleIIecI wji iDe ?DIll ...,.. Apia ~ preaeatoaraelYes Oft a Iett1Ice leaf and two • •llic:ea of Iftpebait, we played "peany wid. the W.,. ee-.a,. RoM c noa to..... :r---tboaPti ... bat did.J't ~ Illy ...w. .. jIInIt 1_ I" biz Noden, 10 we'D jast jot th~ down ...:..a... fa _ ' t tI..II: .. I" do- inhere: As we Watched the aaoto. mob- - .-, • -7 •

.. , tbe aocia1 cIimIlen diiahiac azul lNI, ...,. ... "t .......,. rec:eift ewer ....., ..... •• ' ••tile l)"COphanlslid:o'-futia& we..... .... to tiletaaaNii •• 01....... ADdtIIat'. Bot r •., .....den4 .....,. .tiJ.ey didn't relu: md eajoy .

- good, deaa fan iJatead of wwk- How - to tile.... IW 7wr JIINIIlliIt ..t eoatI-",in&' like beaven to be -- with .. willi .. CiIJ' ." Detrait to ......... -.tilt _.... ... II)' ... KIGB1' .-....- '_....... TJIEr ...". . , .

Sl~.","""Q'~.,.. .. *'=~.~Qie:f ~ .eiJuu ....... dda

AL_~ _ .... *- . de£' d I iam:ee of Pa!&tu. ,O=ered In'G'e aaaapted IloIdap ~ IIiIlrdy .,........._e weat.JAto auJt,. &II ~ ad was lalLa to the. Cottaaoe tile --.. ~ of ~ _were ref1mded dariIIg reatJ~ ~!'! !!! hc»pjtal where ahe died early 111:"'" """""1 nIIIIler,o dlort .. the .............. - -.. -... ~ 4. _ •• - - - '.. p'''''''' "~-_ _ n'" " ....... _ ..... _..... ...... of -... T_,..., _ "'"

- - - ......................... - - - - -- .- - _.... - -- .... , of ado< - .. , .. ~... ...... To, of "--0 of "'- P _Some of the hair-tl'iaft' blZlllOriltJ--j , . . . ..-4 "7Un F._ m" ~........ _ •• _ .. _ _ _ u _ ............ .. ........ on. ..... e.-••• tian 0Ifi<0n eo-P- rn- .,""- _.,,"cion... ViJor- .~ ,. a .. ..... _ .. __ --... Thio ..y..... -- _ - CIIldIIDoaaJ H... ton $2It,tN To CanaeIJ n_ of • ..-....,._ ad ,dud ._ _ Oft..... ""'" ""-......1- "-. - _..... -. on- A n ~a. _d, m.. u, _ _ n _ .........:Rabe GoIclherw and Job LaGa.tta. r deDce from the 501 city managed mu- llleeting ~th which tbe offlcerl of the wa.s de<lr UId the road cby. The car~ to 5 years in Leavenworth Pnao..-. r_. on w. - "". Twme .. ftlod ........ ..... ....... 1....w............... "" .... ......,............. d , .... " .... _ F• ..,.. d._. _ ....... __ ............. F...... " .... _ .............. ;, ._ ._ ........ '"

At die Coloay Ou1Ilut week, u we lea.IOU, alld bound for the spacious Shote Road, baa c:oatributed $2OO,llOO whebDing proof. It is patterned after ImnDlty sta~da to lose $87,000 m per- that be had noticed the car pallS and it also added, -no. _ h ..- ......... _ Ao_ V... ...... of "'- -.. -. ... -- ,.m" -- -... '?" _. ""- _ _...... ....... .. ........... I -. ...........- ...-. .... - "'- _ ~ u_.,. • - a. •........ _ ....... b.. ._ of 5'" .._ n' of ._ , _ -" __came a "blow'" that callRd .. to &po atioa olficia1a, a.ad three yonths wen ~~\:::e~,~~~ ban~ Azaericaa basiaaa Methods the en"" of law, ..-- '- _--.I _predate the terror, of the hwrical!e. IU'RlIte4 for l'iolating the state p* "-Dr:V&"'~J"~ :....... el the rest of the This remark ~s hued ~, the e:- I I C n.. _I t', .......... Wba ................. - • - - _. - T" _ ""'............... ~ ... _ .... "_ ......FlU'IDI ~ly Ow-. ..:..-. __pie starts blowiua' thraacla teal tIJoa.. ne lads said they r~ $lfora~ the~: ~~~~thaft theth~ 1IIlIDiQpa1~. tbe same as that Ihe village WOlIId be unable to To Meet At High School fw ~ .

_.L- _.. ~ fr_ cnl'iAg Grosse Pointers ..... sonhip ...- "'" -- a ter e -- :.. -:.. •• _..:..n- L.-lIse

', Ie.... tu; on any of the $4,92],600 u. _AIId -- trees, the -- - '-3 L__, ,",. tha "'~..:£o --. ......... 3 __ " _

........• .~ -. -- .." n' -- - ..... ~ - ,- - - y , _ _..... H'Hd n', .........."..-. .... Th. ........... • "" FI ea.:-_". "'0 -.. - of ..... .. "'- .. u, of ....... ---f"b ih .1 wbkb~'.' .. _b1 .... _ bfa..,.. ll H



•u::.aervO:::"".-.up- Wba- -- - F", - ~... .....,. -- -. ud b''';'i... "'''''''': II .. 'm " .? ,_... P " F._ H 5_ u"mi= _ •......- - - _..... - = ud........ ad Do. "". "'" __ .. -. ....... bo.i. ,~ .... 'G' b_ m.", ...... ~u .. 8 •. ~ Formal n..m....Sat.

a ..at case ill wlUc:h the douIl birds Mr. Auderson, who ncGwed hla taw of JII'OftlI expa" .$ and ability and will be lost, the Slalelllent concluded. _~ •IIy candlqbt ancI wbea *nias came ~ _tIy packed. deane from the Univeraity of liicbi. nis dale was selmed in order DOt _................ - - - - ......, 1_ ll. ll,. ... .. - "'""" - ,.. - a ...._ ..-_.d n', ,. .... ... F_........ Wi... tb. .1Anb.. L.... HblIoad -" • ...., .. "'- P T Vk- .. ""- Wbilo of .. .. u........ _ m H' D.mI. wm End hi," bU. a bf "". '''10.. Pm~' •• = '''''' , ""~.~ ..... .... .... , .... ' '- Wi&, 1> San, " - ...... , ;0I0oI Cbi "" .... -- d ..... League Cage Seruoa mdi.orily _" m. 1m .... ..,. .. 1811. K=b , ...... m So ••It'*: lD ,the dyke, • givcu biI chClice of a $100 fine or 60 Psi fraternity and served as the grou.... emp!C)"l:a oa=:' . e buis. r~lar monthly meeting lhe aseocia. urday, March 2, Grosse Pointe will be

,,-_.- -- 10 h-t - . I . f 1- .nJO. Sec:olaoI--It responsibility. . . tion, Rc""'lar meetings be i II IF bcld f .... d 'th * ._ g d............._ea we ~ ,... -... clays in jail. WiIs palled the trigger, Dationa presideDt rom 7~ to u *~.. ---"_0- ......" e f e e- EzIdlDg a ten gallle Border CItIes 0- 0 urnls"e WI & .. r er an more com*..... ib< • '-" , .~ -, _'. A ..., ~-';;:~-';_ • " '-0. "b , G.. _ P Hig mmob~ ~ H~' bf , .1 ,~ oil ~ I .~WIloat for home Ud wba & p1alle roan ...._~ I f' d I f H catiYe ....--., • - _ager pwn p.. ces . month. d I tISean, retIiMoed - dead arOll5c. voa- l1'lIl aete u c:ounse or eDl)' tbe eommissioft ia .. rightful position, cage squad. lIIeets the unpred~ctable a.n p an So

....... ~ - -- of .. "yo" F F~d bf_ c.. e-- d~.~; Ii" bf__ T...,u, .= ,. '!" bf~.....d ""_ft m....... bf ,. ,~." ..ing for an air raid abelter, TbiJ iI/.,..« of "" Fa...... -,. F« , - .""........ ~ m••• , the ~ cOQr:t and the outcome WIll are urgently requested to attend as fished in the rapidly expanding Radnor...... , - - • of - n'. ;, _., 1m _. Tho ,. ~ ,., <In ••• b.obn 'm ."" Im.. rt••• _0'_.' "" Pu' b.. i H''''' j f Fi".lIIorninc papers here, which are so fd ~.....,.ri&g r-l: ~ the linn: -- .......... of .....~ the policy pro- IS to be inhabited b,. one or two be s:':!>::1iltedas follows: er Roa". Pr~"';"'Il<ly sl!~ted in :~."of e-...D......... """" ....... of ......... ' ... _. • .,...,. Gna Cburda -~ •~- . ... "'M' A.. ~ ......... ~ .... .-...... ...'" "d ]od, ',lIdi" •. P... " ...Princaaes, that _'n .Iuted weat- ~ P ta M • ~•.:a.:.._~.::"":j~' .G&ted


cu.lhYea:~~,. -Sillce Fordson's Tractors meet the of membership to aU propen;y OWllcn built a large clientelc in Sy. years of...,... a ........'- "'" / -.... .. ~_ _ '_........ _ • D .•• f G'''H Poi." F.=. b.. 'u",-.n.,,-m . --'~ to -18 'to - -wno • _ JWssioa. Ii the er mak~s rood ... c.ot beanya)(n e qUIn!'!'t, ~. e. e\'l:s An amendm-"t to 10'cr-'.e "--rd _, " 1 I'- ..........-. -- ~..,.. T S ..a ,...=-- ast t t t _..... Q\M VI The flew bUI'-1ing is 0, ear y co onialof the thiD.. We DlUlt L_ -I_

L...... C- WO 1pn Mel 'MYCq.> C it B ....- .. iIl. ocI-.... he keeps his job, • fails, he is fired III OIlroe 0 remam In a Ie Directors.

.. ....•• _c - B I:' ,...-- CCl • ..,.,,,,, e s great pr ..",100 ( "I . ) h {or the lead. A defeat would knock architecture. Simplicity is 5tresscd into be eoahued witb catty), .i'lIce -.ill .. "CIIIIIer ~ernor -h K. f K" g' 'n be shown at at oace not at xl e echon • t e G p '. d dlock . h An amendment to provide for fin. all interior fixtures. Wrou"_ht iron' . •• # • e 109 0 In s WI III a a eral a er in an ri. rOSIe oillte IDto a ea ....It "aD thIS ConlmcutallSa, a sigtlt of the Graee chureh. 1.akepoiate at Kercbe-/ sa e i gen. ~ Y ? Royal Oak for .econd place honors. ing of a vacancy among Ihe officers Itables ... ilh gla5s tops su,'port beautiful.... - - ....... _.10.... """ ............. _b<n ..... nL F"",. bfon.. I .. '" • .. n ......... _' .' • .=. ',m. n.. ...... ,; ,,,,,.i'.,,d ....... <>. B~.d •• D',,,~ ,... ~ .... Sof. m.,I•• ,11.mw,"1Ip aDd purr. To elate "'ft lUll 1e'V' Rasse1 A. aDd Fredericlc 1(.AIccr SOUlIdeffects have beell added to this he doo:s ~C't bne .,-It until the next deal of trOl:lble in tfn .... :" ... \f ~~.* •••. , A e r " .. r l! <;!::;~";;;;;';"l of lne ~ a pyl" de~orated reeeption room .• 1.Oc' D L.' , L-_I ' I 111111 SIOU IIIeetiJaiI tn art"" a r:!". u •• ~... v_ .. " '1 oS. •u .. , trOlters, a -VRW erce ..... Post of tile V; ~. W: an~ the _lh?Of r-cat picture since the OI";l!'tnol "I'?! coo IS ....."! .., Ifirst tillle the nro squads met. The loeal structure,., I be conducte In the rear. a mooerni,t;c consern •.. IP'te of foat _t!se:. !~ r~ ... u... "'''"'''''U L.CIPClIllshown. and thi. has added atlllospherc llCUTI~r.JWobl~ "bl ,lads held a 26-24 margin .. hen the final Farms offices will be inTited to onto t"ry ...il h a vaulted glass roof joins the"PL~ ...- ._. .. ........:...A-":" ' t ...~ . T boa hlr_ t msarq .• pa e n:eeu!wes , I tL'r "I t'o ~ d q II"--tl'on . b Id

"- - - - ~. 7Un - ~ -.... • ~.. "d "",:n '? ... "~.".' ~ n .. <>. '.''''- Th, m'..... .... w.",.~... <>. "'" .. i'b '.lI.d ••• ~. ,"~',. .. _ •. m". 'oom. So., ••"... ....,., ~e toed to stopC IB t1M WuhialatcM cdebraticn und~ the a'lS_, are rC<jUlred tor a'le 5hOWlng, P . f.I1 arOund Ihe rim in the last 15 seconds. Each candid.t", heing limited to a tive all t).~s of garden species,7'~i", ) " • ,.............. 0:. Gob"-', Th. ,,,hi', I. '''''''', .-'.d. T<b. .1 ... b_.~ :!1::.' .;; ... :; 4" _ Tcoj •••• ". "!,, .. h" m' •• " .. ~. Thi. i """""'" M•. P"'Ok ""., •• "'"., ••••,,,;.;. ~.~. "- alhol , , M.,,' >S m" bo """h d_. ,:., " .- .' •. ,.,.'~' m. • b, -.. d~~i". R~.I O.k "'m. ,. b m. i.I.,m.d ,1 to '~"-'~m.•"m. ,cd .i,"-W~.l's. aDd it's proprietor, Lionel Cioven:ror Bracker .ddr~~sed a. meeti~ t ------ p,a~ on ,clltenng tllia .. arlc. are ~~ec,ally Plans are b~ing drawn by the ~{ichi- qu.l,fication (If the oaes yoa will "ote hi, ne",' 5hop and constr"atory at anyWertheime~, ;, the less c:onsp~ bci1t( hcld by the Economy Lugue ofIA.L.: .._- Board tra,ned ,n ~s~h~n,v<rsltlcS, .. A gan High Schoo! Athletk ASSoci.tion/IOr on March 11th. time. The coneern featllTts a deli,.try.....bn .. 'bo"_ 'A" .. d ~ =. • V"n.... ..''':'''"'' m n' - t " "u".~ " " h~ . 1 • ....- ~h'n ••d I•• m'Mb ,'. a b • If S P L To Give Lun ..L--n for adnncemcnt In salary ",.here he IS,.... 'I' n v p .W.rtb...... '-' Ib_ ..,.. W... • _. m.. ... t .. ......,_, .' ". •• ._ _. . "'''," ",.. '.~" _" C.",. ;., " ........ nOW1l omler •....".. T,I'.".b Doll • ..,. H~bo. .,,~d hi. ..... .. d ....... 1. n.. Go,,_ ".i .. d .h. m,. ,,~. - :" ~, '- , .•..."." .... ,m. !..... ....,-.Id. boo", E Roal E Ie ...;::C~ ~::.;. .. ;;.. - .. ;..";.,,.0..,-.. 1ile pwlce em lor iUVlng their homes on Sunday Th~ Ad\-isory B"ud "f the ~f;ch;- cll~'. arc bc,"'l' ma~e hy hImself lD the nter..tais now called "'Vcr:'s Back Yard" and afternoons to attend a meeting to dis. ~n C~al'lcr <'>f the Dauj:thters oi Amer- dfecllnness of hI' day-to-day wor~. L.b --S---H--. - P . t Studenb!lis adve~lising slogan is, "Everybody CUIS ....an anti means of creating better ican C"loni,t~ .... ill he honored Satur. Manager$ are career men and not polr. I rary tory our James Griffith. of 1211 \Vayburn. a oan e.oe~from bad to \Vert's.' It has a go\.ern";cnt in thcir cornmunitirs. Hc dar, ~r.rcl, 2nd, ...hrn ~!rs. Ral~ ticians, Invitation Given resi<1cnt of Ih;s vicinity fOf tilin" years At U. of M.back yard look, lInd people from BOTH uid it aulters ",.dl 1M Amrrica t" see EmrrsM "'isncr. Org.niz;nR' R"'R'ent. Fourth-The manqer plan cut! costs h •• rrcrntly jO'Md the sales OfI'aniza


' ~ GnJh:rit of ~ Hampt"", Ro.~.Id" of ". " - .. " ••• "m..' ,i,'''''' "kl". " .. ,,"' ,.111 •• ,' • " •• b,~ •• bn homo~ .1 m,.;,;", ,,_ •••- Th, '""'" E"" T.",," .",~'" " .1<5 ,f ". P. ,. D ,,,' r~ .. P _m , n .nlg~lliy irom 2 a. m.-on, 7he kitchen interest in the atfai~s of their R'o\'crn-/ Cuter Avenue, The luncheon ...ill be of s.vings de~n~ 011 ho:". b.d .or how o'c1ock there will lIc • Star" Hnllr'T (('Im;"'any. trai ~m,llf'e for the Frosh Frolic.

".Id" .;~ f,_ ... ~- .. • ........ " <>" .. IS ....... "m. "'1•• " h. • ..... m,,".,. ", ,,~ .d •• "' _. ~ .,. Lib... , .. """ K",h,,.,, A,,_ ",. G.."" .• " h.. Ii,... "G,~.. ".QI'~.I ',,,. ,1 ". •.. "m,.h.... .. ,. " <>.. '''' hn. •••a 1,= ."h • m, '0. M'. W"." -. ,.,... .ill ... " "- " ,d, .1 ". -"' 1..m.,,,. - • ",. AII ,hi Id... I"m ". .... .. .. , P.m" I" 1m,""" ,..... h.. 'n."d ,...... .., L.'... i.. of M, h~,.. ..the .helves in the front room. trhik The m~eting \\ then adcl.ressed b", Wlil:~m n. Lcnt-K""p, ~frs. Cha:le;, :~I:t.ies show. th.~ savinp;s hne becn fifth grades are inv;trtf t" ("me. hest wish .. and IIfC'O<l luck Ir"," n".". ~ A'iTt'1" Friday, Marc~ I, in the l:nioapc.kcr! rar>s <it on the heads of the Charlts W, Ba1'>Cock. cafld,date fr>r ..... B'llcln .... ~fn. Robert ~r. MC"""I-:". ted TlInnmll' f 0lIl 5 per cenl to as ernus friends in his n('W bu~iness .. ..,. R.nr"",".c•• tomrrs in the back room. Hamhur. l'tr<itlcnt nf Grr,.r I'o:c:c FMms ana ;.f", j ernv r.. Van<1c'.tcr, ~frs, Ed-, h'p;h .~ ~ f''' cent, . lroll In .t'usley I lure. _R'hcrs \\'1TH caion, ~;t hea,.;I)' On all Ihe fnllnwml:' canrl;da!~, 1M trllS~~e': .... rd F. n'rl.:I~'''''.}r .. ~fr<. Rus<c1 V.l Spc(llicall~',. thcn. ,,'nat c,.n - ",11''': Parsley is more Ihan a ltarnish --.---__ r. ~1at'eI .. rr_s

.. , ,,,<om,,. I. .nb '~m. I • ~ R.. rei.. ,,,-,,,,' ",. " J.h""'m,.. "... ,,'," C. G_mm.. "d ........" ." G.."" Pm"" P"k, m p•• " .. " ........ "I.y • ~'" Fw Job P.-, _ ... I. 0,... ",. ... "".,Coo T"l .-"""',,~D.. .-.W""m. M". H D. .w -'em...... .. fJ"l , ~_ y . •ColI Gn= P_ _ '- "" _ ~ boIp_ ~P!' ! '..n ,










.. 1_ ..Thrilling Values I


Black and Whita

I n...r. 7~ WIICk , ••enatell with IDOWJ wIaite.Jut what 7011 -.t fw..... ....... frocb 1Iaftthe tiD7 waiIt &ad rIdrt hi-..... 7OU'Il1oYe • 0 0 ..

........ talet fer .....7- look wiDow7oAlTo NPJ"a acI wLite ........

F'utted or Swq~ .....faD • , , the CCMlt 1iIbo.1tte7- ....t ia 1Mn!

Smart coI1arIeu at7I- • • ,Rids with detail, ita tIM __-omiae 01 ... colon.

Straws, Felta,Beguiling New

Style. for Springa low a


14812 ~'ack Avenue

Lyric line. for lovely 1adieao 0 • the J-:omiq IMlW' apriqHata in the .t71ea ,._ libbeat.

The Ray Shoppes14812 MACK AVENUE

in the 2ttIr Century Bid,.

.Just adjacent to our former ahoppe

ThUI'~a.,. February 29, 1940

A.n,nouncin8 •••the ePening of our het.utiful Dew and lara.

.tore at

Under the direction of Clrarlel Bab. bur Y. Brilckcr after which tbe wit.cock. Pllt COD1IlIlIIder of A1a'er post'l illl yetcralls were illtroc!uce4 to tIse

. 'Ptioa. The Sou of Veter&lllwbo acted al malter 01 cere_I for conlt . eI I t' of .,-_,- _. . olfered a tllJl y Ie ec 10ft ......... v__

the veten.na, the u.lOIclien, thar that WIS followed by the .ec:asd ....lloclie. alld membeu of tbe SOlISof Vet. leclioll of th e A!&'er FOit octet.erau drum ud bugle corps of A!&'erPosl, filed illto the crowded church in The .erviee eame to a ~ wItIt dtethe form of I rralld procession, with .iqilll of "God Ble .. Aaleric&." AMIllalled c~. n; Mth th~ J ~~nlO .,,<1 durinI' the benedictioa, the hew oI allV. F. W. UOItS. The colorl were placed . !d' their """-on each side of tbe altar and a pledge who heard It, u-so le~s, .to tlte ftag was liv~u by Ihe entire al- the sons who are Dunn, the ~IembJy with the leadel\lllip of the &rillY lae, II ",ell I' !.be CQCIII'CCJtialIoSoD, of Veteran.. The nrvice bepD were bowed in reverellce to this greaawitb a IClection by the Alger Post Americall anel his advice oa fot •••octet and was followcd by the regular tanaleDlents, truly thaI kful thit i6churcb 'eryice which was conducted by America where cburch .. , IChooll all4lthe Rev. Luther Canup. And address tbe pl.lrJuit of peace lOCI lID un"was delivered by former Governor Wil. lestc4.

Lut Symphony ConcertTo Be Held WedDelday

The third ud 68&1 coacert ill I'erie, of winter l)'lIIphon)' recitall.(IOftIOred b,- tile Grone Pointe Boarelof £d.-tion Ucl tile Joha D, PierceP•• T, A. Auodatiosl will be held lIextWed::esd:j" evening, M:l.r~h 6 :1t l! :151'. m. in the Pierce Jnnior Hia'b ScboolAuditorium.

The prosram will feature The MieN'pll S)'lIIphOllY Orcheltrl WIder thedireetioll of Valter Poole. Tbe orcbes.tra is toaIpoeed of 70 piecCi and wiupresent !din Ardyth Walker, 'ceUist, asthe aoloi,t. Mi .. Wilker i, a pupil ofGeorges !diquelle, well-knowll Dttroitmu.iciallo

,,~ 'FirI& .....Georp WubiqtaD OM <Ii 8M

wealthiest men of ht. time. Heowned '10,000 aern at 1ucl m Vir.&iDia and 4D,ooo aerel e1Jewhere.Hir "tate .... valutd .t whit wouldnow e.z~ed $1i.000.000 •

W•• hingtOD BirthdayObservec:lbyWar Veteraaa

18119Kercheval AvenueCROSSE POINTE FARMS


I ItneFormal Opening

-------, -. ----.-.


~ 8Sc <=t:

..,...,...,...,...,--,.,., .........-,., ...., -, -, --

SaturdayMarch 2nd

of the Beautiful New

A Cordial Invitation Is Extended to AU

..... ,................. _brn_'_oRAIr- a..-.. II .,.. I J.[ .t •...... .... ... III e.u ken, W.......... _ '- _ tIoat nwy ......

--so In- ., --- ~.... wlII Ie. .-., ...........--.u.:

AI•• r Cleaner.ll1ZZ KERCHEVAL &ad JUST PHon1131. EAST WARREN TUI 2.4000-TU. 2.1600


,ARTHUR L. PASELK I• flower shop I• conservatory I



Vt" .• It" Ut"III. W ..1...... c r_.,_ ..,1046 Kaui~~~' R~d-rit -~~;-;bo;l E:dIIct V....... Cnlen I Grone Pointe'. World War veterauMarch 1 from Palm Beacb, Fla., where 'I'hree atiDet volcanic crater. joined wilh the congregation of tbethey IPmt tbe IDOIItb of February. have been found .. the Redwood Graue Pointe Lutberan Churcb on

------ Empire of DOrthem California-Mt. Sanday, Febnla", Z5, in a 101emu bat

L ...L. Miui. Konoc:ti in Lake coanty; !It, St. appropriate service commemorating theUURnUI 011 HeJeDa aDd !It. Veeder In Napa birth of tile fatber of our country,

COUIlb'. WhIle tM rqioa Dear the George Wuhlngtoa. Yemben of thecnte.rli abound jq m1Deral Ilprinp, General RuseeIJ A- " CoL Frederick M..team ~n, ad het waterrpriDp, 110 receut Y01ellDie aetioD Alcer POit No. 995 of the V. F. W ••hu beftI reported. . and Major Barn. Hm", Post No. 30J

------ of the AUlmcan LqiOll, anemb1ed.alOft&' with the ladies' awtiliariu .ofboth potts, at the Grone Pointe Lllth-eran Chareh, McKinley at Ken:hnal at19 a. m., 51111<1&,. morning.

By DICK BODYCOKBESeoriq foar bukeu while holding

Wyandotte to a Jiacle fielel ~ GroneP;=.:t~ H~'i li.ai~.:tLan ~u.d ~ledI'InY ill tbe third qlWter of a bruisinll

R...... s.tin., TwiL, Moira,Bant'-*, Wnf'OI Ca.!h~Hand- W.,... Wools, PI. iIIColon .t ....,

$1.00OtIs-., ,1.5, to $1.5t

N.tt,. ...... .... rill........... if.,..,..-Clem SearleITlI4 KERCHEVAL AVE._r SI. c ..

Altoe.-.I ."" <:a S.,.IMI0,.... • to •

entertahuant, Wert olferl hia tmiqaeb_ ill Ihe Wly of lips. Betweellt1Ie two rcIC)IN 1.1 • • .hieh read."'1'1lroaah these portw, the mOlt beaa-tiful litl. in the world have lluiedoat." Over tbe front door, anothertWn reacla, "Eat here, diet home." Thewuh rOOllll arc labeled "Hil'lI" IDd"Her'lI" aad oYer the bar we are ad-.... d that all cIrinb are made with"IcMzac care."

We heard the foDowinr 1rith 0lIr 0W1I-1lIl1ib1e ean: A Detroit WODI&D,miDI at the home of III acqllaint&llce,felt eatIed.1IJOOD to tell her boItess howdUlrmiDC she tDOUIfbt tDe honle Wlslanel horr lacky the WOtIlU 'In' to haverated ncb ID Ittractive place. Shethen added that me couldll't UDdentandwh,. the OMlUS of tbe hoase filled itwith .lIch ugly iurniture. Her bostelSreplied, "rm torr)' you dOll't like it.We rented the house, but the flInIitureis OIl!' C*"IL"

And - we're off to tile Lake tocrack _ ice fot I DOUBLE KOtchIDd IOdL

The people of the LlItben.a KitlioDreceatly ntab1illlecl 1ri11 meet tlextS.da,. 0JlClf'lliac. II areh 3. at eleveno'doeJc la the h'brary tJE the GroslePoUatc HiP Scbeol. Po. WilbertBurmeister win eleliver the &erDIOII, ltiI JIore ::: ~~ Unitedtheme •~: "The Bible-;.Oar G1Ud= States DltW operate witb civil MrViceaad Lia'lrt. . JII'O"fslnal tor their J)el'SOtmeI.

Tile S'UlI<I&,.School will meet for itsseuioG .t 9 :+5 L m. uel wiD acljoarnOtle hour later.

Raideata of the City of Gn*tePaiute &riel of Gs-_ PaiIlte FanIIawitJl .. Joc:aI drDrc1l coaaectbr areiavitci to attend the HrVic:eI at t!Ie--- lUI4 to esaroI1 their childreD ill.die ScbDel.

, H.. '.IM



Yea, We're FUllY!



ST. CLAla ... MOTa.E DAIlE

W. _ YOU" _ ........ _I W"-,... ....~.. '1 ......... r- " -

a.. ....... .. ur- ...._ AJIw U. II1II ~


t .. 'e1. .. 1M ....III." .....,.- .....,• .. .... R a.........

.u.ACH .oa LEACH - s.w.~n-. A....

...... Eas ......... ww..Ie .. Ketal


J. VERBEKE'SPoultry Store

" •• w. " MARKETV. lYIUlier SUZZSLnMnlA ....- at. .. ..LE. 7781 w !, d 'r W. DeJiy.


III. ...

G. PaterlOll reportL of Gbioa.'. Detroit experience wal b~ battle staged oa the local lIardwoocilAt thia lut lla.icl of COIIUrtJ, tile pro- i:atatpretltiora of the ~Ecoica" Iym. !alt Frida,. uuin. aad beat the dorra.

~Im fOf' wtl.i<h will be the WIlt. there vAoDY at \he JIIlIWy 'D, 1931, coate"- troddea Bear quintet ZI-17.will be DO IOIilt. KlCluo Fruro V.ern foUowen of dI. I1mpbots,. After I 6rst qllUter of erratic pi"n. Detroit Symphony Orchestra Ghione, who will coaeluct, baa selected ItiU ltiIcuu tlait aJul$ua1 performance iJIf ill wtlieb the Blue Devil, lUDqed

triI1 ~ ita twenty-sixth 1e&!OIl to a tbe followinl' follJ' worb for Peti-. of a worlr: that eYeD thell wal thrice to obtain I 5-4 lead, both StIaads WI'

dole with the COfteenl of Thunda" IDce: Beetbo¥eD, Tbird S)'lIlPholl1, ill faMiliar to them. veiled their offensi ... $trelll'tb ill thelliabt. Y:an:b 7, IDel frida" af!Cl'nOOIl, E flit eu-oica); Dvocak, "Cami,..." It hu been laid that tbe bureln of .KCIltd .tanza. The Bean, howeve.',J(arch 8, in Joluoaic Temple. Frora all IOII'ertllr.; Liat, IPIpboaic: poca, "Or- tbM .ym.pboa,. is a Iteat IlWI aDd that matched Grone Pointe point for pointuate .. both artistically and financially. pbell$", and Rnel. 'YIIlPhoaic: fru- the man. beyond all d....,ht. i, Napoleoll, and permitted the leaguc.lcadcrs totlle present SUsotl, the lirlt t<>l' th.el meats from the baUet. -DapbDiI aDd IeVeD tbouch Beethoven. OIl beari. keep onl)' their one-point lead at balf-"mphODy ill JoluoDic Tempie, has been Chloe." that the Coc.iclD had become Emperor, time... 01 tft _t sipilicut in tbe bis. Friendl of Jolaatre Ghiaoe will 1MIaroua4 the inlCtibed title.p&ce WIder Dominic Palmer, Wvanclottf' cent~r,...., of the OI'cbatra. lri......er 114WTa,. iIlWr"uted to 1aIow that iamediately b.heel witb maled.ic:tiolll. Howe"r, it) put bis alma mater ahead by toniill'

- after' the matinee perfonuJlce Jolr." is lICIt 10 laucb Napoleon tM lUll, II in lone-bander at tbe beaillDiq" of the..... y_ SIaoeI ~ 'Mn. GbiOlle wal lene for New York, Napoleon the idea, the exempli6cation last half, but tbil margill was abort.

III where 011 Saturda,., Warch 9, at -. of dnoted aDel iIlsPJred leadersbip III a tived. Tbe Rille Devil. put the lid 011

T C!L - - R .• the two will sail ODthe S. S. Jolallllattall Italld hlllllan cau,e. Iheir basleet and after the padlOCk badlap op ~ epalJ' for Italy, The realOlI foe- tbe burried "CarniYII" .... comPOSed al tbe lee. 1 Hen appli1 the, proceeded to dap

11111 .... III St. a.ir elepartllre i, that Jolaestro GhlOlle II oad Plrt of a triple onrture, "Natare," tbe rame the wcll-kn01l'D "bal."E...-t ea... Tuhip scheduleel to 10 into rehearsal at the -Life," "Love," played for the int Tanner, Joluzolf, Starman, alld Locke

famoul La Scala Opera HOltM eeveraJ tiJne ill the autllJDJl of 18!r.! ia New poured IUccusive pointl throuP, the ... rte &lee'. r......da)"l after he arrivet. York, wbere tbe colllposer wal takiq hoop befOre the frantic Bears claw cd I .Althouah the .eather In Puerto

Loca1 r.oacert - 1riD reeaJI that the pclIItof director of the aatiotuJ con- the top olL Wyandottl ended tbe game Ilico .. too warm tor tootball, thou-.-." • - h b' ., . und& of tllU there .n mternte4ODe of the I'J'ntest ilId.iriclul trtu.pu llUVator)'. ....ter t e overture wal y markUt'i'Up three POlDtJ but the in sport th _ Gam ..

Iplit ~to three ~n:,the I_el part B!ae ~Yib had already put I.ay their in Ute United elt.~ aN eia.el1 fol,.~ "Cantiva1. J1Jntb yictory of the IeUOa. lowed via radio aud DeWI)l&pen.

Setwe Diqbile'l', impl'Cllario of the Gor4.0n Tlnner, irreprenible Devil _Rauian ballet, liked Ravel to COIlIIpoM forward, led aU ICOrUI with e ill h t"Daplmis alI4 Chloe" in 1910 or 1911. poilltJ, e';en tboll&'h he WlS ejectedIt wu produced at the Cbatc1et, Paris, early ill the fourtla qllarter for com.in Jue, 1911. Nijinsky took tbe part lIIittinr bia allotted share of personalof Daphais, Karsavina was Chloe. fOllI.. Charlie Marzolf followed dose

The Detroit S,..pholly Society bal 011 TalU1u's beels with sevtn markeu.aDllOUDCC4tbat &lDOq the .oe-1d-eelc-- Palmer, Bear teater, led bi, Iquad with1lrated attractioru aDd artistl KhecluJed six point. wbile Normlll Kaczorowskifer the 1940-190$1__ iJa ~a_ic helped the Wyandotte CilUse with twoTemple will" the ~OIIte carol Ba11et blLlkets IIId a free throw.R.1e, Jucha Heifetz, Zillo Fraacea- Groue Poillte aha .on the reservecahi &rid Geor1rel Ellesco, 1'io1iDiIb; tilt lpinst Wyandotte 28.1". Tom Ire-V1a4lim.ir Horowitz lIIel Robert Casad- land, .turdy Blae De~i1 auard, threw inone, plaailt; Docothy Maynor, 10- nine pointl. while tbe Grosse Pointepruo~ Ric:bard Crooks, teDor. and ~JPeed merchant,'" Charlel Lee fash-Gree« PiatilonkJ'. ceIliJt. iolled eigbt di,its for IecOnd place

------ bonors,

AI Work c........• QtOSSE POINTE BLVD.

... Gna ...... NL ., ..

.......... ' • • v....G. Tn, ~ ,.... u.....l.. LiPt Soekeb .........



I-Mi.'I'~ and GIua for the H:" S-utiful0. ~.,. •.. at r- ......Is ..................

.. ., .. ....... ... GIau.

LAP AYETTE MIRROR & GLASS CO..... .... A .... lit NeltirIP- roo z.IIJI






Page Three






.-.-zI'. .....2


• Per D-39-:



Nice S;.


Eugene's Dining Room13901 E. JefferlOn at Lakeview


LUNCHEONS-40e to 6SeMuaic:&y Mauk, II:" A. M. to II:" P. M.

"BEST FOOD IN TOWN"DoormaIl WiD Park Your Car.


GrapefruitFLORIDA U, S. NDo 1 NEW





White FishFillet of SolePlck.rel Fillets ..FRUH

Salmon SteaksFresh Cod SteaksDeep Sea Scallop.Fresh ShrimpCooked ShrimpBulk OystersSMOKEDFinnan Haddie



APPLES. • • 'f';.' 19c ;.;;;,~!j!!~!ij~~J


I Extra Special Fresh.Frozen Food. IRed Ra.pberries p p il1St L' , er ackage !!i

lraWoerne.Blue Berrie. J ~Pea. C ~Lima Beans ~Green Bean. iCom Off the Cob !Pea. and Carrou ~

i Spinach I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~












•• 29c





• ..!!

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• ca.2ll.0L 15e

• PlCkaae

• Pae:ka~e 1 Oc

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i.iD~• ..e:k

Z• <:&11.

I• Cln.



LEnox 6900-14628 E. Jefferson Avenue-we DeliverNEXT TO 1HE POST' OFFICE-FREE PARKING IN REAR OF MARKET

Special!-February 29, March 1, 2THE SAME FOX CREEK QUALITY PREVAILS!


Ivory SoapMonarch BeetsMonarch CarrotsLAJtCE



Fancy Pears •


GLOBEMilwaukee Hams • LIt.

CookedR-v to s--. Wlsola or s........HalfCHOICE BEEF

Pot RoastPORK LOIN "

ROAST RiIt HalfPRIME STANDINC~r~~";:.1tIoCottage Hams Z Ie .... --..

CHOICE RrB• L ....L _


Michigan TurkeysSUCED

Berkshire Bacon

~ IIM.te 'illI I I I



COFFEEGold Medal Flour.Green Giant Peas



Country LardFRESH PORK


HAMS Butt H.1f5." a_'.dE'flY!@@. ¥


II3UTT~~~ ..


Niblet CornDel MOlite SalmonBisquickAUNT JEMIMA'S


Split Peas

Grosse Pointe Library



by Dorothy Sayres.Short stories of crime Ind detection,

R_.t 800Iu some of which feature Lord PeterWimsey.

TREASURE BEL 0 W by Com- TESTAMENT OF FRIENDSHIPmander Edward Ellsbeqr. by Vera Brilll ..in.

This is ae exciting !lory about a The biosraphy of Winifred Hollbygroup of men who hunt for buried t ...!d b;.. cne of her d~e:t !riend=.Spanish treasure by st.bmarine. Com- THE RISE OF THE AMERICANmander E!lsberg has a tho r 0 ugh FILM by Lewis Jacobs.

9:45 a. m.-Sunday School, Mr. Hugh knowledge of lubmarine5, and everyH 'I N '11 S • d History of the development of the

• A C el. uperlnten enL boy from 10 to 16 will lo\'e this book.11 00 \V '11 b "F b motion picture industry.: I. m.- e Wi a serve at er TilE MEDICAL CAREER by Har.d S "S d All h f h d FASHION DRAWING by Hazel R-an on un ay, teat en an vey Cushing. Doten.

IOns are asked to sit together. Dr. A collection of addresses and papen T EST E D SENTENCES THATCarl E. Kircher, pasto.!', will speak on written by this great brain surgcon.the thelDe, "When These Boys Grow It contains ';alu3ble information for SELL by Elmer Wheeler.Up," : . . medical students and general reader I

6 ;15 p. 1D.-C1lr1stl&n End e a v 0 r too, besides many biographical por- Public Aec.de. DAtU .,.-.-_ , , , _G The 48,900 public aocident deaUw Ir'1~ps. :a. scientists, such &5 the Maw> Brothers, 10 the U. S. hut ye.r was 52 per

.30 p. m.-Rev, W. Wheeler, John Hopkins etc. cent of deaths from all lUnda of~.D., of the Boa"d ~f Foreign Mis. I:\' THE TEETH OF EVIDENCE accidents.liOns of the Presbytenan Church, New _

York City, will show moving picturesof the 'A'ork being done by this board.Dr, Wheeler was for many years inthe mission field of China, before com-ing to New York.

Wednesday e\'eninr. March 6th, wewill conclude OUr "School of Missions."Rev. T, A. Cosgrove, D.O., former pas-tor of SL Clair Shores Church, willspeale. Mrs. C. Kircher is conducting aclass for the young people,

Thursday. March 8th, we will haveour annual "Father and Son" banquet,in the church basell1enL

Christ.healing. He !aLIght hi. followersthat his reli&ice had a divine Prin-ciple, which would cast out error andheal both the lick aed the sinning.N

Eubn.... Pru&,..teriaD Church

Southeast comer of Kercheval andLakewood Avenues. A. H. A. Loeber,pastor, 1434 Lakewood Avenue. Tele-phone: LEnoll 2121.

The last of the four sermons on I"Hearers of tbe W 0 r 11," based onChrist'. Parable: of the Sower, will bedelivered in the service next Sunday,March 3, at 11 :15 a. m, The subject ofthe sermon will be: "They on GoodGround."

The Sunday School will be in ses-sion from ten to eleven o'clock.

Under the auspices of the YoungPeople's Society, a Monthly Bib I eHour will be held on Sunday, March3, at 5 :15 p. m. The subject to bestudied will be "Unchriltian Culh."

The fifth of six special MidweekLenten Services will be coeducted onthe coming \Vednesday, March 6, at'1:..5 o'clock in the evening. "RedeemedFrom Death" will be the IOrmon theme.

GOSSIP-GB.t\MSNew. .. View8 Oil

"'-p~-----oIq-j;.x..".~-'---'IA. 8PIIJ.LUIQ ..... tuB doMl

.~. Paul "'s.c. tnt>;- ... 1lUe coBdue-

tor of the Spell-ing Bee. tookoyer Cal TIlt.neJl"s reiu ..,.."1...' IInr .. 'l:PP'on- -tit. ~outti't8. Age" pr~IfI'lUlS wben Itchanged tfmaand networkreeently. Nowth. t.Tared"battl. of the

I qes" lDay be"suI WI..- heard Satur.

day enllfup at !l:oo p.m., EST, AAaetor and writer by profenloll"Win&, bu been In radio .lnC8 1923wllell be was .. dl~r of juveel1eIIroarame OD NBC, about whichwork be hall written 84!veraI worth-wbile and inlerestin&, book&.

DR. JOSEPHINE B. NEAL.- qe.-ci4lilt aAlS prOlRiM1lf fuller' ..

t 1l. l'g UlIQ'lIll11t Itclo"'"tile P4"4IVri,.is Gie" .... 1Electrle',tlU7lU.tll "WOo"'II" 01 filIIWed:" to GpofJftl" tIlitll PWSpital.y, l"''''tola,. aU - girloreIIutra Olltll8 .. Ho.,. 01C1Iarm" p "0-IJTCllll. At pre"ellf OtIC: of fllll' tlr. J. B. Nealdirector, 01 Nt!1J)York eill/', Burea"01 IAJ~lJtoriu, D,.. ],-Clll /la, 'pe-cWliulS 10,. tllirlv Iftllr, ill tile.llld. Clnd trealmrrlf 01 inf(Ullilepcarll1vsu. Parlicvlar111 time1v islIer clloic. Q.J ftomall or Ih. Ircrk-dNrl,,# flu: "'igllt 01 the IlOlion\CideUJiG-reA 01 D:ime,lI CI1m-paz",,-, ,po ....,orell ~)' Presidmf Roosevelt.

r; used to be wb~n certain lllmfolk were preRnted with book!,

th~y'd uY."Tbank •. Ihave one." ~owIt I., HThAnk.,I've just 'llTlt.tee olle~" Themost recentHelD from suchIlterat! con.eens Ed .. ardArnold, robustalA&e. scr~n.and radio star.the currentmaAter - of •

_ ~l'remonlu ofEns,'1 "'"nol' the popular

ur:~ ~!'!I"'~ -,! !!4t\'. p!'~~r:'!~ ~~ThursdAY n'jthts At ~:(ln p.m. EST.ArnoTd's hook. "v.rl'nZil G""A toHnlly .. o<><:I" I. Aufohiograllhie.tJ.fol10'll'lllJ in the best tradition ofJ)la~'en who ba"~ rec(lrded theirearly tratning. trills Rnd trlbula.t1on~. an4 at 10llg last. lllelr riseto flme.

SIISt a Sa._ ,.; ~e Custom IPuhl,<, bath houses in .lapan t'nc-I

pIny male IIneManls in both men'sand women's q~artt'r.. I

Sweden's 1 ree MIDtIn most SwedIsh hotels and pen.

sions mllk is served free of chargeat meals just as water is in Amer.ica.



Am~ the Bible citatiolls is tbispalnge (Mallhew 9 :35): "And ]esuswent about aU the cities and vil1aces,teaching in the i r synagogues. andpreachinlf the gospel of the kingdom,and healies every sickness aud everydisease amonr the peop Ie...

Correli;tive panages to be read fromthe Christian Scieece t ext boo k."Science and Health with Key to theScriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, in-clude the following (.I', 136): "]esusestablished his church and maintainedhis mi55ion on a spiritual fo~ndation of


. Jakimec Beauty SalonLE._

... B.ccctfieLI at Jdf ...


Just for You!Th.. '11 be Jo...eIDaeu beneath your Eattel'IIoaDet. • • • A DeW, Io'I'ely you. with •1ltlW. INDIVIDUAL baintreaa. Ph ..DOW •

Grosse Pointe Review WantAds Get Results

III •••••

Punch & Judy TheatreKerclumal at Fiaher Road NI 3898Friday-satun:la,. March I aad Z



Stmday-MODCIay- Taeada,. March 3-4-5DON AMECHE-AL JOUON





.... for ,. •• .,Picbt.fw~.... hr ,-.~Mil ." _ .......

CIIIIl. U. .,......... _ " ....1'. __ ,_ .


SerorIq er- Polntot Si8ce 1124

Semel.Soma,. or Ford Coke-qc or Gamut aiae $1.75 touPea size $7.51 loa

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORSGn.aadier Stoker Nut "OriF-I" PocLaItOlltu0". Sto .... Nut LetUp Valley A.tIaraciteJCopp.n Stoker N.t SilYw Birda Woed

1_ F'"Oil

P..-pt, e-u- DeIhw7


Village of Grosse PointeWoods

Notice to Electors

Philip F. AllardVillage Clerk

You will plea.e take notice that hy reso-iution of the Viiiage Commission, the Vallageof Groue Pointe Wood. will be divided intotwo election preanctl described .. follow.:

Election Precinct No. I.-All that part ofthe Village lying We.t of Mack Avenuefrom the Southerly Village limits to theMacomb County line, also that part of theVillage lying East of Mack Avenue andSouth of Vernier Road. Voting place atthe Municipal Building-Mack and AnitaAvenues.

Election Precinct No.2-All that part ofthe Village lying North of Vernier Road andEast of Mack Avenue. Voting place at theMuon School-Vernier Road.

ChrUtian ScienceChurch

"'Chri.t Jesus" will be the subject ofthe Lesson-Sermon in all Cbri.eianScience Churches thrOlllhout the worldOD Sunday, March 3, 1940,

The Golden Text (II Corinthians 4 :6)II: "God. who commanded the light to.hine out of darkness. hath shined inour bearts. to give the light of knowl."ae of the glory of God in the faceof J elus Christ."


t Groae Pointe Nuraery & Kindergarten Scboo;lII RidII_t R.... t"'_ Poi." F_

MARGARET L MILLIN, DIRECI"OR".., 5-tw, F.bnar, I, INI E ..... n N_ CaD NI. SIU


'fturada1, February 29. 1940-

I• • J


I Aokhr.~~~~~~. 8500•




; ;I

Thursday, 'February 29, 1940


PHILIP F. ALLARD,V"allawe Clerk

Village of Grosse PointeWoods, Mich.


Board of' RelistratioD

v, l2eafistrati()nVillage of Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.

You are hereby notified that the


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the .Annual Election ofViIIap Officen will take place in the Villlll'e of Grosse PointeWoocla OIl Monda,.. March 11, 1940.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the polling place foraid eIectioD ahaU be: •

of theVillage of Grosse Pointe Farm., Michigan

will be in seuion on Friday, March 1st, 1940, and Saturday, Mardi2acL 1'40, between the boars of 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon and 8:00in the eveDina, Eutem Standard Time, at the Municipal BuilcIing,60 Kerby Road, Groue Pointe Farms, Mic:hiean..

Yoa are further notified that if you have not already registered,you may do so by appearing before the- Board of Registration uponthe abon meDtioned da,.. or by regiatering with the Vallage Clerkany day up to and including Saturday. March 2nd. 1940.


E3ectI-. PndDet No. I-AD tbat part of .. ViIIap Iyiq w. 01 MacIc A..... fI'OIIII.. s......,ViIIqe IiIIIib to the Macomb CoaDt)t Iiae, abo tUt put eI the ViIJqe IJincEaR of M.:k A _ SoatII of Vender Road. Votiq,.. at the MIIDicipaIB1IiIdiq_Mack aad ADita A.....

EIIctiaa PruiD:t No. 2.-AD that part 01 .. ViDace IJiac NClI'th j Veruier Road aadEaR 01 .... A..... VotiDa ... at tile ...... Scilaul--Venier RoM.

AncI that the poD. for Aid Election.baIl be open from 7:00 o'clockhi tIie foreiiOOll to 8:&Go'clock in the evening, Eastern Standardrime..

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if ,.ou have not already Ireaiatered, you may do so by appearing before the Board of Regia-tratioa which will be in aeuion on the 20th clay of FebrQuy, 1940,at the Mgnieipal Building between the hour. of 8:00 o'dock in theforeaooa UId 1:18 o'clock in the eveDiq, Eastern Standard Time.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI FlED that yoa may allO registerwith the Villqe Clerk up to and incJudiq March 2, 1940.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI FlED that eancliclatea for the '01.lowiq offices will be elected at said Election:

VlllaC. PresidentThre. Villa•• Comml•• loners

NOTICE OF,Amtual Election~


•MeekCoal & Supply ~

aile- A-.

- IA play that introdlleed ehilclrm ofother natioll' wu ~ven Wmld.,.. Ftb-rury IZ- The 'COIII. bad a 'upp«afler the perforaWl<:l whicb the pu.enta who attended .eemed to -joy.

Last Frida,. since :Vn. Smith wunot presellt, :Mn. Crane and lIr ..Graves u.... hl the lirls bow to makeIDa;!. on a KrolL Tbey a1Io 1nrDedtbe point. of a campau •

Diclr:Li-rinRstoaof 88 Ii_s Road,Grosse Pointe, is a member of the eea-Ira! commiltee for the Capitalist BaU,anDuaI .cbool of bta.in... adllliDialra-tioa form.l dance at the Uninnily ofM'ichipn, to be eiven Frida" Warth15, ill. the Unioa Ballrooa Yr. Ur.ilI.pton iI • jllnior in tile ICbooI ofbUliinCSll.4miDittratioa.





15 u.. 8geAD Rat ..... iacIade .......

claW. ~ ir...t.AD ...

,...., for .......w. Specie_ iD CartaiM

r.-:-t Pkk.u,. .... o.inwy FOE ILL N1J •

• (4ia, - Jda ..


0IiI1'au &ell.A rusted fll!el shoe P-eftItly fOllJld I

In Texas is believed to have beenpart of a COIlt of mail worn by aSpluUIh ezplorer iD tM Sixteer.lJlcentury.

Man-'. ,.... Pua.The tilM to mit Warine ill It!!I.

II fall, durin. the If.pm ha:vCl;,when wine wtnd of ",ater f10,...from the town pump in the pl'inClpa1lqU'rI! and. averyone may dnnk freeof char(~.-----

I.. Bo.. "'(a eo•• Nd:Ice boxes are no 10:ller livin.

rrOUlld to .leC'lrie refrigerators, ac-cordinl to the Eastern State Ict as-aociation. n!Jlllrtin, a .:aIei irll~reasefrom 213,03.' ice bolles lzl 1933 toolearly 800.000 l.IIst year.

eou- fer ... 1a1Jc11., ,Several southern states are ex-'

• perimentin, with the use 0: cotton Ifabric ill roed constructloD. I -


Pap Pear

For Best Results Use"The Grosse Pointe Review'~

Liner Columns

Sid'. Breakfast Bar

Crispy Bacon and EggsAn P.t of tt.. .. of F.. at

Dr-. .. tal -...If Oft 7"l' ..,. to work. w. bow ,...,... 'Sa' •• wid. • IIr.kfIIIt at SilI".. 0. f_ ........~;. CIII If'C& ~ 01Ii... ,h.'"I 5' Iy 1'J II»' .......OPal AT , A. II. ECOIfOIIICAL PIICU PU:VAIL

on. CiIy.ww. F_


1$2.11E. W ...... at Barham P .... NI. CO'4

'St .. mlng Wheat Cakes

- -It Clll Kadc A_ Ie the CIty er-,... ...the 'rat lay of eacla rof GnIIe PeiIIW. The ticeau ..,. lie ...... COIlISDllIlJ, caUed S1Illday: ~put" '" the II.,. 1IpOII !be appli- vided the prvriaion. of this Sectiallcut payiq into the City Tranr'J' tile sbaD not be applicable to aay PUlOllIIUDl of One Thoaaand Dollar. ($1,- wtao c:oascieDtioud, belicna that theeaeeatiaa a nnty 'boDd in the -.I se'l'Clllb lb.,. of the week from sunsetI1IIa of 0.. 'I'lwnuaad Dollars ($1- Frida, to 'W1set Satorda,. thall be ob- YmJ can c1t'PU1d on retti.... YGIIl'

..;.;;.;;;.,;;,...;...--------------------. lCn'Ci u the Sabbath and .e:tuall c:lothe~ when ~ want them fre:-• . , re-- Imperloall Fast plcle-ap. and deliv-

frams from conclllc:tiag or eaaa.ing in eritL Try our ICrvKe.tbe basin... 1r:n0Wll as the uaed allto .

pam bUJiIl .... or in the bu.iIl ... of dia- Imperial Cleaner.lIWItlint automobile., or in dealiq inllIed or lCc:ond.ba.ad auto part .. or aa1- TU. 2.3880Yqecl aulozaclbu", or ill th. basineu ofsellina'. bu,iq or deJjyeriq ued or ....IeCOlld-haIId auto put. ill the City of

GlUtSe Pointe, or perlorlll otha- 1eCU- NamiMr 2J IIar bUllin ... on th.t day.See. 9. The premise. u~!f for the ,. E.Ia.'•

.... tcIIaIlce of ItlCh basine.. if ex- SapIrioritrPOled: to the .djacent slreet, aile, 01' Zother property .balI be required b,. the ,Wa)'Ol' .. a conditioa precedent to the _

iSlu&Ilce of .acb 1icenae to be enc:1oaecIby a properl,. painted tiPt board fenceat Ieut six feet hiP erected ill. .uebmazmer u to obliterate the praaU.e.fT(Im view. uel which fence shall be Iproperl, lllaintaiaed at all lim .. b, theli==ee. ,

See. te.. Any penon, firm, co-part.llership, or corporation violalinl anyof the provisions of this ordinance shallupon coa1iction be tilled not IDOre thanFive HandTed Do~n (500.00) or servenot more than nmety (90) da)'ll ia jail,or both .ach 6ne and ilDprisoamc.at intbe discretion elf the Court.

See. II. Tbil orclinance .haD takeeffect tflft d~1! ~ the datt of ii.Ipublication.


Adopted Febnary 14, 1940.Posted February ai, 1940.Published February 29, 1940.In ~lftct Yarcla II, 19«1,

.. ----! - - -- .!-.... LOST 000.00) witIa ODe or IIIore .urttitt to beft8YIeW LID .pproved b, the Y'yor, CODdi~•• IIRISH-smER; .n.wert to nam~ tlaat ncIa perlOa, fir... co-partDefibip,. .. 1J-:l~~~~ l~,eu. old. car corporat ... tbaU f.itbfull:r obMne Qt RLCiAy topcoa~,==onrcoet; tift 38- I Private School lbe conditioa. of thil llI'dillUCfo

40; rood .. WmMU nuclIa' ---- ....... See..t No .acb IicCllH .baII be II-..... Call NL 1S30. NUlstiv SCHOOt:=Nine to twelTe SIle4 alltil the owner, opentor or per_

, ~ ---- for bo,. uad pis of pre-school &IC:MASSIVE"'" ... d carred Wack baDdicn:' _, 8llllK •• t ...... telli .... , lOa ia cootro1 thereof .haI1 61e with thee:';~~~~q~~-;, Dldetft ;'J'h~ ai child-pida~~ Ib)'Clr a eenmed .talemat .iped 11)'u. Yor '...... ...... 1011 W.~iltiqae, c:onaer .Eo Jelfersoa .blty.6ye per cent (~) or lDOte ofSECaET~R:--=.1LO nd»: 1iOdl hi Tel L&. JS07. the Illoperty OWners in the Cit, of

as:dIetat cooclidotI. Barnia for -- M.UcelJ!IMlOIoII_ ~0IIe Pointe, by n_1ler &ad area ofaN. 1M lIorae. rei. Telephoee Ni- INCOME tax.. prepared by cmi6ed OWIlership. withia a dillance elf .is!IP' SlIP. r.:bl.i: a«owItalIt. Will call .t bome hlllldred fffl f!e=:l ~l!:r~l!d.ary of Ibe'M~us lOt CIl to,.. ia- eveainas if desired. An O. GaDup. .ite prClp06ed to be used, 'ianilyml'

datinc' tric)ode, ciolt 1naa7, ete.o fOl' Niapta 1152. Cadil1ac: 'l7Z& I acreement to the llse thereol aDder~ ~;'!. to eiclat. $5.00 for 'lot. ~, DECOU TINQ _ Special one .. eek thi. ordinaace._-~--~'_________ oalJ-Special price. this wedl. Guar.

C!_I_ IUltced worbwlship; immediate IC!rv- See. 4. All Jlcente. panted .haUHoaee for ~ ice: No jab too ... ll. TTU. 2-'143. uader the tenn. of this ordiuance ex-GIlOSSE POINTE WOOI>S-Brick 6IHATS-reftiOd;led:-trim~:~-;iid pite on Warch ht of eacb year.

-- CaIGaiIl: ... ; air eoHitioaed: hIoclled: alto lPllCiaI colon matched. See. So E ...ery liceftsee .hall oa de-... attacbed ~; 200-1t. ifoIltqe; Drexel .168. I mUld uhibit aD alltomobiles, or parll..... .ba: abo iDdaadiDa two «).ft. lots MUiic Ibereof, bo\llht or received, and eive...... Wi! Raiiee tor $8,500. 17634 IlIade .. ~_ IiVSim e-Mnit«y ~ ilUlCO the lIalllet fClidence aDd desaiptioa of- -- ...---- earulilbe4 III 191%. Voice, Pino. aD peJ'1Otl. froaa wbolll the .ame wuW.. teII-To Ba,. ViotiB, Har!Daey PI! Theory. I.f9SO parehasecl or received to the Il.,.or oretD a..anmfG w~ Eut 1ar- at cil7' limill 1Ild.. the officer. of the Pwce DepartmenL

. . f ,. -_.. Jaia die GroNe PlUte See. 6. Ever, Iicca_ abaD keep •' • ""'" paid 01'''' ~ - ClII'dMItn. V"1OIiDI. mandoliM,,,

... T~ eaII will 1Iriq u to ~. ud taaa;o.. Wore purcbaliA4 ~==llI'dor book wriUcn in illlr:ill the~ .. ~ ~ - - a .... iliA __ it ill ,adriub1e to EaIIiIh laaa'uaac. _ta.ininl the Dame,W.tl Weal.. P -'t .. u:perieDced teadter. PIaoIle reticlenee Illld 4etcriptiOll of aD per----------- -- Le.oa: ta5-6 to 9 P. ... t the Lei1t IIClIlI fro. ftllla patC!aua were .... d~.GDIDAL ..... -t or ...... poIi. leM. 5 •.....,. of W_lCo 1451. Eo Jelfer. He IbaI1 pnlIIlIPt1y deli,er to the Police~1::~~:.::::.:~, •.~ 1- Aft. ~t aD .lItoalobiIe lie .... aI-~ Gr- Poiftte, lIicIa. tadJed to llIIy machines received b)' GDIra11u a-iCblt\H mea, ts1llrielaa4..urt AN ORDINANCE, him which are to be dilmantled. . I More thaD a fortr~, GibraJtv Is

..... WaatI won for T.... ' IIld Sec. 7. The II.,.may .t &ay time a wideJ,o favored bolida)" ~ .....".....,.. Call after 6 ,,'dock. NL USED AUTO PARTS BUSINESS _ snspelld or re,.oke &II, Iicease aranted ited 8IUlUaIly by thlnJlIaDcg, with... CITY OF GROSSE uader lhiI elI"dinIlIIce &ad order the IpleDdid hotelll, batbiq be ....1&\'1!X'l'R=~'-"'DI.7-...,Amt"""'~~."""'~~7~~E OKDAINS: place of buiae .. of the liceDlllleclosed' lay SpaniIh cafe life, &lid rep1ar.I:T.: :t,5:' ~~ for altJ infraction of this ordina.ace ell" UCW'Iiobs to "the Roek," ..JIL _. 11 Scctioo L No petIOlI, firm, co-part- other YioIatioa of Ihe Ia•• AD licenses ~ the nartoW' ItraitI to Northt&JiM Pt: W1Iiitt 1riIiM8 to take acrsIUf. or oorporaSioII than operate ,..llIItc:d ba-euader ue iIIued Ind ac. !Ca. _._ .. e:WWra .... ..,.. Nt ~. or caue to be operated witbill tile Oly cepled with tbe lIDderstalldinr that

, J of Grosse PClinle 1lII' bUJinCSll com- the, are subject to 'llspensian or re- aaeet TDnnwW .. W .. tecI Male moaIy !mown II the lIIed aulD part. YOOItion at the will of the Ma,or. 1D Approximately 2,BOO,OOO chec:bJfA.aJu:m -........ bite. dialllJar. ....... dcaIinc ill. lIIed or _d- case of, any ltul)eaUon or rnocatiOl:l, are handled every day by the 11

Jag I • cook, II'llCk driver or ally' hand aato patti or salnced antomo- the Ma,or or Cbief of Police sbaD Federal Reserve banD ill the Ullit,.:=L=- Fr4!C to ::""f GWell bila, without 'rat obt&ininl • license caase to be IletVed upon the licensee ed State.s_. _~. :mek~~ ~=therefor frotll the Yayor of the Cit,. or person in charge of the businen • BeaIII ~

-- PaiIate. -M:.' of GrOlIe Poinle &lid complyiq with nolice lD writiq of tad! action b)' the . ~~ to bea1th ~~ ~ D--& tile termI of tbil ordiaaace. :MaJOr. No petIOIl .haII cootieae or-/III 000 babies are born JD tbe UDi1ied

.~ ~-~-. ' -- See. %. For the putpoIe of thiI ordi. eratine filch busin ... after Krrice lIpoa fhtH elCh )'eat with ecalellitaJ~~ l452-Fatnilhedrroc:: II&llCe a dealer in IlIed allto part •• hall him of Dolice of IllCh 'UJpelUicm or '7PbiJiLe::;.* nBaltIe. ~ '~:"'&lld be defined to mean any perIOD, finn, revOClltion. Before an, Iicen.e lrfIlIIted -----~ ~ traDIPOI'tItiea. co-partJsenhip. or corporatioa encaSed lJIleler this ~e ~. 'noked b, the . V.............. PeakUiiP61NTi m- Second boule ill or eoedlldizw I &aifteu commonly WI)'OI', cbarpa m writiq .bat! be pre. Experta atimat.e tIMi Dumber fII

-- of JeB_; IiaqrIe ell" twin bowa u the 1IIed auto part. buine .. , ferred &pi" the Iieea_ IlIId • COII7 World war vetereDa reeeivinI -..--. -.itA or .tthotit ,Ii-tiq room: or in th. b__ of diamalltliq .ato- of ~ach char1ret .~ be Hn'ed llpOIJ pita! treatnsat will reach a peg iD~ pnfcrmL Rcferenca. LE. llIObiles, CII' IIeaIias in used or leCoud. .ach licensee aDd he shaD be .,ivcn a ~.. ....--a band allto partI. or aaJnpd aatomo- beari.at before the Ya:t'Of witb a rea-

~ - .... biJeI, or ia the bmIiaa1 of aeIIiac. bllY- _bIG opport1U1ity to prueat his de- caw. '1'aIIuc:aloala CoG-leliNIi Wi Iii ..J .. ......;., CII' deJiotaiDcr used or teeGad-laaad fu .. e. Tuberculoaia m caWe hu ..

.... : ~ ...... ,.. auto partI in the CIty of GroIIe Pointe. See. 8. No U«ftlell penon, firm, co- brouPt lZllder control ia ~... ~ M"', JIJ 8M. The IU7Dr ill Iaereb)" authoriaed to partDel'l'hip, or corporation IbaJI con. all the coUlltles Iff the UDited ~.. ~ ST .. GnlllM ~e; apert. Ilfttlt Iieeua fO' tile ~ afore- cIact or enaace in the blllln ... com. --------- __~iJ. ;;::- &ad hath, '-aiahed laid te 01 c:itizetI of the UDited State1 moaly bcnm a. the used auto part.~, .. Don't C..,.ditOilt\t He; 1JClIiIe. m: of t1ae &II of twuly-one yeara &ad buill.... or ia tbe basm... elf dis- .' If JOnr ndio woa'tGr-. ... ; • ~ J W- of aood cbaracter. or to -t1inc avtoIllolril .. , or in dealinl ill work. lU1t caD-

~ 1aa6,.. ..... II 1110_. ..,. ~. c:.pan._ ....d or _d.balId 'lito partI, or 1aI- • TU.,....,- idI;!tr-,~~ "-'_~. I'rhide ~~ _~ ._..... ~_ .. _~ ~ fit. the --. aouan 1Wll1O ~ ,

~. ~." . --.; ~

, --:.'

"!'hunda". February 29, 1940 THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Page Pi"


110. 9c




Oranges do... 2~e

eon and program, 6:30 p. Ill.

Tearhers' meeting, Yonday, , p...Bea~ljful Lenten service at which the

sermon theme will be "The Horizon ofHope," Wednesday, B po m. The choirwill sing.

Boy Scoul me ..ting, Frio:!~y,., " m.W", invite you to worship at FaithWe im'ite )'OU to worship at Flill!

Lutheran Church. We preach the OldGospel for modern time.,




Children's Ski Suits AI ~ p....

Here'. a Real Special forWeek of March 3 to •


CARL VAN DE PInE, Proprietor171... ~ aat door to Super A Ie P

CaD for _ DeHw:r ro. z"HII

Birlhda) Greetings

Re-Upholstering Special




"Eu lene" Lackenbach-'


MODERNIZEZ pC.$19.S0Uld up

All Work Done in Our Own SboiM

The Otto H. Lange Shop•.15114 Kercheval Ave. LE IIOZ 0%12


(Forme.'" wit!. tile Fa., Creek M.rbt)

Windmill Pointe~~~~7yMarket LE.r~::-11ZZ

14708 E. Jefferson Ave.OPPOSITE NED'S

We're Here Now!

u...I _ veJ-tDnope. Bealltifdya--.I at M.....-.t. Pn-

~::ROUR'S Sliced Bacon~~~I~~ CUTS Calves Liver. •.S...-m. I Ope. Kettle 1t....NredLeg 0' Lamb th. 2Sc Pure Lard 2 ~~~. 19c

... 29c I

BIG VALUES ON BETTER MEATS~:~~~EDChickens • ~~:~ u.. 29cPork Loin Roast :~If u:.1Se.


.Home Furnisbings CleaDed

BYVan De will Look Like New!



• • • * • • Faith Lutheran ChurchPubUc Letter • Faith Lutheran Church, E. JeffersonB- 0 -- X • and Philip avenues. Ro)' D. Linha~t,• ." ." • * * pastor; Wm. G. Wacke, assistant. Di.

To the Editor GrolSe Pointe Re"jew: vine worship .ervice Sunday, JO :45 a.Th V'l'-- f GrOise Po'nte has &1. m., at which the pastor will preach and

C t. l ~_e 0 • I • I t _I ~ _ I ":'u'Jth chair~ will ,jng~".J II' lJCc.u .. ¥VU'U " ....... IIC II' WU.iLLl 4V t .live. There has always been a neigh. I Sunday school class ..s for B,ble stu.borly relationship between the resi. dents of every age, 9 :15 a. m. An ex-dents and a certain pride has been cellent opportunity to l.urn .moretaken in the fact that one lives in a about the Word of God as ,t applies toVillage which i. made up of individuai us today. • CI'IJDII ill lapaahome owners. .Lecture based on the catech,sm, Japanele police statistic:. Ihow

In the last 10 year. the population of gIven by the ~astor, at S, p. m. that most crimes are committed btthe Farms hIS practically doubled and Young married couples club lunch. unernn'''vl!d mp"it il to be hoped the three tho~sand I I I , I •••• I •••• t • • I • r I • • • • • • • • •• I • t

odd new residents will welcome the op-portunity to eooOperate with the offi.cials of the Village towards keepingGros,e Poinle Farnu as the ideal resi.dential community.

There is probably no better exampleof un,eifishnes. in public life than thatwhich is exemplified by the VillareTrustee who gives both time Ind effort IIto the operating of the ViII...-e withoutany reimbursement. Undoubtedly agreat many of the advantage. ..hichthe residents eJIjoy are .. result of theplaning and thought which have beengiven by men purely for the publicgood and .. ithout th0Ull'ht of personalintere,t.

In order to be fair to the ViUage ofGrosse Pointe Farms and the Trusteeswho are responsible for running theVillall'e all the residents ,hould clearlyunderstand that the aforementionedTrl15tees are limited in their power toIhe goverlling and operating of striC'tlyVillage matten, and to cover the costof these functions the summer tax islevied. The Village Trustees have nolegal right to interfere or question the Iamount or method of levying the win.ter tax which includes Board of Edu.cation, County and Tovmship costs andis levied by the Township officials.Without a doubt the amanest tou; payerwa~ no more surpri,ed when he re-ceived his last Township tax than wasthe Village official who received a .imi.lar statement which had been chanJ'ed.

It would therefore seem that thepresent Trustees of the Farm, are be-.ing held responsible for sOlllethinlr o\'er Iwhich they have DO COIltroL In anfaimelJ it would seem that this .hcnddbe dearly understood. As mOlt resi.dellls know there is a Village electionon March II, 19«1, at which time theincumbent TnlStees and Villqe Presi-dent will be opposed at the pole.. Theaccomplishment. of the incumbentTrustees are I matter of record andneed not be ~ne into as they com.pletely jtlStify the elforta of a group ofhonest men.

It i, yer,. interesting and also shouill.be rather ~ ~~ ..... If...... __ " ,. ~ _.

of the oppositioa _ to be atirelybased on the necessitr for Dew faces10 appear OD the Board or ~,iii~eQ.We wonder if Ihere is any other com-munity either in the State of Michiganor elsewhere where the justification foran opposition group is less important.


Dear Yr. Editor: A taxpayer in-quirers in the P. L B.: "How maDYother residents are disturbed, as we areevery !!'Vening, by the land sboutinl' ofthe paper carner? ~

It would be int-eresting to "-sOlllethin. about a perlOn who i. craelenough 10 write a letter like that into Ia newspaper.

I am tDI11ion. of milt. from being anancel, bJt eYCry time I bear the shoutof a newsboy at night, I .incerely wish Ihe ,,'ill get rid of hil paper.s real fastso he can scoot home and into bed.Poor youngster, if his parent, hadplenty q£ money, he also would .tay inthe quiet and warmth of his bome, likethe selfish, heartless person who .0thoughtlessly complains about theehouting of an humble newsboy.

\Vho ever you are, MTaxpayer,"shame on you I

--Major BUI'DI Henry .

POll, 303, Auilial'7ll- t

The card party given by Betty Hoyt,Hue! Allor and Sylvia Sharpe was agTand success. 'Ve want to thank Mr..Reno for the use of her home at 68Kerby Rd,; also Mary Mauten forhelping the girr~ and each and every JIone that helped make this party asuccess-by the way girl. ""e bout an

I ird'Ttot" nf"(,tlr::l'n,,_nnnf' n. h • "" ,~., .. I 7'- ._.. IH,"e! Allor. Shc decorated the :"fain IRoom "ery patriotic to 6t the occasion"hich ,,'as George Washington's birth-'rja~'. Abo "'e boa~t an artist, Kate Por-ler. She painted a beautiful picture forthe part)., "'e certainly ha,'e a lot oftalcnt in our Cnit. I

I The joint ~er,'ices held Sunday, Feh.ruarv 25 at Richard School were ...en'

"ell attended. About 25 POH membH~'1 FItESH Roll Butteranll 25 Cnit mcmhers v"ere !lrescnt. COUNTRYal~ iormcr G " v ern 0 r \\'lIh"r !-l IRrllckcr anrl ~fr<. Rr\lcker attended. Dole Pineapple ;I~:..2 N:..;~:'39cFormer G<l\ernor \\'ilhur flrucket ~a\ea \\onrlcrl\li ta k on l,eorge \,'asmng- j ,t"~a.r,e F'"n is sl,lI on the sick list CHIPSO 2 :.~•.39 c ICRISCO 3 ::~ 45cA card !'IT ,i,it \\ ould be appreciated.

Our dape't "i s~'mNthy to ~lr< iF.1t'Oin,"'lr Thomas 1"1 1he !(';~s of hermother. I'll be ~eemlf you next week -- ....ArcordiOlllDl'entiOll W. e&n'T • com"let. lin. of Bird'.

I The accord,on "..u invented '- E,.. Fro..., Fnritr ."<1 V.~~"'M~.VIenna m 182i. ~'EJ~~~i:J~;m~~~:'tl&l~'l:I.,,:;:mi\ijSSiljjj!!ilti'i'.

The Stroh Brewery CompanyDetroit, Michirm.

Moore .;(J itn;)Head Club Royale Show

First AIr BattlesAirpianes wen, wst used in W&I

by the Italilmll in the Tripoli cam,plilJl ot 1911.

Citizent' AalOCiation *Explain. 'Manager Plan' *•(Ccm" ....ed from ~ace Oae)

A. i. now well known, the Vi1lacecharter adopted iu 1928, prOl'ides forthe appointing of a "iIIage manager b~ttbis provision of the c;,uter has notbeen carried out. On the conlrary, theVillage government has been in thehand. of .. closely-knit organizationthaI ha. served to cOntrol a voting ma.jority and thus perpetuate itself in of.lice. Some of the aclions taken by thisclique of officials, which are a matlero£ public record, ha\'e the earmarks ofinefficiency and lack of mature, ex-perienced foresight.

A "illage manager plan can correctmost of Ihe evils inherent in a machinecontrolled municipal government as ithu in most of the SOOlocalities whereit is in operation. Even in the few in-stances (Kansas City, Cleveland, etc.)where the political machine was power-ful enough to continue its conrtol afterthe appointment of a city manager, itis freely admitted that government wasmore efficiently adminiUered and mu-nicipal services were more capably per-formed.

The village gOvernment is now oper-ated through the direct supervision ofan elected com~ioner in charge ofeach of the several departments. Thisoften results in conRicting purposes andmany duplications. Such a system mayresult in budgetary deals through com.mission clique' or what i. more com-monly known as cloakroom trades andalliances. It is also slow, generallyburdensome and ineffective. As a spe-cific example: Consideration is :lOW be.ing given to the remo,'al of ashu di-rect from basements rather than fromthe l:W'b. The commissioner in chargeof the department of public safety haspresented the proposition at a regularcomlllission meeting and, in accordancewith tbe usual procedure, a committee

I baa been appointed to make a .tudy.In due course a report will be filed andthen at that regular me~ng or a sub-sequent one the propoSition may bevoted upon or tabled, adopted or re-jected. It follows that the plan, or anyplan, good or bad, cannot receive the5crutiny and study it may justify .inceone can hardly expect a comminionerat $50.00 per month to oversee a "e-partment and also make continual in.\'est~tions on the numerouh propo~alspresented to the commis.sion. This isnot the fault of the individual commis-sioners but ;. rather the wcaknen ofthe .ystem. '

(This discussion of the Village Man-~er plan of government by the Citi-zen's Association will be completed inthe ),larch 7 i,,"e 0« the Renew.)

The subtle satire and high comedy inI their impressions of the art of ball-Iroom dancing carry dance stars Moore

and Revel into their second week at tbe

IClub Royale. sharing the spotlight witbRajah Raboid, the mental m.rv~L Ra.

'boid can see u well with his eyessealed as many men can with theirglanes on, and besides his mind-read-in, he performs such feats as drivinga car in heavy traffic and competing inshooting matches with his blindfold on.

I Lovely Diane Denise, the Frenchsongltreu who received such popu-larity on her appearance at the Royaleearlier in the season, is back againwith a new group of s"ng arrange-ments. Diane was recently starred atthe French Casino in New York.

A pert dancing youngster from sunny~ California. Vicki Allen, is reaping ant armiul of laLlCc!5 on her nrst eastern


tour. Her specialties are fast rhythmroutines and acrobatic numbers. MissAllen 'WilS held for 16 weeks ",'ilh BobCrosby's orchestra at Chicago's Black-hawk Restaurant.

Preston Lamberts and Chet Ever-hardt are still doing \'Cry adequateworle in filling in the lulls, and theRoyaletles have smart new dance rou-tines. Danny Demetry's orchestra pla).sfor shows and dancing.

......-=.~.'. ,,"' ,~,.- . .I. ~"

Township SupervisorTn'nTnC.!'ht"p C1Ar1l'..L v "" .a..a.IioJ'.L.L .... _ .... _

Township TreasurerFour (4)ConstablesJustice of the Peace (t~)Justice of the Peace (v~o:~~)Commissioner of HighwaysMember of Board of Review



YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Annual Election ofTownship Officer. ahall be held in the Town.hip of Groue Pointe on

Monday, April 1st, 1940

Notice of

TOWD"hip Clerk, GrOl1e Pointe TOWDship,Wayne County, Michigan.

RegistrationGrosse Pointe Township

and that if you have not already regi.tered, you may do 10 by ap-pearing before the Town.hip Clerk in hi. office in the MunicipalBuilding in the VIllage of wO'1e Pointe Park, Wayne County,Michigan, on any day up to and including the second Saturday'pre-ceding said Annual Election.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Township Clerkwill be in bia office in the Municipal Building in the Village ofGrosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Michigan, on the twentieth(20th) day preceding said election between the hour. of 8:00 o'dockin the forenoon and 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern StanclarclTime, for the purpose of accepting reptrationa.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED. t hat re,utratiOD mayallO be made with the reapective Vallqe Clerk. of the Villant ofGroue Pointe Park, Grone Pointe Shorel, Groae Pointe Farmaand GrONe Pointe Wooda on any day up to and including thetwentieth (20th) day preceding IUch election.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the polling place.for said election sball be open from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to8:08 o'clock in the eYeDing, Eastern Standard Time. and ahall be

--~.;, ,-~ ,,..,... .;;.;..i .• ;,.VOIING PRECDICT Me. 1 'S ell .... 01 tile R.a-t T. 'J, 5cMoI.VOTING PREClNer No. Z-NortII .. 01 tM RoI»ert T•...we,. School.VOTING PRECINCT No. i-T.. SoatII aide,. Jett.iaD A_1M=Nem

BalfCMll' Roed aDd W~ RoM.VOTING PRECINCI\ No. .... The South.at CllI'DeI' 01 Jelenoa A.-&Ie

... PmiI: LaDe.VOTING PRUINCI' No. S-Municipal BaaiIcIiu, Jetfenoa aad Muylaad

A.......VOTING PRECINCT No. 6--Soaaenet Ro.d ..... St. P.ul Aveaue.VOTING PRECINCT No. 7-Soath aide of St. Paui Aveaue betweeaaThree

Mile Drive and Audubon Aveaiae.VOTING PRECINeI' No. I--Kerche.al A_ue and Biehop A--.VOTING PRECINeI"No. I-The Eut ead of the Defer SchooLVOTING PRECINCT No. II-Pierce SchoolVOTING PRECINeI' No. ll-The Weat ead of the Defer Sc:hooI •VOTiNC PRECINeI' No. l2-OJarieyoiz A.-aM bet.eea MarJJ-d ATe-

nue and Lakepointe Avea.De.VOTING PRECINeI' No. 13-C1aarleToCc Avm:ue bet wee ill Ld:epoiat.

AYeIIUe and 8eIlcaa1fielcl A ......VOTING PRECINCI' No. 14-South Side of Mack A__ betw Bac:k.

mp.m Rued a&KI Beriubire RoacLVOTING PRECINeI' No. IS-The Southeast c:onler of Whittier Road _

Mack Av.ue.VOTING PRECINeI' No. I .....The East ead of tile GaLrieI Richard SchooLVOTING PRECINCT No. 17-1Cen:be.al Aftilue bet .... M_ RoIId _

Merriweather AYeDae.VOTING PRECINCT No. 18-Croue Poiaate FlU'iD8M'IIIlIieipUBtailcIiq.VOTING PRECINeI' No. II-The West end of the Gahriel Richard SchooLVOTING PRECINCT No. 2I-Kerby Road West of Beaupre Road.VOTING PRECINCT No. Zl-Mac:k AvelllIe at M_ Road.VOTING PRECINeI' No. ZZ-The M_ SchooLVOTING PRECINCT No. Z3-Uroue PoiaatAIIWooa. Mani-:ipal Builaliq.VOTING PRECINCT No. Z4-Groue Poiate Sbora MUIlIicipaIBlIikIiq.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that at .acb eleetion can-didatea will be elected for the following TOWDship Officea, to-wit:I

-t. ..



11 OAK ST.

e.u ....DosIi9w$1.00



1.75 up1.00 up1,35 upI.7S up1.50 up1.75 up1.00 up1.10 up1.50 up2.00 up.50 up,65 up


ThursdaT, February 29, 1940

would like ,.oa to come ill aad meet VICKIEWILKINSON, who ia opeaiq .. March ht iaher aIIap at 371 Fish. Road


featuriq IIIIlUt .water .. CMtume jewelry and.......ariea, mE_b' aad tocId1en' appareL


The Beauty BoxFri. .. Sat., MardI lat .. w. s.e Oar Red.H_ Model

'"- tile A_ ~-- -ctIF .. ... ...........at doe c..IiIIac Hotel _ Fa II...... - 0riP..t Vaa- .. 1kiniNM. Owiq u. pnriow .......- .. - 8nuMtte ...... will Me .......

ll1. Z-ZIO


ALFRED F. STEINER CO.1_ IIack at ~ I'- K--.z. _. au..r.H I.... I.... er-.. P....te T--,'I... dUa ... ......Geed f cnctit 01 SSM _ ~ J ...,...... oeIIiq f. fl.

-- oil

liThe Woolly Corner"


Cult ....Carry

Suib Coat, Veat, Panb $ .90Suita--Coat and Panb .90Trouaer. or Knickers , , , .45C~t 0:" Coat and Ve.t __ .50Tuxedo, Black Veat 1.00Top Coab :..:... .90Overeoab _ --..- -................ 1.25

Orea.e. Silk or Wool, Plain or .• traight-Iine; after-noon, sport or street dresses in I-piece style only ....

Dr. Emery P. Kovach wid be thespeaker on Monday evening, March 4,at 7:30 at Hannan Y. Y, C. A. when rthe Warch series 01 health lec.ures

Dr. Kovach will speak on the subject:uGerms, Good and Bad. N In additiollto Dr. Kovach"s address the Metropoli-tan Life Insnrance Company will pre-seat its movie, "Man and Yic:rohes.N ,

The month of March is health month --- _

at Hannan Y. M. C. A. and four OIIt-standin, health forum, have been /81planned accordiag to J. Brooke Mar-stiller, physical director. These for-ums will be held Oft the foUowing Idates: March 4, 11, 18 and 25. The lee. I

lures are open to the public withoutcharae and readers of this newspaperare iIlvited to attend.

".K'~'" '~f3.~ announceREDUCTION IN PRICES

Effective March I.,---Men.s Li~t---

Hallnan Y. M. C. A. inlel1llediateboys' basketb.lll teall! apin has wonthe city championship, which livea theintermediate. three championship. inthe past 'he yeara.

The boy. who took part in thit ~oupare Conllie Mitchell, Roy Kretlcbmer,Jack Nelloll, Edward DooI~y. JamesPappas, Robert Levitt, Wallace Riley,Harry \Vickenbam, Claude May, PeterLotrothetis, Artbur Solow, WarrenJohnson Jr., Donald Widman, RichardDieter. and Robert Crawford.


---- Ladie~.List---

On Friday night at 7:30 ad boys in-terested in photography are invited tovisit the Eastman kodak exhibit attbe Book Cadillac HoteL

The pictures on display were thOleexhibited by this company at New Yorkduring the world's fair.

Thi. trip affords a rare opportunityfor boys interested in photography tosee some of the fillest pictures in thecountry. I

Graue PoiDteTakea FourthIII Rqioaa) Swim

By DICK BODY-COYBE, Walter Bar It e m 0, weIl.lmowa incirclca. burued up die cool Floridafairwa,.. last week llDc\ pocketed twochamp~ipL

Tow-beaded Walter paired with Mra.Wi1liam Hod:etIjos of Lake Hopata-cona, N. J. waltzed through the aa-nual mixed foursom~ invitation touraa-ment held at the Ever~del CountryOub in Palm B... ,.h ~~r!y h!t ...... :.alld then Barkemo moved over to tbePalm Bead! Golf Oab and succe .. -faU,. defend-ed his Sooth Florida cbillll-pionship.

In the mixed: tounwnent held Oft theEYerg1ade£ COlUse. Burkemo and hispartner bad little trouble defeating aUtheir scheduled opponents. Laree mar-eiA& featured the champioll'. victories,wiith aevera1 of the triumphs mOQ1lt.ing as hirb as 7 up and 5 to play.

Daring the South Florida champion-ship. Walter fired a 33-34-67 to snatchthe low qualifying medal and set a newamateur coarse record. The prohs.sillal muk was also established re-cently b,.. the famous Sam Snead..S~mming Sammy" roared aroond the IIS-hole layout in 32.32-64. Burkemohad a close call ill the lirst round'iI when hI' ...jHt"'d • fdL:w Chicai,oLanWjlliam B. Langford, I up. In the finalround, Walter faced Dick Chapman,Kew York State champion. Chapmanlost two holes on the first nine in themorninr aDd 'Ir.U never ill tbe lead.Barkemo ended with a 3 and 2 ad-•• nla&'e aDd W'U crOWDed clwnV forhis second straight year.

BurkeIDO, a fonner resident of GrossePOlllte. d now employed by a Chicago Iradio concern and Iins ill Enllston,lJ1inois. Walter, whose parents live at"649 51. a.it Avenue in the City ofGrosse Pointe, is remembered as acaddy at l«hmoor Country Clull andas a member of se\'~ral teams ,,'hiehr~tesenled Detroit in the ~ali"nal

I~~~~~n;/;;;;'1 T~~::;.~"~~:~\:'e:nh:::,~:a 5corchinll quahf)-ing round to becometournament medalist.


I•I I I, .

Health Dept. Notes

JUDior Prop..., IDe:..Will Preaeat Play

B)' DICK BODYCOMBEAltho~ onl)' lrilIe pomts Rparated

tbe first five telUlU, Grone PointeHich'. undefeated .wimmer. could getoaly fourth place in the .tat e regionalmeet held last Saturday in Fordson

There is no IOUJId basis for a hellef High's pool The Blue Devils aJlnexedthat slllalipox will retain its present 2lS poinb, ollly to have three othermild form. That vinalent fonDs of schools top them.. Monroe's TrojanssmaUpox can still occur wal demon. took 34 point. and top honors, whilestrated in the Minneapolis epidmUc: of Fordson and River Rouge {allowed19Z4 wbell 993 caRS occurred with zzi with 32 and Z1 markers respectively.deaths. Pontiac's Chief. received ZS poinb and

An editorial in a receat llIediW In&'- IlWll' OD Grosse Pointe'l heels. Theazinc draws attelltioa to the utoaish:' remaiDiq- honora were divided be.ing prevalence of S!Ilallpox ill the Unit- tween Royal Oak, Flint Cmtral, andcd States. In 1937 this COUtltry led all W)'&DdOUe.other nations in tbe world uc:ept India Bic Bill Carlson, Grosse Pointe lJIain-in the number of ~ c:ases re- Ita,.., kept his date clean h,.. irt'&bbiqported. The number oceuring in thii, lir.t place in bis epec:ialty, tbe 106-country durin, that year 'Ir.U 11&,3 yard breast stroke. RUII Davis. anotheraad in 1938 an incTease was aoted to Blue Devil favorite, took third place inapproximately 15.000. tlte HJO-Yifd back-stroke, a I tho u I h

It is pointed out that these ~es Coach- Banach remarked, "he .wam tbeare the more hlllDiliattiug whm ODII! bat race of ,hil .life. ..COIUiden that in 1936 Enc1and an~ Six regioaal record. {ell as the de.wale., with a populatiOft of aboat «1,- termined natators turned on their best000,000 persons, reported only 12 cue. efforts. The Blue Devil ISO-yard Med.o{ smallpox; France, with apProJdmate. ley Relay team broke the pool recordIy ~.(tXJ, rer:orled Zl3 c:ua, and bat could tet only third spot honors,Ge1nan,.., .-ita a popalatio:a of 611JXJ,. Bee a ItroD&' finish by two other000. reported DO eases. lquadJ JlOIed the Pointen out by

Dr. Warren. health COIDIDinioDer.re- iIlcha.q~ that )'OCl lee )'OClr dactor if 100 The reenaiaiq Blve Dnil points wereban ROt bea ~ 1ritJUa t&e attaiHll by HeriI Lnter'. fourth ill thepUt three 7tUL 180-;yard breut-moh. William £moly'.

16fth ill die lOO-JVd f!'ee._sv!e. WiJ-

TOWN HALL bar GRaIich'. fourth ill tile diriDa~ ..... thc ~ Bda)o

"~ ~- ','---'~-._' _ .. :,: .. ~4oIr.l : .... 'Uf....."

llWCritic, "~ . , -~ -- Iq 11011 19 the ate finak, 1pacb them ill eacb year at TowtI Hat which wiJl1Ie beI.f'ja the. Albion Co&-

--: • pool in Allhoa aat Saturday.

Walter Burkemo WinaTwoTOUI'IIUIIeDb

• ••• I r I •



" ......



•• J I

• • I

MaUory Hats'A Marnloua Value at $5."

Now Ready to Serve You


.Danway H.ts $2.95FOR YOUNG FELLOWS

. -;..


Quality MeatsA Sample of Our Low PrieM

~': •••~~~T ....... 31e-=.Y~ ..~N --,.._.,.,."""....,,,,,u.17cGIl~~ ._ ..._ I9caP~=---- __ .._.__.., ISe

A F...... of ~ er-..... F..... v LJ

~ ILL.£" COMPL~ FOOD M~.:7 ~ 113 St. aw..... ~TU.2.3-444 We Deliver

Grosse Pointe Branch

The Original LittleFlower S.hop, Inc.

Time to Re-HatlBe Sare Yau See the New

1940 Styles at "Hillers"Hats

are DefinitelyDifferent

Today• At' "HiDer'." you'll

be aure to fiad ODe'hat will look well ODyou.

Kercheval Avenuein The Punch & Judy Theatre Blqg.

Niagara 9300

"Aetna" Hats $3.45

You will a-Iory in the he.uty !.!!~ ~.,,= of our fluwEr ... Ouraup;:,lier, one of the world'. beat crowers, ia outdoin. himself illthe intereats of our GrONe Pointe clientele.

Our Gardenias, Camellia. and Orchid. are beyond compare.Here you will find in profuse abundan~ enchantin. Cut Flow-

era, Lovely Potted Plants, Arti.tie Floral De.in,. .."d r......ftl •••'I'_,,-... '! _ _ ••• p.-. ....."eucnng uecorations.

Our long years of experience u one of Detroit's oubtaDdin,Sori.b i. your parantee of c:omplete .. tiafaetion.

Prom~t £?elivene. anywhere. Member FJori.t Te1eITaph Deliv-ery Aaaoctatlon.






~ H Fiche10ergA. VerdoncktDan \Vo Houser\Y. F. B. HendersonAndrew MahoneyRobert SnyderClarence HarveyDr. \Vesley 1. FollisFr~d KraftDr. "om. J. \\~atkin3Harn" R. ~Ii11erTed R. \Yiekman


Hal Our Preaent AdminiatratioaOperated ECODOmieaU,.? YeatF.... 1m throqlI tile t yar ~ ...... ~

taiaeoI poabIic ...... at iU ..... J Ai II IV C1'..ohritJ..taDdia .. tIsat tIoen .,... • --W ......tioD iD lr ta1 _ta ia er.... P.... P....


To in.ure the same high .tandard. of aovemmenfin Gro'le Pointe Park, re-elect your present officers-March 11th.

Arb-ert P. 'Vil1isBurt \\'cyhin.crE. L. "'1\'-' T\'~on\\'. D. ~icCli~tockYictol" DchackcJ. X el~on ~Ic X allyRudolph .T. SchmidtFrank J. DunneT ()!In Tierney"-alter ~ch\~'eikartEdward '-erlindenL('()n;1rd ~IowinJOHN B. RENAUD

We intend to be opeD aDd .hem! board iD all oar .tatem-u.--hide DOtIaiqIIehiod • amok. ICleu: bat ten c.Jy the truth Utd nothine but the tnlth--.. w. bow that tnatls, in the end. will wUa.




"Ia tit. lat ..... ta 01Better Co,... .to"

In order to eliminate and put an end to the false rumor. now 'beiq cir.culated throughout Groue Pointe Park, the Gro.se PoiDte Park Civic Com.mittee-in the intereat of Better Govemment-preaenu the true .tatua ofthe many veiled claim. and mi.representationa. Read these over carefully-they are abaolutely true and can be verified from recorda-then make upyour own mind about the situation.


Will the Vdlage Taxea Be Railed?No!

REASON No. S.W .. the So-Called Sewer "Deal"Good Boline .. for the Tupayers?

Yea!n. lr~ pap 45% eI tM ~ eI - ~

at-. _, ViIqe 55%0 Tbe CitJ' of p..-ia to ~ .. ~ for oar .t__ wido.. to tIIa vm.ee.. 1Mca_ -! ..

---u. ..,.,._ ....-t Vil1alr. ~~ -~ tM £...-pt t iouiat _ .- •y..... ...,. 0 _-""_0-1..-.- Fa C.-Ic __ trace _-


REASON No. 7.Is a City Manager Plan More Ex-

pensive Than Our ~~~tAdministration? l'eal

h <IOiI City M.....er _ couW h.in w-w cod'J' IL. .....:.._ .. milch do aaIary •• oar ~t

.. -'''' • ao&Id he ,...... toofian paiL 1•• dditio ....... ,.. of ..w Cit7pay fov I:!:e !"",~!&rY .... s_p-apIaor....... .. .eD.

fou Should Keep Your

-Present Administration


Lours A. DeHA YES


Louiaa St. Claircu.pter D. A. R.

Captain \Varwick Jof. TompkinJ. au-

Ithor and ad.-enturer ..... ho bnnKS new Inalural color motion pictures to illll<'

I trate hi5 "Sailinll 10 Ha ....aii in the J~chooner \\'i1nder BIrd," and BllrtonU"lme,. lI'ith a new film story gath"<rcd dur;ng a one.month moror tour"f Holiand la,t ,ummer, ....ill be the Intxt \VM1d .",h-en lure Jerie, f>;,:';ic Ilecture ofterinr It the Detroit Instituteof Arll.

Caplain Tomkin, appear. at 3:30next Sunday afternoon, March 3. Bllro,'ton Holmes ,,'i11 ,peale On -Great LillIeHolland" It l!'30 11'''1 Tnp!<1av e,"-nin!!, ~farch S. Tompkin, 5ta~I' his I,'o»~c .t S., Francl.<Co and sPCI.d'lthree wcck • .ashort at HawaIi,

A leap yar eliDnerlad PIllet part,.wiU Dlark the nut n~ OD the socialnr""'.r!:!f ef !h= !.;i.i.i .. St. a.ir Chap-Iter, Daughters of the American Revo-lution when members entertain theirfamilie. and friendl at NewberryHOUle on Thursday nenm., February2\1.

Un. Frederie Ze~en, dir«tor of theIOCia1 de~CIlt, will be in charge ofall arrangements.

FemmiDe pest. W111 exercise theleap :rear puoptivtl of 1940 by in-viting their escorts fOf' the evenillll',arra~1l1' trallsportation to and frOIDthe party. perhaps stndinl' bouton-nairu, and m rener&! doing for thellIen everytbilllr that ordinarily the mendo fo~ them.

Mra. Walter POlerOJ' huds the com-mittee to supervise tbe arrangement.for the bullet in tbe dining room wa.eremen J'1lest. will receive fint attention.She will be assisted by Un. John T.Sp..;n~ei', 1-£n. Calorie. U. Stevens, Mrs'lWillard H. Toneray, Mr.. Charle.Walker, Mrs. Duncan Walker and Mrs.lHnmphre)'s Sprin'ltun. Mrs. ChesterW. Tullar and Mrs. Ralph Wisner wiDpreside at the coffee urns.

Novel l'ameJ with a leap ,.ear motivewill feature the after dinner entertain-

Iment in charge of Mrs.. \Villiam H.Holmes and },frs. R....mnn" H. 'R~rrs.A room will be reserved for bridge Iplayers anti th.re ...-ill aha be pro,.,.

ISions for d_a_n_ee_rs.. _

World Adventurer '.~Will Show Picture. f'




We Are at Your Service

Kodak Finishinr

Kodak Supplies-Cameras

Yon Are Cordially Invitedto Attend a Complimentary

:YouAre Cordially Invited


Metal Frames-Frames made to order

In Our Grosse Pointe Store17048 Kercheval

Monday Evening, March 4thAt 8:00 O'CJock

iYou IliouId regiater on orJ)efore Saturday, March 2,1940 between 9 L In. and 8p. m. for the COIIl.ing electionof Vulage officer. on MardiII.1940.

Do not fail because it it yourcivic Cluty to CIo 10.

Regi.ter at tJie MunicipalBulletin,., 60 Kerby Road.

table discussion on the I&me .ubject at Team Won Lost Percelltthe Detroit Nun conference room Eastminster _._ 0 9 1000brOUght out the binen aucl1ence of the Cometl _ __ 6 2 7SO'Calon for such meetinrl and it was SaiD" .. .. 500felt that the enthu.iallic lardener. in Fifteen Club __ 4 5 ......the Grosae Pointe district Mould have Indians ........__ .... .. 5 444• chance to bear sOllletblng of the same Rangell _ _ 3 6 333kind. £as ex __ •._ 3 6 333

1\:uy Musnaii, well known bOrtlCUlo, Arrows 2 7 2Z2 ItUrilt and a member of tbe Garden Moving al0ll&'at a very flit pace andCenter executive board. will lead the seeming to sco~e at ~I:,t.he ~Itmin-nic~~!!bn. .'",='Oui L:.c "}Ie.kef. who stet' ~ai"":i.i, (~i')i.&:u:u tnelr tuntb ~IC-will usill will be Yr .. David 1>. Dun- tory In as many starts when they Cum-lop, Arthur Laurel, Alfred Wo Frost pletely swamped the ES$ex .C1ub 65-38.and Mrs. Ge.>rge 1. Boutotl. director of Scbra,? WIS th~ oulStandlDl' Icoterthe Garden Centcr, ",ill cive the in- collechn~ 19 POints, Ralph Qualman,slnictioQI for .uccessful raisiA&' O'f del. 6 ft. -4 In. ceuter of t~e Ene. crew,phinium which wu civen her by Mrs. starred for the losers WIth 13.S. V. Norton of BloolJllield Hilll, one The u15" Cub chalked up it6 firstof the best known of tbe amateur del- victory in five weeks when they de"phinium 1T0wers in thia "icmity. Any feated the last place Arrowl 46-36,prdeners h,vinll' had succen with this with Koelbe, bittin, the mark for 6deliahtful but ohen dilficuIt plant are two-pointers alld a foul for 13. Bitw,ed to come aad live their expe- Geo. Braund, aided hi. mates lome-neacet. what, when he tipped in three baskets

Thi. disC1llllion Is free ad opee to it! rapid ~rder to .tart them off inthe public. rood fashIOn.

Standinp of Neicbborhood C I u b The COllIet., .JlOnessora of .ec~ndSenior BalketbaU Learue. place, saw their chances of tylll&'

EaJtminster slip a notch or t",o whentbey lost a game to the Rallcerl byforfeit. Failing to place five mea onthe floor at the s.heduIed lime cost theEx. St. Ambrole billiketeen their lec-ond defeat of the current 'UJOn.

In what proved to be a nry roughand ragged exhibition of basketballthe Saints Athletic Oub defutcd theIndian., lut year'. ebamps, 43-32. Fourplayetl were ejected frOID tbe' lame j

(two from each .ide) and a total of 30per'OII:al foul, were called. Emil Neeme,wa. h~h for the wml!fl'I with 12points, al was "Fran Fetters" for thelosen with S.

Both the Jr. Eagles and Dukes baveIntermediate Lelflle when tbey endedthe fiNt half .chedule ill ill tie for firstp:~te "I'ith 4 victorie. and 1 defeat.

The Reds, led by Capt. Bill Melmer Ie defeated the 110)'1 Club 35-15 tore-

maill it! sole pouessioa of first place.They are being foUowed closely by tbeN. C. Stars, wbo .tlbdued a swbborAYankee team 33.2& Toko Lillbetb.established a neW record for theMidget League wbm he COIUIected on10 billsket6 for 20 pnints.• • •

There wiU be :another of our regularW oo!worth Da.nCeti 011. Frida,. nirbt.arch lit from 8:ilO to 10:ilO p. m.DOIl't mia. it-Briq 70ur friencb.

I. • •THE A. O. C. CLUB inntes )'otl toattelld the ht abowill6 of • IMrincpict1lre "The :Y:iddlutoll FlDlily Goato the World's Fair," OIl Thursday:I:scnaiko:wsky's "Fifth Sympnony eveaina. February 29tlt, at 8:.Jl Po m.

. E M' _-n ,.', _. ........ ~_ ..~~~t~wata:~•.. ., - .• .,,,1ft. --IPw-.~ - .,-. -,"",,_ ...oav .. 1I'IlEZ.••• willie .,.,. wIdt -oe •• , • .,... Very iaterutinc for adu1ts1; If chil~

Kllllie Appreciatiorlt Lectur. II,. dreg come they must be accompaniedby tbeir paretttl.,..

ART CLASS; Th. NeicbborhoodOub °it ~sorilll' an Art Ous con-dueled II,. Min Jean Gould 011 Satar-clay mOft1iJlaoafrom 10 to 12. The class

Musical Lecture

The Warren Studio



ATTENTIONTaxpayers of

Grosse Pointe Farms

Ground Floor Studio

16711E. Warren at YorkshireL II

11sarlda,.. February 29, 1940

, N..... haeM. CIaIt

17048 KERCEVAr..; 1\VENUEPhOlie TV. 2-6570

DINEill a quiet, hOlllelike atmo'phere.here no beer or liquor i. '~.'.':.:at any time. AU dinners coulplete.

The DULACDiDiq Room



:::'T-:rJ;. . . . SSc.sUNDAY' MENU

.... VIraIaIa .Haa, 1Ic....... -.-----.1Se.... ~ ------ ..........a.-.. --- __ .IIcT..... IIMk • .,1Sc

An Are Complete Dinnen

TIle Nelahborkood Club, 17145"'terloo aYenue, 011Wonday, Marcb 4,a' • Po ..... the Detroit Garden centerwII IaoIcI a round table discwsioa on-rklpbiailUlU. .. Last yur a rO\lnd-------------


ofGrosse Pointe Farms

Reuc.Number :I

for Embee'.Saperiority

• lit. 10tx;,'101~

. ,.~2h~

3 :;3911




,.. R"'-I ....F,", Delit'wry T.. z._IsmK~""..., A_

NUn'." ~

Imperial CleanersTU.2 ..3000




L W. MOUNTFORDTU xedo 2..9357

FOREzquiait41 eon..r... l..oYeb'Cut FIowen ud 0Iaraaiaa

Pub Rei, Upoa


FLOWERS17.K.daenl ro. %-ItZII

Your S'\Iits and dresses are preasedRIGHT at Imperial ••• just tbeway a custom tailor would do tbem.Economical. too I

F Pria ... '" tile Bett. KW.. II e.-- P..mte ~ C-o...."-'--L ~ lla

x...-'. "_ htra IUd

CHOCOLATE DROPSe-b-7 Clu"1'....,. ~Ioo IConoI

BANTAM CORN ••s.-a, iiick. c....,.. Jt...,or -.

SALAD DRESSiNG •F__ ,..,F..-o, Spot!la"t

HOT-DATED CIffEI!t:ropr'. U_It ...t'" ......BLAC K PEPPERP_ AU-V~ SIIertealq

NEW IROSO • 3 ~39.Only at Kr........ 1.0.... 1,. HIt.-'e"

SILVER SERVICEv...'11 .......... t•• 77BHulifal. N.... cL P... ora-~ ...U~1t

KntI' ...'. c..-..tn4

A-I-D-I mAIO" 30 ";,.50'G__ C-b-7 CJn FIMr, I............

BAKING FLOUR 14::'110. 79,_lei ... Ie... a.e .. F.......

RAiSiN BREAD " • 1::;- 101l...ftt .. F.haT•• t lit ....,.,...!

HOT CROSS BUNS .;- 12.K"",,",' .. F ...... WOoII., ..... " ..

SPICED lAYER CAKE~27.e-.tr/ Clab

CANNEDMILK 6 ::.35:~ ..Ha_ T........ "'-rotl .... Wit'

IISQUICI • " " " ~::k",I'PI'". C1lJllr""t~ T.. ,..

001 FOOD. ErlT10 Sl .... ~. Dunlo'-

CANVAS GLOVES • • JIll, 10.FrtoI' TIIJ'Wf'I WIth krOC"'. A •••

SOAP GRANULES. 2 J,w:;. 35•Krore.'s Fresh, Rkh "".cOt" COlmtry c.-Roll Butter ~ 31c

acel" , u •••••••• , ..Ift.,a.- U1at1l. _ __

..- ... ...---..- -~--_...,.._-_ ....-

$10.00 hy Donna$8.00 by Miss Lee or

Miss Elizabeth




2 .t.13c

Fire D~pt.1 SOO-gallon General pumper2 pipemen

Plus volunteers

u. 27c

u. IOe• u..29c

4 SergeantsI lieu!e!l:tllt1 Chief

Fire Dept.1 1SO-pllOl1 Seagrave pmnpec1 Ahrens-Fox service truck

14 plpemen1 Lieulenant1 Captain1 Assi.tanl ("hi",r1 Chief

Groue Pointe Shores(Lake Shore Road at Eight Mile)

Fire DCilt. and Police Dept.3 KoUt cars1 patrol wagonI 75O-gallon Seagrave pumper1 service truck

11 patrolmen2 meC'hanics2 Lieutenant.1 Chief

Grosse Pointe \Vood:s(20775 Mack)Police Dept.

1 scout c.r3 patrolmenI Chief





5 few

nEIO!LIVER"17137 Kerchnol A.... 1$117 M.. k }.........

P.bollClI NI. i$Ot-5Se1 HI.ror .. '167-,.. M.ck A..... Loc.be_




BIG BEN BREAD 2 ~ 10t:

COlJlIIT1ty c:usa caLUI .,.,..... LUlT AM





TOiArocATsuP =10c


PORK & BEANS II • ~1 5c

17315 M*c\c A......HI'ran MS4

ISm E. ""fJ-.otlMU.-"




Grapefruit, " ..... '" r'I .... 1... "







RUSSELLCurtain Cleanen

W • ..-as- Ia

t •.....Ieriq and (lean",.Curtains and Draperiea

147%7Kercbem()pp. ClII'itIiaa Scie.- Chwclo


Police Dept.S scout can1 patrol wqoo

31 patrolmea4 Sergeaat.I Lieulen&llt1 Chiel

Fire Dept-1 I,llOO-p,Uon PUlDpec1 750-pl1OD PIlIDper1 serviee truclc

21 pipemen3 truck lieutenantsi Captain1 Assistant Chief1 ChiefCity of Grosse Pointe

(17145 Maumee)Police Dept.

3 Jcout c:ara1 patrol waiOll.

11 patrolmen4 Sergeants1 Chief

Fire Dept.1 7SO-pllon Seagrave pumper1 .ervice truck

n pipemen1 Lieutenant1 Captain1 Assislant Chief1 Chief

Grosse Poinle Farms(60 Kerby Road)

Police Dept.4 SCOllt carl

I palrol wagon15 pa troImen


EIecb'Ic ............'DUJlfCAIIf • IIcNlCOClell c...-. ..w....

~6To. 2..1158 TL z'-


fot all our nice word., not one will pre.vail against their deci.5ioll. to "blllllpoff the guy around tbe coraee" at thelint possible occuioft.

And, in !'he long rwt. they will 001,.scoff at Uncle Sam's naivete. Peaceapostle' are not popular amODg ....ar.ring nations. Th~se nations ",ill bve tobe tired out before they wiU feel likeIistellin, to the voice of reason.

• • •

For France and England ....ill neverConsent to disarm in a Europe whereRevolution is tnreatening to wipe outtheir empires. Nazism and especiallyCommunism which are cOlI$idered thetwo ferments of world revolution willhave to be de.troyed before the Allieswill slop to discllss peace in earnest,

Nor will Nazism and Communism laydown their weapons tlDtil the Allieshave been "blood-purged" or defeated.

Peace can ollly come after the de.urllction of either one or the ather ofthe two deadly rival ct\lllitions.

• • •The only real benefits this tour could

bring us are mDl'e war ordel'5 frollltbe Allies and their associates.

These aoundifJa'$ might also pan theway for a closer all-round co-operationbetween OIIJ" Administration and theAllied governments. And, instead of se-curing uS the envia!lle !~l .. of peace-maker, it may lead us into furtherdiplomatic and financial COlllmilmen Iswith certain European "vernments.

I fear the defenders of our neutr.lil)'wiU lind themselv~s with a tough jobon their hands in Congress, these com-ing few months. They will have to be..cry watd1fll1 if we are to slay away)from the European blood hath. :.-_--------Police and Fire ---------Equipment Tallied

1IarJ', to JIlIke 1 cup. - .uet Ttrltpr.'alld rIIpr. IlId mIL' - 1

PI~. over hotteat fire IlIlf wbn;1mlxtare Is COming to a boll. addcoloring to Kive deaired sbade. U..coloring wblcb mlt acids do notrade. A. soon II Dllll:ture Iloll.. addboltl@'c1mlt p('Clln. .t1r.1D& COIl-... nliy. Tilen llrlDS to a "11 rollflll&oil and boll bard % mlute.

Il.move fro", ".... stlm. poarqUickly. Parallln bot jelly at ODM._:

'AVORY JELLY ;(Ma/(e, aOOwr 4 ",eaj"", gr... u)

1 ell p NOvory Inru.IOIl.'.4 CUOI"Ineger '>.t!:t ('UPlil luapr ~ ...j _.".Colorln!!: - ;:.~'., bollle trait PtCtln


-- ----- - .-

• • •

., PAUL K. DS.t.C

Old Fashioned Herh JelliesFor Us 'NewFashi~ned Cooks

I '- ~


European chancelleries are JOkingread,. to receive American Under-Secretary of Stlte Sumner Welles.Thue is a real competition ,oing On ill.the nrious c.apitals where our Ambu.sador.at? large is expected to calL No

Those who expect anything concreteODe can. as yet. tell whic.h European from the present tour will jlDt bvc to:o,..ernme~t ~'Hl be the U.l";C5l io him, Iwait for more favorable- circumstan('es.but it is certain that Prolocole chich Right __ ,11M ...... tioeuT ..... _.wiU neglect nothinlr in their efforts to _ti ...f_ of the Old World aremake his sojourn abroad as comfortable ~ngaged in a dea~ struggle. A truce

. IS out of the question.&I posSible. Not Ihat European gov. • • •eraments value the honorable Mr.Welle. more tllaD they would any otherAmericall. representative, bul merelybecause to them our friendship hastaken On '1. particular meaning in thesetimes of stren. And, each governmentleader will try 10 convert our repre-senll.tive over to his version of Europe'swoes. Each party would like to enlistif not our tupport, a t least our sym-pathy toward its views as to how andwhen Europe's Intricate problems couldbe solved. • • •

Those of the European governmentswho will be able to secure neither sup-port nor even OUr sympathy, will tryvery hard to obtain at least our neu-tralily. Wilh aU the pressure andcounter-pressure that will necen:r.rilybe played on him from all sides, bythe time he gets back to America,Sumner Welles will be good fot a com.plete overhauling of his lIervous sys_tem.

IIIVIElUt'S 110 toabt abollt It, araad-I~ motller' a '11m lore baa C01llopl.tely captlnted I'll. modenI toot.Once apln marjoram. baln. and"TOry nil bOQl4!llold word. . . •.nd ena the 1II00t caatlolll 110m.lIIater addl a plnclI or AKe. tbnne,or rotema'Y to th~ ~all and Itew,

But tbe m~' ..,.It,.4(1~~ (l'?"!~~~ccet ollr new entbuwm I. fOllnd onthe jl>1I,. shelt-tor all the cbarmot a lral{Tant berb nrden ~an nowbe captured In dellcale. spreads.8q'e Jelly to ~". wIt'll duck andtarke,., eavoTY Jell,. 10 c1~.s lip aplaIn pork roalt - tbole are tbetbln,. tbat ~t P;Ulll to tllll:lncand put yoar bf'St friend In a cIa.mor till YOIllend tbe r~ip('l.

The"'! directIon. are toolproof.~alTe '11ma halt-mInute boll. YOII,~tfM1r !'n{'{H~m ji ••~lII irom YOTlT ,.,o:::o-~:... 't"P'* Ooiii"l wat.r overtbree ~all!<of I,,!!"ar ~.'. and So line 2 tlhle.po'ms lI&,.0TY.eo".r. letare tile IInoT' you'll wlnt to malle 'land IS minutes. Unln to remo ...I@'''eral batrh~a to put aWl,. fOT b~rbto.ChTlslmas p;ittl. Mt.,ur. 1"'Vlloll mto S. craart

'AGE JELLY Marepan, It!rilnp; watH If n~@.(JI(J/(~. IIh"", • meifil,,,, "!IUH') Ary. to mlJrp I rap. Arid TIn@gar

• anti ~n~Ar. and mix.I ('up IIlt'e Infusion PI~e ove~ hott .. t fIIre ant! "hne1,4 ~up vlneglr mlxl"r~ ,. comin~ tn a hr>n, addI ('up •• ugar 'i#' ('()Iorln,t 10 ,ti,.@dp~lrpt! .had@. l"",Colorlalt' I,.< bottle troft ....rllll (,I'llorinlt' ...hkh trllft o('ld. do not,. '" ra1 •. As ll<lOn u mfxtor. '>oil •. add

Pour ,~. CUPI bolll", .... tlr o"er !lottlpd rnlH Ilf'('tln.• ';rrint ('on.2 tshlr.poon. ~~It'•. Covpr, Ipt .rant! .'Anti,'. Thpn hflT1lt t~ A '.11 rl)/ling15 minlltr., '!raln to tpmo,.~ hrrh •. bOll and !loll hArd " m,nlltp.

Mellure I"fulio" :nlo 3 • Q"atl '!.move fco:,;,; fIIr.. .1o:1m, POIlT~~~ll, _ad~l_ ,.alet,; U Decu-_qUlc:kl)' •• PanSIl bot SelJ,.~ ollce-I,

There will be a lot of festivities andentertaining in European diplOD1llticcircles withio the coming weeks. ThaIis oDe nice way of findill&' out jast whatis happening next door dmng thesesoundings. And, Mr. Welles wilt meelaad talk to exhaustion with 1015 ofhigh-hatted and nicely de cor ate dpeople. But, it is almost certain thatby the time he will be through withhis talks, he will not know much moreabout Europe's troubles and how they By DICK BODYCOMBEcould be remedied than when he first After a recent snrvey, citizens of aDstarted on hi. toar. sections of Grosse Pointe will lind it

The people he is boull.d to see haVCI gratifying to realize what efficient,bad a lifetime training in the subtle art competent, and adequate fire and police

Iof talking da,.. on end without ever prolection wilh wbich the,. are blessed.5aying macho The,. are all 10 clever in It may amaze ~ny people 10 dis-

. dissuising their real thoughts and fool- coyer that there are 9Z policemen whoseing Iheir interlocutors that, by the Idal)' it is to protect the welfare of aDtime he ~15 through, Ambassador-at- Grosse Pointe. 16 scoat cars patrol tbelarge Welles wiU be mach inclined to miles of streets in Grosse Pointe daybelieve !hat the,. are all rigbt-unless, and night. 10 fire enIPntl of variousof COIIrse, they all be wrong, which is tnles are prepared to battle an,. de-:.-.-. ~ ill ~. dajq,. otnetift ~ 77 .u- -.it ia,

.. . • ,.,.,. '- ............ 6e ....... tndat. .

The callies of war betweea ':ienswI.y The follawinc tistiac abmrs !sow theand th~ Ames alOlle holds many head- public servants in their respective nzws..ache. in view for cru5ader Welles-to icipalities are divided. The IllllDber ofsay nothing of the Balkan wleano and pJlons prec~g the description of the !Russia'. attempt 10 crush the Finns. fire engines refer to the amount of

European .tatesmen are yery polite. waler each engine call 'II,amp in oneAs a matter of fact, the,. are eYell too minute. GrOSH Poinle Shores police--polite to be honest. They will listen to men double as firemen witb the addi.our good advice and peace proposals tion of two mechanics.with an affected interest. And, lome Grosse Pointe Parkwill 1I0t even aslc as for money. Bul, (Jefferson Ave. at Maryland)




...."Sliln" D.ItoIl, W'J'OIBinc bo)'

wonder with a CUD or a rope, hol~his lariat .. thouch he ftIe&l11 bUl-in_ for the Third ADnual Kjeb-igu Sportsmen'a aad Boat Showto be "elll at Convention Ba1l, 0.troit, Karel! 2 to 10.

He and hia famolll dad, ChockDaltoD, will demoll.ltrata piatoland ri!e ihootiDg, roping andlltuntll with tbe bUll whip in tru.Wild Wett .tyle.

..Slim.... clean-cut appearanc.lUId winIling personalit)r will makehim the idol of :Michipn )'oll&b .tthe bic ,pon. 'VIlDt.



VICKI ALLEN"nw .... o.r:iftI"

Held Over

MOORE &: REVEL;"1' .. iII • .ar- s.tlre"

TIle "Kiag oj Club.'~.:~-.I.iIIIIi'l;iQt_~"'~W~~W "'< _

RAJAH RABOlD....w. II 1IfeMdid"



BROEDELL PLUMBING AND HEATINGSf' . lilt, .. F--. a...inl' aacI Repairiac



IPie and Coffee-The Boston Way! I:




Thursday. February 29, 1940

Lumber Jill. -"New FeatuN At ~

Mich. Sport, Show


.~ 4ofollow tae leader'"

wltIa Kar7 J.... Jb10tt of Comel1,....... worIcl', e1l.ul.pioa WO!lWlWder, _ll1el be a Itrauolll &ameIf 1M bIel11ded jumpiDc over the

.1Iadt of • eIaair fro. a alippezy~ fa tho ItmItL

Kaq .J.. "1l1 ~ ~.:ollincJIUt,1Mr, :IIfarietta nupp. will plOo,yjde daib' duills at the IIlchipn:8poztam.' •• oel Boat Sbow atCtoaftBtioll HaI1, Detzoolt, fro.:1Iarda ! &0 10., n- *'" lmlabe:r jitll tGot put.. r-k 'Wizom', b~ piaUc at~, Mich., lalIt lIUDIIIer anll• a NAlt 'W'ere eDPI'ed for the ISpon. Bhowa i:D Boeton. New'

jYork. Detroit. Irufi .. apoUa &lid:BdM for 11140. n. rob _ ..•

The largest copper -u.r ill tileworld it at Anaellnd .. Mcmt.


I j

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