0 game principles asdas

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 0 Game Principles asdas


    Principles of the Game

    -My game is influenced by Badboy (direct game), MM (routines,push-pull)

    and RSD (kino escalation and intent)

    -Date at least 2 girls at a time to avoid getting into oneitis and getting hurt.Make the 2 of them compete

    -Attraction is only for the moment; TCC is crucial

    -The plan is to bounce her within 2-5 minutes.

    Use cocky funny lines, cold reads, quick routines handholding and convo

    within that timeframe

    -Focus on 2-sets and single sets.

    Cute single sets are rare but cute 2-sets are abundant.Thus game 2-sets for 5-10 minutes! Instantdate solo sets when possible!

    -Push the interaction till the bitter end!

    Stay longer in the set and counter objections. Give her the solution!

    Do not eject too early!

    -Direct (default game)

    -High chance to get rejected but high reward

    -Can kino escalate immediately and can result in a very sweet, flirty


    -Faster results ; more fun to use

    -2 hours to sex not like indirect, which takes 7 hours


    -Can be used at any situation as opposed to direct,

    which is only appropriate for walking sets

    -Indirect opener does not mean a better lay.

    As with direct, indirect needs instant dates and romantic

    connection in order to be successful.

    (Case: Patricia Jimenez and Reanne Pe)

    It also needs kino escalation

    - Needs more routines and attraction material (A1toA3)- More routines dont mean more lays- Interactions last longer; Rejection comes later- Same flake % with direct if not used properly; fast #closes suck


    -Have a great lifestyle (guitar,pushups,etc)


    -Focus on instadatable solo sets

    -Best to sarge alone during busy days for flexibility.

    Wing 2 sets and double instantdate if possible.

    When I get an instant date prospect, LEAVE SARGEMATES.

    -May quick sarge everyday for an hour; but day 2 only 1-3x a week

    -Open at least 7 sets per hour

    -Approach everytime I see an HB at the mall,jeep,street,etc.-Target 1 lay a week

    -Date 2 girls at a time only.

    3 is too much for my busy schedule


    -At schooldays, wear jacket when sarging at mall

    -Wear blazer/coat/long sleeves



    (solo sets only; WEAR EITHER FIT SHIRT OR JACKET; sarge after library),

    Trinoma/SM North(solo sets)

    -TO GET MORE INSTADATES, sarge OUTSIDE or near exit points of

    malls,campus, and at streets.

    -Sarge where there are more solo sets that arent busy.

    EX: Chicks near exit points of the mall/campus. Theyre going home.

    -Focus on medium/high footcount places


    - To get high value sets, be the 10!

  • 8/12/2019 0 Game Principles asdas


    (Perfumed,fixed hair,clear skin)

    -Laser eye contact

    -Tonality: deep, slow, smiling,charming voice

    Speak english with CLASS

    Facial expressions: smile, grin while talkingHave genuine happiness behind the smile. Be happy!

    Body language: Shoulders back

    Chest slightly out

    Make slow calculated movements

    The Approach:

    -Stealth: Heads up. Stand beside groups. Pretend to call/text someone

    -Smile/grin the entire time to get in state-HIGH ENERGY; Suck them to my reality

    Low energy=no open

    -Look and be very happy when I open.

    -Focus on taking action: select, run, open

    -When I spot a target, let her pass for about 15m.

    Approach from behind by walking or jogging hastily towards her.

    Smile while following to set mood and overcome resistance.

    From side, touch her arm for 3 seconds, while saying Ui andpositioning

    to her front.

    BLOCK HER WAY so she cant go away


    1. Open

    2. Attraction

    -Push pulls


    -Cocky funny

    -DHV stories and routines


    -Creating mystery, intrigue and ambiguity

    -Revealing past conquests

    3. Trust, comfort, connection (TCC)

    -Learn about her; spend time

    -More intimate kino

    4. Seduction

    -Sexual escalation

    -TCC and SEXUAL ESCALATION are crucial. Alternate between them!

    Dont stop at C1 which has a higher flake rate when #closed at this stage.

    Aim for C2

    -Expect 1-10 minute closes to be flakes!

    Establishing the Romantic Connectionin the first interaction is the cure

    to all evils. -Justin Wayne




    Note that instadate must be of high quality! It minimizes flakes.

    -Quality 5-10 minutes lead to good textmates, but not dates.

    It would require time consuming txtgame and fb game to get a single date

    -Focus on building TCC, and not just attraction.

    Attraction with little comfort= flake

    High attraction or buying temperature (BT) during the approach fades out

    while romantic connection does not

    It doesnt take that much practice before you start getting numbers and

    realize they are all blurring.. If you have both the time and interest, isnt it

    better to continue now rather than try to continue it at another time?

    .. If you dont have enough comfort, the number will blur.. So dont place

    too much importance on getting numbers, practice solid game..


    -The best way to avoid flaking in the future is to take the

  • 8/12/2019 0 Game Principles asdas


    pickup as far as you can, now.- Vin di Carlo

    -Direct opener

    -Use non-cheap easily understandable words gorgeous/sexy

    Avoid beautiful/cute/adorable-Main opener must be short in order to be emphasized;

    No social calibration

    Ex. You are soooo gorgeous/sexy.

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