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Post on 24-Dec-2015






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ell Me a StoryT

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Is a picture worth a thousand words?

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

As any other properties of storytelling, a photo should comprise of one or more of 5 elements – Mood, Emotion, Narrative, Ideas or Messages.

Dorothea Lange, 1936

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Mood:The mood can be achieved using correct background (objects or effects like blurring). The background should have “relationship” with the subject in order to enhance the mood. Even the objects can be inter-linked to build up the thought process of the viewer in a particular guided path

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Emotion:The emotion can be demonstrated through facial expressions of a person as well as activity being performed by the subject(s).

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Narration:The narrative property in a photo comes to life when the viewer can easily visualize what happened “before” the shot was taken from what is happening in the photograph (similar to narrating a story to demonstrate the flow of events). Thus it is very important to decide on what you should include in the frame and what should be excluded in order to leave the viewer’s mind figure out the rest of the story and what the viewer thinks will happen next.

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Idea:The idea is kind of difficult to illustrate but if you have something in your mind that you want to show the viewers through a photograph, it shouldn’t be too tough. The key is to already have in your mind what you are looking for. This is more demonstrated through abstract or staged photography.

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Message:Finally the message is the “future” of what the viewer is currently seeing and conceiving in the photograph. This is often dictated by the theme of the photograph. The theme can be visual (color/pattern), style (macro/zoom/panorama), relation (objects in the photo) and location (room, market, open space) or combination of the above. In most famous photographs, the photographer intentionally leaves a lot of things unsettled so that the viewer’s have an open idea of what is going to happen next.

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What helps to tell a story in a photo?

Key Idea:The key is to grab the attention of the viewer with a subject and then instantly pass on the idea/message/narration to the viewer so that he/she can feel the same emotion and mood as the photographer felt when present in the actual scene taking the photograph. The work of a photographer then is successful, fulfilling and truly complete.

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What’s in a story?





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Write Your OwnStory…

Work in groups with 2 or 3 people.Find a photo and insert it into a word document. Write a short story about the image. It must have a character, plot, beginning,Middle and end.And a TITLE!

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Short Story:

"NORTH CAROLINA—Drinking from segregated water fountains, 1950."

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Short Story:

Cindy Sherman – Untitled Film Still

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Short Story:

Gregory Crewsdon

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Photo Series Narrative:

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Photo Series Narrative:

Duane Michals – Chance Meeting

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Photo Narrative:

Graphic NovelFormat:

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Photo Narrative:

Graphic NovelFormat:

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Photo Assignment

Shoot 2 series• Make sure to get a Variety of shots to tellYour story• Each series about 10 photos• Try to simplify your shots• Longer time to shoot

Put THOUGHT into your stories

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Comic/Photo Project

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Comic/NarrativePhoto Project

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Photoshop Assignment

Create a graphicNovel Page(s)• At least 3 panels. (Comb. Of odd numbers are best)• Include a variety of types of• Shots. (close, med, long)• Use graphic novel techniques that appeal to you.

THIS IS A PROJECT, NOT A TUTORIAL! Start on this AFTER yourPhoto assignment sequences have been shot. They are dueNext FRIDAY.

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