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Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 2:07:54 PM China Standard Time

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: Keystone Weekly Newsle.er -In The Loop : 2019 3 28 7:47:57

: In The Loop: Jiayin JY Liu

Dear Parents,

Attached below please find this week's newsletter In The Loop.

Have a good weekend,

Marketing and Communications Department

March 2019 Issue #179 2019 3

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Last week in the Performing Arts Centre, IB Diploma Programme studentsshowcased visual artwork and performed brilliant musical and theatricalpieces as part of the IBDP art show, Passionate Perspectives.

2019 IBDP

Message from the Head of School |

In this week's address, Head of School Malcolm McKenziewrites on the growth of Keystone summer programs that havebeen integral since the birth of the Academy. This summer,Keystone will offer an exciting new summer course, ChinaDiscovery, intended to introduce students to the vibrant cultureand history of China. McKenzie writes, "I write to you about allthis now as these summer courses are glorious opportunities. Many of our Keystone students take the English language andculture immersion courses that we have been offering from ourstart. We would now like you to help with finding participants forChina Discovery." To find out more, click here.




Keystone Creates!

On Saturday, March 23rd, Keystone students and teachers

showcased projects that made ideas come to life in innovative

ways, utilizing exciting tools. Virtual reality boots, Microbits,

Spheros, Legos, and Stop Motion projects were some of the

interactive displays members of the community got to see and

tinker with. Technology pervaded almost every aspect of the

projects displayed and Keystone's first design and technology

expo was a major hit. Click here to read more. 3 23


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On March 22nd in the Performing Arts Centre, IBDP artstudents hosted a special event with a carefully curated artexhibition gallery walk, followed by a music concert and theatreperformances for their IBDP Art Showcase. The eventconcluded with a reception and celebration of all the students'hard work throughout the past academic year. Click here tobrowse through this year's gallery. 3 22 IBDP

Unveiling Keystone's New Greenhouse

On March 24th, Keystone staff joined forces with parents toconstruct garden beds in the newly renovated Greenhouse.Thanks to our fantastic facilities team, the temperature-controlled greenhouse helps students and teachers prepare togrow a variety of vegetables and plants. This year, a total of 16raised garden beds will be developed near the Greenhouse, aproject generously funded by the Parent Teacher Association.Many thanks to all who came out to support this project! 3 24


Dragon Reading Challenge

The Keystone Dragon Reading Challenge ran from December3rd to February 20th. The challenge called on all members ofthe community to read as much as they could in any language.Participants received a reading log and earned dragon scalesfor every 30 minutes they read. The scales were thendecorated and added to Eastern and Western dragonssuspended in the Primary Library. Our students, teachers, parents and staff read for so manyminutes that our flying dragons filled up with thousands ofscales and then hatched into baby dragons.

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scales and then hatched into baby dragons. In total, Keystone Academy read for more than 550,000minutes! Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated inthe fun! Special mention goes out to our top readers below:

Top classes: 1M, 1L, 10Top classes: 3R, 3Q, 4OTop readers in FY -2: Brandon (FL), Elsa (1M), (2N)Top readers in grades 3 – 5: Brian (4O), Alisa

(4Q), Zinnia (3O).Top staff: Catherine Du , Andy Wang ,Wei Feng

12 3 2 20


550 000

: 1M, 1L, 1O: 3R, 3Q, 4O

: (FL), (1M), (2N)

: (4O), (4Q),(3O)

: , ,

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29 March @ Keystone Academy, PG Day – No School 3 29@

1- 5 April @ Keystone Academy, Spring Break – NoSchool4 1-5@

8 April @ Keystone Academy, School Resumes 4 8@

10 April @ Keystone Academy, PS Coffee Morning4 10@

13 April, 6:00pm @ Keystone Academy, Artist in Residence:Fenella Kelly4 13



14-18 April, @ Keystone Academy, Official WASC Visit4 14-18@WASC

15 April, 6:45pm @ Keystone Academy, A Celebration of OurShared Values4 15


16th of April6:00-7:30 pm@ High School Library,Poetry Recital4 166 7 30@

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Flourishing Stars and Spring Water by Bing Xin • CH895.1 BIN

"The south wind blewWill spring smileBrought from the water country!" When you walk across Keystone's campus, the sun shinesbrightly, and the quad is a brilliant shade of green. Does theatmosphere remind you of a poem by Bing Xin? "FlourishingStars and Spring Water" is a collection of poems published byBing Xin in 1923. It contains more than 300 poems, each areonly two or three lines, but all are meaningful and fresh. Theyare both praises to nature and praises for maternal love. Thepower of femininity is a major feature of Bing Xin's poetry. Spring is here; let's read poetry together! The call number for this book is CH895.1 Bin. "



The 2019 Keystone Gala: The Countdown Begins, Sign-Up Today! 2019

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In five short years, Keystone has evolved quickly into a veryspecial and dynamic learning community. We are writing to askyou to save the date for a special event to celebrate andsupport the evolution of our community on this five-yearanniversary. This Spring's Gala and Fundraising Auction will beheld on April 27th at Keystone Academy. Special guestconductor Chai Liang will headline the evening with beautifulrenditions of classical tunes, alongside many other talentedmusicians. In addition, guests will have the opportunity toparticipate in a special charity auction, with all proceeds goingtowards a good cause. This is sure to be a joyful celebration of Keystone, anopportunity to improve the education and lives of childrenbeyond our gates, and a celebratory night for us all. Click hereto read more and learn about how you can contribute to makingthis event a success. Tickets are going on sale now for the Gala on April 27th, 2019.Click here to register for the event! Tickets will be available topick up at the Primary and Secondary front desks starting onMarch 25th, 2019. 2019

4 27

3 25

Artist in Residence: Fenella Kelly Fenella Kelly

Fenella Kelly is a drama teacher, theatre director, teacher

trainer, and theatre examiner, who also dances and acts. She

has worked internationally throughout her artistic career,

delivering workshops, performances and drama programs in

more than 20 countries.

After a day of leading workshops for local Beijing theatre

teachers, Fenella will give an Artist Talk to the community at

6:00pm on Saturday, April 13th. During the talk she will

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6:00pm on Saturday, April 13th. During the talk she will

demonstrate her craft as well as educate the audience about

the artistry of Kathakali Dance Theatre.

We are excited to welcome Fenella as an Artist in Residence

through our membership with the International Schools Theatre

Association (ISTA). We hope you come out to hear her unique

perspective on the art of theatre. Please click here to register.

Fenella Kelly


4 13 6:00 Fenella


Student Led Poetry Recital

Join us on April 16th from 6:00 to 7:00pm in the High School

Library as Keystone's Poetry Club recites original poetry.

Wouldn't it be fascinating to hear the work that people have

created? Poetry stems from our deepest, inner most emotions,

and it is considered a format in which pen is drawn to paper.

Whether you love Walt Whitman or Emily Dickinson poetry, or

even want to share your favorite poetics works, be sure to

attend this evening in which we share and breathe in the magic

of poetry!


——4 16 6:00 7:30

Grade Five Parent Event – Mark Your Calendars! ——

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There will be an informational event this spring for all grade 5

parents whose children will be in Keystone's middle school next

year. Please mark Tuesday, April 23rd at 8:30 a.m. as the time

when you can find out more about the middle school program,

particularly the English curriculum and the placement process

for grade 5 students into MYP English phases in grade 6. We

look forward to seeing grade 5 parents there that day!

4 23 8:30


Security Reminder

Each morning, approximately 300 cars drop students off in frontof the main gate. Morning drop off creates significantpedestrian and car traffic, and sometimes parents and childrenare not sufficiently careful about the hazards they may createwhile driving (or walking). Our guards have observed peopledriving cars while texting or otherwise occupied on theirphones, children looking back at parents while crossing thestreet rather than carefully watching their surroundings, andparents watching their children cross the street while theythemselves are driving. Parents, please be mindful ofpedestrians as you or your drivers move through the area. Ifyou are walking with your children, do not be on your cellphones, take care, and instruct your children to be extracareful, and look both ways, when crossing the trafficarea. Keystone's security team is there to help manage trafficand help to ensure safety, but it is the job of all of us – parents,staff and students alike -- to make sure that everyone arrivessafely at the school gates. Thank you!


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Marketing and Communications Department

Keystone Academy

Address: No10, An Fu Street, Houshayu, Shunyi District, Beijing. P.R. China


Email: communications@keystoneacademy.cn




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