· '. the union county standard, jiodern doorways. i 1-tleao c_.,l,.• tile ...... el •...

Post on 24-Jul-2020






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THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, JIODERN DOORWAYS. I 1-tleao C_.,l,.• tile ...... el

I T- Cou-lotnt ,Botd c ... rl-• ·WHICH ARTISTIC GRILLES PLAV A TherP m·n many people of nlmndnnt DECORATIVE PART. I menn• who maintain tlmt thn dRy of the i oontforlab)� liDS 110n£l by Rnrl that binD•

.... to II .. ., ,. Plain �plntlle Grille Fnr krt" nt<' the nnly bet\ covrrillJl thnt •honld a lfanuw Dncn-waJ'--' Grill" :\!"do or b1• n•r•l. Thl• is on the ground that tbnt -hn-A Ct>lonlal Grillo Ad•t•l•clto a whil•h Is lllll brAt I• tho only thing to boahl• IJnorwa,.. �;��i���::� P\�o�y

dt7.:��'!" ��;�::�':o'������ The iteo!JlnA for Jlrille• nrn nnnnlil!llt- the lw•t. Bnt. a IBr(lo tnnjnrlty nf pcr­

ed oumOOr,nnd tht'lllllfPrinl� front whi(•h "OIJM UJ1JEt lJfl ronh'nt wtt.h Mt11Ut'thing they may oo cmlst.t'ltctml nre al'<> nnmPr- thnt will •nffirr, thon�h It i• not tho oas, the mn"t sPr\'il-enblc, hnw<wor, br- bo•t, nnd n �rmt m:111y fnmiJIPs will iUJI Iron, bm••· copp<'r, wnn<l nf "''''�'Y ronthmo to o•o comfortnbl�• In wlntor ltlnd, I!IDI!l!, flbrr, notth.�. rnpo, wiro . lwcnase they nro R warm, ecnnnmlcnl md pap!lr. Of thr•e, motnl nllll wood nrc b<.d cO\'Prlnl!. For the bo.•nrflt of this belt. Iotter clo•• Is hrro oppeuded oome hrlp-

A llmplo and neot •t>hllll!l l!l'illc for : fa I remark• on the aabjcct from the a narrow doorway I• lim plain Hpindlo. ' i New York Tribune: Obtoln two "'l"IRro •tickR a• long '"' the It mqalrco for ooe comfortoblo about ••dth of tht• doorw11y coKinll and two teo yard• of ch-loth, or oome Racb lbe de1lred hci11ht of the 11rillo, of pine ' Rhecr cottcn goods, which may be par-

I ob81ed at 6 cent• a yord, aod three or I four bolts of pateot cottoo bottln(l 110d 'J half n 1kelo of Germaotowo yam. Thetl8

materia II will cost about tl. 23 or tl. 50 i aod will make 11 comfortable ll yard• by 1 2"' lo sl•e. Smaller davet1, or com­i fortabl110, fOI' the foot of the bed are

mado a yard wide aod 2 � yardl lon11.


fte -... ... � • ._ ·-., __ ,,._ .. ,_

Tho American In reROrd t� footwl'lllf hns refuMI'd to be I!Uhlml I»' the atMdard of any country. She hns comblo�d tim Fronch nnd Englbh otyleo, taking the bo•t of both, utterly diooimllnr Rl they ar�. tho }'r�n•h for •how olltoet nod the EuRiiHh for uoc.

The Eoglioh wnlkln11 •boo nnrl boot Is

A. KUHNE, 162-164 Market St., Newark, N.J.

Parties wishing to should first inspect our

start housekeeping

\:!:�-::r.:��t�,�.�� �-� Carpet Deportment! .:t/J • . where they will find all the latest designs in 4I,Jj Axminster, Velvets, ... �;;:r. loqnetts, Brussels, :�:t ��::::::w:::h:..


w=�� & I g I c rpets to the aole. This calfskin mut be kepl n rain a I

blackened or polished like men's boot•. Maoy womeo cRDnot wea1 even the li11hle8t wel11ht of oalflkln, 81 they coo-

DIU .. ill COAh, L ltllfiiJ IIIIPIIII Office and Yard···Central AYB., 111r R. R. ·••

by l\lall Will Receive PromP*

32i CARlL l'l'RII'l'1 I. J. New DBIIIDI Appropriate tl

NOW IN STOCK. Gold Papers, Sclntlllalres and Printed


Wheo a more Janrlona comfortable 11 dealred, old I!DDlmer silk llklrt1 may be dyed lo IIDY colon and used for the par­pose. Wool, which eo�ta a llttlo more than the belt cottoo, bat 11 mach lillbt­er, moy be aoed to fill the�e •Ilk com­fortableo, aod the re•alt Ia a bed cover­lnJI 81 light IIUd also as warm aa the beRt Uft lifomlao blBDket. Where there Is a qalltln11 frame lu the boose, aud

COLONIAL the comfortablo Ia ftJied with potent

tend It drowa the feet nod prodacee

1l ·F HOHENSTE coma, bat io ordet to keep lo the f011h- ALSO LAROE ASSORT

MENT OF ���c�h

�� .. w


�:���::����o:t .. '=! �u:� Ot"l Cloths mats �ags Ete . .

FlHHNft. PI.AIK •PtNDLII. cottoo, It Ia au euy matter to make w. Whitewood oeveo-ei11hth• of lUI Inch oM. The pecolllll'lty of pateot cotton lo •qnre ood planed oo all four Ride& that it Is Joid and Rlltched about every 'IIIen obtain rome lo1111 atlcb onc-hnlf ohm Inches to Ita width, •o that the )a­an lnoh oqoll!'e pluuecl on oil RideR. bar of Joyinl! nnd smoothiDII dowo the 'Th- may be cat In lengths accnr<lioM oottoo, tho borde�t part of the work lo to tbe de•lred height of the grille, nml I moktu11 oo old fashioned comfortable, Ia the eodl mode fast In tho top nnd bot- i practically done away with. Be11in by tom rib of tl� fromework. Thm1 loy the ' stretching the onder port o! the com­two long •�icks of the frame sido by side , fortBblo oo tho framoa aod rolling oat ()D tho top of 11 toble, ond with o rule the cotton oo It, IByln11 It In place ond mark o.lf oven •pnrcs throa11h the ruid- bMtiug tho 'hreodtbs t011ether where die of each stick I !ti lnchM aport. , they lap. After this pat oo the top oo\'rr Wbeu the •pacr• ore all markod off, bere 1 IUd bo•te the ed11ea of tbo comfortable bot. with a bnlf lnoh bit, a•ing oach 1 t011ether on•l •ocare it lo the frames. mark lo the center of tho atick for the 1 Niue Inches from tho rd11e tack the middle of a hole; theu, with a li11ht, �mfortnble wllb tbeGenaantowo yam, ebiiiBI having a shorp ed11o, out the hole•Jtytu11 the tackiop down with No. 8 eqaore. The Lndlea' Home ,Journal, the : oottoo. Niue Mtraodo of wool are aafti­-IMl of this lnformotioo, 11ivos au II- i oieot for a tockin11. Separate the tack­\Jatrntioo In which I ohowa a •ectlon of i Jogs by oine loobe�, aud wheo one row the marked otlck, 2 a hole Blld n square 1 Ja done on the qalltln11 frame roll it ap marked aronod it with lead peocil, aod i that di:,tunce ODd beRiD ooother oioe � shows o bole cut ••Juore; also ooe end 1 toches from the first, but betweeo, oat of a spiD<Jie inserted io the fronw piece. ' lppoaito, tho others. Contloue uotll the

calfskin, ood the 11eoeral elled il1'flr1 t t t . 1 Fl mach the lllme.

our Bh0011 ore worn more mouth• of the yeor thnnboots. Bboes, belt uoderllood, At price• c.heaper than eYer before offered. ' FOB are what used to be ooJJed tlllll. Galtlll'll, or "•pats, .. ore ooly perm118lble ll)lliDg

Feed, aod aatamn, bat they have a "•porty" We are also offering Bargain. s in look dear to the bcort of 110me glrl1. Calfskin •hoo• arewom In the momlnl!. Chamber Furniture Suits from IIO up. pateot JeotberM, or kid with potent


+1::��!�=���:�: r rlar purnt•ture WEFIRS


CLLAS S Ha v' with tops of colored cloth, battooed with a - ,.,



ll! · • GOODS ONLY.

To mllko 11 llshbet grille os HuggPsted 1 entire bed covm· is tacked. AftPr thi• i• !by the authority quoted omko o frame- 1 de1no remove tho cou•fortable from the work of wood sticks thr<;<'·'!unrter• of i quilting frame•, turo it in IU'Ooud tho - loeb sqaoro to fit the msule of the edl!e•, stitching thorn clooely together door Posing nod obtain •omo flslmet with the mochino, nod buttonhole the ·mode of stout cord, with •mall mPshe•, ed11es with Uermautowo ynro. aod out from it 11 piece to fit. the in•ide of the fromo; theo it should be •bel­looked to stiffen it. When catting the aet, core sheultl be token to lmvc the oatalde row of knot• Intact. Tho net i• to be modo fost to the fromo with stu­plea drh·eo tbroa11h tho knots, om! ao oo Into the wood oo in 4, ond should be 8tretcbed toot to look woll. Tho wood­work sboalcl be finished to motcb the eolGr of tho door ond cosinl!, oud tho net an be pllinted ony color desired. The Jmota will look well if 11ilded. A stylish appearance moy be secured by pllintiug tbe oetwork 11 dead block before gildin11 the koots, or the oet will look wdl if broil sed.

The framework of the ooloninlgrille b made of ploe or whitewood sticks ..,.ea-elabtbs of au loeb square, the

The Eaall•h NDnei'J' OoYene-.

The fMhion of the moment is tho En111ish nanery goveroe88. The great considPratiou i• her Eo111i•h Bcceut I This hns for outstripped the lnug11ogo of Fraoee. Tho New Ym·k Trlbuoo says: The Eogli•h governess is tho most sou­•lble iuuovatioo that hns prevailed lo flll!hlooBble education, for she brini!B with her En11li•h ideo• on the subjects of )e&Boos, sweeties, divHI'I!ioos, acrub­bings, clothes, spooklo11• ODd waitiDI! oo ooeself.

The En11lisb (IOVem888 briop with her her Engli•h ldeaa of heolth. Hero abe is vastly aaperlor to the Freoch and Genano I!Overn88sea, who do oot olwnya realize tho sovinl! 11roce of water ood exettise. Americno childreo of tbtl lei­sure cla88 ore spleodldly 11room£d little onimala. Tbia is, of coariiC!, nccempa­oied by much aooeoo•snry la:�ury. For this the Eo111isb 11overo888 faroisbes the corrective. -------

BUed.Appl • flao&anl.

fo•bionable oatflt. Tbe tlpsoreof amooth We have a lnrger nsaGrtrnent of Parlor SuibJ thon any too cloth, a fine check beio11 the mOlt deniers in the State, and nrc ollering l&me at 81ton-fovGred. Th<'>!e mast be made to order. While the Jotest fubloo, o:�ceptloi!ID ishing pl'icl's.

wolklo11 boots, Is toward a more rouod­ed toe, the 11enerol ellect Ia still the loog aod narrow. Of coarse tbls oooealtote� wearln11 n olze Gr two &IZ88 Jon11er, bat 11 for better ODd more beoomlo11 to the foot thou to have It oqaeesed toto o brooder aod shorter boot. For street w�ar, low, brood heol.o ore oecet���ary. In fancy slippers, high heel• ood eveo the Lonia Qninze ore still foshloooble. As for slippers w1d foocy ties, there Ia oo eml to thoquw1tity uooded. MODy wom-

Lounges and Couche• from SD up. Plu•h and Willow Rocke1'8, Sa.ao.

AI C1rpet1 M1d1. L1ld 1nd Lined Fru of Ch•rv•· .. tr--

Sidi·BOBrdS and Chiffoniers In Large Yadetles. B'J"" CQBDIT OIVE!N IF DESIRED.

A Ku H N E t62-t64 MARKET STREn, 1 1 NEWARK, N. J.


eo, wbPn thoy h11ve their ball gowns mode, soud 11 bit of the stntr to their bootmokPr to Insure the slippers match, in11 the 110wn exactly. White satin aod even whito kid slippers ore embroidered with pelll'l• nn<l rhine secdstonr•, ood the tiny jewelm\ tips that show beneBth the hem of the dainty IIOWD do add llreatly to the finish of tho cOHtume. fte v • .,. Rl,..,._ '1111•• ..,., -..a Mr. IIITPII'I • 11111111. Numberless shoe•, boots aod slippers Ortd...._ - "' Life. M roquire numberles• stockinR", and maoy "Some meo Deed ooe apar, 110111e lUI·

womeo find, In order to keep them u other," said Mr. Grotebar. J'OB PUI'JI.I OJ' ALL .t.GU. they wool, it is noceasnry to give ap 11 "Now, there wal my frleod Sylnuae cE•tabllobed \IIIII.) chillonler �Jely for tlmt use. Every Grlddletop. Mr. Grlddletop wo1 a mao

V abode ood color of ailk stookiDM is core- with a foir Income, wblcb, wbeo the COR. NORTH AND CENTRAL A ENUES.

folly folded io this chillonier. Bilk, of llnaoclal cyclooe came alODII, wu "f81')' II" (I E (I (!TACT PRJHCJPAL courae, predominates, bat there ore lisle greatly reduced. Mr.Grlddletop prompl· 1)1) • 1), I) 1 , •

thread, cotton ood e\·en tho course wool ly sborteoed Bail to IICCommodate him-b 1 bl 1 b be t t 11 t If to the •)•-" weatb-· he �n� m �·""·I· I!COOb .. c>ol

mwltb0 "t"'.1•�pp�•--nk o0f0co0""",.,!.,,.". aaed io lht! bicycle and golf otookiDIIL 18 M ......... n • --� ·� b ... • ..., ·-

These lost, In bri11ht plaids, ore almost mlled lo all cU�iooa, aod be W8llar· 01J!�!fu'i"!��",!,I:;'�'::J�"io morall and IIWI·

be 1 f 1 tb prlled to flod bow mach be could eoooo- non. too brillht to popu or Gr aoy eng ml•a •, aod while •Le oew --•- of thio- Tb Pran 8 t m f Drawlll(l Natural Hla-f t1 - 111 ......,.. "" :nd o.�J..e Ph'r•lcal Cult

'u;., are a few 0 me.

kl be boa bt wam't like t he old, It wu gratlf)'IUI manv valuable brancboo tallllbt. Pretty atoo DI!B coo DOW 11 to Jlr. Grlddletop to dlacover that It Term• rouooablo, payable lint week MCb at prices JlOIIlilble to almost aoy ODe, atlll a!l'orded lOUie m�llllllre of oomfort. quartor. aod eveo If the qullllty Ia oot of tbt>

"At lost tho ftWIIIolal ""Oloae paaeed, Frencb or German, llerllta Converoatloul





C. E. PEARSALL & Pare and grot" 8 lnr11e "weet apples.

Add II tBblc;;pooofuls of batter, 10 of su11ar and 4 e11gs, yolks aod wbltca sep­arately beaten, the joice of i BOd grated rind of I Jemoo. Line a paddln11 dlab with bread orambl, poor In the mlatare

flnllllt It Ia line euoa11b to look well, -, M•tbod, private �nd ci&Minatructlon. aod, better •till, to feel comfGrtable. bat Mr. Grlddletop, who bod accepted ��� •

• a.•

l•c •









•ro-n-d·l REAL �s��TE & INS Black Jl&le thread, embroidered lu col- the cbao11ed altaatloo mllllfally, DOW IDI!thod. ored allkllo daloty de��t1101, aod ribbed diloo'l'ered tba* In the 0001'18 of thlli

1puu •Ilk to plato colon are eatraGr- llllforced period of oomperatlft ldlea-dloarlly cheap, acoordiull to the New bla maofalu- had alveo way to alaa- "OLDEII �•TE BREEIIHDIJSES. YGrk Herald, authority for the foreao- Rl•ho-; he had fouod '* quite J1018l· II 1111 lq, ud are alway• beoomlua to tbt blo to ll'l'e apoa hill redaced melUII, IUid feet. Of 0001'18 there Ia practically DO DOW, lllltead or maktDIIIUidurt, he did limit to the prlllt!ll ooe cao pay for elob- u meo 11111D8tl- do Ia like elrcam-

Ill PROCBIII OF 11.1.111110. lllitndlM to be roaod, three-el11btba Gr half au Inch lu diameter. Ordioary dowela are admirably adapted to Ibis JIDI'JIOI8 ud · caa be parcblllllld from a aablaet maker. Y oa may lind them IODI8-wba• roqh, bat by the Dllll of saodpa-1*' a amootb aarface may be obtaloed. 'rile bolla that oro atTilqed oo the spio-4llel aod work oat the elliptical dlllliiiD am be made by 11 wood turner, nod llboald have a bole tbroa11h them so they will fit over the Mpiodlea aod bu DGVed to a07 poaition, ·:: Tllftllpa With Cream llaaee. )Pee nod oat in slicell enough �arnips 1D ftll au ordiu11ry vel!lltablo di1b, boil fill' 80 mluate��, then druio tbroo11b o «�Iauder before pattiDI! luto a di&b. Xel• a tablespoonful of butter, belo11 careful not to browo it. Add " tabi&­IJOODfal of ftour tWd milt au til smooth; thiiD add we-hoU pint of equnl(lllrta IWIIII& milk uod cream. Stir contioaally u.U I& bolla. Beo�o with 111lt nod pep­,.. Poor over turnip& aud 118rW at ooce.

C!Dld 1.-1 - ........

lUid bake. ------�lkldeudB•• ......

The IIBaaoo fGr wecblloa• hu arrived aod the followloa deaorlptloo from the New York Suo Ia COIIIIIIqneotly lo Grder 1

Tbe weddiDIIII"WD Ia made of l'l'ory colored dach1!811 aatlo aod trimmed with old br-la lace. The Jooa court tralo ta·Jioed with brocaded aatlo. Tho deep ftoaoce of the abort skirt Is held lu place with tralllo11 1praya of orBDI!8 bl0110m1. The bodice Ia covered with deep frllla of the lace caa11bt oo the lboalders wltb Ol'IUIIIe bl0111o!DL The

.,_In a mold amall irrei(Ular piece�� ci ool4 cooked meat lWd sl10011 of cold l!ln boiled BIII!L Wbeo the mold I• fidl, poor OVBI' all a Ollpfo) of welJ -- A BIIAUTIFUL WEDDIKO GOWII,

· (lllalld, ltroua, Mvory atook, thick euoa11b tulle veil Ia CIIDI!ht bilb at the bock of •·• 4.oll wheu cold; coyer and bnke lu a t

ba bead with oruu1e biO&<om• aod dla-. ,. f b If h Wbc moud omumoniM, ,..,.tie O'l'en or 8 liD oar. 0 Tho little wnldeo who � tbu . ' 4111 .. cold nod eoll"' taro oat of mold bride to MC�&tter roaebadl before h�r Ia , ,,.S 1111ne l�o slloea. dre ... ud lu a aown of plok tatreta, cov-, ._ Cl.....al ......, ered wltb IIOOOI'diou plotted white mua-

kln d .u-he llllt*W down lok> • placid, orately embroidered allk &too 11, au doll coatentmell• wldl what be bad. dJOMl aawe atocklop are ofteo embrold- "Ooe of the -lee tbaUil'. Grid· ered with tiny ieed pearla to match the dl_._ ...,_ to -tlce lmmediateq elaborate alippen. In-tloo of real lace �-.. ...,._ .--

II ofteo a88d ou the l01tep of llacklop, apoa tba cvUalllllet of bill t.Kime had tb h � tba. of bJaDtllll hill OWD aboeL bat the opeowork dett111na oo e o eaper There bad .-me4 DO Maier way or 18,.. 11rade of 11ood1 11 very aatlafactory. 1118 tiB a .,_ thaD thil, IUid be bad

Fw Oatdaor W'.r. Maoy of the oew cootl are abort aud

loose. Ooe labeled Freucb Ia lu cloth of a liabt biBOait toot>, ftts the flanre at the aldea, bat It II quite 1ooae back aod

fODDcl the work eaq •oaah, wtthoa• realllinl at the dille tba*. diU, lin IDIIDY U'lother 80111101Dy, llke al'l'lq ap 11oln1 to the tbeajer, for loltance, -• the oattloa off of ., mach oommuolea­tloo with the world, eod 10 tended to the aradaal oarrowiDII of bl1 eallkmce.

"Ooe day, whell be had oooaeloa to - e mao ou a matter of baalo-, ftod· loa bl1 aboee lu a ooti very .-table ooadltloo, llr. Grlddletop ateppod ap oo a bool bluok '• atud ood took hie aeot lo the comfortable chair, 01 be had DOt dooe lo a year before, aod pat bill feet apoo the metal footreata. It Willi like llt!ppiDII bock Iota the WGrld from which be bad ht!eo 10 looa aJWt; It awakeaed In him o dealre for aU tb" old time till· tl'l'ltle�� aod pleUQIIIII of life. Bntepped dowu from the bootblack'• ati&Dd with a uew ambltloa. It woe for him j01• the Deeded apv to tlll&lou. "-New York Baa.

well baatea a oup of nraet lio. The flrat two brldelmald• are aowu-oue-balf tea• tJd in pink pompadour aiJk, With hl1b CLO.I.It WITH I'L.I.ITID CAPL aap of ooru- bodlue ud vlmmlull of 111hle baud» boaa, while the vtmml11111 are of •at4

o1 ba•· aa4 ltllle. Tile o&ber bri�Mmaldl WI!BI' IUid the foldl luwa. lu boll plllltL A IIP4 • 4a· d-. of wltlte lalla, Ulmmed with pret*J um. olollk wltloh WliU 1114 •bll ..S *" All the 1111icll •- ba .eblllr 1111111 or blaouU ....... -· ., ...... ..... ,. .... u,. 1114 ...... .. """*.bal . . ·�·-.. ··-

.. ... . .... .......... .. . .. .. .

oi.P80N A DO.IIII.II, Propl.

Cit JlatBn od PlttBI Pluta. .ALL ORDZRI DBLlV&RED FRBL

Revolution in House -rAINTING-

BAK.It'l Paint PresenatiYI does theiWork

.......................... ... Galen ..... OIW <'OAt ot pi'CICirvatlve allll palot u IJOOII u &wo ooata of po.lat. All work Jllllloranttlllll.

Ooe trial of wr Paint PreMrvatlve will con­vloM IWJOno of Ill worth.

INTfiRIQR DBCORATINQ I am� to do aU kllida of

lntllrlor 4eooratlnl, . paper haqiUIJ, etc., a' very nuouable pr!Gt.


M. B. KVRZMALS. Elm St. near Past Office.

SP,eclal Attention Given to the Cutdng of t:hl.ld .. lll"ll'":i Shampooing Ladles' Hair a SpeolaltJ.

Businasa�:B A :·PE,w·: lftWIIIID

We are maklo1Jit d:�:;T

;Ively by JUflQ

keeploa "everlutlngly at." DUO, It Is only by Jooa atady ancl e:�perleoce that we ban become proftoient in our work. Tbls e:�perlence ollowa 11s to o<lopt a low scalt1 of price• aod to feel aach con· fldence lo our work tbut we IJDBrantee to 11ive aatisfactlon ood warraut all onr work. lau't tbla fairY

•••ca. Extrnctiug 211o " with gaa IIOc Cleaning 'l'llo i''ine gold ftlllug tl and 1111 Silvel' ftlllnvs IIOc to 111o Gold nu1l Ph1tlnum Alloy •1 Porcelain Crowna t6 Uold 01·own (22 k.) til to tlO Full Set of T1111th •o I& n. _ _.a . .t.tl• Very Heat Quality on Rubber '

Warramted . t8 Aluminum Plataa ' tll Gold Platea (18 k.). eu to NO Oontiuuoaa Oaua �-- NO . 808TON DENT

.... ....lllr .• ,..., ... ,.. ...... ..," ill diiJIII ID •1111M ...... , - .. -..� ....

liD. c I k ' ! '

• l t <

IIIII& al till ���_. Ia till IDIIdDI Cll .... . •1111 • ..,.. _ ill..,.._ IIIIi al ..... 1111-. allo Ia -- ........... at9blt ....

We uve p1t oo ule all tbe Latnt DntiM aM Pitter• at a bll cat price 11 a nmlader.

&JIBBICAB, unMu. naar.

Ita BdiJII'bllltJ to oolor llllllemet, lllld­&bll 11 lba - ol &be oblaa deoontor't � blfaft baft die muuf• *- ol flue obiDI, bo&b In oar OWB pottllrlu IDd Ill thole of lhrope, li'fW 10 muob 1ttatloa to tbe JIIQd'tiO&toa ol belatlflll deiiiiDI bl deu.te wbl" WINo lllld to ulqaa llllalel, the .....,.....,. of wblah ID oblDI UB 11tW ........

Th- DtW IDC1 belatlflll lblpe1 ll't lhowD Ia &be l'laeb, au., Blwullll ud BD1lllh ,_, ad, 1e1 .. aladlJ add, AmerlOID WlrM II welL 0111 ol lbe lltW ad lrthtlolbape�ID &be l'nDeb wan 11 lbowu Ia a Iliad dl1b. The n. lief work UJIOII thll 81•81 rleb eft'BOIIID lildiDI, 1nd &liB 1bape lu1111118111DilY llr·

llome tleaontCJn _,.. opportDDitJ ... A Solid Oak SlclebOiud, bnel plate gina . • , .. •.,,,;.,,,, • • , , • • t 0.06 1m'17 oa& almOI& DDJ IObeme ol dll!ln· &loa t1111 111., fiiiC!J or wblah the utlale to Ill tlllrtebed m., .......

'rile medlod of applJIDII tbl• ftlll1 mll4e cantua tl "'7 lllmple. The "WorkJDir tooll" IN B paD of bo& WI• ter, I pair ol tw- IDd D pad of 10ft CIMtOIL If a larRe ob:leo' !1 to be 4_. ntecl, h m., be foaud -nola& to work 111 a Item, where the pau of lloC water m., be llep& bo&.

HinDI decided 011 the dellp lllld 11-lllated the p�pler miiObe Ol'lllllllllltl, dlop lato &be bo& water u miDJ al tllt "pearll," "badl," or wblte.er JOD miJ be DIIDI, U Jllll reqalrl or M &be pn ,.,_. wtU --l�tiJ bold. Ia 1 few miD· patuted tu oo1on tJ11it _.,_. ..0 a&u tbeJ wtll become 10ft lllld pliable. wttb &be ..,11: ....._ � • � IOheDe4 --tllbollld be llep& elhMI .... Ia .&be pn wblle world111 lllld &Ua Lllb• ..s IIIICIN delteat. Ia appell• qoioklJ from It u ued. •- .,. the IIMI 1nme1. DINo&lJ be-lt II ben, of COline, to hl•e &be de- IIIIth &be l'lul II 1 pa.. of Wiler oo1or lip ll1btlJ lll:etobed dlrtCS)J apoa the p1per, wltb a oboalar 0p1111.., U1111llr workiDI object, wbale\'U' It miJ be, II

t bll opeaiDI t1 fOI'IIItll bJ a r1Da ol tbe poaltiOD of the OI'DIIDeDII mall be t1onn p�luted OD &bl p1per IM .... deotdecl before be8\DUIDII to applJ &hem, -lloped oat lllOIIM &hem, maldDf a to llll1lre the IIOCDrlte plloiDI of acb. IUIDI a•lroumeDt for a JN&ty f-Now, wltb a pair of tweeaen tall:o ODe Some dolll• of bol&tq olo&b looll: piece at a tlma dlreotlJ from &be bot well Aroond aell'CIIlar plooeol boltiDI water aDd place It elrefDliJ 1D JIOiltloa, elo&b, 1 � locbee to cUIImeter, 11 p&b·

'' " Dlnlng-room Tablo, claw foot. . . . . . . . • . • • • . . • . . . 4 Df' " " 8·pieco Bod Snit.. •.. . . . . . . . . . . . • . , , • , , , •• , , . • , . . 16. 'I'll " " Iligh·baok Dining Chair • • . . . . . , . , . . , • ; • . , , . , • . , SOc " " Chll!onler, with mirror . . , . . . • • . • . ,, • . . . • , ,., . , . . 6.1�

h Ia almoat a ehame to put eucb lo1v illow Qgure on P•rlor Oooda, bat A ftne upbol1terod 6 piece Brooatelle Salt ••••.•... , . • . . . . . . . . . t3l.Ot1

" " frame 6 piece Brocatcllo Suit • • , , , .... , .. , . . 28.00 " " hair top piece " " . . • . . . . , , • . . . . M.OO " " 1.'arkleb Couch................. ........... ti.60

. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Kattinl, Beddln1, Stoves and Ranges.

C. NUGENT, Jr. CMR oa CREDIT. 77 Market Street. Goodll Delh·ered Free. NIIWAIIK, N • .a.

erect 1 full roftla of the 11me materilll a laebl!ll wide, edfllll wltb paual81, es· qolaltely palated, oa&liDed wl&b 10ld nod scalloped out ai'UDDd tba petftlL Other• are almllar)J made wl&b wild roae• embroldoratl ou tba ror.le.

BAYARD DRUG STORE, J. F. 'DO'RV�LL, Successor, S. W. Reese tcCo.

OLOVBOOX. pre811ollt firmly bnt acntly down wltb the soft wn<l of eotton, nt the aruna tlmo baing careful not to m:u or etl'nco tbo eon tour or delicate modelio1 of the or· nnment.

Tbls Is all tbnt I• neclli!BDry to secoro It llrmly to the object being deoomted, us tho heated aml softened glue in tho composition ndberl!ll closely, nnd nuth · lug flhOI't of n bnrtl blow will dislodl!u It when clry nod bnrd.

Papier nmohe ornou1cnts mny be ap pllerl to nlw001t any mntel'lal, such WI woorl, stone, mol'ble or gloss, 1\lso henvy mmlboord, and even to such fabrics u• velour or vel vet, but tho bel!iuucr is likely to get the best results In using wooden articles as the boRis ·Of decora· lion.

When the n;>plied orunmeuis oro dry,

'holll .... aC-MIIIIIL A Cbrl1tmn1 bnll 11 a pretty trlfta to

give ao abMlot frlead. The heart ot the boll may be sowc pretty little 1Ift, n gold tblmblo, aD emery ball, a all'l'er apool or something of tilnt m1tore. Around thlo silk 80811 or zephyr Ia

wouucl with quotations appropriate to tho person for whom tbe bn11 Is Intend­

ed, pnt In and covered wltb tbe 80811 or zephyr.

These quotations may btl takon from n favorite nutilor of tilo 11ver or tho one who receives tho preaeut, or tboy may bo mudc per•onal In character.

When tilo ball hllll hooD mnde tho de­aired slzP, 11 hnnclsmna pnir of sclsson, a go!1 bcclkio, a benotiful noedlecnso or uny gift the cloaor fiWcics mny be at­tached to tile end of tbe tbl'end.

As tho ball is oowoond In embroider· lug, kn!ttlog or croohetjollr as the cn.e may be, tbe quotation! como to light onexjlfletmlly nud gi vo plciiBnre long .. fter Christmas day bus passed Into tbe sbn<low• of memory, while the bo..rt of tbe boll nd<lo the llnnl bit of ple1110re when tbe last tbrend Ia onwoiWd.

•roed 8trcaot, weetfleld.




THE WAY SHE BUYS A PIANO� :llny .be Rees H <1;n1t>r nuclliHtens tn hi A prPjntl!l'f·tl Ppiuhm ,,n ont-o 1H tony� lH tllttl.J. :it 111 1h•� worltl. (Jr llliiY ht' 1"111-:> w .. li� ht•r um,.ie t ... :,du·t nhm1t it, t'm·�t·ttiug- that tnn·�ic h-'lll"hent JWhlPm, lf t'\'t'l'. l•1:ow jli.liWI• t>XCf'l•t nR h) how tlw�· �'''mHl; nu�· dwap malw t:-Ol;Utls wdl-i'ur ., time. Artist11 nre tmtodunto�ly poor 1Ut eri1kl'l.

160 Fulton St., flew York� :\fnottfll"tnrer& Srencll Plate., sc,, Stnmp!<. Bnming BrandA. Door � •ml Nmnl>el'!<, p.,w Nnmlll'r Plll� Notary 1111<1 L<.-lg� ��Rh<. PorfOJI!IIt Check Protectol'8. Antomntir :S'DiliW in!!: M•"'hin••· Pte. Write fur o.r· It page Illllljtrnte<l Catalog11e.

IIUIIPIIBIIT8' Nothing hal ever beea procluce4 tit

equal or compare with� 'WitoJI. Bull 011 as a cuuTIV& IIIII HEALING APPLICATION. It has beea used 40 yeall! and alwayt� affords relief and a! wars, gives satisfaction. ·

It CurcsPJLES or HEMORRHoiD!', Extenlll or Internal, Blind or Blecding-ltcbingiDil Burnin�; Cracki or Fissures and Filtulu. Relief tmmediate-cure certain. ·

It Cures Dull:<S, Scalds11nd Ulceratlonu4 Contraction from Bums. Relief Instant

"\Ve hn.,·e 11t1 taleut for teaL·hhu;: \','•1\l},lu't know hnw nt all. But tt·� tlo lwou• pinu�R. \Ye �·an p•1ll 't>m H!li.ll't awl tt>ll tlw l'(jiativo t'o�t of folCalt•, �:�otriu:.!�. felt�-'. Ul'tiLtn, g-Jn� wnrk. ea:otPA, tone re�nlntivn, ant! lhdt• \'nhw r.rti::o�tie;Jll�·. ftoom n UJn�i(•al :-ota1Hlpoiut. \VE' luw� t>:;et--llt>nt.n·a�o!ls for thiuldug lhltt we baH' a talt •nt fol' selt•t"ting 11iauo� llllll nrgnns. Fatuous utalwH only. CatalP�Ut> fl'te.

It Cure! ToKl<, Cut and :&.a-alii. Wounds and Bruises.

lt Cures Bon.s, Hot Tumoro, Ulcen, 014'. I•IANO 'l'UNI::SO A ""PI�(.-.1,\.I.TY.

F c.. T x y LOR IOQ·m BROAD st. • ;;;Je � 'ELIZA-BETH, • · N. J,

And JU Weat Front Street, Plainfield, N. J.

Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurf)' or tkaw. Head. It is Infallible.

lt Cures INFLAMED or CAKED Bl� and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.

the work may !Jo finished in various wnvs. U, for iut:tanco, you bavo rleco­rut�d n glove box of walnut or oak, tho ornnments mny be finished with stain to oloaely Imitate tho nutoral wood of tbe box. If tbiH staining is earefolly doae, the raised work will bnve the ef-fect of tbe m011t dellcnte ook ciU'VIng.

l"rom Girl lo GirL For tba yoougglrl whowllb81 toli'nl

her belt 1irl friend a Cbrlatmu preaeot here Ia a IDII!Oitlon. Make ber a d<JOk. IDII eue. It 11 a novelty, and will da· Ugbt ber. Tba atooklag - bearl a mlklog r-bliWce to a crnat CUI or 1 glove ea111. Ill apeclal prlvll1111e 11 to care for dainty allll: atooldnp. Tbl girl

It Cures SAJ.T RIIEUM, Tetten, � Eruptions, Chapped Hando, Fever � Sore Lip• or Nostrils, Coma and 1lmollllllo ---------- --------------------Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of lnlcda.


me ·&bu &be l'mlob eblna, 11 of aood ·qorJity and rel iable. Tbeoup aud uooea •fl•dl a good esample of tbla ware and of .'the opportaml ty for obtalublg

If yow. make yov bas of whitewood, 11ve the bos IWd tbe Ol'Dornentl olio two coati of wblte or Ivory tblted palat aod IID!ah wl&b .a lilbt COl& of wbite Yarnlall over all

Yoa can "ploll: oat" tbe deslgo In 10ld If ,.oo lUre. The prepared gold palot Ia •alar to uae aDd looks well for 1wblle, bot for durability nud renl rich· Dell of deot gold leaf !1 belt. Tbe alldiDII aay be mw or DD4er ·tbe vnr· nlab.


:ri!lil eiJecta with the oollaJ of but little ·ikliL Tea belllud tblmblat1 are otbera .of 1ebe new dsd001 for ·Wbleb cbtoa ud !J10rC8lalu baw rPCOOt)Jibeen utilized, aoll :tbi!IO, too, afford uew .IICOJl8 opoo a �malt �eale .1ur &be IDJII!IIulty of &be cblaa painter. .A daluty cbloa tea bell, 'daoorated wltb:l diDciDI ebima of belli mlugled wl&b 'bolly or mtltletoe, or wltb Qrllfll of bell a'baped Iowen, 10cb u Iilia� .rl. the valier opoo • tiDied ll'oond, 1011k81 an esgotllte lltUe :11Ift, or a temptiq artlole for ule. Further DOV· ebl81 :illnlude wlllak broom holden, olathea,.aall and bllr brolbei:IIDd hlllll· 1., ·ma&ob•af81. Tbe�a abow the popu· llr 11- 1tyle of GrDamentatlw bl re· lief, 1100ordlag to Tho! Qoeeo ftfl!'lllblou lad aolbtdt, aliO f� tba follO'IIUII:

"The gil' I" la1111mocb of aproblem at Cbriltmaa ·11..'1 sbe le .all the reat of the JOtlr. If iili\ decldel to ram Ilia tbrou1b tbe fe1tlft &eiiiOII, tbeD It II .UeetiUIIJ1 &bat her ..,.uulmity be ftttlua)J re· warded. 8be mu•t ·uve a pre181lt.

'Die ADs lloe .of AmerllliiD Jl(lOdl wblda Ia sbowu ·belide tbe Imported ware JII'01'111 &bat our .American .JK*eri81 are �oompetlng with the pot· terl81 f1l the old oolllltry. Oar Lot01 ware tl escelled by few, If any, of tbe PreiKlla cbiDMlllld diiiHll'Wlll to ba widely DOWD b7 deooraton of ()01' OWD OODD• try, It 11 of recent mana&cture. but i1 rapidly wluubllr Ill way beeaol8 of 1t.B beauty bot:b Ia llbllpe aud tu quality Ill ware. Tbe ware baa a trauloceot dBl· lcaey,aod its shapes are nrtlrilc. Eapbel1 Belleek Ia another esnmple of the esqoi· alte delicacy of &be wnrea pot forth by our potteries today. Thl1 Ia 11 favorite ware wllb chloa decorator• aud well de1erve1 to ba, 1111 It COD be bad lu a aieat 1'11rlett of beautiful abapea.

---Bo ... boldlln9IU..

Ao old housekeeper IDYl the W4'/ to estermlnate rod llDt& lo n cupboard Ia to pillet! In it liD earthen dl1b oontalulnj ll plat of tar, ou whlcb two q1111rt1 of lie$ water bill' beea poorad.

Lemou& will keep for over a mouth or louger lu winter by •Imply lmmer1ID8 thew lu oold w11ter. Obauae the water swloe a woek.

To preveu$ llilverware torul1111 blaok laJ a lumpoiCIUDphor aum a'll'., wltb lt.

To s--ve woodeD paill from llarlak· IDa Jilin* wltb 111Joerla.

Wbell .,_. 11 aplllecl on the loor or "late, pour oold w1tar 011 II at ouoe, u tbtl will oool 1$ quloiiiJ and pmu$ I& from � bl&o the bolrtll.

U JOD wiD Ia oleU, ..... , . ...

If aha lreepl her Jdtcbeu aoat aod cbaarfol. it m07 -����� ber to b••e a rolb roell:ing obalr 8dded to Ita faroi· taro. U abe 188111110 take � pride In her owu room, a daiDIJ bureau aet will plea18 her, 01' a l8t .of booll:abelvea, If llbe bapp8DI to own � booM, will de· ll1bt her.

The material for a .m-, .aproua, biWdkeiCbie&, gla.!!ll .or mitteoa, .1 brooch, IOID4! linea CDI'a IDd oollnrl­alwoat anJ little penOIIIl tlelouiriDII­wlll make ber feel tbat t.bl tamllt lw her lotereat at burt.

u.a .... An u.n. DaiDtJ Uuen embrolderlelf are alway•

good and ore alW811 weloome. Ev9r1 womnu whobua boolll, orlodatld e•ery woman who bill 11 room, caD find a OHb :for all �be I& 10 loc� aa to posge&l, aud uothlng better ueed be Willed with wbicb

qor wiU

•oHN IN���'"'""'�� .... ...... Three Sizes, asc., soc. and ..... •• '-.:Jf" L'-'..!:�.._ .. .._, lloldl>r.,.__ .. _......,.. __ ....,,.._ ac••••••••ua.ca,allaaaa ....... , .......

Pllctlcal Plumber, Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Heatllnl, WITDI IIZEL IlL. Tlaalq, Rootblc, eta., .......... , H- � Goo48,

... .U Kia .. at Oud .. Toela. .._ ........... ... OAO .T .. IEIET, WIE.Tfi'IIELO, N • .J.

A l'rotKING CASL who embroider• may make It of Iilli:. It mut be liuoo with allll: waddiDR IDd delleatelJ perfumed IIDd IIDiabed with a deep friO of 1- "Stooll:lap" � "l'or My lAdy'• BOIHI" tl embftllderad 1111 the ootllde. Wltbio 1re two ltraJI of rib­boa, under w blob &be 1tookiDIII are •Up­ped. Let lbe girl wbo wleldllba bruab loatead of tbe embroidery needle make ber &tooll:lag - of 00&8 kid . It llhould be utlo Uued and perfumed. Oo tbl ooae kid abe m., aeatter pablted 'l'ioleta or palot Ia brou10 or t111181 ooloriDR the ·plaiD seotimeut "For Ky Stooldu&L"

lla•leOIIIa.An._., AI a matter of fact tbe llimple tlalnp

.ue often OO.t. They ooovey all tbe lote wd ucoe of tbe distreu &bat bluer things are apt to carry lo thell' w11ke. They tell of kindly tboqbt ud, If modo at home, of booro of loviDII work, and they 1eem lo their very llimplloi&J to carry oot the aplrl t of Cbrl&tmu u it was long yeoro BIO• Tbe 0011t1J glftl aDd tbe elaborate gift• bll'l'a beoome a borden too jp"llllt to bear. Tbq ban ao· comolllted IWd lucroalled till a llat of tbe dear oae• tov.-hOID oue lou11 toaead a ll'eetlna baoomes a IIOOnl8 of aoldety lo pl1100 of tbe pleasure it 011111bt t'l be. Bot If we will be will aud will do ouly that wblob we cau al'ord ao 1uob lYle of tblng11 ufoed exlat • . The prat$y &bblp aud tbe ohiU"OIIUg tbiDII OlD be made In le&l time thau Ia required for tbl 181lWb aft�r IIOillelbiDII IbBI tl jllli be­youd oar reach.


Of ooorl8 1t 1110b a tlaue, wboe.er may be overlooked, the cbildreD mu$ uot be forsotteu. Tbla diJ tl tll*llallJ tllelr owu, aod 1$ 11 &be claiJ of _.., pareut $0 make bla OWD oblld hiPPI• Bu& clo Do$ let 111m be 18lllh In latlllBP­piuea Teaoh b lm to remnaber tbau olberl, the w11f1 ucl ....,. OD &bB bel-reo ClOIIImOIII of life, wbo tbl bull 100ldeD$ of birth an ,_ tM pandl18 of boDia ...... lata·.... . •• tbl :,-:.:.:r:::==.

Flr•t Cl••• Ria•



Works Nights


.t (



WIITJ'IELD, N. J., NOV. 10, 1811�. AUIDID B, PJIARIIA.J,I., Jldlt.lr, •• L GOLLI!fll, Pl1atln• Depon-tm�••• .. & nAUALL. Baolaeoo lll..,...,r,

-------....... n.r all Cnmmnnlr-atlone Jntend•d

for the 8TANDARD lluot be In IIIIo

o•ee ttr Wedneedar Jllnon, Pre�edlna


It i8 rontral'lt to tloe rttle of the Stand· ard to p11bli•l• commtlfti<"ati�n• t-'-"'1'1!' over the tn1e name of tlte trrtl.ra T/oi8 u fair to the propk, fair to ,.. and fair to the trritero: for ...., RMtnue tl�nt any eomm11niralion1 that ia ororti•IJ to be p11b· N1Md ia tt'Orthy lo be aigned.

Good roads nml school nml church atten<lnnce ! Any relation between them?

llosqnitoll8 bleed na in ,aumme.r, but the Central railroad people !Jieed na all the year round.

Tho deYI'lopmeut of Wcatfteld and other country towna anrrounding IUe hold In check by exhorbitnnt )1118· Btlllger ancl freight chn•·gcs •lemnn<l­t•tl hy tho JcrAe�· Contml milrond lmrons, who lun·o become eo grRAp· ing for divitlc1uls on wntore•l aecur­ities that thev 111\VO become color· blind to their own trno interests nml their dntil'l! to tho people who have nnule them rich. 'l'he pooJ•Ic ahonltl ''"'n mul operate tho mi ro111h in thPir own intorl'lts, nud when they wnke np tlwy will do ao.

Bishop Doane hu a jllaul. of wrest­

ling wiLh the saloon que�t.IOIJ,_gont· lemen. But remernber.that tboouly thing the i!nloon keeper is afr11id of ia Prohibiti•m.

Slnvocrucy o\·er-reacl�o�:tl itself . . Plntocrncy will do the �uwe. 'fhen

the people will rise. But 1lh<' ,pco· pie nrc \'ery patient.

contluctor 1Y11o ia him1elf a man ef integrity nnd intelligonco, So he mnst any to thia commuter who is, porhnps, his friend: "Yon mnat pay throo timoa tho rate or vonr commn· tat.ion ticket thllt yon left nt home or I will bo obliged to put yon off tho tmin 1\t tho next atop. It ia worth mr, hond to tAke llllY other poaition.' So tho man, wh? \'ory likely hu left hia money with hia ticket is in a bntl ftx. '!'hen the co111lnctor offers to lend him wlmt. money ho W<tnta, collect1 three time� the commntntion rato, and moves


··-· St. Peter (to applloJWt)-Wbal ol a wheel did you rldeP .Appllcant-Really,lcJW't nmem'ber. St. Peter-My dear fellow, I'm ell· llsbted to meet you. Come rllh& ID.­

Brooklyu Lite. ·

Bad•'* ��a·- o.aa._ "HI, there, kid, wba&'i 7er Ulllllet'' "Dou'& lwow." "Wb7 •lou'& 7011 I&Dow ?" I' JUliO& uiurled IIPia JiltlddJ,"­Qbloljro Beoord. -----

citi-.fts would answer


�o6 Broadway, N. Y.


··�:w!!��!!-!01 McGregor & Co·,. WE IIAD A BPEOIALTY or 8o·8s� Broad S,treet, Newark, N.J.

OBT YOlJil UFB INSURANCE IN TIRES ' ------ Tbl Citizen's M1tal Ull II· •

************* IUriiCI CD. If I. J. . TIRES !

Nov, 17 at 7·45 O'cloc:k.


TIRQt· At FINK'S. II& T�···

.......... ll"D 59-90 I Blankets ' Harness, Robes, Whips, Btc.



Bicycles thorQughly cleaned

and stored for the

reasonable rates .

SCriYen & Band, PBOSPEOT BT.,

Brleat T. llocbester, OIISAII3T IIJFiflD OOIIIUT'Il .�

Jnotractlon In Plano, OriuA Volal. C!BIIIIt'll at Weottleld btglu Noyembft

lllethoda are the btet aa.d an aa taught and endoned by � Coaoervatory (Dr. Aatollla Director.)

· Syattowatio loetraotiOD u4 ll1lft llatlontal prlnclpl....-uteed."


._. .. ... ...... ......... .... . ,, ... ..... ..... .. .... ... ... .... ........ 'r llft. w • •• w-. .a. & _ .._ .,...... ....... ........ e1 ... Cl..... "Tben'l DO DIIII ID .. lldq, Billlpr.

.. .&a- Tba& alrl bu an& to 10 I" 11!111Pft1u RuoDii:='.Aclo at, IWII. "What'• the maHer, Lobelia?" ID•

,, _ a ...._ to nra la oa• at CU. - of the ,.., •• _

"l'll ao Ia ... ta, 11114"-

11ow ��&r��qeiJ the provide- of God qalred Mr. Mo8wat, looklur ap from ..,.. In the aemmplllhMeut of hla pur- hu _.,.per. ,... Tb11 b•PPJ oommDDitJ of dl.cl- "l!be Ibm'& ...,. Ia &bla boue anoth· .... ID .Jmualem 18 ICot&ered bJ the er daJ. l!he'• au lmpudi!Dt, laq, aood ,._.tlou• of the fiery Phul-, Smul, for no&biDI!"-IIdore It bu bad time to become falriJ " Who 18?" G�PDIDII IUid 1111ttled. It -ed Ia- "That kltcbtm 11lrl. "

.. lfo, I dOD'& &blall l'd 'bother her far a ll&&le while. Olve her time, Lobelia. live her tl-. l!appoaa, bJ the wa,., JOB -d BIIDrle&.. oat to advlle her. " Burlet .. wu the hoa���mald. l!be wu aalled Ia IUid oommlllfoued to � to the mmrhold of the obdan&e .._.. aida aud uudertue to .....- with tile ller:J' haired maldeu.

AI euva,. e.ti'IIOI'dluarJ aud mlulner pleulpoteutlary to the court of Bnuer· aida the urbaue Henrietta laded aboat 80 ...,oudo.

Winter Wraps Are Ripe

-.. II !!feat calamity If Dot RD lm'para· We dam"'!e. ltprmed 11 ble11inA to the "Wbat'a her uamel" world aud the �nvln111 of Chrlotlonlty "She calla benoelf Klmeralda. " 6om dwludllDI! IDto au obocure Jewlob "Not a bad uume, " mueed Mr. Me-

Sht- came back Ia frautlo halte, pale and trembling.

-ARD THE TI.E A RD WEATHER ARE APPRO· PRIATE TO WEARIRG THE. feet. Swat. " What bu she beeD dolug?"

TheJ who were driven out went "She bMtl 't heeD dolug 1111ythlng. &hrougb all the )811d teaching the truth That'• the trouble. I Rive her two oft· 111 Cbrlot. They came 118 flU' 88 Antioch emooua off ID the week, and abe takH Ia Syri!L Tblo wao the third metropolis four. She quito her work before lt'a 111 the world. A 11reot city of 500,000 hmlf done and 11001 out wolklng. She people, embelllobed bJ ort, enriched by 1!008 up to her room at RDY time of the -meroo, a oeot of )eamlug, the moot- doy aud takllll a nmp. She'• jull come 1a11 place of oil rellRioua, but a •eetblug dowu from 11 1'1\'0 hours' oleep aud Ia -ter of atbelrm, Idolatry oud wicked- )'aWDIDII out there ID the kitchen 011 If Mil of oil kludo. Here the Greclau dla- lhe owued tbe h001111 aud waa tired of elpl81 broke over the cuatom of preach- llviDR ID it. I've talked mlld)J to her, tar ouly to Jews IUld begou to eVIUlllel- aud It dONa'& do B!IJ good. She's got S. the geutllea. Tbla wu • great mo- to go I"

E•m�raltln hnd met her frleud)J over· tun1 by flinging the l<'t! pl�k nt her.

Then Blllil!er Mcl!wnt ro•e up ID hla wrath. Be went to the home of Lobe· lla '• parent• oud bribed her JOUDjlelt brother to go for n pollcemiUI 1111d au espreu Wllf!OD In hot haole.

Twenty.ftve oale<�people hAve been hnoy waiting on lmyen Ia the cloak par­lor this weelr, an<l ahout 11 many mo111 have been at work In our work-rooms malrlng np garments to onler.

No wondPr we are bu1y. Look at tbP great stock I

Note the Rn'(l@rb atyle I Marlr well the flnloh I Tbluk of the prlcea !


Returulng hom�. he oat Ia the room adjoluiDI! the kitchen, with hlo bat ou, KriDdlug hi• tooth BDd waiting. Be wu protecting Lobelia. Not for world• would he leave her ID the b001111 with &bat l!lrl l

Au hour afterworil a pollct'miD BDd ID e11preoa wagou mode their appear· IDCII •lmultiUiemuiJ ID trout of the .Me­Swat m1111alon.

AT ONLY •• -t for ChrlotiiUlltJ. The work begDD Mr. McSwat picked up hl1 paper 1lf Stepbeu, adv1111ced bJ Philip, author- qalu. s.d bJ Peter, wu 11t Jut to be firmly "All right, Lobelia, " be 111ld. "Go �M�bllabed In the ceuter from which fire her I '' tile whole �utile world could be better "I will !" IMCbed than from lillY other ot that Three mluntm lmter Mr. McSwat be·

There wu • &lrlef but aplrlted oetlou In the kitchen, aud at 111 ol01111 Mlu El­merolda l\lcOiuulo, es-kltcbeu girl uf the llcSwmta, eme111ed from the build· lug.


... ��e::ta 'F.:a�J��J· .�·���r:.,:.-:7,: I• worth e,ifMr;,r l11ooe prl....,.. 'll lo made of rou•b cheviot cloth-oblold frout-lm­menl9e 8lMftl-tbrtoe�uarter lined wttb oattn-!ull of olyle Mtd beauty · at only !8.

time avalloble. With gladnl!ll the peo- came dlmiJ ronaclou1 of aome unuomml ple beard the m.,..11ge of aalvotiou. commotion In the back part of the huulll!. Kau1 joiued the follower• of Je1u8• Ia Souudo 111 of voiCilll raised Ia aulmoted a aplrlt of derlalon they ore coiled bJ converontlou reached hi• ean. Be laid the omperstltlo1111, bl11oted, debauched ••Ide hl1 paper and listened. multitude of tho city ChrlatiWlo or Jlea- "Uo It, Lobello I Go It, F..amerolda !"

alahltN. The niiDle was well cboseu, 118 he muttered under blo breath, oa the - thot of Methodist In ofter Rl!es. It dii!CUIIIOD appeared to become more wu the happy term w1d become the lively. The voice he took to be E&mer­dellpation uf the fvllowers of Jesus In- oldn'• {lrDdnolly assumed the principal atead of the term in woe omong the Jew a burdeD of the convenatlon, but at Inter­Ill NRZBrenes. vola he could beor Lobelia'• clear ao-

She wao followed obortlJ bJ her per· IODll) bal!j!Ogtl, oil IIDd oiDIJD)ar, IUld with the a••l•tance of the ofllcer the eo­tire outftt woo looded Into the wagou and driven nwny, Elmeralda abokln11 her flat vehemeutly nt the hlllllll ond moving h<'r chin Tolubly 118 long ae ohe Will In Kight. Long after she hod dis­appeared from vi<''ll' Bllli11er McS\\'at !IBI In the room odjolninl! the kitchen, with his hnt on, breathing hnrd, and occo•ionnlly dnrtinl! 11 look of dellanee

·tbrou11h tlu• solid door that •�pnrote<l him from the empty room.

JACKET AT .,.so Tbt• I• " PGPUior .. nor and would ....WIIr M>ll for tll,l(faln Ol't anr l'"('t'. It Ill made �x0�r'\�!lat'r�n���ex• o����\�


n•n la.r.re and KrP('t•tul •lre\'P"-verr Bt)'l• lob-till)' otylo ln th• lot at fi!.OO.

A WONDER AT $1:1.110

Tbe church at Jerusalem hearo the pr11110 endeavorln11 to oecure reco�ition. Thl• •trlo lo mR<lt• of lmP.,rtl'll wide wale Hu1u:ll•, h1 tbree-funrthe tat In Hued, butto111 <·ln .. e tu the nrell. hH& Yer)' Uberal t�leevee 11.nd rlpRle btlr.k, 1t111l Ia worth anywhere

��:��'i�F:m�?tf.1H\·��t1��nd;n�l�1')()�oi.�'t>!rz��': Sl�.t<J.

III!WB of the conversion of tho gentiles. There WIIB o prolonged cr111h ao tf the The work must bo watche<l, ond if it 1 end 11•te hod dropp<'d from a WDR?D

4eeerves it, most be helped. · :II�derotion ; lo�dl'd with tmware and crook�ry wlnle prevails in advice 811d Barnabas is sent • gmug uphtl.l , Wid Mra. McSwot came down there. He is juot the man for tbe I llym11 back IIIIo tbe room with flushed OOOillllon. He exhort& tho now converis • fo�� Jln� �.i)j IJfSII�o� . "

He wmo sti ll Jlrotectilllll Lobollo.­Chicngo Tribune. .SEE THE.SE AT $15

to be stennfast. The work increnses. I She sass sh� won t go, Blll•ger, Jlore help is needen, some one with : •ho I!""Ped, choking \Titb wrath. "1 of­more symp11thy , deeper insight anti full- 1 fered her two weeks' wmg.es and . tol� er adaptability than nny of the apostles 1 her she conltl lenve. She sold •he dtdn t or lenders in Jernsl\lem . ... ·"'·····�·- i \\'IIIII to, ond I told her to go anyhow.

...,__ , ____ " • . • -·· '""'h� 4 R•Ju1'enator.

o! .!ACKET!' r not

. Rl'l'!":•�l·�d_!

MISSES' JACKETS. B.Unab:is 'reiuemiief:l' Saul, tho perse- • Tho brnzen thing defied me I 8he n•ed

lllltor, Wid his cou\·ersinn. Reeeived dreadful language, and 1 threatened to with suspicion by tho church at ,lerusa- : have hrr put nut. Thou sho kicked tl�e lem IUld threatened with death by tho , tnblo ov<•r oud danced round on the pte

Jews, he hns retired to his own city of ' pons nud d11rcd me to to�ch her. She's

Taraus. He is just tho mnn neerlen. Aft- got to get cut of here th1s very day or I er diligent sca�ch Barnabas fln<ls him . wil l ! "

MISSES' $ 5 JACKETS }( t:E FEU .T .\( ·1.: �:T:-;--mnlll• 10t chf>\·lol,

lun\C'lt• t·lt't>l't, ln Jw-.·r onlr-Jlt'r!t.•ct In J\1, nw\ Jd('•·lr Hu t!>oht·tl onlr M.

aud lndnc"" him to g.J to Antioch unrl i " Thnt'• right, Lobnlia, " n•serted Jl•r. A JAU:"TY COAT AT $10

help in tho opening work. Mcfiwnt dl< erfully. "Thnt'H right. Put

! . � ... --· ---- ' hrr out. It's your homm. Awl it's your . ll'.-.r� ..... � Dr. William Dotter. ' fight , ' ' he added, turning r.gaiu to his

The cbnroh will not. soo!l forgot the neW>JlaJwr.

Hl·t·f1'r front .tnJ·l•··l'l nt nl1-wool ronlo{h I'Lt•\ :.,� - \'t>l\'t•t t o: �al'···l'i}ll'il• lnl.t'k-!1\l't'll

\\ l th .:•u�tl u1ti1t 1 1t w •.t) le l'llo.•:.:n·�-ror �irl.· l i t o � ltl � er:.r·' :: :11.

FUR CAPES. fODDder of Methodist mi.i'inns in Indio i " ArP JOD going to sit there nn<l let

IUld Mexico. that hmribl� gid turn tbc houso upside

Every membcr of tho Lenguo will rle- down?" rive benefit and plensuro fruw reading ,

11 ')1-hPy? \\·hat?,

(Mcm : Thoro'• a baby in the house IWil a Lultle uf milk has been placed tu cool. )

Fir>t Wea:·y Wmulert'r-Well, Jim· my, 1111 how tloe• it ta.'te?

m•'·; �;�: !�\ �. n\�f�!�f.tKl'i'i i :, �;�r������:t''f,ra1: .. �· 1:':;:!i ����i

�n;:::; 11�1��-�< ��.�������:�\��P�ip-����1S.c11�t ���·tl� " Dillig(•r ]Jc�wat, have yon got the

spirit uf n. num !'" ��-�.��.ot ni Blnrk F�RF.�CII COSEY CAPE8-'I " Ur-what did yon remlU'k'?" "I fin�· an· you going to let that <lreml­

fnl girl toke pos"es•iun of the premises

Heconrl Wl'llry Wnnrlercr l in ecsta<y) -Don't>ospeak te:· mP. Tom ; it take• me bock 30 yeur• ! 1 .1-'all• asleep crooning "1 would 1 wu1. n boy ogin !" )-Truth.

���1;�{�:-l;. !!:�:f;:'$\tS�l�·�.�t . .;'l�:t�Y:!:OO.tln Hued··

1 and torn me out?''

WILLIAM IIUTLER, D. D. ••Tbe Land of the Veda, " which tella the atory of the lJo,ginuiugs of our a1nuch Ia India 1111d relat.es moat tbriU­IaAIJ &be history of the sepoy rebelliou. "l'rom Boston to Bareilly" abowa bow tile work bad expanded iu 2li yeon when Jerillted by Dr. IUid Jlra. Butler. Tbla 'ftteraD wlllliionary Ia justly held In IIJ8b81& lllltoom bJ the pr-n& genera· tiou aud will be revered In memory bJ multitude• In the future who llhall read � hll heroic work.

A& Blo _., No man cnu alford to live neept at

J1U bl!lt. It never poys to be unfaithful uder any ciroumstonclll. No one hu a n,ht to be meou ot any time. However ujultlJ you moy hove been treated, or � \"!.'?!'l!.f�!!l P!.'!�� Y'!'! e!'U_U,()!, ""' lOrd for yonr own soke 10 treat ouy oth-• ooe unjustly or unkindly. You owe s• to yourself to be olways a lody' ol­WI1i a I!BDtlewou. Tbou�b Wlother 'IDII1 cheat you, you counot afford to abeat BIIY one. If others lie, still you ue to ttJII the truth Others moy be, will be, false ; yon ore to be the true ..,, &be noble waD, octlng toward all from the pureat motlvlll, the bighelt .O.Uclentlons......... ... .. ... _

1•"'· -,;;-.....,, c:ouoe, ' lver:J' on& rew. Not every oue reodl

tlla* whlcb Ia good. Complll'otively few .-.1 01111 thot which Is best, and still llinr Mad lu the beat way. There is no _.her of tho Leftl!ue who would uot 111t ball&ftred by readlul! every book in 6a Lnaao reading OOUJ'tl(l. There i1 z::.

who eonnot llud time to do It If .Mauqe 110me way to hove

bJ the chapter or Ia �ebool library or In the

Get a few to read uot do It, and tbRn have

ud read to the cb�&pter �rhe ID brief the Klil of tbe

Get &be re111lt de.lred lD 11011111

"I don 't !mar her Inking possesaion of auythiDi!, Lobeliu, " •oid Mr. McSwat, listening intently o moment.

" Becouse, if yon are, I'll call in oome uelghbor Wid tl'll him I con 't get t.be maD of th io bouBe to protect me Wld I WIUit help. "

"Great Scott I Whot do you waul me to do?" esclaimed Billiger, with o yawn. ·

"Oo out to the klt<'heu ond tell thot lmpudeut thing to pack up her trnps IUld go. GiTe her two weeki' poy nnd then give her two houro to get her trunk and all her belongings moved. T�ll her you're the mo•ter of this bOUliC"-

" But I'm oot, you know, Lobelia, " weakly inlet pored Billiger.

"U you're ofrald to go aDd give the glr1 hill' walking papera, •oy so, ond I'll CDII o polioomiUI. "

"I don't think it will be ueceunry to do thot. l'll go Wid talk to her. "

He rOBe •low ly ond proceeded toward the kitchen, whistling whh !!feat ap­parent lndlfferoooo u be wool.

He found Esmeralda boldln11 the fort, redhoired IUld dellunt.

".MY.I!Ood girl," be 110id iu a eoncill­atlug tone, "this kind of thing wou't do, you know"-

"Dun't you 'good girl' me, you wbln­ID bypocrit11 !" acreeched E&merolda, wavln11 a bill tiD dipper threateningly. " You tnoopin bag o' wiud, git riRht out o' here, or"-

" But see here, Miss-Mil!s-1 don't believe I kn<l\V your lo•t DIIDle"-

" Dun 't make no difterence w bat my uam1,1 is ! I know what yon 're drlvin at, ond I'm uot a-goln away ! I'm goin to 1t11y right h�l'e !" · . . -

"But dou'tyou see that's oll wrong! Y<'u don't belong to the family, you koow ''-

• 'i don't WIWt no more 8088 from you ! It'• a dog11one •home to turn u good 11irl out ot the beginnin of cold weotber, wheD abe's llxed all eomf'table an woke her buut o Dew place, an I ain't goin to be ttll'ued out, bet your life !"

" But"-

"lf you dou't walk out o' here, I ' ll make JOU wioh you had I A mou bola'& 110t no buslullls Ia a kitchen !"

"If you think Yv.u are going tQ ron OVer tblo family, young WOII)Dn, " &aid Mr. McSwat, heroically -rtln11 blm­IBif, "let me tell JOU"-

A pint of halt oooked apple IBIIC8 lew pa1t hla belld aDd spattered horrl­biJ ou ttu waiL

Be h111tll1 put blmaelt ou &bit lliliM> 1lde of tbe door. ·

Thea he walked hllak to tbe littlq room, IDIIIriiiK I 11011111whr.i JaiiQred effon to whiatle DDCOQOellledi,J 11 .be walluld.

"Lobelia, " ba uicl, "I thlulr lhe'll , .... QoWII 1101111 IIIII 110 ol ... OWD .10• IIOI'il. I -.IWd to ller ltraipt. "

"'Jha dld iM "lba ob� "IMd llle �Y ... o . .... ......

.... ..... .. ,.

H� Apol<.lzed,

A member of o well known athletic clnb, riding along ot nn easy pace, WD!! overtaken by another wheel which dldn 'I torn ont in time, und a rear end collision WIIB the reonlt. When the clnb moD recoveNcl from the •huck, he fonnd hlmoelf lyiug ou his bock with the bag· gy knee of o pair of trousers IICI'OII his foce. FuriQus at the stupidiiJ of the other rider, he Btrugg led to get up, aboutlnlf:

" Why the devil do you ride like that?" "Ob, dear I Ob, deiU' !" aaid o plaint­

Ive voice. "I didu 't meaD to. I'm oll IRDI!Ied np. "

" Ob, Lord I a gir I, " llfOIIDOO the yODDg won. "And I went und awore 11t her, " and his contrition lncrealed wheD be picked blm��elf upoud IIDW galiDg up at him from arouud the wreckage 11 very pretty face, llnobed with murtlllcatlon. LiftiDI! the owner to her feet, the JODDg miUl tried to apologize.

"Awfully sorry. I thought that It Will oome Idiot of 11 mon that bad rna iuto me. Thot i-er-er-1 dOD'' mBID you're au Idiot, you know ; if I'd knowu thot you were, I wouldu 't have awom ot you. No, no, I dou't meOD tbot either. I'm o little rattled, JOU -· but I thought It WDB 0 man when I laW your trousera. Thot Is, I thought your -er-gorments were trousera of a DliUI, you know. If I'd known tbOBe trolllllrl were bloomera-1 meau If I'd lwov.'D It waa o girl who wore trou��ers- Ob, darultoll l I opologlze, " nnd the youth mounted ou<l •ped owoy •o madiJ that he narrowly eocoped wrecking 11 llreet cor, leaving the 11irl redder thiiJI befon.. -Chicago �ournnl. .=_::.....:._ __ _

lllatcbed, It is not ri111ht to b0118t, but It mBJ

be well to rebuke a boaater, Deon Hole, a eelebroted IUid witty

English churchmou, once received o Dote from on ull<}ualutouce ot Osford which hod booo started I hUll, ".My dear couuteoll. " The word "couute���" bad then beeu scratched oat IUid "Hole" wbiitltuted. Tbla waa, of co"une, to convey the Idea &br.i the writer corre­aponded with o •utl!lll aud had llled her title by luadverteuce.

Not to be oat�. the dean bepD bla reply, "My dearq,�eeu , " apd thiUI dnw bla pen rhrou11� "Q,ueen , " 1111d 1at.tl· tuted "Dick. "-Youth'• Com)llllllou.

._. Venu ••�'•· Mllllouaint-Well, 1111 de��r hllroa,

)'OU aeem to have au lmportODt DlllllmD· DiCDtlon to muke.

Barou-Coaoollor F-, I IIDI haPPJ to tell you tile KIBd DeWI tb11t It 18 111J lutent11111 to IIppolD& you-m1 fll&ber·bl· law.-Deut�ebe \VI!IIpeD.

10 I I 103, 106 BROAD ST., N•WARII, N • .1.

furs. Send for our new illustrated

fa.<ihion plates, bound with rib­bon. showing aU new styles in Fur Garments. Prices 2 5 per cent. lower than any other house in America-absolute guarantee as to quality.

J. N. Collins & Co • • E11st 14th St., neiU' 6th AYe., N. Y,



Furniture, Carpets,



Baby Canjages, Etc. I n Fact, Anything I n the Line of


It Is the Cheapest Place In the "WORLD."

N0RTH JULENU6 HOTEL. W. 1-1. QAOQAN, Proprietor.

t=:�� + Board by Week or Month. IXOI�I·T 8TAaLI A•D 8MID .OOM.

Oppo•lte etandard DulldlDirt1

SCHOFIELD, Walch Bros., =

New IUid l.al'll1l SUpply of Men's Furnisher. H •AD·W.AR,

THE N. J. 8, ftBIB! JBnBJ Bllll•

No. 764 and 766 Bewuk, B. l. (Opp. the

Write for Caltato ..

N. B.-Open all the S. \\', REESE.


Wall Paper. or the Jateot deoJallB alld colorlap, leu tbi\D

New York prlcM.




a-d)' Made Shades ���:.' ..'l:t":l�����M:U:� .:::t'D��=· �.:. plot e.

Everytblog lo Mea'• Wear ! Rouvear Bros. tl Co. 'a

lonlst11n Pants r. Ot111lls, 1--�---� \\' ARRAN'l'ED NOT 'fO RIP.

Painters' Soppllea lllled Paints Rubber Goods, Trunks, l Bags. PRICE AND Qt:ALJTY GIJARANTUD.

CORNICE POLES, llruo and Wood, wltb trhDIIIIDp, from 36c. upwiU'd.

..... ....... Broad St. Weatfleld, N. J

...- ..-The uew llklrt1 are wlde-lf pmelble,

wider tbDD ever-aboat the bum and mut needl lare oat froiD tbe feet.

Corded 11114 merlapped -- ue oa _. of the DIW tailor IQWIIIo

Ba*loa• or 1111 llhapee and II•• are a fell*an or tile --·

Unldllll t,. a popular form of villi· ......

1'1111, nur naftlel, whloh partalal or u.e Datue d a banle, '"'' the nqalnd taUMM 1114 lare to tile blllk llnldtla of tiii iiiW ..... ...

� 1111 U4 ltl ctar • .....,. .... 1 .... ..... I 11101111! .aile b I ,_,

lti·IH· IUD'f l'rliiTt IIIli&; I. I •

...... "

50 ltw laUd- Oak c�a1b1r h'ftii i:OE: at Half Actual Value.


All tile VerJ Latest 5tJIN ud O.slpa. Fln•t Textu ..... MOGUml, I VELVETS, 1 TAPESTRY \ INGRAINS,

St.oo st.oo �1 BRUSSELS, 30c. Per Yard. Per Yard. 55c. Per Yard.

C·. A. Smith & DIW.III .. Lumber of all kinde,

SaLh, BUnda, Doors & Coal, Wood and Kuoaa Katerllita. ·

Lline, Pl8eter, 08.n8d8 uh-. ete. .



'IM• u .__ ......... "There ll a &ood dell or what ODI

mlabt eall tho pottlc qlllllltr lo •laua," laid Pro'-or TriYYlel. "Indeed?" "Y 11 ; for lunance, when roa 111 of a

pH8011 'be WIDU tile earth. ' Tbal l1 eD• dlelJ' a ftpn&lYe eaprellloo. "

"01 0011111. But nppolll )'011 .ren to IIJ, 'JCoaland WIIDtl tile earthf' "­

WallhiiiPJD Stu •

..... .... . .... lin. BUaU-Tbal bcllrld Jln. Wlaa

a fool

And 111 HlrdJ Pl1nta for Llwn a G1rden.

r. o. boz, aoa. Wndelcl, J, J, .__... ....... ..

� ... .... .... ·--·

DR. FOOTE'$ $ANITARY BUREAU, R- I• 1a9 Eut a8tll II., N. Y. · .


n.lua lll M IIAT8 OP ALL

ll•r "•• a .. - •••• 11: .......... lhtldlniJ -mR to be thll fa•l ln th�

tmm jnl!t at pnot!t'1lt. F:verywhP"' oiiP 110M may bo h••Kr•l th� mnrry ,.U,•k '!r .. tnmer or tlu� Mnmul of tlw lllnMnn " trowel. Th" hnlh\111g I• 111>1. l>t'ill� •lnllt' In one J1ftrt of th� town hnt ill PV<·r�·

tt***********�***********JI I C RA N FO R D . YIJJI =�***********�************=

...... ......... ........ The rtpltlt m...d_nl of tbe TOWII Commltt.e ... ltehl lliillda1 nenlniJ.

All th" IIHIIIIWrw of the committee Wt'l'e J>I'P!Ot'Dt.

T� chall'lllllll nt th� lN!Kinntnr of the meeting olatld that llh1 clllsen or fli'Op· erty hoi•Jer wlw •leoirtid to llll!lff'llo tilt! •••mlmlttfMl ttR any mnttl'l' WIIA 11t llherty to do 110, bat Do on� rt'II!IOII!IPd,

AMI$ H�.--· part. Tl

.'� proj.trt'!l"' nf Crnnro,.tl hn�t 111 1t

bef.n 1lkt' R "hoom town" hnt hn!'4 ht>PH n atetu\y 111111 r��nlnr gt·nwth. Prol>al.ly ten or twt>h"t! yl'nr� 1\1-{0 :oc.ouw uf tht• oltl· er rt'Mhl£1UlH Ttmu•IUht•l' ' ht•"rill!-{ !lOIIItl or thf' rrank• "'"' · "W1•1l. I hiM l111ilolln� nr lton!IIIOM t'KU't �o on ftli'PVt•r ; thi:-� i� nul�· n bootn, " hnt t ht• )lt'oplt• nrP gl11tl t,, noh• th11t. llfPllil'ttnll• t'nileol uml tllllt lhP town I• •1111 ut it. Bo••i•h·• tlw mom�· hot18e8 lwiug \milt, plnn� for mnnt>ronM otbPJ' hollllP� nrt> lw·ing tlrnwn. Tht• mRnRp:er of Hno�Pl'P1t. :\lanor nlntiP I" bo\VIng th� nl'l'hitPI't •lrnwing pl11nR Rllol prepAring Rpf'('ifirAtiotl" r: .t· r\ tlo1.t'll Jlt'W bon..., to btl ••rP<·t�ol "" that. J,..nntlrnl ple-.'8 of t•ro�rt�·. Ft•w town• hoiVt' th� lnllny Rlh'alllagPM which Cr1111ford hn•. The town hR• Rn effici�nt Mewerng� •Y•· tt.m which I• 11 mo•t iiiiJK>riRilt fn••tor : wa.:.r maino, with the pnreot of WRiet· are In m<ll!t of the otrBPtM, gao tuRiM 11loo are In m11ny of th� •tr...,tM anol eiP<·trlc light wi""' ""' otnmg every"''""''· JW. 111111'11 theoe hut not thP l�a•t thing R &Qwn ohonld hRVe to he "I' to <late I• Rn enefl(lltic, proftcl .. nt nn•l 11hle lire de· Jonrl.meat. The IWO<I ... rvi<'e l"'rfnnn"'l many thnl'll uu•ler trying <'llllllition• obowo that CrRnford'o firemen n� Ul> to datto.

I Athl•tlr Cluh bohta•. · ,\11M't'l Tu"-d1, .h·., hAl' f'UIIr1• dtz\fflt' n( lhf' , l 'r·nrlfnr·d 1Jt.1111rrnw111 nf rh .. �T.\ � I • \ ttl• "w\ , Ft'·" littlt' )'i�nnh._ trmu, Crnnfortl will !'u\klt '"1\h!<t't'\ptlnn"' ntu\ tHI \ I·rt l""·m•·nt"" \Vt'llt to \Vro"'tflp)t) tn b.1wl. nw\ will t•dlt tlu• ( 'fRitfott\ lliiJ,I't', l 1'Ju-y rt•ll ht I' hn\t•,

i )h· •ton· i• "Tnle." Tlu· 8fu11 lrrt•d ;,., 01 1 l·ttr/to f't'fTJ/ .�,,,,._ [ Tht> •1tigmit·� ('f\Uit' h1wk tn ' 'SRnfortl ."

Tile Commlttft' thNt llfogAn Ito regnlnr ol'l'lf'r of h..ta!W, l••ghu.lng with <!qlll· 1\llllliCIItlotlll.

A commanlcl\llon wn• ff'ct'l�l'll from .1. W. Forgnpon. l'lerk of t hP Donr•l of Etlm·ntloll, thaltklntr tlu• •�>lntulttee for thP prh·llege of n•iug the town room• fnr Rny meetlnp whldt they <leolre to


daJI a ( ,,,. c ·, ;.,, .\'r'/1',11. ( 't1. • ... Hlfllld. lOri..dtml hy " JUf'IUht•r.)

Ul'TtlOISU ,.UIIJI. fo�n���twnrtl. \\·rl"t wnr•t.

IA•R\'t'. {'InN', l.f'll\'t', ('I•""'· �:li n . m. t':lli• "· 111. r•::!.\ "· m. nh;cht hl.'f'nn• :!':t.a, 1,, m. :::at• I'· m. 1'1:1111 "· m. 7:tllll a. m . .!i:4:! p, tu. fJ;:t: p, UI, 4:-f!oi JI. UI, 4:-fii JI, IU.

INl'U:O.INO MAt1.!1. Jo""rtlrn E"""'. )'rt'n' \\·,,..t,

Th� r�!{nlnr llll'l•tlng nf th� Uovt•rniug l'nnnuith·� will "" 111'111 In night. HI>\' I'll HI'I•licntinn• fur m�ml>t'I'Mhil' 1\'lll he nt•ted tllMlU.

The L'lnlo with It• n•nnl f'ntef1>rlllf' Rn•l oouohler11tion fur th� lnte,...t• of tin• memh<•ro, thrott�h the UnvPrning Com· mlttt'fl nprnlntl'tl n rommittl't',<'OIIAiwting of Ml'l'oro. M11roball Rtul C E. l'r<me, Rt R rt'<'ent m .... tln�t to ""''ttre a gvmnRahtm lttotrn<'IOI', W hRt II \'OOOg tnRO, Rllll it ml&ht Mid P\'Pf)' U\HII neet.l•, Ia heRIIh· fttl Rllll inwlgorlltlng �x�rciiMl, 110methlng lhRt will develope every tnniiCie In the

hnl!l. A �tilton from Mro. l!IR M. Poue,

thRt n IRh>rRl llewer he pat on MadiROn RV�II\IP, Willi n<'Pi\'ed, J\lr. J>��ge al•n ••• t.,., to the committee that the prl· Makes Pu-e Blood \'lite IMlWI!f ora tll11t otreet which waa to 1 , "" """'' would aot omnrer the parpo�e.

A communloatloll wail rec.lved from Union HOM! Oo., that. F. R. Brl1ham lind '-a df0J111811 from th• roll of that

2k Acres Floor Space

... . Pt-••brterlan. Churc-h Jlfot••·

1\::!!\ :,. m, l":li R. m. l':tl) r\, 11\. :::.f.!'• I'· "'· l:r..& p. m. l't:� .,. m, 4:4\tl'· 01. ,tonN" 1,. llt:RIIY, h�\ )hfiRh'f,

The regular ml'l'tlug of the RoyRI Ar· body without over lll<�rtlon. A IJI'f'Rt CRttnm will be helll on Tm.,..IRy t'Venhtg. mnm· people who think tbPy need eaer·

An agt>ncy for the Mle of ,.n dM go at It too violently 11t OO<'tl •n•l khul• of IIIIIMit• will 80011 he ot11rtl'll t.y tbno t>robably tire thetnlll!h"eR or J•!fhRpo

f oyer work th<'W81'1Vl'll, which may CRDIM! J. Hlll81'y &n ord. M'riooo tronble. Tbtta ln R gymnaalatu A , .. tttton Ia btolng l'ir<·niRted for n thOIII! who take ezer<•l,... m1111t go Rt It new <•f01!8walk onr Springlleld nwnn� J>roperly. The Gymnaolnm Commlttt'e at the romn of Oranp f011•1. 1tfter 11ne taqnlry h11ve fon11d 11 mnn M�"""'· Ott RDil 0ef!l1'r, the new IOfO· who t-omi!A well reeo�nwemle<l, who h1111 "er., hRve wove<\ into the hon,..,, corner tanght a gootl mMny gyllmlllllam <·l-• of Altl� •trect Rtul Union RVPnne. 11nd I• • prof-.r .. t the b1wn-. lie

<-ompany at a neent meetln1. A 0010maaloatlon wu �.,.a from

the rity clan, of RRh'WRT, lltatlnJI' that at the reqa.t of tht' Common Connell of that city he wrote to know when the oewer woal4 be available for n111 b)' Rahw•T· T-n el.rk PIDDle wu re· qaeated to I'8IIIY that Kn81- u..ett reporlll that \M ... wer wfll be ayallable for Rabwll)' lahabltaata In aboat ten •laye.

A reqa@-' for aa eleGtrlc llllht at the corner of W"' Eml Plaft mil Willow otreet wu ftelllved md. -e jp'IIDt· ed.

Hood'• Cured Me and It will Cure Othere.

.._ ,..... to -- • ...._.., ol ., ........... whll Booll'l .... pullla. IIJ 11'111114 - ..., IDIUIII a.t ol Ollltr, I W ...,. - all o.- ., llodJ• � I Wftld laJan ., ..... till IIIla Wftld ,.._ aad -tlaa. to 81Nll ap utU h ltrob .. to Jarp - 1 .. ...,._. 11J a lriD4 to V1 Boo4'1 ..._

........ ..._ I W 8alaW tilll llllt ...... .. _ lllpa to 4J8a,..., l H� ·-.:-...

Is devoted to Horn furniture, business-largest kind in the State. is due to progressive al and honest dealings. of tnany convincing often: The L11•1ie��' Ahl Society will lrive n

"Tnrkev ""PI"''" In th• <'hRJII!I "" Thnn· day evening, Dec�mber 12th.

The regniRr IMlnie"" 11t I I a. m R\\11 8 p. m. will btl held tu·morrow Rt\11 tlw pRiltor will prPaclt. Cbriothm E11<I���OI' prayer meeting at 7 o'dock.

E. c. Winkler will bet!ln the ere<'tlon hRII heen llt'Cnre<l throniJh the Tam· of 11 tww hom"' on Cuino nvl'nne, next verPin, of EliZAbeth, at1d biB nRme iA w .... k. The lint otory will be of •!Ott� Mr. SchRnb. He 111111 won oeveral me•l "'"' the I'OI!t will be f4,000. al8 for the wally gymnutlt• feat8 which

A nnmber of Epworth J:..<oa!flle mem· be h110 RCCOIIIJIIIRhe<l. lie woo oe'l'enth bero went to &•otch Plllln• lllst Tlw8l1Ry prlzP nt the l'ODVPntlon of Tnmeno,held

lniiJII!clor Miller -• a COIDanloatlon to the eommlttAie lnformlg them that nbont two TardB of cnubecl lltone wu on CPnttonnlal avenue nn4 would be cover· P<l up by tlte ��ewer 0011tractor If uot re· moved, no be Intended alnklhJI' a abaft whe\'1! the lltooe IKy. The IDRtttor WM referred to CODJm!ltt'emao &verance.

_, ...... wltll ··cures ...aiel• 1114 -.. ,.r.at!J nllld .....,. o1 till d._, Boo4'• .. nepgllla lila nllld me ud l lmow lt wiU nn....._" 0110. D. 8Jnm, Kana'I'IUe, R. J,

Gold Piacn Ta Cutameftl. Rev. ROll Mro. Geo. F. GrPen• will I'I'Ceh·e the memh!'ro of their """KfPI!R · tion at tbe :\lnn•e on next W �•IHP81llly e�Pning from 7 to I I o'do)('k. A lwnrt�· welcome is extP\IdP•I In 11ll.

Owin" to tbP illnllfl• nf P1·�•iolent \V ar· ftPhl of LRfHyeii�> Cnll�g"· th<• lel'lnr� on A \lrAhRtll Li1wnln whiC'h wnH to lmn• bt>Pn given Thnr�tluy t-\'t:"l'ing, 1m� hPen JlOf'tJ>one•l.

Thl' IWXI lel'l\lrP or the oLII•Iie•. Aid Society •••ri�• will bto !li 1·en Thn r•tln�· e\'enlng by the Rev. Upo, F. Ur��ne. Tbe •nbjP<•t is "The L'onrt of QnPrll EllzRbeth. ··

Mr. Ot'e<'ne hR• obt11in"'l lht Re\'. F:.

E I R 11 1 11t Mllwomkee oometlme Rgo,ont of 8,000 P\'t•ning to Rlletul no pwort ' ft y n cnm!"'tlton. )Jr. 8cbHub nndl'niRnd• tlw MP!h01li•t l'lmrdl of thKt t•lnc�. ther�fore how to t•ondnct a claM. At H. Ill. Woo<l, of N<•w York, n tmt·ltwr u tut'l•thiK of tbl' m�mbt!no lnte,.....t•d lu of .John Heg•'IIIRn, lm• '"''"""'"'' II r .. nulng II clns- R IRfi(P nnmber oii(OI· hnihli1111 lnt on R<K>•�,·••It Mnt�or nt lht• IIP<l their lutl'ntion of joining loy •nb· ''"fliP\' of �th street nn•l Ornnge rond. -.•rihing their nnnwo. lnotrnctor Four incnndt'At·�nt elt•l'lrk li�tht• nr� Sclumb mR<le hlo RJ>p�Rrllnce lnot tllght, l>t'ing plnet'<l llt the ••rn11re in front nf 111111 will btogH· t ci1U!""" on lilotuiRy night Dr )(u<·nmrw1l'H f"tl'Mitlt'u('� in pJncP of nJUl will t•ou lltlt't' e\·et·y .Mmulay t'n.•n·

th� nr•· light that hn• pt'<Wt••l •m•nti•fnt'· ito��:. tory. The •cori'R of tlu> gmne rol11!11 nt Wf'llt· The wat�r mnino whi"b wPre e>JW<'Ietl 111'1<1 Tn ... •lay e\·enl•g will be fontul on to Ill' l11iol on Sj>ringHelol , Ornnge. RIVI'r· unother IIIII{�.

A rommaa1catlon WBII received from Be aan to pt Booll'a aa4 oa!J Boo4'1, 8. D. Dr11ke Inquiring whetber " BIIIRll Mood'a Pt•• eare an U•n Ills, Blllou IRWrRI •ewer wonltl btl laid ou :Marlboro aeoa, .JaWidlce, lndlgeotiDD, IIok Beedaobeo otft't't Rtul If 10 whPther It wonhl btl •lone by Dec. lot. Tbe clerk WRB 111 •tntctl'd to. aotlh· Mr. Drake tlt11t the plans ohowed R int�rRl IMlWer on thnt otreet wblcb would 11ot be done on Dec. lot.

A communication wnR recelvP<l from OYSTERS ! Jndge Bt·nce, <-otm"tll of tbe )lntnal Live Lob•ter. Hnrd 11nd Soft Shelled Telepholle Co., otating that .t,OOO ltJUI CrRbo, nud cloolce S!>R FO()(l of nil klndo. been exl"''nde<l ln pnttln1 the telephone

Plpeu, .. rt•• •"llen.

S s o m gold given to buyers worth; Sto.oo in ·gold given ers of $Ioo.oo worth..;.its that should lead to a · wider ledge of Amos H . Van ues and low prices.

B. Cobb, D. D. , of ElizRI�t>lh. to �otu· plete the l'0\\111e of lt'Ctnre• on Thnr"'l"�·. December IDth. Mr. Cobb will gin 11 heantifnlly illn•lrlllell lectnrP wtth 60 vi<'W8 AU titled "In and nhont lfo,Io rn JerooRiem. " Thi• !Pctnre ohnnlol '"' eo· peclnlly lnter..,.tlug to tint ymml! JleopiP.

•ill•• ntul C.·nlrRl o�v�ll\ti'M will not '"' \ Tim "Terrible Ten'' bowling team rol· laill nntll next opnnll. n ... mnh .. R\'C ' lell II relnrn gllme 11181 Sntttrdll\' ev•nlhg now btoing plll<'e<l ln Plttollehl otrePI. I on the Athletic Clnb 11lll'y• nnd The Taylor pro1wrty. t•onwr of E11•t · 1 mor<' than made DJ> for ti!P gam� num otr...,t "'"' Ho11y •tl'e<'t, wno """' by 1 tlwy IORt on the niiPyo with L'muford Sh�rilf Kyte to }'rank R. lJonnol' of Uno ' t�ant the Wl'l'k befote. Tb�> score Wllo town for *''\tWill, on IKMt W t'<ln.-..llly. )lr. I RM follow• :

oyotem throqb the town and that be· canae ootnll PJOI"'fly holden refolled to Rllow polea to be ph1ced In front of tht'lr property, the work hR•l bfta etopfled. R111111tiD11 and Frio.- Fowlo, Etc. The Portland Range

Cunntrr Cluh llnlnll"·

111111 Mr•. 'fllylor Will fl'l\\0\'1! to New T•:IIRIBI.E TES. CBASFORD A. C, Yu1·k. . u.,.lgi!IO . . . . . . . . 1117 Shaw. . . . . . . . 198 The fh'e. •leJ1Drlt����t will, be '�"!"''''"'' C.umifJ . . . . . . . . U5 Damon . . . . . . . I � by the Cln�f "'"' l ol\'11 t.;omlluttt'<' "!' H Cook . . . . . . . . 1:10 s. J. Cox, Jr . . 1 37 'l'huuk•gn·wg D11y morning. Tlw. re•t· \V. Cook . . . . . . 1�7 lllll1'8hllll . . . . . 137

Jmlge Ur11ce aloo •tate<l that everything .IOHII BACON, WRII III readlnees to oom:rlete the work, 11:1.;u STREET, WESTFIELD. that telephoeel, etc. ha already heen 1mrcbn..,.1 abtl th<' company had eoonJI'h .nlli!Cribt!Je to mRke the Une pay. Mr. .......... .... �

wPre to btl a-' for fire alRnu pnrpnseo � ROll he hRd written Jndge C1'0811 to IMlt'

"'hether the committtoe could not com·

Is taking R dent of our ealeemen'a time-10 We're the ouly hon1e carrying it In aklok, .

Onr storage businesa is alao on t.be 11p," building

. on Bank atnJOt ie ideal-eee I,, ·

Boods Dtlllllld F111 te all ,.m of 1�1 The Country l'lnh bowling tenm will bowl tbl' E. A. C. howliul( h•1\111 111 Crunford on \Vednes<llly evenir,g. Tlti� I• one of th� h•ngne gam••·

The progret��in:o Pnehre prizt� fnr ln�t S�tnrtlny eteniug·� g'illtlt' WK.� Wllll hy 111'11. C. W. 1\Jnt•Coll\\l•ll. 'fhe l•riZt• w110 n ver�· \ll'nntifnl oil,·er heny •1•oon.

d•nh ol th� town •hnnl<l tnke tlno op· K Iff 1 �7 u Fox . 148 portnnity of in•t•""tlllg tilt' 111'1"""'11• Fl�fl'l;,;,i : : : : : : : till o:O.tlt'� : . . . . 1 :18 '�"'I to n.mke note of whnt nn effi•·il'nl Vnt�d.rl'el'r . . . . li>ll swackhRmer .. 14� firP •en·tcP th� town lmo. H. Latll' . . . . . . . 10:1 F. Cox . . . . . . . . 13:; 'l'he H igh 8dwol Foot Dn11 le11m will KlinP . . , , . . . . . . 17� U""inl{ . . . . . . . 1:111 piny tlw lollowiul{ Jlltll\<'8 this mouth : \V. Lan<' . . . . . . . t <!l !J. Cox . . . . . . . . l i D

Horton otRtt4 thnt the telepbooe wlrt'll i II" BRUMMELL'S 1"'1 t h e property ownera to allow the � cOillt>BnV to }lOt Ill> poles ROll Jn1ll{e Cro"" wrote Mr. Horton that the com· mlttl'e conld. The cowwnulcatlon Will! luill ou tho table. AMOS ·H . VAN HORN

At n meelin!l of tlw l:!.werniug Boafll behl laot W�.t'"'"'lny l'nning . • J. lr\'illg Crnue was Plt>clPtl tl f'lll'ltlrt't' of tlw l'lnb.

Monday night will be t>rllctice night for the lx>wliul! tPnm.

Thl' <>!"'Ding conle•l in the l:'l'lllrnl Dowling Leagne woo rolled Tneodny !'venin!{ Rt Bergen Point heiW�Pn the New J�ney Athletic Clnb !PRill untl the Country Club tPnm. A IKrge unmber of lntereooted mem btol'l! of the Leftl(ne Wl're prellc!nt. This Will! ul•o th" fir•t 1111111e the Clnb ha•l ever rollf'tl with the Nl'w Jeneyo. 'fbP total• w.re N. J. A. l'. 1489 and Country Club an

Real Eacd .. •••t. "Yea, " enid the meek lookin11 mao,

"l''l'e ao donbt yon 've bad oome great 6autitlg experiellCt!ll io the Wl!llt. "

"I have, iudeed. 1 1

" Dat!olo hunting"-" Sure !" "And bear huutinll"­• •ot ooone 1'' "Well, yon just rome aroand and let

. m,. wife take yon honoe hn11tlug a11d barpin booting with her. Thl'u you'll betria to know win.� u;;citem4!11t Ia. "­WII8hiqton Star. ------

... _ ..... ._

'II have come, " uld the heae'l'olltns loolliii(I IIBDtleman with the blah brow, "to 111111 )'Oar co-operation ia oar ent-184a !IPinat \be hlll'hlll'oaa pr��etloe of -m. the winp of 101111 blrdll u Uiulml111 for ladie��' h•ta. " "lt caD't btl itopped DOW," uld \be Jn11111r01U1 cl tlllllll. "So Ill lillY birda llan been tilled that tbe price baa be· - 10 high that every woman Ia the liUid will have a bird &rimwed bat or dl'l'�tr�:e. "-lndlaaapolt. JonraaL

Saturdn\', Nov. 16, WPotllehl Y. M. C. A . • lnni;,,. ut Weotllehl : Sllhtr<llly, No\'. Totnl• . . . . . H!l3 A c"WI•lalat wa• made becanae the

t37i nrc light at North nvenne and Ewltwan 2:1 HOI!PIIe Foothnll 1�11111 Itt Cnmfor•l ; •----Tt�uukt�giving Dny, Pinl{ry Hl'l'OIJt) tt'JUU ; Crn.nfortr• Cltr)·•antlt•lftnm Bahlbltlnn. Nov. au. Ruhwny J nniore at Rahwny.

stfl'et gnve 'l'el'f mu•atl•fnctory oervlt-e. The L'OIIli"'"Y will he notified to <Iiscou· 1 tinue this light Rn•l fonr lncandeecent 1 COUQH DROPS.

The ST.\SD.\Rt> is 8en<ling cnpieo of it• The ffoillenc<' of R. F. Hlh•on Rn•l I'"""' fur 11 f•w wl't'k• to 8ome of thOt!e •i•tPr on Holly •tr .... t, io now henotlfnlly who 1ne nut tmbs(.'riht.'t·�. 'fhl' ST.\SJJ- de<'Orntec:l with (.•hryHnutherunrnR ot .\UE's aim i� to t'nruieh the ln.te11t uews t'very �i:w, ,-nrit'ty R1ld color. Tht' l•Ar· in thu best I>U88ible shiiJW. 'l'lw onh lor au•l ft'l'<'J>Iiou ronm of the hon8t' •cription price is f! per nuuntu an<l ooh· nre 111IP•l with tbl' ht•11ntifnl 1\ol\'ers, ocriptious may be oeut to the Crnut'urd fern•, ( which arP the flol!ll! iu towu) nnd correopond�nt. p11hn• \'Pr�· tRolefnlly IIITIII\g!'t.l. A

lighte will btl placed tbereRhonts, nndN' Bureeurelorall lrrlt&tloaol theTbroat, s the direction ot eowmlttll810Rn F011ter. eDLD •v•aywa•a& A <-omwuuicatlon waa ncelve<l frum �������:!!:�����:!� Chief Wat�f!!OD that an lns�tlon of 1 he Fl� DI-Jlllrtment would be made on Thurod11y, Nov. 21! (Thanksgiving <lay,) CLARK TOWNSHIP. In the morning, on North a\'enoe in front of the lire bonae nnd fP<IIII!IItiag the committ•e to be prellllnt. Jovita· Why cnu't the Central railroad plolce grPttt dPttl of time atul thODPY lmve l>t'en

.e'·erul iucRudeoceut electric hghts •t,..nt to l>I'Oihll·e andl a •t•leudlll array nml �lr. "n•l l\lioo Hi boon bll\"1' not '-n 11roun•l the otntlou "'' that J>Birouo ol tltl' "" •elfioh a• to ki'I'I• tid• beauty to them· mKd do not uee<l to feel their way or ... tveo but hn,·e invited 811 their friendo cruwl to the otatloo P!"tform W�t�u to cnll nod Ill!<' the exhibition and hR\'e they nhght from the Heumg tndu�. 1 he ,·ery t-ordlnlly recei\·ed their vloiton STA;'IUKD. COff""!>Uildeut ��II be Wllhug The ohow began Oil the 7th iuol. 81111 to oml m ctrcniRtlllg R Jlt'hhou. 1 hotb nfternoou Ktul evening IRrge unm· 111-rs. Ott aml Berger ha,·e bonght I '"'" of \'i•itoro bnve cRIIP<I to ...., the out t,lle l(rocery booine .. of J. C. Hnw· l , . .,,,. hffintlfnl I!Ct'ue. The !'xbibltlon mer. Tlltl gentlemen come well t'I'Colll· will l'u•l on nl'xt W eduf'llllR)' evenhll(. memleu from New York, where tlwy Some ofthe'ftowel'l\ have be<>u nud!'r cul­ltR\'e been in 80Verlll lmoineMeUII'f!lfil!e.!. I tnre slnl't' hlllt January RIIU are only or 't'he UPW firm will carry 11 l"l'ry good the t-t qnnllty. Among eome o( the otuck of grot.-erieo Rod will <lo the bt!st to I '-t chryMatbewumo to btl 81!<'11 nre the pl�llllll uud galu costomen. fo11owlng:

Fred. Dindeoberger, while plRYhiJI: A Loulo tul'nand with over 100 bl<>f· foot bull with the Pennington ttRI\I l1111t J'0\118 •

S�tnrdRy Rt Urillgetou, h11d hlo leg brn· J A Hlckaamold with OVI'r 200 bl001· ken. Uindeaberger 18 " great f11vorlte 0011111 tralaP<l Rll a otaU<Iard. wltb the CrAnford people nnd they benr A larp white one lo the Qneea nod lo of the nc.,ideut with gl'tlllt regret. He the ftnat on exhibition. will remain at the &millllr)' at Peuniug· A Loa!M BoehmPr, of the oetrlch too and coutlune his otndw. He wu plnme kind, weuariiiJI' 1!1 incbe. IMli'OM. to bav11 talleu cbarp of ATdeop K. E. A larp gronp of dalay ch1')"1811the· Chnreh 011 �nadny, Dec. 1. mn11111, trained In the shape of a faa.

'!'be Alcll'Da Society IJII'I'e tht'lr oecoad A '- and very pretty yellow qa-.

tlon w11o K<'cepted. CommlttpPmna Borton reported thRt

the Town Committee inopecte4 the otreeta tbrongb wblch the sewer puaes In Rahway 11nd made a!TIIugemeuto with the M11yor 10 that the otreete would btl put In !"'rfect ooadltiou at the ex· 1111noe of L'Outractor Coltn.

Commitlet'tuaa Blbeon reported that a otrlker for the Ire al11rm had been rented from the ()amewell Fire Alarm Co. at a rental of t110 per aouam with the option of ba�ir l!lltue for f.'IOO, the rental to go towlirllli the pore"- price. Reuort accepted.

c.\.mmitteemaa llorton at11ted that a hRnd otrlker L'ODI4 be rigged np on tho II� alann 110 In CMe of an accident to the electrlcul atrlllw the lllarm could 'be fOUl( by baud.

The reWRinder of the e'l'enlng wu oc· copied In hi'Brlflll ,the report of the tax ...Ce. by Coll•ctor Crane: The report '1'1'111 reCeived and ordered placed 011 the lax Ml• boolr of ... &ownablp,

The meetiJII t._ adjoamed to meet liPID l'ridaT fnatlll. • dance of the IWBIOD to the Opera Uo011e The lH&tyabartJ, the larpt Of the

laot WeduMdaf' eveuiag. Prof. Garliwd red 'l'arle\y. t'lweltw.a- , .... 0- IUIW. fnrulobed the mmlic unda larse unwber A HlckiiU'DOid plut, trained In the Oa � � John G�1 of the mewbt!n aDd their friends Ia llhape of a cr0018. the inckwalll:erFied hT the C.UUBI Cranford and from out of town apent aa A Good Gnclooa chr)'llllathemam ii nilroad. wu bll � trip eujoyable l'Veolng dancing. Iu the lat· feet high atuda Ill the ball, and two hetw- Cnuaford GarwoOd on tile tl'r p11rt of the eveulug a ,·ery 111ce I Mn A. J. Drexel red one. atand In the -tboand triMlk. Ilea •boat Ia the loncbi'On wu oerve<l. Mr. Lawrew.'tl parlor, ud are II feet Ia heljr�t. ., rear ol the neldenGt GI S C. Blake be wu lloor mRuager aud ohonlol be <'om· Mr. Blbeon baa aleo the Dorthea. atepped on the w..&11oand ti'IIOII to ,_ pliweure<l ou l>fO\idlng o plelll!llut ev!'n· oue !'f hla ow a variety whloh wUJ � oot Of the wa1 of a 8o1al Blue Uae ea· mg'• eutertuiuweut RUd auch 11 110ei11l pnt 111 the Short Wile cat&IOJI'ae •0 ,.._ uul tn ao � oiru la front oftbe

IIIIIRC Terho11e hu porebaaed a wbll81. G. DRrtel, of Rnhwny, bu removed

to the Schoewakl'r farm. 'l'be work on Rll the stoae roads here

io uow completed. A 11nmber of tlte road olp boar<la have

been mallclonoly deotroyed by 1010e no· kaowu l"'roona. ------

WILLOW GROVE. David Clnrk <-ondncted the Y. P. 8. C. E. lllll8tlug Souduy evenl11g. It Ia eatlmRted tbl're are 2000 bnobele

of applda at John L11111bert'o elder mUI, yet to grind.

The cooling Winter prom._ to be one foil of real !'ujoymeut with the young folh.

Bert Clark wu atopred by two mea Wednl!ldar Dlaht,ou the FJWwood road, hnt 811C8ped aabnrt.

The IIOOiable In the chapel Weclaeadll)' e'l'ealfla '1'1'111 well atteodtld. An eatar· tertalnment wu pven by the YOIUII people of the 110Cie&y md refrellUDea• llftYed.


... ......... ....... --- ot P"- ll a 1'8111141 1D -- - •• tb-t Doable& Bat .. Ia no& JlllllrB)IJ laaown that It llboal4


Near Plaae Bt ••

Hygienic Shoes For ChHdrea.

Bunt oa a felt fonadatloD-Proof a«alaas _ ��IPI!!�:-!.I!m dreeey-eprlng beela aad fle:r.lble IOlae to elze, The care we have taken to ban tbli Shoe

u a aboe can be, llluetratoa wba& we are tile comfort, health and goocl appaaruce .���Jam .. .,.AI,. vfiA '*' � �/fir .. .... ,. .. ��� all ""' ..,....,_ �lrudl•ll .... ....,,

� .. • EDSALL' Commercial Palace, Babcock Building,

A 'llhlak•• I­Jiormon Elder-1 waut a puir

boot• for my wife. time · which wu Jtt th11 ahow thiA y•r at that SowenUJe local wbiA left Cr811for4 at of · pl11Ce on exbibitlou. Alto1etber there !I 18 p 111 Last Wedn!'odny at noon Joh11 ben· ""' "bont 31111 1'1"uto la tlte exblbltlo11, · xr 'oh..on wae ...... tly lrllled, beiiiJI'

"' 118811 with dlantloa. .A ��iron� II· JtBMIIcl maa a• lbatallll&lbwel1, lnNa4

� -11 41.al'fiDi a UtUe ol the po­ea- Ia water for a IUIIle, poue4 a 1up qautltT Into a 1'-fnl ot ........ aa4 thea .,.allowed the doae. Be .Sled a few boan later after Mrdbla ad• 1D1.-!few York World. Bootmaker-Yes, liir. Whut aomber,

�plaallll? Mormon Elder-Sevout<·en. Bootmaker-SeveutP<U ! Grc11t Brill·

bam Yonng, �ir l We buvcn't boot• of tblil aize. Jlormou Elder (sternly )-I'm aot

_apeUIIIII of the unmber of tho buut, 1ir, bat of the unmber of my wife. -Tit· ..... .

Too llltMllo. "Chaw lea," •�tid Willie Wi.llhlu11toa

to bla friend, "l'll huve to give It ap, don't yon !wow. l'm defeated, and that'• qll the�tb II to it. "

"Wba&'a the m�tlter?" '0Pwtn00of Wule• l• learning to wide blc,cle." "Well, 100 can ride a wheel, IIIID't

wan'• driver �nlletl 11t the d�110t . to get The people of Cranford anrely can not atnwk In tbe hea4 a4 borled from tbll the lllPRt, \V l.uch Mr. ls.,n nHm ""'I'" by too fnlly abow tbeir appt't'clatlou for the trtwk. The top ot lllf·'-J, wu out otr, the 12.2� tmm, to del!''"' ORme to Ius heantlfnl 8bow which, altbon1b It dOI!II hlo wrlata brok11n !IIMl bla bod1 ont In cnstom<'rll as w11B hu O;"lllll �notoJu. uot """""'" the Short Hill• abow lu aeweral plallllL Tie .train atoppl!d and l'h� .man .tro''" to the st11t1o!' atul •lftPt' 11oaotity, it d.- In quality. lbe tnlnwea weofbiloll. bat u liltootloa pnttmg tho '!lent iu th': cRrrtag•• t'?"k th•• 0... Donahue wu IMNil' the apot the nn•k�t hllek m the •tutum. Wlul�. tb" r.aaa llalurdar'• I'IMil Ball u...... train roceeded 11114 tlte iiiiCtlon w.n 011r. olrh·u· I\' II" uwny, the horse loo>k fngbt, A \'ery cll:lllllly ooute<lte<l foot hall rled t£11 body to a itllall ln the rear of B. tnruell m·�·uul, ,u�rt the <'KrriRge omd game w118 l>layl'<l ou the Athletic Club lllndell'• lumbPr ollue &o await tile ar· went teurmg Ill' . nion UWIIItl'. Th� gronlll\8, ou Ro.-velt MRuor btRt S.t· riYal of the COI'OIIIr Kr. Glt!BIOD WRI hor.., "'"" •towed 1�' fl·out ·�f tl�e �e•t· nrday uftentoou betwll8n tbe Cl'llnfor<l 118 ,.,.,. old 1111d ball been a fllithtDi em• deuc� ,,f J. N. If\ lug. 'l lle <&mage High School team IWd 11 teutu from Bllh· plciyeo of the nUJroad for tWIIDtT·U "'"" baolly <llltllage•l. wa\'. Y•n and wu • 11004 oltbea. Laot S11hlfllKy e\·eulug nt nbont !I 'the Cruaford boyo met tho.lr watch Jill leave�� a wife, &P daughterl lltl4 o .. •luck 1111"" Nellie Everett. dunght�r of when they pl11yed tbe Buhwaya alld 4e· 0D1J -· B• "' .. a f¥1�1nl mewblr ol n. s. Evel'tltt, WIIH returning bom• l'r'llll oene cre<lit for the very trood playa S&. lllchll•la Catllalle ehnrcb and WM th� town omd while pa001lug the putch of which Wl're uuule, Npeclally the 113 ylll'll veq reauhlr I�A W, : --� a$ .U wood• <in Union RVeun� ne11r her hom••. r11n 11ronud right enil made hy Prank awvlcw. , wn. cRnght nround the WRI•t by n young Cox. AIIOJI'etber the pme WM YUf ·

uum wbo att•m1•ted to IUI&IInlt b�r, bnt tuterealiniJ eaeepi for the '1'8'11 urouo• her B<'reams cufi,,.l the nelghbo1'8 1111d dl!fclliloa mada by the refeftlll, who WM frlgbtene•l the uum IIW\l)'. Couotable rrow Rllbwar 81111 who could aot be ID· Schbuller an•l n omllll potllMl guve clmse, ftaenced to do ri4fbt •t'llll b)' Jlla ·

lmt were nu11ble to lind tne �t��oallnnt. It t>'am. i• "'"'"t tlwu thllt 110me :-.�>!ton be tRitt'U 'fbll tea- llaed ap u followa: to <lrlve the Vlllf:fllnto oot who Infest Lhb> t•J\\'Jl.

Al'I'Ortlln��: to a commanlcotloa recelv· "'' ut th" l11ot w..etlua of the 'l'own l'OID· mltteo tlou Teleohoae COIIIlJIIIIY are .t ... lroWI uf flnt.ldaa tltek lloe bat met oppotltlon by a lloocl holden who refilM to

polllll iO frooi could tM nar ol ..

. .. . _ "Won'' 1011 pa$ 1oar oanie dowa for

-ethllll for tbla abarlt,.?" "llo; I wlJJ ll'l'e nothllll l" "WeU, tbea, will 100 write ,.oar

Dame for 180 f<W appearanoe'a lllke?" "i"or appearuoe'• lake? Ob, well, I

am p� 1till11 l I will .write tGO. "­

l'li.,..ade Blatter. ------......-. ........

"lllftr l8t me - 10111 f- qaia," ba erlecl b&rmlw, �

"VIIJ weJI;l'• Ae aanrered. 11M1 GODld IIGt bJamn bfDI, ba' wbeD

.... *'liP ol the .. , .... aDd \be time a wool4 ... .,. to iletaw to lllr eoaa· ..... � ab ....... ·-DIIJOit Trill­....

Iron Toys, ·

Tin Toys, Wood Toys, •aglc Lanterns, Iron Banks, Doll Carriages, Doll Stoves, Doll Stockings, . Doll Caps,

Special low prioee to Oba� f.l,. prioea llre 1M low u Newark or Naw Yo* .... ,,.. ..... .,... . ... .......

� llERE iJ oo ooouloa 'ror --.......... �,.., � Monut Arara\ 0Mmtrr la aud oream 11 u fNib aad '""' own rai11111, aad oar NJlOU&I�I.::IatJ

11111t tD h•Yy, la kDOWD far .. aud •ill 1001 pat Ia

, ..... � .

top related