ابسطهالك- scholarships

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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: اليوم اجندة : االول الجزء

منح- ايه يعنى: الثانى الجزء

ايه - بتطلب والمنح للمنح تقدم ازاى-: الثالث الجزء

للمنح- التقديم فى نصائح

واالستفسارات- االسئله

!!! ؟؟؟ ديه للمنح تقدم ازاى

Three steps for scholarships process-:

First step: Searching &Knowing about the Scholarship

Second step: The requirements (paper Work)

Third Step: The Interview

Second Step الحاجاتديه هتطلب ثقافىهتقدملها تبادل او : اىمنحه

1- Complete application form 2-Personal statement, essay or motivation Letter written in English

3- Two letters of recommendation or Nomination form: The nominator can be academic (professor, advisor or teacher), or professional (work/internship supervisor(.

4- Copy of National ID and/or passport

5 -Original official transcript(s) with an accurate English Translation(s)

Second Step الحاجاتديه هتطلب ثقافىهتقدملها تبادل او : اىمنحه

Optional:-6- Details of any previous travel or study outside of home country, including dates7- An updated CV or resume8- Proposal

Admission Tests:9- Proof of fluency in English by providing:- *Valid TOEFL-ITP score report (Valid TOEFL iBT or IELTS may also be accepted instead) AMIDEAST or British Council

10- GMAT or SAT or GRE 11- Proof of fluency in another Language

1 -Complete application form

2 -Personal statement, essay or motivation Letter written in English

Personal statement Workshop

Personal statement Workshop



Some ideas:-* Just start write it* Write every thing* Outlines* A lot of Drafts


مميزة • بدايةوواضح • محددمنظم •افكار • تسلسل

3- Two letters of recommendation or Nomination form: The nominator can be academic (professor, advisor or teacher), or professional (work/internship supervisor).

4 -Copy of National ID and/or passport

5 -Original official transcript(s) with an accurate English Translation(s)

6- Details of any previous travel or study outside of home country, including dates

7- An updated CV or resume

Applicant's updated resume :-

*highlighting civic engagement, *leadership and/or work experience *extracurricular activities*academic honors

8- Proof of fluency in English by providing:- *Valid TOEFL-ITP score report (Valid TOEFL iBT or IELTS may also be accepted instead) AMIDEAST or British Council

7 Ways to Improve your English

1 -Self Study (English material)2- https://www.youtube.com/user/Fallimha

3 -Films - Songs with lyrics

4 -YouTube Courses

5 -MOOCs (Coursera – Edx – Udemy..etc)

6- TED Talks www.ted.com/talks

7- English Courses

9- GMAT or SAT or GRE

Undergraduate Level (Bachelor degree programs)Test ProgramSAT - I Required for almost all Undergraduate Programs in USSAT - II Required by a few Universities in US for specific courses

Graduate Level (Masters & PhD level programs)

Test ProgramGRE Required for Humanities, Sciences, Engineering fields in USGRE Subject Required along with GRE, for a few Universities and Programs in USGMAT Required for Business/Management Programs all over the worldLSAT Law Programs in USUSMLE Medicine Programs in USGGFNS Required for Graduate Programs in Nursing in US

10- Research Proposal

11- Proof of fluency in another Language

Third Step:- Personal INTERVIEW

Second Step الحاجاتديه هتطلب ثقافىهتقدملها تبادل او : اىمنحه

1- Complete application form 2-Personal statement, essay or motivation Letter written in English

3- Two letters of recommendation or Nomination form: The nominator can be academic (professor, advisor or teacher), or professional (work/internship supervisor(.

4- Copy of National ID and/or passport

5 -Original official transcript(s) with an accurate English Translation(s)

Second Step الحاجاتديه هتطلب ثقافىهتقدملها تبادل او : اىمنحه

Optional:-6- Details of any previous travel or study outside of home country, including dates7- An updated CV or resume8- Proposal

Admission Tests:9- Proof of fluency in English by providing:- *Valid TOEFL-ITP score report (Valid TOEFL iBT or IELTS may also be accepted instead) AMIDEAST or British Council

10- GMAT or SAT or GRE 11- Proof of fluency in another Language

Three steps for scholarships process-:

First step: Searching &Knowing about the Scholarship

Second step: The requirements (paper Work)

Third Step: The Interview

How to read a scholarship

1- Description2- Eligibility Requirements3- Application instructions (you have to be)4- Cover cost 5- How to apply

Exchange Programs ال عن :- 7هنتكلم اولشهر من يفتحوا بيبدأ*و دول برامج

1الى 11


Global UGRADSummer Work Travel (SWT)

Coca ColaTech Girls(Deadline: 25/2/2016)

Between the Lines

هنا : من السفاره برامج بصعليكلhttp://egypt.usembassy.gov/pa/allxchgs.html

Exchange Programs for Everyone MCW Young Leaders Program8 days in July (New York Univ)Open Now16 – 25 years oldhttp://bit.ly/2016YLPinfoDeadline: 29 Feb, 2016

جبر شفيق منحة4 weeks (2 Egypt + 2 US)Call for app (12 – 1)24 – 35 years old

NAIMUN Conference5 days in March (18 march- 22 March) TunisiaOpen nowhttps://goo.gl/lqb2S8Deadline: 1/3/2016

Conferences (Training-Forum-Program-Summit)

Bachelor, Master & PHD Scholarshipshttps://goo.gl/DolBe2

المنحفى : بوستعنالسعودية - - - - - - - سويسرا هنغاريا استراليا السويد ماليزيا بريطانيا


High School Scholarship

• France - Austria – Switzerland – Iceland – Hungary – Denmark

• 1 year (Aug – June)• 15 - 18• https://goo.gl/JG3GkO

•Deadline: 25/2/2016


•-: للمنح مواقع

•www.for9a.com •www.opportunitiesforafricans.com•www.men7a.com•www.ngo-jobs.net •www.heysuccess.com •www.youthop.com •www.opportunitydesk.org •www.youth-portal.com •www.wemakescholars.com •www.cu.edu.eg/ar/Scholarships •www.scholarship-positions.com

it's easy to miss something you're not looking for

To do list after the session: 1-Search for your suitable Scholarship

2-Professional& active E-mail (first name_last name@.com)ex: (Ibrahim_ali1990@gmial.com)

3-Original official transcript(s)

4- Extracurricular activities

5-Personal statement (learn& First Draft)

6-Two letters of recommendation (learn& try to write one )

Contact :Ahmed EL Gebaly

mr.ahmedelgebaly@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/MR.ahmedelgebaly

abasthalk@gmail.com Abdallah Samy


Thank you

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