-name period: science teacher:...b. clear skies c. precipitation d. drought oceans & weather-...

Post on 31-May-2020






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Sun Moon

New moon

Waxing crescent

First quarter

Waxing gibbous

Full moon

Waning gibbous

Last (Third) quarter

Waning crescent

28 days, about 1 month

Waxing crescent

First quarter

Waxing gibbous

Full moon

Waning gibbous

Third/last quarter

-Name _____________________________ Period: __________ Science Teacher: __________

Reporting Category 3: Earth and Space

Lunar Phases - 8.7B

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the ____________ & _______________.

Moon phase at position 1: _______________________

Moon phase between 1 & 2: _____________________

Moon phase at position 2: _______________________

Moon phase between 2 & 3: _____________________

Moon phase at position 3: _______________________

Moon phase between 3 & 4: _____________________

Moon phase at position 4: _______________________

Moon phase between 4 & 1: _____________________

Time it takes for the moon to revolve around the Earth: __________________________________

Which of these shows the position of the Sun, Moon, and Earth when a full moon phase occurs?

a. b.

c. d.

Approximately how long does it take for the Moon to go from new moon to full moon?

a. 1 day

b. 6–8 days

c. About 2 weeks

d. About 1 month

365.25 days, 1 year

Northern Hemisphere

Spring revolution

Which word best describes the changes in the Moon’s appearance during the sequence above?

a. Gibbous

b. Waning

c. Crescent

d. Waxing

Which diagram best represents the next phase that will occur in the sequence?

a. b.

c. d.

What is the name of the phase of the Moon in the picture?

a. New moon

b. Gibbous

c. Half moon

d. Quarter moon

What is the name of the phase of the Moon in the picture?

a. Crescent

b. Gibbous

c. Quarter moon

d. Half moon

Seasons - 8.7A

Time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun: ____________________________________

In the model to the left, which hemisphere of Earth is experiencing


When Earth reaches Position T in the model, which season will Texas experience?













Seasons are caused by the 23.5° tilt of the ______ & the _______________ of the Earth around

the Sun.

Label below for the Northern Hemisphere


Position A: ________________________________

Between A & B, do the days get shorter or longer?

Position B: ________________________________

Between B & C, do the days get shorter or longer?

Position C: ________________________________

Between C & D, do the days get shorter or longer?

Position D: ________________________________

Which of the following best describes the days and nights shown in the diagram? a. The Northern Hemisphere is having days that last longer than the nights. b. The Southern Hemisphere is having days that last longer than the nights. c. Both hemispheres are having nights and days that last the same amount of time. d. Both hemispheres are having days that last longer than the nights.

What is the effect of the Northern Hemisphere receiving the direct rays of the Sun?

a. The Northern Hemisphere is having winter. b. The Northern Hemisphere is having spring. c. The Northern Hemisphere is having summer. d. The Northern Hemisphere is having fall.


Earth’s Tides – 8.7C

In the box to the left, indicate which diagram

represents a Spring Tide and which diagram

represents a Neap Tide.

Which moon locations represent a spring tide?

a. W and X b. Y and Z c. W and Y d. X and Z

Which two positions bring higher than normal high tides?

a. Positions 1 and 2 b. Positions 1 and 3 c. Positions 2 and 3 d. Positions 2 and 4

Solar Energy and Convection - 8.10A

________________________ is the transfer of heat through the motion of matter, such as in

liquids and gases.

The Sun’s unequal heating of Earth and the Coriolis effect cause permanent:

a. global wind patterns. b. rain clouds. c. deep ocean currents.

d. thermohaline currents.

Which of the following provides the energy that drives convection within the ocean and


a. Pressure

b. Sun

c. Weather

d. Winds

Spring Tide

Neap Tide

Use the illustration below for the next 3 questions.

What does the illustration on the left panel show (above)? a. a sea breeze b. a land breeze c. the Coriolis effect d. cold fronts

What does the illustration on the right panel show?

a. a sea breeze b. a land breeze c. the Coriolis effect d. cold fronts

What is the name of the process that causes the events shown in the illustration panels above?

a. radiation b. conduction c. convection d. weathering

What does the illustration below show?

a. North Atlantic Gyre b. surface ocean currents c. large clockwise rotation d. all of the above

Explain how/why the sun heats the Earth unevenly.

The sun’s rays hit more directly at the equator, causing higher temperatures in that area. In the

poles, the sun’s rays are more spread out (not hitting at a direct angle), which causes cooler


While sitting around a campfire, a student noticed a small piece of paper rising up above the fire,

floating into the air, then falling back down to the ground, away from the fire. Why would this


a. Evaporation

b. Radiation

c. Conduction

d. Convection

Weather Patterns – 8.10B

A student heard the weather forecaster on television say that an area of high pressure was located over his region of the state. What type of weather is the area most likely to experience?

a. Cold and wet

b. Dry and clear

c. Stormy

d. Cloudy and wet

Which location on the map is experiencing cool temperatures and clear skies?

a. Location A b. Location B c. Location C d. Location D

Which of the following best describes the weather conditions at Location B?

a. Cloudy b. Windy c. Clear skies d. Clear skies and rain

Look at the picture provided. The eastern coast of Brazil is experiencing a low pressure

system. What type of weather should the people living in this are prepare for?

a. Sunny

b. Clear skies

c. Precipitation

d. Drought

Oceans & Weather- 8.10C

When air moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure, it causes — a. an increase in temperature b. rain to fall c. the wind to blow d. a decrease in elevation

The ocean plays an important role in the formation of storm systems such as hurricanes because--

a. the wide, open area allows strong winds to develop b. the warm, tropical waters provide the energy that drives the storm c. the high tides push the water higher on the beaches d. salt water holds thermal energy longer than freshwater

Reference the map provided to answer this question. Stavanger, Norway, has a warmer climate than the rest of Norway. What could cause this?

a. Stavanger is the southernmost city. b. The Gulf Stream current carries warm water to the

Stavanger area. c. The Arctic current carries cold water toward Norway. d. There is no sea ice in the region to create the cold,

deep ocean currents.

Which of the following statements is supported by the map of ocean currents?

a. Warm ocean currents bring warmer temperatures to the west coast of the United States. b. Warm ocean currents bring warmer temperatures to the west coast of South America. c. Cool ocean currents bring cooler temperatures to the west coast of the United States. d. Warm ocean currents bring cooler temperatures to the west coast of southern Africa.

Which of these best explains why the oceans have a greater impact on the weather than areas over the continents?

a. Ocean waves move more easily than continental rock. b. The oceans contain a wider variety of organisms than the continents. c. The oceans store and transfer more heat than the continents. d. Ocean water contains more salt than most continental lake water

Hurricanes are caused by warm air rising that results in the rapid spinning of clouds. When fueled

by warm ocean currents, a hurricane is formed. Which of the following would prevent a hurricane

from growing bigger?

a. A tropical wind moving in the direction of the hurricane

b. A warm ocean current moving in the direction of the hurricane

c. A decrease in the salinity of the ocean

d. A cold ocean current moving in the direction of the hurricane

Match the following descriptions of air masses with an area where they might develop. Think

about moisture and temperature of each area to match

with the air mass.

1. A warm, moist air mass develops at this


2. A dry, cold air mass develops at this location.

3. A dry, hot air mass develops at this location.

4. A cold, moist air mass develops at this


Type of Front Symbol Used on a

Weather Map

Direction this front would be

moving (see symbol to the left)

Type of weather associated with this








Cold Front

Warm Front

Doesn’t move

for several days





Often bring many days of

almost continuous


Bring violent storms that

are followed by cooler,

fairer weather

Bring rain and showers

followed by warmer, more

humid weather

Milky Way

Stars, Galaxies & Universe - 8.8A

The major characteristic that determines the life cycle of a star is – A. The type of nebula that created it B. The mass of the star C. The color of the star D. The density of the star

Label each of the following types of galaxies. The Earth is a member of the ______________ _________ Galaxy.

Which of the following can be found in galaxies?

A. Stars, interstellar gas, and dust B. Stars, mini-galaxies, dust C. Dust, gas, and millions of black holes D. Spiral galaxies and irregular galaxies

Spiral galaxy Elliptical galaxy Irregular galaxy

Brightness (magnitude, luminosity) and temperature (directly related to color)

What does the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram tell us about the star, Betelgeuse? (8.8A)

a. It has a low surface temperature and high luminosity

b. It has high surface temperature and high luminosity

c. It has low surface temperature and low luminosity

d. It has high surface temperature and low luminosity

In the provided Herztsprung-Russell diagram, we see a group of stars in the Main Sequence. What

is the relationship between a star’s temperature and luminosity (brightness)?

a. As the temperature increases, the luminosity decreases.

b. As the temperature decreases, the luminosity increases.

c. As the temperature increases, the luminosity increases.

d. There is no relationship between temperature and luminosity.

What star characteristics are used to classify them on the H-R Diagram?

The Sun – 8.8B

The provided graphic represents a model of three different stars.

Which model is the best representation of our Sun?

a. The small blue/white star

b. The medium yellow star

c. The large red star

d. Our Sun is not represented here

The Sun is a star in the Milky Way galaxy. Which location above best represents the location of the Sun?

a. Location W b. Location X c. Location Y d. Location Z

When making a poster of the Sun, a student decides to include the length of time it takes a ray of light to travel from the Sun to Earth. What length, in minutes, of time should the student include on the poster? Grid your answer in the space provided.


The distance light travels in one year

Electromagnetic Waves – 8.8C

Look at the representation of the electromagnetic spectrum. What part of the electromagnetic

spectrum can be observed with the unaided eye?

a. Visible light

b. Infrared

c. Radio waves

d. Gamma rays

Light Years – 8.8D

Define light-year:

Which of the following would astronomers most likely measure in light-years?

a. Distance between stars

b. Distance between Earth and the Moon

c. Time it takes to travel to Jupiter

d. Time it takes sunlight to reach Earth

If aliens living in each of these galaxies were looking at earth through telescopes at the same time,

which aliens would be last to receive current information?

a. W

b. X

c. Y

d. Z

Alfred Wegener

Proposed that the continents had once been joined, and over time had drifted apart.

Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years away from Earth. How long has its light been traveling to reach


a. 4.2 minutes

b. 4.2 days

c. 4.2 months

d. 4.2 years

Plate Tectonics – 8.9A

What scientist is credited for proposing the theory of continental drift?

What did this theory state?

Which of the following statements is not supported by the plate tectonic theory?

a. Continents move through the seafloor crust.

b. Locations of volcanoes and earthquakes can be explained.

c. Seafloor spreading provides evidence to support the plate tectonic theory.

d. There are three different types of plate boundaries associated with the direction of plate


Formation of Crustal Features – 8.9B

Label the layers of the Earth in this model.

Type of plate boundary: Type of plate boundary: Type of plate boundary:

Landform(s) created by

this movement:

Landform(s) created by

this movement:

Landform(s) created by

this movement:

Inner core

Outer core



Convergent Transform Divergent

Mountains, volcanoes,

island arcs, trench,

subduction zone

Earthquakes, faults Seafloor spreading,

mid-ocean ridge, rift


The diagram shows how the ocean floor is spreading. The new ocean floor made of molten rock is

being formed at a mid-ocean ridge. Which best describes where the molten rock comes from?

a. The crust

b. Volcanoes under the ocean floor

c. Masses of land to either side of the ocean

d. The mantle just beneath Earth’s crust

Which table represents a land feature or geologic process that occurs at each type of boundary pictured?

a. b.

c. d.


Many scientists believe that convection currents in the asthenosphere between South America and Africa caused the separation of the two continents and the formation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Which diagram best represents the convection currents in the plate tectonic theory?

Which of these features is formed by the separation of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates?

a. Ice cave

b. Rift valley

c. Deep trench

d. Flat plateau


Topographic Maps – 8.9C

What does a grouping of close contour lines indicate?

a. The location of water

b. A meadow

c. A steep slope

d. A railroad

On September 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike struck the Texas

coast. What information can be observed from the aerial

photos taken before and after the storm?

a. The change in landforms due to erosion

caused by the storm

b. The depth of the water in the area

c. The wind speed of the storm

d. The tide levels expected for the next storm

A student used the topographic map (to the left) to plan

a hike. What Information is shown by the contour lines?

a. Distance

b. Elevation

c. Foliage

d. Parking

Draw a line connecting each landform to its topographic map.

What would you look for in a series of topographic maps to determine that erosion has occurred?

a. A widening of the spaces between contour lines

b. A crossing of contour lines

c. An increase in the number of rivers

d. Wind speed and direction values

Based on the information above, which of the following is a valid conclusion? a. The force of the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 was limited to areas near

Japan. b. Events like earthquakes and tsunamis have the greatest impact on areas south of the actual

events. c. The force of the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 had far-reaching

consequences. d. The Sulzberger Ice Shelf in Antarctica was already weak and, therefore, likely to be

damaged by an earthquake or tsunami.

Human Impact on Groundwater – 7.8C

Street signs around the city of Austin, Texas warn citizens against dumping waste liquids in certain

areas. The signs state that these areas are aquifer recharge zones where large quantities of water

can flow into the aquifer. Why should dumping be limited in recharge areas?

a. Liquid waste may directly enter the groundwater.

b. Austin is too close to the Gulf coast.

c. Water should be recycled.

d. There is a water shortage in Austin.

Look at the diagram of the aquifer.

Where could pollution from human activity enter the confined aquifer shown in the diagram?

a. From the unconfined aquifer

b. From the recharge zone not shown in the diagram

c. From pollution poured on the ground above it

d. From the surface water

Look at the map provided.

When the water from the river was

sampled at location X, it was determined

to be polluted with various chemicals.

What would be the most likely source for

this pollution?

a. Factory A

b. Factory B

c. Community C

d. Community D

A paper company wants to build a paper mill in the watershed pictured. The citizens of

Redstone Village are concerned about the point source pollution that may be generated by

the paper mill.

Which location would be the best place to build the paper mill so that Redstone Village would not

have polluted water from the paper mill’s waste flowing past it?

a. Location A

b. Location B

c. Location C

d. Location D

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