任务一 learn to communicate unit 3 friendship 任务二 text learning 任务三 exercises

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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任务一 Learn to Communicate

Unit 3 FriendshipUnit 3 Friendship

任务二 Text Learning

任务三 Exercises

任务一 任务一 Learn to CommunicateLearn to Communicate

任务 4Smileys and Expressions

任务 2 Listening Practice

任务 5 Enjoying a Song

任务 1 Proverbs and Sayings

任务 3 Discussion

When love puts in, friendship is gone.

A good friend is my nearest relation.

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

任务 1Proverbs and Sayings on Friendship






A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.

Better be alone than in bad company.

Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

False friends are worse than open enemies.

All are not friends that speak us fair.

Proverbs and Sayings on Friendship






任务 2 Listening Practice

My Best Friend

My Best Friend

Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

_____1) The speaker doesn’t think many people do have best friends.

_____2) He has two best friends.

_____3) His wife can understand his feelings whenever she notices the expression on his face.

_____4) He can discuss anything with his two friends.

_____5) When the speaker walks into the room, his wife can pick up on feelings inside him.




A lot of people say they’ve got best friends, but I actually wonder how many people actually do have a best friend in the real sense of the word. I have two friends. One works in the theatre, and one is a sort of businessman. We see each other about three or four times a year. But I wouldn’t call that being a best friend, that is a close friend.

My Best FriendMy Best Friend Tapescript 1Tapescript 1

My Best FriendMy Best Friend Tapescript 2Tapescript 2

I think my best friend, without getting too soppy( 过于伤感的 ), is my wife. She is my totally best friend. I can discuss anything with her and she can pick up on feelings that I’ve got inside me, whereas my two friends can never do that unless I’m showing an expression on my face. Then they’ll say, “Oh, what’s the matter?” But with my wife, I can walk into a room and she knows exactly what kind of mood I’m in. That is a best friend.

Directions: Discuss the following topics in groups.

任务 3 Discussion

1. Describing Your Friends

2. Classmates and Friends

3. Online Friendship

Directions: Work together with your partner to list words or expressions which can describe a person both in appearance and character, then use these words to describe one or two of you good friends to us.

Describing Your Friends

任务( 1 ) Discussion-1

thin ( 瘦 )tall ( 高 ) short ( 矮 ) round ( 圆圆的 )slim ( 苗条 )skinny ( 非常瘦 ) skin and bones ( 皮包骨的瘦 ) overweight ( 超过标准体重的——形容人

较有礼貌的字之一 )fat ( 胖——较没有礼貌的字眼 ) small ( 娇小—— 指女子 )a fair skin ( 皮肤白晢 )  a dark skin ( 肤色黑 ) tan ( 褐色 / 古铜色皮肤 )


freckles ( ——雀斑 复数 )pimples ( ——痘痘 复数 ) wrinkles ( ——皱纹 复数 )


easygoing 随和的aggressive 有闯劲的  friendly 友好的 studious 刻苦的      talkative 多话的adventurous 喜欢冒险的humorous 富幽默感的selfless 无私的modest 谦虚的warm-hearted 热诚的strong-willed 意志坚强的outgoing 外向的

ambitious 志向远大的introvert 性格内向的人sociable 好交际的careful 仔细的dependable 可靠的 Intelligent 聪明的serious 严肃的honest 诚实的sensitive 敏感的energetic 精力充沛的hard-working 勤劳的



cheapskate 小气鬼A: Larry wants me to buy him a new CD because I accid

entally scratched the back of his CD case.B: I’m not surprised. He’s known as a cheapskate.

说一个人小气时 , 用 “ cheap” 就可以了。如 : “He is very cheap.” 他这个人很小气。

stinker 令人讨厌的人Why did you invite Tom? He is such a stinker.

geek 土包子 ; 书呆子A: Have you seen Frank Lately?B: The geek?A: No. He changed completely. He’s a babe now.

jerk 差劲的、古怪的人A: Can you believe that? David sold the bike that he borrowed from me to somebody else.B: Really? What a jerk!

mean ( 心眼儿 ; 态度 ) 坏 ; 凶After I told him that I wasn’t going to buy the car, the salesman became very mean towards me.

yellow-belly 胆小鬼A: Aaaah! Who is there?B: Norton, you yellow-belly. That’s your own shadow.

snob 自负的人 ; 攀龙附凤的人A: Why don’t you talk to Barnett any more?B: I don’t hang out with snobs.


down-to-earth 实在 I had a chance to chat with Dr. Lee last time. I was totally surpris

ed to find out that a famous person like him can be so down-to-earth.

workaholic 工作狂A: My wife has been very upset about my bad habit of staying late at

work.B: I’ve been there. My husband used to be a workaholic until I gave

him an ultimatum. His work addiction almost ruined our relationship.

bully 恃强欺弱 ; 恃强欺弱的人A: Why do you always seem to get mad every time Meg is around?B: She used to bully me in high school.


Sample Answers (1)

One of my best friend is an eighteen-year-old boy. He is not very tall and a little thin. But he likes doing sports very much, especially playing basketball. So he has a healthy tan skin. He is warm-hearted and dependable. When seeing friends in trouble, he is willing to help them out. So he gives me a lot of help both in study and life. I feel very lucky to have such a friend.

Sample Answers (2)

Lily has been my best friend since my childhood. She is a very pretty slim girl, with long hair and big eyes. We get along very well with each other though we are a little different in character, for example, I am very introvert but she is sociable and talkative. She is like my sister, I believe we will be friends forever.

Directions: Discuss the following question with your partner(s).

What do you think are the differences between classmates and friends?

任务( 2 ) Discussion-2

Classmates and Friends

Classmates are those who are in the same class with you. They are not chosen by you. They are there, you know each other, but you do not necessarily get along well with each other. You have lessons together but that does not mean that you enjoy each other’s company.

Sample Answers (1)

Friends are different. They may or may not be your classmates. But on the whole, friends are those whom you like and who like you too. They can help you when you are in difficulty. You enjoy each other’s company. Life is great fun and very pleasant when you are with your friends. You can tell them everything, whether you are feeling happy or sad.

Sample Answer (2)

Directions: Discuss the following question with your partner.

Do you have net pals (网友 )? Do you think it is a good idea to have online pals?

任务( 3 ) Discussion-3

Online Friendship

Sample Answers (1)

Yes, I have many net pals online, and I believe we can find true friendship through the Internet. In fact, the Internet improves the communication between people. Even if we are far from each other, we can keep in touch through e-mail, QQ, MSN, etc. So we can share our emotions and experiences more conveniently, we can have a more deep understanding with each other. What’s more you can meet various kinds of people online, it is easy to find one who has the same interest or personality with you, so it is highly possible that you two become close friends.

Sample Answers (2)

No, I don’t have any online pal. I don’t think it’s necessary to have them. For one thing, it’s a waste of time to talk with strangers online. If you have any trouble, you may talk with your classmates. This saves more time than talking online. For another, online pals are far away from you, they don’t share the same experiences with you. What you talk by enthusiastically hitting the keyboard of your PC may mean nothing to them. They won’t be as interested in the thing as you are. Moreover, quite a few so-called online pals could not be completely trusted since the cyberspace, to some extent, contains much cheat and false information.

Smileys and Expressions

In order to talk fast, netizens have created many smileys (笑脸符 ) and expressions for short. Discuss with your partners the meaning of the following.







8:-) glasses on forehead

smiling, happy face

winking (眨眼 )

frowning, sad or disappointed face

tongue stuck out


kiss; My lips are sealed.

Smileys and Expressions

In order to talk fast, netizens have created many smileys (笑脸符 ) and expressions for short. Discuss with your partners the meaning of the following.







ASAP As soon as possible


Oh, I see.

See you later.

Bye for now.

Face to face

For your information

任务任务 4 Enjoying a Song 4 Enjoying a Song 任务任务 4 Enjoying a Song 4 Enjoying a Song

Auld Lang Syne 背景简介 New Words & Expressions Auld Lang Syne 歌词及译文

Auld Lang Syne

Background Knowledge

Auld lang syne 是苏格兰古语 ,相 当 与 all days gone by 可 译 为“往日一去不复回”。这首歌原本是苏格兰诗人罗伯特•彭斯( Robert Burns , 1759~1796 )的一首诗,歌唱真挚的友谊,后被人谱以曲调。 1940 年美国电影《魂断蓝桥》( Waterloo Bridge )用这首歌作主题曲。然后,这首歌传遍世界各地。 

New Words & Expressions

auld acquaintance:老朋友 bring...to mind:想起……run about:跑遍thine:  pron.你的东西 , 你的o’ = oftak’ = take gie’s = give us

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne-1

Should auld acquaintance be forgot.

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot.

And days o’lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,






Auld Lang Syne-1

For auld lang syne, We’ll tak’a cup o’kindness yet

For auld lang syne.

And here’s a hand, my trusty friend

And gie’e a hand of thine,





Auld Lang Syne-1

We’ll tak’a cup of kindness yet ,for auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne,my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak’a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.






任务二 任务二 Text LearningText Learning

New Words & Expressions

Pre-reading Questions

Text Structure

Text Understanding

任务 1 New Words & Expressions

任务二 任务二 Text LearningText Learning

New Words

1. information n. 信息,情报;知识

The spacecraft will send back information on surface winds and temperatures.




We have no information about (as to / concerning) where she has gone.


New Words

2. development n. 发展

Such strikes have played an important part in the development of the trade union movement.




What is the latest development in medicine?


New Words

3. network n. 网络;网状物;广播网

a network of railways (canals) / an intelligence (spy) network / a world communication network


铁路(运河)网 /情报网 /世界通讯网


Each network would be responsible for a third of the telecasts.


New Words

4. link v./n. 连结,连接

Researches have established a link between smoking and lung cancer.




The road links all the new towns.


New Words

5. community n. 团体,社会

The president met leaders of the black community during his visit to Chicago.



2 This terrorist attack has been condemned by the entire international community.


New Words

6. website n. (互联网)网站,网址

She searched the whole website but still couldn’t find the news.




He has set up his own website on the Internet.


New Words

7. culture n. 文化,文明

Paris is a good city for people who are interested in culture.




The aim of our library service is to bring culture to the people.


New Words

8. locate vt. 查找,定位

We’ve located the source of the signals, sir.1



Can you locate Paris and Berlin on the map?


New Words

9. conversation n. 会话,交谈

This is a private conversation; don’t interrupt! 1


2 In today’s program, three well-known artists are in conversation with the President of the Academy.


New Words10. access

You can access the website easily with the help of the software.



2 The only access to that building is along that muddy track. 只有沿着那条泥泞的小道才能到达那幢大楼。

vt. 进入,接近

n. 通路;登录

3 He was denied access to the sites because he forgot the password.


New Words

11. devote vt. ……作 专用;投入于,献身

Several pages of the paper were devoted to an account of the election.




He has devoted his whole life to teaching.


New Words

12. opportunity n. 机会,时机

You should go and see this film if you get the opportunity. 1



My flight was delayed so it was a good opportunity to do some shopping.


New Words

13. relationship n. 关系

My relationship with my boyfriend has lasted six months now.


现在我与男朋友确立关系已经有 6个月了。

2 They’re both called Smith, but there is no relationship between them.


New Words

14. rewarding a. 值得做的,有益的,有意义的

Teaching can be a very rewarding career.1


2 Gardening is a very rewarding pastime.


New Words

15. partner n. 伙伴;合伙人

Are you sure you want him for your partner for life? 1


2 They have been partners for a long time, so they know each other very well.


New Words

16. style n. 方式,风格;时尚;类型

Books for children should have a clear, easy style. 1


2 Some people have criticized the Prime Minister’s style of leadership.


3 Does Paris set the style of dress for the world?


New Words17. pace

She works so fast I can’t keep pace with her. 1


2 They deliberately slowed down the pace of new-product development this year.


n. 速度,步调

v. 踱步,慢慢走3 The policeman paced up and down.


New Words

18. exchange n./v. 交流,交换

He watched them closely, listening to the exchange. 1


2 There was a frank exchange of views between them at the meeting.


New Words

19. instant a. 即时的,立即的;紧迫的

The medicine gives instant relief from pain. 1


2 Modern technology offers us instant knowledge.


New Words

20. extend v. 扩充,延伸;给予,提供

The company plans to extend its activities to video production.




I would like a extend to warm welcome to our visitor.


Phrases and Expressions

1. search for 搜查;搜索

He who would search for pearls must dive.



Police and tracker dogs searched the woods for the missing boy.



Phrases and Expressions

2. the same is true of… 也有同样的情况,也适用于……

The same is true of Marxism and our own time.



The same observations are true of the others also.



Phrases and Expressions

3. keep in touch with 与 …… 保持联络;了解(情况)

The salesman kept in touch with the office by phone. 销售员通过电话与办公室保持着联系。


Have you kept in touch with him?



Phrases and Expressions

4. go beyond 超出,超越

Your teasing of the new typist has gone beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.



The price went beyond our means.



Phrases and Expressions

5. bring together 集合,撮合;使和解,调停

I’m not sure that John and Maggie can be brought together.


部长试图使双方和解并通过讨论制定出新的方案。The Minister is trying to bring the two sides together to discuss a new formula.



Phrases and Expressions

6. belong to 属于;是某集体的一员

I dislike the school to which he belongs.



Over nine-tenths of the inhabitants belong to the Han nationality.



Phrases and Expressions

7. face to face 面对面地

She stood face to face with him.



On turning the corner he came face to face with a policeman.



任务 2 Pre-reading Questions

任务二 任务二 Text LearningText Learning

Pre-reading Questions

1. What are the two ways of making friends over the Internet?

2. What is the key to a successful relationship over the Internet?

Pre-reading Questions

1. What are the two ways of making friends over the Internet?

One way is to search for websites that have topics that interest us, like a site run by a popular football club or a popular music band. Another way to make friends using the Internet is to access sites that are devoted to this purpose.


Pre-reading Questions

2. What is the key to a successful relationship over the Internet?

The key is to keep in touch with your friend. You can set the style and pace of the exchange to suit each other. If you use “instant messenger” systems, your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship.

Another way to strengthen the friendship is to include your school friends in your conversations too, and then you can form your own “chat” group that meets regularly and becomes a small community of friends.


任务 3 Text Structure

任务二任务二 Text LearningText Learning

Text Structure

Part OneIntroducing the topic: how to make friends using the Internet.

Part TwoWays of making friends using the Internet.

Part ThreeWays of keeping the friendship and its benefits.




任务 4 Text Understanding

任务二 任务二 Text LearningText Learning

Text Understanding

How to Make Friends over the Internet

Para. 1 Para. 2Para. 3 Para. 4Para. 5

We live in the information age, which is changing our daily life. One of the most interesting developments of the information age is the Internet, which is a vast network of computers that links people, businesses and communities around the world. This passage is about how to make friends using the Internet.

Paragraph 1


How do we make friends using the Internet? One way is to search for websites that have topics that interest us. For example, you might be interested in football. Then you could search for a site run by a popular football club. There are hundreds of football sites, and most of them have a special website for their fans. The same is true of popular culture. Many popular music bands have websites. Once you have located the right football club or pop group, you will find an icon to click in order to “chat” with other fans.

Paragraph 2-1


The word “chat” ,which has become popular because of the Internet, means a light conversation among friends. Another way to make friends using the Internet is to access sites that are devoted to this purpose. When you search the Internet for these sites you will find that there are plenty of opportunities to meet people of all ages and from many different backgrounds.

Paragraph 2-2

Making a new friend is only the first step. The key to a successful relationship over the Internet is to keep in touch with your friend. When the relationship works in this way, it is very rewarding for both partners. You can set the style and pace of the exchange to suit each other. If you use “instant messenger” systems, your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship.

Paragraph 3


You will soon find that the topics go far beyond a discussion of football or music, even though these topics brought you both together. Another way to strengthen the friendship is to include your school friends in your conversations too, and then you can form your own “chat” group that meets regularly and becomes a small community of friends.

Paragraph 4

It is like belonging to a club. Your club can extend to many new and old friends, and their conversations will enrich your life in ways that you could have never imagined. If your Internet club grows then perhaps you will find ways to meet your new friends face to face, which will be another story.

( 411 words)

Paragraph 5

Para 1:

1. What is Internet?

It’s one of the most interesting developments of the information age. It is a vast network of computers that links people, businesses and communities around the world.


Para 2:

1. What does the word “chat” mean?

It means a light conversation among friends.


Para 3:

1. What can you benefit by using an “instant messenger” system?

Your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship.


Sentence Study

1. We live in the information age, which is changing our daily life. (Para.1, L.1~2)

句中 which引导了一个非限定性定语从句,对 information age进行补充说明。文中还有多处都用了非限定性定语从句,如:


…the information age is the Internet, which is a vast network of computers that link people… (Para.1, L.3~4)

The word “chat”, which has become popular because of the Internet, means a light conversation among friends. (Para.2, L.8~9)

…your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship. (Para.3, L.5~6)

If your Internet club grows then perhaps you will find ways to meet your new friends face to face, which will be another story. (Para.5, L.3~5)


Sentence Study

2. One way is to search for websites that have topics that interest us. (Para. 2, L.1~2)

…that have topics that interest us是定语从句修饰 websites,而从句中 that interest us又是一个定语从句,修饰 topics。



Sentence Study

3. If you use “instant messenger” systems, your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship.(Para.3, L.4~6)

“instant messenger” 指的是“即时通信”软件


译文:instant a. 即时的,立即的;紧迫的 The medicine gives instant relief from pain.    这药服后能立即解除痛苦。 Modern technology offers us instant knowledge.    现代技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识。

“ ”如果你们使用的是 即时通信 软件,那么你们的聊天就变成了对话,这样的对话会更有趣,而且还可以帮助你们巩固发展中的友谊。

任务三 任务三 ExercisesExercises

任务 1 Reading Comprehension

任务 2 Vocabulary

1. Directions: In this exercise, there are five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the text.

1) The purpose of this passage is to ________.

A. warn people of the dangers of chatting on the Internet

B. help people to make friends using the InternetC. teach people to start their own Internet clubs on th

e InternetD. urge football clubs and popular music bands to set

up websites for their fans

Reading Comprehension

2) Which of the following is NOT true about the Internet?A. Some popular music bands run websites too.B. It links people and businesses all over the world together.C. You can’t meet your friends on the Internet face to face.D. Many websites are designed for people to make friends.

3) How can you start a friendship on the Internet?A. Search for websites that are devoted to this purpose.B. Start your own Internet club by inviting your school

friends.C. Search for websites that have topics that interest you.D. Both A and C.

Reading Comprehension

4) What is most essential to successful friendship on the Internet?A. Using “instant messenger” systems.B. Talking about football or music.C. Keeping in touch with your friends.D. Meeting regularly with them.

5) What is the tone of the author?A. Supportive. B. Casual (随意的 ).C. Cold. D. Disapproving.

Reading Comprehension

2. Directions: Work in pairs to complete the outline of the text.

1) Introduction: ________________________________. (Para. 1)2) Two ways of making friends using the Internet. (Para.2)

A. One way is ___________________________________ __________. For example, fans of _____________ or _________ can ______________________________________. B. Another way is __________________________________ ________. You’ll meet people ________________________________ ___________.

Reading Comprehension

How to make friends using the Internet

to search for websites that have topics thatinterest us

a football club pop group

search for the special websites run for themto access sites that are devoted to this

purposeof all ages and from many different


3) Ways of keeping the friendship and its benefits. (Para. 3~5)

A. The key to a successful relationship over the Internet is


B. Another way to strengthen the friendship is ________


C. Benefits: ____________________________________


Reading Comprehension

to keep in touch with your friend

your school friends in your conversations too

to include

Their conversations will enrich your life in ways

that you could have never imagined

3. Directions: The following is the summary of the text. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

There’re two ways to make friends over the Inter

net. One way is to search for 1)________ that have topi

cs that interest us, like a site run by a popular football cl

ub or a popular music band. Another way to make frien

ds using the Internet is to 2)________ sites that are de

voted to this 3)________.

Reading Comprehension




Making a new friend is only the first step. The

4)______ is to keep in touch with your friend. You c

an change your chat into a 5)________ using “insta

nt messenger” systems. It is a lot of fun and helps to

6) _________ the growing friendship. Another way i

s to 7) _______ your school friends in your conversa

tions and 8) ______ your own “chat” group that mee

ts regularly and becomes a small community of frien


Reading Comprehension






1. Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase given below. Each word or phrase can be used only once. Change the form where necessary.


locate culture system opportunity

network community exchange keep in touch with

instant belong to

1) Two-thirds of the members __________ the wealthy class.

2) The nervous system is the ________ of nerves in the body.

belong to



3) He drank a cup of ________ coffee as soon as he arrived home.

4) The offices are conveniently ________ in the centre of town.

5) You shouldn’t miss the __________ to see the play - it’s rarely put on.

6) I find it very difficult to ___________________ all the recent developments in my subject.

7) The job of a politician is to serve the whole ____________.community




keep in touch with


8) A child should receive national at the young age.

9) There was a(n) __________ of political prisoners between the two countries.

10) What are the differences between the American and British _________ of government?





2. Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper preposition or adverb.

1) There is no access ________ the house from the main road.

2) The road will link Manchester and Birmingham ________ London.

3) At last the evidence ________ which they had been searching came to light (暴露出来 ).





4) Yesterday’s meeting was devoted entirely ________ questions of procedure (程序 ).

5) The professor in his lecture went ________ the capacity of his audience.

6) I’m so glad to have been the means of bringing you two ________—you are so right for each other.




Vocabulary3. Directions: Fill in the blank in each sentence with a

proper form of the given word in the brackets after each sentence.

1) She arrived for an _________ stay. (extend)

2) I’m afraid my attempt to make a cake wasn’t very __________. (success)

3) He was concerned for the ___________ of the country’s science. (develop)





4) If we could find some eyewitnesses it would greatly __________ your case. (strength)

5) I ________ get letters from people who have read my books. (regular)

6) The question of school books will come up for __________ at today’s meeting. (discuss)discussion



Vocabulary4. Directions: Complete the following sentences by

putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.

1) It’s impossible to carry on a conversation ___________

______________________ (周围这么大的噪音 ).

2) Ever since then I have been longing to ______________

________ (能与他会面 ).

meet him face toface

with all this noise in the background


3) I can’t ________________________________ (打开电脑中的文件 ) any longer just because of the virus.

4) We read _______________________ ( 主要是为了获取知识 ), not for pleasure.

5) This is the best hotel in our city. The food is very good,

and _____________________________ ( 服务质量也不错 ).

the same is true of the service

mainly for information

access my files on the computer

top related