© harpercollins publishers 2010 significance did ronald reagan really end the cold war?

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© HarperCollins Publishers 2010


Did Ronald Reagan really end the Cold War?

© HarperCollins Publishers 2010



In this activity you will:

Learn why the Cold War ended.

Discuss what part Reagan played in ending the Cold


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Who was Ronald Reagan?

He became US President in 1981, aged 70.

He was the oldest ever US President.

He was a former Hollywood film actor.

On becoming President, he claimed ‘America has lost

faith in itself. We have to recapture our pride.’

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How did Reagan end the Cold War?

He increased military spending by $30 billion, challenging the Union

of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to keep up.

He supported Solidarity against the Communist government in


He sent arms to groups fighting against pro-Soviet governments in,

for example, Afghanistan.

He invaded Grenada and overthrew the pro-Communist government.

In 1983, Reagan famously called the Soviet Union an ‘evil empire’.

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He poured millions of dollars into researching his

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) – nicknamed Star Wars.

Strategic Defense Initiative

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In 1985, a new and younger leader, Mikhail Gorbachev,

came to power in the USSR.

Gorbachev knew the USSR could not outspend the USA.

Between 1985 and 1989, both sides cut down their

nuclear weapons.

In 1987, Reagan and Gorbachev both visited Berlin.

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The end of the Cold War

In 1989, the famous symbol of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall, was

pulled down.

The Communist countries of Eastern Europe became democratic.

Soviet troops left Afghanistan.

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The end of the Cold War

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The end of the Cold War

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A true hero?

When Ronald Reagan died in 2004, his friend Margaret

Thatcher, the ex-British Prime Minister, said ‘Reagan

had a higher claim than any other leader to have won the

Cold War – and he did it without firing a shot. A truly

great American hero…’

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How did Reagan end the Cold War?

Which answers are correct?

He increased military spending by 50%.

He avoided tension with the USSR wherever possible.

He invaded the island of Dominica.

He got on very well personally with Gorbachev.

He sent little money to anti-Soviet groups.

He used to be an actor.

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How did Reagan end the Cold War?

Which answers are correct?

He challenged the USSR to keep up with the USA’s spending.

He was unpopular with other leaders.

He spent $30 billion on defence.

He researched the Star Wars project.

He negotiated with Gorbachev to cut down nuclear weapons on

both sides.

He threatened war over Afghanistan.

© HarperCollins Publishers 2010


A true hero?

While some people think Ronald Reagan is a ‘great

American hero’, there are some people who believe the

policies Reagan pursued in the 1980s were very risky


Now its your turn… what do you think?

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