由科技創新到創業 – dec 、 sun

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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由科技創新到創業 – DEC 、 SUN. 沈培輝老師(科管所). 內容. 創業家 科技創業 ( 已經關閉 個案 ) Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Sun Microsystems 電子商務 結論 結語. 創業家. Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (1946-1950). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


由科技創新到創業– DEC 、 SUN


內容 創業家

科技創業 (已經關閉個案 ) Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation Sun Microsystems 電子商務




Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (1946-1950)

Founders: John Mauchly (PhD) and J. Presper Eckert (BEng), both met at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania and built the first electronic computer ENIAC for military.

Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (1946-1950) In March 1946, Electronic Control Company is founded. The Electronic Control Company soon became the Ecker

t–Mauchly Computer Corporation. An order from the National Bureau of Standards to build t

he Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC). In 1950, EMCC ran into financial troubles and was acquir

ed by Remington Rand Corporation. Eckert continued working in Remington Rand (later merg

ed with the Burroughs Corporation to become Unisys in 1986) until retired.

The UNIVAC I was finished on December 21, 1950.

Digital Equipment Corporation (1957-1998)

Ken Olsen Harlan Anderson

DEC 科技創新 1958 – Digital Laborat

ory Module

1959 – Programmable Data Processor (PDP)

DEC 科技創新

PDP 11 (1970) VAX 11 (1977)PDP Family (1959 – )

DEC 科技創新 PDP 11

MinicomputerCPU – Motorola 68000Operating systems – CP/M, MS-DOS The first officially named version of Unix ran

on the PDP-11/20 in 1970C programming language

DEC 科技創新

Microcomputer (1975 – ) Rainbow 100 (1982)

Dual CPU Z80, Intel 8088

DEC 科技創新

Decmate II (Later 1970) VAXmate (1986)

DEC 科技創新 Network technologies

1970 – 1983, active in set up computer network protocols (with IBM, Honeywell, and universities).

PDP/VAX family (with UNIX OS) has been used in many universities for network research.

In 1984, DEC launched its first 10 Mbit/s Ethernet. DEC had produced a networked storage architecture

which allowed them to compete directly with IBM. DEC also introduced the VAXcluster concept.

DEC 科技創新 Database technologies

CPU technologies 32 bits, 64 bits RISC technologies

Workstations Much more powerful than a PC Used as servers (network server, email server, web server) Cluster of workstations

DECchip 21064

DEC 科技創新

DEC AlphaStation and AlphaServer

DEC (1990 – 1998)

Worldwide training Global Knowledge Network

Rdb, DEC's database product Oracle

Several PDP-11 operating systems were Mentec

Disk and DLT technologies Quantum Corporation

VT100 and its successors Boundless Technologies

DEC 1977 Organization

DEC (1990 – 1998)

Some DEC's chip design and fabrication Intel

Printer business GENICOM

Networking business Cabletron Systems

DECtalk and DECvoice voice products Fonix

DEC (1998 – )

In 1998, remained of the company Compaq.

In 2002, Compaq Hewlett-Packard

Compaq, and later HP, continued to sell many of the former Digital products but rebranded with their own logos.

SUN Microsystems (1982 – 2010)

Vinod Khosla

Andy Bectolsheim Scott McNealy

Bill Joy

SUN Microsystems (1982 – 2010)

On February 24, 1982, Vinod Khosla, Andy Bechtolsheim, and Scott McNealy, all Stanford graduate students, founded Sun Microsystems.

Bill Joy of Berkeley, a primary developer of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), joined soon after and is counted as one of the original founders.

SUN 科技創新 Motorola-based systems

680x0 seriesSun 1, 2, 3 workstations

SUN 科技創新 SPARC-based systems (1987 – )

SPARC processor developed by SUN SPARCstation, UltraSPARC, Sun Blade series of wor

kstations SPARCserver, Netra, Enterprise and Sun Fire line of


SUN 科技創新 Intel x86-based systems (1990 – )

Intel x86 CPUSun386i, Sun486iSome of the SPARC workstations and servers

are re-designed by using Intel x86 CPU

SUN 科技創新

SUN 科技創新 程式語言

Java Virtual Machine Java Development Kit Java Programming Language http://www.java.com

作業系統 SunOS (UNIX-based) Solaris (UNIX-based)

SUN 科技創新 應用系統

StarOffice (Open Office)http://www.openoffice.orgJava DBMySQLNetworking solutions

SUN (2010 –)

On January 27, 2010, Sun was acquired by Oracle Corporation for US$7.4 billion, based on an agreement signed on April 20, 2009.

The following month, Sun Microsystems, Inc. was merged with Oracle USA, Inc. to become Oracle America, Inc.

SUN (2010 –)

SUN (2010 –)


電子商務 PaySafe PayEasy

2000 年 3 月 : 於台新金控內部創業成立「 PaySafe 」康迅生活生活科技 ( 網路安全交易平台服務 ) 和「 Daily Net 」達利生活科技兩家公司 ( 網路 B2C 電子商務 ) 。

2001 年 10 月:達利生活科技公司結束經營,康迅生活科技改名為「康迅數位整合」,同時英文名稱更名為「 PayEasy 」。

2001 年 11 月:由台新銀行紅利積點兌換平台轉入電子商務領域,初期以女性飾品為主力。

結論 主要顧客為企業 (Enterprise)

企業對科技的投資和需求決定顧客需求 企業對科技的投資決定於盈利 盈利的多少決定於顧客需求

企業科技市場需求 (Demand) 錯誤判斷 不熟悉商業系統的需要

不熟悉 PC 市場需要 PC 市場需求 (Demand) 錯誤判斷 不熟悉個人系統的需要

結論 公開源代碼 (Open Source Code) SUN, DEC 競爭對手

IBM, SUN Microsystems, DECIBM PC, Apple, Acer, NEC, Asus, HPOracle, IBMCiscoIntel, AMD, Motorola

結語 DEC 和 SUN 都擁有等同

IaaS 和 PaaS 的技術

Commerce One 和 PaySafe都擁有等同 SaaS 的技術

雲端科技的需求也應是決定於顧客 (Client) 需求

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