create, set something up to use establishes/ established/ establishing, establishment(n) hamilton...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Establish, v.

Create, set something up to use

Establishes/ established/ establishing, establishment(n)

Hamilton High School was established in 1999.

Generation, n.

A group of people who are born and live around the same time

Generations My generation

grew up during the 80’s.

Judgment, n.

Ability to use what you know to make a decision, evaluation

To judge/judges/judged/judging, judge(n)

My mom’s final judgment was that I couldn’t go out with my friends.

Mature, adj.

Someone who acts grown up

Maturely (adv), to mature/matures/matured/maturing, immature

The mature teenager chose not to stay out past curfew.

Participate, v.

To take part, share, to do

Participates/ participated/ participating, participant (n), participation

It is important for students to participate in class.

Politics, n.

The government and what people think about it

Political It is not good to

talk about politics on a first date.

Qualified, adj.

Well trained or prepared for a job, skilled, or experienced

To qualify/qualifies/ qualified/qualifying, unqualified

I want a qualified dentist to fix my teeth.

Vote, v.

To make a choice in an election

Votes/voted/voting, vote (n)

I voted for Obama for President last November.

Accountable, adj.

Responsible for something

Accountably, to account/ accounts/accounted/ accounting

I am accountable for helping my students learn English.

Authority, n

Power over others, control

Authorities, authorize, authoritarian

The principal has the authority to expel students from the school.

Discrimination, n.

Treating people unfairly because of how they look or believe in

To discriminate/ discriminates/ discriminated/ discriminating, discriminately

Discrimination should never be acceptable in the classroom.

Impose, v.

Setting rules, establishing rules and regulations

To impose/imposes/ imposed/ imposing, imposer

Teachers need to impose rules in their classroom to help with teaching.

Neglect, n.

To ignore, lack of care and attention

To neglect/neglects/ neglected/ neglecting

Brain cells will die from neglect if you never use them!

Prohibit, v.

To keep people from doing something, prevent, not allow

Prohibits/ prohibited/ prohibiting, prohibitory, prohibition

A dress code prohibits students from wearing inappropriate clothing to school.

Restriction, n.

Something that limits activity

Restrictions, to restrict/ restricts/ restricted/ restricting

Teenagers should have restrictions on how late they can stay out at night.

Violate, v.

To break, go against or ruin

Violates/ violated/ violating, violation

If you violate the school rules you will be expelled.

Afford, v.

To have enough money

Affords/afforded, affording, affordable, affordably

In order to afford a new phone, I saved for 2 months.

Dropout, n.

Someone who leaves/ quits school before graduating

Drop out (v) If you are a

dropout, it will be very difficult to find a good paying job.

Experience, n.

Something you have done or skills you have practiced

Experiences, Experience (verb), experienced (adj.)

Experience is important if you want to make more money in a career.

Income, n.

The money you earn, salary

If you don’t have a job or work, you don’t have an income.

An income is important if you want to be independent!

Independent, adj. To be on your own,

not dependent Independently(adv)

, dependent, independence (n)

When I got my first teaching job I was independent from my parents completely.

Position, n.

A specific job, role Positions What position do

you want for your future career?

Reality, n.

Everything that is real or factual, opposite of fantasy

Realities, to realize (v)

It is important for high school seniors to face reality after graduation.

Reckless, adj. To take foolish

risks, careless Recklessly (adv.) Dropping out of

school is reckless, because your future will now become more difficult.

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