chaucer and the canterbury tales. the canterbury tales a collection of stories told by 24 speakers...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Chaucer and The Canterbury


The Canterbury Tales

A collection of stories told by 24 speakers of different social background. Each story is different in tone, style, and subject matter depending on the speaker. A Knight and Squire A Plowman A Wife A Friar

The one thing they have in common is that they are going on a pilgrimage together.

What’s a Pilgrimage?

It is a journey to a religious site.

The religious site they are visiting is Canterbury Cathedral, a place thought to have the power of healing people because St. Thomas a Beckett was murdered there.

People who go on a religious pilgrimage are called _______.

The Canterbury Tales

The 29 pilgrims each agree to tell a story for entertainment on their long trip.

Because they are from different backgrounds, the stories provide a glimpse into lives and attitudes of people of all classes at the time.

Chaucer started writing in 1386 and each pilgrim was supposed to tell two stories but the story was never completed because Chaucer died in 1400.

Geoffrey Chaucerc.1343-1400

Born into a wealthy wine merchant family that supplied the court with wine. Well educated in French and Latin.

In 1360 he married a woman related to the powerful Duke of Lancaster who became his patron (he paid him to write).

Died in 1400 and was the first poet to be buried in Westminster Abbey.


The knyght ther was, and that a worthy manThat fro the tyme that he first biganTo riden out, he loved chivalrie,Throuthe and honour, fredom and curteisie

Chaucer’s tomb at Westminster Abbey

See any words you recognize?

The Knights Profile

Name: The Knight

Personality: I am chivalrous, loyal, and noble.

Work: I have fought bravely in the Crusades many times. I’ve battled in Lithuania, Russia, and Grenada. I also won three duels.

Style: I like to wear tunics and chainmail.

Hopes and Dreams: I want to make a pilgrimage to Canterbury.

Create a Profile

You will be assigned one character: The Prioress, Wife of Bath, Miller, or Pardoner.

Read Chaucer’s description.

Create a profile of your character. Include a picture and descriptions of their job, personality,hobbies and past experiences. Be creative.

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