Английский язык: Учебное пособие по развитию навыков...

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Алтайский государственный технический университет

им. И.И. Ползунова

УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов I-II курсов

технических специальностей

Изд-во АлтГТУ Барнаул 2004

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ББК 81.432.1 Я73 Учебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов

I-II курсов технических специальностей / Кафедра английского языка Алт. гос. техн. ун-т им. И.И. Ползунова. - Барнаул: Изд-во АлтГТУ, 2004 - 81 с. ISBN 5-7568-0396-3

Пособие включает разговорные темы, которые строятся по определенной структуре, включающей систему предтекстовых упражнений для введения и первичного закрепления лексики и устойчивых выражений. В начале каждой темы дается словарь. Тексты и диалоги служат в качестве образца практического использования вводимого лексического материала. Система коммуникативных упражнений направлена на развитие навыков самостоятельного применения специфичных для конкретных ситуаций языковых явлений.

Над данным учебным пособием работал коллектив авторов кафедры английского языка АлтГТУ в составе Э.М. Кузнецовой, И.М. Лысаковой, И.А. Манухиной, Т.В. Прониной, А.Е. Сачавской, Н.Н. Симоновой, Н.П. Хохловкиной, Л.А. Шабалиной, В.П. Шмелевой, И.Ю. Абуховой, Т.И. Булгаковой, М.А. Глазун, Н.В. Гончаровой-Ипполитовой, З.А. Дегтяревой, Л.В. Киселевой. Рецензенты: Г.П. Афанасьева, к.ф.н., зав. кафедрой немецкого и французского языков АлтГТУ; В.Д. Максимов, к.ф.н., зав. кафедрой иностранных языков АГУ ISBN 5-7568-0396-3 © Алтайский государственный технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова, 2004

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Part I


I. Words and word combinations to be remembered: to be responsible for - быть ответственным за … good spirits - хорошее настроение to be a strong unit - быть крепко объединенным to take proper care of - хорошо заботиться о… to be grateful to - быть благодарным strong-willed - волевой experienced - опытный to have much in common - иметь много общего sensitive - чувствительный tender - чуткий, нежный hard-working - трудолюбивый to be clever with one’s hands - иметь умелые руки an accountant - бухгалтер a joint venture company - совместное предприятие a nursery-school - ясли to take after - быть похожим regular features - правильные черты easy-going - легкомысленный to be retired - быть на пенсии the best out of the best - самое лучшее to wish - желать there are … of us in the family - в семье нас … to be … years younger (older) than - быть моложе, старше чем … to be an only child - быть единственным ребенком в семье to have the same - иметь то же самое (другое) (different) opinion about мнение о … attitudes towards life - отношения к жизни (оптими- (optimistic, pessimistic, стический, пессимистиче- relaxed) ский, легкий) attitudes towards other - отношения к другим людям people (sociable, honest, (общительный, честный, на- reliable, sincere, generous, дежный, искренний, щедрый, stubborn) упрямый)

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to be more like father - быть больше похожим на отца

to be very similar in character - быть похожим по характеру to describe one’s appearance - описать чью-либо внешность to attract everybody’s - привлекать всеобщее внима- attention ние to quarrel about - ссориться из-за чего-либо something to have a bad mood - иметь плохое настроение not to have enough - не иметь достаточно денег, money for life чтобы прожить to go on a picnic - ездить на пикник to discuss events - обсуждать события и планы and plans together вместе to introduce smb.to smb. - представиться кому-то;

представить кого-то кому-то to be the baby of the - быть самым маленьким в family семье to go to a boarding-school - учиться в школе-интернате to remain in … for … - остаться … на учебу education a nephew - племянник to be rather spoilt - быть довольно испорченным to get on well with smb. - хорошо ладить с кем-то to quarrel - cсориться what is he like? - какой он? что он за человек? to look miserable - выглядеть несчастным (distant, reserved) (сдержанным, скрытным) plain - простой, обыкновенный to be quite a plump - быть довольно пухленьким (fat, well-built) boy - (толстым, хорошо сложен-

ным) юношей a high forehead - высокий лоб a coincidence - совпадение to run the house - вести домашнее хозяйство,

управлять домом to look after the children - ухаживать (присматривать)

за детьми

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to be on friendly terms - быть в дружеских отноше- ниях

an average family - средняя семья to consist of - состоять из to share the house with - жить одной семьей (всем the family вместе) to keep as pets - держать в качестве домашних


II. Read, translate and retell the text My Family

Every family where everyone is responsible for its comfort, success in work, health and good spirits must be a strong unit. We are all members of society and family is the most important thing for each of us. The children whose parents take proper care of them are very grateful to them either now or afterwards when they become grown-ups.

Now I want to tell you a few words about my family. I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. There are 5 of us in the family.

First of all I’ll tell you some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She likes her profession very much. She is a good-looking woman with fair hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is not tall but slim. By character my mother is energetic and talkative, while my father is a quiet and strong-willed man. He is very experienced. My father is a broad –shouldered tall man with short black hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have free time I play the guitar and we sing together.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes «soup operas». She is so sensitive and tender. My father is fond of sports. But my parents have the same opinion about our education and upbringing.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. We try to help her with the housework; for example we wash the dishes, go shopping.

My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery-school.

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My brother Boris is eleven. Boris takes after his father in appearance and character. His face is long and thin. His features are regular. People find him sociable and a bit easy-going. He wants to be a pilot but he is not sure yet.

We have a lot of relatives. Our grandparents are retired. My aunts, uncles, cousins live in different parts of Russia. On holidays they often come to our place. We have a very good time together.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. Sometimes we stay at home and watch TV or just talk, and on weekends we go out of town. But we are always happy to be together and we wish one another only the best out of the best.

British families

British families are usually quite small. An average family consists of a mother, a father and two or three children. No one is really sure how it is possible to have four children. It is quite rare in Britain for grandparents, aunts and uncles to share the house with the family. However, families often share the house with dogs, cats, goldfish and even rabbits which they keep, not to eat, but as pets. III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. Mr. Allen and Mr. Burrows are going to Mrs. Jones. They talk on the way. Mr. A: Well we are nearly at the Jones’ house. I shall be able to introduce

you to Mrs. Jones and her children. Mr. B: They have five children, haven’t they? Mr. A: Yes, three boys and two girls. Mr. B: How old are they? Mr. A: The eldest, John will be fifteen this year. Then comes Willy, aged

twelve, Marry who is eight, is the third; next comes Betty, aged four, and the youngest is James, who is only two. He is the baby of the family.

Mr. B: What a large family! I suppose the elder children go to school? Mr. A: Yes, John goes to a boarding-school. He has just come home for the

holidays. The others go to day-schools. Willy is, I know, away with his grandparents.

Mr. B: By the way, is your brother Jack back in England? Mr. A: No, he is in the States, but his wife and child came back to England

last week. I was very pleased to see my nephew. He will remain in England for his education.

Mr. B: How old is your nephew?

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Mr. A: He is ten years old. He is a fine boy, but being an only child is rather spoilt. School will do him good.

Mr. B: Does he get on well with your sister’s children? Mr. A: Oh, yes! He plays all sorts of games with his cousins, and they never

quarrel. Mr. B: Have you any other brothers or sisters? Mr. A: One sister. She is unmarried and spends all her time travelling Here

we are. Let’s go in.

Dialogue 2. Annie: Granny? Granny: Yes, my dear? A: How many brothers and sisters did you have? G: There was me, Alice, James, Henry. Then Robert and Emily, the twins –

so that makes two sisters and three brothers. A: What were they all like? Did they look like you? G: Well, some did and some didn’t. My sister Alice and I were similar.

People used to think we were the twins, but she was two years older than me. We both had fair hair, but I was the pretty one-my sister Alice always looked miserable.

A: Who were you closest to? G: Ah, my brother James. He was such a kind boy, always smiling and so

gentle. We went everywhere together. A: Who did he look like? G: Well, people said James had my mother’s features: same nose, same

mouth, while Henry, who was older, was more like father. Henry had thick, dark hair, but James had fair hair like me. Henry was quite a plump boy, not fat, but he was always well-built, like Father.

A: What about the twins? G: They were very plain. They both had long faces with high foreheads.

Robert was very severe and serious – I was quite afraid of him. Robert looked middle – aged before he was twenty.

A: What about your Mummy and Daddy? G: Ah, Mother was a darling. She had smiling eyes and a heart of gold.

Father was a very quiet man. He always looked distant and reserved.

Dialogue 3. − Your name is George Scott, isn’t it? − Yes, it is. I am an electronic engineer. I live and work in New York.

And what’s your name?

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− My name is Peter Brook. I am an editor. I live and work in San Francisco.

− You are married, aren’t you? − Oh, yes. I am married and I’ve got two daughters. − What a coincidence! I’ve got two daughters, too: Helen and Mary. − What are your daughters’ names? − They are Susan and Jane. Susan is ten years old and Jane is eight. They

both go to a private school. Do your daughters go to school? − Not yet. Helen is five years old and Mary is three. − They are at home, aren’t they? − Sure. My wife Joan doesn’t work now. She runs the house and looks

after the children. Emily is the name of my wife. She is a designer. She likes her trade and dreams of going to her office again. But she can’t for the time being.

− It’s only natural. Nowadays very few women are satisfied with being housewives. My wife whose name is Nancy is a teacher of Russian. She works at a college.

− Do you have any brothers or sisters? − Unfortunately, not. I am the only child in the family. I’ve got a cousin

who lives in Chicago. We are on friendly terms. − I have got a sister. She is much younger than I am. She lives with our

parents in Los Angeles. − Los Angeles is a beautiful city. My aunt lives there and I visit her from

time to time. − It’s a long time since I went to Los Angeles. − Too bad!

IV. Ask your friend: - есть ли у него семья; сколько в ней человек; есть ли у него братья и сестры; - кто его родители, где они работают; - много ли у них общего; - что ему больше всего нравится в характере отца (матери); - на кого он больше всего похож по характеру; - может ли он описать свою мать (отца); - ссорятся ли его родители, если да, то почему; - любит ли он проводить свободное время с семьей, если да, то как они его проводят; - есть ли у него родственники, часто ли он их навещает; - есть ли в семье домашнее животное, как его зовут.

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V. Act out the situations: 1. Господин Блэк ваш старый приятель. Вы узнали, что он собирается

жениться. Выясните, как выглядит его будущая жена, сколько ей лет, кто она по профессии, где они будут жить.

2. Вы приходите к другу и видите в его семейном альбоме фотографию родственников. Расспросите его, в каких отношениях он находится с людьми на фотографии.

3. У вас есть свободное время вечером, и вы хотите поговорить со своей бабушкой о ее детских годах. Спросите, сколько братьев и сестер у нее было, с кем из них она была наиболее близка и почему. Пусть она опишет их внешность. Затем расспросите ее о родителях, какими людьми они были.

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The Working Day of a Student

I. Words and word combinations to be remembered: to get (got, got) up - вставать to wake (woke, woken) up - просыпаться, будить an alarm clock - будильник to do (did, done) morning exercises - делать зарядку to make (made, made) the bed - заправлять постель to shave - бриться to clean one’s teeth - чистить зубы to wash - мыть(ся), умывать(ся) to take (took, taken) a warm (cold) - принимать теплый shower (холодный) душ to dry oneself - вытираться to comb one’s hair - причесываться to be ready for … , - быть готовым к … , to get (got, got)ready for - готовиться to be in a hurry - спешить, торопиться to be late for classes - опаздывать на занятия to leave (left, left) for the - уходить в универ- University cитет to get (got, got) to the University - добираться до уни- by bus (trolley-bus, tram) верситета автобусом (троллейбусом, трамваем) it goes without saying - само собой разуме- ется a credit test book - зачетная книжка to be sorry - сожалеть I wish you luck - желаю удачи see you soon - до скорой встречи ahead of time - заранее to advise - советовать to turn up - внезапно появиться this and that - о том, о сем a boring day - скучный день to be right, to be wrong - быть правым, быть неправым to give (gave, given) a lift - подвезти

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that’s settled - решено to be through with - быть готовым к чему-либо never mind - не беспокойся, ничего

II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Nick is a student. He studies at the Altai State Technical University. He is in the first year of the full-time department, so he goes to the University every day except Sunday. It takes much effort to study at the University and he tries to keep regular hours. Nick’s classes begin at 8.15. He lives far from the University, so he must get up very early. The alarm clock wakes him up at 6.30 a.m. Sometimes he turns off the alarm and lies in bed until his mother wakes him up again. While his mother wakes him up she is repeating the words: «An early riser is sure to be in luck».

He jumps out of bed, opens the window, does his morning exercises to the music, makes the bed and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he shaves, cleans his teeth and washes his face and hands. Sometimes he takes a cold or a warm shower. Then he dries himself on a towel and combs his hair in front of the mirror. Then he goes back to his room and dresses. In some minutes he is ready for breakfast. He usually has a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich or two. Nick is always in a hurry because he doesn’t want to be late for classes. At 7.30 he leaves home for the University. He usually gets to the University by bus. The bus stop is only a few minutes walk from Nick’s house. It takes him about half an hour to get to the University. So, he comes to the University some minutes before the bell rings. He has enough time to get everything ready for his classes. His days are not like each other because he has a different time-table every day. As a rule he has 2 or 3 lectures and a seminar or a lab. Sometimes there is a gap of 2 hours that comes in between lectures or practical classes and it’s not convenient for both students and teachers. Nick does his best not to miss classes because he knows that missing classes is a sure way to fail at exams. At about 12 o’clock he has a break for lunch. Nick doesn’t go to the canteen he takes a snack in the buffet. After the break classes go on. They are usually over at about 2 o’clock. After classes Nick usually goes home but sometimes he stays in the reading-room to get ready for a seminar. After a day of hard work Nick feels very tired and he hurries home. At home he has dinner and a short rest, then he does his homework and helps his mother about the house. In the evening Nick watches a serial or a detective story on TV.

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Sometimes he goes out with his friends. Nick goes in for sports. Twice a week he plays volley-ball in the University gym. He returns home at 8 p.m. and has supper. When he stays at home in the evening he has supper with his parents. At supper they talk about different sort of things, including plans for the coming day.

At about 12 o’clock Nick goes to bed. You see, Nick is too busy and he always looks forward to the week-end.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. - I got up at 6.30 a.m. And you? - I got up at 8 a.m. - Why so late? - Because I have my classes later than usual.

Dialogue 2.

- Will you help me, please? - I would if I could. I’ve got a lot of work to do. - What are you busy with? - I have got to read and to translate two texts from English into Russian. - How much time does it take you to do this? - It’s hard to say. I’ll be busy till the end of the working day. - What time will you be free? - At about 6 p.m. - May I give you a lift? - It will be very kind of you. - That’s settled. See you soon. - Good bye. - Good bye.

Dialogue 3. Victor. – Are you through with your homework? Nick. – Oh, no Victor. I have so many things to do for Monday. Victor. – But look at you watch. It’s a quarter to twelve. It’s time to go to

bed. Nick. – Never mind. Tomorrow is Sunday. It’s our day-off.

Dialogue 4.

- Hello, Nick! Did you have a good day? - Not bad! The usual sort of thing. Practical classes, lectures. You know.

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- Did you try to take your English exam ahead of time? - Well, I did. But the teacher advised me to get ready for English better. - I see. - After classes I went to the reading-room. It took me an hour to make an

abstract of the paper recommended by our teacher of physics. And then Kate turned up. As usual.

- So, what did you do? - We had a long talk. - Oh, yes. What about? - Oh, this and that. Things. You know. Then we had a lunch. - Where did you go? Somewhere nice? - No, just the cafe round the corner. Then I returned to the University and

stayed at the reading-room till 17 (5 p.m.) - Sounds like a boring day. - I don’t think so. There is a very good proverb: «Never put off till

tomorrow what you can do today.» - I think you are right.

Dialogue 5.

- Pete, you look so tired. You don’t feel well, do you? - It’s not that. I am really tired. I am going to take my last exam. It’s English. - Then you have a lot of work to do! - Sure. I’ve got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and

dialogues. I read and translate special texts and retell them. I also pay much attention to topics.

- Excuse my curiosity, what mark would you like to have in English? - You’d better ask me what mark I don’t want to have. - I know you have been fond of English since your childhood. - It goes without saying that English is my favourite subject and I don’t want

to have «sat» in my credit test book. - How long does your working day last now? - From morning till late at night. - If you go to bed very late, I think it’s very difficult for you to get up early. - I’m not an early riser, so I get up at 8. I am sorry I must be going. Time

presses. - Good-buy. But don’t forget to have a short rest after hard work. I wish you

luck. - Thank you. See you soon.

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IV. Ask your friend: - когда он обычно встает в будние дни; - что он делает перед тем, как уйти в университет; - когда он уходит в университет; - как он добирается до университета; - что он делает, как только приходит в университет; - сколько времени продолжаются занятия в университете и когда заканчиваются; - есть ли у него возможность перекусить в университете; - сколько раз в неделю у него уроки англ. языка; - нравится ли ему англ. язык; - что он обычно делает на уроках англ. языка; - когда он остается в университете после занятий; - в какой день он особенно устает, почему; - чем он занимается дома, когда возвращается из университета; - следует ли он пословице: «Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня»; - когда он ложится спать/

V. Act out the situations: 1. Вы встретили своего школьного товарища. Узнайте у него, в каком институте он учится, нравится ли ему учиться, какой предмет ему больше всего нравится. Поинтересуйтесь, в какое время у него начинаются занятия и как часто у них бывает урок английского языка.

2. У твоего друга был очень трудный день. Спросите, сколько у него было лекций и практических занятий, когда закончились занятия, и почему он не пошел домой, а остался заниматься в читальном зале.

3. Ваш друг вчера сдал экзамен по английскому языку. Узнайте у него, было ли трудно сдавать экзамен и, если да, то почему. Поинтересуйтесь, какую оценку он получил, сколько времени ему потребовалось, чтобы перевести текст и подготовить устную тему.

4. Завтра у вас экзамен по математике. Ваш друг не был на консультации. Он позвонил вам и спросил, в какое время и в какой аудитории будет проходить экзамен, будет ли экзамен устный или письменный. Он также поинтересовался, сколько вопросов будет в одном билете и сколько времени дается на подготовку.

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Higher Education

I .Words and word combinations to be remembered: to be accessible - быть доступным to be free of charge - быть бесплатным entrance examinations - вступительные экзамены to get (to receive) grants - получать стипендию to be interested in - интересоваться чем-либо to be considered (to consider) - считаться (считать) a collection of useful facts - сумма полезных фактов и and theories теорий a process which trains a person to analyse - процесс, который учит человека анализировать to make decisions - принимать решения highly - qualified - высококвалифицированные specialists специалисты for further progress and - для дальнейшего прогресса и

development развития curriculum - учебная программа, план general engineering - общетехнические предметы

subjects specialized subjects - специальные предметы computer engineering - вычислительная техника science and technology - наука и техника self-governing - самоуправляемый a tutorial system - наставническая система to be enrolled into a - быть зачисленным в University университет to be connected with - быть связанным с … a distance education system - cистема дистантного обучения to remain at one’s job - оставаться на работе to be divided into - делиться на ... strength of materials - сопротивление материалов elements of machines - детали машин advanced knowledge - знания повышенного типа to concentrate on - сосредотачиваться на … to prepare for - готовить(ся) к чему-либо

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a bachelor’s degree - степень бакалавра research - исследовательская работа to play an important part in - играть важную роль в … an enterprise - предприятие interrelate various ideas - взаимосвязывать различные идеи to determine - определять to preserve - сохранять to develop - развивать value - ценность to exchange - обмениваться to differ from - отличаться от … a tutor - наставник, руководитель нескольких студентов to suggest - предлагать an essay - очерк, эссе to set work for smb to do - определять работу для кого- либо to appoint - назначать, определять to carry on research - проводить исследование particular subject - конкретный предмет to attend lectures - посещать лекции merely - только, просто to arrange examinations - организовывать экзамены to be famous for all over - быть известным во всем мире the world to be given a mark - получать оценку on a five point scale - по пятибальной системе to hold classes - организовывать занятия to clean up smth - выяснять что-либо majority - большинство teaching staff - коллектив преподавателей to depend on - зависеть от ... to confer a diploma on a graduate - выдавать диплом to award a certificate to - выдавать свидетельство об a graduate - окончании a college of education - педагогический колледж residential college - колледж с общежитием

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II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Higher Education in Russia The new academic year has begun. More than a million new students

were enrolled into universities and institutes. In the last several years the number of students in technological

institutes has risen. This means that young people are interested in the specialities connected with new branches of science and technology.

At present a new system of education is introduced in our country – a distance education system. This computer system of learning helps working professionals to continue their education while remaining at their jobs. The academic year usually lasts 9 months and is divided into two terms (semesters).

The first- and second- year students study general engineering subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, strength of materials, elements of machines, drawing as well as computer engineering, a foreign language and a number of others.

The third year students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests. Specialized study and courses will help students to prepare for their future work.

After four years students will get a bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further study and research get a master’s degree. After graduating from the university they may go on with their study and research and may get a still higher degree.

Higher education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for further development and progress. It trains people to become teachers, engineers, doctors and other professional workers.

The main feature of the educational system in our country is that it is accessible and free of charge for some students. If the results of the entrance examinations are not very good, students pay for their education.

About 75 percent of students receive state grants and 15 percent are sponsored by enterprises. Universities have their own student’s hostels and some of them have large and excellent sport centres.

The higher school today considers education not only as a collection of useful facts and theories but also as the process which trains a person to analyse and interrelate various ideas as well as make decisions.

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Today’s young people will be the specialists of tomorrow in the society with new technology. Their qualification will determine the scientific and technological progress of the country.

Education is a process through which culture is preserved, knowledge and skills are developed, values are formed, and information is exchanged. Education is the way to success. III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. OLAF: I say, John. What is a tutor? JOHN: The Tutorial System is one of the ways in which Oxford and

Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Every student has a tutor and as soon as you come to Oxford one of the first things you do is to go and see your tutor. He, more or less, plans your work, suggests the books you should read and sets work for you to do, for example an essay to write. Each week you go to him in his rooms, perhaps with two or three other students, and he discusses with you the work that you have done, criticizes in detail your essay and sets you the next week’s work.

OLAF: Does the tutor also give lectures? JOHN: Yes, he does. OLAF: But aren’t lectures given by the professors? JOHN: Yes, though professors don’t give a great many lectures. They are

often appointed not so much to do teaching work as to carry on research in their particular subjects.

OLAF: Can you go to any lecture you like, no matter whether it is by a tutor or professor of your college or not ?

JOHN: Yes. Lectures are organized not by the colleges but by the university, and so any member of the university may attend, for all students are members of a college and of the university.

OLAF: You said that lectures were «organized by the university». Where is the university?

JOHN: It must seem rather strange to you but there isn’t really any university at Oxford as there is, for example, at Manchester or Bristol or Edinburgh. Oxford (like Cambridge) is a collection of colleges, each self-governing and independent. «The University» is merely an administrative body that organizes lectures, arranges examinations, gives degrees, etc. The colleges are the real living Oxford and each has its own character and individuality.

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Dialogue 2. Masha: I’d like to clear up some things about higher education in England. Alice: I’ll do my best to help you. Masha: What kind of institutes have you got in England? Alice: I suppose, by «institutes» you mean educational institutions? We

don’t usually call them like that. In Great Britain we have universities and colleges.

Masha: By the way, what is meant by a «residential» college? Alice: It’s a college with a hostel, which is usually situated on the same

grounds as the principal building. All the students live in the hostel, and so do the majority of the teaching staff. There are also many non-residential colleges, which haven’t got any hostels.

Masha: I see. Now, what is the difference between a university and a college?

Alice: Well, first of all, the curriculum is different: colleges give a specialized training, and at a university the curriculum is wider. University teaching combines lectures, practical classes in scientific subjects and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The last is a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The course of studies is longer – three or four years.

Masha: And at a college ? Alice: It depends on the type of the college. Colleges of education, for

example, have a two-year course, sometimes three, if the student is specializing in some particular subject.

Masha: Two years only – and you get your diploma! It’s quick, isn’t it? Alice: Colleges of education, by the way, don’t confer diplomas on their

graduates. They award certificates to them. Diplomas are conferred on graduates of technical colleges.

Masha: What about universities? Alice: A university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts,

Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Masha: Oh, I see. Thank you for the information. IV. Ask your friend: - доступно ли высшее образование в России и бесплатно ли оно; - как рассматривает высшая школа высшее образование; какая новая система обучения введена в настоящее время; - какие предметы изучаются студентами 1 и 2-го курсов; - когда студенты начинают изучать специальные предметы? Почему

(высшее) образование играет важную роль;

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- чем славятся (известны) университеты Оксфорда и Кэмбриджа; - какую роль играет наставник в процессе обучения студента; - как организовано обучение в этих двух университетах; - чем отличается колледж от университета. V .Act out the situations: 1. Вы студент АлтГТУ, вы хотите узнать у своего английского друга о системе образования в Великобритании.

2. Ваш друг из Англии расспрашивает вас о системе высшего образования в России.

3. Ваш друг собирается поступать в наш университет. Он хотел бы знать, как он может это сделать и как организовано обучение в университете.

4. Один из вас студент АлтГТУ, другой – студент Кэмбриджа. Обменяйтесь мнениями о ваших университетах.

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Our University

I.Word and word combinations to be remembered: to found - основать engineering - машиностроительный agricultural engineering - с/х машиностроение a student body - число студентов a department - отделение to train - готовить, тренировать honored citizen - почетный гражданин full-time - дневной part-time - вечерний extra-mural - заочный distant form of training - дистантная форма подготов- ки (обучения) five-point scale - пятибальная шкала an academic year - учебный год a shift - смена the course of studies - курс обучения to take an exam (in) - сдавать экзамен a term - семестр a senior student - старшекурсник research - исследование a state exam - государственный экзамен to celebrate - праздновать a branch - филиал a teaching staff - штат преподавателей to participate - участвовать to collaborate - сотрудничать a bilateral agreement - двусторонний договор student hostel - общежитие для студентов a publishing house - издательство a preventive clinic - профилакторий a skiing lodge - лыжная база haven’t seen you for ages - не видел вас целую вечность to be ill - болеть to fall behind (in) - отстать (по какому-либо пред- мету) to cope with - справляться с чем-либо as for math - что касается математики

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to be good at smth - хорошо разбираться в чем- либо ahead of time - досрочно a credit test - зачет as far as I know - как мне известно to be on good terms with - хорошо разбираться в чем-то smth let it be - пусть это будет to idle away - бездельничать to cram - натаскивать (перед экзаменом) lazy-bones - лентяй fortnight - две недели a crib - шпаргалка Zaporozhye engineering - Запорожский машинострои- institute тельный институт II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Altai State Technological University

The Altai State Technological University (ASTU) is one of the largest higher institutions of our country. It is also the leading educational, scientific center of the Altai region.

Our university was founded in February 1942 on the basis of the Zаporozhye Engineering Institute. It consisted of 2 faculties: the faculty of mechanical engineering and the faculty of agricultural engineering with a student-body of 360 people. In 1959 it became the Altai Polytechnic Institute. In May 1965 the Institute was named after I.I. Polzunov. In 1992 the Polytechnic Institute was transformed into the University. The student-body of ASTU is over 11 thousand people. At present Rector of the Altai Technical University is Vladimir Vasilyevich Jevstigneev, a doctor of Physics and Mathematics, a professor, an honored scientist, a member of the International Academy of High school and the International Academy of Information.

There are four forms of training in the University: full-time, part-time, extra-mural and distant. After passing entrance exams successfully, students are enrolled into the University on the competitive basis. The course of studies lasts for five years. Part-time and extra-mural students study for six years. Classes begin in September, they are over in June. Students study in 2 shifts. Student’s work is given a mark on a five point or fifty-point scale.

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The academic year is divided in 2 terms. After every term students take exams. After every session students have vacations – two weeks in winter and 2 months in summer. Senior students have their practical training in different enterprises of Altai Region. Students who study well get grants or stipends.

Student research work is a natural part of training. Leading scientists of the University act as students scientific advisers. In the final year students write diploma papers and take state exams. On graduation students receive degrees of Bachelor and diplomas of specialist.

There are 14 faculties in our university. Distant education is carried out in many districts of the Altai Region. Among the teaching staff of the University there are 44 Academicians and Corresponding members of the Russian Academies and New York International Academy.

There is a post-graduate course in the University. ASTU participates in the Tempus and Intas international programs, collaborates with members of international organizations such as DaaD, ASTR, ACCELS, IREX. It has bilateral agreements with major Universities in USA, Germany, China, the Netherlands and England.

Students of the University have 7 academic buildings, a complex of hostels (including hostel for family students), a big scientific library, a computing centre, a publishing house, a student club, the «Kaleidoscope» student theatre, a preventive clinic, a skiing lodge, sports and rest camp by the river Ob.

Faculties of the University: 1) mechanical technological 2) automobile and tractor 3) chemical engineering 4) power engineering 5) civil engineering 6) faculty of food industry 7) physical engineering 8) engineering pedagogic and computer engineering 9) new information technologies and business 10) humanitarian 11) economic engineering 12) military faculty 13) social service and tourism 14) architecture and design

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III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues: Dialogue 1.

– Hello. What classroom are we in ? – Hello. I don’t know. Let’s look up the time-table. Here it is. English class,

classroom 410, main building. – Oh, goodness. How awful, I thought we had a lecture on history at that

time. – What difference does it make? – It does make a difference to me. I planned to do English home-assignment

during the lecture. – You are lazy-bone. You are sure to fail in your English if you go on like

that. – I bet I shan’t: idle away my time during the term and cram the last

fortnight. Goes like clock-work. An excellent method I must say. – It’s no good with language training. I know it from my own experience.

Speech skills and habits need hard and regular work. – Well, we’ll see.

Dialogue 2.

– Hello. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? – Hello. I am well at present. You see, I have been ill for a month and now I

have many problems. – Have you any health problems? – No, I haven’t. I have fallen behind in some subjects. Especially, I can’t

cope with math. – As for math, I can help you. I am good at math and have passed the exam

in math ahead of time. – I shall be very grateful to you. – As far as I know you left school 22 and you are on good terms with

English, aren’t you. – Yes, I am. English is one of the first subjects I have passed my credit tests

in. I can really give you a helping hand with English. – When shall we start? – I think as soon as possible. Let it be this Saturday 10 a.m. – Agreed. So, good bye. See you on Saturday. – Good bye. IV. Ask your friend: - когда он поступил в университет; - на каком он курсе;

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- что он знает об истории университета (когда он был основан, политехнический институт, на базе какого института он был открыт, когда политехнический институт был преобразован в университет), сколько студентов обучалось в институте в год его основания (обучается сейчас);

- сколько факультетов (общежитий, корпусов) сейчас в университете (было в год его основания);

- есть ли филиалы университета в других городах; - чье имя носит университет; - какие формы обучения (отделения) существуют в университете; - платное ли обучение; - есть ли аспирантура в нашем университете. V .Act out the situations: 1. Вы встречаетесь со своими друзьями в последний день экзаменационной сессии. Обсуждаете итоги своей экзаменационной сессии. Один сдал все экзамены и, видимо, будет получать стипендию. У другого - сессия продлена по болезни.

2. Два школьных товарища встретились на вечере, посвященном Дню первокурсника. Они обмениваются новостями: на каких факультетах учатся, трудно ли было поступить в университет, жизнь в общежитии, расписание занятий.

3.Начались каникулы, экзамены сданы, студенты строят планы: где и как можно провести свободное время. Один хочет поправить свое здоровье – с этой целью пойдет в профилакторий, другой думает заняться спортом, будет посещать лыжную базу, готовиться к лыжным соревнованиям.

4.Готовитесь к экзаменам по математике. Обсуждайте со своим другом расписание экзаменов и планируйте, когда и как готовиться к ним.

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Barnaul I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: messengers - посланцы subsidiaries - филиалы metal-cutting lathes - металлорежущие станки forge presses - кузнечно-прессовые машины technical carbon - технический углерод steam-boilers - паровые котлы tyres - шины engines for machinery - двигатели для машин machines - станки radio equipment - радиооборудование cotton and synthetic fibres - хлопок и синтетические волокна chemical and textile goods - химические и текстильные изделия foot-wear - обувь home appliances - предметы домашнего обихода furniture - мебель matches - спички faceted diamonds - изделия из алмазов lawyer - юрист the Puppet Theatre - кукольный театр the Young Spectator’s Theatre - молодежный театр to mark the 100th anniversary - отмечать годовщину to house masterpieces - находятся шедевры to render services - оказывать услуги track-and-field hall - легкоатлетический манеж II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Barnaul Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Region. It stands on the left bank of

the great Siberian river Ob. It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the centre of mining industry. Since 1771 it has got the city status.

In former times the development of Barnaul was strongly influenced by the culture of St.Petersburg. History of Barnaul is connected with the life of many celebrities: Ivan Polzunov - a talented mechanics engineer, who invented and built a steam engine, Kozma and Peter Frolov-talented engineers, P.P.Anosov-metallurgist, N.M.Yadrintzev-writer, archeologist and explorer of the Central Asia, V.Ya. Shishkov - engineer and writer etc.

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Barnaul was the city of wooden architecture and it has burnt twice. The fire destroyed the greatest part of the town. But some of the buildings have been well preserved in Krasnoarmeisky prospect, Internatzionalnaya and Anatolia streets.

In 1937 Barnaul became the center of the Altai region. The total area of Barnaul is 30847 hectares. About 700.000 inhabitants

live in the city. The city is divided into 5 administrative districts: the Central district, the October district, the Railway district, the Lenin district and the Industrial district.

The visiting card of the city is the building of the largest provision store “Under the spire” in October square. But the centre of Barnaul is Soviet square. The Local administration, the Central Hotel, the Central Department store, the Central Post-Office and the University are situated there.

Along the main prospect of the city there are several educational institutions: the Medical University, the Altai State Technical University, the Altai State University, The University of Law, The Institute of Culture and Arts, the Music school, the Russian-American School, the Technological college etc. There are also the Agrarian and Pedagogical University in Barnaul.

Besides Lenin prospect is a busy shopping street. It stretches through the city for nine kilometers from the River Station to the industrial areas.

Barnaulers are proud of their new motor bridge across the river Ob, transportation loops and roundabout highways, which help to improve the environment of the city.

Barnaul is one of the most highly developed industrial cities of Siberia. The main industrial enterprises produce diesels and metal-cutting lathes, forge presses and technical carbon, steam-boilers and tyres, engines and machines, cotton and synthetic fibres, chemical and textile goods, furniture and matches, faceted diamonds and so on.

Several specialized medical centers operate in Barnaul, using modern equipment and facilities: cardiological, oncological, diagnostic.

There are 5 theatres in the city: The Altai Drama Theatre, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Young Spectator’s Theatre, the Small Musical Theatre and the concert hall with the organ. Every night they open their doors to lovers of drama, musical comedy, classical, pop music and dance. There are many art and musical studios and twelve cinema houses.

The monuments of the city are its history alive. The column called «Demidov’s Pillar» was founded to mark the 100th anniversary of mining

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industry in the Altai region In Lenin avenue you can see a common grave with the Eternal Fire, which was lit in memory of those who perished in the October revolution and Civil War, and Monument to A.S.Pushkin. The Glory Memorial on Victory Square is dedicated to the solders of the Great Patriotic War.

We have several museums in the city: the Museum of Local History, the Museum of History of Altai Literature, Arts and Culture. The pride of the city is the Fine Arts Museum, which houses quite a few masterpieces by old and modern artists. There are more than 80 libraries in the city. The biggest one is the Regional Library named after V.Shyshkov.

Dozens of sports buildings are at the disposal of our sportsmen: ten stadiums, 163 sporthalls, a special track-and-field hall, a hippodrome and a sport's airfield. The swimming pools «Ob», «Amphibia» and «Aurora» are popular with the inhabitants. The citizens are proud of the Palace of Sports, where Regional competitions, Exhibitions, Fairs, City celebrations and concert performances are held.

People can go to the Palaces of Culture, to the parks and boulevards, cafes and restaurants or to spend weekend outside the city. The Ob provides fishing for summer months. More than 40.000 families are the owners of private gardens and orchards.

Five hotels and restaurants of Barnaul render services to Barnaul visitors and residents. They are «Altai», «Barnaul», «Central», «Siberia» and «Kolos».

There are 4 stations in Barnaul: the railway station, the airport, the river station and the bus station which connect our city with different parts of our country and abroad.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. - Excuse me, I am lost. Can you tell me the way to Central Hotel? - I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m new here myself. - Thank you, anyway.

Dialogue 2.

- By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow morning? - Nothing special. - Would you like to take a walking tour of the city? - Thanks. I’d love to. What shall we start with?

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- Let’s start with the Glory Memorial on Victory square. We’ll take an hour walking tour from there to the October Square and then down Lenin prospect to the River station.

- Is the museum of Fine Arts far from there? - It’s only a few blocks north. We’ll be able to visit it tomorrow.

Dialogue 3.

- What should I see first, N? - You should start with the Museum of Local History. I’ll stop by and

pick you up at your hotel tomorrow morning. Will nine o’clock be all right?

- Yes, it suits me fine. Will we see the Pockrov Cathedral tomorrow? - Sure. It’s not so far from the museum.

Dialogue 4.

- What should I see next? - Have you been to the art gallery? - No, I haven’t. - You should visit it. They have a rich collection of modern painting

there. - Can I go there tomorrow? - Sure. Moreover you can go to the Musical Comedy theatre in the

evening. - Is it far from here? How can I get there? - Oh, it’s quite easy. Go down this street for three blocks, turn left and

then go straight ahead for one block. You can’t miss it. - Thank you very much.

Dialogue 5.

- Where were you born? - I was born in Russia, in the Altai territory. - What is your home city? - My home city is Barnaul. - Is it a big city? - Yes, it is. It takes the 19th place in citizenship among 2200 cities of

Russia. - You said Barnaul is a capital city. What do you mean? - I meant that in 1937 Barnaul became the capital of the Altai Territory. - Are there any places of interest? - Yes, there are many of them: the Museum of Local History, Glory

Memorial, Arboretum, Planetarium, etc.

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- What is the centre of Barnaul? - The centre of Barnaul is the Soviet Square. - Are the streets wide or narrow? - They are both wide and narrow. - Are the houses modern? - Yes, they are. But there are old wooden and brick houses that are being

reconstructed or pulled down. - What is the area of the city? - It is about 30847 hectares. - What is the population of the city? - It is over 700 000 people. - What stations are there in Barnaul? - There are four stations in Barnaul: the airport, the riverport, the railway

station and the bus station. - Are there many shops? - Yes, there are. There are many shops, department stores and

supermarkets especially in the main street of the city-Lenin prospect?

- What cultural facilities are there in the city? - The city has twelve cinemas, five theatres, palaces of culture, Palace of

Sport and Entertainment, Concert Hall with the organ, more than eighty libraries.

- Where can citizens go in for sport? - Dozens of sport buildings are at the disposal of our sportsmen: ten

stadiums, five swimming pools, 163 sport-halls, special track-and-field halls, a hippodrome and sport airfield.

- Is Barnaul a students' city? - Yes, 43 000 students study at Higher Educational Establishments of

Barnaul. - Do you like the city? - Of course. I am proud of being a Barnauler.

IV. Ask your friend: - когда и кем был основан Барнаул; - какой район тесно связан с историей города; - чем обеспечивают рынок предприятия Барнаула; - каких специалистов готовят вузы города; - какие специализированные медицинские центры действуют в Барнауле; - какие спортивные сооружения имеются в распоряжении спортсменов;

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- где жители города могут провести уик-енд; - какие достопримечательности (памятники) есть в Барнауле; - много ли культурных заведений нашем городе; - чье имя носит краевая библиотека; - какие вокзалы в нашем городе. V. Act out the situations: 1. В Барнаул приехал ваш зарубежный друг. Он расспрашивает вас о

том, какие достопримечательности ему можно осмотреть в свободное время в первую очередь и как туда добраться.

2. Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, где он уже побывал в Барнауле. Посоветуйте ему посетить картинную галерею и краеведческий музей. Сообщите, как лучше туда добраться.

3. Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, какие у него планы на выходные и предложите прокатиться по городу. Сообщите, что вы сможете заехать за ним в гостиницу. Узнайте, какое время его устроит.

VI. Act out the following situations:

1. You are waiting for your British friends coming to Barnaul. Discuss with your family the sights and places you want to show them.

Your grandpa thinks you must take them to the Glory Memorial and the Eternal fire.

Your grandma suggests to take them to the Museum of Local History and then to the Concert Hall with the organ.

Your father says that you should take them to the Park of Melange Mill with Planetarium and attractions, lake and stadium.

Your mother says that you should have a stroll along the Lenin Avenue which is a busy shopping street.

Your sister thinks that you shouldn't forget to show them "Coliseum". You think that you should take them to the boat trip along the river

Ob. So you think your British friends will enjoy their staying in Barnaul. 2. Your friends meet you in the street and invite you to the cinema.

But you are very tired because you have been taking your friends from Great Britain round Barnaul. You have had enough impressions for today.

Your first friend asks you if you took them on a bus tour round the city.

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You answer that you saw a lot of historical buildings, sights and state offices.

Your second friend wants to know if it was interesting for your guests to know more about the history of the city.

You say that they were glad, but it was a pity they couldn't enjoy much of the beauty of the streets, all of them swept past the bus window, besides there wasn't a chance to examine museum at leisure.

Your third friend is eager to get acquainted with your guests from Great Britain and promises to help you take them to a stroll or to drive them round the city suburbs or anywhere else any time.

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The Altai Region I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: to border on - граничить rural district - сельский район urban - городской to be the personal property - быть частной cобственностью you can’t but admire - нельзя не восхищаться formed by the junction - образованная слиянием radon baths - радоновые ванны curing mud - лечебные грязи consumer goods - потребительские товары tourist equipment - туристическое снаряжение to call the «Breadwinner» - называть житницей

(кормилицей) to become the foremost producer - стать передовым

производителем crop production - производство зерна maral breeding - мараловодство bee keeping - пчеловодство livestock farming - животноводство artistic articles - художественные изделия The State Hermitage - Государственный Эрмитаж Altai gave birth to - Алтай - это родина to rank first in the output - занимать 1-е место по

производству (выпуску продукции)

II. Read, translate and retell the text:

The Altai Region The Altai Region is situated in the South East of Western Siberia at an

equal distance from the four oceans. Its territory covers 1691 thousand sq. km., the population numbers 2,7 mln.people including urban –1,4 mln. and rural - 1,3 mln. people. The region has 12 towns (Aleisk, Barnaul, Belokurikha, Bijsk, Gorniak, Zarinsk, Zmeinogorsk, Kamen'–na–Obe, Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Yarovoye), 7 urban and 60 rural districts. The capital of the Altai Region is Barnaul. Its population runs to 700 thousand people. Altai borders on Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions in the North; Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and the Republic of Altai in the South.

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In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia». It had been the personal property of the Cabinet and Russian tzars.

You can’t but admire the nature of the territory we live in. One of the greatest rivers of the world– the Ob formed by the junction of the two rivers the Katun and the Beya flows through the Altai Territory.

There are 3 thousand lakes in our Altai. The largest one is Kulundinskoye Lake (728 sq.km.). Two types of landscape prevail in the region: mountainous in the East and steppen in the West. Considerable areas are covered with virgin taiga forests. True hunters and fishermen highly appreciate the wealth of the taiga and the lakes. "The Belokurikha" health resort with its famous radon baths is situated in a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills. Visitors of Yarovoye Lake use its curing mud. Herbs are prepared in Altai in large quantities. A great number of tourist paths lead to the mountainous Altai.

During the Soviet period such important industries as agricultural machine building, petrochemestry, textile industry and others have been founded in the Altai and they are constantly developing. Today Altai produces engines, tractors, power-station boilers, tractor ploughs, freight railway cars, tyres, electric pumps, radio-apparatuses, cotton and synthetic fibres. The production of consumer goods has been organized here lately: washing machines, TV-sets, chemical goods, furniture, sports goods and tourist equipment.

The largest plants are joint-stock companies «Altai Tractor», «Barnaultransmash», «Sibenergomash», «Altaiselmash-Holding», «Altaivagon», «Chemical Fibre plant» etc.

They call Altai «the Breadwinner» and the people are right. Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes. Altai has become the foremost producer of sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers and soy. A number of other crops are grown here: buckwheat, pears, oats and flax. It also produces berries and fruits.

Altai ranks first in Russia in the output of cheese and second in the output of butter. Breeding animals for furs is highly developed in Altai. Principle brunches of agriculture are crop production, livestock farming, fodder production, maral breeding and bee keeping. Livestock farming specializes in meat, milk, wool and eggs. Food processing industry is the second in the industrial structure of the region. There are dairy, meat processing, confectionery, baking, liquor, wine-making, sugar and cheese making enterprises in the Altai Region.

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Altai has 10 higher educational institutions, 1620 secondary schools, private schools, lyceums, gymnasium and a number of schools where pupils are taught in German, Kazakh and Kumandin. The number of books and magazines in public libraries runs to 18 mln. volumes. Representatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

World famous is the Altai stone-cutting art. Artistic articles made by Kolyvan masters decorate many palaces and museums. The unique «Queen of Vases» is kept in the State Hermitage.

Altai gave birth to many talented people: Valerii Zolotukhin – an actor, Alexander Zalygin – a writer and editor, Ivan Pyryev – a film producer, Michael Evdokimov – an actor, Margarita Terekhova – an actress, Vassily Shukshin – a writer, actor and film producer. The name of the academician Michael Lisavenko who headed scientific research institute of Siberian gardening is well known all over the country too. Altai is the Motherland of Cosmonaut II German Titov.

Nikolai Rerikh viewed Altai as the most important geo-cosmic center of our planet.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. - Could you tell me a few words about Altai and its peculiarities? - One of the peculiar features of Altai is that it is situated at an equal

distance from the four oceans, at the crossing of ancient trade routes. Besides it was the place where people came in search for land and freedom. In the XVIII century the territory of Altai was «the Silver Treasury of Russia»

- How many towns are there in Altai? - The region has 12 towns but the capital city is Barnaul. - When was the Altai territory founded? - As far as I remember, Barnaul became the center of the Altai territory in

1937. But in former times Altai was included in Tomsk province. Dialogue 2.

- What is the climate like in the Altai Region? - The climate is sharply continental with long and cold winter, which lasts as

long as six months and hot summer due to which Altai is called «a Corner of Paradise»

- What can you say about the landscape of Altai? - The landscape of Altai is varied. It’s hilly and mountainous in the east;

the smooth plane surface turns into steppe in the west. The unique belt pine forests stretch for hundreds kilometers.

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- Are there many lakes? What are they famous for? - Altai is famous for a thousand of blue lakes. The largest is

Kulundinskoye lake and the most attractive is lake Teletskoye. More than one hundred rivers flow into it and only one the Beya outflows.

- Why is the Ob treated to be the most important water route? - There are few such rivers on the globe. Its length is five thousand

kilometers. Only the Nile, then the Mississippi with its inflow the Missouri and the Amur, the Yenisei and the Lena are longer than the Ob. It begins in glaciers of the Altai Mountains, carries in itself the waters of two rivers – the Katun and the Beya, and flows up to the Arctic Ocean. It washes the area of about 3 mln. square kilometers and links Altai with the Northern regions of Western Siberia.

- Have you ever been to the Mountainous Altai? - Naturally. Why? - How did it impress you? - Oh, I’ve been to the Belokurikha health resort with its famous radon

springs and I was greatly impressed by a picturesque corner of the Altai foothills with a mountain river and rich vegetation.

Dialogue 3.

- What are the main industries in Altai? - During the Soviet period such important industries as electropower

engineering, agricultural machine-building, chemistry, oil-industry, timber-industry, production of building materials and others have been founded and are constantly developing here.

- What does Altai produce? - Today Altai produces engines for machinery, diesels and metal-cutting

lathes, forge presses and tyres, electric pumps and steam-boilers, chemical and textile goods, furniture and sophisticated home appliances, faceted diamonds and tourist equipment and what not.

- Why is Altai named the"Breadwinner of Siberia"? - To tell you the truth, Altai is a major agricultural producer in Russia. It

produces millions of tons of grain, meat, milk, vegetables and potatoes, sugar beet, oil-giving sunflowers, soy, berries and fruits, etc.

- What are the main branches of agriculture? - They include grain-production, stock-breeding, fodder producing,

maral-breeding and bee-keeping. - Thank you. I appreciate your willingness to answer my numerous


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Dialogue 4. - What places in Altai are connected with the development of the

stone-cutting art ? - Kolyvan and Lokot are the two places connected with the stone-cutting

art. Vases made of Altai precious stones came into history of Russian decorative applied art.

- We know, Russia is a multinational country. Can we mean the same speaking of Altai?

- Yes, of course. Represantatives of more than 110 nationalities peacefully co-exist in Altai.

- What famous people did the Altai give birth to? - Fortunately, Altai is the Motherland of many talented people such as

German Titiov, Vassily Shukshin, Ivan Pyryev, Michael Evdokimov, Margarita Terekhova, Michael Kalashnikov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others.

- Thank you, N. It was very kind of you to tell me about your region. IV. Ask your friend: - где расположен Алтайский край; - какая общая площадь Алтайского края; - какова численность населения; - какой город является столицей Алтайского края; - с какими регионами граничит Алтай; - какие реки протекают по территории края; - какой ландшафт преобладает в регионе; - есть ли в крае курорты; - что производится на Алтае; - почему Алтай называют житницей /кормилицей; - какое искусство Алтая приобрело всемирную известность; - родиной каких знаменитостей является Алтай. V. Act out the situations: 1. Ваш зарубежный друг приехал на Алтай. Он спрашивает вас о том,

когда образовался Алтайский край и каковы его особенности. 2. Расспросите своего друга с Алтая о том, какая там природа, о

местах, где он отдыхал, какое впечатление у него осталось. 3. Ваш зарубежный партнер интересуется промышленностью и

сельским хозяйством Алтая. Проинформируйте его. 4. Ваш друг спрашивает, чем знаменит Алтай. Расскажите ему о

знаменитых людях и культурных традициях Алтая.

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SEASONS AND WEATHER I. Words and word combinations to be remembered: breeze - легкий ветер to be cast with clouds - быть затянутым облаками to be soaked to the skin - промокнуть до нитки to brighten up - проясняться blizzard - вьюга, метель clear - ясный chilly (brisk) wind - холодный (свежий) ветер cloudy - облачный damp - влажный dull - пасмурный downpour - ливень frosty - морозный flash of lightning - вспышка молнии to freeze - морозить fresh - свежий groundfrost - заморозок hoarfrost - иней, изморось haze (mist) - легкий туман, дымка hail - град icicle - сосулька icing - гололедица intermittent - зд. временами melt - таять pool - лужа puddle - маленькая грязная лужица patchy - зд. местами to rumble - грохотать rainbow - радуга suntan - загар sleet - дождь со снегом, мокрый снег snowdrift - сугроб to turn bad - испортиться to turn for the better - улучшиться to thaw - оттаивать torrent - ливень thunder - гром weather forecast - прогноз погоды

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II. Read, translate and retell the text:

WEATHER The naughtiest thing in the world is the weather. It's like a capricious

woman who always does the opposite to what you ask her. When you want to go for a picnic in the open air you ask the skies to

remain clear and the day to be fine. Nervously you switch on the radio and listen to the weather forecast. You tremble with joy to hear that it'll stay warm and dry with bright sunshine, and moderate breeze. Your imagination draws a hot summer afternoon and yourself saying: “Nice weather we are having today!” You take a lot of food and no warm clothes, go to the countryside but... do not get anything sunny.

You get it cloudy and cool with intermittent drizzle, which ends with a thundery shower. The sky is so heavily cast with clouds, the downpours follow one another with such frequency, the rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning are so frightening that you've got no illusions left. You throw away the food and go back hungry and angry. And when you are already approaching your home soaked to the skin it suddenly brightens up. Oh, Goodness! Each summer, every student survives through the best time of his or her life - an examination session. Then many students plead: “Please, weather, stay cloudy, chilly or even cold with brisk northerly wind and rain torrents leaving pools and puddles everywhere, especially on the playground. And I'll be a good student.” The radio promises: “'Patchy light drizzle with showery outbreaks of rain.” But the “patch” is never in the right place. Instead the skies send heat and excellent weather for a sun tan. Everyone knows that sun tan never helps at exams.

And it is always like this. When you go skiing and want to have frosty weather with a lot of snow, it starts thawing and your skis sink in the slash. Instead of a snowfall and hoarfrost on the trees you get excellent sleet. The weather does not feel any pangs of remorse.

When you go in the car to the country, enjoying nice weather and a beautiful view of a rainbow in the blue sky, you pay no attention to some haze on the horizon. Some time later a thin mist in the distance turns into a thick fog and you spend a lovely two hours instead of one at the steering wheel.

When you plant some much-cared-for flowers in the garden, either a ground frost or a hail storm kills them. Digging muddy flowerbeds one feels exasperated: “What beastly weather we've had this week! And it keeps nasty! Wretched!”

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To tell the truth, sometimes the weather is ashamed and turns for the better. But not always. More often it sticks to its own pattern and after a short warm spell turns bad again. Why is it always like this? Maybe, because the weather likes surprises and wants to bring in adventures to our life, breaking the boring routine with marvellous happenings? III. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to be awake - проснуться bud - почка to blossom - цвести, расцветать to dig - копать, рыть to drizzle - моросить to fade - вянуть, увядать forget-me-not - незабудка harvest - уборка урожая lily of the valley - ландыш piercing - пронизывающий to ripen - зреть, созревать ripe - спелый, зрелый to sow - сеять snowdrop - подснежник shower - ливень violet - фиалка to yield - уступать

Conversational Formulas

I am chilled to the bone. – Я продрог до костей. I am drenched through. – Я вымок до нитки. I am freezing. – Мне холодно. I feel hot. – Мне жарко. It’s pouring. – Льет как из ведра. The weather is fine (warm, dry, cool, nasty, windy). – Погода прекрасная (теплая, сухая, прохладная, ненастная, ветреная). The weather keeps nice. – Стоит хорошая погода.

IV. Read, translate and retell the text:

SEASONS March, April and May are spring months. Spring has come, and everything is awakening from its winter sleep. The fields and meadows are dressed in green. There are buds on the trees, and the wild flowers once more begin to

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peep forth. The white snowdrop is one of the first flowers of spring. How lovely it is! Then forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley and violets make their appearance.

Birds sing their songs among the trees and begin to get their nests ready for summer. The gardeners dig the ground and sow seeds in the gardens. The days are warmer, for the bright sunshine has come again. Everything is full of life and joy. Soon the soft spring showers will water the earth and make the seeds grow.

In June summer sets in. June, July and August are summer months. June is one of the most pleasant months of the year. The days are the longest, as the sun rises early and sets late in the evening. The trees are in leaf, roses begin to blossom and their sweet perfume fills the air.

Then July begins. It is the warmest month of the year. Summer is in full beauty. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot.

Sometimes dark clouds gather in the sky. How fast they move along. See, they have hidden the sun. There is no blue sky at all. It is all black with clouds. It is dark like night. It will rain soon.

Now the rain begins. What large drops! Now the rain is over. It was only a shower. The flowers smell sweet, the sun shines brightly, and the birds sing. The hot sun ripens corn and fruit. Everything is ready for the harvest.

In September summer yields to autumn. The days become shorter and the nights longer. Apples, pears, plums and nuts are now ripe and may be picked. The grain crops have ripened and harvest time begins. Most birds go away to warmer countries.

The green leaves are fading. They begin to fall off. Some have fallen off from the trees and are lying dead on the ground. The leaves are no longer green, they ate red, yellow and brown. People go to the forests to pick nuts and berries or to gather mushrooms.

It often rains. The rain doesn't stop, it is drizzling. The weather is nasty, a piercing wind is blowing. It is more pleasant to stay indoors. It is bitterly cold at times. It is muddy, there are many pools of rainwater in the streets. Sometimes it is foggy, and the fog is very thick.

Winter has come at last. There are no flowers now in the gardens and the leaves have gone from the trees. The snow lies thick upon the ground, and the birds hop about looking in vain for food.

Snowflakes are falling thick and fast. Snow lies on the ground, on the bare branches of the trees, on the roofs of the houses. All the rivers and lakes are frozen; everything around looks so beautiful covered with ice and snow.

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Children make snowmen and build snow-huts, play snowballs throwing them at one another. When the weather is fine children and grown-ups go skiing and skating or sliding down the snow covered hills. V. Weather Forecast Read the weather forecast and compose a forecast of your own for the region you live in. Weather: England and Wales will start cloudy with outbreaks of rain. However, brighter, showery weather already over Scotland and Northern Ireland will slowly spread South and East throughout the day. The showers will be heaviest and most frequent in the North, falling as sleet or snow over hills and mountains, with drifting occurring in places. It will feel cold in the blustery and strong westerly wind. Outlook: Sunny intervals and showers are expected. Feeling colder than of late in the north-westerly wind.

(“Daily Express”)

VI. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues: Dialogue 1.

- Hello, Matthew! How are you? - I’m fine, thank you, David. - It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? Are summers here always as good as this one? - Oh, no! Last summer, for example, was cool and rainy. But we are lucky

this summer. - I see. By the way, it’s my first visit here. And what are winters like in

Moscow? - Frosty and snowy, as a rule. If I am not mistaken, winters in your country

are not so cold as ours, are they? - No, they are not. Winter is rather a pleasant season in my country. The

usual temperature is about 5 degrees above zero. By the way, how is your wife?

- I hope, she is all right. You know, she is on holiday now. - Is she? Where is she now? - In the Caucasus, in Gagri. - Oh! It’s a very nice place, isn’t it? - Yes, it is. I like it, too. - By the way, what’s the weather like there now? - I think, it’s fine. The weather is usually very good in the Caucasus in

September and there are not so many people. It’s not so hot as in summer and it’s dry and sunny. I’m sorry, David. I should be going. Here is my card with my new address and telephone number. Call me next week.

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- Agreed. Thank you. Good - bye. Dialogue 2.

Nick. What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week, too.

Mary. Well, I wouldn't be sure. |Have you heard the forecast? Nick. No. What does it say? Mary. Occasional showers tomorrow morning, drizzle and more clouds later

on, unsettled for the rest of the week. Nick. 0h isn't that awful! I do hope it clears up by Saturday. Mary. Why are you so eager? Nick. Don't you remember? We were planning an outing for this week-end. Mary. Oh yes, shall I ask Ann? She is a great one for outings. Nick. Of course. Phone her straight away, will you? Mary. All right. VII. Ask your classmate:

- как ему нравится погода сегодня; - типична ли такая погода для нашего региона в это время года; - Сколько продолжается зима, и какую погоду он предпочитает

зимой; - как он развлекается зимой; - почему весну считают порой надежд и счастья; - какая погода обычно бывает летом; - где он обычно проводит лето и как справляется с жарой; - как меняется погода, когда приходит осень; - что он надевает, когда идет дождь; - какое время года он любит больше (меньше) всего, почему.

VIII. Act out the situations: 1) Making Arrangements for an Outing to have a plan, to go for an outing, to phone, to be out, to leave a message for, to call on, to discuss particulars (подробности), to get in touch with, to think over, to find out, the weather forecast, dry, sunny, occasional rain (showers), to feel discouraged, not to give up the idea, to cheer up, to agree. 2) Impressions of an Outing (or of a Camping Holiday) to start, to reach, to intend to hire, to take advantage of, to have trouble with, to complain of, to put up with, sunny, to spoil, to start raining, to get wet through, to clear up, to get dry, to laugh at, to have a lot of fun, to enjoy.

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Shopping I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: shop - магазин self-service shop - магазин самообслуживания shop-assistant - продавец shop window - витрина do shopping - делать покупки department store - универсальный магазин supermarket - большой магазин самообслуживания grocery - бакалея greengrocery - овощной магазин bakery - булочная butchery - мясная лавка to sell - продавать to be on sale - быть в продаже to buy - покупать to pay - платить clothes - одежда foot-wear - обувь shoes - ботинки, туфли toy - игрушка china - фарфоровая посуда appliance - прибор, приспособление underwear - нижнее белье linen - белье fabrics - ткани camera - фотоаппарат dress - платье costume - костюм (женский) blouse - блузка skirt - юбка raincoat - плащ coat - пальто to suit - быть к лицу to try on - примерять fitting-room - примерочная to fit - подходить (по размеру) to wear - носить suit - костюм (муж.)

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trousers - брюки sweater - свитер cardigan - шерстяной джемпер knit-wear - трикотаж pullover - пуловер jacket - жакет perfumery - парфюмерия face cream - крем для липа powder - пудра lipstick - губная помада lotion - лосьон, shampoo - шампунь products - продукты питания butter - масло sausage - колбаса fish - рыба meat - мясо poultry - птица sugar - сахар macaroni - макаронные изделия bread - хлеб cereals - крупы roll - булочка biscuits - печенье milk - молоко cream - сметана cheese - сыр basket - корзина customer - покупатель serve - обслуживать counter - прилавок cashier - кассир cash-desk - касса purchase - покупка change - сдача price - цена

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II. Read, translate and retell the text: Shopping

When we want to buy something we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women's clothing stores, a grocery, a bakery and a butchery.

I like to do shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.

A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there. There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors.

The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things.

In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you are sure to buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The method of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

III. Complete the following sentences: 1. When you want to buy something ... 2. There are different kinds of shops in our city ... 3. A department store is divided-into-several departments ...

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4. In the men's clothing department you can find... 5. In the women's clothing department you can choose ... 6. After you have chosen the thing you ... 7. If you need a jacket or a pullover you can go to... 8. Shoes are sold at... 9. In a supermarket you can buy ... to. The greengrocery is stocked by ... 11. At a dairy you can buy ... IV. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1. Ass: Can I help you? Cust: No, it's alright. Thanks, I'm just looking. Ass: Have a look around then. May be you would like something in our shop. Cust: (in some minutes) I like this navy-blue jacket very much. Can I try it on? Ass: Certainly. The fitting room is in the right-hand comer. Cust: Oh, it suits me very well, doesn't it? Ass: That's a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern fashion. Cust: How much is it? Ass: $ 55. English clothes are really of good value. They are so well-

made. Cust: All right. I can afford the price.

Dialogue 2.

Ass: Can I help you? Cust: Yes please. I would like to have something from this shopping list. Ass: Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three items you ask

for: butter, milk and cheese. Cust: Two packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk,

please. Ass: Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk. Cust: Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham,

minced meat and beef sausages? Ass: They are all sold at the butcher's. Cust: And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here? Ass: I'm afraid we don't You should try the shop next door for the

cigarettes. Dialogue 3.

Cust: Hello. I'm looking for a pullover. Can you show me one? Ass: Certainly, madam. What kind of pullover do you want? Cust: A woolen one. Medium size.

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Ass: How about this one? It's very attractive. Cust: Yes, but it's too thick. Ass: How about this yellow one? Cust: Oh, it's quite nice but it's too short and I don't like the colour. Ass: What colour do you want? Cust: I think blue or brown will do. Ass: Well, we have some pullovers of that colour. Here they are, which one

do you like best? Cust: Can I try this brown one? Ass: Of course, madam.... Oh, it fits you perfectly. It's exactly your size. Cust: Yes, but I don't think it suits me. Can I try that blue one? It matches

the colour of my eyes. Ass: Which one? The dark blue or the light blue? Cust: Light blue suits me better. But you see it's too long. Can I try another

one? Ass: May be this one is what you need. The price is 25 pounds. Cust: Good heavens! That's a lot of money. Ass: Nowadays that's cheap, madam. Cust: No, it's too expensive for me. I'll look for something less

expensive. Ass: Unfortunately, we can't offer you exactly what you want. The

colour, size, material, price are all wrong. Try another shop, please.

Cust: Good -bye, then. Ass: That's right. But you'd better go to a big supermarket next time. You'll

find everything there. Cust: Thank you very much. It was very kind of you to explain me all that.

I'm a foreigner here and I'm not accustomed to your service and prices yet.

VI. Ask your friend: - любит ли он ходить в магазины; - как часто он делает дорогие покупки; - сколько стоит телевизор и холодильник;

- что он покупает в подарок ко дню рождения друга; - обращается ли он за помощью к продавцу; - какую одежду он предпочитает: спортивную или элегантную; - какие товары он покупает к началу учебного года; - какие магазины находятся рядом с его домом; - нравится ли ему профессия продавца.

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VII. Act out the situations using the following words and word combinations:

a) a self-service shop, a shop window, to display goods, a shop-assistant, to serve the customer, a basket, a counter, a cashier, to cost, to give back the change;

b) a blouse, to fit, to suit, a fitting room, to try on, tight, loose, of the latest fashion and style, to be out of fashion;

c) a book shop, to look for, be on sale, to be sold out, to recommend, a newspaper stall, to be lucky.

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Part II

Travelling I. Words and word combinations to be remembered: to overcome - преодолеть in the twinkle of an eye - в мгновение ока to travel on business - путешествовать по делу to travel for pleasure - путешествовать для удоволь ствия to begin with - прежде всего, начнет с того, что... the ruins of ancient towns - развалины древних городов for a change of scene - для смены обстановки different ways of life - разные стили жизни to look at shop windows - рассматривать витрины магазинов a city dweller - городской житель to laze in the sun - нежиться на солнце advantages - преимущества disadvantages - недостатки enjoyable - приносящий радость means of travelling - способы путешествовать a 4-deck liner - четырехпалубный лайнер a drawback - недостаток seasickness - морская болезнь to reserve tickets - резервировать, бронировать билеты hiking - пеший туризм to climb a mountain - взбираться на гору to feel oneself a part of nature - чувствовать частью природы a tent - палатка a holiday-maker - отдыхающий, отпускник to take pictures of smth. - делать снимки to be reminded by the photos - вспоминать, глядя на фотографии in advance - заранее overnight train - ночной поезд fast train - скорый поезд

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a berth - полка (в вагоне), спальное место a sleeper - спальный вагон to be due to arrive - должен прибывать по расписанию II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Travelling The scientific and technological progress of the 20th century has

allowed people to overcome time and distance in the twinkle of an eye. Now modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. To begin with most of us travel every day to our schools, offices and factories. From time to time we have to go to another city or country on business. Then after a year’s work people get a holiday and they don’t like to spend it at home.

Many people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. They travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walk and bath and laze in the sun.

People can travel by plane, by train, by boat or by car. Of course, travelling by plane is the fastest and the most convenient

way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Travelling by boat is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board of river ships you can visit different places of interest within your own country. On board of large cruise ships people can get across oceans and visit other countries. Ships stop for a day or two in different ports and people go on the shore for excursions. Crossing the ocean is a magnificent voyage with enormous waves before you and a 4-deck liner under you. The only

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drawback is seasickness. So before starting on a voyage you should find out whether you suffer from it or not.

Many people prefer travelling by car. This way of travelling is very convenient. You needn’t reserve tickets, needn’t carry heavy suitcases and you can stop wherever you wish and spend at any place as much time as you like.

The cheapest and one of the most popular ways of travelling is hiking. It is always a great experience for a lover of nature. Walking through the wood or along the river, having a rest on the shore of forest lake, climbing a mountain you feel yourself a part of nature. You can place yourself in a tent and enjoy fresh air and the sun all day long.

Most travellers have a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interest them. Later they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. People choose one according to their plans and destination. When travelling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

At the Inquiry office - Good morning. - Good morning, sir. - I’ve found from this time-table that there are several trains to

Novosibirsk daily. - Yes, quite so. - Is there a sleeper on the overnight train which leaves at 11.45 p.m.? - Yes, the train has sleeping accommodation. - What time does the train get to Novosibirsk? - It’s due to arrive in Novosibirsk at 5.10 a.m. It usually runs on time. - Is there a dining car attached to this train? - Yes, of course. - Thank you for the information...

At the booking-office - I’d like two tickets to Moscow for tomorrow. - Which train? - The 23.15 fast train. - In a sleeper? - Yes, of course. And in a non-smoker, please. - Single or return?

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- Two return tickets, please. - Just a minute. Let me see. Yes, I can give you two upper berths in one

compartment. - Can I have one lower berth? - No. There are only upper berths. - O.K. How much are they? - Two return tickets are 8000 rubles. Here they are. - Thank you.

* * *

- Good morning, John! Where are you going? - Good morning, Mike! I’m going to the railway station. - Are you going anywhere? - Yes. I’m going to the Crimea for holidays. - Don’t you want to go there by train? It is so far. And it will take you a

lot of time to get there by train. - Never mind. I like to travel by train. - And why don’t you want to go by plane? - It is very expensive for me to travel by plane. Besides, travelling by

train you can see many picturesque places of the country you are travelling through.

- But you will have to spend a lot of time with unknown people in one compartment.

- You know, I like to make acquaintance with people. And I think I’ll have a good time speaking to them about different things.

- Really? Then it’ll be better for you to go to the Crimea by train. Have a comfortable journey!

- Thank you. Bye-bye! IV. Answer the questions: 1. Are you fond of travelling? 2. What do people travel for? 3. How do people living in the country spend their holidays? 4. What do city dwellers usually like to do on the holidays? 5. Why do people choose different means of travelling? 6. Why do some people choose planes for travelling? 7. Do you like to travel by train? Why? 8. What are advantages of travelling by train? 9. What are advantages of travelling by plane? 10. Would you like to go on a big ocean cruise? Why?

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11. Why can it be convenient to travel by car? 12. If you could spend a hiking holiday wherever you like, what place

would you choose? V. Ask your friend: - какой вид путешествия он предпочитает; - где можно купить билеты; - ездил ли он в морской круиз; - хочет ли он попробовать пищу другой страны; - страдает ли он от морской болезни; - любит он путешествовать по делу или ради удовольствия; - почему многие люди предпочитают пеший туризм; - хочет ли он съездить в другую страну; - куда бы он хотел поехать в отпуск, если бы он жил за городом; - покупает он билет в один конец или туда и обратно, когда едет куда-нибудь в отпуск.

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Meals. Eating Out

I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: bacon - бекон boil - варить, кипятить; boiled - отварной boiled eggs - вареные яйца soft/hard boiled eggs - яйца всмятку/ крутые яйца broil - жарить на открытом огне baked pudding of curds - запеканка из творога buckwheat grits - гречневая каша bake - печь buffet - буфет cafe - кафе cafeteria - кафетерий cake - пироженое, кекс Easter cake - кулич short cake - песочное пирожное sponge cake - бисквитное пирожное canteen - столовая (фабричная, заводская) casserole - запеканка chop/cutlet - отбивная котлета chicken - цыпленок cocoa - какао condensed milk - сгущенное молоко chicken Kiev - котлеты по-киевски cook - готовить cup cake - пирожное корзинка delicious - вкусный drink - пить, напиток to eat out - есть в ресторане, кафе и пр. fast food restaurant - ресторан быстрого обслуживания fish fillet - рыбное филе fried - жареный( о рыбе, овощах) fried eggs - яичница fry - жарить favourite dish - любимое блюдо garnish - гарнир

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groan with food - ломиться от еды to have a sweet tooth - быть сладкоежкой to have meals - есть, принимать пищу to have breakfast/dinner/ - завтракать,обедать supper - ужинать healthy food - здоровая пища to heat - подогревать home – made preserves - домашние консервы hot-pot - картошка с мясом в горшочке herring - сельдь to have a bite - перекусить to have smth for breakfast - иметь на завтрак juice (apple, tomato, orange, - сок (яблочный, томатный, apricot, pine-apple) апельсиновый, персиковый, абрикосовый, ананасовый) to lose weight - худеть to put on weight - поправиться meat balls - тефтели to look through the menu - просматривать меню meat course - мясное блюдо duck - утка goose - гусь to make a scratch/ - приготовить завтрак на substantial breakfast скорую руку/основательный substantial breakfast - основательный завтрак mashed potatoes - картофельное пюре potatoes in jacket - картошка в мундире mushrooms - грибы noodle - лапша macaroni - макароны pancake - блин, блинчик, оладьи curd pancakes - сырники paste - паста, паштет, pickles - соленья, маринады pickled - маринованный pie - пирог patty - пирожок porridge - жидкая овсяная каша ravioli - равиоли, пельмени rice cereal - рисовая каша

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recipe - рецепт to roast - жарить, запекать roasted - жареный(о мясе) Russian beet salad - винегрет salad (carrot, cucumber, - салат(из моркови, огурцов, beetroot, egg, tomato, cabbage, свеклы, яиц, помидоров, vegetable salad) капусты, овощной салат) snack bar - закусочная semolina - манная каша soft drink/strong drink - безалкогольный/алкогольный напиток starter - закуска spicy food - острая пища to stick to a diet - соблюдать диету stuffed - фаршированный stewed - тушенный soup(milk soup, mushroom soup, - суп (молочный суп, chicken-noodle soup, fish soup, грибной суп, куриный суп с pea-soup) лапшой, уха, гороховый суп) to taste smth - пробовать что-либо to wait on smb - обслуживать кого-либо I’m thirsty - я хочу пить I’m hungry - я хочу есть I’m starving - я очень хочу есть (умираю от голода) II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Meals Living in Russia one cannot but stick to a Russian diet. Keeping this

diet for an Englishman is fatal. The Russians have meals four times a day and their cuisine is quite intricate.

Every person starts his or her day with breakfast. Englishmen are sen-tenced to either a continental or an English breakfast. From the Russian point of view, when one has it continental it actually means that one has no breakfast at all, because it means drinking a cup of coffee and eating a bun. A month of continental breakfasts for some Russians would mean starving. The English breakfast is a bit better, as it consists of one or two fried eggs, grilled sausages, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms. The English have tea with milk and toast with butter and marmalade. As a choice one may have corn flakes with milk and sugar or porridge.

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Round about 11 in the morning some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. In the morning Americans have a bowl of serial or bacon eggs, toast with jelly and a cup of tea or coffee. They also like pancakes with maple syrup.Then at mid-day, say from I till 2, the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes. This is lunch time in Great Britain. At lunch people seldom eat soup. Those who have lunch at home may eat chicken or clear soup but not always. They usually have a meat course and a sweet dish. Englishmen like steaks, chops, roast-beef, Yorkshire pudding or fish and chips. A meat course is served with plenty of vegetables: peas, beans, or cauliflower.

A sweat dish is perhaps fruit and pudding or a pie with tea to follow. The usual noon time meal consists of something light, and quick to eat. It could range from a hot, dog or hamburger from a restaurant or something they have packed in a brown bag. Afternoon tea can hardly be called a meal. Tea drinking is quite a tradition with the English. Strong tear is mostly drunk with sugar and cream or milk. Such tea is known as English tea. Tea with lemon is called Russian tea in England.

The evening meal, when all the family gather round the table after their working day, goes under various names: tea, high tea, dinner or supper. It is usually a meat course followed by tinned fruit or a cake and tea. In Great Britain they have dinner at five or six. Soup may be served then, but one should not be misled by the word "soup". British soup is just thin paste and a portion is three times smaller than in Russia. A lot of British prefer to eat out "Fish and Chips" shops are very popular with their take-away food. The more sophisticated public goes to Chinese, Italian, seafood or other restaurants and experiments with shrimp, inedible vegetables and hot drinks.

When outing, that is on a picnic, the English load their lunches on baskets with all sorts of hamburgers or sandwiches made of slices of bread and butter with ham, cheese, raw tomatoes, cabbage leaves in between. Americans seldom eat large lunches and don't enjoy very many "sweets".

In Russia people may have anything for breakfast. Some good-humoured individuals even prefer soup, but, of course, sandwiches and coffee are very popular. Russians like fried or boiled potatoes with some sausage or ham or a chop (cutlet). Sometimes we prefer an omelette, boiled or fried eggs or just some porridge.

The heart of a Russian person fills with joy when the hands of the clock approach three o'clock. His or her dinner includes three courses. A Russian will have a starter (salad, herring, cheese, etc.), soup, steaks, chops, or fish fillets with garnish, a lot of bread, of course, and something to drink. For the I-st course we eat chicken soup or cabbage soup (shchi), or beetroot

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and cabbage 'soup (borshch), noodle soup or just broth. Some people choose mushroom soup or fish-soup. For the 2-nd course Russians eat different kinds of salad (meat salad, fish. salad, vegetable salad), fried, boiled or stewed meat or fish. At times we cook a roast chicken, especially on holidays. For the 3-d course (for dessert) we have a glass of juice, a piece of a cake or a pie (cookies) if we aren’t on a diet.

At four or five the Russians may have a bite: waffles, cakes with juice, tea, cocoa, or something of the kind.

Supper in Russia means one more big meal at seven. The table groans with food again. Some people prefer mashed potatoes with pickled or fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions (leek). Others eat stewed cabbage with a beefsteak or fried liver or kidneys. Russians also like stuffed peppers, tomatoes, squashes, potatoes. A special Russian dish is, "pyelmeni", a kind of ravioli - small cases of pasta containing chopped meat. After that we have a glass of milk or stewed fruit with biscuits, crackers, or sweets (candies). But if you are thirsty you drink a coke, lemonade, some beer or even champagne.

Most Russians have never counted calories and they are deeply con-vinced that their food is healthy. Some housewives may admit that it takes some time to prepare all the stuff, including pickles, home-made preserves and traditional Russian pies and pancakes. But they don't seem to mind too much and boil, fry, roast, grill, broil, bake and make. Paraphrasing a famous proverb one can say:

“What is a Russian man's meal is a British man's poison”. Americans often have dinner at about 5:00 p. m. It is usually the largest meal of the day. It consists of milk, vegetable

and some type of meat. Americans also enjoy carrots, peas, spinach, beets, tomatoes, green beans, squash and many other types of vegetables.

The meat could be chicken, turkey beef or pork. Many Americans enjoy a salad with their dinner. They either have vegetables from a can or they buy them fresh from the supermarket.

Americans seldom have dessert and if, they do it is usually very light. They seldom sit at the table and eat for very long; they “eat and run”.

But many people have different tastes and enjoy different food.

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues: Dialogue 1.

At the Savoy restaurant: Stanley: Let's study the menu now and see what's on it tonight. Waiter: Good evening, gentlemen. Are you ready to order now?

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Borisov: I'm afraid I don't understand the names of all dishes on the menu, Mr Stanley. Could you help me and recommend what to take?

Stanley: With pleasure. H-m-m, would you like mushroom soup? Borisov: No, thank you. I seldom eat soup in the evening. Stanley: Then you can order roast-beef with fried potatoes. It's a traditional

English dish and it's usually delicious. Borisov: Fine. Waiter: How about you, sir? Stanley: Well, I'm pretty hungry. I'll start with chicken soup, then I'd like a

steak with green salad. And bring us a bottle of red wine, please. Waiter: Would you like to order dessert now? There is a choice of fruit or

ice-cream. Borisov: I prefer fruit. Stanley: So do I. What about some cheese? Borisov: No cheese for me, thank you. Stanley: I think I'll have some. And we'll finish with black coffee, if you

don't mind. Borisov: That sounds nice. Waiter: Thank you, gentlemen. 1 hope you'll enjoy yourselves. Dialogue 2. P.: I say, Ben, how about having dinner together? B.: Well, it’s just the right time. They serve good meals here and the prices

are quite reasonable. P.: I’ve already reserved a table. Come along! B.: What shall we take? P.: You know what I’d like? A typical English dinner. B.: O. K., then. What about a juicy piece of roast beef, just slightly under-

done and Yorkshire pudding? P.: All right. I'll try that. B.: Good. We'll have roast beef to begin with and Yorkshire pudding to

follow. W.: Very good. Any drinks, sir? P.: I wouldn't mind having a brandy. B.: Well, brandy and coffee for two. B.: Waiter, how much is our bill? W.: One pound and ten pence. B.: Here's a five pound note. W.: Three pounds and ninety change. B.: Right. Thanks. W.: Thank you.

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Dialogue 3. Mike: Hallo, Nick! Nick: Hallo, Mike! I haven’t seen you for ages. Glad to see you again. Mike: So am I. Let’s meet on Saturday. Mary and I have been to McDon-

ald’s lately. The meals and beverages are fine. Let’s go there together.

Nick: They say that is not cheap, by the way. Mike: Yes, it’s rather expensive but we can afford it now and then. I’m sure

you’ll enjoy it. Nick: You’ve always been a gourmet. All right. I’ll call you and we’ll fix

the time. See you soon. (On Saturday afternoon the two couples enter the restaurant hall)

Girl: Good afternoon! What would you like to have? Mike: We’d like lunch with «Big Mac». Mary: No, Mike. I want lunch with «Fillet of Fish». I like fish, you know. Ann: So do I. I haven’t had fish for long. Mike: O. K. What about dessert? Ann: I think special ice–cream with strawberry syrup for all. Yes, and don’t

forget about milk shakes, please. They are delicious. Mary: What are we going to drink? I want to taste «Sprite». Mike: «Sprite» for four, please. IV. Ask your friend: - сколько раз в день он (она) ест; - предпочитает он (она) легкий завтрак или плотный; - где он (она) обычно обедает; - какие блюда предлагают в университетской столовой; - большой ли выбор салатов в столовой; - нравятся ли ему (ей) блюда из мяса, рыбы и какие; - может ли он (она) описать свое любимое блюдо; - какие соки и напитки он (она) предпочитает; - какой десерт он (она) любит; - кто готовит пищу и моет посуду в его (ее) семье. V. Act out the situations:

1. Обсудите с другом рецепт вашего любимого блюда. 2. Вы пришли в столовую (кафе) и обсуждаете меню. 3. Вы собираетесь пригласить гостей на праздничный обед.

Обсудите меню вашего обеда.

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Сinema I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: cinema, the pictures; the movies - кино cinema-goer - любитель кино a film is on (running) - фильм идет демонстрируется sound film - звуковой фильм silent film - немой фильм colour film - цветной фильм adventure film - приключенческий фильм three-dimensional film - стереотип to enjoy - наслаждаться horror - ужас thriller - триллер overcrowded - переполненный performance - сеанс entertainment - развлечение cinema screens - киноэкран to dominate - превалировать, занимать ведущее место to be fond of - любить что-либо, нравиться кому-либо to mention - упоминать predominantly - по преимуществу, главным образом video facilities - видео-салон to emerge - появиться, возникнуть cinema-going habit - привычка ходить в кино adventures - приключения to release a film - выпустить фильм на экран to shoot a film (shot, shot) - снимать фильм to spend one's leisure time - проводить свое свободное время movie audience - киноаудитория, кинозрители feature film - художественный фильм cartoon - мультфильм leading part - главная роль screen - экран

to give preference to smth. - отдать предпочтение чему-либо

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II. Read, translate and retell the text: Cinema

Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. The movie audience is predominantly a young one.

Nowadays we can get entertained by the TV, the radio, the theatre or the cinema. Cinema is available no matter where you live. You can always find the film you like among horror films, thrillers, westerns, detective, love, musical films or comedies.

Not so long ago most people used to visit cinema every week. Often cinema houses were overcrowded. But at present video production has flooded the market and cinema became less popular.

Of late cinema screens in this country have been dominated by films produced in the USA. And this tendency is growing.

When I want to go to the cinema, I usually see in the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friends and we discuss what films to see.

I don't go often to the cinema and my friends are not regular cinema-goers either. But if there is a film, which is a hit with the public, I do my best to watch it.

We prefer feature films but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To see a good love story, musical or detective film is a very pleasant way of spending free time. If I want to go to an evening show, I usually book tickets in advance. But for matinee performances I always buy tickets just before the show.

The last film I saw was Hollywood remake of Shakespeare's «Romeo and Juliet". The action takes place in the modern world but all the rest is just like great Shakespeare had described: people, action, and feelings. The original text was used in the film. And I have to mention that the music was great. I think the actors and the actresses did their best and it looked great. I'll remember the film for a long time. III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogue: Voronin: Did you watch the news programme on television yesterday, Mr Blake? Mr Blake: No, my wife and I went to the cinema last night. Voronin: What was on? Mr Blake: We saw a new comedy at the Odeon. It started at 7 and lasted till 10, as it is a two-part film. Voronin: Was the cinema full?

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Mr Blake: Oh, yes. It's a very popular film. I recommend you to go and see it. Voronin: Thank you, but I don't like comedies very much. Mr Blake: What kind of films do you like? Voronin: Well, I like good love stories or musicals. I never watch horror films or old Westerns. Actually, historical films in black and white or in colour are my favourite films. I also like detective films and thrillers. Mr Blake: How about film versions of novels? Do you like them? Voronin: Yes, if they are close to the original and if popular actors star in them. IV. Exercises: 1. Compose dialogues of your own beginning with the following

opening sentences: 1) – Was the foreign film you saw subtitled or dubbed? – Unfortunately it was … 2) – The photography of the film, however fine, didn’t save the film. – Yes, but … 3) – What is very important for a good film is a good script. – I’m afraid it’s not always so … 4) – Popular science fiction films can have tremendous educational value. – Yes, it’s true. I remember the film … 5) – The film is sentimental and not true to life. – It’s not as bad as all that. It’s a bit … 6) – Do you fancy going to the pictures on Saturday? – Well, I … 7) – A, really does steal the show, doesn’t she? – I suppose she does but the others … 8) – You won’t enjoy the film version of …, I’m sure. – Why? They say it’s worth seeing though … 2. Speak about your favourite cinema actor (actress). What especially

strikes you in his (her) acting? In what roles do you like him (her) best? Use the following ideas:

To work on the leading role; a screen adaptation of …; the film deals with; a popular film actor (actress); to succeed in giving an excellent portrayal of …; to create a gallery of memorable characters (a truly attractive comedy character, people of strong character and firm principles); to have a gift of observation; to revive in his (her) characters the characteristic features of working people (the builders of a new society); his (her) talent is maturing; the characters created by … possess a romantic spirit (human dignity). V. Answer the questions: 1. Do you like the cinema? 2. Which films do you prefer? 3. Which films have been released lately?

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4. What do you usually do when you want to go to the cinema? 5. Do you prefer to watch films at the cinema or on television? 6. Who is your favourite film star? 7. At what price do you book tickets for the cinema? 8. Do you prefer the cinema to the theatre? 9. Did people use to go to the cinema often? 10. Why are there less cinema-goers now? VI. Act out the situations: 1. Ваш друг пригласил вас в кино, и вы обсуждаете какой фильм

посмотреть. 2. Вы покупаете заранее билеты в кино и спрашиваете кассира о

сеансе и о цене билета. 3. Вы говорите с другом об актерах и последних киноновинках. 4. После похода в кинотеатр вы обмениваетесь впечатлениями о

фильме со своим другом.

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Great Britain I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: Great Britain - Великобритания The United Kingdom of Great - Объединенное Королевство Britain and Northern Ireland Великобритании и Северной Ирландии official - официальный to occupy - занимать isle - остров island - остров to consist of - состоять total - общий square - квадратный to make up - составлять capital - столица respectively - соответственно population - население to separate - отделять English Channel - Английский канал (Ла-Манш) Strait of Dover - Па-де-Кале(Дуврский пролив) coast - побережье to wash - омывать navigation - судоходство chief - главный mild - мягкий temperate - умеренный due to - вследствие influence - влияние Gulf Stream - Гольфстрим humid - влажный changeable - изменчивый too - слишком foggy - туманный rainy - дождливый producer - производитель machinery - оборудование textile - текстильный aircraft - авиационный shipbuilding - судостроение

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monarchy - монархия chamber - палата House of Commons - палата общин to win - побеждать majority - большинство seat - место to form - образовывать leader - лидер to choose - выбирать to be responsible for - быть ответсвенным за particular - особый government - правительство to cross - пересекать upright - вертикальный saint - святой patron - покровитель, заступник daffodil - бледно-желтый нарцисс thistle - чертополох shamrock - трилистник II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Great Britain The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland. It occupies the territory of the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland and about five thousand small islands. The total area is over 244 000 square kilometres.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are: London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. The population of the country is over 57 million people; about 80 % of them live in cities and towns.

Great Britain is separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The west coast of the country is washed by the Irish Sea, the east coast is washed by the North Sea. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long and not good for navigation. The chief rivers are the Severn and the Thames.

The climate in the United Kingdom is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. It is mild, humid and changeable. It is never too hot or too cold. Great Britain is well known as a foggy and rainy country.

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The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the main important industries of the country is shipbuilding. The largest cities of Great Britain are: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy. The Queen is the official head of the state. The legislative power is vested in Parliament. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal. The party which wins the majority of seats in Parliament forms the Government and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses about twenty MP's from his party to become Cabinet Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of government.

English is the official language, but some people speak Scottish, Welsh and Irish. The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross (with arms going into the corners) is the cross of St.Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. David is the patron saint of Wales. Rose is a symbol of England, daffodil is a symbol of Wales, thistle is the symbol of Scotland and shamrock is the symbol of Ireland. III. Answer the questions: 1. What is the official name of the country ? 2. What parts does it consist of ? 3. Is the population over 57 million people ? 4. What is Great Britain separated by from the continent ? 5. The chief rivers in Great Britain are the Severn and the Thames, aren't

they ? 6. Why is British climate mild ? 7. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country ? 8. What British industries do you know ? 9. Who rules Britain officially ? 10. What does the British Parliament consist of ? 11. What is the official language in Great Britain ?

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IV. Ask your friend: - какое официальное название страны; - какая общая площадь; - отделяется ли Великобритания от континента Английским каналом; - являются ли реки пригодными для судоходства; - чем хорошо известна Великобритания; - какие самые крупные города страны; - кто находится во главе государства; - какие три главные партии в стране; - является ли английский официальным языком страны; - какой символ Англии.

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London I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: to be concentrated - быть сконцентрированным the Royal Exchange - Королевская биржа the Bank of England - Банк Англии the Stock Exchange - Фондовая биржа a port area - портовый район to be quiet and empty - быть тихим и пустынным to stay alive - быть оживленным nearby - близлежащий a pub - кабачок, пивная a concrete building - бетонное здание to live outside the center - жить вне центра the total population - все население the Greater London - Большой Лондон a suburb - пригород to be home for - быть местом нахождения чего- либо the headquarters of - центральные учреждения a government department - власть (как часть правительства) the major legal institutions - главные судебные учреждения the monarch - монарх transport network - транспортная сеть to contain - содержать the national television network - национальная телевизионная сеть the original walled city - первоначальный город, обнесенный стеной to be founded by Romans - быть основанным римлянами a poorer residential area - бедный жилой район a luxurious hotel - роскошный отель an expensive shop - дорогой магазин the main tourist attraction - главный предмет интереса туристов King Edward the Confessor - король Эдуард Исповедник an abbey church - церковь аббатства a royal tomb - гробница короля или королевы

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memorials to famous men - мемориалы известных and women людей William the Conqueror - Вильгельм Завоеватель to be crowned - короноваться a coronation - коронация the royal residence - королевская резиденция the country’s main court - верховный суд страны the Queen’s official residence - официальная резиденция королевы the Changing of the Guards - смена караула in the forecourt of the palace - перед дворцом a masterpiece - шедевр to be crowned with a huge dome - быть увенчанным огромным куполом Whispering Gallery - Галерея Шепота to be associated with - быть связанным с a fortress - крепость a mint - монетный двор to be guarded by - охраняться кем-то a Beefeater - Бифитер a Yeoman Guard - стражник-йомен to be noted for - быть знаменитым чем-либо the Museum of Moving Image - Музей кино II. Read, translate and retell the text:

London London is the capital of Great Britain, its economic, political, and

cultural center. It is situated on the both banks of the Thames. London is a very old city. It is more than twenty centuries old. The original walled city of London founded by Roman was quite small. Slowly it grew into a large city. And now it is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world with the population of 11 million people. About a fifth of the total population of the UK lives in the Greater London area, that is in London and its suburbs.

London is home for the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institutions and the monarch. It is the country’s business and banking center and the center of its transport networks. It contains the headquarters of the national television networks and of all the national newspapers.

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London consists of three main parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End.

The City is the financial center of London. It is the district where most offices and banks are concentrated. The Royal Exchange, the Stock Exchange and the Bank of England are situated here. During the daytime, nearly a million people work there, but less than 8 000 people actually live there. Many people live outside the center of London in the suburbs, and they travel to work, in shops and offices by train, bus or underground. The West End is a symbol of wealth. This district is known for its many theatres, cinemas, luxurious hotels and restaurants and expensive shops. By the day the whole of London is busy. At night offices are quiet and empty, but the West End stays alive, because this is where Londoners come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas. In nearby Soho the pubs, restaurants and night clubs are busy half the night.

The East End is known as the poorer residential area of London where mostly working people live. Many factories, workshops and the Port of London is situated here. The old port area is now called “Docklands”. There are now new offices building in Docklands, and thousands of new flats and houses. This district of London is very unattractive, but very important to the country’s commerce.

Like all big cities, London has streets and concrete buildings, but it also has many big parks, full of trees, flowers and grass. The most famous of them are Hyde Park with its famous Speaker’s Corner and Kensington Gardens.

London is also the main tourist attraction of the country. There are a lot of places of interest in London, which attract thousands of tourists every year. They usually want to see Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Westminster Abbey, the House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St.Paul’s Cathedral, the London Bridge, the Tower of London and many other places. Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. Around the Square there are several large buildings including the National Gallery and the Church of St.Martin-in-the-Fields, but it is dominated by Nelson’s Column. The monument was erected in 1881 to commemorate Nelson’s triumph at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The monument is guarded by four bronze lions. At one side of the Square is the National Gallery, which was built in 1924. It has a rich collection of pictures.

At the other side of the Square is Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s official London residence. It is a beautiful building with a flag over it

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standing in large gardens. If the Queen’s flag flies over the Palace, it means that the Queen is in the residence. Londoners usually watch the Changing of the Guards in the forecourt of the palace. It lasts 30 minutes.

Another well-known square of London is Piccadilly Circus. It is the entertainment center for the West End of London. In the middle of it there is a statue of Eros, the God of Love. The statue is made of aluminium and is so light that can be easily lifted by 2 or 3 men.

On the left bank of the Thames stands Westminster Abbey, which is now the political center of London. In the 11th century King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church there. There are many royal tombs in the Abbey, like the tomb of Edward the Confessor himself, and memorials to famous men and women. The most popular ones are those to writers, poets and musicians in the Poet’s Corner. William the Conqueror was crowned there, and since then all the coronations have taken place in the Abbey. During the reign of Edward the Confessor the Palace of Westminster was built too. It was the royal residence and also the country’s main court. The Parliament met here since the 16th till the 19th century. The present Houses of Parliament designed by Sir Charles Barry were built in 1850 after the fire in the Palace of Westminster in 1834. There are two houses in the Parliament: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. St.Stephen’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains probably the most famous clock in the world Big Ben.

Another place, which attracts tourists, is St.Paul’s Cathedral. St.Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. It was built since 1675 until 1709. It is crowned with a huge dome. Inside the dome there is the famous Whispering Gallery. There are many memorials in the Cathedral. Such people as Wellington, Nelson and Wren himself are buried here. The Tower of London was planned as a castle. It was built about 9 centuries ago by William the Conqueror. It is associated with many important events in the British history. It was a place of State intrigue and executions. The Tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison, a mint. The Tower is now the home of the Crown jewels protected by Yeomen Guards more known as «Beefeaters».

London is also noted for its museums and art galleries. Among them are the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate Gallery of sculpture, the Museum of London, the Museum of Moving Image, Madam Tussaud’s Museum of life-size portraits in wax and many others. But the most well-known and one of the largest in the world is the British Museum. The British Museum was founded by Act of Parliament in 1753 to bring together the collection of Sir Robert Cotton, some others and future addition

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to them. Anthony Panizzi designed the famous circular Reading Room at the British Museum. The first thing that strikes a visitor is its unusual shape. It is a perfect circle

III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues: Dialogue 1. - I think we’ll get off the bus near the circus … - Do you mean to invite me to a circus show? I’d love to see it in

London. - Oh, no. I mean Piccadilly Circus. It’s just a square. - I see. Why is it called that? Is it round, or what? - Well? It isn’t exactly round. As a matter of fact any open space

where a number of streets meet can be called a circus. You can come across them all over England. But when a Londoner speaks of the Circus he means Piccadilly Circus.

Dialogue 2. - I suppose you’ve been to Covent Garden? - Covent Garden? I’m afraid not. I have only been to Green Park,

Regent’s Park and Kensington Gardens. - Dear me! Don’t you know what Covent Garden is? - I certainly do. It’s the Royal Opera House. I was just pulling your

leg. (дурачить, разыгрывать). Dialogue 3. - While seeing the Tower of London, have you noticed several ravens

in the courtyard? - Oh, yes, I have, there were some. - There’s a belief that the British Empire will come to an end when

those ravens leave the Tower. - Well, but as far as I know the British Empire does not exist any

more, though the ravens are still there. - That’s right. Their wings are clipped. (to clip – подрезать). Dialogue 4. - Why, it’s No 10 Downing Street! - Exactly so. Here the Prime Minester of Britain lives. - And where’s the residence of the Queen? - The London residence of the British Kings is Buckingham Palace.

When the Queen is in residence the Royal Standartd is flown at the mast-head. (флагшток).

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Dialogue 5. - Which are the most notable picture galleries in London? - Well, the National Gallery, to begin with, then comes the National

Portrait Gallery, then the Tate Gallery. - Yes, but what about the British Museum? I’ve heard a lot of it. - Oh surely, you ought to go there, but the British Museum is not a

museum of Fine Arts. In the first place it’s a museum of history, achaelogy and ethnography. It’s also one of the largest libraries in the world.

IV. Ask your friend: - кем был основан Лондон; - на какие части делится Лондон; - чем знаменит Сити; - что представляет собой Вест Энд; - чем примечателен Тауэр; - кто построил аббатство и дворец в Вестмистере; - где заседает парламент; - что находится в Ист Энде; - какие самые известные музеи в Лондоне. V. Translate the following into English: 1. Лондон – экономический, политический и культурный центр,

расположенный на обоих берегах Темзы. 2. Город, основанный римлянами, первоначально был маленьким

и обнесен забором. 3. Лондон традиционно делится на три части: Сити, Ист Энд, Вест

Энд. Эти части различаются между собой. 4. Сити – это район, где сосредоточена большая часть офисов и

банков. 5. Вест Энд – это символ роскоши и богатства. 6. Лондон – очень привлекателен для туристов. Интересно

увидеть Трафальгарскую площадь, Пикадили, Букингемский дворец, Собор Святого Павла.

7. Вестминстерское Аббатство располагается на левом берегу Темзы и является политическим центром Лондона.

8. В Тауэре Лондона хранится королевская корона, которая охраняется Йoменскими стражниками – йоменами.

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9. Собор Святого Павла – это шедевр сэра Кристофера Рена. Строительство началось в 1675 г. и было закончено в 1709. Великолепное сооружение увенчано куполом.

10. Рядом с Аббатством Эдуард-Исповедник построил Вестминстерский Дворец, который был королевской резиденцией.

VI. Act out the situations: 1. Вы встретили своего друга, он недавно вернулся из Лондона.

Спросите у него, понравился ли ему Лондон, где он бывал, какие достопримечательности ему удалось посмотреть.

2. Вы встретили своего друга. Он сообщает, что на днях уезжает в Лондон. Это его первая поездка. Он хотел бы знать, какие достопримечательности вы посоветуете ему посетить (он увлекается искусством.) Дело в том, что он собирается пробыть там 3 дня. Вы советуете ему посетить национальную Галерею. Он решает последовать вашему совету.

3. Вы первый раз в Лондоне и в отеле обращаетесь к портье за советом, с чего начать свою экскурсию. Он советует сначала посмотреть Букингемский Дворец, где живет королева, и заодно понаблюдать смену караула перед дворцом. А затем можно пройти на Трафальгарскую площадь, она расположена в центре Лондона. Там есть памятник, посвященный адмиралу Нельсону и его победе при Трафальгаре.

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Career I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered: curriculum vitae (CV) - биография written application - письменное заявление opening position - вакансия to choose an occupation - выбрать работу по to one's liking желанию experimental period - испытательный срок to work shift-work - работать по сменам to have flexible schedule - иметь гибкий график to work part/full time - работать неполный/ полный рабочий день to work nine to five - работать с девяти до пяти to get off - увольняться be on sick leave - быть на больничном to run business - заниматься бизнесом to do trade - вести торговлю entrepreneur - предприниматель owner - владелец officer - чиновник, должностное лицо employment office - агентство по трудо устройству work experience - стаж employment book - трудовая книжка position - должность supervisor - начальник subordinate - подчиненный salary - зарплата служащего wage - зарплата рабочего fee - гонорар творческого работника rate of pay - ставка оплаты fair salary - достойная зарплата legal contract - трудовое соглашение income tax - налог contractual obligations - договорные обязательства to undertake a responsible post - занимать ответственный пост employer/employee - служащий/ работодатель job prospects - перспективы для работы

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opportunities for rapid возможности advancement - быстрого роста to be accustomed to work - привыкнуть under pressure - напряженно работать to contact with people easily - легко налаживать контакт с людьми to have good references - иметь хорошие отзывы supportive environment - хорошая рабочая обстановка main strength - основные достоинства promising - перспективный creative - творческий reliable - надежный skilful - опытный II. Read, translate and retell the text:

PLANNING A CAREER Having a job and having a career are two very different things. A job

is something you do to make money. You may enjoy the job, work hard at it and do well, but you are primarily doing it for the money to satisfy your other interests outside of the work environment. A career is something that integrates your desires and interests so that it gives you satisfaction above and beyond the money you make. To have a career means commitment and development but first of all planning.

This process can begin at any age. For some people it starts when they are small children and visit mom or dad at their place of work. For others it can come later through the inspiration of a teacher or exposure to a wider range of fields.

It is up to each individual to decide whether a job or career is best for them. People may share the same talent and interest but other aspects of their personality will dictate which direction to go with that interest. For example, one guitar player may decide to plan a career as a professional musician. Another may decide that the financial insecurity is too much for him, get a regular job satisfy his musical interests in his free time.

Whether you decide to get a job or plan a career, the job market today is quite different from that of your parents. In the Soviet system young people were guaranteed a job upon graduation. Now, there are no guarantees after university, institute or school.

The young person in today's Russia faces a very competitive job market.

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What do the new dynamics of the Russian job market mean for young people? First, if they have decided they want a career, they must start early in their academic life to plan and take steps to develop their professional careers. Second, in addition to a suitable background for a desired career, creativity, self-promotion and preparation are absolutely vital for any sort of success in the job search. Last, students must develop confidence in themselves and recognize the power that each of them has to take control of their future and shape it in a way that is best for them. III. Read the text and say if you agree or disagree with the following statements: 1. Having a job and having a career are two very different things. 2. Planning a career can begin at any age. 3. The choice of a career doesn't only depend on a person's talents and

interests. 4. To face a competitive job market is to have no guarantees for getting a

job. 5. To take control of the future and to be well-prepared for the challenges

of the job market one should take several very important steps. IV. Read, translate and give the main idea of the text:

Looking for a Job Looking for a job is a full-time occupation in itself, so it's important to

get yourself self-assessed. Look at yourself realistically, at your experience, your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and decide. What you are good at, not so good at, what sort of things you want to do and can do. Use all possible sources to help you get careers advice: - employment agency; - job center; - private employment agencies; - national and local newspapers; - professional or trade newspapers and journals; - applications to possible employers; - local radio stations; - friends and relatives.

If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you make an application. The aim of your application is to get you an interview ; the aim of interview is to get you the job. The first thing to do is to draw up a personal information chart or curriculum vitae (CV). This should contain such sections as:

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- personal detail – full name, address, phone number, date of birth, marital status;

- your work experience; - your educational background; - details of any training; - personal particularities which are relevant (foreign languages, voluntary

work, interests and so on). Many of the jobs that are advertised in newspapers give a telephone

number for applicants to ring. When you ring up about a job you must know what you want to say and how to say it: - be confident on the telephone; - know your facts; - give the facts in a straightforward manner; - try to make a good impression on the person to whom you are talking.

V. Answer the questions: 1. What does your father do for a living? 2. Is there a lot of stress connected with his work? 3. Do you think that present career is the right one for him? 4. What is your mother's occupation? 5. Have your parents ever been unemployed? 6. What is your family income? 7. Is career an important part in your life? 8. What is your idea of an ideal job? 9. What are some good jobs to have and why? 10. What are the worst jobs and why? 11. What job would you like to get after you graduate from the University? 12. You have won or inherited a lot of money. Would you continue

working? 13. Would you agree to get married and not to work? 14. At what age can you get a part-time job in your country? 15. What are the most popular jobs for young men and women? 16. Would you like your work to be indoors or outdoors? 17. Would you like to have your own business? Why? 18. Do you prefer to have a job for which no further training is required or

further training is necessary? 19. Would you like to work for a big organization? 20. Would you like a job that involved making things with your hands? 21. What does you future profession demand from you? 22. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of your future profession?

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VI. Ask your friend: - как он представляет разницу между карьерой и работой; - какими факторами он будет руководствоваться при выборе работы (work which is useful to society; good salary or wages: opportunities to meet different people; opportunities to travel, flexible hours; interesting and not boring work; good pension scheme: dealing with children; responsibility of your own; the chance of promotion; good career prospects; good working conditions; friendly colleagues, long holidays and other factors); - какую работу он предпочитает и почему. VII. Comment on the following proverbs: 1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 2. Work done, have your fun. 3. Jack of all trades and master of none. 4. Business before pleasure. 5. Business is business. 6. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. 7. New lords, new laws. 8. A new broom sweeps clean. VIII. Act out the situations: 1. Imagine you are looking for a part-time job on your vacation. An

officer at an employment office interviews you. Other applicants are also involved.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your future speciality with your friend.

IX. Speak on your future profession in as many details as possible, answering the following questions: 1. Where do you study? 2. What faculty and speciality do you study at? 3. What general and special subjects do you have? 4. Why did you choose this profession? 5. Do you have practice at enterprises of our town? 6. Where will you be able to work after graduation from the University? 7. Is your future profession useful? Why? 8. Give additional information about your future profession (texts on your


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The contents Part I......................................................................................3 Family.......................................................................................3 The Working Day of a Student...............................................10 Higher Education....................................................................15 Our University........................................................................21 Barnaul...................................................................................26 The Altai Region....................................................................33 SEASONS AND WEATHER................................................38 Shopping.................................................................................44 Part II.....................................................................................50 Travelling................................................................................50 Meals. Eating Out...................................................................55 Сinema....................................................................................52 Great Britain...........................................................................66 London....................................................................................70 Career......................................................................................77

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по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов I-II курсов технических специальностей

Издано в авторской редакции Макет Е. Федяевой

Подписано в печать 18.06.04. Формат 60х84 1/16. Печать-ризография. Усл.п.л. 4,88. Уч.-изд.л. 4,45.

Тираж 350 экз. Заказ 2004 -

Издательство Алтайского государственного технического университета им. И.И. Ползунова, 656038, г. Барнаул, пр-т Ленина, 46

Лицензия на издательскую деятельность ЛР№ 020822 от 21.09.98 г.

Отпечатано в типографии АлтГТУ

Лицензия на полиграфическую деятельность ПЛД № 28-35 от 15.07.97 г.

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