Е-учење и Е-тестирање

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Е-учење и Е-тестирање. Ненад Грујовић, Машински факултет Крагујевац Данијела Шћепановић, Министарство просвете Милош Бајчетић, Медицински факултет Београд. eLearning. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Е-учење и Е-тестирањеЕ-учење и Е-тестирање

Ненад Грујовић, Машински факултет Крагујевац

Данијела Шћепановић, Министарство просвете

Милош Бајчетић, Медицински факултет Београд


E‑learning refers to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance and/or support learning in tertiary education

Activities ranging from the most basic use of ICT through to more advanced adoption, reducing or simply supplementing time spent in the physical classroom

Typography of eLearning

1. None or trivial online presence.2. Web supplemented (e.g. course outline and lecture notes

online, use of email, links to external online resources)3. Web dependent: students are required to use the Internet for

key “active” elements of the programme – e.g. online discussions, assessment, online project/collaborative work – but without significant reduction in classroom time.

4. Mixed mode: students are required to participate in online activities, e.g., online discussions, assessment, online project/collaborative work, as part of course work, which replace part of face-to-face teaching/learning. Significant campus attendance remains.

5. Fully online.

Source: e-Learning in Tertiary Education: Where do We Stand? OECD, June 2005

Међународни пројекти

Теmpus пројекaт

JEP 17119-2002 WUS Austria пројекти

Партнери у пројектима: Београдски универзитет Национални технички универзитет Атине Баскијски универзитет (Шпанија) Универзитет из Жилине (Словачка) Технички универзитет из Брауншвајга (Немачка) IBM United Kingdom

Joint Course NTUA (Athens) and UKG (Kragujevac)

Multipoint connection: Kragujevac, Krefeld (Germany), Belgrade, Nis

eLeraning Teaching materials

Подршка студентима

Наставни материјал у електронском облику на CD- има

Већина курсева је у електронском облику на Интернету

Објективно тестирање знања уз помоћ специјалног софтвера

We are Borg

еLearning Task Force

Formal group organized with support of WUS Austria Comity for videoconferencing: coordinator N.Grujovic Participation of representatives of University of

Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac, University of Nis, University of Arts

Created recommendations document on eLearning for Serbia

2006: University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac, University of Nis and University of Podgorica in Montenegro are equiped with teleconferencing equipment

2009: University of Novi Pasar is equiped with teleconferencing

Learning Managmenet System (LMS) Moodle

еLearning Task Force

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