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Post on 01-May-2020






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# 5

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Story Selling We ask the industry: What film/book do you think the industry should watch/read?

Hubert Boulos Head of strategic planning, JWT I would recommend the industry read: Truth Lies and Advertising: The Art of Account Planning by Jon Steel. Why? So everybody understands what strategic planners should be doing. It is mandatory reading for planners at JWT Dubai.

Fadi Chamat General manager, PHD Abu Dhabi An interesting book I’ve read that I would definitely recommend to the industry is called Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson. The book is about a guy who falls off the Himalayas while climbing, only to be rescued by villagers in the remote mountains of Pakistan who nurse him to safety. After living with them for weeks and seeing how underprivileged they are, he decides to go back to America and save enough money to build them a school. The guy ends up sleeping in his car for months to save on rent, food, entertainment, etcetera – all for the sake of these villagers. He goes back and builds them a school against all odds (details in the story) and ends up eventually opening an NGO that builds dozens of similar development projects all around the Third World. The reason I like this book is because it shows the triumph of the human spirit and is an indication that the best rewards aren’t always materialistic.

Yousef Tuqan Tuqan CEO, Flip Media Any book that will remind everyone that there are people in the world who need help, and when we’re doing ads for nappies and toothpastes, we’re not actually making the world a better place. There’s a lot we can do with our talent to help the world. Pick a cause, and learn about it.

Tony Orsten CEO, twofour54 Sidney Lumet’s 1976 blockbuster, Network, with Faye Dunaway, William Holden and Peter Finch. Now that’s the way to run a TV station.

Lianne Rivett Senior designer, Rufus Leonard Middle East If you have 20 minutes to spare (perhaps while you munch your lunch at your desk) go to TED.com and be inspired. It’s hard to pick out just one video, but my current favorite is French street artist JR’s talk on how he has used art to turn the world inside out.

Story Selling (continued)

Liza Medd Regional Manager, Rufus Leonard Middle East Future Files: The Five Trends That Will Shape the Next 50 Years by Richard Watson. Incredibly fascinating and inspirational predictions of how five key trends will shape and change our future. A must read.

Homam Abushaban Senior exchange executive – digital, Mindshare UAE Between Politics & Culture by Arabic writer Abdul Rahman Munif. It shows clearly the essence of the GCC soul and to what extent this region went because of the oil revolution. Also, it explains the effect of oil on other countries in the Levant and North Africa. The importance of it comes from understanding the audience of the region which is (from my perspective) the most vital element of good advertising.

Imad Abi Rizk Senior exchange executive, Mindshare UAE A must-see movie in the media field ought to be Wag the Dog (1997). This movie shows the power of mass media and the influence it may have on one of the largest nations: the United States. The plot is about the president of the US who was caught in a scandal two weeks away from re-election. The president then contacts a Hollywood producer to create a fake war on Albania using mass media, where he can be the hero and end it.

Sunil John CEO, Asda’a Burson-Marsteller The King’s Speech is a textbook example of how to build a relationship with a powerful person. Before he can get the desired results, the speech therapist, brilliantly played by Geoffrey Rush, must establish ground rules that create the conditions for mutual respect and trust. No easy task, but the stubborn king (played by Colin Firth) comes around and the high-stakes speech is delivered flawlessly. In the same way, an agency that can tactfully assert itself as the expert in its field from the start will enjoy a better relationship, and provide better value, to the client.

Mouna Ajam Regional PR Manager, Mindshare MENA The movie What Women Want. It really shows you (especially industry outsiders) how much time and effort is required to come up with successful marketing ideas and how competitive this business is – especially the scene when Mel Gibson was trying to think (and dress) as a woman to better understand feminine products.

David Porter Media director, Unilever MENA Film: The Social Network, in order to appreciate the speed with which consumers move in the digital space, and that we must redouble our efforts to keep up. Book: Anything written for five-year-olds, because we are all born with inherent creativity until we allow the world to beat it out of us.

Choucrallah Abou Samra Managing director, OMG KSA I recommend reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu. This book is as relevant today as it was when it was written around 500 BC. Although it was written for warfare, it actually fits our industry more than warfare, especially in this day and age. (Note: it is not worth watching movies with the same title.)

Yves-Michel Gabay General manager, MEC MENA As usual, I have multiple answers: Books: Confessions of an Advertising Man (David Ogilvy). Because it’s the start of everything in this industry. Publicitor (Bernard Brochand). Because it’s really the sum of what you need to know in the modern time of advertising. Le Grand Bluff (Pierre Pean). Another French book, all about the backstage stories in advertising – true everywhere. Films: 1984, *directed by+ Michael Radford (from Orwell’s novel). Because of the power of the interactive screen; people can watch, but can be watched too. The recent and very good Social Network. Just to show to the local marketers that we are already in the digital era and social media is very important (the modern WoM), but it’s also a business and not a nice and rosy world. Mad Men (the TV series). Here, again, a lot of lessons about the advertising world and modern marketing. And also What Women Want (with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt). Because it really explains (in a funny way) that we need to understand the consumers.

Michel Bort Client relationship director, Kassab Media How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book shows why listening to other people is more important than talking about yourself, how positive reinforcement is the best way to motivate others, and what few techniques you can use to make other people believe what you are telling them. Dale Carnegie spells out his plan for getting what you want from other people by changing the way you behave.

Mounir Harfouche CEO, Lowe MENA Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. For me it is the greatest example of what a populist idea is. It all started with one thought; a big idea that is from the people to the people. It inspired generations, transformed behaviors, changed rules and marked history. Martin Luther King became an iconic brand, a symbol of freedom, a reference to bravery, an example of dignity and he connected with people. The “I” became “We.” He had followers, not like those on Twitter; he had friends, not like those on Facebook, but more determined ones who embraced his cause, their cause. Martin Luther King managed to steer cultural and social perception away from the heavily anchored segregation, simply because he had a winning idea.

Story Selling (continued)

Roy Barghout Senior manager – exchange, Mindshare UAE E by Matt Beaumont. Perfect representation of characters in the industry.

Hermann Behrens CEO, The Brand Union Middle East Robin Sharma’s, Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: The Eight Rituals of the Best Leaders. Leaders need lots of wisdom today.

Marwan Qutub CEO and co-founder, 3Points Advertising The book I highly recommend to anyone in the industry is Purple Cow by Seth Godin. It puts the reader in the mindset of transforming his brand to being remarkable. It’s a short book, yet very inspiring and eye-opening. And the film is The Usual Suspects. It shows how the right answer can be just in front of you, if you pay attention to the details.

Yvette Madi Exchange manager – digital, Mindshare UAE I have read many marketing books. One I see as inspiring is Brand Failures by Matt Haig. I’m sure many have read it already. I have read it five times and still enjoy reading it. The fact is, we learn more from failures than we can from success. The book talks about faults that brands/products have committed. It’s good to learn what not to do nowadays, as the margin of error keeps minimizing with time, and we are not perfect.

Zoya Sakr Editor-in-chief, anaZahra.com Socialnomics. A very interesting book on how social media transforms the way we live and do business.

Story Selling (continued)





“We’re working now with Domino’s Pizza*”

modhayn & hokail

* GCC, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan and Pakistan

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