高中基础 (2267 期 20150623) | 2 版 jeb bush launches campaign for president

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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高中基础 (2267 期 20150623) | 2 版Jeb Bush Launches Campaign for President

• How much do you know about American politics? How often do they hold a presidential election?

• How many American presidents can you name? How much do you know about these presidents?




1. George W. Bush

2. George H. W. Bush

3. Hilary Clinton

4. Bill Clinton

5. Scott Walker

6. Marco Rubio

Scan the article and match each of the names in Column A with the introductions in Column B.




a. wife of Bill Clinton; 2016 presidential candidate

b. Florida Senator; 2016 presidential candidate

c. Wisconsin Governor; 2016 presidential candidate

d. father of Jeb Bush; the 41st president of America e. the 42nd president of America

f. brother of Jeb Bush; the 43rd president of America


“I see a great country on the edge of its greatest century, and …,” said former Florida Governor Jeb Bush in a video released before he officially launched his presidential campaign in …

Word bank


While reading

edge n. 边缘,边沿

former adj. 以前的governor n. (美国的)州长

launch v. 发起,发动campaign n. (政治)运动

… he can instantly make use of his family’s deep political connections, but he is also associated with the wrong actions of those past administrations, including sending American troops into costly, controversial wars in the Persian Gulf.


be associated with 与……联系在一起

administration n. 政府troops n. 部队,士兵costly adj. 代价高的

make use of 使用,利用instantly adv. 立刻,马上

controversial adj. 有争议的

While reading

Word bank

语法解析:代词 neither与主谓一致 ☞ Language study

Bush’s short-term answer to the challenge is to imply … —neither was present at his announcement, and his campaign icon “Jeb!” … Meanwhile, he emphasizes his …


emphasize v. 强调

be present 出场,到场

icon n. 图标

imply v. 暗示,暗指

short-term adj. 短期的,近期的

While reading

Word bank



1. You must not be ___________ by the opinions of others.2. In no case should a ___________ official take bribes.

Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. The newspaper described her as a ___________ young singer.2. My father has made a ___________ that he will take me to Tibet next month.





While reading



1. He keeps two ___________, a cook and a gardener.2. The food at this hotel is good, but the ___________ is poor.

Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. In an age when few women became ___________, her career was unusual.2. He was completely ignorant about the country’s ___________ system.







While reading


VOCABULARY EXERCISESTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 我们应该修建新的公路,我认为这是理所当然不在话下的。 (take … for granted)

2. 他原谅了我没有遵守诺言。 (keep one’s word)

3. 日本工业正在越来越多地使用机器人。 (make use of)

4. 红色通常能让人联想到危险。 (associate)

Red is usually associated with danger.Red is usually associated with danger.

Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.

He pardoned me for not keeping my word.He pardoned me for not keeping my word.

I take it for granted that we should build new I take it for granted that we should build new roads.roads.

While reading

1. According to the article, Jeb Bush runs for _____, and Hilary Clinton runs for _____.

A. the Republicans … the Democratics

B. the Democratics … the Republicans

C. the Republicans … the Republicans, too

D. the Democratics … the Democratics, too


Choose the best answer.



While reading

2. Which of the following is NOT a tricky problem that Jeb Bush faces to win the national election?

A. the rise of ISIS

B. a weak economy and unemployment

C. the equality between men and women

D. a poor immigration system√√


Choose the best answer.

While reading

3. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. George H. W. Bush is the father of George W. Bush.

B. Being part of the Bush family has bought Jeb Bush more benefits than burdens.

C. Jeb Bush did not invite his father and brother to his presidential campaign in Miami.

D. Jeb Bush had served as Florida’s Governor for two terms.



Choose the best answer.

While reading

1. What are the burdens that come to Jeb Bush with being part of the Bush family?

He is associated with the wrong actions of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Answer the following question.


While reading

2. What were Jeb Bush’s answers to the burdens that come to him with being part of the Bush family?

• He didn’t invite his brother or father to his presidential campaign in Miami.

• He left out his last name in his campaign icon.

• He emphasized his unique personal story.

• He emphasized his political achievements as the Governor of Florida 1414

Answer the following question.

While reading

Bush’s short-term answer to the challenge is to imply independence from his father and brother—neither was present at his announcement, and …

Language study

☞ neither在此用作代词,指代“ his father and brother”两者都不。注意其后的谓语动词使用单数形式。e.g. Neither answer is correct.

在 neither of后面,谓语动词既可以使用单数形式,又可以使用复数形式。(但在正式场合,一般选择用单数形式)e.g. Neither of them has/have a car.


Grammar tip



Fill in the blanks with either/both a singular verb or/and a plural verb.

1. I don’t think any of them _________ where the key is hidden. (knows / know)

2. Neither of the students ________ replied. (has / have)

3. Neither hand _________ clean. (is / are)

4. All the office staff _________ agreed to work late tonight to get the job finished. (has / have)

5. The boys _________ each drawn a picture. (has / have)

6. Each of the boys _________ drawn a picture. (has / have)

7. Neither the President nor his representatives _________ to attend the meeting. (is / are)

√√ √√√√ √√





Language study

Choose an impressive world leader and talk about his/her achievements to your classmates.


After readingQuestion for further discussion:

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) is one of the most famous leaders not only in India, but around the world. He fought for India’s independence against the British and finally won. He is remembered today for this accomplishment.


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