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    A M O R C F O L D E R 7

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  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lethbridge Herald

    Lethbridge, Canada

    Saturday, January 13,1951

    Page 11

    BE A ROSICRUCIAN and under-stand life. Rosicrucian Order AMO R C., Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,California 918tfh

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardin o, California

    Wednesday, February 7, 1951

    Page 8


    Leland Fiskft Merrill, 46, diedyesterday at the Kaiser Fontanahospital in Fontana, lie was a na-

    tive of Pennsylvania and lived inFontana .Vi years and in Califor-nia 30 years. He was an electricianat thr* Kaiser Steel mill and amember of Sequoia Masonic lodge349 of Oakland; Keystone Chap-te r TjH, Royal Arch Masons, in SanBernardino; St. Bernard Commandery No. 23 of Sari Bernardino,

    and of the grand lodge, A.M.O.R.C.lie Is survived by his wife, Kath-

    leen M. of Fontana; one sister,Mrs. A. F. Dosse of Fontana; hismother, Mrs. Bertha Fiske Mer-rill of Fontana; and his father, W.J Merrill of Sacramento.

    Funeral services will be held at

    11 a.m. tomorrow in the Ingoldchapel at Fontana with FontanaMasonic lodge 653 officiating. Cre-mation will follow at Montecito

    IMemorial park.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Times R ecord

    Troy, New York

    Saturda y, April 28,1951

    Page 1



    New York 'A P ) Guns blazed in.the candlelit temple of the Rosi-

    crucian Krotherhnod today and lefta man lying dead before 1he alfar.

    Police said the man shot antlj

    wounded a wanton employee of the!religious order, (hen engaged in agun fight with police and fina llyturned hisg un on him self. Theysaid papers in his clothing bore(he name of Charles M. Liske of180 Summit A venue, Hackensack,

    I n . j . * 1

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Anniston Star

    Anniston, Alabama

    Sunday, A pril 29,1951

    Page 13

    Woman Shot In Altar RoomjMan Apparently Kills Himtetf

    NEW YORK A mlddlefand broke 4 m U 4or.4

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Terre Haute TribuneStar

    Terre Haute, Indiana

    Sunday, April 29, 1951

    Page 56

    M a n Is S la in

    In G u n D u e l O n T e m p le A lt a r

    I describe d as n onsectarian , with amystical and metaphysical philoso-

    phy. and in a broad se nse nonre


    Police told this stor>:

    Liske, married 30 years, and

    Miss TenBosch yesterday broke offa 10vear friendship.

    Hut he appeared at the templeoffice today carrying a suitcase

    NEW YORK, April 28 \ Sun*

    man fought a sun dui In th* r i e , S i! *i]e 8u ni and

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Sunday Pantagraph

    Bloomington, Illinois

    Sunday, A pril 29,1951

    Page 1

    ;Man Ends Lifeiln Temple Baffle

    NEW YORK (A P) A manfought a gun duel in the eerie light of a candle lit temple Satur-day with police trying to arresthim for shooting and wounding awoman friend.

    The duel ended when he fell fa-tally shot in front of an altar.

    Police identified him as CharlesM. Liske, 52, married, of Hacken-sack, N. J., employed by the New York Trust Company.

    They said that earlier he hadslightly wounded Miss SuzanneTenBo9ch, 39, of Queens, a volurvteer clerical worker for the Ro-sicrucian Brotherhood, in a lov-

    er's quarrel.Police said he apparently shothimself as the climax to thejstruggle 1b the Rosicrucian Tempie but a ballistics test would benecessary to determine definitelywhether he died from his ownor* a police bullet.

    J_____ ------------------------

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Sunday, A pril 29,1951

    Page 34

    Clerk, Separated From Wife,

    Wounds Girl Friend, Kills SelfA bank clerk, separatee! from

    his wife and quarreling withhis girl frien d, shot him selfro death yesterday in (he dark-

    ened Manhattan sanctuary of a

    Bosch. 39, of 4110 Mac Nish St..

    Elmhurst, a nurse and volun teer

    secretary for the cult, told them

    Liske took out a .38 caliberreligious cul t. j revo lver and said : Are you go

    Police said Charles M. Liske. inc to die first?52, of H ack er sack, fled to a I do not w an t to die," shedlm lylit alt ar room of th e Rosi*. replied.cruc ian Brotherh ood , at 250 W.| Then I'll kill you first and57th St., am: killed him self then kill my.*elf, Liske said,when three ofifcers broke down according to Miss Ten Bosch,th e door as Lisk e tried to force The sec retar y said she struga cult secretary into a suicide Bled with Liske and fled downpact. a hal lw ay as h e fired at her.

    Police * aid Su zann e Ten cutting her side with a bullet.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The High Point Enterprise

    High Point, North Carolina

    Sunday, April 29,1951

    Page 2A

    Bank Clerk Dies After DuelWith Police In Cult Chapel

    NEW YORK. April 28(UP) A niddlc*gcd bank clerk. v:|k-rated from his wife and quaucling with his *girl friend." shothimself to death today In thedarkened sunctuary of a religiouscult. .

    Police said Charles M. Liske, 52.Hackensack, N. J., fled to a dimlylit altar room of tlie RosicrucianBrotherhood nnd killed himselfwhen three officers brok# down

    the door as Liske tried to force cult secretary into a suicidepact.

    The of fkors said Liske, armedwith two guns, exchanged shotswith the two patrolmen and a sorgeant throuRh the door of thesanctuary before he ended his ownlife.

    Police said the men broke into:he Rosicrucian offices in answerto a distress call Jrom SuzannePen Bosch. 39. nurse and volun*teer secretary or the cult.

    Miss Bosch told officers thellnckensack banker took a .38 cal-iber revolver nnd a Mauser auto-

    matic out of a valise during anappointment In the culls midlownoffices and tried to force her intoa ' suicide pact.

    "Are you going to die first,the woman quoted Huke as sayinsr.

    "I do not want to die/* sh repiled.

    "Then Ill kill you first andthen kill myself Liske said, ac-cording to Miss Bosch.

    The secretary 5ald she strugRledwith Llskc nnd fled down a hall-way as the banker fired at her,cutting the flesh on Miss Boschsside with a bullet.

    Police said th'*y answered analarm tu rnI in by a dentist onthe b.imc floor.

    The officers Miiil there wan asingle shot nnd several momen t sof silence following the short gunbattle. They found Liskc'n Iwdya t the fool of a n altar in thesanctuary.

    Miss Fiosch said she and Liskehad been friends tor 10 years butagreed to .stop seeing each other

    afte r a quarrel. She said Lisketelephoned her today to ask foran appolnUnent at the Roslcrucian office.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The New York Times

    New York, New York

    Sunday, April 29, 1951

    Page 72

    B A T T L E I N C H A P E L

    E N D S I N A S U I C I D E

    Bank Official Kills Himself

    After Shooting Woman and

    Firing at Policemen

    Apisto l battle with the police ina darkened Rosicrucian templeyesterday morning ended when amiddleaged bank official shothimself witftf*one of his two pistolsin front of the altar. A few min-utes earlier he had wounded a wo-man volunteer worker as she fledfrom a threatened suicide Daet.

    The shooting occurred in theeighthfloor lodge and templequarters of the Rosicrucian Orderat 250 West Fiftyseventh Street,

    between Broadw ay and Eighth

    Avenue. The dead man was CharlesM. Liske, 52 years old, of 180 Sum-mit Avenue, Hackensack, N. J.The woman was Miss Suzanne tenBosch, 39 years old, of 4410 Mac

    Nish Stree t, Elm hurst, Queens.Miss ten Bosch told detectives

    that she had known Liske for tenyears. She said th at they hadagreed on Friday night to breakoff their relationship. She wasquestioned in Roosevelt Hospital,where she was reported in goodcondition with a flesh wound in

    he r rig ht , thigh.According to a police reconstruc-tion Of the affray, Miss ten Bosch,a nurse who does secretarial workfor the order, was alone in thelocked office shortly before 11A. M. when Liske came to the doorcarrying a brown leather attache

    case. He had previously tele-phoned her from the'lobby.

    After she led him to a receptionroom overlooking the street, hetook two pistols (a long barreled.38 caliber target and a 7mm.Mauser automatic) from the case,saying, You are going to die first,then Ill kill myself."

    No, I dont want to die, Missten Bosch cried and tried to dis-arm him. One of the pistols wasdischarged during the ensuing

    struggle. Miss ten Bosch brokeaway. Liske fired three shots ather as she fled, one as she randown a short hallway in the officeand two in the main corridor.

    Dr. Irwin Levy, a dentist, hear-ing the gunfire and screams, ranfrom his office at the far end ofthe corridor and prevented herfrom returning to the Rosicrucianoffice. He told the police he sawLiske standing in the receptionroom, pointing a pistol at his ownhead.

    Meanwhile, the police were sum-moned by Joseph Splain, an insur-ance broker with offices adjoiningDr. Levy's.

    Hundreds of persons gathered inthe street as a fleet of patrol carsand a police emergency truck,equipped with tear gas and rifles,rushed to the scene.

    Sgt. Alfred Chappel and Patrol-men William Gilroy and RobertWhite of the West FiftyfourthStreet station located Liske in thewindowless temple room by the

    clicking of an apparently jammedpistol. Leaving Patrolman White in the

    reception room to cover a possibleattack from the offices, which liebetween the temple and the frontwindows, Sergeant Chappel andPatrolman Gilroy called to Liske

    to throw out his pistol and surder. t

    They heard him mutter a rfrom the temple, in which a green lamp was burning, butonly audible word was kill.0

    They took positions in an investibule leading to the templetrolman Gilroy fired twice intodarkness. Three rapid shots returned. Serge ant Chappel twice. There was a pause, thsingle shot from within the tem

    the sound of someone falling awas over. / .

    Liske was found lying onfloor, the two pistols nearby, a contact wound in his left ple.

    The detectives said the fatallet apparently came from the Mser and from all indicationsshot himself. This was confirby Ass istant Medical ExamAaron Coblenz afte r examiningbody at the scene.

    It was like the Inner Sanctu

    Pat rolm an Gilroy said. I'lglad to get home tonight. I t like a tencent detective stogreen lights, peggin* shots indark.

    The temple is approximatelyby 50 fe et and se ats about persons.

    Liske's wife, Catherine, reaby telephone a t her home, saidhad known of her husbandster es t in Missten Bosch. She he was employed at the Fsecond Street branch of the N

    York Trust Company and shelieved he was assistant treasthere. They have no children

    The police said the Liskes been married th ir ty ye ars butbeen se para ted on a t least onecasion. They were living togeat the time of the shooting.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Times Record

    Troy, New York

    Saturda y, April 28,1951

    Page 1


    1 GUNPLAY IN TEMPLENew York (AP) Guns blazed in

    ;thc candlelit temple of the Rosi*Icrucian Jiroiherhood today and leftIa man lying dead befo re the altar.

    Policc salrl the man sh ot and jwounded a wamon employee of the:religious order, (hen engaged in ngunfight. with police and finallyturn ed his** gun on himsel f. Theysaid papers in his clothing borethe name of Charles M. Liskc of180 Summit Avenue, Hackensack,

    J N. J . '

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lock Haven Express

    Lock Haven, Pen nsylvania

    Monday, April 16,1951

    Page 9

    ROSICRUCIAN Secret Teach-ings are offered to those whoseek to use them solely for theperfection of their Inner facul-ties. and In the mastering of thedally obstacles of life; the In-ternational Organization o fRcslcruclans will be happy toreceive the requests of those whobelieve that worthiness and sin-

    cerity determine the right forone to have such wisdom; tothem, a copy of The Mastery ofLife, a fascinating book, will begiven without price; let thisbook guide you to the conserv-ative plan whereby you maywiden your scope of PersonalPower, Simply address your let'/.*r to Scribe S. E. C.. AMORCTemple, Rosicrucian Park, SanJose, Calif.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Wednesday, A pril 25,1951

    Page 17 (City Section)

    What's Doing

    Today:7 a.m.Jaycee Toastmasters club,

    Antlers hotel.

    12 noonKiwanis club, California hote l.

    12 noonSoroptlmist club, Melo-DeeLane cafe.

    12; 15 p.m. Nat ive Sons, Elchenbero *cafe.

    1:30 p.m.Sun-Telegram, Gas Co. cook*Ino chool, Municipal auditorium.

    2 p.m.Woman'* club, tea, Y.W.C.A.

    7 p.m.Coed club, Y.W.C.A.

    7 p.m. S. B. Squadron 49, C.A.A ., ai rbase building T -302

    7 p.m .Toastmasters club, Coronetdining room.

    7:30 p.m.Squires, St. Bernatdinesha l l .

    7:45 p.m.Royal Neighbors, Labor hall,

    Sixth and G streets.7:45 p.m.Junior Womans club, St.

    John's parish hall.

    ft p.m.Sunshine ciicit, A.M.O.R.C.,245 Sixth street.

    ft p.m.Native Daughter s, Legion c lu bhouse.

    8 p.m.An/a Grotto and auxiliary, Legion clubhouse.

    p.m .Square dance, Muscoy co mmunity hall.

    II p.m. Native Sons, 1.0 O F. temp le.

    ft p.m.Eagles lodge, Eagles hall.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Cumberland News

    Cumberland, Maryland

    Tuesday, May 1,1951

    Page 5

    AFTft be ing wounded by a ji ltedtuitor who battled police and thenkilled himself, Suzanne ten Bosch, jof ElmtfUrst, N. Y., tells of the eerieshooting. It occurred in the candle flit temple of the Rosicrucian So-ciety in a New York building, wherethe young woman was s volunteerworker. She said her suitor, CharlesM, Liske, of Hackensack, N. J., e

    ban k em ploye, burs t into the templeand began firing. (International)

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cruz SentinelNews

    Santa C ruz, California

    Monday, July 2,1951Page 1

    Good CrowdsAt ParksAnd Beaches

    Blue skies and brilliant sunshinebrought good croSvds to the SantaCruz beach and recreation areasyesterday, although brisk windskept many water enthusiasts ashore.

    Seaside company officials es-timated that 40,000 persons play-ed at the beach, and that some2000 bathers were in the surfduring the day.

    [ . . . ]

    Weekend crowds at the CountyBig Trees at Felton and at Seacliff Beach State park were thelargest of the year to date while the Big Basin park attendance of13.000 was the second largest ofthe season. Capitola officials re-ported more than 5000 visitors Sunday.

    The Big Trees had 1920 visitors !Sunday and 615 Saturday for aweekend total of 2.535. Included among the visitors were some 200

    (l members of the Rosicrucian col-lege of San Jose who made theirannual railroad excursion to theBig Trees. Ralph W. Randal ofSan Jose was in charge of theR.C.U. students who also visitedthe Mystery Spot and the Begoniagardens near Capitola.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Friday , July 27,1951

    Page 12

    C i t y D e l e g a t e B a c k

    F r o m R o s i c r u c i a n

    M e e t a t S a n J o s eDemonstration of an instrument

    which creates color patternsthrough sound vibrations was thehighlight of the recent interna-

    tional convention of Rosicruciansat San Jose, attended by Mrs.Landon Byran of 2955 Lugoavenue.

    Mrs. Byran. reported on theinstrument, called "Cosmolux" bythe inventor, Lester L. Libby. Anelectrical engineer, Mr. Libby istechnical director of the Rosicru-cian science museum.

    Without employing keys or re-lays, Cosmolux takes vibrationsf r o m a pickup microphonethrough Thy ratron tubes. A cir-cuit illuminates a series of lightscorresponding to the musical scale.Phonograph records played be-fore tho instrument produce a'color pattern similar to the moodof the composition.

    Mr. Libby said he contemplatesno commercialization of Cosmo-lux, but said it could be improvedto the extent that musical con-certs may be accompanied by col-

    or correspondences thrown on ascreen behind the orchestra._____ ______________ .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cru z SentinelNcws

    Santa Cruz, California

    Tuesday, A ugust 7,1951

    Page 2

    Santa Cruzans View Cosmolux 'Color InMusic' Instrument

    A new instrument called the Cos-molux produces beautiful color pat-terns upon a screen in response tomusic or any sounds made beforeits pickup microphone.

    In contrast with several other methods or machines which haveattempted to convert sound intocolor, the Cosmolux does not em-ploy any keys or relays, but takesthe vibrations of a voice or instru-ment directly and, through Thyratron tubes and a unique circut,actuates colored lights accuratelycorresponding to the musical scale.

    A definite sound or combinationof sounds always produces thesame color pattern on the screen,and pitch and volume affect thepattern uniformly and to a mostsensitive degree. Any phonographlecord, for instance, played before the Cosmolux, produces on thescreen a color pattern which rep-

    resents the mood of the composi-tion.The Cosmolux was demonstrated

    to over a thousand delegates of theInternational Convention of theRosicrucians at San Jose, Califor-nia, held recently. The instrumentwas developed by Lester L. Libby,an electrical engineer who holdsseveral patents in the field of elec-tronics, and who is Technical Di-rector of the Rosicrucian ScienceMuseum.

    Libby explained the functions ofthe instrument to a group of mem-bers from Santa Cruz, includingMrs. Margaret Goodman, MartenDeJonge, Mr. and Mrs. WilfredMaxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J.Veatch, and William Wilcox.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Thursday, August 9, 1951

    Page 10

    Extraordinary Exhibition

    of Contemporary

    BRITISH ARTSee th is unu i t ia l d ifp lay of ouh tam lm f ar t d i rec t

    f rom Br i ta in Disp layed In exh ib it a re 35 u n v i ic i

    pa lA te d by 21 a rl li t* . am on g H um lor r.e of B ri ta in 'a

    b e ll e n n lc m p cr a ry p a in lt rr

    Exhibit will b* on ditplay daily

    Through Awjuat 79



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The High Point Enterprise

    High Point, North Carolina

    Sunday, August 12, 1951

    Page 8C


    Readers in High Point wil l nowhaye access to the mo nthly m ag a-zine known as the RosicrucianDigest/* M rs. V ivian Pa ge of 506Elizabeth Street , a local memberof the Ros ic ruc ian Order (AMORC) has recent ly received not i f i -ca t ion f rom the Grand Lodge inSan Jose , Cal . , that this magazinewii l be made avai lable ?ach monthin the local l ibrary.

    The G ran d S ec reta ry of the RosU jc ruc ian O rder has inform ed Mrs.Pa ge t h a t t h i s ' dona tion m a de tothe l ibrary is the resul t of numer-ous reques t s f rom Joca l ' reade rs .

    The 'Rosicrucian Digest" is themonthly periodical issued by theRosic ruc ian / O i d e r (AMOR C),which is an educational, philosoph-ical , nonre l igious fra terni ty. Themagaz ine has in te rna t iona l c i rcu-

    la t ion and deals with discussionsof many phi losophical and scient i f-ic subjects . I t should prove ofin te res t to many who vis i t the lo-cal lib ra ry . _______________

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Miss Aldridge Sees CosmoluxProduce Sound Color Pattern

    Miss Leona Aldridge. 3C3 North Independence street , teacherin ihe Lincoln school, fclnst Chicago, attended an international con-vent ion a t San Jose , Cal if ., and saw a new inst rum ent , ca l led

    cosm olux. de m on strated to over 1,000 deleg ates of the RosicrucianOrder .

    Miss A ld ridge is the daugh te r /

    of JWr. and Mrs. Lu ke A ldridge. L ibby, an electr ica l eng ineer

    who holds severa l pa ten ts in thefield of electronics, and who la-the tec hnica l d irecto r ' of theRosicruc ian sc ience museum atSah Jose .

    'L ibbv expla ined tha t the cos

    fo rm er r e s iden t s o f Kcm pton .She lef t today for East Chicagow here she w i ll r e sum e he rdut ies as teacher in the e lemen-tary schools.

    The Cosmolux , Miss Ald-r idge sa id , p roduces be au t i fu l1m olux employs pr inc ip les wel lco lor pa t te rn s upon a screen :n know n in physics , bu t in a newresponse to music or a n y sound*:. com binat ion . Most p rev ious in -m ade before it s p ickup micro s t ru inen ts which a t tem pted to

    pho ne . In co n tra s t w ith sev e ra l c o r re la te sound w ith co lor ele c

    c th er m ethods or m ac hin es , t r ica l ly succeeded in do ing s j w hich hav e atte m pte d to con j *n a rang e of bu t one octav e ofve rt sound into color, the cos the m usical scale. Thn cosmom olux dues no t employ any key s lux reprodu ces th ree fu ll oc t or re lays , bu t takes the v ibra \aves . The pres en t ins t rum entl ion of the vo ice or in s t ru m en t ' u t il izes on ly th ree pr im ary co ld i r ec t ly and . th rough th ry ra ! r s red , g r een , and b lue Iron tubes and a un ique c i rcu i t , ! l "us some of the su bt le combinac tua tes co lored l igh ts ac cu ra te lo t ion s and over tones of m usic

    ]y corresponding to the musicalre; lie. .

    Sounds Produce Pa t t e rn

    A def in i le sound or combina-t ion of sounds, always producestin* same color pattern on thescreen, and pitch ar .d volume/af fec ts t . ie pa t te rn un i formlyr.nd to the most sensitive degree.Any phonograph record , for in

    are no t per fec t ly cor re la ted . tSeven Color Tones Possible

    Libb y raid i t is theo ret ical lypossib le to construc t a m uchlarger cosmolux employing sev-en colors of the solar spectrum,or the seven notes of the musicalscale. It even possible tobu ild an in s tru m e n t on a fullscale of 12 tones and colors.

    ylancc ployed before th e cosmo1 Ho w ever, L ibby said, such anlux , p roduces on the screen a ins t rum ent w ould be ex t rem elyco lo r pa t t e rn w h ich r ep res en t s ' compl ica ted and w ou ld r equ i reth e mood of the com posit ion. add it ional research in elee*

    The new in s t rum en t demon trou te s ,s t ra te d to the la rge de legat ion . Libby also dem onst ra ted for

    the Rosicruc ians the basic pr in-c ip les o i radar and a dynamicscale model of the oxygen atom.

    It is a m atte r of policy for(Con t inued on Page 0 )

    The Tipton Daily Tribune

    Tipton, Indiana

    Friday, August 21, 1951

    Pages 3 and 6

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Tipton Daily Tribune

    Tipton, IndianaFriday, August 21, 1951

    Pages 3 and 6

    Miss AldridgefConUnueC from Pace 3) .

    m e m b e r s o f t h e o r d e r t o k e e p ,

    i n o t j u s t ab reas t o f , b u t a l i t t l e

    in a d v a n c e o f a l l g e n e r a l s c ie n -t if ic d ev e l o p m en t s .

    B e n j a m i n F r a n k l in , w h o s e o r -

    i g i n a l b o o k o n e l e c t r i c i t y a n dm a g n e t i s m i n t r o d u c e d m a n y o f

    t h e c o m m o n e l e c t r i c a l t e r m s in

    u s e t o d ay , w as a Ro s i c ru s i an .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The StarChicago Heights, Illinois

    Friday, August 24, 1951

    Page 8

    9 * 9

    A delegate to the internationalconvention of the Rosicrucianorder held recently at San Jose,Calif.. ED PIEPENBRINK. 38 WestFifteenth street, Chicago Heights,witnessed a demonstration of theCosmolux, an instrument whichproduces color patterns upon a

    screen in response to music orany sounds made before its pick jup microphone without the useof keys or relays. The vibrationsof a voice or instrument directly

    ;actuate the colored lights which| correspond to the m usical sca le.


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Nevada State Fo lder

    Reno, Nevada

    Sunday, September 2,1951

    Page 20


    All sincere seekers for the greattruth and power known to theAncients write lor the free book

    The Mastery of Life ' Mailed without obligation to all students ofhigher thoug ht Scribe III Roalcruclan Order (Amorc) Rosicrucian Park San Jose, Calif

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Van Nuys News

    and valley Green Sheet

    Van Nuys, California

    Monday, Septem ber 24, 1951

    Page 11A

    RosicruciansHail Buildingof Pyramid

    W hen the sun on its eclipticaljo uin e> cro ss ed th e cele stial equatoi ye sterd ay for he au tum na leq uino x, it eomm emoi ated for Rosiciucians t lnoughout the \ \or! i the

    buildin g o f th e G re at Pyram idT H W insbo iron, M astei of the

    local AMORC. Kosiciucian HermesLodge pointed ou t that Rosiciucians through out the jurisdiction ofthe philosophic order galheied yesteiday for a ceiemon\ symbol ical -ly lee na ctm g the building of \he

    Great Pyiamid of Cheops

    Dedicated to Learning:

    Accoiding to Kosiciucian tradi-

    t ions, states Winsbouow, the Pyra-

    mid of Cheops, at Giz>h, was begunab ou t 4000 B C , on th e occasion of j

    the fall equinoxUnlike the other pyiamids buil t

    dunng the p>iamid age of Egypt, i twas not intended as a burial placeof a \ a in Ph aiao h w ho desired a

    m o nu m en t of hi* reign , bu t a? a

    tem ple of learnin g, he said Thecon struction of the Great P yram idrequired a Knowledge of all of th

    kn ow n sciences of the period

    Commemorate l^eurmng

    Since th e Rosicrucians, it is saidt race th e i r traditional origin backto Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of 1350B C , and historical ly known as th e first great personali ty in histor\

    thev eommemoi ate Their ancientorigin by th e utualist ic constructtion of a m iniatuie p nam id

    The laying of each stone r e p r e -sents to th em the cul tural accom-p li shm ents of the order during each\e a r of its existence The apex willbe placed upon a m in ia tu re p y ra -mid at a futuie t ime when theideals of the Kosiciucian movement

    ha\e been realized, Winsbonowpoin ted ou t

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Evening Sun

    Hanover, Pennsylvania

    Thursday, October 4,1951

    Page 23

    F.\|ilor* Your Mindl>l*i*mr Vour Mcti lHl SHf nnd

    Ovfreome Y o u r L i m i t a t i o n s !L urn tin trnnifiMliiiih |>hhIIti 1111h ofyo ur own tnlnd Kxplon* thnt tnyitter*Ion* world within von The Krw Book,*T h* .Mtint cry of Lift*,'* explalun how,throu gh fflirlnnt Inp *tu d\ . you runniMiitir tin* i*vT\diiy probl'ms of lifeand find huppln****

    Adilri'HK, Scrlbi! Illf ( o l t r i i r l n i i Order (AMOKC)

    Koftlrruclun I'urkhun Jour Califo rnia


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    El Paso HeraldPost

    El Paso, Texas

    Tuesday, O ctober 30,1951

    Page 11

    Machine Changes

    Sound to Color

    Do you talk blup, green or red.

    or do you talk in a combination of


    The El Paso Hosicrucians can

    test the color of their voices when

    they go to the Rosicrucian Temple

    at San Jose. Calif.A new instrument, called the

    Cosmolux. produces color patternsupon a screen in response to musicor any other sound picked up onits microphone.

    Ray W. Oakes, loca] district com-missioner, said the new instrumentwas demonstrated before delegatesat a recent Kosicrucian conventionin California.

    People with pretty voices arelikely to hrrve a pretty color pattern.

    Tbe Cosmolux uses principleswell known in physics, but in anew combination. Most previousinstruments which attempted to cor-relate sound with color electricallysucceeded in doing so in a range of

    but one oc tave of th e musical scale.The Cosmolux reproduces three fulloctaves.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Fresno Bee

    Fresno, California

    Friday, N ovember 30,1951Page 8A

    RosicruciansOrganizeLocal Chapter

    Preparations are being made by Fresno members o t the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, for the establish-

    ! ment of a local chapter, advisesMr*. Cath erine M iddleton, *of 2016Stillman in Selma The grand lodge of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,1

    At San Jose , C alifornia, has* issued a dispensation to t h e m e m b e r s ofthe philosophical order here to es-tablish a chapter to perpetuate its work. *

    Mrs. Catherine Middleton, secre-tary* .of the new ly organ ized chap-ter, state* that the Rosicrucian Or-der is not a leiigious society but is a philosophical movement rievotcdio the study of ihe sciences and the Iuws of nature, as found ex-pressed in man. The traditional his-tory of the order, she stated, placesits formation during the reign of

    Amenhotep IV, Pharo of Egypt,'1350 B.C. Th e society f irst cam e toAmerica In 1694 and settled near,where now is located Fairmont Park, Philadelphia. The first session will he held at the Calilornian Hotel at 8:00 PM November 30.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lethbridge Herald

    Lethbridge, Canada

    Saturday, February 9, 1952

    Page 10

    A NEW LIFE OPEN TO YOURosicrucian* Reveal A New World

    of PossibilitiesStrange Book Loaned to Thoie Seeking New Start

    At last a new method of mastering our lives and putting all theobstacles to success and happiness in their proper places, has beenoutlined by the Supreme Council of the Rosicrucians.

    And by a special concession, copies of this NEW PLAN, and anexplanation of WHAT IT WILL DO, will be loaned to th#**se whowish to make a new start In life and change the course of their

    career. The Roslcruc lans have ever been known for the ir rationa l,simple, and thorough knowledge of the a rcane facts of lifeThrough all the apes they have held the Light of Knowledge a*a sacred trust, and thousands of eminent writers nnu histo\ianshave conceded the high est tribu te to them '

    The new book, called The Mastery of Life, will be mailedto sincere inquirers witho ut obligation, and postage prepa id WrlM

    a letter (not post card) addressed to:

    Scribt 111, Rosicrucian Order (AM0RC)ROSICRUCIAN PARK,


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Kingston Daily Freeman

    Kingston, New York

    Wednesday February 27,1952

    Page 6

    PassenerSuhdiielicvat a hospital he must have

    Iblacked out.**

    Alex Houston. of Hemp-

    stead. Ion;: Island. N. V . a

    philosophy student at the Rosi-crucian Sem inary it* San J>e.said last niirht he had t*e n und* ttreatment and had "blacked out

    on numerous occasionsHe said he couldn't m en rememher being in Seattle when 1*boarded the t niird An I mi *I >( I. let alone anything u hiehrru^ht have hap|>ened on 11 -plane

    But thr plane's captain. RossBurley, the copilot. Eduard BurIos, and the stewardess, Phyllis\ \ vse, told officer** these werethe details.

    SniiiH li# ** I l l s l i y r n l a t i r n

    Houston s t a r t e

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Kingston Daily Freeman

    Kingston, New York

    Wednesday Feb ruary 27, 1952

    Page 6

    C 9

    ments. Alter he Mna^hrd a reading lamp, she railed lor help.

    Capt Hutle\ arrived ju-t intime to l>e hit o\er the head wjth Houston's ^hor* A h tu p th Houston

    quieted down, handed the stew, ardess his shoe laces and askedto he tied with them

    Then he la j* i d into unconsciousness. He still whs unconscious when he was removed byambulance and tak* there,*he said

    H e rehnained under observationat the hospital.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Reno, Nevada

    Wednesday, February 27, 1952

    Page 1

    Passenger AttemptsSuicide on Plane%

    OAKLAND, Calif., Feb. 26.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lethbridge Herald

    Lethbridge, C anada

    Saturday, March 8, 1952Page 18

    ROSICRUCIANTeachings Give Key!"

    . . To Secrets ROSECROSS MYSTICISM .


    The Rosicrucians w y e the MasterMystic? in ail ages and today they

    are organized in lodges, groups andcolleges in all parts of the world. Intheir teachings; they' secretly pre-serve the'ancient wisdom that madethe Pyramid in Egypt the marvel ortoday. .

    With the higher Cosmic laws andsecrets ol mystical power ryou, canchange the course of your life andattract SUCCESS,' HEALTH, HAP-PINESS' . and ' a '.development ofmental foresight th a t will astoundyou and surprise your friends.

    The Rosicrucian teachings con-taining the true knowledge of themystics are never sold in books.But,you may borrow a book called "TheMastery of Life in which the strange story of the Rosicrucians istold and an explanation given ofhow you may have the private teach-ings of ihe Rosicrucian' brotherhoodin America.

    Address: SCF^IBE HI,Rosicrucian Order (Amorc)

    Rosicrucian Park,.San Jose, California.


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Fresno Bee

    Fresno, California

    Sunday, March 9, 1952

    Page 3B

    Rosicrucian Secretary

    W ill Visit Local UnitCecil A. F coZq ul San Jose, tfic:

    supreme secretary of i3ie ?ranci lodge of the Rosicrucian Order, j

    jor Ancient Mystical Order c|iRosae Crucls, wiJl visit Jacob

    jRoehme Chapter of Fresno Tucsday at 8 PM.

    It will be Poole's f ir s t visit

    here sinte the local chapter w zs organized lastT November. Kewill address the croup at a meet;in" in the Odd Fellows Hall and'wjll conduct a question and answ er period on .chapter affa irs, i

    Paul T. Dodijson fs the master 'cf the local chapter.L - J]

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    El Paso Herald Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Wednesday, March 19, 1952

    Page 2

    Rosicrucian* PUnTo Ftait Alon

    Boilcruciafti will observe thftstart of the Roiicurcian new yearFriday by feaitlnf on nuta, grapejuice and corn bread individually.Hay Oakes, local director, said theorganization decidei that thii it year ol contemplation alone, andnot one for a picnic.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 22, 1952

    Page 2

    The Itoslcrucian Order willbe represented In It* exten

    sion activities In Brooklyn by

    Hr;itrlce KlelnMein, 230 Puf-

    field Si, She received a cer

    tificate of appointment an district commissioner from the

    grand lodge 4n Sa# Jo*e, ITal*

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lethbridge Herald

    Lethbridge, Canada

    Wednesday, April 23, 1952

    Page 17

    44 PersonalBE A ROSICRUCIAN, understandnnd erjoy Ilf. Write Scribe. Rori cruclan Order, (AMORC), San JoseCalifornia.__________________54158

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Lethbridge Herald

    Lethbridge, Canada

    Saturday, April 26, 1952

    Page 10

    MASTER YOUR LIFEIt can be done the Rosicruc ian way

    ' New FREE Book Tells How You M ay Do If/

    The Rosicrucians KNOW .HOW! For ages they have demon

    *tr**d a kno w ing? and a superior po**r over all obstacles

    In life.

    Let them help you solve your problems. T he ir guidance will

    reveal psychic laws and mystical principles which will make you

    mighty ar.d successful In attaining


    The new free book. THE MASTERV OF LIFE," will tell you

    how you may receive. In the privacy of your home, the ration*!.

    Umple. Rosicrucian teachings fo SelfUnfoldn*ent.

    Write a letter asking lor It today.


    Rosicrucian Park. San Jose, California.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Tucson Daily Citizen

    Tucson, Arizona

    Friday, May 9, 1952Page 7

    R o g i c r u c h m O r d e r. jW i l l B e F o r m e d H e r e

    ,.vvPreparation* are being m a d e for

    ;establishment of . a Rosicrucianlerder, AMORC,#chapter in Tucson.; According to Mrs. Lucie S. MelHs, 3008 E. Adams. St., the,order'*grand lodge at Sail Joie, Califshas issued a dispensation; to Tuc-son members to organize.a localchapter. * *

    >jrs^MeUis'said the order is nota religious society, but a philo-sophical movement devoted tothe study of sciences and the Jaw*of nature, as found expressed inman. . v .*'

    The Tucson chapter will holdits first meeting at S f'ay 14in the Odd Fellows haH, 135 S.Sivth a vc.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Independent PressTelegram

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, July 6, 1952

    Page 3

    Rosicrucian Order maintain* San Jose center.

    The order nas a museum, planetarium in a park*

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Santa Cruz, California

    Sunday, July 13, 1952Page 3

    Mr. And Mrs. Leonard Bischel

    (Arlin Edith Drake Of Aptos)Establish Home In San Jose

    Fredda C. Carr Photo Mr. and Mrs. l^on ard F. Bischel *

    (Arlin Edith Drake)

    Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Bischel (Arlin Edith Drake ofAptos), who were married June 22, last weekend moved into their home in San Jose. The bridegroom is a supervisor with the Rosicrucian order.

    Many Santa Cruzans attended their wedding, a Rosicru-cian ceremony performed in the Francis Bacon auditorium.San Jose. The service was read at 3 oclock in the afternoon by the acting chaplain, Paul D e p u t y . ___________[

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Independent Journal

    San Rafael, California

    Tuesday, Ju ly 22, 1952Page 11

    Returns From ConfabEstelle Wittenberg, 434 Scenic

    road, Fairfax, has returned from theannual International convention ofthe Rosicrucian Order recently held

    In San Jose where she was a dele*gate.

    i i . , n

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Monroe Morning W orld

    Monroe, Louisiana

    Sund ay, July 27, 1952


    Mrs. Jaffe Attends

    Rosicrucian Meeting

    Mrs. Ruth Jaffe has returned from San Jose* Calif., where she

    was a delegate at the Rosicrucian convention, held in San Jose at the

    International Supreme Temple, inRosicrucian Park.

    Mrs. Jaffe stated this wa? herfirst meeting with this inspiring or-

    ganization and was most en-

    thusiastic in relating her impres-sions.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Statesman

    Salem, Oregon

    Thursday, Ju ly 31, 1952

    Page 8

    Rosicrucians to Meet

    A social night is being plannedas a ge t acqua in ted meeting forRosicrucian AMORC members onFriday night at 8 oclock at theMetaphysical Reading Room, 360

    Sta te S t ree t .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San M ateo, California

    Thursday, September 4,1952

    Page 7

    - o

    Rosicrucian BookDonation Made Here

    A special donation of books hasbeen made to the San Mateo pub-lic library by the Rosicrucian Or-der with headquarters in San Jose,it was announced today.

    They are 'Rosicrucian Questionand Answers with &complete Hislory of the Order, "SymbolicProphecy of the Great Pyramid,Self Mastery, anti Fate with theCycles of Life all by Dr. H. Spen-cer Lewis; LcmuriaThe Lost Con-tinent of the Pacific, by WisharS.Ccrve, and Unto Tliee I Grant,by Sri Rematherio.

    The donation is the result ofseveral requests from local read-ers, it was reported, and is partof a yearly appropriation of theorder t

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Evening Sun

    Hanover, Pennsylvania

    Friday, September 12, 1952

    Page 5

    H O r S A ^ D S K V K V t Y W f V R R K A C C L A I M T H I S

    New ftydtiologyHave you unreal ized ho pes? Arc th e

    better things of l i fe a lw a y s Just beyond your reach?

    Times have ch an ge d but have you? Adopt a new psycnolofrv of l ife and MASTER YOUR PR O B L E M S. It takes no greater mental efTwrt to achieve r e -s u l t * whtn you know how .

    Let the Ro*icrucians show you how.

    by the use of sinij>l* lawn, you can ap-ply the powers of y o u r m ind to brln^rabout s tartl ing ch a n g es in your l i f e . Ifyou are sincere in y o u r dcsr*\ wr ite for the free Sealed B oo k. I t w i l l po in tout how you may o b t a i n t h i s m o s t help* jful information. A d d r e ss : Scribe | j j

    RosicruciansA M O R C

    SAN JOSH, ( AIJrOltM A. r. S. A.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Fresno Bee

    Fresno, California

    Satu rday , Septem ber 20, 1952

    Page 3B

    Student WhoTerrorized Plane

    Crew Hangs SelfUK IAII AP Aloe Houston,

    3!. o( Hctnstcad. NY. n philos-ophy student who awakened nndterrorized 36 patenucrs of a bl^airl iner 12.001/cct nhovc Califor-nia last Winter, hanged himselfIn the Mendocino State Hospitalyesterday.

    Houston lived In the Son JoseYMCA at the time of the planeIncident.

    ,, H e w h s committed to the lies*

    p ltal a l te r the cr ew nf n fo urcnc lne United Airliner jo Id hesmashed his classes, cut himselfwith the fraKmints nnd becansercamlnp at 1:30 AM February26th on a Scat t lcLos AncdrsIllCht. Th e plane w as hljrh overfled Bluff.

    Wit nesses, said the man van krdjoff his shoe nnd becan hcatincthe pilot, Ross Burley, Seattle,with It. Burley had turned thecontrols over to the eonllor nndtried to cra b Houston. Suddenly,Houston asked the stewardess tohind him with Ills thoelacrs. thrnlapsed Into unconsciousness.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Daily Chronicle

    Centralia, Washington

    Saturday, September 20,1952Page 8

    Crazed Negro IEnds Own Life

    i UK IAH, CaW, W A Ncffroph iloso ph y siu dent who terro rised36 zafesenjjnrs in a big n irl im rla rX February hnngrri himself Fri-day At Mer.ilnclnc Btate hospital.

    Hospital officials at Talmadpcannounced the suicide dea th of iAlec Houston 31. cf Hemiis teud ,

    lo n g Tfttaud, N\ Y.I.ast Fob. 26 while a fourengmedUn ited A e s p lane w fs 12,000feet above Red 'Bluff, Calif., on *SeattleLos Ancelcs night ILight,Houston suddenly let out it Fcrcam.

    He tank off his glasses, smashedthem over ihe floor, grabbed JraRmenU and star ted cutt ing himselfwith Lhem. He pushed stewardessPhyll is Wyse away and smashed t

    reading Iljjht.! Cap i. Hoss B urle y. S ca tlle.

    tu rned ev er I be pla ne In Copi I atEdward Duclcs and grabbed Ileus

    i ton. Houston pulled awa y, to o t offIhis shoe and began beating Burley'over fhc head while the startledpassengers wntchcf l in hnrror.

    T^en Houston .suddenly ceasedhis, took olf h is Slicelaces, asfced Ihe 5tc\varde* to

    bind him . and la psed in to uncon-sciousness. He ns admitted lo theElate hospital last March 3.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Mansfield News Journ al

    Mansfield, OhioThu rsday, Jan ua ry 6, 1953

    Page 4

    Name RosierueianRepresentative

    j The Roicrucian Order iAMORC)will be represented in Manficld in

    us extension activate* h> MrsBeatrice Sweet, of 2S5 Fifth A\e

    who recently received a certificate of appointment as district commis-

    sioner from the Grande Lodge inSan Jose. Calif.

    The Rnsicrucian Order is aworldwide philosophical frater-nity. International conventions areheld annually in San Jose.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Pantagraph

    Bloomington, Illinois

    Sunday, January 18,1953

    Page 12

    EXPLORE YOUR MINDDiscover Your Mental Self and Overcome

    Your Limitations!Learn the tremendous possibilities of your own mind. Explore that mysterious world within you. The Free Book, TheMastery of Life,** explains how, through fascinating study,

    you can master the everyday problems of life and find hap-piness. , t

    Address Scribe III

    Rosierueian Order (AMORC)Rosierueian Park

    San Jose California

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Corpus Christi Times

    Corpus Christi, Texas

    Thursday, February 12, 1953

    Page IB

    To Represent Lodge/{ i10_ R o ' < c r u c i a n Order

    :(AMQRC) bo represented InCorpus Christi In 16? extension act-ivities by Mrs. Dora Rucker, 3226HuiBRCrie. She recently received a certificate of appointment as dis-

    trict commissioner from tho GrandLodg* In San Jose, Calif.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Torrance Herald

    Torrance , California

    Thursday, May 21, 1953

    Page 7

    E d i s o n E n g i n e e r P l a n s t o R e t i r eGilbert N. Holloway Sr., elec-

    trical engineer and power con-

    sultant at Southern CaliforniaEdison Co., has announced thathe will retire on June 1 after

    26 years of service In Torrance

    and sur rounding Ha rbor a r e a

    cities.Holloway Joined the Edison

    Company at the Redondo Reaeh

    distr ic t of flee In T027. Fo r ma nyyears he served on tin* Planning

    Commission of Redondo Beach

    and at one time was directorof the Chamber of Commercethere.

    For 20 years he was active Inthe Rotary Club and he wasalso actively Interested In the

    study of philosophy, being amember of the Rosierueian Or-

    der, AMORC, the ^fartinlst Or-

    der, and other philosophical so-

    cieties both her and abroad.

    His wife wan also active In%the civic affairs of Redondo

    Reach and was a life member

    of the Womans Club there. Mr.

    and Mrs. Holloway plan to make

    the ir home In De s e r t Hot

    Springs, Calif.They have two sons, Dr. G.

    N. Holloway of Hollywood, an dTed Holloway, of Torrance.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    El Paso He raldPost

    El Paso, TexasFriday, March 20,1953

    Page 17

    E . P , R o s i c r u c i a n s

    M a r k N e w Y e a r | ; . -

    Kl Paso Rosicrucians lorlav werecelebrating New Year's Day.

    The firs! riay of sprinc marks

    t h r Rosierueian new year of 330G,

    Rosicrucians ate nuts and drank grano Juice, symbol of spring, Ray

    Qukes; pubUc relations director.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Fresno Bee

    Fresno, California

    Sunday, March 22,1953

    Page 20A

    Egyptian New Year's

    Rtte Will Be ObservedThe members of Jacob Ecehrac

    : Chapter, Ancient Mystical Orderol Rosae Crucis, will reenact, anar.cient Egyptian New Year rite^ i i / N c r l -j-.r C P M tvw O H r i F V ' l-

    oi the lccal chaptcr, explained)the Ros:crucians lollow the anden t Egyptian .custom of celeibratinsr the New Year in con!

    junction with the vernal equinox, jwhich occurs or. or about March21st. It is the time when the sur.:crosses the equator and occurred j;this year on Friday.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Fresno BeeFresno, C alifornia

    Satu rday, May 2, 1953

    Page 10B

    u e s i I o n S

    c;Roiicruciansy Vfr;*. I.wo'uld like some information

    Jabout the, Rosicrucians. Is it a

    paternity, a religion or a school

    ^dealing with philosophy?MRS.

    ;N.*E.ALSTOT, Fresno.

    r : WRosierueian ism is a system ofmystical1' and metaphysical phi-losophy intended, to guide the'development of. the inner con-sciousness. .

    Popular opinion' credits thefoundation of the Fraternity ofRosicrucians as having occurredin Cassel. Germany, early in theSeventeenth Century. However,research during ' the past few years revealed the fraternity had

    research during the past few years revealed the fraternity hadan "actual organized existencelongprior to what was only a

    revival in Germany. MichaelMaier, one time officer of the 'fraternity,, says the year 1413was the year in which the great-est revivals of activity occurred.

    The name of the organization

    is derived from its original sym-bol, the cross with'a single redrose in i t s . center. While the early Rosicrucians gave time to the study of alchemy, the prin-ciples were not confined to the changing of gross metals .intogold, but of the grosser ele-ments of human nature intohigher, spiritual qualities.

    It is known generally through*ovit the world as the AncientMystic Order of Rosae Crucis,often abbreviated to the initialsAMORC. It is non sectarian andin a broad sense non religious,inasmuch as its teachings in-clude the practical sciences to a greater extent than principlesof.relig ious thought. It consis-tently tabooed the superstitiousarts of the Orient and does not include fortune telling, necro-

    mancy or spiritualism.I --------------------- --------- .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Clovis NewsJournal

    Clovis, New MexicoWednesday, May 6, 1953

    Page 10

    G R A C E F R I E N DDear Grace Friend *

    I have enjoyed you r columnvery much, and always' am amaz -ed at the wide variety of informa-

    tion, facts and good sound advicewhich you seem always to have atyour fingertips.

    My question conccrns the Roslcruelan Order, AMORC.

    Can you tell me just wh at i t is? .Is it a fraternity or is it a re-

    ligion, or what?

    I would sincerely appreciate anyinformation you may have con-cerning it,

    M. F,

    De ar M. F, . . *Roslcrucianism is a system of

    mystical and metaph ysical phllosI ophy intended to guide thcdeveN! opm cnt of the inn er conscious-

    ness. It is not a religon,

    The frate rnity was mentionedas ear ly as the l i the century wi thorganizations In several Europeancountries. The name is derivedfrom Us original symbol, the crosswith the single red rose In Its cen*

    ter, While the early Rosicruciansgaye timo to the study of alchemyand devoted much t ime to experi-ments Jn transmutation, the prin-ciples were not confined to thechanging o{ gross metals into goldhut of the grosser elem ents ofhuman nature into higher spir i t*u*i qualities. .

    The Fraterni ty is general lyknown throughout the world as

    the* Anci ent Mystic Ord er ofRosa* Crucis, abbreviated asAMORp , I t camo to Americafir$t In 1694. Jt is nonsectarUnan d In a toM d sense non relig ious,

    inasmuch ps its teachings includethe prasUcal science* to p great*

    fr extent than principles 0/ re*llgfcnis Mipugiii.

    it iloe* not Include fortune tell*Ing, necromancy, or spiritualism.

    pch Ju risd iction is un

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Independent Journal

    San R afael, California

    Thursday , July 30,1953

    Page 3

    V / H A T R E A D E R S S A Y :

    No QuestionHuman AuraDoes Exist

    EDITOR.Xnd ependent Journal:

    It has been my pleasure to at-

    tend the International conven-

    tion of the Rosierueian Order

    (AMORC), from which, T haveJust returned. There I witnessedome truly remarkable discov-

    eries in the fields of sound, color,and emotion.

    These demonstrations were puton before an audience of nearly1000 persons and the latest elec-

    tronic and musical devices wereused. If there were any questionin my mind concerning the ex-

    istence of a human aura, the sci-

    entific demonstrations presentedoon dispelled them.

    The enclosed notes were taken m the occasion of the particu-lar demonstration. Im sure they would be of interest to many peo-

    ple if printed in our newspaper.

    DOUGLAS L. RYANSan Anselmo

    fNOTE: Reader Ryan Include

    a lengthv article from whicthese excerpts were taken:

    . . According to Erwin Wa

    ermeyer. technical director of th

    Rosierueian Science Museum aCan Jose, all substances . . . s

    science has now determined . .confirming early Rosierueian hy

    potheses . . . all substance

    whether animate or inanimathave an aura . . .

    The aura ls nothing more tha

    an electromagnetic radiatiofrom a substance which it sur

    rounds like the magnetic fielabout a magnet. It is this fiel

    according to recent theorie

    that we as human beings ar

    constantly sensitive to and interpret as likes or dislikes, repulsive or attractive sensation

    The aura, like the familia

    force we call electricity, is novisible to us nor*do we ever se

    a persons aura itself . . . but w

    do see what the aura produce

    Just as we see the light or powe

    produced by electricity. Durin

    the convention demonstrationhuman subjects were asked to siin front of various colored lights

    Against this background, th

    magnetic field of the individua

    altered the light waves from th

    lamps so as to produce specificolor changes.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Independent Jou rnal

    San Rafael, California

    Thursday, July 30,1953

    Page 3

    The color characteristics ofthe human aura can determinethe condition of the body andnund of the persons . . . changesin our environment, health, andthinking may change its colors/')

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Thursd ay, July 30, 1953

    Page 40


    Editor The Californian:

    At your pleasure, I would liketo share with all of our readerssome of the exciting experiencesfrom my recent vacation. At the

    occasion of the annual Interna-

    tional Convention of the Roslcru

    clan Order (AMORC) I witnessedsome truly remarkable discover-

    ies in the fields of sound, color,and emotion.

    Ii there were any question inmy mind concerning the existenceof a human aura, the scientificdemonstrations presented at thisyears convention of Rosicrucianssoon dispelled them. To an au-

    dience of nearly 1,000 people, thelatest electronic and musical de-

    vices were used to prove not onlythe existence of an aura, but alsothe effect on it of various colpn and musical notes.



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Thursday, August 30, 1953

    Page 27

    Rosicrucians to EatAn open eir smorgasbord will

    bo held starting at noon Sundayin the patio of Abdiel Lodge of.the Kosicrucian Order. 2455 Atilantic Ave. Rev. R c ap Barr will isp^ak on Fourth Dimension.* |

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Independent Press Telegram

    Long Beach, CaliforniaSunday, December 6, 1953

    Page C14



    Th Rotlerucioii S u m h l n Circle of A U it l L w ^ i presentss pra-holidsy preqrom today,Sunday, at 2 p. m., in TownHall, 835 Locust At. Featuredspeaker will be J, Duane Free*non of San Jose, s e c r e t o r Y g e n * eral of the National Sunshine

    Circles. Wiffamcry Aumonn whohas been heard an TV playing themy&tifyfng Instrument called theTheremin will liighflglit th muskpregram. Admission free.


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Long Beach Press Telegram

    Long Beach, CCalifornia

    Saturday, February 19, 1949

    Page 5

    "MENTAL POISONING"By HaroM Hm iImmw, F . I .C . NitloBil AMOBC UwUffrr

    11 'Black Ma*ic%#imct or flabtof Art ovtr half of AlllUneitet of mtntal and emotional crtfln? What It tht trangcst law of the human mind* What Is tht anti-dote tor mental poisoning? Come hear ration*!,aclentltic anawart to the*# vftal questions. Learn howto overcome undetlrable mental state* and bringpeace of mind, health and happUittt Into your lift.No tees all welcome.



    E N T R E E

    II1 3 IA X ALU \Is your body surroundedsubtle electromagneticWhich profoundly affects ;social relationships? Is It youraura which REALLY winsfriends and Influences people? mHershenow, national AMORC *1* I lecturer, fully explain this v

    subject and DEMONSTRATE WTHE AURA! Admission free.


    6U0 \\. hilbountVJ*____

    ,if >au sra u.o.a to iiuud. aeod

    this cvupa 10 Karaa* Looga. j MAMb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'AMORC, 744 N 4to St., for MtEE *.............

    copy of Ruaicruuan book J o t i ADDRESS ........... ............... ..ton jMattery of No obligation.

    The Milwaukee Sentin

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Saturday, September Page 12

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Albuquerque Journal

    Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Sunday, March 21,1954

    Page 2

    Symbolic Feast to MarkEgyptian Neu) Year Here. A .syrnholie feast In which [bolie of new life emphnsjvrimemners wLll eat simple foods b y the reawakening of nature

    from the dormant winter.The Rosierueian Order, Vo5i

    said, maintains it or:Rinate

    such as salt, com and tmferminted grape juice to mark the

    Egyptian New Year will be heldtonight hy the Albuquerquechapter of the Ancient and Mystjn Order ot the Ros; Croix.

    The ceremony, held annuallyby the Rosicrucifln Order, a phil-osophical fraternity, will take

    in 1350 n. C.The chapter here a!so will in-

    stall new officers tonight in ac-cordance with the lodge's tra-dition of starting the New Year

    place *t 41&Va Second St. SW at w ith new ritualistic and admin3 p. m.

    A patluck supper will pre-code the ceremony at 4 p. m.

    Visiting members from El Pasoand other New ycxico townsare expected to attend.

    Ancient Egyptians, accordingto Phillip O. Voss, master of theAlbuquerque ehnpler, begantheir New Ye;ir nn nr about thetime of the vernal equinox,when the san crosses the celes-tial equator and enters the Sodiacal Si*n of Aries. This usualJly occurs about March 21.

    This was considered the be-ginning of the New Year, hesaid, because spring is the sym

    istrative officers.New officers to be installed

    are A. S. Kirkpatrick, master;

    LteWayne F. C.lark, chaplain;Vera S. Thompson, guardian;end Tvnn S. Hiller, chairman ofthe ljoard of trustees.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Ottawa Jou rnal

    Ottawa, Canada

    Monday, March 15,1954Page 14

    F o r m R o s i c r u c i a nChapter in Ottawa

    The Hupreme Grand Lodge( the Intrrnational RosierucianOrder, has * authorized t h e formation of an Ottawa chap-ter to aerve Its member* In Ot-tawa and vicinity. The newchapter makes a total of morethan 125 Roslcrucian chapter*in this Jurisdiction

    The newlyappointed of/her*

    jtre: Henry James, master;Ellren James. secretary*, and H.A Crain, guardian.

    The Rosicrurlan Order Is nota religious $o

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The San Be rnardino County Sun

    San Bernardino. California

    Friday, April 11, 1947


    TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 8 P.M.


    National Rosicrucian Lecturer

    I* th* fam ily of tHipluithy. or tho ugh t e. a rnr* Riftor f in It hi* deve loped by tun* nmm*l per*nn tlir >uj:h \ r.U inn il nnd

    pro \e n untie**? Coin** hon r i Incicn' * iiiitifii Iim*h- mu tii'l tnk*hum* wiih you a simple t*t*putlnc form ula wh lrh you in tes t and

    prove to your own untln ffti'thw!

    ROSICRUCIAN SOUND-COLOR FILMHe* and h*ar the unique Ro idr uc ian nound film In >ior "DOMAINOF DESTINY. Doora op*n nt 7 1*> film begin s s o.

    No F m i No Obligation All Welcome

    JEFFERSON SC HO OL 6th and Mr. View Ave.

    Oakland Tribune

    Oakland, California

    Saturday, May 29, 1954

    Page 10

    mdUm >UMAX AURA

    Li year body mrmunded by asubtle elcctrominetie field

    which profoundly affects yoursocial relationalp* U it your i n which REALLY winsfneodl d isfliK vet p*nplr'Hm this homan i m bcaprcrrfd to exist by aaesOlicm t k o d * T Hear HamidH en h tt w , national AMORCleeUr*r, fully explain thwmb>**t and DEMONSTRATE

    THE AURA' No fe allwcJtone. .

    TUtSOAT, JUKI 1, a p.m .*AIX*OOW M OO.1B.IODG ! BLPO

    KS AttK tr

    f k t M S i n il IC V A X S

    1 If j ot i u i ub h r a t t m t m ltfait w s n i to OakUer i 1 i rtma k o h c . w i a > i. i m r n u .

    , ctrfs o f M e n M M h mfc T tm M u t i rr * U H * n a M u n t g r

    J NAME

    1 A n n u m .

    aa ...............

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Nevada State Jo urn al

    Reno, Nevada

    Sunday, June 13,1954

    Page 7

    ROSICRUCIAN MYSTERIESAll sincere seekers for the greot truth and power known,

    to the ancients, write for the free book, "Mastery of

    Life/' mailed without obligation to all students of



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Saturday, June 26, 1954

    Page 5


    Tb* ftoiicruciars vere the M& M>v.tcs ?n ail ao*s and totS*y th;y a*e crian*ii*J tniodpes, crxip s and col lar* in U pi*ti of th* world. I W * lf:hin;s *Jiy s tl rr J y pft >?rvi i*a JrtCiC* wi'doT* th a t mid* th e syr an id In E c p t t>e nv rv tl oI t:d

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Thursday, July 8,1954

    Page 12

    County RosicruciansTo Attend Convention

    A number of San Mateo countymembers of the Rosicrucian Order,AMORC, have notified conventionheadquarters they intend joining *vith an anticipated 1000 others in jparticipating in the sixday ses-sions at Rosicrucian park, San

    Jose, starting Sunday.It was announced today from

    convention headquarters that dele-gates from many parts of the worldwill be present. As many of thedelegates will be from LatinAmerica, some of the sessions willuse the Spanish language. Finalmeeting of the convention will beFriday night, June 16, in the SanJos auditorium.

    ------- ------- o_____________ ______

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cruz SentinelNews

    Santa Cruz, California

    Friday, July 9,1954

    Page 5

    Rosicrucian OrderForms Local Group

    The Supreme Grand Lodge ofthe International Rosicrucian Or-der. AMORC, has authorized theformation of a local chapter toserve its members in Santa Cruzand vicinity. According to PaulJ. Veatch. i 15 Trinity street , localspokesman for the order, the newchapter makes a total of morethan 125 Rosicrucian chapters inthis jurisdiction.

    The newly appointed local offi-cers are: Paul J. Veatch. master;Mrs. Nora Delon, secretary, andWiiliam Wilcox, guardian.

    Veatch states the Rosicrucianorder is not a religious society,but is a philosophical movementdevoted to the study of the scienc-es and the laws of nature as foundexpressed in man. The tradition-al history of the order places itsestablishment in 1350 B.C. during

    the reign of Amenhotep IV. Phar-aoh of Egypt. The order first cameto America in 1694 a.m. and set-tled near what now is FairmountPark in Philadelphia.

    In San Jose, the Rosicrucian or-

    der. patron of art and science,maintains a science museum, a

    planetar ium, an Egyptian. Or ien-tal museum and an extensive artgallery. It promotes field and camera expeditions to archaeologicalsites in remote corners of theworld.

    Bimonthly meetings will be heldin the Palomar hotel on the sec-ond and fourth Mondays of eachmonth at 8:00 p.m.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, CaliforniaTuesday, July 20, 1954

    Page 16

    R O S I C R U C I A N S T O L D O F C O L O RSAN JOSEA new field of color

    dimension was opened last weekto the nearly 1000 delegates to Ihcannual convention of the Rosicru-cian order (AMORC). Internation-ally represented, members of thisfraternal, philosophical order wit-

    nessed five days of lectures anddemonstrations in the fields of art,science, and philosophy at theorders headquarters here.

    Erwin Watermeyer, technical di-rector of the Rosicrucian sciencemuseum and laboratories, conduct-ed the experiments, pointing outthat colors are caused by certaindefinite rates of vibration of highfrequency. Such vibrations, whenreaching the human eye, arouse

    definite color sensations. Throughseveral experiments, using humansubjects, Watcrmeyer explainedthat there exists three fundamen-tal powers which colors may exert:they may excite or arouse the ob-

    ject ive mind, they may calm or

    trpnqui!iw it, or, lastly, they maysubdue or suppress. Colors whichexcite the mind are red and itsneighboring colors, such as orange8nd yellow. Colors which 'aim orquiet the mind commence withyellow and continue on into thegreen and bluegreen. A subduing jand suppressing influence upon ithe objective mind is exerted, by 1

    blue, violet and purple.o

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    TriCity HeraldPasco, Washington

    Wednesday, July 21, 1954

    Page 11

    Ed win M. Massey an( family.Kencwick. attended the 1954 no*sicrucian lomcntion last week InSan Jose Calif. The five day meetms centered around study ofcolor and ils effect on the mindExperiments with different colors,conducted by Erwin Walcrmeycr.technical director ol the Roaicrucum Science Museum and labora

    tones, explained how thci are ac-tually the reUectlon of certainIlCht particles, and how differentcolon mn\ be used lo brine abouta harmomus adjustment betweenthe individual and Ms environment

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Thursday, July 22, 1954

    Page 12


    S E Q U O I A Y M C A I S T O

    H A V E N E W S E C R E T A R Y (TUnti C#only New* (y*rrlc)REDWOOD CITY, July 22.Orval C. Graves is the newly appointedgeneral secretary of the Sequoia Young Men's Christian association,effective September 1, Graves was appointed by the YMCA board ofdirectors upon recommendation of a personnel committee beaded byEd Ferrey, and by advice of the area personnel office.

    Graves and his wife, Ada, and3 ------9yearold son, Robert, reside at j503 Flynn avenue, Redwood City.!

    Record iGraves first contact with Y"

    work was as president of the HiYcouncil of the Kern county UnionHigh school, which, at that time,was one of the largest high schoolsin the state of California. He at-tended the University of RedlandBfor a year and a half and trans-ferred to the University of Cali-fornia where he received bis

    bachelor cf arts degree. He re-ceived his master of arts degreein religious education from theBerkeley Baptist Divinity schooland Pacific School of Religion.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    San Mateo Times

    San Mateo, California

    Thursday, July 22, 1954

    Page 12

    Ha was daan of RoseCrolxuniversity in San Jose from 1939to 1941. He was a United Statesnavy ordnance supervisor from1942 to -1944 and wai a UnitedStates merchant marine purserand executive officer in 1Q43.

    Before coming to the SequoiaYMCA Graves was head of theyouths work depar tment In the 1San Joss YMCA.

    Made Tours *Graves also planned and super-

    vised trips with youths to Mexicoand Canada, visiting YMCA'* and

    !their camps. He had charge of the. entire youth program at the San

    Jose camp which had 160 boys |attending each 10day period forthe entire summer. He is a certijfied YMCA secretary appointed bythe national personnel committee,having completed the requiredtraining and interneship.

    He is a member of the FirstMethodist church Men's club, Ischairman of the youth committeein the Redwood City Rotary club,and a member of the U. C. Alumniassociation, and of the KnightsTemplar.

    o *

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cru z SentinelNews

    Santa Cruz, California

    Tuesday, July 27, 1954

    Page 12

    RosicruciansDemonstrateColor Dimensions

    San Jose.A new, vast field ofcolor dimension was opened lastweek to the nearly 1000 delegatesto the annual convention of theRosicrucian order (AMORC). In-ternationally represented, membersof this fraternal, philosophical order witnessed five days of lecturesand demonstrations in the fieldsof art, science and philosophy atthe orders headquarters in SanJose.

    Erwin Watermeyer, technicaldirector of the Rosicrucian Sciencemuseum and laboratories, conduct-ed the experiments, pointing out

    that colors are caused by certaindefinite rates of vibration of veryhigh frequency. Such vibrations,when reaching the human eye,arouse within the brain definitecolor sensations. Through severalexperiment*, using human subjects,Watermeyer explained that thereexist three fundamental powers

    which colors may exert: They maexcite or arouse the objective mindthey may calm or tranquilize it, orlastly, they may subdue or suppress. Colors which excite the minare red and its neighboring colorsuch as orange and yellow. Color

    which calm or quiet the mind commence with yellow and continuon into the green and bluegreenA subduing and suppressing influence upon the objeetivemind is eerted by blue, violet and purple.

    In another experiment, Watemeyer showed that when a whitlight a mixture of all colors shines upon a red object, the oject will look red. On the othe

    hand, when red light only shineupon the same red object, it wistill look red. But if green or blulight shines upon the red objecthen the red object will look blac

    ibecause it is only able to reflei -------------------------- .--------------- -

    red light and tnere Is no red lighin the light beam.

    Estelle M. Cornett of 505 Olivstreet attended the convention.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Th e Va l l ey News

    Van Nu y s , C a l i f o r n i a

    T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 9 , 1 9 5 4

    Page 11C

    C O L O R E F F E C T S E X P L A I N E DT O R O S I C R U C I A N D E L E G A T E S. New, vast field of color dimen-

    sion was opened to the nearly3000 delegates at the rocent an-

    nual convention ol ihe Roslcru

    cian Order (AMORC).In te rn at io n al ly r e p r e senl*d,

    members of this f raternal , philo-

    sophical order Witnessed five days

    of lectures and demonstrat ions in

    the fields of art, science, and phi-losophy at the Orde rs headqu ar-

    ters in San Jose.Erwin Watermeyer , technica l

    direc tor of the Rosicrusian Science

    Museum and Laboratories, con-ducted the experiments, pointing

    out that colors are caused by cer-tain definite rates o vibration of

    very high frequency.Such vibrat ions, when reaching

    the human eye, arouse within thebra in definite color sensati ons.Through several experiments,us ing hu m an subjects, W ate r -

    meyer explained that there existcite or arouse the objective mind.

    they m a / ca lm or t ranqul lize it .

    or, lastly, they ma y subdue or sup-


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    El Paso Herald Post

    El Paso, Texas

    Friday, August 13, 1954

    Page 15

    ;[ Pasoan RenamedRay W. Oakes of 421 North Mesa;

    avenue, optometrist, has been noti-fied lie has been renamed a district commissioner of the Rosicrucians.

    Headquarters of the order are at1San Jose, Calif. The organizationdates itself back to 3500 23. C. andits practices arc based on the prac-tices of the ancient Egyptians.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7



    C -3 T feVLi,iV>7T The Human Aura


    Th Mysteries of Death

    The Cycles of Life The Great Pyramid


    Plan now to attend and hear tbcae fascinating auhjecLa diacusaod ra tiona lly and aut hor itat ivel y by amember of the International Lecture Board of theHnsicrucinn Order (AMOKC). The Rosicruciana(not a rebgioua organization) invite you to writein advance for the F it E li book, The Mastery of Life,which oxplaina how you may benefit from theirremarkable atudics. Address: Scriho G.A Z. ThoRosicrucian O rder lAmorc), San Jose, Calif.

    The Milwaukee Journal

    Milwaukee, W isconsin

    Saturday, August 28, 1954

    Page 4

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cruz SentinelNews

    Santa Cruz, California

    Friday, September 17, 1954

    Page 12

    Rosicrucian .CeremoniesSet Sunday

    R o s ic ru c ia n s t h ro u g h o ut t h ew o r l d w i l l c o m m e m o r a t e t h e b u i l d -

    i ng of t h e G r e a t P y r a m i d , w h e n t h es u n c r o s s e s t h e c e l e s t i a l e q u a t o rf o r t h e a u t u m n a l e q u i n o x .

    P a u l J . V e a t c h . M a s t e r o f t h e jl o ca l A M O R C R o s i c r u c i a n P r o n a o s . !s t a t e s t h a t R o s i c r u ci a n s t h r o u g h o u tt h e j u r i s d i c t i o n o f t h e p h i l o s o p h i cO r d e r w il l g a t h e r f o r a c e r e m o n y

    o n S e p t e m b e r 19. a t w h i c h t i m et h e y w il l s y m b o l i c a l l y r e e n a c t t h eb u i l d i n g of t h e G r e a t P y r a m i d ofC h e o p s .

    According to Rosicrucian tra-ditions, states Veatch, the Pyra-mid o f C h e o p s a t Giza was begunabout 4000 B. (*. . on the occasiono f t l i e f a l l e q u i n o x . I n l i k e t h eo t h e r p y r a m i d s , i t w a s not intend-ed as a bu r i a l p l ace fo r a va inP h a r a o h , b u t a s a t e m p l e o f l e a r n -

    i n g. T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h eG r e a t P y r a m i d e n t a i l e d a m a s -t e r y o f m a t h e m a t i c s a n d p h y si c s,a n d a c o n s i d e r a b l e u n d e r s t a n d i n g

    o f t h o s e f u n d a m e n t a l s o f a s t r o no m y r e c o g n i z e d t o d a y .

    S i n c e t h e R o s i c r u c ia n s , a d d eV e a t c h . t r a c e t h e i r t r a d i t i o n a l oig in bac k to th e y e a r 13.10 B.Cv . he n A m e n h o t e p I V w a s P h a r o ao f E g y p t, t h e y c o m m e m o r a t e t h ea n c i e n t o r i g i n b y t h e r i t u a l i s tc o n s t r u c t i o n o f a m i n i a t u r e p y rm i d . T h e l a y i n g o f e a c h s t o n e r er e s e n t s to t h e m t h e c u l t u r a l ac o m p l i s h m e n t s o f t h e O r d e r d u r i n

    i e a c h y e a r o f it s e x i s t e n c e . T ha p e x w i ll b e p l a c e d u p o n a m i n i

    I t u r e p y r a m i d a t a f u t u r e t i m e w h et h e i d e a l s o f t h e R o s i c r u c i a n m o vm e n t h a v e b e e n r e a l i z e d .

    T h e o u t d o o r f e t e a n d c e r e m o nw i ll b e e n a c t e d l o ca l ly a t t h e h o mof Mr. and M rs. J . H. Cor less , Bo2 8 4 , B o n n y D o o n R o u t e , j u s t ot h e E m p i r e G r a d e r o ad . S u n d a ySep tember 19 . a t 4 p . m . The pub l i

    i s c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e d t o w i t n e s s t hr i t u a l a n d p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e f e t e .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Santa Cru z SentinelNews

    Santa Cruz, California

    Wednesday, November 24, 1954

    Page 9

    RosicruciansHear AddressBy Grand Master

    The Purpose of Life was thetitle of a message delivered to theSanta Cruz Rosierueian Pronaos byRodman R. Clayson of San Jose, atthe meet ini? of ihe group last eve-

    ning in Hotel Palomar.Clayson. who is grand master of

    the Rosierueian order. AMORC,covered his subject from the praetical. philosophical, and mysticalstandpoints, and summed up bysaying that the real purpose of life\vn*s to erow into a state of perfec-t i o n through experience, study,meditation a n d adherence to thel a w s of the Cosmic on all three

    planes.The speaker was accompaniedhy his wife and by LawrenceEHanchard . assistant ritualistic di-r ec t o r , and hjs wife.

    Paul J. Yeatch, master of thePronaos, presided and introducedClayson. Members from Ben Lo-mond to Watsonville attended.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Clovis NewsJournal

    Clovis, New Mexico

    Sunday, December 5, 1954

    Page 23

    Rosicrucian DigestDonated To Library

    Renders In the city of Clovis nndother communities throughout Cur-ry county will now hnvo accesslo the monthly magazine known nsthe Roslcruclnn Digest.

    A 1o c n 1 member of theRosicrucian Order. Beatrice Phil-lips of 305 East ?th, has recently received notification from theGrand Lodge In San Jose, Calif., that this magazine will be made available each month In theCurry County Public Library, Sthand Mitchell streots.

    She was Informed hy the grandsecretary of the Rosicrucian Order;that this donation is being made to the local library as the result ofnumerous requests from localrenders.

    The Rosicrucian Digest Is themonthly periodical Issued by theRosicrucian Order (AMORC) whichis an educational, philosophical,non religious fraternity.

    The magazine has internationalcirculation and deals with discus-sions oC many philosophical andscientific subjects.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7



  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Saturday, January 8,1955

    Page 6

    ohtf th

    I I U M A X lilt AI* your body un rounded by n*li . electromagnetic f i e l d which profoundly affect* your *social relationships? Is It vour < niirn which REALLY uinn .]


    friends and Infliiencrs people?Ha s th is huma n aura bern J

    proved to exist by scientific f t m e t h o d s 7 H e a r Harold Jlerslionow, national AMORC lecturer. fully explain IhU

    , . *". OK.MONST/l ATK1)7111. Al.RA! Admission FJtKE.



    TUESDAY, JA N. I t , 1:1 S p. M.

    TOWN MS14.lrn| Aw,


    If you t umbl. to aiund. nd,A1? ^ f .upon-. , * b d i i IxKigt.V 5iCC* Sl5!k A lU nl le AV# , fur

    EiSM**/**** r book Th l t m t r r vt JLirr.'* So o b n j i -l ion.

    j SAUK___

    I a d u r f m .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The IndependentLong Beach, California

    Saturday, January 15, 1955

    Page 6


    f y s f e r f e s o f D e a f f i


    Whet oceun oftir diotH? Donhuman panonality tvrvwi? Whatil tha p til world llk*7 Do w rturn fo thi aarfh ogoin ond again? Do tom# pror> KNOW Ih ontwirt to thaia rtemol queitiont.rothf than maiafy tptculoU ondtheorit* upon Ihtm? Com# oncf

    j ' llrd out I


    Hor Horold Henhonow, notionalRatlerucian leclwrtr, praitnl thii t u b |ef roflorolly, factually and broadly.

    No f a s t o r obligation.

    TUeSDAY, JAN. If, $,)$ >. M,



    A NO N* f tC t A H A N H A l t A H A l OUP I *


    I f you re ( in*b?r to atu nd . (h i tciHjpan to A bd iti L o .lrt, A *l i> l(f \ ?!!.%A tl a n ti c Ae .. f r K Il K K ro rj r n f |ir..

    r f \ i c l * rxv in i tn1 r> o f L i f t . * '.So 4)Ui:|UvT. A D D fl ll b fl ..

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, Ja nu ary 21, 1955

    Page 15


    R E I N C A R N A T I O NI In vc you lived before? Will you liveAgain? Do our soulpersonalities returnto this earth repeatedly in n great cyclic

    jKittem? Whnt logic or proof substan*Hates this doctrine? Could divine justiceexist without many lives? Hear HaroldHcrshonow, n n l l o n n l Rosicrucianlecturer, expound the THUE doctrines ofreincarnation rntlonnlly and from nnonscctarlan viewpoint. Question* an-swered fallowing the lecture. No fee*,no obligation. DrJng your friends.

    TUESDAY, JAN. 25, 8:15 P.M.TOWN HALL. 835 LOCU5T AVE.

    rtf- ROSICRUCIANS [ a m o r c j(A pKlaiooMtoiofW**>

    I f you arc uoM t to aU tod . tht*roapoa 10 AM>*I LodM, A liojtf?, 3ilft.A tla ntic A r t .. f r W E I toV7 t f l a i l *c run n book *T fc * M M t t r r ort U f i . *N o o t ti ft U o o .

    JfA ltE_____

    ( a d d r e s s .

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, Jan uary 28,1955

    Page 23

    V *. . . .. * x r% y . - , , w


  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    Mansfield NewsJournal

    Mansfield, Ohio

    Saturday, February 5, 1955

    Page 2 [Churches Section)

    Why Are We Here?Are We Here F*r a

    Definite Duty? ,

    Many a time have you notpaused to wonder, Why?**

    Why you are as you are.and others are doctors, law-

    yers. bankers, clerks, house-wives, and so forth?

    Why some are prosperousand healthy, others in direneed? Why we are called equal, when such inequalitiesexist?

    Why are we permitted tomake the mistakes for which we must suffer penalties!Why does God, Divinity, or

    our Creator, whichever term you are familiar with, permitus to make such errors? Whymust we learn through suffer-ing for a mistake! Why are we not shown how to prevent the mistake?

    Why do 'God and naturemathematically and system-atically decree the existence and manifestation of eve r y thing here on this plane, and

    still we ourselves apparentlydo not know why we are here on Ihis earth plane!

    Why. if we are here for adefinite purpose or act, do wenot return again to be able to complete our duty and pur-

    pose on this plane! Perhaps we do.

    These questions the church-es. universities, and science in general, attempt to an-swer; but still there is muchabout these questions thatcauses the average person toponder, and apparently he isleft without adequate infor-mation. Certainly someone must know the answer andreason,

    AMORC. the internationalRosicrucian Order, is com-posed of men and women in-terested in questions of thisnature, in selfevolution, and'in securing the logical an-swers to these questions.Therefore, they can show vowhow, to your satisfaction, youmay secure the knowledgethat lies behind the veil.

    The free book. The Mas-tery of Life,* will be mailed

    to inquirers without obliga-tion.


    P.O. Box 442 Mansfield, O.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Saturday, February 12, 1955

    Page 6

    V' **" '

    FREE PUBLIC LECTURE. . . y ................ .


    There arc points within your boJy where Cmmie forcesarc transform ed info nerve en ergy, vitality an 4 inspirational

    po we rs . Ydu tan systematically strengthen )our own Rlandcentres and utilire their power for belter health, keenermentality and preatcr achievement. Come hear HaroldHerahenow, F.R C , national Hoiicrucian lecturer, give arational, detailed, scientific exposition of this profoundlyvital subject. N o feesno obligations all welcome.


    Th e lto s ic r iie is in s (A m o rc )(A Non*Stcforien f/ Order)

    TROTH MAKES MEN: FR EEIf rou a r u n b i t o l t * M f i n d thl .c ou po n t o A M J t l l y w i t *. A U O I tC . I i j i

    A tl a n t ic A f i, tor HHKC copy or Puiai* N A M U__ . . ___top/____cruelan b**ok *TU* U t H t r j of Lara.No obligation* : A D D R E S S

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, February 18, 1955

    Page 20

    c A S a c h e tjM e tf a o r x i

    fur llici'

    C Y C L E S O F L I F EThrcr of the protest CREATIVE indus-

    trialists of Amcrica relied upon an an-

    cient secret system of CYCLES in all vital

    business and pcrsciml decisions. T hi s

    Rosicrucian system will be explained ;indillustrated 1111 thirls, making the ap-

    plication plain to everyone. Tho se wh o

    I L:ST thi s sys tem by a pp ly in g it to their

    own affairs will discover that IT WO RKS ! N o fees . Not hin g lo bv.y N o

    obligation. All welcome,

    TUESDAY, FEB. 22. 8 P. M.TOWN HALL. 835 tOCUST

    *11*R OSICRUCIANS [ a m o r c if .t v* * c t ' : . t ru / /h in !//. r o J. )

    t f you ur ln i J ie in r t l / rx l. i r u ! u* ' *o:||Mn lo J.rvlc

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Monday, F ebruary 28, 1955

    Page 4


    Is teiepa:h'.c ability a rare Kiltor canIt be systematically developed fcy anyncrcal person through rational anl _

    proven process? Can we accelerate anevolutionary trend destined to maki*a'.I humanity iclepathlc In the dlitantfuture?

    FREE LECTURECrnr.f* hfr.r a logical. xrbrrtinc discourse byHarold llershenow. national AMO^C lertuter,

    and take heme wtth you a simple telepathicformula which YOJ c*n test and prove to yearown satisfaction: no tecs or obV.gatlonj.

    TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 8 P.M.


    n o t B o t k r e d a t i .o n o m

    If you ara unable t alto4. **ol thla =cnupon to ADdiel Lodif. AMORC, 24S5 z NAMXAtlantic Ava.. for FREE copy of Roslentjpon toAtlantic A __ _ _ .. __ ______cnc .an book '*Tba U u u q r of m .JNo ob it ra uoo.



    1 ADDRESS ...... . !rilinHMirtUllltlNHIIIIirMINIIIHttlllMMMXlimitMC

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    E l Paso Hera ld Pos t

    E l Paso , T exas

    W ednesday , M arch 9 , 1955

    Page 4


    Set for New Year

    Rosicrucians on March 21. first;day of spring, will cclcbrate NewYear's Day. Under Rosierueianr;tu.l the year 330R will begin.

    Ray Oakes, publicity director,sait*. Rosicrucians through the daywill cat nuts and drink grape juice,syni lolical of the good earth.

    The Rosierueian ritual dalesbrck to early Egyptian customs.

  • 8/9/2019 Amorc Folder 7


    The Valley News

    Van Nuys, California

    Tuesday, March 15,1955

    Page 31 A

    R E I N C A R N A T I O N !Von Nuy* Chapter, Rosi

    c ruc i an O rde r , A M O R C . , p re -

    sen t s of o f ree lec ture , open

    to the publ ic , the Rosierueian

    concep t ion of t h i s f a sc ina t -

    ing sub jec t . C om e ond hea r

    the exp lana t ion o f an anc i en t

    truism believed in by over

    tw o th i rds o f t he p re sen twor ld popula t ion. Quest ion
