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  • 8/14/2019 Ammad FYP













  • 8/14/2019 Ammad FYP



    1.1 The era of biometrics

    In the 21st century the use of biometric based systems have seen an

    exponential growth. This is all because of tremendous progress in this field

    making it possible to bring down their prices, easiness of use and its

    diversified use in every day life. Biometrics is becoming new state of art

    method of security systems. Biometrics are used to prevent unauthorized

    access to ATM, cellular phones , laptops , offices, cars and many othersecurity concerned things. Biometric have brought significant changes in

    security systems making them more secure then before, efficient and cheap.

    They have changed the security system from what you remember (such as

    password) or what you possess (such as car keys) to something you embody

    (retinal patterns, fingerprints, voice recognition).



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    1.2 What is biometrics?

    Biometrics is the science of verifying the identity of an individual

    through physiological measurements or behavioral traits. Since biometric

    identifiers are associated permanently with the user they are more reliable

    than token or knowledge based authentication methods.

    1.3 Advantages of Biometrics

    Biometrics offers several advantages over traditional security

    measures. Some of them are presented below.

    1.3.1 Accuracy and Security

    Biometrics based security systems are far most secure and accuratethan traditional password or token based security systems. For example a

    password based security system has always the threat of being stolen and

    accessed by the unauthorized user. Further more the traditional security

    systems are always prone to accuracy as compared to biometrics which is

    more accurate.

    1.3.2 One individual, Multiple IDs

    Traditional security systems face the problem that they dont give

    solution to the problem of individuals having multiple IDs. For examples a

    person having multiple passports to enter a foreign country. Thanks to

    biometrics!!! They give us a system in which an individual cant possess

    multiple IDs and cant change his ID through out his life time. Each individual

    is identified through a unique Biometric identity throughout the world.

    1.3.3 One ID, multiple individuals

    In traditional security systems one ID can be used by multiple

    individuals. For example in case of a password based security system a

    single password can be shared among multiple individuals and they can

    share the resources allotted to a single individual. Biometric based securitysystem doesnt allow such a crime. Here each individual has a single unique

    ID and it cant be shared with any other individual.

    1.4 Biometrics categories

    Biometrics can be categorized in various categories as follow.


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    1.4.1 Physical biometrics

    This biometrics involves measurement of physical characteristics of

    individuals. The most prominent of these include



    Hand geometry

    Iris scans


    Fingerprints recognition has been present for a few hundred years. Due

    to tremendous research this field has reached such a point where the

    purchase of fingerprint security system is quite affordable. For this reason

    these systems are becoming more widespread in a variety of applications.

    Fingerprint image.


    There has been significant achievement in face recognition system in

    past few years. Due to these advancements this problem appears to be

    eventually technologically feasible and economically realistic. In addition,


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    current research involves developing more robust approaches that accounts

    for changes in lighting, expression, and aging, where potential variations for

    a given person are illustrated in Figure. Also, other problem areas being

    investigated include dealing with glasses, facial hair, and makeup.

    Facial Expression Image

    Hand geometry

    Hand geometry is one of the most basic biometrics in use today. A

    two-dimensional system can be implemented with a simple document

    scanner or digital camera, as these systems only measure the distances

    between various points on the hand. Meanwhile, a three dimensional system

    provides more information and greater reliability. These systems, however,

    require a more expensive collection device than the inexpensive scanners

    that can be used in a two-dimensional system. An example of a commercial

    three-dimensional scanner is shown in Figure.

    Commercial three-dimensional scanner

    As seen in this image, the physical size of the scanner limits its

    application in portable devices. The primary advantage of hand geometrysystems is that they are simple and inexpensive to use. Also, poor weather

    and individual anomalies such as dry skin or cuts along the hand do not

    appear to negatively affect the system. The geometry of the hand, however,

    is not a very distinctive quality. In addition, wearing jewelry or other items on

    the fingers may adversely affect the systems performance.


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    Iris recognition has taken on greater interest in recent years. As this

    technology advances, purchasing these systems has become more

    affordable. These systems are attractive because the pattern variability of

    the iris among different persons is extremely large. Thus, these systems canbe used on a larger scale with a small possibility of incorrectly matching an

    imposter. Also, the iris is well protected from the environment and remains

    stable over time. In terms of localizing the iris from a face, its distinct shape

    allows for precise and reliable isolation. Figure shows the unique iris pattern

    data extracted from a sample input.

    Iris pattern

    1.4.2 Behavioral biometrics

    This category of biometrics is temporal in nature. They are evolved

    during the life time of an individual. It involves measuring the way in which

    an individual performs certain tasks. Behavioral biometrics include



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    Now let discuss some the behavioral biometrics in a little detail.


    Gait-based recognition involves identifying a persons walking style.

    Although these systems are currently very limited, there is a significant

    amount of research being conducted in this area. Furthermore, studies have

    shown that gait changes over time and is also affected by clothes, footwear,

    walking surfaces, and other conditions. Figure below outlines the various

    stages of a gait cycle.

    Samples recorded from a gait cycle

    1.4.3 Chemical biometrics:

    This is a new emerging field. It involves measuring of chemical or

    biological composition of an individual different body parts such as


    Blood glucose

    1.5 Multi-biometric systems

    Similar to multimodal systems, there are several other techniques

    aimed at improving the performance of a biometric system, as outlined in

    Figure below.

    1.5.1 Multimodal


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    Multimodal systems employ more than one biometric recognition

    technique to arrive at a final decision. These systems may be necessary to

    ensure accurate performance. Combining several biometrics in one system

    allows for improved performance as each individual biometric has its own

    strengths and weaknesses. Using more than one biometric also provides

    more diversity in cases where it is not possible to obtain a particular

    characteristic for a person at a given time. Although acquiring more

    measurements increases the cost and computational requirements, the extra

    data allows for much greater performance.

    1.5.2 Multialgorithmic

    These techniques acquire a single sample from one sensor and process

    this signal with two or more different algorithms.

    1.5.3 Multi-instance

    These systems use a sensor to obtain data for different instances of

    the same biometric, such as capturing fingerprints from different fingers of

    the same person.

    1.5.4 Multi-sensorial


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    These systems sample the same biometric trait with two or more

    different sensors, such as scanning a fingerprint using both optical and

    capacitance scanners.

    Multi-biometric categories





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    Fingerprint Identification system

    2.1 A brief history

    Fingerprints have been scientifically studied for many years in our

    society. The characteristics of fingerprints were studied as early as 1600s.

    Meanwhile, using fingerprints as a means of identification first occurred in

    the mid-1800s. Sir William Herschel, in 1859, discovered that fingerprints do

    not change over time and that each pattern is unique to an individual. With

    these findings, he was the first to implement a system using fingerprints and

    handprints to identify an individual in 1877. By 1896, police forces in India

    realized the benefit of using fingerprints to identify criminals, and they began

    collecting the fingerprints of prisoners along with their other measurements.

    With a growing database of fingerprint images, it soon became

    desirable to have an efficient manner of classifying the various images.

    Between 1896 and 1897, Sir Edward Henry developed the Henry

    Classification System, which quickly found worldwide acceptance within a

    few years. This system allows for logical categorization of a complete set of

    the ten fingerprint images for a person. By establishing groupings based on

    fingerprint pattern types, the Henry System greatly reduces the effort of

    searching a large database. Until the mid-1990s, many organizations

    continued to use the Henry Classification System to store their physical files

    of fingerprint images.

    As fingerprints began to be utilized in more fields, the number of

    requests for fingerprint matching began to increase on a daily basis. At the

    same time, the size of the databases continued to expand with each passing

    day. Therefore, it soon became difficult for teams of fingerprint experts to

    provide accurate results in a timely manner. In the early 1960s, the FBI,

    Home Office in the United Kingdom, and Paris Police Department began to

    devote a large amount of resources in developing automatic fingerprint

    identification systems. These systems allowed for an improvement in


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    operational productivity among law enforcement agencies. At the same time,

    the automated systems reduced funding requirements to hire and train

    human fingerprint experts. Today, automatic fingerprint recognition

    technology can be found in a wide range of civilian applications.

    2.2 Fingerprint details

    In this section structure and detail about fingerprint image will be

    explained. We will emphasize and give greater detail of only those

    terminologies which are related to our project.

    2.2.1 What is a fingerprint?

    A fingerprint is the feature pattern of ones finger as shown in figure

    below. It is believed with strong evidence that these feature patterns areunique for each individual. So each individual has its own fingerprint with

    permanent uniqueness. Thats why fingerprints have been used for

    identification and forensic investigation for a long time.

    A fingerprint image acquired by a sensor.

    2.2.3 Fingerprint features


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    A fingerprint pattern is composed of a sequence of ridges and valleys.

    In a fingerprint image, the ridges appear as dark lines while the valleys are

    the light areas between the ridges. A cut or burn to a finger does not affect

    the underlying ridge structure, and the original pattern will be reproduced

    when new skin grows. Ridges and valleys generally run parallel to each

    other, and their patterns can be analyzed on a global and local level.

    Ridges and valleys generally run parallel to each other, and their

    patterns can be analyzed on a global and local level.

    2.2.4 Global level

    At the global level, the fingerprint image will have one or more regions

    where the ridge lines have a distinctive shape.

    2.2.5 Local level

    While the global level allows for a general classification of fingerprints,

    analyzing the image at the local level provides a significant amount of detail.

    These details are obtained by observing the locations where a ridge becomes

    discontinuous, known as minutiae points. Our project is also based on the

    minutiae based recognition.

    The most common types of minutiae are shown in Figure below.


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    Ridge Types

    In general, a ridge can either come to an end, which is called a

    termination, or it can split into two ridges, which is called a bifurcation. The

    other types of minutiae are slightly more complicated combinations of

    terminations and bifurcations. For example, a lake is simply a sequence of

    two bifurcations in opposing directions, while an independent ridge features

    two separate terminations within a close distance. In our project we will use

    only the ridge ending and ridge bifurcation for identification.


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    Minutiae Types (Terminations and Bifurcations)


    Two main approaches are used for fingerprint matching which are

    described below.

    2.3.1 Minutiae based

    The first approach, which is minutia-based, represents the fingerprint

    by its local features, like terminations and bifurcations. This approach has

    been intensively studied, also is the backbone of the current available

    fingerprint recognition products. I am also using this approach in my project.

    2.3.2Image based

    The second approach, which uses image-based methods, tries to do

    matching based on the global features of a whole fingerprint image. It is an

    advanced and newly emerging method for fingerprint recognition. It is useful

    to solve some problems of the first approach. But my project does not aim at

    this method, so further study in this direction is not expanded in my thesis.


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    Figure. Project

    System Process flow Chart

    Each of these stages will now be explained in detail in the next




    False minutiaeremoval

    Minutiae Matching

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    Histogram equalization is used to expand the pixels to all the intensity

    values from 0 to 255. Some of the original images are very dark i.e. their

    histogram is such that their intensity values are concentrated towards the

    origin i.e. near zero intensity value. On the other hand some of the images

    are very bright i.e. their intensity values are concentrated towards 255 and

    nearby intensity values. After applying the histogram equalization the pixels

    are distributed uniformly all over the intensity values from 0 to 255. Due to

    this process the contrast of the image is increased and so the visual effect of

    the image is increased.












    0 50 100 150 200 250 Histogram of image before enhancement.


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    Histogram of image after enhancement.

    Fingerprint image

    Before Histogram Equalization

    Fingerprint image

    After Histogram Equalization

    4.2 Fingerprint Image Binarization

    Fingerprint Image Binarization is to transform the 8-bit Gray fingerprint

    image to a 1-bit image with 0-value for ridges and 1-value for furrows. After


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    the operation, ridges in the fingerprint are highlighted with black color while

    furrows are white.

    First a threshold value from the image is selected using matlab

    function graythresh. A threshold intensity value between 0 and 1 is

    obtained using the above function. This value is then used to convert thegrey image to a black and white image. The value of pixel which is less then

    the above threshold value calculated is taken as 0 representing the ridge in

    black color. A value of the pixel in the image which is greater than the

    threshold value calculated is then converted to 1 representing the white

    color valley or furrow. The following image shows the image before and after



    image before



    image after



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    Fingerprint image segmentation

    In general, only a Region of Interest (ROI) is useful to be recognized for

    each fingerprint image. The image area without effective ridges and furrows

    is first discarded since it only holds background information. Then the bound

    of the remaining effective area is sketched out since the minutia in the

    bound region is confusing with that spurious minutia that is generated when

    the ridges are out of the sensor.

    4.3 ROI by morphological operations

    Two Morphological operations called OPEN and CLOSE are adopted.

    The OPEN operation can expand images and remove peaks introduced by

    background noise. The CLOSE operation can shrink images and eliminate

    small cavities.

    4.4 Fingerprint Ridge Thinning

    Ridge Thinning is to eliminate the redundant pixels of ridges till the

    ridges are just one pixel wide. For this purpose I have used matlab built in

    function bwmorph. This function repeats operation on the ridges until they

    are one pixel wide and are suitable for minutiae extraction phase.


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    5.1 Minutia Marking

    After the fingerprint ridge thinning, marking minutia points is relatively

    easy. In general, for each 3x3 window, if the central pixel is 1 and has exactly



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    3 one-value neighbors, then the central pixel is a ridge branch as shown in

    figure. If the central pixel is 1 and has only 1 one-value neighbor, then the

    central pixel is a ridge ending shown in figure below.

    Bifurcation Termination

    Also the average inter-ridge width D is estimated at this stage. The

    average inter-ridge width refers to the average distance between two

    neighboring ridges. The way to approximate the D value is simple. Scan a

    row of the thinned ridge image and sum up all pixels in the row whose value

    is one. Then divide the row length with the above summation to get an inter-

    ridge width. For more accuracy, such kind of row scan is performed upon

    several other rows and column scans are also conducted, finally all the inter-

    ridge widths are averaged to get the D.

    5.2 Post processing

    Post processing mainly involves removal of the false minutiae from the

    fingerprint image.

    As described earlier, the crossing number algorithm is used again to

    locate the terminations and bifurcations within the final thinned image. In

    this process, the locations where the ridges end at the outer boundaries of

    the image are classified as terminations. In the true sense, however, these

    locations are not unique termination minutiae. Instead, they only appear as

    terminations because the dimensions of the image force each ridge to come

    to an end. Knowing this, these locations should not be recorded as minutiae

    within the fingerprint. One way to eliminate such locations involves creating

    an ellipse to only select minutiae points inside the fingerprint image.






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    The center of the ellipse is established by locating the minimum and

    maximum rows and columns that contain a ridge pixel, then calculating the

    row and column that lie halfway between these extremes.

    5.3 Minutiae Matching

    The matching process involves comparing one set of minutiae data to

    another set. In most cases, this process compares an input data set to a

    previously stored data set with a known identity, referred to as a template.

    The template is created during the enrollment process, when a user presents

    a finger for the system to collect the data from. This information is then

    stored as the defining characteristics for that particular user.

    In our project since the whole process is done in matlab so there is no

    need for database creation. We need to compare only two images. If both the

    images are from the same fingerprint they are matched otherwise they are

    unmatched. The following are the steps involved in the matching process.

    1. First of all the two fingerprints which are to be matched are

    load into the matching function.

    2. Minutiae points i.e ridge ending and ridge bifurcation

    extracted from both fingerprint images are laoded into the


    3. A built in matlab function isequal is used to compare the

    two minutiae points i.e ridge ending and ridge bifurcation of

    both the images with each other.4. If both the ridge endings and ridge bifurcations of the two

    fingerprint images matches with each other, only then the

    fingerprint images are matched otherwise they are



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    Password Security


    A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used to

    prove identity or gain access to a resource. The password must be kept

    secret from those not allowed access.

    Fingerprint is the state of art security measure as compared to

    password and other conventional security methods. But in our project we

    have summed up both the fingerprint and password security in order to

    design a more secure and efficient security system. Since our project design

    and simulation is in matlab so we have used matlab coding to implement this

    task. The steps used in method are as follow.

    1. First of all an array of passwords is saved in m file of matlab.

    2. When a user wants to enter the system he must enter the password

    to get access.

    3. When the password is entered it is matched with the already stored

    passwords in the m file.

    4. If the entered password matches with any of the passwords in the

    array stored in the m file then the password matches dialogue box appears.

    5. If the password does not matches with any of the passwords stored

    in the array then an unmatched messages is displayed and access is not

    granted to the user.

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    In our project the Password security works and is presented in the

    following way as shown in different figures.

    6.2 Password GUI

    a). when the user enters the Enter Password button a dialogue boxappears asking the user to enter password.

    Password GUI 1


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    b). when the user enters the password and presses OKon the dialogue

    box another dialogue box appears showing whether the password is matched

    or not.

    Password GUI 2


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    7.1 GUI User Manual

    We have presented our project in matlab GUI. Following are different

    steps showing its operation.

    1. Open the matlab 6.0 or above.

    2. In the matlab command window type fig1 and press enter.

    Matlab Command Window


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    The following window will appear when we press enter in the above


    Main GUI Window

    There are three main panels in the main window as shown in the above

    figure. There is a control panel, view panel and exit panel. Control panel have

    two buttons of which match images is of main importance. The view panel

    shows different buttons used for performing different operations on the two



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    3. From the file menu click open and load two images as show in the

    figure below.

    GUI Loading Images

    4. After loading the two images we can view the images by clicking on

    the view images button in the view panel as show below.


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    GUI View Images

    5. By clicking on the View Transform buttonin the View Panel we can

    view the transformed image after different image preprocessing and

    post processing algorithms applied as show below.


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    Transformed Images

    6. When we click the histograms button in the view panel, the

    histograms of the two images are shown as in the figure below.


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    Histogram of Original Images


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    7. Click on the Hist Equalization to view the equalized histogram of

    the two images as shown below.

    Histogram Of Images After Equalization

    8. when we click the match images, it compares the two images and

    displays the result. If the two fingerprint images match then a

    message box is shown showing Fingerprint matched, otherwise


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    the message box displays Fingerprint dont match as shown


    Fingerprint Matching Result

    9. In the Control Panel click on Enter Password to enter password for

    authentication. When we click on this button user is asked to enter

    password in the matlab command window. If the password is

    matched a message box appears showing that the password is

    matched otherwise the message box shows that the password did

    not match.


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    Password Matching Result



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    In our project we have combined biometric i.e. fingerprint and

    conventional security i.e. password security system. The conventional

    password security has several advantages as well as disadvantages. Those

    disadvantages have been overcome by using it with fingerprint securitysystem. So overall system has both the advantages of the state of art

    biometric and conventional security system which makes it more powerful

    than either of the two security measures. The efficiency of the fingerprint

    security system mainly depends upon the accuracy and the response time.

    Keeping these two things in mind we have used robust algorithms giving us

    fast response time and accuracy.

    Future work

    Following are the some of the recommendations and future work that

    can be done in order to enhance the system further.

    1. There is a need in fingerprint security system to detect

    whether the fingerprint is from a living user or not.

    Experiments have shown that fingerprint security systems can

    be fooled by using copy of the fingerprint from a user.

    2. Several biometric may be combined i.e. multi biometric

    security system may be used in order further increase the

    security and efficiency.

    3. It is obvious that biometric systems will govern the security

    domain in future electronic world. So due increase in usage

    the identification speed and accuracy will be the crucial

    factors. Therefore the algorithms may be optimized in such a

    way in order to meet these demands.