amil - · amil anadel...

Arromatu Afb~~nto Almoxmife Amil Anadel Arratel Arroba Atdim Accionistas Advmtios Annazrm Atalias Alvara Bandeim Banias Barbante Barra Bastando Bazkar Bazaruco Bestaa Bcsteiros Betre Bhllkti Bigaris Biscoito Bombardeiro Boticario Bnhmanas Brahmadeyas Bnu Bandeira Bmgayl Cabm Cm&s Cairo Callfatea Caldeiraa Camam Cambail Cuuuins Complete LMler of land. An administrative post dealing with supplies. In charge of the collection of revenue. Captain/commander. A weight of 0.4 kg#. 13 kgs. Security guards. Shareholders during the Portuguese period. New comers who claimed a portion accruing from the land. Ware house. Security guards. Charter/warrant/ordinance issued by the Viceroy or any other high ranking official. They did not need Royal confirmation and were valid for a year. Flagshanners. A mercantile community. String. Sandbank. Value of 10 soldos. Streets containing lines of shops. 8/10 ofa real. Crossbows. Crossbow makers. Betcl An ideology derived within hinduism. Arrowmakers Biscuit Gunners Pharmacist The religious group at the apex of the hindu caste structure. The lands granted to the brahmins. Tar. The commercial banner of a craR guild. Customs house. Goats. Earthern frying pans. Coir. Caulkers. Frying pans. Town Council. Originally lrom Cambay. The local inhabitants of Goa.

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Arromatu A f b ~ ~ n t o Almoxmife Amil Anadel Arratel Arroba Atdim Accionistas Advmtios Annazrm Atalias Alvara

Bandeim Banias Barbante Barra Bastando Bazkar Bazaruco Bestaa Bcsteiros Betre Bhllkti Bigaris Biscoito Bombardeiro Boticario Bnhmanas Brahmadeyas Bnu Bandeira Bmgayl Cabm Cm&s Cairo Callfatea Caldeiraa Camam Cambail Cuuuins

Complete LMler of land. An administrative post dealing with supplies. In charge of the collection of revenue. Captain/commander. A weight of 0.4 kg#. 13 kgs. Security guards. Shareholders during the Portuguese period. New comers who claimed a portion accruing from the land. Ware house. Security guards. Charter/warrant/ordinance issued by the Viceroy or any other high ranking official. They did not need Royal confirmation and were valid for a year. Flagshanners. A mercantile community. String. Sandbank. Value of 10 soldos. Streets containing lines of shops. 8/10 ofa real. Crossbows. Crossbow makers. Betcl An ideology derived within hinduism. Arrowmakers Biscuit Gunners Pharmacist The religious group at the apex of the hindu caste structure. The lands granted to the brahmins. Tar. The commercial banner of a craR guild. Customs house. Goats. Earthern frying pans. Coir. Caulkers. Frying pans. Town Council. Originally lrom Cambay. The local inhabitants of Goa.

Cmdir Capi tb mor Cursira Cuneirm Cartrtes

Carvilo Casados Castiws Champanas C h d a Chardos Chatim Chumbo Cobre Cocos Condestavel cofte Contadores Cordeiros Cotins Cotonias Cravo Cuncolim Case da Moeda Conselho da fazenda Dinheiro Dwipa Diwan Dizimos Desais Dem Deshmukhs Defbntos Devadasis D o d a s Dourros Enxofre Empreitar Estribeiro Estrebnria Espingardeiro Pacrivio Estado da India BaLado d8 India Fador Feitor

A measure equal to 4 quintals An overseer. The navigational route followed by Crown ships.. sheep. Passes issued by the Portuguese for safety of the vessels. Horse shoe nail. Married citizens. Of good birth. Regular small boats. South India. A caste subordinate to the brrhmins,equal to kshtriyas. Mercantile community equivalent to the banias. Lead pellet. Copper. Coconuts. Supreme commander of the army Chests Book keepers. Rope manufacturers. Ancient Oriental vessels. Cotton cloth Horse shoe nail etc. Salsctte. House of currency The revenue council. 215 of a real. Island. State controller/minister.. Land tax. Hindu landlords. Province. Hereditary heads. Deceased. Temple prostitutes. Coins in circulation during pre-Portuguese period Coins in circulation during pre-Portuguese period Sulphur. Take over a job on a contract basis. StablemanNaster of horses. Horse stable. Hand gun, rifle, etc. Clerk. The Portuguesestate of India. The Portuguese slate of India Baledsacks. Factor of the Crown /the private

trdlng a p t Ferido Ferreim Fai. Franpn Fidalgo Foral Foro Gaudr Gu jura Gdoom Gaunkarias Gharbatas Gramavari ka

Granadeiro Grlios Oodemt

Jagirdars Jangadas Jathis Jonos Juizes Kshetra Kshatria Kulkarni Kargat Kulachari Khudkasht Khuntku Khusiwat Khyata htociro I Latoeiro LdlBea L d buaruco Linguoa Lavradores Latta MBos Medidu M o d a Mllholm Mlvrlaordlr Mrndi~

Wounded. Blmk~rnith. Working drym. Chicken. A term seen to literally indicate a sodheir of somebody. A charter of rights and priveleges for the communities. Rent. Bengal. Gujarat. Oalleons. The village communities of pre-Portuguese Ooa Land division under the portuguese An ofiicial in the village who was endowed with the responsibility of decidiq petty cases. Grenadier/ Soldier. Grain or corn The contribution of a village community for the maintenance of the State cavalry. A sister of a Religious Order devoted to the care of sick and the needy in a hospital. Estate holders. Rafts. Sub castes. Income of the village communities. Judgca. Political sovereignty. Warrior caste subordinate to the brnh~itins Village clerk. The division of a district. Another term for a brahmin. Similar to the mirasdari system. Shareholder in a village. A tax of pre-Portuguese Goa. Kuwait. Tinsmith. Auctions. 1-2 reis. Interpreter Peasants. Southern Gujarat. Handfuls. Measures Cuwrnoy M ~ l r plnnt. Houlr of Charity. Wholoulr muket~.

M i d u i A system of land holding in Maharashtra region, its contemporary equivalent in Goa was the gaunkari.

M o k d a r Chief collector. Mnintos Wasl~c~.~nc~~. Maahal Another term for a district division. Mane Boat. Matazes Unspun raw silk. Mestips Half castes; descendants of marriages between Portuguese men

and Indian women. Maatre The masted with reference to guilds The tern1 can be applied

to the representative of the working classes on the Municipal board.

Muufirshahis A coin in circulation during the pre-Portuguese Gor. Mezinhas Household medicine. Mocad&o/muqaddam The chief of guilds. Naiks Hindu landlords. Nadu Ethnic and ecological administrative regions. Nayakas Semi autonomous chiefs dating to the Vijayanagar period. Naiques Term also referred to as captains during the Portuguese period. Operarios Workmenhandicraftsmen. O b m Workmanship/brickworWjob. Ouvidor da cidade Auditor Olas Leaves Oficios Profession~Ofices. PUU Small quantities of rice. Paragmas District division. Prant Another term for divisions. Panos Cloth. Parpoti 'I'he village bcadlc. Potekar The tax collector in the village. Peso The official weighing place. Pipa A certain amount of any form of fluid equal to 1 14 gallons. Prowdor Government superintendent. Provtdor mot Superintendent. Polvora Gunpowder Pedreiro Bricklayer/stonecutter. Palmeira Palm tree. Passo Seco Dry Pass Passamanes Lace making. Patrio Master. Prrtapa vuaha 13 bnrganys. Pandya Kerala. Pagode TempldCoins of pre-Portuguese Goa. Piaea Assistants Quintal 52.4 kgs. Rajrdhma Ritual soverignty. Ribeirr Shorehank.

Rerndas Renda Rcinor Rajavithi R j a b Rao Raain Roda Rua Direita Rua dos leilees Rendeiros Soldados Soldo Soltanis Saraswats Sati

Somat Sidan Suvarna Srmis ShrcshtidSethis Shroffs Solteiro Subehdar Sardesai Sangradores Salitre Sabhas Serradore Seda Setas Telheiros Taluka Terreiro Teadas Travesseiros Tanador mor

Tanga brancas Treslado Tanga Vantely Vanias Velhu Conquistas


Revenue holders. Rent. The original natives of Portugal. Rajpath. hindu landlords. Another title for hindu landlords. Gum. Wheel The main n~arket place in the city. The street of auctions. Tenant fanner/lessee. Unmarried soldiers. Salary. Coins dating to the pre-Portuguese period. A branch of brahminn native of C;ujarat A social act among the hindus in which tlte widow of a d e ~ d man immolated herself alongwith her husband's corpse. Another t e n describing district division. Land revenue. Gold. Guilds. The primary head of a guild. Money exchangers An independent private merchant A governor. Hindu landlords. Bleeders. S~ltpclrc Assemblies cor~stituting representation as under the C'tiolas A sawer. Silk. Arrows. Tile makers. District division. Quay. Pieces of linen. Pillow cases. chief in charge of revenue collection. at the provirrcinl lc\fel 'I'lie word id derived fro111 the local "tl~n~iadnr". Revenues paid by the gaunkars. Contract. It war eijual to 4 baryallis. The concept describing the fortification of villages. Another term denoting mercantile communities. The geographical regions that were priniarily occupied by tlte Ponuguem only during the courw of the sixteenth century. Inspector.

VernmW Cinnabar. Visario Parsonlvicar in a church. Vcnezirno Another form of coinage dating to the pre-Portuguese period. XerrAnr I t was valued at 5 tangas. ZurgPtPm Zanzibar.



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