amerms course 6: why offer integrated microfinance and health services - ppt 1

Why Add Health Services to Microfinance Freedom from Hunger April 2010

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FULL TITLE: Why Offer Integrated Microfinance and Health Services: An Introduction to Health Education, Health Financing, Healthcare Linkages and Health Microinsurance ROOM: Lenana Hall FACILITATED BY: Freedom from Hunger Ms. Myka Reinsch Sinclair (USA) Dr. Mahamadi Cissé (Burkina Faso)


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Why Add Health Services to MicrofinanceFreedom from Hunger

April 2010

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Session 1

Welcome and Introductions


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Social Performance Pathway


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Who are you reaching out to?

What services are you providing to them?

What are the ultimate changes you want to see in their lives?


With others from your organization, interview another organization asking the questions below. After a few minutes the others will interview you.

You will then have one minute to introduce them and their organization using what you have learned.


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Session 2

Workshop Purpose and Objectives


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Session 3

Discussion on Client Health Challenges and How Microfinance and Health Protection Addresses Them


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A Quote to Consider…

In the 2002 World Bank study, Dying for Change, illness was the most commonly cited reason for “a downward slide into poverty… ahead of losing a job, which took second place”.

Turn to someone near you and discuss this:

Reflecting on this quote, what is your experience with the effects of illness in the lives of your clients?


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*Adapted from: How microfinance can work for the poor: The case for integrating microfinance with education and health services by Dunford et al.

A Perspective to Consider…

To confront health challenges Freedom from Hunger suggests that…

“Ideally the over 3,000 existing microfinance institutions worldwide could provide and infrastructure or platform for reaching the poor through a coordinated combination of services. MFIs recognize the need, hear the demand and have a vested interest in cultivating a healthy, successful clientele with strong microenterprises.”*Turn to the same person and discuss this:

What do you think about the proposed role of MFIs in this quote given the challenges you have identified?

What, if anything, has your organization done to deal with the health challenges of your clients?


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Microfinance and Health Protection


Microfinance and health protection is the use of the microfinance platform to provide MFI clients with access to crucial health-related information, financing, care and products.


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Questions for Further Reflection:

You already discussed a bit some of what you have seen among your clients concerning their health challenges and what you have done about them.

Before discussing some ways that the MAHP program has worked with partners to deal with client health problems take a minute to think to yourself about the following:

In addition to any information you have now about the health needs of your clients, what additional information would you want to know about their health needs to provide services or products to meet these needs?


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Session 4

Four Health Protection Approaches


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Four Approaches to Health Protection Developed by MFIs in Response to

Clients’ Needs


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Bandhan Case Study


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Session 5

Health Protection Products and Services Developed by MFIs


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Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health



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PADME (Benin)

• Health education

• Health product distribution

Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health



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PADME (Benin)

• Health education

• Health product distribution

Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health


Bandhan (India)

• Health education

• Health loans

• Health product distribution

• Informal linkages to health providers


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RCPB (Burkina Faso)

• Health education

• Health savings

• Health loans

PADME (Benin)

• Health education

• Health product distribution

Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health


Bandhan (India)

• Health education

• Health loans

• Health product distribution

• Informal linkages to health providers


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RCPB (Burkina Faso)

• Health education

• Health savings

• Health loans

PADME (Benin)

• Health education

• Health product distribution

Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health


CARD (Philippines)

• Health education

• Health micro-insurance loans

• Preferred provider linkages

• Access to affordable drugs

Bandhan (India)

• Health education

• Health loans

• Health product distribution

• Informal linkages to health providers


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CRECER (Bolivia)

• Health education

• Mobile doctors

• Health loans

CARD (Philippines)

• Health education

• Health micro-insurance loans

• Preferred provider linkages

• Access to affordable drugs

RCPB (Burkina Faso)

• Health education

• Health savings

• Health loans

Bandhan (India)

• Health education

• Health loans

• Health product distribution

• Informal linkages to health providers

PADME (Benin)

• Health education

• Health product distribution

Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health



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Cohesive Microfinance

+ Health



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Four Approaches to Health Protection Developed by MFIs in Response to

Clients’ Needs


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Four Approaches to Health Protection Developed by MFIs in Response to

Clients’ Needs


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Session 6

Health Education – A Key Approach


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What Makes Freedom from Hunger’s Education Unique?

• Relevant for clients

• Focused on Behavior Change

• Enjoyable

• Easy to Use


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Key Characteristics of Freedom from Hunger’s Education

Delivery Channels Field agents of MFIs or NGOs deliver sessions during regular meetings of Credit, Savings or Self-Help Groups

Module Components Facilitator’s Guide that field agents use to facilitate sessions

Trainer’s Guide that a trainer uses to train field agents

Number of Sessions Approximately 7 sessions per module

Length of Sessions 30 minutes

Session Structure Sessions use the following structure:Review previous sessionShare new knowledge/skillsAnalyze new knowledge/skills in depthApply new knowledge/skills and commit to action

Methods that Create Dialogue

Stories, visual aids, small-group work, role-plays, games, demonstrations, small- and large-group discussions

Measures of Success Measurable objectives for each session

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Available Education Modules


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Session 7

Costs and Benefits of Selected Health Protection Services


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Savvy MFIs are adding health services in order to

improve their own profitability.


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Health services can create Net Benefits for MFIs

Income-generating health services for MFIs:• Health education (in conjunction with village banking)• Health loans

- Health savings (potentially)• Health microinsurance premium loans• Health product distribution

Non-income-generating health services for MFIs:• Health education (parallel approach)• Linkages to health providers

- Mobile health providers- Referrals to health providers

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Gallery Walk: Sample Cost-Benefit Description

Cost to MFI Benefit to MFI Cost to Client Benefit to Client


Additional time for field agents.

Interest earned on microfinance loans covers the marginal cost of education.

Additional time spent in a credit or separate meeting.

Lower instance of disease leads to savings of money and time away from microenterprise.



Demonstration that MFI cares about clients—boosts MFI reputation and marketing.

Improved health knowledge and behaviors.


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Reflection on the Cost and Benefits of Health Protection Products/ServicesWith others from your organization (or, if you are the only one from your organization, with another person) discuss the following two issues:

What did you find useful from the perspective of your organization?

What are your general questions/concerns you have given everything you have seen?


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Session 8

Market Research – A Key First Step to Developing Health Protection Products and Services


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Microfinance and Health Protection Services(Sample Development Process and Timeline)


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Purpose of Market Research in the Development of Health Protection

To better understand the health care environment within which you are operating and to identify the health needs of current, and potential, clients.


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This and the following pages reprinted from Market Research for Microfinance and Health Protection How-to Guide ゥ 2009 Freedom from Hunger.

Characteristics of Market Research

It seeks to explain underlying reasons for behaviors and beliefs

It utilizes dialogue-based methods to develop a deep understanding;

It enables participants to discuss sensitive topics; and

It accommodates illiteracy through use of verbal and visual data-collection techniques.


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Types of Health Data Generated Through Market Research

Types of Market Research Data Uses of Market Research Data

Common illnesses

Frequency and cost of treating illness and disease

Household financial impact of illness

Inform the design of health-related financial services, such as health loans and savings.

Preventive and coping strategies

Availability and accessibility for clients to various types of local health care) doctor, medicines, hospital)

Inform the design of linkages to health-service providers, such as establishing reduced prices for clients with local health-care providers.


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Market Research Tools

Tools Purpose of the Tools

Focus Group Discussions

Discuss impact of disease on the household finances Discuss what clients know about preventing and treating local

common illnesses. Examine challenges clients face in accessing local health

services Determine how clients currently pay for health care and the

challenges they face about paying for health-related expenses.

In Depth Interviews(MFI Management)

Identify illnesses and disease that affect clients’ repayment capacity

Assess the extent to which client illnesses affect the MFI’s financial performance

Participatory Rapid -Appraisal

(Health care-seeking behavior maps)

Identify where the community goes for different health services, and which health providers and institutions they trust or value and why


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Session 9

Action Planning – Next Steps for Developing Health Protection Products and Services


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What are your reactions to our discussions today and

what do they mean for your institution?

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Developing Next Steps for Your OrganizationHealth protection approaches to explore:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Next Steps NeededWho

(who is responsible in my MFI to accomplish this


What (what is needed to

implement, i.e. information, materials,

technical resources)

By When (by when do we need to

accomplish this step)


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Closing Remarks


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“You know well that we are poor country people. Agriculture is not flourishing like before due to the capriciousness of the climate. Our spouses thus do not have enough financial resources and the family income is weak. With the conditions where life is expensive or where it is already painful trying to have enough to eat, we have to invest our small incomes in health and this is even more punishment. We don’t have a great way to get to the hospital, but if someone can give us ideas on how to prevent disease, we will apply these tips and save our children and ourselves.”

--PADME client, when asked her opinion on the health education 

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“ When you go to the market in the morning you never know what will happen, but when you have the health savings and can get a health loan, you have the security of knowing that if you have a problem, you will be protected.” 

–RCPB client

“ Neither health savings nor health loans have created extra work for staff. The health savings accounts do not present more challenges or difficulties than any other financial products at RCPB.”

–RCPB branch directors

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“ I joined CARD because they have many benefits; my favorite benefits are the health benefits”

-Roselyn, CARD client

“ Had I not received this health loan from Bandhan, I would have lost both my sons as well as my asset... Bandhan brought back light in my family and I am obliged to spread this message of my immense benefit….”

--Bandhan client

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Myka Reinsch, Special Advisor, MAHP

[email protected]

Mahamadi Cisse, Regional MAHP Manager

[email protected]

Microfinance and Health Protection