americans divided on government surveillance

NBC News Online Survey: Public Opinion on Government Surveillance Embargoed for release after 12:00 NOON Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Americans Divided on Government Surveillance; Don’t Trust Government or Businesses to Keep Their Data Private Americans are divided over whether or not the U.S. government has gone too far in infringing on people’s privacy, according to the most recent NBC News online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey. TOPLINES Questions 1-10, 12-26 held for future releases; questions 10, 30-32 previously released. 27. Overall, in attempting to fight terrorism, do you think the U.S. government’s surveillance program has: [ROTATE RESPONSES 1 & 2] 6.3-5.15 Gone too far in infringing on people’s privacy 38 Been too restrained when it comes to fighting terrorism favor 24 Been relatively balanced between privacy concerns and fighting terrorism 35 DK/NA 3 28. How concerned are you, personally, that the government might be collecting your own phone call records or monitoring your Internet activity--are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned? Very Concerned Somewhat concerned A little concerned Not at all concerned DK/NA 6.3-5.15 17 23 25 35 1

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Post on 16-Sep-2015




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Americans are divided over whether or not the U.S. government has gone too far in infringing on people’s privacy, according to the most recent NBC News online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey.


  • NBC News Online Survey: Public Opinion on Government Surveillance Embargoed for release after 12:00 NOON Tuesday, June 9, 2015

    Americans Divided on Government Surveillance; Dont Trust Government or Businesses to Keep Their Data Private

    Americans are divided over whether or not the U.S. government has gone too far in infringing on peoples privacy, according to the most recent NBC News online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey. TOPLINES Questions 1-10, 12-26 held for future releases; questions 10, 30-32 previously released. 27. Overall, in attempting to fight terrorism, do you think the U.S. governments surveillance program has: [ROTATE RESPONSES 1 & 2] 6.3-5.15 Gone too far in infringing on peoples privacy


    Been too restrained when it comes to fighting terrorism favor


    Been relatively balanced between privacy concerns and fighting terrorism


    DK/NA 3 28. How concerned are you, personally, that the government might be collecting your own phone call records or monitoring your Internet activity--are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned? Very

    Concerned Somewhat concerned

    A little concerned

    Not at all concerned DK/NA

    6.3-5.15 17 23 25 35 1

  • 29. Which of the following do you trust MORE to keep records of your phone calls and Internet activity private and secure? 6.3-5.15 Businesses like cellular telephone companies and internet providers


    Government agencies 11

    Both equally 14 Neither 53 DK/NA 1

    METHODOLOGY The NBC News Online Survey was conducted online by SurveyMonkey June 3-5, 2015 among a national sample of 2,153 adults aged 18 and over, including an oversample of 260 U.S. adults with an education level of high school or less. Respondents for this non-probability survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate in the SurveyMonkey Audience panel. This SurveyMonkey Audience project was run using a balanced sample. The process of sample balancing starts by setting targets for desired numbers of completed responses among certain groups (in this case: by gender, age, and race groupings). After that, a specified number of potential respondents are allocated to the project based on expected completion rates. Panelists are either linked directly to the survey from an email invitation, or routed to the survey after agreeing to take an additional survey after completing a prior one. Once the survey is put into the field, the system calculates actual completion rates by group, and uses that information to re-adjust the flow of new panelists to the survey. SurveyMonkey panelists are emailed no more than once every three days, and on average panelists receive one email every two weeks. SurveyMonkey also imposes a daily limit on the number of surveys a panelist can take. Data for this survey have been weighted for age, race, sex, education, and division using the Census Bureaus American Community Survey, marital status using the Current Population Survey, along with data from the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll on evangelicalism and the Pew Research Center on religious attendance to reflect the demographic composition of the United States. Because the sample is based on those who initially self-selected for participation rather than a probability sample, no estimates of sampling error can be calculated. All surveys may be subject to multiple sources of error, including, but not limited to sampling error, coverage error, and measurement error. To assess the variability in the estimates and account for design effects, we create a bootstrap confidence interval, meaning we use the weighted data to generate 1000 independent samples and calculate the standard deviation of the weighted average using those samples, producing an error estimate.

  • When analyzing the survey results and their accuracy, this error estimate should be taken into consideration in much the same way that analysis of probability polls takes into account the margin of sampling error. For example, if 47 percent of voters say they support Candidate A and 43 percent of voters support Candidate B, and the error estimate is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, Candidate A could be supported by as low as 44 percent of voters and Candidate B could have as high as 47 percent of support. Therefore, Candidate A does not have a "lead." The following table provides the unweighted sample sizes and the error estimate that has been calculated in place of the margin of sampling error for a variable that is expected to have close to an even split in most groupings (such as gender):

    Group Unweighted N Plus or minus

    Total sample 2153 3.0 percentage points

    Republican 385 6.8 percentage points

    Democrat 864 4.5 percentage points

    Independent 860 4.4 percentage points

    18-29 415 6.4 percentage points

    30-44 598 5.6 percentage points

    45-59 582 5.6 percentage points

    60+ 556 5.9 percentage points

    White 1506 3.5 percentage points

    Black 184 9.2 percentage points

    Hispanic 235 8.5 percentage points

    Other 186 9.9 percentage points

    LGBT 155 10.6 percentage points