american mink

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  • 8/13/2019 American Mink


    American minkFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article is about animal. For the trademark of the same name, seeAmerican Legend Cooperative.

    American mink

    Temporal range: MiddlePleistoceneRecent

    Conservation status

    Least Concern(IUCN 3.1)[1]

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Carnivora

    Family: Mustelidae

    Subfamily: Mustelinae
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    Genus: Neovison

    Species: N. vison

    Binomial name

    Neovison vison[2]



    15, seetext

    N. vison

    N. aestuarina

    N. aniakensis

    N. energumenos

    N. evagor

    N. evergladensis

    N. ingens

    N. lacustris

    N. letifera

    N. lowii

    N. lutensis

    N. melampeplus

    N. mink

    N. nesolestes

    N. vulgivaga
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    6 Range

    o 6.1 Natural

    o 6.2 Introduced

    6.2.1 Mainland Europe and British Isles

    6.2.2 Former USSR

    6.2.3 Iceland

    6.2.4 South America

    7 Diseases and parasites

    8 Decline of wild mink

    9 Relationships with humans

    o 9.1 Fur use

    9.1.1 Trapping

    9.1.2 Farming Colour mutations

    o 9.2 As pets

    o 9.3 Literature

    10 See also

    11 References

    o 11.1 Notes

    o 11.2 Bibliography

    12 External links

    Indigenous names[edit]

    This section contains information of unclear or

    questionableimportanceorrelevanceto the article's subject matter. Please

    helpimprove this articleby clarifying or removingsuperfluous information.(August 2013)

    This article is in a list format that may be better presented usingprose.You can help

    by converting this article to prose, ifappropriate.Editing helpis available. (August 2013)

    Cree- sang-gwiss, shakzuashewor atjackasheiv[4]

    Ojibwe- shang-gwes'-se[4]

    Chipewyan- tel-chu'-say[4]

    Ogallala Sioux- lo-chin'-cha[4]

    Yankton Sioux- doke-sesch[4]

  • 8/13/2019 American Mink


    As a species, the American mink represents a more specialized form than the European mink in the direction

    ofcarnivory,as indicated by the more developed structure of the skull.[5]

    Fossil recordsof the American mink

    go back as far as theIrvingtonian,though the species is uncommon amongPleistoceneanimals. Its fossil range

    corresponds with the species' current natural range. The American minks of the Pleistocene did not differ much

    in size or morphology from modern populations, though a slight trend toward increased size is apparent from

    the Irvingtonian through to theIllinoianandWisconsinanperiods.[6]

    Although superficially similar to the European mink, studies indicate the American mink's closest relative is

    theSiberian weasel(kolonok) of Asia. The American mink has been recorded tohybridizewith European minks

    andpolecatsin captivity, though the hybrid embryos of the American and European minks are usually



    As of 2005,[8]

    15 subspecies are recognised.

    [show]Subspecies Trinomial authority

    Physical description[edit]


    Skeleton of an American mink from theMusum national d'histoire naturelle

    Skull, as illustrated by N. N. Kondakov.
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    The American mink differs from members of the genusMustela(stoatsandweasels)by its larger size and

    stouter form, which closely approach those ofmartens.It shares with martens a uniformly enlarged, bushy and

    somewhat tapering tail, rather than a slenderly terete tail with an enlarged bushy tip, as is the case in


    The American mink is similar in build to theEuropean mink,but the tail is longer (constituting 38-51%

    of its body length).[11]

    The American mink has a long body, which allows the species to enter the burrows of prey.

    Itsstreamlinedshape helps it to reduce water resistance whilst swimming.[12]

    The skull is similar to that of the

    European mink, but is more massive, narrower, and less elongated, with more strongly developed projections

    and a wider, shortercranium.The uppermolarsare larger and more massive than those of the European


    Thedental formulais:


    Domestic mink, which are bred in fur farms, have 19.6% smaller brains, 8.1% smaller hearts, and 28.2%

    smaller spleens than wild mink.[14][15]

    The feet are broad, with webbed digits.[10]

    It generally has eightnipples,

    with one pair of inguinal teats and three pairs of abdominal teats.[11]

    The adult male'spenisis 2.2 in (5.6 cm)

    long, and is covered by asheath.Thebaculumis well-developed, being triangular incross sectionand curved

    at the tip.[12]

    Males measure 1318 in (3445 cm) in body length, while females measure 1215 in (3137.5 cm). The tail

    measures 610 inches (15.624.7 cm) in males and 68 in (14.821.5 cm) in females. Weights vary with sex

    and season, with males being heavier than females. In winter, males weigh 13 lb (5001,580 g) and females

    12 lb (400780 g) Maximum heaviness occurs in autumn.[5]
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  • 8/13/2019 American Mink



    Social and territorial behaviours[edit]

    A southern mink (N. v. vulgivagus) in a threatening posture

    American mink emerges from a pond.

    American mink territories are held by individual animals with minimal intrasex overlap, but with extensive

    overlap between animals of the opposite sex. Most territories are located in undisturbed, rocky, coastal habitats

    with broadlittoral zonesand dense cover. They may also occur on estuaries, rivers and canals near urban

    areas. Home ranges are typically 16 kilometres (0.623.73 miles) long, with male territories being larger than

    those of females.[17]

    As long as it is close to water, the American mink is not fussy over its choice of den. Mink

    dens typically consist of long burrows inriver banks,holes underlogs,tree stumps,orrootsand hollowtrees,

    though dens located in rock crevices, drains, and nooks under stone piles and bridges are occasionally

    selected. The burrows they dig themselves are typically about four inches in diameter and may continue along

    for 1012 feet (300370 cm) at a depth of 23 feet (6191 cm). The American mink may nest in burrows dug

    previously bymuskrats,badgersandskunks,and may also dig dens in oldant hills.The nesting chamber is

    located at the end of a four-inch tunnel, and is about a foot in diameter. It is warm, dry and lined with straw and


    The American mink's dens are characterized by a large number of entrances and twisting passages.

    The number of exits vary from one to eight.[18]
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    The American mink normally only vocalises during close encounters with other minks or predators. The sounds

    they emit include piercing shrieks and hisses when threatened and muffled chuckling sounds when mating. Kits

    squeak repeatedly when separated from their mothers.[19]

    Ernest Thompson Setonreported hearing minks

    growl and snarl when confronting a threat.[22]

    During aggressive interactions, the this mink asserts its

    dominance by arching its back, puffing up, and lashing its tail, stamping and scraping the ground with its feet,

    and opening its mouth in a threat-gape. Should this be unsuccessful, fights may result, with injuries to the head

    and neck.[19]

    American mink in a burrow

    Reproduction and development[edit]

    American mink kits

    The American mink is a promiscuous animal, which does not form pair bonds.[17]

    Themating seasonbegins

    from February in its southern range to April in the north.[12]

    In its introduced range, the American mink breeds

    one month earlier than the European mink.[23]Males commonly fight during the mating season, which may

    result in the formation of loose, temporary dominance hierarchies governing access to receptive


    The mating season lasts for three weeks, withovulationbeing induced by the presence of males.

    The mating process is violent, with the male typically biting the female on the nape of the neck and pinning her

    with his forefeet.Matinglasts from 10 minutes to four hours. Females are receptive for seven- to 10-day

    intervals during the three-week breeding season, and can mate with multiple males. Along with thestriped
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    skunk,the American mink is among the only mammals to mate in spring whilst possessing a short delay before

    the occurrence of implantation. Thisdelayed implantationallows pregnant minks to keep track of environmental

    conditions and select an ideal time and place forparturition.[12]

    Thegestation periodlasts from 4075 days, with actual embryonic development taking place after 3032 days,

    thus indicating delayed implantation can last from eight to 45 days. The young are born either in April or June,

    with litters consisting of four kits on average.[12]

    Exceptionally large litters of 11 kits have been recorded in

    Tartaria and 16 in the United States.[23]

    The kits are blind at birth, weighing six grams and possessing a short

    coat of fine, silver-white hairs.[12]

    The kits are dependent on their mother's milk, which contains 3.8%lipids,

    6.2%protein,4.6%lactoseand 10.66% mineral salts.[23]

    Their eyes open after 25 days, withweaningoccurring

    after five weeks. The kits begin hunting after eight weeks of age, but stay close to their mother until autumn,

    when they become independent. Sexual maturity is attained during the kit's first spring, when they are about 10

    months old.[12]


    American mink with fish, inNorway

    The American mink is a carnivorous animal, which feeds onrodents,fish,crustaceans,amphibians,andbirds.

    It killsvertebrateprey by biting the back of the head or neck, leavingcaninepuncture marks 911 mm (0.35

    0.43 in) apart.[24]

    In its natural range, fish are their primary prey. Although inferior to theNorth American river

    otterin hunting fish,AudubonandBachmanonce reported seeing a mink carrying a foot-longtrout.Mink

    inhabiting theprairiesloughs primarily targetfrogs,tadpoles,andmice.[25]

    It is a formidable predator

    ofmuskrats,which are chased underwater and killed in their own burrows. Among the rodents killed by the

    American mink in its native range are rats and mice of thegeneraHesperomys,Microtus,Sigmodon,

    andNeotoma.Marsh rabbitsare frequently taken in marshy or swampy tracts.[26]

    InTartaria,the American mink's most important food items arevoles,fish, crustaceans, frogs, and aquatic

    insects. In winter, aquatic foods predominate, while land-based prey increases in importance during the spring.

    Within theAltai Mountains,the American mink feeds predominantly on mammals such as rodents, shrews, and

    moles, as well as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Among the 11 different bird species preyed upon by

    minks in Altai aredippersandpine grosbeaks.Among fish, small species predominate in the diet of minks in

    Altai, and include;minnows,gudgeons,and wide-headedsculpins.In theSverdlovskandIrkutsk Oblasts,
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    mouse-like rodents are their most important foods, followed by birds, fish and insects. In theRussian Far East,

    where crustaceans are scarce, the American mink feeds extensively onamphipods.[27]

    In theBritish Isles,

    dietary composition varies seasonally and regionally.European rabbitsare the most commonly taken prey in

    areas where they are common, especially in summer. A range of small rodents and insectivores are preyed

    upon, but to a lesser degree.European haresare occasionally attacked. Minks in Britain prey on several bird

    species, withducks,moorhens,andcootsbeing most frequently targeted on lakes and rivers, whilegullsare

    taken in coastal habitats. Aquatic species preyed upon in Britain includeEuropean eels,rock-pool fish such

    asblenny,shore crabsandcrayfish.[28]American minks have been implicated in the decline of thewater volein

    the United Kingdom and linked to the decline of waterfowl across their range in Europe. They are now

    considered vermin in much of Europe and are hunted for the purpose ofwildlife management.[29]

    In theCape

    Horn Biosphere Reserve,mammals, including both native and exotic rodents, are the American mink's main

    prey throughout the year, though birds are of equal importance during their summer nesting periods.[30]

    The American mink may pose a threat topoultry.According toClinton Hart Merriam[31]andErnest Thompson


    although the American mink is a potential poultry thief, it is overall less damaging than thestoat.

    Unlike the stoat, which often engages insurplus killing,the mink usually limits itself to killing and eating one

    fowl during each attack. Studies in Britain indicate poultry and game birds only constitute 1% of the animals'

    overall diets.[28]

    Relationships with other predators[edit]

    The American mink replaces and sometimes kills the European mink wherever their ranges overlap.[33]


    decline of European mink populations seems to coincide with the spread of the American mink.[34]The diets of

    the American mink andEuropean otteroverlap to a great extent. In areas where these two species are

    sympatric, competition with the otter for fish causes the American mink to hunt land-based prey more



    An early behavioral study was performed in the 1960s to assess visual learning ability in minks,ferrets,skunks,

    and house cats. Animals were tested on their ability to recognize objects, learn their valences and make object

    selections from memory. Minks were found to outperform ferrets, skunks, and cats in this task, but this letter

    (short paper) fails to account for a possible conflation of a cognitive ability (decision making,associative

    learning)with a largely perceptual ability (invariant object recognition).[36]



    The species' natural range encompasses North America fromAlaskaandCanadathrough theUnited

    StatesexceptArizonaand the more arid areas ofCalifornia,Nevada,Utah,New Mexico,andWest Texas.[1]
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    Mainland Europe and British Isles[edit]

    An American mink being released from a fur farm inRomeby a member of theALF

    Feral American minks in Europe are thought to be of domesticated stock derived from the N. v. vison, N. v.

    melampeplusand N. v. ingenssubspecies. The first specimens were imported to Europe in 1920 for fur-

    farming purposes. The American mink was introduced inItalyin the 1950s, and currently resides mostly in the

    northeastern part of theItalian Peninsula.The majority of these populations do not appear to be self-sufficient,

    though minks in theMonti PrenestiniandSimbruiniinLaziohave reproduced successfully.[37]

    Escapees of fur farming farms established a self-sustaining and expanding population in theIberian

    peninsulaby the second half of the 20th century. In 2013, theSpanishgovernment announced an eradication

    plan of the species,[38]

    as a means to protect the falling populations of European mink and other endangered

    species affected such as thePyrenean desman.

    The first mink farm inNorwaywas built in 1927, with escapees establishing wild populations within 30 years of

    its establishment. The first feral mink populations arose in 1930, establishing territories in southwestern

    Norway. These feral minks, augmented by further escapees, formed the basis of a strong population

    inHordalandby the end ofWorld War II.Feral mink colonised eastern Norway in 1930 and had become

    established in most southeastern counties in the early 1940s. By 1950, feral mink reached central Norway, with

    further populations occurring in the northern counties ofNordlandandTroms.During the post-World War II

    period until 1965, mink had colonised most of the country. In modern times, the American mink occupies all of

    the Norwegian mainland, but is absent on some islands.[39]

    The American mink was first imported toGreat Britainin 1929, though a series of escapes and releases lead to

    the establishment of a self-sufficient feral population inDevonby the late 1950s, and others by the early 1960s.

    InIreland,the American mink was not farmed until the early 1950s, thus feral populations established

    themselves there much later. The species is now widespread in mainland Great Britain and Ireland, though

    some places remain uncolonised. It has established itself on a few islands, includingArranandLewis and


    Until 2005,mink huntingwith packs of hounds occurred in the UK. The total mink population in Great

    Britain is estimated at 110,000 (England;46,750,Scotland;52,250,Wales;9750). This population may be

    declining asEuropean otternumbers increase. There are no estimates for the mink population in Ireland, but it

    is thought to be low, because of Ireland's strong otter population.[40]
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    Former USSR[edit]

    An American mink inLithuania'sKdainiaidistrict

    In 1933, American minks were released into theVoronezh OblastinEuropean Russia.Until 1963, more minks

    were introduced in various quantities in theVoronezhandArkhangelsk Oblasts,Karelia,inKalininsk,

    Gorkovsk,VolgogradandChelyabinsk Oblasts,and intoTatarstanandBashkir,as well as

    theLithuanianandByelorussian SSRs.Beyond theUrals,American minks were introduced in

    theSverdlovsk,Tyumen,Omsk,Kemerovo,Novosibirsk,ChitaandIrkutsk Oblasts,in theAltaiandKrasnoyarsk

    Krai,in theTuvan,BuryatandYakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics,into

    theMagadan,KamchatkaandAmur Oblasts,into theKhabarovskandPrimorsky Krai,into theChukotka

    Autonomous Okrugand several other locations, includingSakhalinandUrup Island.In the Caucasus,

    American minks were released intoNorth OssetiaandTien Shan.Originally, captive-bred minks were used, but

    wild specimens were later released to facilitate the species' acclimatisation withinSovietterritories. Several

    years after the first release, introductions into the ranges already held by native European minks werediscontinued, with most releases from then on taking place in Siberia and the Far East. Although considerable

    areas were occupied by the American mink by the early 1960s, the species' Soviet range was never

    continuous, as most released populations were isolated from one another.[41]


    The species has been present inIcelandsince the 1930s, and has become well established, despite it being

    heavily hunted since 1939. However, its population underwent a 42% decline during the years 2002-2006,

    which coincided with a decline insandeelpopulations resulting in a drop in the seabird populations on which

    the minks feed.[42]

    South America[edit]

    The American mink was deliberately introduced for commercial fur production in several provinces

    ofPatagoniain 1930. The animals escaped or were released from farms inChubut Provinceand now occur in

    the Chubut andRo Negro ProvincesandTierra del Fuego.[43],_Saratov_Oblast,_Saratov_Oblast,_Saratov_Oblast,_Saratov_Oblast
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    Diseases and parasites[edit]

    The American mink often carries lighttickandfleainfestations. Tick species known to infest minks

    includeIxodes hexagonus,I. canisuga,I. ricinus,and I. acuminatus. Flea species known to infest minks

    include Palaeopsylla minor, Malaraeus penicilliger, Ctenopthalmus noblis, Megabothris walkeri, Typhloceraspoppei, andNosopsyllus fasciatus.Endoparasitesinclude Skrjabingylus nasicolaand Troglotrema acutum.


    Transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) is apriondisease of mink, similar

    toBSEincattleandscrapieinsheep.A 1985 outbreak of TME in Stetsonville, Wisconsin resulted in a 60%

    mortality rate for the minks.[44]

    Further testing revealed this agent is transmissible between mink, cattle, and

    sheep. The Stetsonville outbreak may have been due to the animals being fed the carcasses of other infected


    Decline of wild mink[edit]

    Because of numerous incidents of domestic mink escaping from fur farms and establishing themselves in the

    wild, concern has arisen among conservationists of the possible repercussions such escapes may have on

    natural wild mink populations. Domestic mink are larger than wild mink, which may cause problems with the

    ecosystem when they escape. Minks are solitary, territorial animals and are intolerant of other minks. In times

    of overpopulation, they control their own numbers by either killing each other through direct conflict or by

    causing weaker minks to be driven from territory until starvation sets in.[46]

    When hundreds or thousands of

    released domestic minks flood an ecosystem, it causes a great disturbance for the wild minks, resulting in the

    deaths of the majority of the released mink and many of the wild ones from starvation or injuries incurred

    fighting over territory.[46]When a domestic mink survives long enough to reproduce, it may cause problems for

    the wild mink populations.[47]The adding of weaker domestic mink genes into wild mink populations is believed

    by some to have contributed to the decline of mink populations in Canada.[47]

    A 2006 study in Denmark concluded, due to frequent escapes from existing mink farms, Closing mink farms

    may result in a crash of the free-ranging population, or alternatively it may result in the establishment of a

    better-adapted, truly feral population that may ultimately outnumber the population that was present before

    farm closures. The study reported more information would be necessary to determine the outcome.[48]


    Danish study reported a significant majority of the wild mink were mink which had escaped from fur farms.

    About 47% had escaped within two months, 31% had escaped prior to two months, and 21% may or may not

    have been born in nature. The survival rate for recently released minks is reportedly lower than for wild minks,

    but if feral minks survive at least two months, their survival rate is the same as for wild minks. The authors

    suggest this is due to the rapid behavioural adaptation of the animals.[49]

    Relationships with humans[edit]

    Fur use[edit]