american lutheran church smith center, kansas … lutheran church smith center, kansas september...

ALC Alert American Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas SEPTEMBER 2015 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 8 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, What an amazing experience to be a part of 30,000 teens and their sponsors at the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan July 15-19. As you might guess, the energy was amazing. There was lots of (very loud) music the teens loved and even some that I enjoyed (I’m showing my age). There were a few frustrations. When you put that many visitors in one place, restaurants and transportation systems are overwhelmed and lines are very long. But all in all it was a great experience that none of us will soon forget. We gathered under the theme “Rise Up Together”. We talked about poverty in our world and God’s desire for a just world where everyone’s needs are met and the world’s resources are shared so no one is hungry and clean water is available to everyone. We learned that hunger and poverty are not the result of a lack of resources. There is enough food produced in our world to feed every person on the planet, but some people have much while others are denied what they need to live. Each night we worshipped together at Ford Field, an indoor football stadium that would easily hold 50,000 people. One speaker told us that, in the U.S., enough food is wasted each year to fill that stadium to overflowing three times, while in the poorest nations in the world people die of starvation every day. Our youth were encouraged to bear one another’s burdens, to build bridges with those who are poor so that we can better understand them and to take action in the world to help break the chains of poverty that imprison so many. Every person attending had the opportunity to participate in a service project. Some helped with food programs for the poor. Some went to poorer neighborhoods in Detroit to clean up streets and alleys, others helped at a facility that gives inner city kids the opportunity to learn to ride horses. We made our presence felt in positive ways throughout the city of Detroit. Thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraisers that helped send our youth to this gathering. We hope you will continue to support our teens as they begin to make plans for the Gathering in 2018 which will be held in Houston, Texas. Grace and Peace,

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Page 1: American Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas … Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas SEPTEMBER 2015 ... his wayward brother, Jesus ... parish and this part of the body of Christ

ALC Alert American Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas

SEPTEMBER 2015 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 8 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

What an amazing experience to be a part of 30,000 teens and their sponsors at the ELCA National Youth

Gathering in Detroit, Michigan July 15-19. As you might guess, the energy was amazing. There was lots of

(very loud) music the teens loved and even some that I enjoyed (I’m showing my age). There were a few

frustrations. When you put that many visitors in one place, restaurants and transportation systems are

overwhelmed and lines are very long. But all in all it was a great experience that none of us will soon


We gathered under the theme “Rise Up Together”. We talked about poverty in our world and God’s

desire for a just world where everyone’s needs are met and the world’s resources are shared so no one is

hungry and clean water is available to everyone. We learned that hunger and poverty are not the result of

a lack of resources. There is enough food produced in our world to feed every person on the planet, but

some people have much while others are denied what they need to live. Each night we worshipped

together at Ford Field, an indoor football stadium that would easily hold 50,000 people. One speaker told

us that, in the U.S., enough food is wasted each year to fill that stadium to overflowing three times, while

in the poorest nations in the world people die of starvation every day. Our youth were encouraged to

bear one another’s burdens, to build bridges with those who are poor so that we can better understand

them and to take action in the world to help break the chains of poverty that imprison so many.

Every person attending had the opportunity to participate in a service project. Some helped with food

programs for the poor. Some went to poorer neighborhoods in Detroit to clean up streets and alleys,

others helped at a facility that gives inner city kids the opportunity to learn to ride horses. We made our

presence felt in positive ways throughout the city of Detroit.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraisers that helped send our youth to this gathering. We

hope you will continue to support our teens as they begin to make plans for the Gathering in 2018 which

will be held in Houston, Texas.

Grace and Peace,

Page 2: American Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas … Lutheran Church Smith Center, Kansas SEPTEMBER 2015 ... his wayward brother, Jesus ... parish and this part of the body of Christ

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Forgiveness is often a difficult thing for us to do. Sometime the person we have

the hardest time forgiving in our self.

Many years ago, a monk and his apprentice traveled from the abbey to

a nearby village. The two parted at the city gate, agreeing to meet the

next morning after completing their tasks. According to plan, they met and

began the long walk back to the abbey. The monk noticed that the

younger man was unusually quiet. He asked if anything was wrong. “What

business is that of yours?” came the terse response.

The monk was sure that his brother was troubled, but he said nothing.

The distance between the two began to increase. The apprentice walked

ever more slowly, as if to separate himself from his teacher. When the

abbey came in sight, the monk stopped at the gate and waited on the

student. “Tell me, my son, what troubles your soul?”

The boy started to react again, but when he saw the warmth in his

master’s eyes, his heart began to melt. “I have sinned greatly,” he sobbed,

“last night I broke my vows with a woman in the village. I am not worthy

to enter the abbey at your side.”

The teacher put his arm around the student and said, “We will enter

the abbey together. And we will enter the cathedral together. And together

we will confess your sin. No one but God will know which of the two of us

fell.” *

When we sin, often our first tendency is to pull away from God. We know we

have failed to live as one of God’s children should. We expect God to be angry

with us. We expect that God will want nothing to do with us now because we

couldn’t meet God’s expectations.

But God doesn’t get angry with us. On the cross, Jesus took the punishment

for our sins, past, present and future. As sinners, we do deserve God’s

punishment, but instead we receive the gift of God’s grace. Like the monk with

his wayward brother, Jesus bears our guilt and our shame. He takes it on

himself and presents us to God as holy and blameless, forgiven and cleansed.

There is no sin so great that God will not forgive it. There is no wound so deep

that God cannot heal it.

When we feel the weight of our sins, God gives us a special way to receive his

grace that we can taste and touch. He gives us the Lord’s Supper as a physical

means by which we receive his grace. It is one more way God reminds us that

his grace is always available to us.

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When you know you have done wrong, don’t step back from God. Come to his

table and receive his gift of grace. Be forgiven and cleansed. Then go on your

way rejoicing, giving thanks that you have been made a new creation in Jesus

Christ, set free to live a life that is pleasing to the One who has forgiven you.

God’s blessings to you as we begin a new school year with all its activities. Pray

for teachers and students that teaching and learning might be done with joy to

God’s glory.

Grace and Peace,

* Adapted from a story in Max Lucado’s “In the Grip of Grace”, Word Publishing, 1996.


from the Desk of Pastor Lee…

August 2015

The work we are called together to do in Christ’s name is vital, life-giving work. The

question is, however: Do we truly believe it? Do we believe that the work we do in Christ’s name truly has the power to bring life?

In the 9th chapter of the book of Acts, we read about people being healed and even being

raised from the dead. Jesus, having ascended into heaven, is not immediately present with them; rather, it is Peter that is present. It is Peter who speaks to the dead Tabitha and says, “Rise,” and she opens her once dead eyes, sees and rises. It is Peter, this same Peter that three times denied Jesus who was on the way to the cross, who now speaks with the authority of Christ himself and even the dead respond.

I know we yearn to see such overt demonstrations of God’s power like we read about in

the Bible. I have often thought that if I could just see one person resurrected from the dead, or someone instantly healed with my own eyes, then I would never doubt God again. Of course, Peter did see those things from our Lord and he still denied him three times. Perhaps, seeing does not always lead to believing.

Because we, as the church, do not often see the fruit of our labors, the temptation is to

conclude that we labor in vain. Those who have been faithful Sunday school and Confirmation teachers have witnessed classes shrinking and others who they once taught leave the church. Those who have faithfully planned and served as leaders and musicians in worship have watched the number of people attending worship shrink. Those who have been faithful in repairing church buildings and property have watched the income for such labors shrink. The church works and speaks, but no one seems to respond. Oh, that we could see one pair of dead eyes opened, then our faith would be renewed.

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We must not fall into this trap. We must continue to speak because eyes are opening; just,

maybe, not in the places where we expect. 30,000 ELCA youth gathered in Detroit this past week, including a contingent from our parish. They worked, worship and served Detroit in helping to clean up long neglected and impoverished neighborhoods. For those people in Detroit, eyes are opening. Since the ELCA has participated in the Malaria Campaign, the number of deaths due to this disease has dropped. For those saved from the ravages of this disease, eyes are opening. And, closer to home, whenever you all engage our community through your God-given vocation and talent, you are doing holy, life-giving work. Eyes are being opened.

The work we are called together to do in Christ’s name is vital, life-giving work. BELIEVE

IT! And when believing is hard to do, make sure you regularly come together around Christ’s table to hear the Word and receive the life offered to us through Jesus’ body and blood. See in the face of your brothers and sisters in Christ that, indeed, eyes are being opened, even ours.

Your Friend in Christ, Pastor Lee +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

From the Desk of Pastor Lee…

September 2015

It was an awesome experience. During the combined worship service when Pastor Lorna and I were installed as co-pastors, it made my heart leap to hear the combined voices of four congregations singing and participating in the liturgy together. It was exciting to see the children cheering and the congregation clapping for the parish. When distributing Holy Communion, it was such an honor to see the many faces of those that make up our parish and this part of the body of Christ here in North-Central Kansas. It was a time of celebration. It was an awesome experience.

But as Susan Candea of the Central States Synod reminded us in her sermon, there is still hard work to do. We have to live out what it means to be a parish as well as individual congregations within that parish. It means continuing to listen to each other and compromise. It means working as a part of the entire body of Christ, each part important and yet each dependent on the other parts to properly work together.

In the Star Trek television and movie series, there is a race of villains that are half computer and half humanoid called “the Borg”. Instead of conquering other species, the Borg assimilate other species and force them to become Borg, too .The Borg erase all individuality and simply force other species to be just like them.

The Borg are not the model on which our parish is built. In fact, it is just the opposite. In order for our parish to work, there needs to be healthy, functioning congregations with their individuality firmly in tact in order to minister to the communities in which they are located. The work of the parish is to get our individual ministries to work together in harmony with each other and to find those areas where we can do more together than each congregation can do alone.

And in order for our parish to work, it is vital to remember who is both the object and creator of our work together. As our ELCA Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, wrote in her March article in The Lutheran:

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The best thing about the church, the thing that is uniquely the church, is not programs or people but Jesus. If we, as a people, and as congregations, don't get that right it doesn't matter how many programs we come up with.

As we continue to move forward as the Disciples of the Plains, may Jesus be the center of all that we do. For without Christ as our center, all of our work as a parish or as individual congregations will not matter. But with Christ, even the most mundane tasks will be for God’s glory. Indeed, with Jesus as our core, our journey together will continue to be an awesome experience. Your Friend in Christ, Rev. Robert Lee Bennight Pastor Lee 220 Kansas Avenue Stuttgart, Kansas 67661 (785) 543-6307 - parsonage (785) 302-1923 - cell phone [email protected] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ American Lutheran Church Council Meeting June 2015 The American Lutheran church council met in the parish hall on June 14, 2015. Council members present were Dennis Lehmann, Jenifer Ratliff, Ken Jacobs, Kathy Frieling, Marcia Bose, Theron Haresnape and PMA Jim Germer. The meeting was called to order by presiding president Dennis Lehmann. Jim shared a brief devotion. Minutes Ken moved and Kathy seconded to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report (See attached.) Marcia moved and Kathy seconded to approve the report as presented. Motion carried. Pastor’s Report (See attached.) Jim plans to relieve Lorna in her absence from time to time after she takes over. Council Committee Reports Worship and Music: No report. Outreach: No report. Parish Ed: Helpers are needed for vacation Bible school. Teachers needed for summer Sunday school. Luther League: Hoping to get youth group started back up with help from Lorna. Facilities: Report in Old Business. Mutual Ministry: Names need to be surfaced for a replacement for Leland Lehmann, preferably male. Old Business

1) Handicap pad: An estimated $1650 in memorial funds is potentially available for funding.

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2) Parish Hall Flooring: Still under consideration.

3) Fan in Hallway: Gerald and Jenifer donated the ceiling fan.

4) Kitchen Light: Since the new ceiling fan was installed, the light removed was then installed in the

kitchen to replace the one missing a globe.

1) Parish: Pastor Lee will live in Stuttgart. It is undecided at the time where Lorna will reside.

2) Parsonage Pet Policy: Kathy moved that pets should be allowed in the parsonage. Professional

cleanup and repair of damages caused by pets will be the responsibility of the occupant(s). A

$2500 refundable deposit will be charged prior to the occupant moving in. The church council will

hire the professional cleaner and supervise any repairs. The cost of this will be taken out of the

deposit and if it costs more than $2500 then the balance will be charged to the occupant. Also if

the cost is less than $2500 the remaining deposit will be refunded to the occupant. Ken seconded

and the motion carried.

3) Church Times: Kensington and Smith Center will switch every three months, services beginning

at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. There will have to be more discussion with Kensington, but this is the

church councils thought at this time.

4) YAGM: Marcia asked to have parish support of the program. Ryan could be a possibility for

mission festival this fall and a fundraiser could be held at that time.

The next meeting will be Sunday July 12, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned with The Lord’s Prayer. Church Council Secretary, Theron Haresnape


American Lutheran Church Council Meeting July 2015 The American Lutheran Church council met in the parish hall on July 12, 2015, at 7:00 pm. Council members present were Dennis Lehmann, Jenifer Ratliff, Ken Jacobs, Kathy Frieling, Marcia Bose and Pastor Lorna Paulus. Several members of the Kensington St. John council were also present. A discussion was had in regards to service times that would best work with both congregations. It was tentatively decided that St. John services would begin at 9:00 AM, and American at 10:30 AM for the months of October through June. During the months of July, August and September American would start at 9:00 AM and St. John at 10:30. No other joint issues were brought up so at that time, the St. John council was dismissed. President Dennis called the meeting to order. Pastor Lorna provided devotions. Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were presented. Ken moved we approve the minutes. Kathy seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report The treasurer’s report was reviewed. The high cost of the current water bills was noted with the decision made to talk to the Barnes to see what could be done to lower the watering costs. Marcia moved the treasurer’s report be approved. Ken seconded. Motion carried.

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Pastor’s Report Pastor Lorna reported she will be attending the youth convention in Detroit July 14 – 19. PMA Jim Germer will fill in for her on Sunday, the 19th. She stated that her Smith Center office hours will be Wednesday afternoons and Fridays all day. Mondays and Tuesdays will be her days off. She will be moving to the Kensington parsonage after her trip, and then will begin a regular visitation schedule. Council Committee Reports Worship and Music: No report Outreach: Kathy reported that the Outreach committee would like to reinstate having Greeters on Sunday mornings. Also the committee plans to hand out free coloring books to children at the County Fair. They are discussing the possibility of a swimming or bowling party in August for a family activity. Luther League: No report Parish Ed: No report Facilities: Dennis stated that he had heard that the Dane G. Hansen Foundation may have grant funds for handicap accessible improvements. Kathy has talked to Joan Nech at the Chamber office and there are grant funds available from Smith County Community Foundation. Kathy will find out more information. More about facilities in old business. Mutual Ministry: Marcia stated that our local committee needs one more member. The shared parish needs two members from our church. Old Business 1. Handicap pad: We talked about installing a cement pad in the south parking lot for handicap parking use. No action will be taken until we find out about grant funds that might be available. 2. Parish Hall flooring: More discussion was had regarding new flooring for the parish hall, and also repainting and redecorating. The facilities committee was put in charge of making recommendations, and since it will be a large expense, it was decided to bring the matter before the congregation at the annual meeting.

New Business 1. Farewell Brunch. We will have a brunch for Jim and Jane Germer on Sunday,

July 26, immediately following services. It will be potluck. A small gift will be given to Jim.

2. Parsonage: We discussed the possibility of renting the parsonage, since we do not have a pastor residing there. If we do rent the house, we will have to start paying property taxes. Kathy said she will check on an estimate of what the property taxes would be. No action was taken at this time.

Adjournment. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned with the

Lord’s Prayer. The Council members then walked through the parsonage and found that it had been cleaned when vacated. Some small problems noted were: Spots on kitchen carpet; hole in bedroom door; basement ceiling tiles, some stained and damaged. Very dim lighting. The fridge was unplugged and the water turned off.

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Jenifer Ratliff, Acting Secretary DISCIPLES OF THE PLAINS

Parish Council Meeting August 26, 2015


The Parish Council met August 26th, at St. John in Kensington. Members present were: Paul Merklein and

Mark Conn from Emmanuel at Stuttgart; Jeff Griffy and Ricky Solida from Zion at Phillipsburg; Linda

Miller and Sam Rice from St. John, Kensington; Dennis Lehmann and Jerald Ratliff from American at Smith

Center. Treasurer, Russell Dettmer, was in attendance. Pastoral team members present were Pastor

Lorna Paulus and Robert Lee Bennight.

Devotions were led by Pastor Lorna Paulus with a reading from St. John.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dennis Lehmann, at 7:30 P.M.

Mark Conn moved to approve the agenda for the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ricky Solida.

Motion carried.

Chairman Dennis Lehmann asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June 24th meeting

minutes. As there were none, he asked for approval of the minutes. Mark Conn moved to approve the

minutes of the June 24th meeting. Ricky Solida seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A treasurer’s report was given by Russell Dettmer. He reported that all expenses are current. Mark Conn

moved the treasurer’s report be approved. Jeff Griffy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was no report from the Communications Coordinator.

Both Pastor Bennight and Pastor Lorna presented their Pastor’s reports to the council. A copy of each is


Chairman, Dennis Lehmann, presented to the council two invoices; one for the meat that was served at

the lunch after the installation service; another from Protect My Ministry, for the pastor background

check. Mark Conn moved to approve the payment of the meat invoice to Zion Lutheran and to Dennis

Lehmann for the Protect My Ministries invoice. Jeff Griffy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

This fall’s Mission Festival was discussed. The date of October 25th was set for the date of the Mission

festival. Ryan Bose will be the guest speaker. The Mission Festival will be held at Emmanuel in Stuttgart

and will begin at 10:00 A.M. Pastor Paulus and Pastor Bennight will coordinate the food to be brought by

individual congregations.

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The Budget was discussed. It was decided to get the final budget completed by the end of October. The

Council members need to bring the average attendance numbers to the next meeting. These numbers

will be taken from Sunday services only.

Mutual Ministry Committee was discussed. The following people are suggested from their respective

congregations, pending approval of their individual councils. Bill Schick and Paula Weinman from

Emmanuel, Karin Patton and Howard King from Zion, Linda Rahjes and Gary Hainke from Saint John, and

Marcia Bose from American.

Mileage reimbursement was discussed for the Pastors. It was suggested by the Pastors and agreed by the

council to pay mileage for visitation from the nearest church. This in turn will be billed to the individual

congregations by the Parish. Out of County visits, for example regional hospital visits, will be billed

directly to the congregations

The next meeting will be held at Zion in Phillipsburg at 7:30 P.M. September 21, 2015.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Jerald K. Ratliff Secretary


Outreach Committee Minutes

August 4, 2015

Fellowship Hall

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Corrina Haresnape. Pr. Lorna Paulas led opening prayer.

There was discussion about the Sunday School party on August 11. We will have Subway Sandwiches,

chips and pop at the church at 6:30 p.m. and rent the pool from 7:30 to 9:30 for $40. Corrina will order and

pick up the food and committee members will help serve.

We will plan a pot-luck for the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Committee members will provide turkey,

ham, potatoes, gravy and rolls. The congregation will be asked to provide sides and desserts.

Corrina asked if there was anyone besides Lucy Jacobs that we needed to provide rides to church. There

was no one else at this time.

There was discussion about any new people in town that we could take banana bread to and invite to


Our budget for 2015 is $250.

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Corrina is in the process of redoing the prayer chain as some have left and some are hard to catch. So, she

is taking some off the list and moving some to the end so we won’t have to count on them getting the

message in a timely manner to pass the message on.

We will be having greeters at church, beginning August 2. Corrina is getting a list made for 3 months.

Della gets the birthday cards out and delivered to those 80 and over.

Irene mails out the newsletters to those shut-ins and college students that are away from Smith Center. We

took a few off the nursing home list and will put out a list for those resuming college in the fall.

We don’t have anyone at this time to get a gift card for. Wyatt and Nora Rhoades are expecting a baby

and, as far as we know, that will be the next one for a gift card.

We will check with St. John’s Kensington about hosting a parish family fun night after Christmas.

The next meeting will be October 8 at 4:00. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


BELL SOUND ACOLYTES CANTOR LECTOR USHERS GREETERS 6 - Allan D. Shelby Irene Allan L. Wilson’s N. Rippe’s 13 - “ Colton Barbara Corrina Dunavan/Denton L M. Boucher’s 20 - “ Jolan Allan Barb L. T. Wilson’s Meyer & Clark 27 - “ Trace Irene Barb. W. Dennis R./Marci R. J. Ratliff’s ALTAR GUILD: Feldmann’s, Boucher’s, Terrill’s COMMUNION ASSISTANT: Brad Timmons KITCHEN CHAIRPERSON: Aby Neussendorfer

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2 – Leonard Robinson Marcia Scott Michael Favinger 5 – Lindsay Trinidad 7 – Louise Shellito Betty Jacobs 8 – Rose Buckner Vicki Cornford Derek Feldmann 9 – Irene Baumann Janeil Baxter Bryan Horning Beth Ohmstede 10 – Lindsey Vant Hull 11 – Tranda Nelssen 12 – Stephanie Hughes 13 – Barbie Timmons 14 – Mary Lynn Barta Leigh White 17 – Jill Abbott 18 – Jeff Welker 19 – Joe Wilson 21 – Lori Haresnape Darin Bortz 24 – Michael O’Rourke 26 – Marci Richardson Dee Ann Isaacson Michael Jacobs

27 – Arlene Benn Michael Haas Linda Robinson 28 – Trisha Myers 29 – Curtis Overmiller Jill Myers Sara Timmons 30 – Garen Kuhlmann Victor McNerney Faber Jones

SEPTEMBER BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS 7 – David Cochran 9 – Dennis Lehmann 11 – Truitt Kuhlmann 12 – Ashley Maxwell Kim Phelps 13 – Irene Baumann Scott Clark David Fetters Ray Haresnape 15 – Cameron Ratliff 16 – Bruce Seems Brady Richardson 18 – Claire Myers 20 – Barbara Wilson Kent Levin 22 – Sylvia Reinking 23 – Ariel Robinson 28 – Baylee Lehmann Catlin Lehmann Betty Jacobs 29 – Hana Mach 30 – Marcia Suchsland


09/03/2005 – Kevin and Shawn Hughes 09/08/1973 – Burke and Kim Phelps 09/09/1978 – Jerald and Jenifer Ratliff 09/11/2013 - Dennis and Tranda Nelssen 09-16-2014 – Matt and Cassie Seemann 09/15/1979 – Ken and Carol Jacobs 09/15/1979 – Tom and Marcia Bose

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

30 31 01 02 03 04 05

1:30 Mission Action


9:00 Bulletin

06 07 08 09 10 11 12

9:00 Worship Communion

Labor Day Quilting 6:30 Confirmation

10:00 SC Ministerial Alliance

9:00 Bulletin

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

9:00 Worship 10:00 SS 6:15 Mutual Min 7:00 Church Council

7:30 Semi Circle @ D Hommon

1:30 Mission Action

Quilting 6:30 Confirmation

7:30 Women's Birthday Breakfast

9:00 Bulletin

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

9:00 Worship Communion 10:00 Sunday School

7:30 Parish Council @ Zion

Quilting 6:30 Confirmation

9:00 Newsletter 9:00 Bulletin Old Settlers Day

27 28 29 30 01 02 03

9:00 Worship Reverand Lee 10:00 Sunday School

Quilting 6:30 Confirmation

04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Meals on Wheels: September 14-19

Hospital Chaplain: September 27-October 3

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