american civil war lecture

Reconstruction Lecture By: Mr. Gutierrez

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Reconstruction Lecture

By: Mr. Gutierrez

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Standards• 8.11 Students analyze the character and lasting consequences of reconstruction• List the original aims of Reconstruction and describe its affects on the political

and social structures of different regions.• Understand the effects of the Freedman's Bureau and its restrictions placed on

the rights and opportunities of freedom including racial segregation.• Trace the rise of the KKK and its affects• Understand the 13,14,15 Amendments of the Constitution.

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Reconstruction Outline• Initial aims of Reconstruction vs. reality• Freedman’s Bureau & Restrictions including segregation• Rise of the KKK • 13, 14,15, Amendments

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In 1865 president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Fords Theatre, by John Wilkes Booth, leaving Andrew Johnson as the new president.

Lincoln had a plan a Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction for admitting the South back and granting pardons and amnesty. Called for 10% of voters to give an oath of allegiance for states to be readmitted. Favored minimal government involvement, did not want to punish the south.

Reconstruction Aims VS. Reality

Radical Reconstruction (Radical Republicans) Congress wanted to punish the south and passed Amendments to help African Americans attaint rights so they could compete in the economy. Divided the South into 5 districts under military rule.

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

John Wilkes Booth

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Compare and Contrast Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction of the South vs. the plan that was implemented. Explain which plan for Reconstruction would work best? provide details from the lecture and notes.

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Video Reconstruction Crash Course U.S History

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Freedman’s Bureau Roll Jordon Role Choir “12 years a Slave

Distribute food supplies, establish schools, redistribute confiscated land to former slaves also provided legal assistance

Could not assist everyone due to budget shortages, political corruption. Shut down the bureau in 1872 African Americans were pushed into sharecropping, working the land of others and paying with a percent of their crops, loaning tools and supplies from land owners ( usually their former slave owner). This would place many African Americans in a serf like state where they worked land they did not own and were buried in debt so they could not legally leave it.

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U.S Reconstruction Timeline

1865, 13th Amendment ends slavery establishment of Freedman’s Bureau

1865, Lincoln is assassinated, Andrew Johnson becomes president

1867, Reconstruction Act

1868, 14th Amendment safeguards citizenship for African Americans

1868 Grant is elected President

1870, 15th Amendment guarantees suffrage to African Americans

1865/66 KKK founded in Tennessee

1877, Hayes Elected President and the end of Reconstruction

1873 Grant reelected

1873 Economic Depression

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Rise of the KKKFirst branch established as a social club made up of former Confederate Army Veterans in Tennessee

First leader was Nathanial Bedford Forrest

Charters extended throughout the south by 1870.

Terrorist group than by violence, intimidation and murder of African Americans, and political opponents.

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Evaluate the Freedman’s Bureau, was it affective in aiding African Americans? Which political groups/organizations

hindered political/social advancement of African Americans?

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13th 14th Amendments • 13th Amendment “ Neither slavery nor involuntary

servitude, except as a punishment for a crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States” • Formally abolished slavery

• 14th Amendment grants citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States , forbids states from denying “ life, liberty or property without due process of law”, also “ cannot deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws.”

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15th Amendment • 15TH Amendment, guaranteed African American men the right to vote,

“The right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any other state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.”

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Analyze the 13th, 14th , and 15th amendment: Who was not included? What groups were excluded, and why do you think so?