amenia ny times 1852 - 1868 grayscale - 0156

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  • 7/27/2019 Amenia NY Times 1852 - 1868 Grayscale - 0156


    I^pub l i shed ' -eYery %VED^SSI>kT memlBg , crt tin;-^J-*-L^I : ' foH.%^-n| libera] ~ . . ':T R M S :

    ''-$1 CO.per annum,-if pajd irradv ance .Jl -25 at theenrf of six i jwrtths, ... "...""."" ' I 50- at -the expiration -of t he 'year . . 4. ' ^ : i _ j _ _ .""" Thep3[er wtll"~* regilSlf-BSlted", in a s t rong wrap-ilper, to subscribers oat of the .villae-; and oa paperwill be discontinued (except at the o p t i c a , of theproprietors) until al^, arrearages are paid . ' . " ' **

    T E B M S Or A I ? V E a T I S I S O .One insertion ofa sqmTe or less, 50 cen t s ; each additional insertion, 25 cen t s ; For one square of 16 l ines"or i 5s s r-63^^ye^^f-"Sts months , .85 ; eacrij additioalsquare or less, &- - ! . - .'

    of every variety and description, such as-Hssdrailsj-Parnpoiets^-Circaars* Blanks ,L abels , &rc \T&c: resedat ed w i th neatn s s sobtained elsewhere.. _

    ^AJl^ordcfSv-^pcsi-pa'id).Editor ""will receive immediate"snecrr l S i _ B . E X T i J S>H r R A H V A I L ,

    P R O P i l l E T O a S :' " : " . ' L U S E W . S T A T I TO N * ,

    J OHN INGSXfr x K,JO H S TT7Tai.B27^

    . OSO. ff. C O F F I N ,J OHN 3. " G A R K S S .

    - & i * f J O . S - S . 3 S V . T O S ," ' g t O v - W / C B S T E t t ,J O H N C. P A V S f i ,GEO. CON'KLIN*.

    TOf-ilfeM-^BHTE^rL=~ s-*?faarth~*JFn te Fl ag /^A-MA^ai^a - t r o - :

    ' A S r O R Y ^ F O B , BUSINESS MEN.SV C A B L C A S T A S .:>_ -cttAPrts n

    badplent y urnr nre fpyfter friends, her mash,- fljn h^r* ? What do -yon mp*m ? J b o depo-; and utter inability to avhPi , ^ f iQ rt."and ber book* * She; didn't spead*bove half sited it?' asked Caries,bwwiTdl^^ : , J . or u ^ pg W ht ' ff S t " ! l f o ll k ?nd ber books.'" She; didn't spend :abbve hallat* limIr^ai^^TfE?^r?terJ,^'Si^^tberroGlysuperintend: theprorations of thes servants.^ut46j &^atAnffr was>mplv SPJBefopt, Thel -o^ mer njg ^I U^ j^ o^

    :; .Charles- Gardner -was-a young _mercnanfe Jeh;gaged in a gciod business..which yreldedL.bimprofitable returns. Bertg -decided {y-~f tbT ^^l l-t be-. -tr ades men, . butbber.ynakers,' &c..ppitHOjB- thafc- it is-aot. goctdLfoiLman to be

    servants wore satisfieo* that . e^eryjlgrtr of waste-falness and TjegleetrpD their^.'part would be 00-tieedj and the "presence of their? distress forthis shortrspace of time operated astan effectual chek-^pou; thej ta^ . . ' ' " . ' . :."But.-tfiis was not all . Mrs. G ardner Teqoir-.

    '.YousIiairSiibw epeejlily^ said Marlon, who..enjoyed befi husband' s conft ion^_-i DoHla-the^itustion

    alone,' he married a-yo.t,i|rg lady, the""daughterof a coaV^y-dergyman,- wiixiuLbCw''ul.d^er- object. Bat he' thoug ht, ^and wisely, -NbaV a tion. --v .^ - ' " ~cuTtivateaT rmud, .and an amiable dispositionunited- as in the to pergonal.ehafmygaye better promise 'of happiness than

    T I ' E ' 12 . U~ ~>~ 3-~Vmm HIP, -London illustrated News._^_

    the largest portion.-.Marion Watson had been well educated in.the best sense of the term. While" du e at-tention had been;paid^to_jjje_orpattiental inher train ing, th^!us^.fCr~had: tiot beeh neglected. '-She was accordingly eqaally well fitted,-io-graes-the-drawing roai-audr_tj>.^perintet3'the operations of the kite-hen. and in Citherfjusition'sliowed herself perfectly at home."- T - r r g r t ^ H 5 L. i>i\ B ^V

    " Who bids for the Httfe^ghildxon>.Body aad.suul andbrain? . '- - ,:Wh o bids f r the l iule children .Young and jy'uhout a slain 1 .'. - W i l l no one bid," said England, /' "-For their soals sopure".and' white,And ftt for all good and evil, * - 'The world on-tlicir page may write 1"

    . We bid," said Pest and F a m i n e ," H ' e bid for l ife and.liinb ;"./'.Fever anil pain and squalor. - TrieirJjright younjr eyes shall dhn;bVh#niihe-ehiid-Tin.g?ow.too many, W e'll nurse Ihem asour own,- '"And hide them in secret places, -W here none may hear , t hem m oan . "

    who.had anything to do with thiatJepartment;to send in their bills toj heiv arjd. er=:pjerson3lly diseli|irged theua.5^ .In: this. wsy llhe| j3^ fift

    All .th.rs4 took very-little time." Everything.was brcught-^ttria'Sr' complet e system, ami "lioclock "7%rk-Cugi iba:be te r^rc^u laiejjr

    ter our-m%rr{age, .about/the support ofour.ta* She was just"'raisinblc, in which yoirjrave me.permi^sj pr^to^ gve.-^rniuchas I chose f.-oni you r allowauce, pro-vided i' keirt Tip 'OuT^hcti styIe.-flf4iving.->'-- . 'Yes , I-recall it ,- but fivgTlTooaniiu dullars !it is impossible you haVe Saved^all thatr?2. Kot quite! 1'ou have placed in myhandsmonthly the saui pf\t&Q hundred dollars.This tu a year,jvill make 2480 dollars. Now'i haye fonud Tt easy to save oiie-tTJTrd of jhis

    i?Lh^ -Wih oht l^ which -wai saffering'fro'tt" ? ^ ^ e o f infancy, chbleraiTilai^Jm, *$&gHJl, greatei*- poigu&BujKto .her feeitqgs^*-^' 'her little EUafromthe

    Fou^^hcjT^ff-rjoffar^ lJLnjake~v

    Ohm \^i ~Z l U1JV1 ^ -

    " I b id ,rr Taid Beggnry, howling, "11IM1 bay them one and all,I'll teach a thousand lessons _...To lie,' tolk'ulk, to,crawl ; .They shall sleep in my l a i r l i kc maggo t s ,_T "Trrey-6hafl"rot in the lair sunshine j rAnd if they answer, my purpose, -I hope they'li-answer thine."

    " And" I'll bid higher and h i s h e r , " . ' . : . .. .Said Crime, .with wolfish grin," Fur l 4uve to lead trie children*Through the p ieman t _paths of sin ;- ~They ' l hal l swarm in the s t reet s to pilfer,Thpv almllcilaaup 'Hi hruadlhizhway.-Till they grow too "old forpity,.' And rip'e'for the faw tosfayj -

    . " P r i s o n and hulk and gallows ' .'. .Are niahy ih-.trie'laiid. .1 ' r '- "T we're folly riot to-usethem^- -^ s= -S^^-ptoudly as thf.y scuad.^ , ^~--,..

    - -Give 77W the little children, ' ._ .' I ' ll take them as ihey're born ; ' ''_ _ "-And I'll feed t hei rev i ipas s ions :W i th mi sery and s c o r n . .

    ^ i v e w the. uttie childie!1 ., : r ' e " go od , y e " n c h r 7 0 * ^ ' r ' *~""And let the.busy world run roundWhile-'y.e shut your idle'ey es;And you j udges shal l nave work , _And you. l awyers wag jhe t o 'ngus ;'= And; the' jailors arid policemen" . - -; . Shall be^fethers-to "the young . " ' t

    lehce, -and as a natunjl-crmst'quence wasLrather careless in his expenditures. -He thoughtit.-necessary to live in a certain-style,-and' having no very clear i dea hiw muoh it requiredto. support it, placed this jua tter- entir ety itithe."hands of. -others,, and took no furtherthought'about it.- . ' ..[, , . "-; .Having premised so much' let Us introducethe newly married couple-to the reader bL-forethe honeymoon had*-fairly passed.^T be breakfast table with its inviting accompaniments bad'received a full share of atten'.tion, when Charles, pushing back bis chair,saidv'wit'h a smile: " !! . . _. ;. - ....";_. ' .Well, Marion', as we have got to be qujte'astaid married coupl e/ .-comfortably sett led

    fspla'natiou about household expenses, and sof o r t h ' , ' ''

    -Wit h-all m*y heart,' said bis wife; ' Itbiirkall sueh maU^s_ouj iJit_tQ_be C'niduetod .with,.-ystoin. and brought within fixed limits.-tlia'tis' rthe only safe-way;"^^ '- '- :.' I b-ve'beea-tbinkiiig,' said Charles, "thaiit raill- be best to set apart a certain sum for"household expenses, the supply of the tableand so forth.- What do you say to two huudred-dollars per month?-'1 Two hundred dollars a month,' said Marionwho, bei g" accustomed to the limited"menagei>f a country clergyman 'with a small IviisVi-md. ' Two hundred dollars a moiithf.,V"the supp ly of" the tahie T.' iiayeu't "youplaced it rather too high, 'Charles?' _... .'And do yOQ really think'it so very much,.my pru dent litt W wife?" said Charles, smili ng.jYou must remember-th at oar position ?uquires'us'to live "UKa/ce r ta inr style,, and th.ajlitis cannot be supported'without money.' . '"'That'-is true, Charles, but are you yerysur e that .your income will allow..of each anexpenditure?' ' ' . :J ._ ; \""-Q--hi -tfl.-.TilyT my very caTeful Marion.

    T"l?'rom . the descrip tibs ;of--^Mrs.^ Gardrief'Imode o .m_ffTiagemeut-,, Whie"h lve"~haTe' iveDsonlewhat :iu.detail,. because we think it really_a good 6ne, aud/ deserving. of_heing j rhtfajp,tj.we turn to a drffeTent scene. The curtain falls,aud when it rises onee more -imagine "that aperiooLof five.years has slipped b y ^ a pejjod--by the by. which !>as witnessed them trod uction of twojjittle sr;mg-ero into the auosehoid'f.Ctiiiries and Muriou: This, as 1 have re.

    t reraaii [idl e. I"hHve_tJierefufe regu lar J Prescott" .miij^jjLfi.tjjgo^fid^h^Zia^iig skill- hcpe\oii wlij to"^

    iU^ J_ ' " I , - . ; L. > -lydeposi-ed. itin the Frankl in Bank 1and you seethe result? Own", Charles

    cradle-wjr.eti-a-kriocir^rjr^EAO' ^-aim"ost faint ing into her seat. ^ " ^ T * * *:.'.Go-M^rry,'.s3id she, 'and tell Mr.Goaldj that-I-.-bave a very sick child and cannot seerun g toaihtyiH . .*."But,before she:could have time to leaveth :room lig ht feet were beard in-tbeshall, and arlady of.- most exquisite loveliness entered theroom followed by a gentlemauoTnoble appeatr-

    rThveTb^ogFtlnj hlS$a"ndv^'fri-T1, MrsMerton,' said the amiable Mrs. 'aVsh& eiitered,-'_andi/s" IxbaVc gr'gfll"--^-"^-i^his skill - hone* vrtiV will H^ - >

    1 -

    I2&ZL ! ^ r ^ - r # ? t t s ^ d w J t b let-.j httle Ella, Mrs^lertJn,'said the amiable Mrs.

    am a prudent maiiagen' '-iV.r.i 'n-A ........ .:? '5You are my-savToltf, deaf t be ruined som'ehow You -ninsc try to borrow, tlibugh it is adesperate'chance:. Try Mr. Elwoud~ - 1 wilf-do-rt^'said Charles, 'but it needsnot divination to predict the result. ' I should:is soon expect-to work a miracle .as ^etmoueyTrjiab him.' ^ ~^~- [ -

    i& And you, ar est perfue tlie^work -yea-bare so v

    a rainy day..,' But.' sajj_Strl^iiEdnerlLSmiliugav ^t-

    \1 ou are vwyrtewj^-answered; Mfs. -UW^tQn./ but I/fcar that i"t"is too late.' '!-_, - > :

    . Se^O-espai.r, ,royi?eW-woiuaB7L-tiSfU',..benevolent Doctor' Prescott ,'"as -he"Took the /-"child in his amTWd^ea'ted himselflnear t h ^ "A f t o r a - 5l - we H " b e S " U 7 -vfiHdow. ' tlmro is a . lw ^ hope as long as there ~* 'ATteralhjt isu'tso bad an-idea, pruyidioffer-ris life, and I doubt not Jour child -wilfr ecoW^* 'Alter watching th e -infantfor some time and"iflq-H.fing-tBto-U-s-symptoms he--mkiisrerpnr


    i.lmugho your motto w:rs,.' Trouble s'be hanged,aud the sooner the better !a very good rope ttf.hahg t hem with. '

    The curtain, .fails. How does th e readerlike the MA.NAGLNG- WIFE..- '...." ' '.,-;-.

    L*^o'rn->"]f:-Hiinsiin-"PaSly Sta r..-: T H ^ EU. S G-E N-E S


    . ' - ' . . . / - -.-.- .. SCEN E F1UST.- '

    Seated near the windows ofa plain bu t neatlyfurnished aplirtriient 'were.several young gir!>.busily-engagerj-in sewing, hiY eata table "vvuicTToccupied the centre of the room upon "whichwere scatter ed a profision of-costly silks andmuslins, was seated Mrs.'.Merton, a-fa^hionarble-dress maker: engaged iiVWrititig.Twjiile with her foot she gave a gentle motionto a cradle in which lay an infant evideutly.very ill. - .- -. -. Here. Mary,1' said she, addrjesiing one ofthe girls, ' I wish you to take tins bill to Mrs.Hanson", the" rich bank er's w'ife. and request

    ^vjiat.ineulciHe he thougli_^uece.ssary5lwhemfe^.-r storing the. babe to its mother lie informed herthat she had no causc~to be alarmedTTor t h e "symptoms'of her ebdd -were all favorable for' 'itsreco very. '. When resuming hi3 hat "and-'cane he informed his:wife,-.whuhadbeen chat-mg kindly to-the-gir4s-near.the'wihdoYf,-tuafc-ho was now ready to a'ttend her,J'wberi puttingon a look of ^nystery,. she sportively orderedhtm to go about his business, as" she should re-mawi some time .longer-_' hav ing bu siness of aprivate nature to transact with Mrs. Merton. ". ' And now. Madam,' said sheYturning to Mrs.'Merton, as her husbaud laughingly leffc-.the-room. as I hours "to spare I am going to spend it with your -little-Ella while youretirenand. ttrk6-sx)'sie rest, for. I see i y you? looks that you are very near ".'being ill yOur-bu t before you leave I wisk-to. 'say to youyou need not hurry yourself with my -I s'uail leaye tor -^ew York to-mbr-

    a ...

    SU IP: to send me the amount, which is tifteeuAnd yet he js the only busmess_man.y ho dollars;' , bu t should- she'secm' inclined to put

    It was such: a scarcity as will cumenow aud then as ev . . ' ." r r se e you" are perfectly incorrigible,"andlike every woman, prep ared to have your ownway.- ^Wsllj J will yield ;.o 6c as thisi.i I'.shalVpl-ce in your hauds two hundred "dollarsa m onth!'to* defray oai1 ;hoasehold expenses,and ydufare at liberty to* saveiaJLAiidcbfls-yoaplease o&*n>f % "provided-' * 6 i!Mror in our^naebtstylW wikhoat:4ny.fairi^.o*. '5Vb'doyqa-saj,^ltttgaiBV '

    ''YtitJiBgly^..tep,Ued MrA::Gatdoe?;..Vaadyou shall see what a good manager.I am.'iJri'Min't dniiwat all vfthrmarfaiang t?bygr3:

    feacJt.see^sAOFbave a

    of miud. Ho. was aware "ihut u early^ai l.^^tysture^Lliietids * ere ,as much pressed asJie, and that-net-one of theui p robably wou ld tie able to- ad^Viinee him'the' rexjui fe'd suu iv-- : .j -It tufuedf o.ukas he^autiep ated. Those^oCThomT-he-.a^pUtKJ .were^veyy. wr ry TWHe tlu it.

    she was surp rised atydur..presu.m;pTiou in seurjbNoniVamV"waTiier reply, 'and she'said ly furnished .aparttrieut with. ber littl e Ella -

    L;-. j Ji : .:-. .T.-a.-i-.Ti.iii-iiL 'J- ,.1-1 ijrowu-a4fvely- and hcalthy-clnld. .playing-un:. i ^ e o w e e ^ W t i i i a i ^ t a f a j C H j l ^ ^ ou the^ ojs ^ carpet at > r fee jvbile_Jverto" oblgeyou.ifiitwete in my.power.' ' At my presumption in sendiug^.her bill so Vband.;sits near by rjardiuglier wija-lopsnnn l1'said Mrs Merton, with surprise,,'.-why

    they-g'ere^ hel^ him, tint jt ..was.quiteout df the question. ; . . ; J.'' Itr-the ev>nihg; his wife -noticed ,tbat bis

    it is;-now. four months sitice we finished^_thelast article, aud.over six ifiohths siuce the B.r=stwas done, aud she.-refuses to pay it ;-but didyuiTndt telt_.h"er that'iLU"y";child 'was TdjiDgrforlack of proper medicine?' '- .. .' .

    hus-iooiis otthe-most devoted- affection while li stening to

    { Yfs. b^t her reply "was tbat 3he could; not

    tue reeuat of u--r struggles, with a coid -and;heartless world during his long absencejn^ Ca*.liforuia,'whither he. had travelled in search ofthat-gold whieh-lares so^manyof our yodcg^jueu trom their peaceful home.he^git, forahe expected to leave "home thi sevening for Saratoga-/ and she had not moneyto- spar^' aud she nnj uac uot call agaiu bu t!

    ^ Aud now, dear'- Charles^ cdnt'rnaed Mrs.i>ie*ion, '"the" most, singul ar' euau*e of all isthat wbile. you have returned home ladea with.p ^ - ; i ; ' ^ , 4 \ IM^I ihrt" whe ai ^ as .convenient^or, her j aristocratic'Mrs. .Hanson has become ^"bank-

    I S S B S S S S ^ w ^ t i S i l A ' to rumpmg I t o ^ t t l e the bill" ahewould s en dH ie r m^ Oe t. rUp., H uO nrta* i s - H ^ w ^ a ^ u ^ e ^ty with the amount, and thea she ordered the ed upon a charg*of lorgery^nd it is feared byUh his httle,Jwys, Charles, and Arthur, whoon that 'accouut-hailed "papa'a. r et u r ^ ^ tjtiesignal for a noisy demon'sCrat too. NuW he wassifetit-arJa: moody?. -- ' _

    'V^PnqfjfWt^fFto saatte^wtthjfod. e i i ^lesl':askedTMarioa pia"yfufly,. "* You 1'wk.asdisconcerted >g. if.j[ijnt Pffl?y'iraZbat* onefrieud ia the Vor ld' , "arid Had" ju st l ost that

    grt.l .to.Bhoar.meto t"he duor.' hisfrieuds that nothing cau^Save him from ea-""'Ndw^mky Gd have compassion on'm e and wring the walls of a pnspu. Yet as '&*&&&mi^S^giu(anirB^the^^tch^d, Mrs.' uhiradWhut treatHmtf me at thp tttoa .M ^ u i ' a s she sank" weeping-into a chair.- of dir Ella's illness I do pity her sincere^%lfmthope is swepir -a ^y . tor ,-of al I m y *d ^rould assist her with the greatest pleas-.

    one. 'sa^C^haf l^^lajughifig,4*t*irreWe"*L, . p*tfehey- WfrfiSSe;nrclmed. . S h e ' j ^ f S ^ S ^ a a w ^ - "J&ook.oiSta of &S rens, w g ^ hasbarid (^drTirJHjuracknowled^eit, as- 1 .i-.ricff car.iA'lJttiL-.tfcMrinriitj^MRA?aiii_ela_

    is4otne4bib& Marion, wtiefeyoix"l.iaS '--"-86'---why need .'yuur kuow . *v*1 keiwl^ge'pf-iitw^ald^uly^ ia yo% as ^ W e . a n a . a T t o c ^.rfiTiJ^ tboa^^d;dj>weU HraJU?*have b&u .fifty j -for oae is'quite as di:

    ..iaa.pajufient.ofri b^r Wlij %WU-8he^Baiid^.:h^..!aoi^^(k^

    digututoy, then U- -fowakp pg, fo^gotticg iamy ' Beeui.uxJT-. utea a** -tofgsas S;J, losge^imjj. ori^ t he lr , blindness' ttiat it i^3E5nat^6T^ea1ttrthat makes the man. * Aod now Mar*y dear, j tis my -sfish thatyoa .visit.thu'poor'woTnin i iher afflictions, and tender her and betjieipiesschildren such aidas; most-?'"r a W , 'Uuie-caringlbr Uje^oSenag tbatheP {cor .havipg drank thojbuujf cup oC poverty to,ia&*m' *i d Bea^^reXa^.'waycaus^o^airdmy'cn^ dregs it becomes USJ now.; ih#M a Wr,!Jrr^ ., .7?+^.~,-- .U^=^-s. ' .- ...r,,.,....:: L u> -dUr.oaflft aaahaid tft. thrwa-Mtat ana,.



    \d aervoas, and aathe t.Btt-dcq;!t^for4bs dreaded sprofitable to o el fa re, andrf dm . li lJUJ!ii * 49 gee A t. tSttthave despitefully


    - -


    " '' -


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