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    Senka Stojakovic Ana Vujanov IV1


  • 5/26/2018 Amelia Earhart4




    I am very fascinated with women who try to do something new and

    unusual. In her whole life Amelia Earhart was trying to achieve goals

    that were reserved only for men. I think she was a great woman who

    was a female pioneer in aviation. In my Graduation Paper,I would like

    to present you Amelias life from her childhood till her mysterious


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    Introduction.. 2

    Childhood Story of Amelia Earhart5

    Amelia's first "flight"6


    Amelia and planes.8

    First air shows. .9

    The first woman to fly the Atlantic.9


    Celebrity image12

    George P. Putnam -Amelia's Husband13

    First woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross.14

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    First person to fly solo between Hawaii and California .15

    Amelia Earhart as an Aviator....16

    Final Flight..16


    Movies and television .19

    Fun Facts about Amelia Earhart..20


    Reference 23

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    Childhood Story of Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 in Kansas. She was a daughter

    of Edwin and Amy Earhart. She spent her childhood with her

    grandmother and grandfather, because her father, although a well-educated man, was in great debts. There, in Atchison, she enjoyed in a

    family atmosphere of the small place. Amelia learned to read at the age

    of five. She was very intelligent and curious. But her grandmother was

    timid, and didnt approve some of Amelia's tomboy tendencies, like

    pony-riding, tree-climbing, snow-sledding, and hunting activities. Her

    parents were only 50 miles away, and she summered with them, so she

    remained close to them during these years.

    Amelia attended a private college preparatory school, where, although

    she loved to read, she sometimes got into trouble as a result of her

    independent nature. Her mother and younger sister, Muriel, often

    came to Atchison to visit her, but she didnt see her father very often

    during these years. The Earhart family moved to Des Moines, Iowa,

    when Amelia was in the seventh grade.

    Her childhood activities suggested she would lead an active adulthood.

    While the social standards of the time held that young girls should

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    behave in a genteel and ladylike fashion, young Amelia was interested

    in adventure. She recalled being fascinated by mechanical things, and

    she once designed a trap to catch stray chickens. As the daughter of a

    railroad employee, she traveled often and thus "discovered thefascination of new people and new places." She also realized early that

    boys were under fewer constraints than girls and questioned why. She

    liked "all kinds of sports and games" and was willing to try even those

    games adults considered only for boys.

    Amelia's first "flight"

    In one of the more dramatic moments of Earhart's childhood, she, her

    sister, and a neighbor boy built a roller coaster at the family's home in

    Kansas City. The track began at the top of a tool-shed, about eight feet

    off the ground.

    The children, with a little help from their Uncle Carl Otis, constructed

    the track from boards and greased it with lard. Amelia made the trial

    run in a car made from an empty wooden crate.


    From the first grade, she attended the College Preparatory School in

    Atchison. It was a tiny place, with only about 30 students, housed in a

    building that used to be a stable. Amelia was bright, but her

    independent spirit and lack of interest in recitation did not endear her

    to the teachers. In high school, cheerleading was not enough for her,

    she wanted to play on the basketball team.

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    Her father Edwin, was well-educated, but tended to the impractical;

    money just slipped through his fingers. His in-laws, the Otises, helped

    him out a lot (including taking care of Amelia), but Edwin's

    extravagance remained a problem. In 1908, he got a new job, with theRock Island railroad, which required him to move to Des Moines. Now,

    the arrangement with the Atchison grandparents was no longer

    feasible, so Amelia joined them in Iowa, and saw her first airplane, at

    the 1908 Iowa State Fair. For a few years, Edwin did well, moving into a

    newer, larger houses almost every year, as his income grew. But his

    spendthrift nature won out, and he kept living beyond his means, and

    increasingly turning to alcohol. He moved out for a time, but Amy(Amelia's mother) implored him to return.

    The death of Amelia's grandparents, the Otises, was the final blow. The

    Otises were quite wealthy, with an estate worth over $170,000 (a huge

    sum in those days). While the will sought to provide for the

    grandchildren, it excluded Edwin and Amy. A lengthy, messy struggle

    ensued. During this time, Edwin had lost his job, and was forced toaccept a menial position in St. Paul, which required another family

    move, to Minnesota.

    In the 1913-14 school year, at St. Paul Central High School, where

    Amelia was more in control of her own destiny, she did very well,

    keeping a grade point average in the high eighties, with a curriculum

    including Latin, German, and Physics.

    After graduating from Hyde Park High School in 1915, Earhart attended

    Ogontz, a girl's finishing school in the suburbs of Philadelphia. In her

    three semesters there, Amelia played field hockey, studied Shakespeare

    & Latin, and attended concerts of the Philadelphia Symphony. She left

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    in the middle of her second year to work as a nurse's aide in a military

    hospital in Canada during WWI, attended college, and later became a

    social worker at Denison House, a settlement house in Boston.

    Amelia and planes

    When 10-year-old Amelia Mary Earhart saw her first plane at a state

    fair, she was not impressed. "It was a thing of rusty wire and wood and

    looked not at all interesting," she said. It wasn't until Earhart attended a

    stunt-flying exhibition, almost a decade later, that she became seriouslyinterested in aviation. A pilot spotted Earhart and her friend, who were

    watching from an isolated clearing, and dove at them. "I am sure he

    said to himself, 'Watch me make them scamper,'" she said. Earhart,

    who felt a mixture of fear and pleasure, stood her ground. As the plane

    swooped by, something inside her awakened. "I did not understand it

    at the time," she said, "but I believe that little red airplane said

    something to me as it swished by."

    On December 28, 1920, pilot Frank Hawks gave her a ride that would

    forever change her life. "By the time I had got two or three hundred

    feet off the ground," she said, "I knew I had to fly."

    Learning to fly in California, she took up aviation as a hobby, taking odd

    jobs to pay for her flying lessons. In 1922, with the financial help of her

    sister, Muriel, and her mother, Amy Otis Earhart, she purchased herfirst airplane, a Kinner Airster.

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    First air shows

    Earhart took her first flying lesson on January 3, 1921, and in six months

    managed to save enough money to buy her first plane. The second-hand Kinner Airster was a two-seater biplane painted bright yellow.

    Earhart named the plane "Canary," and used it to set her first women's

    record by rising to an altitude of 14,000 feet.

    "The fact that my roadster was a cheerful canary color may have caused

    some of the excitement. It had been modest enough in California, but

    was a little outspoken for Boston, I found.

    Following her parent's divorce, Amelia moved back east where she was

    employed as a social worker in Denison House, in Boston,

    Massachusetts. It was there she was selected to be the first female

    passenger on a transatlantic flight, in 1928, by her future husband, the

    publisher, George Palmer Putnam.

    The first woman to fly the Atlantic

    One afternoon in April 1928, a phone call came for Earhart at work.

    "I'm too busy to answer just now," she said.

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    After hearing that it was important, Earhart relented though at first she

    thought it was a prank. It wasn't until the caller supplied excellent

    references that she realized the man was serious.

    "How would you like to be the first woman to fly the Atlantic?" he

    asked, to which Earhart promptly replied, "Yes!"

    After an interview in New York with the project coordinators, including

    book publisher and publicist George P. Putnam, she was asked to join

    pilot Wilmer "Bill" Stultz and co-pilot/mechanic Louis E. "Slim" Gordon.

    The team left Trepassey harbor, Newfoundland, in a Fokker F7 named

    Friendship on June 17, 1928, and arrived at Burry Port, Wales,approximately 21 hours later.

    Their landmark flight made headlines worldwide, because three women

    had died within the year trying to be that first woman. When the crew

    returned to the United States they were greeted with a ticker-tape

    parade in New York and a reception held by President Calvin Coolidge

    at the White House.From then on, Earhart's life revolved around flying.She placed third at the Cleveland Women's Air Derby, later nicknamed

    the "Powder Puff Derby" by Will Rogers.


    After a series of record-making flights, she became the first woman tomake a solo transatlantic flight in 1932. That same year, Amelia

    developed flying clothes for the Ninety-Nines. Her first creation was a

    flying suit with loose trousers, a zipper top and big pockets. Vogue

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    advertised it with a two-page photo spread. Then, she began designing

    her own line of clothes "for the woman who lives actively."

    She dressed according to the occasion whether it was flying or an

    elegant affair. She was most conscious of the image she projected.

    Several New York garment manufacturers made an exclusive Amelia

    Earhart line of clothes which were marketed in 30 cities, with one

    exclusive store in each city, such as Macy's in New York and Marshall

    Field's in Chicago.

    The celebrity endorsements helped Earhart to finance her flying.

    Accepting a position as associate editor at Cosmopolitan magazine, sheturned this forum into an opportunity to campaign for greater public

    acceptance of aviation, especially focusing on the role of women

    entering the field. In 1929, Earhart was among the first aviators to

    promote commercial air travel through the development of a passenger

    airline service.

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    Celebrity image

    Trading on her physical resemblance to Lindbergh, whom the press had

    dubbed "Lucky Lindy," some newspapers and magazines began

    referring to Earhart as "Lady Lindy." The United Press was more

    grandiloquent; to them, Earhart was the reigning "Queen of the Air."

    Immediately after her return to the United States, she undertook an

    exhausting lecture tour (19281929). Meanwhile, Putnam had

    undertaken to heavily promote her in a campaign including publishing a

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    book she authored, a series of new lecture tours and using pictures of

    her in mass market endorsements for products including luggage, Lucky

    Strike cigarettes (this caused image problems for her, with McCall's

    magazine retracting an offer) and women's clothing and sportswear.The money that she made with "Lucky Strike" had been earmarked for

    a $1,500 donation to Commander Richard Byrd's imminent South Pole


    Rather than simply endorsing the products, Earhart actively became

    involved in the promotions, especially in women's fashions. For a

    number of years she had sewn her own clothes, but the "active living"

    lines that were sold in 50 stores such as Macy's in metropolitan areas

    were an expression of a new Earhart image. Her concept of simple,

    natural lines matched with wrinkle-proof, washable materials was the

    embodiment of a sleek, purposeful but feminine "A.E." ( the familiar

    name she went by with family and friends). The luggage line that she

    promoted (marketed as Modernaire Earhart Luggage) also bore her

    unmistakable stamp. She ensured that the luggage met the demands ofair travel; it is still being produced today. A wide range of promotional

    items would appear bearing the Earhart "image" and likewise, modern

    equivalents are still being marketed to this day. The marketing

    campaign by G.P. Putnam was successful in establishing the Earhart

    mystique in the public psyche.

    George P. Putnam - Amelia's Husband

    As fate would have it, her life also began to include George Putnam.

    The two developed a friendship during preparation for the Atlantic

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    crossing and were married on February 7, 1931 but she continued her

    aviation career under her maiden name. Intenting on retaining her

    independence, she referred to the marriage as a "partnership" with

    "dual control."

    Amelia and George formed a successful partnership. George organized

    Amelia's flights and public appearances, and arranged for her to

    endorse a line of flight luggage and sports clothes.

    Together they worked on secret plans for Earhart to become the first

    woman and the second person to solo the Atlantic.

    George had already published several writings by Charles Lindbergh,

    and he saw Amelia's flight as a bestselling story for his publishing

    house. With pilot Wilmer Stultz and mechanic Lou Gordon, Amelia flew

    from Newfoundland to Wales aboard the trimotor planeFriendship .

    Amelia's daring and courage were acclaimed around the world. Upon

    the flight's completion, Amelia wrote the book 20 Hours - 40 Minutes.

    George also published two of her books, The Fun of It , andLast Flight .

    First woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross

    On May 20, 1932, five years to the day after Lindbergh, she took off

    from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, to Paris. Strong north winds, icy

    conditions and mechanical problems plagued the flight and forced her

    to land in a pasture near Londonderry, Ireland. "After scaring most of

    the cows in the neighborhood," she said, "I pulled up in a farmer's back

    yard." As word of her flight spread, the media surrounded her, both

    overseas and in the United States. President Herbert Hoover presented

    Earhart with a gold medal from the National Geographic Society.

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    Congress awarded her the Distinguished Flying Cross-the first ever

    given to a woman. At the ceremony, Vice President Charles Curtis

    praised her courage, saying she displayed "heroic courage and skill as a

    navigator at the risk of her life." Earhart felt the flight proved that menand women were equal in "jobs requiring intelligence, coordination,

    speed, coolness and willpower."

    First person to fly solo between Honolulu, Hawaii and

    Oakland, CaliforniaIn the years that followed, Earhart continued to break records. She set

    an altitude record for autogyros of 18,415 feet that stood for years. On

    January 11, 1935, she became the first person to fly solo across the

    Pacific from Honolulu to Oakland, California. Chilled during the 2,408-

    mile flight, she unpacked a thermos of hot chocolate. "Indeed," she

    said, "that was the most interesting cup of chocolate I have ever had,

    sitting up eight thousand feet over the middle of the Pacific Ocean,quite alone." Later that year she was the first to solo from Mexico City

    to Newark. A large crowd "overflowed the field," and rushed Earhart's

    plane. "I was rescued from my plane by husky policemen," she said,

    "one of whom in the ensuing melee took possession of my right arm

    and another of my left leg." The officers headed for a police car, but

    chose different routes. "The arm-holder started to go one way, while he

    who clasped my leg set out in the opposite direction. The result

    provided the victim with a fleeting taste of the tortures of the rack. But,

    at that," she said good-naturedly, "It was fine to be home again."

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    Amelia Earhart as an Aviator

    Amelia's flying accomplishments proved influential to American pilots

    and pilots of the world alike. She was a creative impulse within the

    Ninety-Nines organization, and a stimulus for womankind to replaceoutdated social norms. She encouraged women to hold fast to their

    beliefs, follow their hearts, and always dare to dream.

    "The more women fly, the more who become pilots, the quicker we will

    be recognized as an important factor in aviation," said Amelia. Her

    parting words to Louise Thaden, a fellow Ninety-Nine were, "If I should

    bop off, it'll be doing the thing that I've always most wanted to do."

    By becoming the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane,

    Amelia gained immediate fame. She is still remembered as the

    outstanding female pilot of her time. She did not, however, seek to set

    herself apart from other female pilots.

    Final Flight

    In 1937, as Earhart neared her 40th birthday, she was ready for a

    monumental, and final, challenge. She wanted to be the first woman to

    fly around the world. Despite a very dangerous attempt in March that

    severely damaged her plane, a determined Earhart had the twin engine

    Lockheed Electra rebuilt. "I have a feeling that there is just about one

    more good flight left in my system, and I hope this trip is it," she said.

    On June 1st, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan departed fromMiami and began the 29,000-mile journey. By June 29, when they

    landed in Lae, New Guinea, all but 7,000 miles had been completed. In

    that time often inaccurate maps had made navigation difficult for

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    Noonan, and their next hop to Howland Island was, by far, the most


    At 10am local time, zero Greenwich time on July 2, the pair took off.

    Despite favorable weather reports, they flew into overcast skies and

    intermittent rain showers. This made Noonan's premier method of

    tracking, celestial navigation, difficult. As dawn neared, Earhart called

    the ITASCA, reporting "cloudy, weather cloudy." In later transmissions

    earhart asked the ITASCA to take bearings on her. The ITASCA sent her

    a steady stream of transmissions but she could not hear them. Her

    radio transmissions, irregular through most of the flight, were faint or

    interrupted with static. At 7:42 A.M. the Itasca picked up the message,

    "We must be on you, but we cannot see you. Fuel is running low. Been

    unable to reach you by radio. We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship

    tried to reply, but the plane seemed not to hear. At 8:45 Earhart

    reported, "We are running north and south." Nothing further was heard

    from Earhart.

    A rescue attempt commenced immediately and became the most

    extensive air and sea search in naval history thus far. On July 19, after

    spending $4 million and scouring 250,000 square miles of ocean, the

    United States government reluctantly called off the operation.

    Across the United States there are streets, schools, and airports named

    after her. Her birthplace, Atchison, Kansas, has been turned into a vi to

    her memory. Amelia Earhart awards and scholarships are given outevery year.

    In 1938, a lighthouse was constructed on Howland Island in her


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    Today, though many theories exist, there is no proof of her fate. There

    is no doubt, however, that the world will always remember Amelia

    Earhart for her courage, vision, and groundbreaking achievements,

    both in aviation and for women. In a letter to her husband, written incase a dangerous flight proved to be her last, this brave spirit was


    "Please know I am quite aware of the hazards," she said. "I want to do

    it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have

    tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others."

    Amelia Earhart endures in the American consciousness as one of theworld's most celebrated aviators. Amelia remains a symbol of the

    power and perseverance of American women, and the adventurous

    spirit so essential to the American persona.

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    Movies and television

    - Rosalind Russel film Flight for Freedom which was made in 1943was fictionalized treatment of Earharts life, but with a lot of

    Hollywood world War II propaganda.- Film named Amelia Earhart was made in 1976,starring Susan Clark

    and John Forsythe.

    - Steven Spielberg film Close Encounters of the Third Kind showsAmelia Earhart walking out of the Mothership, with hundred

    other alien abduction survivors.

    - The Price of Courage (1993) from American Experience is adocumentary of Amelia Earhart.

    - The 2004 film The Aviator in which Jane Lynch was cast as AmeliaEarhart. But the scenes where she is on, were cut.

    - In the 2009 film Amelia an actress Hilary Swank was in the mainrole of Amelia. She was, also, in a co-executive producer of the


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    Fun Facts about Amelia Earhart:

    - Amelia was named Amelia Mary Earhart after her two grandmothers,Amelia Harres Otis and Mary Wells Earhart - a family tradition.

    - Amelia received the nickname "Meelie" from her younger sister Muriel,because as a young child, Muriel couldn't pronounce Amelia's name


    - Amelia was initially engaged to be married to a New Englander namedSam Chapman, whom she met while visiting her parents in Los Angeles.

    - Shortly after her engagement to Sam Chapman ended, Amelia composedthe poem Courage.

    - Amelia was the first female, and one of only a few to date, to receive theAir Force Distinguished Flying Cross

    - Amelia's childhood pet, a large black dog, was named James Ferocious,because of his uneven temperament with strangers.

    - Amelia and Muriel had two imaginary playmates, Laura and Ringa, withwhom they shared great adventures.

    - Two of Amelia's favorite Atchison playmates were her cousins Lucy andKathryn Challis. Amelia and Muriel called them Toot and Katch.

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    - This is Amelia Earhart home, Atchinson, KansasIt is neo-classical woodenVictorian architecture.

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    In my opinion I have managed to present you all the achievements

    Amelia has fought for. At her time, she was probably the most beloved

    woman in America. Amelia Earhart was a great, adventurous woman

    who was full of life. She was interested in many things unlike the other

    women in her society. Today, in the world, we have the women who

    fight for similar rights. Women like Eleanor Roosevelt, Laura Bush, and

    even Oprah Winfrey are another example of an influential role model

    for women today. The world certainly lost something with the death ofAmelia Earhart, but she left behind a road for women to follow her


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