ambient weather troubleshooting · web...

1. Ambient Weather Troubleshooting Guide Contents 1. Ambient Weather Troubleshooting Guide........................................................ 1 2. F007PF....................................................................................... 6 LCD display is blank or all segments are displayed.............................................6 Pool float lid will not open...................................................................6 F007PF sensor no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)..........................6 3. ObserverIP................................................................................... 7 All lights are lit except the server light, the network finds the device when IPTools is run, but does not connect from the browser..........................................................7 Only showing Power, Link and ACT lights.......................................................8 4. WR-111B...................................................................................... 9 Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a charge.........................................................................................9 Radio does not hold a charge...................................................................9 Radio only works when plugged into AC power...................................................10 Radio is completely dead (will not operate at all)............................................10 5. WR-333/WR-334............................................................................... 11 Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a charge........................................................................................11 Flashlight does not turn on (everything else works)...........................................11 -1-

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1. Ambient Weather Troubleshooting Guide

Contents1. Ambient Weather Troubleshooting Guide...........................................................................................................................................................1

2. F007PF................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

LCD display is blank or all segments are displayed..................................................................................................................................................6

Pool float lid will not open.......................................................................................................................................................................................6

F007PF sensor no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)................................................................................................................6

3. ObserverIP........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

All lights are lit except the server light, the network finds the device when IPTools is run, but does not connect from the browser. ...................7

Only showing Power, Link and ACT lights...............................................................................................................................................................8

4. WR-111B.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a charge...............................................................9

Radio does not hold a charge..................................................................................................................................................................................9

Radio only works when plugged into AC power.....................................................................................................................................................10

Radio is completely dead (will not operate at all)..................................................................................................................................................10

5. WR-333/WR-334................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a charge.............................................................11

Flashlight does not turn on (everything else works)..............................................................................................................................................11

Radio does not hold a charge.................................................................................................................................................................................11

Radio only works when plugged in to AC power....................................................................................................................................................12

Radio is completely dead (will not operate at all)..................................................................................................................................................12

6. WR-335.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Flashlight does not turn on (everything else works)..............................................................................................................................................13


7. WS-0101............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

8. WS-02................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Display is flashing once per second........................................................................................................................................................................13

Probe temperature reads Fo..................................................................................................................................................................................13

9. WS-0211............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (blank in the outdoor section).................................................................................14

10. WS-03............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Display is flashing once per second........................................................................................................................................................................16

11. WS-04............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Display is flashing once per second........................................................................................................................................................................16

Indoor temperature is showing Fo.L......................................................................................................................................................................16

Outdoor transmitter temperature is showing Fo.L................................................................................................................................................16

Outdoor transmitter displays 87.2 degF, Inside temperature 83.4 degF all of the time........................................................................................16

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................17

12. WS-06............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................18

13. WS-07, WS-08, WS-09, WS-10.......................................................................................................................................................................19

Console is blank with fresh batteries.....................................................................................................................................................................20

Indoor temperature is showing Fo.L......................................................................................................................................................................20

Outdoor transmitter temperature is showing Fo.L................................................................................................................................................20

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................20

14. WS-1050/WS-1070.........................................................................................................................................................................................22

Console is eating batteries every few months, is dim, or will not power up..........................................................................................................22

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................22

Rain Gauge has stopped updating.........................................................................................................................................................................24


15. WS-1000-WiFi / WS-1001-WiFi / WS-1200, WS-1200-IP, WS-1400-IP...........................................................................................................25

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................25

Rain is not Reported on the Display Console.........................................................................................................................................................27

16. WS-1080/WS-1090.........................................................................................................................................................................................27

Alarms are randomly turning on and other strange anomalies are reported........................................................................................................28

Console uncontrollably beeps and is not related to any alarm..............................................................................................................................29

Indoor Temperature is frozen (not updating), reads incorrect value (like 180 degF).............................................................................................29

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................29

Rain Gauge has stopped updating.........................................................................................................................................................................31

Rain Reported when no rain has occurred.............................................................................................................................................................32

USB Communication has locked up.......................................................................................................................................................................32

Wind cups are spinning but there is no wind reading............................................................................................................................................33

17. WS-1170/WS-1171/WS-1172/WS-1173/WS-0101.........................................................................................................................................34

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time...................................................................................................34

Console beeps, resets or does not completely sequence up.................................................................................................................................34

Dew Point displayed instead of outdoor temperature (or visa-versa)...................................................................................................................35

Dashes for humidity and temperature on the remote sensor...............................................................................................................................35

Display console randomly beeps............................................................................................................................................................................35

Display never completely boots up (all segments light up, beeps and resets).......................................................................................................35

Inside temperature stuck (example 45.5 degF)......................................................................................................................................................36

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................36

Restore to Factory Default (Indoor temperature and/or humidity is showing dashes (--.-); the outdoor values are incorrect; random alarms sound).................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38

Outdoor temperature and/or humidity is showing dashes (--.-), does not power up, or is inaccurate.................................................................39

Remote sensor readings are correct, but console shows erroneous values (restore to factory default)...............................................................39


18. WS-1173 (supplement to previous section)...................................................................................................................................................41

Sunrise and Sunset are off by one hour.................................................................................................................................................................41

19. WS-1280......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................42

20. WS-1175/WS-1285.........................................................................................................................................................................................43

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (blank in the outdoor section).................................................................................43

21. WS-2080......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time, or pressure varies wildly..........................................................45

Console does not boot up or shows random characters in the wind, rain and pressure field..............................................................................45

Display enters rain set mode when menu button is pressed and cannot get to time mode..................................................................................45

Inside and outside Temperature Stuck at 140 °F, or Alarms are being activated through software, USB Port locked up, or wish to clear all history and memory............................................................................................................................................................................................... 46

Outdoor transmitter LED stays on or eats batteries...............................................................................................................................................46

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................46

Outside temperature is stuck at a specific value, is inaccurate or reads dashes....................................................................................................48

Rain Gauge has stopped updating.........................................................................................................................................................................48

Rain Reported when no rain has occurred.............................................................................................................................................................49

USB Communication has locked up.......................................................................................................................................................................50

Wind cups are not spinning...................................................................................................................................................................................51

Wind cups are spinning but there is no wind reading............................................................................................................................................52

Wind vane is spinning but there is no wind direction reading...............................................................................................................................52

22. WS-2090 / WS-2095 / WS-5300.....................................................................................................................................................................53

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time...................................................................................................53

Display enters rain set mode when menu button is pressed and cannot get to time mode..................................................................................53

Inside and outside Temperature Stuck at 140 °F...................................................................................................................................................53


Outside temperature stuck at a fixed value, example: 45.5 degF..........................................................................................................................53

Outside temperature varies by over 10 degF.........................................................................................................................................................54

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................54

Rain Gauge has stopped updating.........................................................................................................................................................................55

USB Communication has locked up.......................................................................................................................................................................56

Wind Cups and/or Wind Vane are not spinning freely...........................................................................................................................................57

Wind Speed reads 0 all of the time but cups are spinning freely...........................................................................................................................58

23. WS-40............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................58

24. WS-5300......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60

Console does not boot up and shows random characters.....................................................................................................................................60

Outside temperature stuck at 45.5 degF or another value....................................................................................................................................60

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain).........................................60

Rain Gauge has stopped updating.........................................................................................................................................................................62

Wind Cups and/or Wind Vane are not spinning freely...........................................................................................................................................62

Wind Vane not working (no wind direction)..........................................................................................................................................................63

Wind Speed reads 0 all of the time but cups are spinning freely...........................................................................................................................63

25. WS-8365......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes).....................................................................................................63

26. Templates...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Table Template...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66

RMA Response Template.......................................................................................................................................................................................66

Standard Wireless Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................................................66

Best Practices for Wireless Communication..........................................................................................................................................................67


2. F007PF

LCD display is blank or all segments are displayedCause Solution

Console batteries may be low or unit may need to be reset. Replace the batteries with fresh batteries Remove the batteries and cover the solar panel with your hand

for one minute. With the solar panel still covered, please put the batteries back

in. Now take your hand off the panel.

Pool float lid will not openCause Solution

Pool float lid will not open. While twisting the lid to open, press down hard on the lid. Put the lid in hot water for 1-3 minutes before opening. Use a gripping tool as a last resort to open.

F007PF sensor no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

Make certain there is line of sight between the console and the remote sensor and the signal is not passing through earth or ground.

Reference Figure 9 in the following manual:

Sensor placement:

1. Place the sensor in the pool or spa within 100 feet of the display console (Figure 9,reference A). Avoid transmitting through solid earth or ground (Figure 9, reference B).Use a tether (string) to fix the sensor in the pool or spa.2. Place the console at least three feet away from computers, TVs and wireless phones.3. Avoid transmitting through solid metal barriers.


Cause SolutionBring the pool float transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LCD that displays temperature. Is temperature and humidity displaying on the remote sensor? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and properly reporting temperature, note the Channel designation (Channel 1-8), and proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the console. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and/or humidity are still showing dashes on the designated channel (--), the remote sensor is defective.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement here:


3. ObserverIP

All lights are lit except the server light, the network finds the device when IPTools is run, but does not connect from the browser.

Cause SolutionThere may be a port conflict. Press the reset button

After a few minutes, search for the device using th IPTools again and the router should assign a new IP address.

Select the IP module again and press the Open button to access the device.

Incorrect router connection, firewall or other network issue. Plug the computer and ObserverIP module into the same router, avoiding switches and WiFi. Make sure the ObserverIP is plugged into the LAN port and not the WAN port (a common mistake).

Only showing Power, Link and ACT lightsCause Solution

The upgrade was interrupted, or the firmware is corrupted. 1. Download the latest IP Tools and firmware here:

2. Connect the IP module directly to your computer using the provided Ethernet cable.

3. Remove power from the IP module. Leave the Ethernet connected to your computer.

3. Launch the IPTools option and press the Upgrade button.

4. Select File and browse to the location on your computer where you downloaded the firmware.


Cause Solution

5. Select the Upgrade Firmware button. The following will be displayed:

DHCP server @ is running on UDP port 67 successfully.TFTP server @ is running on UDP port 69 successfully.

6. Now plug power to the IP module. The status bar will reach 100% if properly upgraded.

7. Press Exit once completed.

8. The IP Module will reboot. Press Search until the module is available again on your network. All of the lights on the IP module should light up, except the Server light.

9. If the procedure is unsuccessful, visit: and we will update the module for you.

4. WR-111B

Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a chargeCause Solution

A battery replacement is likely required. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:


Radio does not hold a chargeCause Solution

The radio should be “hard charged” approximately once per month. Solar power alone is not sufficient to charge the radio (solar power is a battery charge extender) , especially if the battery has been completely drained.

To “hard charge” the battery, connect the USB power port on the radio to the USB port on your computer or optional AC adapter. For details, reference the following Quick Start guide:

If the battery continues to have limited life, a battery replacement is likely required.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:

Radio only works when plugged into AC powerCause Solution

A battery replacement is likely required. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:


Radio is completely dead (will not operate at all)Cause Solution

A condition has caused the micro-processor to shut off and the radio must be reset.

1. Fully charge the radio through the USB power port.2. Reset the radio by removing the battery and pressing the reset

pin hole with an open ended paper clip3. Re-insert the battery. For details, reference the following Quick

Start guide:

If the unit continues to not operate, a battery replacement is likely required.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:

If a battery replacement does not fix the problem, replace the radio. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the radio here:

5. WR-333/WR-334

Charging LED immediately turns green after plugging in USB power port, radio does not hold a chargeCause Solution

A battery replacement is likely required. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:


Flashlight does not turn on (everything else works)Cause Solution

A condition has caused the micro-processor to shut off and the radio must be reset.

1. Fully charge the radio through the USB power port.2. Reset the radio by pressing the reset pin hole with an open

ended paper clip on the back of the unit (connector compartment, second from left).

3. For details, reference the following Quick Start guide:

If the flashlight continues to not operate, a radio replacement is required.

If under one year warranty,

Radio does not hold a chargeCause Solution

The radio should be “hard charged” approximately once per month. Solar power alone is not sufficient to charge the radio (solar power is a battery charge extender) , especially if the battery has been completely drained.

To “hard charge” the battery, connect the USB power port on the radio to the USB port on your computer or optional AC adapter. Make sure the charge switch is in the left hand position (LiIon). For details, reference the following Quick Start guide:

If the battery continues to have limited life, a battery replacement is likely required.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:

Radio only works when plugged in to AC powerCause Solution

Make sure the two position battery switch in the connector compartment is in the LiIon battery position (left)

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:

A battery replacement is likely required. If under one year warranty,


Cause SolutionIf out of warranty, replace the battery here:

Radio is completely dead (will not operate at all)Cause Solution

A condition has caused the micro-processor to shut off and the radio must be reset.

4. Fully charge the radio through the USB power port.5. Reset the radio by pressing the reset pin hole with an open

ended paper clip on the back of the unit (connector compartment, second from left).

6. For details, reference the following Quick Start guide:

If the unit continues to not operate, a battery replacement is likely required.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the battery here:

If a battery replacement does not fix the problem, replace the radio. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the radio here:


6. WR-335

Flashlight does not turn on (everything else works)Cause Solution

A condition has caused the micro-processor to shut off and the radio must be reset.

1. Fully charge the radio through the USB power port.2. Reset the radio by pressing the reset pin hole with an open

ended paper clip on the back of the unit (connector compartment, second from left).

If the flashlight continues to not operate, a radio replacement is required.

If under one year warranty,

7. WS-0101See WS-1171/WS-1172/WS-1173A

8. WS-02

Display is flashing once per secondCause Solution

Not a problem This is normal. It lets you know it is updating properly

Probe temperature reads FoCause Solution

The wired probe has an open circuit and the unit must be replaced. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, replace the radio here:


9. WS-0211

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (blank in the outdoor section)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

The weather station is susceptible to interference from other wireless weather stations manufactured by Ambient Weather, La Crosse Technology, Chaney Instruments and others in the 433 MHz range.

Verify that the channel designation on the display has not switched to a different channel (2, 3). To confirm, press the channel button to view all available channels.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LED under the plastic that is visible from the outside, and flashes once per 48 seconds? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step. If the sensor is not flashing (LED is always on or always off), the sensor must be replaced.If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement here (WH6):

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature is still blank, the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,


Cause SolutionIf out of warranty, order a replacement here (WH6): the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

10. WS-03

Display is flashing once per secondCause Solution

Not a problem This is normal. It lets you know it is updating properly


11. WS-04

Display is flashing once per secondCause Solution

Not a problem This is normal. It lets you know it is updating properly

Indoor temperature is showing Fo.LCause Solution

Sensor is open circuit and has failed. 1. If under one year warranty, visit:

2. If out of warranty, order a replacement console here:

Outdoor transmitter temperature is showing Fo.LCause Solution

Sensor is open circuit and has failed. 1. If under one year warranty, visit:

2. If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

Outdoor transmitter displays 87.2 degF, Inside temperature 83.4 degF all of the timeCause Solution

Plastic film convering display console Plastic film must be removed from display console

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LED on the opposite side of the battery compartment under the

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor


Cause Solutionplastic, but will shine through the plastic. Is this LED flashing about once per minute? If not…

is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here: the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

Make sure the sensor is mounted upright (not laying flat) and elevated (at least 5 feet off of the ground).

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.


Cause Solution

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

12. WS-06

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LED on the opposite side of the battery compartment under the plastic, but will shine through the plastic. Is this LED flashing about once per minute? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

1. Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.2. With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other,

remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

3. Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.4. The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display.

Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.5. If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature are

still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty, visit:


Cause out of warranty, order a replacement here:

6. If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication 1. Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermo-hygrometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

2. The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

3. If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

4. Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

5. Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

6. Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

13. WS-07, WS-08, WS-09, WS-10

Console is blank with fresh batteriesCause Solution

Console must be properly powered down. Remove all of the batteries from the display console.

Wait one full minute.


Cause SolutionPut the batteries back in.

Indoor temperature is showing Fo.LCause Solution

Sensor is open circuit and has failed. 1. If under one year warranty, visit:

2. If out of warranty, order a replacement console here:

Outdoor transmitter temperature is showing Fo.LCause Solution

Sensor is open circuit and has failed. 3. If under one year warranty, visit:

4. If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LCD that displays outside temperature and/or humidity. Is temperature and humidity displaying on the remote sensor? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and properly reporting temperature and/or humidity, note the Channel designation (Channel 1-8), and proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.


Cause Solutionand up the console.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the console. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and/or humidity are still showing dashes on the designated channel (--), the remote sensor is defective.

If under one year warranty, visit: out of warranty, order a replacement here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermo-hygrometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).


Cause SolutionMove the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

14. WS-1050/WS-1070

Console is eating batteries every few months, is dim, or will not power up

Cause SolutionBatteries are not high quality Replace with high quality alkaline batteries

Defective console If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionBring the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter inside the house (you can disconnect it from the rest of the sensors). The outside sensor has an LED under the plastic, just above the battery compartment. The LED will flash every 48 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 48 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.


Cause Solutionand up the console.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display near the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here: the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

1. If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

2. Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

3. Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

4. Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.


Rain Gauge has stopped updatingCause Solution

The console setting is 1h (one hour rain) and has not rained in the last hour

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to 24 hour, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, the rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer are defective.

The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel.Remove the rain gauge funnel from the sensor base by pressing the two compression tabs on the sides of the funnel and lift the funnel off of the base to expose the tipping mechanism. Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.

Corrosion on the connector (which connects to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter).

Remove the rain gauge cable from the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter and inspect for corrosion. With a pencil eraser, “erase” any corrosion present and reattach the connector to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.

The problem may be with the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter itself. To isolate the rain gauge or thermo-hygrometer-transmitter (THT), connect the wind cups directly to the rain gauge THT connector and rotate the cups very slowly, and verify the rain gauge counts up. If it does, the problem is with the rain gauge. If it does not count up, the problem is with the THT.

The rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer, which processes the signal is defective

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the rain gauge and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


15. WS-1000-WiFi / WS-1001-WiFi / WS-1200, WS-1200-IP, WS-1400-IP

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionThe sensor array may have initiated properly and the data is registered by the console as invalid, and the console must be reset.

The sensor array may have initiated properly and the data is registered by the console as invalid, and the console must be reset. The reset button is next to the LED, near the mounting point on the sensor array.

With an open ended paperclip, press the reset button for 3 seconds to completely discharge the voltage.

Take out the batteries and wait one minute, while covering the solar panel to drain the voltage.

Put batteries back in and resync with console by powering down and up the console with the sensor array about 10 feet away.

Bring the sensor array inside the house (you can disconnect it from the rest of the sensors). The LED next to the battery compartment will flash every 16 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 16 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor array. Non-rechargeable batteries are OK for testing purposes.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the sensor array and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor array. Non-rechargeable batteries are OK for testing purposes.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other, remove AC power from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Re-connect power.

If the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--) after several minutes, the sensor array is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


Cause Solution

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

1. If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

2. Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

3. Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

4. Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

Rain is not Reported on the Display Console

Cause SolutionFor WS-1000, WS-1001, WS-1200 owners:If you The display may be showing rain rate (in/hr) and it has not rained in the last hour.

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to daily, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, reference the next step.

The tipping mechanism may be stuck because of debris Pour water slowly through the rain bucket and listen for clicking of the rain gauge mechanism. Each click represents 0.01 in of rain. See if this rain is accurately recorded on the console.


Cause SolutionThe tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel per the User Manual.Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.

To clean the interior of the rain gauge, reference the Advanced Troubleshooting guide in the manual. Important Note: Do not stress the wires when opening the sensor array.

The rain gauge is defective. If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

16. WS-1080/WS-1090


Alarms are randomly turning on and other strange anomalies are reportedCause Solution

Random alarms are usually caused by software applications like WeatherSnoop and Cumulus corrupting memory.

Reset the display to factory default by running the following PC application:

This application restores display console to factory default (warning, you will lose all of your weather station console archive data):

1. Download and run the file. The program ResetWS1090.exe will be installed in the EasyWeather directory and an icon will be displayed on your desktop.

2. Connect your weather station to the USB port on your computer3. Run the ResetWS1090.exe file from your desktop.4. The program will prompt you to power down your console. Disconnect

the console from USB.5. Remove the batteries in the console, wait 5 seconds and reinsert the

batteries into the console.6. Factory default settings will be restored.

If the problem has not cleared, If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:WS-1080:No longer availableWS-1090



Console uncontrollably beeps and is not related to any alarmCause Solution

The touch screen control has failed. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:WS-1080:No longer availableWS-1090

Indoor Temperature is frozen (not updating), reads incorrect value (like 180 degF)Cause Solution

There may be an issue with memory corruption. Visit: reference the section on “Restore Factory Default”

The console has failed. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:WS-1080:No longer availableWS-1090

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionBring the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter inside the house (you can disconnect it from the rest of the sensors). The outside sensor has an LED under the plastic, just above the battery compartment. The LED will flash every 48 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 48 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.


Cause SolutionThere may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display near the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here: the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).


Cause Solution

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

Rain Gauge has stopped updatingCause Solution

The console setting is 1h (one hour rain) and has not rained in the last hour

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to 24 hour, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, the rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer are defective.

The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel.Remove the rain gauge funnel from the sensor base by pressing the two compression tabs on the sides of the funnel and lift the funnel off of the base to expose the tipping mechanism. Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.

Corrosion on the connector (which connects to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter).

Remove the rain gauge cable from the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter and inspect for corrosion. With a pencil eraser, “erase” any corrosion present and reattach the connector to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.

The problem may be with the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter itself. To isolate the rain gauge or thermo-hygrometer-transmitter (THT), connect the wind cups directly to the rain gauge THT connector and rotate the cups very slowly, and verify the rain gauge counts up. If it does, the problem is with the rain gauge. If it does not count up, the problem is with the THT.


The rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer, which processes the signal is defective

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the rain gauge and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:

Rain Reported when no rain has occurredCause Solution

Mount is not completely stable and rain gauge is vibrating in the wind. This occurs when the rain gauge vibrates due to high winds. Consider moving close the ground, on a stable mounting platform. You can extend the cables using standard telephone cable, or visit: gauge is plugged into wind connector on thermo-hygrometer-transmitter and visa versa.

Check proper connections on thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.

Rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the rain gauge and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


USB Communication has locked upCause Solution

This is usually caused by software (Cumulus, WeatherSnoop) writing to a stray location in memory and resulting in the USB communication to stop updating or lock up.

1. Unplug the USB cable and shut the software down.2. Power down and up the console by removing the batteries,

waiting 10 seconds, and reinserting the batteries.3. Plug the USB cable back in and restart the software.

Sleep mode on your computer can cause the port to stop updating. 1. Disconnect and reconnect the console from the USB port and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

2. Try a different USB port on your computer and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

3. Power down and restart the computer. Restart the software.4. Power down the console by removing from the USB port and

removing batteries and AC power. Restart the software.5. If you are connecting through a USB hub as opposed to direct

USB connection, connect directly to eliminate issues with the hub.

6. Turn off all screen saver applications, which can interrupt USB data.

7. Turn off all power save options. To view your options, select the Windows Control Panel, Power Options and select Never for all of the power schemes. Select the Hibernate Tab and make sure the hibernate checkbox is unchecked.

8. Turn off all USB power save features. Select the Windows Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Universal Serial Bus controllers, and select the plus (+) sign to view all of the USB controllers. You should see several USB Root Hub entries. Right click on each entry (unless you know which one is correct), select Properties, and under the Power Management tab, uncheck the selection to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.


Wind cups are spinning but there is no wind readingCause Solution

Wind cup magnetic pickup or circuit has failed, orThe thermo-hygrometer transmitter, which processes the wind speed signal has failed.

Replace both wind cups and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the wind cups and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:

Wind cup magnetic pickup or circuit has failed, orThe thermo-hygrometer transmitter, which processes the wind speed signal has failed.

Replace both wind cups and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the wind cups and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:

17. WS-1170/WS-1171/WS-1172/WS-1173/WS-0101

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time.Cause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

Console beeps, resets or does not completely sequence up.Cause Solution

Low batteries Replace fresh batteries in the console and make sure polarity is


correct.Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

Dew Point displayed instead of outdoor temperature (or visa-versa)Cause Solution

Dew point and outdoor temperature are interchangeable on the display console. The SET mode allows you to toggle between these two parameters.

Press the SET key (do not hold) to enter the quick set mode. The dew point will flash. Press the [+] key to toggle between dew point and outdoor temperature.

Dashes for humidity and temperature on the remote sensorCause Solution

Dashes are present on the outside transmitter sensor (not to be confused with dashes on the display console for the outdoor sensor) orTemperature is reading unrealistic value, such as 140 °F.

The outdoor transmitter sensor has failed.If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

Display console randomly beepsCause Solution

Low Batteries in the display console Replace the batteries in the display console with fresh batteries.

Defective Display Replace the display console.If under warranty,


If out of warranty, replace the console here:

Display never completely boots up (all segments light up, beeps and resets)Cause Solution

Low Batteries in the display console Replace the batteries in the display console with fresh batteries.

Defective Display Replace the display console.If under warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:

Inside temperature stuck (example 45.5 degF)Cause Solution

The indoor temperature sensor has failed and the console must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the console here:WS-1171:

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LCD that displays outside temperature and humidity. Is temperature and humidity displaying on the remote sensor? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and properly reporting temperature and humidity, proceed to the next step.


Cause SolutionThere may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective.

If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermo-hygrometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.


Cause SolutionMake sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

Restore to Factory Default (Indoor temperature and/or humidity is showing dashes (--.-); the outdoor values are incorrect; random alarms sound)

Cause SolutionThe memory is corrupted and requires a factory reset. To restore the console to factory default:

Remove one battery from the battery compartment. Wait 10 seconds for the console to go completely blank.

Press and hold the [SET] and [MIN/MAX] buttons at the same time and reinsert the battery. Continue to hold. The backlight will flash 12 times.

When the flashing is complete, let go of the buttons. The console has now been restored to factory default.

Wait several minutes before pressing any buttons for the remote sensor to sync to the console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor


Cause Solutiontemperature and humidity would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

Sensor in console has failed. If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement sensor here:

Outdoor temperature and/or humidity is showing dashes (--.-), does not power up, or is inaccurateCause Solution

Sensor in remote has failed. If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement sensor here:


Remote sensor readings are correct, but console shows erroneous values (restore to factory default)Cause Solution

Alarms and calibration constants have been inadvertently set, or memory has been corrupted.

To restore the console to factory default:

Remove one battery from the battery compartment. Wait 10 seconds for the console to go completely blank.

Press and hold the [SET] and [MIN/MAX] buttons at the same time and reinsert the battery. Continue to hold. The backlight will flash 12 times.

When the flashing is complete, let go of the buttons. The console has now been restored to factory default.

Wait several minutes before pressing any buttons for the remote sensor to sync to the console. If it does not sync up:

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

The console may be defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:WS-1173A:



18. WS-1173 (supplement to previous section)

Sunrise and Sunset are off by one hourCause Solution

When you first set up the console, the atomic radio controlled time (WWVB) may not update immediately due to solar interference and other factors (since the signal is generated in Boulder, CO and bounces off the ionosphere).

If you entered the time zone and daylight savings time (DST) properly, it is waiting for the RCC to update the DST flag.

Once the DST updates, the WWVB icon will appear on the display and the sunrise and sunset are corrected.

Wait for the radio controlled clock (RCC) time signal to update the clock, correcting for the hour offset generated by the daylight savings time.

This can take a few days to update.

If the DST clock never updates, there could be an issue with your location or a problem with the display console.

To offset the hour normally accounted for by DST, add one hour to your time zone setting. For example, if you live in the Eastern Time Zone, the time zone setting is -5. Change to -4 and manually correct this time. This will correct your sunrise and sunset. You will need to perform this operation twice per year (each time DST changes).

If you have proven RCC reception in our area, proceed to the next step.The console may be defective. 1. If under one year warranty, visit: out of warranty, order a replacement here:



19. WS-1280

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LCD that displays outside temperature. Is temperature displaying on the remote sensor? If not…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and properly reporting temperature, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor temperature would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature is still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here: the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console.


Cause SolutionFor cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

20. WS-1175/WS-1285

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (blank in the outdoor section)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

The weather station is susceptible to interference from other wireless weather stations manufactured by Ambient Weather, La Crosse Technology, Chaney Instruments and others in the 433 MHz range.

Verify that the channel designation on the display has not switched to a different channel (2, 3). To confirm, press the channel button to view all available channels.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LED under the plastic that is visible from the outside, and

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor


Cause Solutionflashes once per 48 seconds? If not… is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature is still blank, the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor


Cause Solutionassembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

21. WS-2080

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time, or pressure varies wildly.Cause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, you can purchase a new console here:

Console does not boot up or shows random characters in the wind, rain and pressure field.Cause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, you can purchase a new console here:

Display enters rain set mode when menu button is pressed and cannot get to time modeCause Solution


Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty,

Inside and outside Temperature Stuck at 140 °F, or Alarms are being activated through software, USB Port locked up, or wish to clear all history and memory

Cause SolutionThis is generally caused by a corruption in memory. A factory reset will restore the memory to default conditions.

1. Press and Hold the UP arrow key for 30 seconds to restore the display console to factory default. The console will beep and reset after 30 seconds.

2. Let go of the UP arrow key.3. Wait several minutes for the outdoor sensor to resync with the

console. Do not touch any buttons while waiting.

Outdoor transmitter LED stays on or eats batteriesCause Solution

There is a short in the transmitter and the transmitter must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionBring the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter inside the house (you can disconnect it from the rest of the sensors). The outside sensor has an LED under the plastic, just above the battery compartment. The LED will flash every 48 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 48 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other,


Cause Solutionor the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display near the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, order a replacement thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here: If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices,


Cause Solutionsuch as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

Outside temperature is stuck at a specific value, is inaccurate or reads dashesCause Solution

It is possible there is a corruption in memory. A factory reset will restore the memory to default conditions.

3. Press and Hold the UP arrow key for 30 seconds to restore the display console to factory default. The console will beep and reset after 30 seconds.

4. Let go of the UP arrow key.4. Wait several minutes for the outdoor sensor to resync with the

console. Do not touch any buttons while waiting.The outdoor temperature sensor has failed and the sensor must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Rain Gauge has stopped updatingCause Solution

The console setting is 1h (one hour rain) and has not rained in the last hour

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to 24 hour, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, the rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer are defective.

The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel.Remove the rain gauge funnel from the sensor base by pressing the


two compression tabs on the sides of the funnel and lift the funnel off of the base to expose the tipping mechanism. Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.

Corrosion on the connector (which connects to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter).

Remove the rain gauge cable from the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter and inspect for corrosion. With a pencil eraser, “erase” any corrosion present and reattach the connector to the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.

The problem may be with the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter itself. To isolate the rain gauge or thermo-hygrometer-transmitter (THT), connect the wind cups directly to the rain gauge THT connector and rotate the cups very slowly, and verify the rain gauge counts up. If it does, the problem is with the rain gauge. If it does not count up, the problem is with the THT.

The rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer, which processes the signal is defective

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the rain gauge and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


Rain Reported when no rain has occurredCause Solution

Mount is not completely stable and rain gauge is vibrating in the wind. This occurs when the rain gauge vibrates due to high winds. Consider moving close the ground, on a stable mounting platform. You can extend the cables using standard telephone cable, or visit: gauge is plugged into wind connector on thermo-hygrometer-transmitter and visa versa.

Check proper connections on thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.

Rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the rain gauge and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


USB Communication has locked up


Cause SolutionThis is usually caused by software (Cumulus, WeatherSnoop) writing to a stray location in memory and resulting in the USB communication to stop updating or lock up.

Unplug the USB cable and shut the software down.

Press and Hold the UP arrow key for 30 seconds to restore the display console to factory default. The console will beep and reset after 30 seconds.

Let go of the UP arrow key.

Wait several minutes for the outdoor sensor to resync with the console. Do not touch any buttons while waiting.

Sleep mode on your computer can cause the port to stop updating. Disconnect and reconnect the console from the USB port and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

Try a different USB port on your computer and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

Power down and restart the computer. Restart the software.

Power down the console by removing from the USB port and removing batteries and AC power. Restart the software.

If you are connecting through a USB hub as opposed to direct USB connection, connect directly to eliminate issues with the hub.

Turn off all screen saver applications, which can interrupt USB data.

Turn off all power save options. To view your options, select the Windows Control Panel, Power Options and select Never for all of the power schemes. Select the Hibernate Tab and make sure the hibernate checkbox is unchecked.

Turn off all USB power save features. Select the Windows Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Universal Serial Bus


Wind cups are not spinningCause Solution

Wind cup bearings have failed. Replace wind cups.If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the wind cups here:

Wind cups are spinning but there is no wind readingCause Solution

The problem may be with the thermo-hygrometer-transmitter itself. To isolate the wind gauge or thermo-hygrometer-transmitter (THT), connect the wind cups directly to the rain gauge THT connector and rotate the cups very slowly, and verify the rain gauge counts up. If it does, the problem is with the THT. If it does not count up, the problem is with the wind cups.

Wind cup magnetic pickup or circuit has failed, orThe thermo-hygrometer transmitter, which processes the wind speed signal has failed.

Replace either the wind cups, thermo-hygrometer-transmitter, or both.If under warranty, out of warranty, replace the wind cups and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:

Wind vane is spinning but there is no wind direction readingCause Solution

The wind vane has failed, orThe thermo-hygrometer transmitter, which processes the wind vane signal has failed.

Replace both wind vane and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter.If under warranty, out of warranty, replace the wind vane and thermo-hygrometer-transmitter here:


22. WS-2090 / WS-2095 / WS-5300

Barometric pressure never changes, or ABS pressure reads 0.00 all of the time.Cause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. 1. If under one year warranty,

Display enters rain set mode when menu button is pressed and cannot get to time modeCause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. 1. If under one year warranty,

Inside and outside Temperature Stuck at 140 °FCause Solution

This is generally caused by a corruption in memory. A factory reset will restore the memory to default conditions.

Press and Hold the UP arrow key for 30 seconds to restore the display console to factory default. The console will beep and reset after 30 seconds.

Let go of the UP arrow key.

Wait several minutes for the outdoor sensor to resync with the console. Do not touch any buttons while waiting.


Outside temperature stuck at a fixed value, example: 45.5 degFCause Solution

The outdoor temperature sensor has failed and the sensor array must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Outside temperature varies by over 10 degFCause Solution

The outdoor temperature sensor has failed and the sensor array must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, visit:

If out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionBring the outside sensor array inside the house. The outside sensor array has an LED under the rain gauge, next to the battery compartment. The LED will flash every 48 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 48 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor array.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display near the outdoor humidity % would normally display. Wait several minutes for


Cause Solutionthis icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement sensor array here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.


Rain Gauge has stopped updatingCause Solution

The console setting is 1h (one hour rain) and has not rained in the last hour

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to 24 hour, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, the rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer are defective.

The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel.Flush the rain gauge thoroughly with water and use a cotton swab to clean any dirt that has collected around the funnel.

The rain gauge is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:


USB Communication has locked upCause Solution

This is usually caused by software (Cumulus, WeatherSnoop) writing to a stray location in memory and resulting in the USB communication to stop updating or lock up.

4. Unplug the USB cable and shut the software down.5. Power down and up the console by removing the batteries,

waiting 10 seconds, and reinserting the batteries.6. Plug the USB cable back in and restart the software.

Sleep mode on your computer can cause the port to stop updating. 9. Disconnect and reconnect the console from the USB port and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

10. Try a different USB port on your computer and confirm Windows recognizes the device. Restart the software.

11. Power down and restart the computer. Restart the software.12. Power down the console by removing from the USB port and

removing batteries and AC power. Restart the software.13. If you are connecting through a USB hub as opposed to direct

USB connection, connect directly to eliminate issues with the hub.

14. Turn off all screen saver applications, which can interrupt USB data.

15. Turn off all power save options. To view your options, select the Windows Control Panel, Power Options and select Never for all of the power schemes. Select the Hibernate Tab and make sure the hibernate checkbox is unchecked.

16. Turn off all USB power save features. Select the Windows Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Universal Serial Bus controllers, and select the plus (+) sign to view all of the USB controllers. You should see several USB Root Hub entries. Right click on each entry (unless you know which one is correct), select Properties, and under the Power Management tab, uncheck the selection to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.


Wind Cups and/or Wind Vane are not spinning freelyCause Solution

The bearings have failed. The only option is to replace the sensor array. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Wind Speed reads 0 all of the time but cups are spinning freelyCause Solution

The only option is to replace the sensor array. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

23. WS-40

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The remote sensor must be on Channel 1. Verify the sensor shows Channel 1 on the transmitter display. If it does not:- Remove the batteries from the transmitter.- Set all of the dip switches in the down position.- Put the batteries back in the transmitter- Next, power down and up the console by removing the batteries in the display console, wait 10 seconds, and put the batteries back in. Place the remote sensor about 10 feet away.

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter has an LED on the opposite side of the battery compartment under the plastic, but will shine through the plastic. Is this LED flashing about

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step.


Cause Solutiononce per minute? If not…There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here: the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

Make sure the sensor is mounted upright (not laying flat) and elevated (at least 5 feet off of the ground).

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.


Cause SolutionMake sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

24. WS-5300

Console does not boot up and shows random characters.Cause Solution

Console is defective and cannot be repaired. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, you can purchase a new console here:

Outside temperature stuck at 45.5 degF or another valueCause Solution

The outdoor temperature sensor has failed and the sensor array must be replaced.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:


Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes on temperature, humidity, wind, rain)

Cause SolutionBring the outside sensor array inside the house. The outside sensor array has an LED under the rain gauge, next to the battery compartment. The LED will flash every 48 seconds. If the LED is not flashing every 48 seconds…

Replace the batteries in the outside sensor array.If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is flashing every 48 seconds, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the sensor array and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display near the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature and humidity are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement sensor array here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote sensor array and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the


Cause Solutionsensor and remote closer together.

If the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.

Rain Gauge has stopped updatingCause Solution

The console setting is 1h (one hour rain) and has not rained in the last hour

Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to 24 hour, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, the rain gauge and/or thermo-hygrometer are defective.

The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.

Clean the rain gauge funnel.Flush the rain gauge thoroughly with water and use a cotton swab to clean any dirt that has collected around the funnel.

The rain gauge is defective. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:


Wind Cups and/or Wind Vane are not spinning freelyCause Solution

The bearings have failed. The only option is to replace the sensor array. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Wind Vane not working (no wind direction)Cause Solution

The wind vane has failed. The only option is to replace the sensor array.

If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

Wind Speed reads 0 all of the time but cups are spinning freelyCause Solution

The only option is to replace the sensor array. If under one year warranty, out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

25. WS-8365

Outdoor transmitter no longer displayed on the inside unit (showing dashes)Cause Solution

The sensor is laying flat, or leaning against an object. Make sure the sensor is hanging vertically, at least 5 feet off the ground. If you lay the sensor flat, it greatly reduces the transmission distance.

Bring the outside transmitter inside the house. The outside transmitter Replace the batteries in the outside sensor.


Cause Solutionhas an LED on the opposite side of the battery compartment under the plastic, but will shine through the plastic. Is this LED flashing about once per minute? If not…

If the batteries were recently replaced, check the polarity. If the sensor is “alive” and flashing, proceed to the next step.

There may be a temporary loss of communication due to reception loss related to interference or other location factors,

or the batteries may have been changed in the remote and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console.

Make sure you have fresh batteries in the display console.

With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.

The remote sensor search icon will appear on the display. Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.

If the search icon turns off and the outdoor temperature are still showing dashes (--), the remote sensor is defective. If under one year warranty,

If out of warranty, order a replacement here:

If the sensor properly syncs up, proceed to the next step “How to prevent intermittent wireless communication”

How to prevent intermittent wireless communication Install a fresh set of batteries in the remote thermometer and console. For cold weather environments, install lithium batteries.

Make sure the sensor is mounted upright (not laying flat) and elevated (at least 5 feet off of the ground).

The maximum line of sight communication range is 300’ but most users will get 100’ or less due to environmental conditions. Move the sensor and remote closer together.


Cause SolutionIf the sensor assembly is too close (less than 5’), move the sensor assembly away from the display console.

Make sure the remote sensors are not transmitting through solid metal like aluminum siding (acts as an RF shield), or earth barrier (down a hill).

Move the display console around electrical noise generating devices, such as computers, TVs and other wireless transmitters or receivers.

Move the remote sensor to a higher location. Move the remote sensor to a closer location.


26. Templates

Table Template

Cause Solution

RMA Response Template


This is Ed in Technical support. I wanted to explore this issue further and it will not delay your RMA. I apologize if you have already attempted the following Technical Support advice, but sometimes I can resolve issues before they are exchanged. You can ignore the part about filling for an RMA, since you have already done this.

Standard Wireless Troubleshooting


It may be as simple as placing the remote (powered up) about 10 feet away from the console, power down and up the console by removing one or more batteries, wait 30 seconds, and put the batteries back in, then wait several minutes to resync. Do not touch any buttons and look for the search icon. Wait until the search icon turns off before pressing any buttons.

Here is a detailed guide (including replacement instructions):


Best Practices for Wireless Communication

Wireless communication is susceptible to low batteries in the transmitter or receiver, interference, distance, temperature, sensor orientation, sensor placement, walls and metal barriers. We recommend the following best practices for trouble free wireless communication.

1. Fresh Batteries. If applicable, make sure there are fresh batteries in both the console and remote. Remember to power up the console last when changing batteries. Do not use rechargeable batteries. They have a lower voltage and lower range than non-rechargeable batteries.

2. Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). Keep the console several feet away from computer monitors and TVs.3. Cold Weather. If the temperature is below < 10 degF, use e2 energizer batteries (LiIon), available in most stores batteries are sold (blue

in color). Alkaline and NMH (nickel metal hydride) batteries do not operate below 10 degF.4. Sensor orientation. To insure proper communication, mount the remote sensor on a vertical surface, such as a wall. Do not lie the

sensor flat.5. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). If you have other 433 MHz devices and communication is intermittent, try turning off these other

devices for troubleshooting purposes. You may need to relocate the transmitters or receivers to avoid intermittent communication.6. Line of Sight Rating. This device is rated at 300 feet line of sight (no interference, barriers or walls) but typically you will get 100 feet

maximum under most real-world installations, which include passing through barriers or walls.7. Metal Barriers. Radio frequency will not pass through metal barriers such as aluminum siding. If you have metal siding, align the remote

and console through a window to get a clear line of sight.

8. Defective Sensor. It is possible the remote sensor is defective. If you have not done so already, to replace under one year warranty, please visit

The following is a table of reception loss vs. the transmission medium. Each “wall” or obstruction decreases the transmission range by the factor shown below.

Medium RF Signal Strength ReductionGlass (untreated) 5-15%Plastics 10-15%Wood 10-40%Brick 10-40%Concrete 40-80%Metal 90-100%

