amber heroic roleplaying game_hack

CHARACTER CREATION Attributes Attributes cover Power, Finesse and Resistance related aspects. Starting Value for Characters are d10-d8-d6 or d8-d8-d8 (average attribute is d6). A Mob of characters will translate with a multiply dice, for example o Handful of minor characters 2dX o Dozen 3dX o Room full of people 4dX o Large crowd 5dX Distinctions Background elements, personality traits, or any other unique characterizations defining important facets of a character and may help or hinder him into play Starting Characters have 3 free distinctions and 1 Bloodline distinction If used in a positive way add d8 to your dice pool If used in a negative/challenging way add d4 to your dice pool but gives +1 PP 1 st Distinction is free, costs 1 PP to add a second one in your dice pool NPC Distinctions work the same way but gives +d6 to the Fate Pool or step up smallest die Scene distinctions work the same way and can be used by PC or NPC as they would use their own distinctions. Heritages Sets of amazing powers and special effects (SFX). Every Set has at least 1 Limit and 1 SFX At Creation a Character has 1 Blood Heritage and 2 Free heritages, each with 3 traits, respectively at d6/d8/d10 See Heritages section for full details Specialties Represent the skills, contacts, knowledge, and training that each Character has beyond the level of an average person. Each Specialty is rated at either Expert (d8) or Master (d10). Starting characters have 5 skills to choose, 3 Experts and 2 Master See Specialties section for full details Milestones Every character confronts meaningful choices, some greater than others. Milestones provide a guide to the sorts of decisions the character should make or seek out during play; in return, the player gains Experience Points (XP) or trigger developments in the story. Starting characters have 2 Milestones to begin with See Milestones section for full details Plot Points (PP) Play Currency only for Players, NPCs draw on the doom pool. You earn them by investing in the story or taking risks, and you spend them to enhance your character’s actions, activate opportunities rolled by the GM, and more. You start the game with 1 PP for your Character. Contributions You can add 1 PP per chronicle contribution (Drawings, Campaign logs, Stories etc..)

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Attributes cover Power, Finesse and Resistance related aspects.

Starting Value for Characters are d10-d8-d6 or d8-d8-d8 (average attribute is d6).

A Mob of characters will translate with a multiply dice, for example o Handful of minor characters 2dX o Dozen 3dX o Room full of people 4dX o Large crowd 5dX


Background elements, personality traits, or any other unique characterizations defining important facets of a character and may help or hinder him into play

Starting Characters have 3 free distinctions and 1 Bloodline distinction

If used in a positive way add d8 to your dice pool

If used in a negative/challenging way add d4 to your dice pool but gives +1 PP

1st Distinction is free, costs 1 PP to add a second one in your dice pool

NPC Distinctions work the same way but gives +d6 to the Fate Pool or step up smallest die

Scene distinctions work the same way and can be used by PC or NPC as they would use their own distinctions.


Sets of amazing powers and special effects (SFX). Every Set has at least 1 Limit and 1 SFX

At Creation a Character has 1 Blood Heritage and 2 Free heritages, each with 3 traits, respectively at d6/d8/d10

See Heritages section for full details Specialties

Represent the skills, contacts, knowledge, and training that each Character has beyond the level of an average person.

Each Specialty is rated at either Expert (d8) or Master (d10). Starting characters have 5 skills to choose, 3 Experts and 2 Master

See Specialties section for full details Milestones

Every character confronts meaningful choices, some greater than others. Milestones provide a guide to the sorts of decisions the character should make or seek out during play; in return, the player gains Experience Points (XP) or trigger developments in the story.

Starting characters have 2 Milestones to begin with

See Milestones section for full details Plot Points (PP)

Play Currency only for Players, NPCs draw on the doom pool.

You earn them by investing in the story or taking risks, and you spend them to enhance your character’s actions, activate opportunities rolled by the GM, and more.

You start the game with 1 PP for your Character. Contributions

You can add 1 PP per chronicle contribution (Drawings, Campaign logs, Stories etc..)

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DICE Basic

This game uses d4, d6, d8, d10, d12. The difference in size between a d4 and d6 is called a step. The difference between a d4 and a d8 is two steps, and so on.

Stepping up a die means you switch it out for a die with more sides.

Stepping back a die is the opposite. Stepping back a d4 removes the die altogether.

You can’t step dice up beyond d12—usually the rules tell you something else happens (such as a Character being stressed out by taking more than d12 stress).

Only roll the dice when…

You’re not sure if your character will succeed or fail.

You want to try something that’s bold, challenging, or dangerous.

You want to oppose, challenge, or thwart another character. How to roll dice

Declare what your intent is before picking up dice.

Add dice to your pool from appropriate traits.

Roll dice and set aside any opportunities (dice that came up 1). o Opportunities can be used by the GM to add dice to the Fate Pool. o If the GM rolls an opportunity, the players may use it to trigger certain special

effects (SFX) on their Heritages as well as some other things. o After you set aside the dice that come up 1, if you’re left with only one die, use that

for your total. o If you have no dice left, your total is zero.

Add together two dice for your total (but not opportunity ones) o Spend 1 PP per extra dice you want to add o If you don’t have extra dice to add in, this isn’t an option.

Choose one die for your effect (but not opportunity ones) o If you have no dice left, you can always fall back to a d4 effect die o With effect dice it’s just the type of die that matters. o You can use effect dice to create assets and complications as well as inflict stress o Spend 1 PP per extra dice you want to add.

Multiple effect dice means you demonstrate your effort in more than one way, like hitting 2 NPCs at the same time

It doesn’t combine with or add to the first one; you have to use it on something else

Declare total, effect die, and opportunities.

The GM or another player rolls dice in opposition. Compare totals to see which side wins. PLOT POINTS Before you roll, Plot Points may be spent to…

Add a d6 to your dice pool o d8 if the GM rolled 1 or more opportunities in the scene before you roll

Add in an extra trait from a trait group (2 powers from a Heritage, 2 Distinctions or 2 Spe)

Add a d8 stunt die for your Heritage or Specialty. o D10 if the GM rolls 1 or more opportunities in the scene before you roll

Activate certain special effects (SFX) in a Heritage.

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After You Roll, Plot Points may be spent to…

Add an extra die from your roll to your total.

Keep an extra effect die.

Activate an opportunity rolled by the GM. o Add d8 to your dice pool or d10 stunt die as mentioned above o Step up an asset you’ve created with an effect die or create a resource o Trigger some SFX or Limits with higher results

Activate certain special effects (SFX) in a Heritage.

Use an effect die from a reaction roll. o Normally, a successful reaction roll against the GM stops his action o With a PP, you can use your effect die to create a stress, complication, or asset

Change stress you’ve taken to another type (physical to mental or emotional…) During a Transition Scene, Plot Points may be spent to…

Add a resource die linked to a Specialty roll o Represents a professional contact, a piece of equipment, or a useful knowledge o You add d6 if you’re an Expert and d8 if you’re a Master.

Plot Points may be earned when you…

Use a Distinction negatively gets you 1 PP o d4 instead of d8

Activate a Limit on a Heritage gets you 1 PP o If the GM activates the limit and not the player, costs 1 Fate Pool die and gives 0 PP

Have your opportunity(ies) activated by the GM or another player to add to the Fate Pool o GM hands over 1 PP / opportunity and add a die to the Fate Pool. o If you have multiple opportunities, GM can use one of the extra opportunities to

step up a single die going into the Fate Pool without giving you another PP FATE POOL

Standard 2d6

High Stakes Xd8

Catastrophic Xd10

Global Scale 3dX

Cosmic Scale 4dX Note: The X in each case is the default, so if you have an Act that’s both Cosmic Scale (4dX) and has Catastrophic Stakes (Xd10), it’s a 4d10 Fate Pool to start with. The pool refreshes at the beginning of each Act). In addition to the possibilities mentioned above, the GM can add to the Fate Pool directly

By spending effect dice from a NPC’s action, rather than inflicting stress or complication. This represents the NPC causing general chaos and mayhem.

The Fate Pool also grows as a result of player actions. Some Character’s Heritages include SFX tied to the Fate Pool, for example.

As GM, if you choose to use a Scene Distinction as a d4, you may step up the smallest die in the Fate Pool by 1 step.

Before you roll, Fate Dice may be spent to…

Add a Fate die to a dice pool.

Activate certain NPC SFX.

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After you roll, Fate Dice may be spent to…

Add an extra die from the roll to the total (Costs same or higher value Fate die).

Keep an extra effect die from your roll when attacking multiple targets (Costs same or higher value Fate die).

Use an effect die from a reaction roll (d6 or higher)

Activate certain NPC SFX. During a Scene, Fate Dice may be spent to…

Create a new Scene Distinction (d8 or larger) you can use to build your dice pool

Interrupt the action order with a NPC action o The default spend is a d6 o Characters with Enhanced,Superhuman, or Godlike Reflexes (or Senses, in some

cases) require to spend a larger die (d8, d10, or d12) o If the NPC has Reflexes or Senses of his own, it can offset this greater cost.

Activate Scene or Event effects.

Spend 2d12 to end the Scene immediately.

Fate Pool as opposition

The Fate Pool stands in as the opposition dice pool for anything the Characters want to try but for which no opposing characters are present (Natural forces, sheer luck…)

The GM rolls the entire pool of dice equivalent and takes two dice for the total, just like any other action or reaction, with a third die as effect.

If there are other traits in the Scene that might add to this pool, like inanimate objects, they can be included as well.

Using the Fate Pool as the GM’s dice pool for these situations doesn’t cost any dice out of the Fate Pool. However, the GM can spend dice from the Fate Pool after rolling to keep more dice as effects, include more dice in the total, and so forth.

Fate Pool and Experience Points (XP)

As the GM, every time you spend a d12 doom die from the Fate Pool, all affected Characters gain 1 XP.

If they’re not in the Scene and the doom die is spent on something that has nothing to do with them, there’s no bonus.

Note that with the End the Scene function of the Fate Pool, which costs 2d12, that’s a 2 XP award to every Character in the Scene.


Add a d6 to his dice pool by spending 1PP. This is called pushing your dice pool

It represents the Character pushing himself or just enjoying a lucky break.

The die only gets used once.

Add d8 if the GM rolled an opportunity before Performing Stunts

Thematic push dice starting out at d8 for 1PP

You have to come up with some cool description of what your Character’s doing and the stunt must be tied to either a Heritage or a Specialty your Character has.

You can only create one stunt at a time for any given Heritage or Specialty

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Once you use it in an action or reaction, it’s gone.

Add d10 if the GM rolled an opportunity before Calling in Resources

Special stunt linked to one of your Specialties and costing 1 PP

Created during a Transition Scene to be used during a later Action Scene

Resource starts out as a d6 (for Expert Specialties) or d8 (for Master Specialties)

It lasts until the end of the next Action Scene.

Resources represent people you may know through your circle of contacts, information provided by your connections, or locations you can make use of as a result of your background in the Specialty. You can unlock stronger and more persistent resources using Milestones.

If you activate an opportunity with a PP, you can create a resource during an Action Scene that lasts until the end of the Scene you created it in.


Actions have consequences represented with effects.

An effect is a trait created by using an effect die.

They come in three flavors: o Assets – situational bonus you can add to your dice pool without spending PP o Stress – dmg that affect a character and are added to the opposition dice pool o Complications – situational malus added to the opposition dice pool

Establishing Assets

You can use an effect die from your roll to establish an asset if there are none available for free based on the situation

Assets are brief and situational, created to help other Characters by adding to their dice pools or as a means of giving you more dice in subsequent actions.

They’re also a way for you to call something out as being significant or important, like a piece of the scenery or a supporting character who previously didn’t have game mechanics representing them.

Like other effects, assets are rated at the same size as the effect die used to create them, although the minimum rating is a d6. If you use a d4 effect die to create an asset, it starts as a d6.

If your sole action is helping another Character out, this is called a support action and it almost always results in using the effect die as an asset for that other Character. In this case, the GM rolls the Fate Pool as opposition to your action.

Similarly, if you’re just trying to set up something significant in a Scene and it’s not actually targeting a NPC or other character, the GM uses the Fate Pool to oppose your Character’s own dice. Success in both situations produces an asset. Failure may lead to a complication, instead.


There are 3 types of stress representing the negative consequences of conflict: physical, mental, and emotional.

o Physical stress is bodily injury, exhaustion, the effects of toxins or chemicals, and so forth. Being stressed out from physical stress means blacking out or becoming unconscious, or perhaps incapable of activity from pain or fatigue. Physical trauma includes serious wounds, broken limbs, system-wide infection, and worse.

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o Mental stress is confusion, lack of concentration, mental fatigue, and the results of telepathic assault. Being stressed out from mental stress usually leaves someone insensate, incoherent, or unconscious. Mental trauma includes memory lapses, identity crisis, or impaired reasoning.

o Emotional stress is despair, fear, anger, or any number of negative emotional states. Being stressed out from too much emotional stress means being paralyzed with fear, lost in one’s misery, or consumed with irrational anger. Emotional trauma includes severe phobias, crippling depression, or persistent rage.

Each type of stress is a trait with a die rating, and that die may be added into the opposition’s dice pool when it would affect your ability to succeed in what you’re trying to do.

Only one type of stress may be added to the opposing dice pool. If you want to add in more, you need to spend 1 PP (as a player) or a Fate die (as the GM).

Stress starts out with a die rating equal to the effect die that was used to inflict it, a lot like an asset.

If you already have stress of a certain type and take more of it, compare the old and new stress dice

o If the new die is larger than the old, replace the old rating with the new. o If the new die is equal to or less than the old, step the old die up by one.

Stressing Out and Taking Trauma

Once any type of stress exceeds d12, your Character is stressed out and can’t take any actions or do anything until he recovers with another Character’s aid or in a Transition Scene.

He also picks up a d6 of trauma—emotional, mental, or physical that takes longer to recover from.

Like stress, trauma can be added to the opposing die pool. o If you already have trauma from a previous Scene, you can take more stress of the

same type, but only the highest rated die from any specific type is added to your opposition.

o So if you have d10 physical stress and d6 physical trauma, the d10 is added, not the d10 and the d6.

If you’re already stressed out in a Scene, additional stress translates directly to trauma. o If the new stress is larger than the existing trauma of that type, replace the existing

trauma with that rating. o If it’s equal to or smaller, step up the trauma by 1. o You can spend a PP to shift the stress to a different type.

If any kind of trauma is stepped up beyond d12, your Character is dead or equivalent Pulling Punches

You can always choose to inflict less stress by choosing an effect die that’s of a lower size.

If you only have large effect dice to draw on, you can step back the effect die by one

If you don’t want to inflict trauma on an opponent, you can make that choice when you stress him out. When he recovers from the stress, he will not have any lasting effects.

Exploiting Your Own Stress

You may also use your own stress to your benefit when it makes some narrative sense.

To do so, spend 1PP and roll your stress dice into your dice pool as if it were a stunt or asset.

This steps up your stress by one, though, and you can’t use trauma in this manner.

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Recovering from Stress

Stress always steps back by one at the beginning of a Transition Scene. o If you have d10 physical stress, it steps back to d8, and so forth. o All d4 stress goes away. o Any trauma remains.

Characters can recover faster by spending a Transition Scene with medical attention. o Roll physical Attribute die + any Stamina-based powers, appropriate Distinctions, or

Specialties as desired. o You may add in a trait from another player’s Character, too, if it’s appropriate, but

you need to hand them a Plot Point for it, or they can roll their own support action to give an asset to you.

o The GM opposes this with the Fate Pool and with the stress die you’re trying to recover.

o If you succeed on the roll, compare your effect die to the stress die. If it’s equal to or greater, it’s gone. If it’s smaller, you step the stress back by one (in addition to the step back at the start of a Transition Scene).

o You can spend a Plot Point to keep an additional effect die from your roll, which you can either compare to the same stress at its new die rating or to another type of stress.

You can’t make a recovery action during an Action Scene unless you have a power trait or SFX that lets you do it but your allies can try to treat you in the middle of the Scene.

o Requires your ally to use an action to roll dice against your stress die and the Fate Pool.

o If the ally’s action succeeds and the effect die is equal to or greater than your stress, it’s stepped back by 1.

o If the effect die is smaller than the stress die, nothing happens. o If the action fails, things got worse and your stress is stepped up by 1. o Your ally can choose to use multiple effect dice with PP, and hope to step your stress

back more than once.

Recovering from Trauma

Trauma is harder to recover and takes longer as well as adapted equipment or location

Trauma steps back by one at the start of every new Act or extended in time Transition scene o If a recovery action succeeds and the effect die is equal to or larger than the trauma

die, step it back by one. o If the recovery action succeeds but the effect die is smaller than the trauma die, the

situation remains stable. o If the recovery action fails, the trauma die is stepped up by one; the situation has

worsened. Powers and Stress/Trauma Recovery

Some Characters have Heritages with special effects (Blood of Order for example) that allow for recovery during Action or Transition Scenes

By spending a Plot Point to activate the SFX, the power is used as an effect die just as if the Character had succeeded on a recovery roll.

Compare the power die to the stress o If it’s equal or greater, the stress is gone. o If it’s less, step the stress back by one.

The same logic applies for Trauma recovery during Transition Scenes.

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Creating Complications

A complication is like an asset in reverse—you use an effect die to create a disadvantage for your opponent rather than an advantage for your Character.

You can render someone helpless with a complication that’s stepped up beyond d12, which has much the same effect as being stressed out.

To create a complication, use an effect die like you do to create an asset. o Give it a name and a rating equal to the effect die used to create it (minimum d6). o You may add it to your dice pools against the target just as you would add stress.

Anyone can use a complication that’s been inflicted on a target, not just you.

You can try to exploit a complication that’s been inflicted on you, just like you can exploit stress that’s been inflicted on you, but you need a good narrative reason to do it, and it steps up by one after you’ve used it, just like stress does when you use it this way.

Persistent Assets and Complications

Make an asset or complication last longer than a single roll or conflict by spending 1 PP.

Unless otherwise removed, persistent assets and complications last until the end of the next Action Scene.

ACTIONS Initiative

One of the players goes first based on the Scene and eventual reflex related abilities

The GM needs to spend Fate die for a NPC to go first or to interrupt the action order o It costs at least a d6 Fate die o If there’s a Character at the table with Enhanced Senses or Reflexes (depending of

the action) and the NPC does not have Senses or Reflexes of that die rating, the GM needs to match it with a doom die of the same size.

The First character to act defines who is next, another PC or NPC etc…

Last person to act decides who start the next round first…

Build your dice Pool

One Attribute die

One Distinction, either as a d8 or a d4

One power from each of your Heritages

One Specialty

One of your opposition’s stress or complication dice, if any

One asset, if any

One push die, stunt, or resource, if any Find the total and the effect die

Roll the dice. Choose two dice and add them together as your total.

Any dice that come up 1 are opportunities and they’re set aside.

At this point, you can spend a Plot Point to include a third die from the remaining dice on the table—you can add as many dice to the total as you have Plot Points you want to spend.

Then announce the total. If there are dice remaining, choose one to use as the effect die.

If there are no more dice, the effect die is a d4. The Reaction Roll

Your opponent gets to roll a reaction and gathers dice same as the side that’s taking action.

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It’s important to know the nature of the reaction, because this not only determines what traits to use but what happens next.

Resolving Action

Once you have the two totals (action and reaction) you can compare them to each other.

If the reaction total is equal to or lower than your action total, your action succeeds.

You can use your effect die to create an effect: stress, an asset, or a complication.

If you have more than one effect die (you spend PP to keep more, or you have SFX in one of your Heritages that give you more), you can create multiple effects.

If you’re trying to inflict stress or a complication, you have to first compare the effect die against the effect die of the reacting side. If the reaction effect die is larger than yours, you have to step back your effect die by one.

Extraordinary Success

If your action total is 5 or more points higher than your opponent’s reaction total, you’ve gained an extraordinary success.

This lets you step up your effect die by one and describe just how amazing your efforts were.

For every additional 5-point increment, you can step your effect die up again.

By this method, it’s possible to step an effect die up past d12, in which case you can either declare that you’ve automatically stressed out your opponent (if you were trying to inflict stress) or you can use a second remaining die from your roll as an effect die.

Dividing your attention

If you want to take out more than one target at once or do more than one thing at a time.

Spend 1PP and you may keep another of your remaining dice as a second effect die.

Your targets each get a reaction roll as usual. Your single total applies to each target

You can choose to use each effect die for a different kind of effect, thus you can create assets for yourself, or inflict stress of different types or multiple complications.

You can’t inflict the same type of stress with two or more effect dice. Support Actions

Assemble your dice pool and roll it just as you would normally.

The GM rolls the Fate Pool against you.

If the GM doesn’t generate a higher total than yours, you succeed in helping the other character and may use your effect die to create an asset.

If you don’t succeed, the GM might decide to spend the effect die from the doom roll and create a complication for the character you were trying to support.

Recovery Actions

A recovery action counts as a support action, too.

You’re rolling to reduce an ally’s stress with your effect die, but it’s the same process

Just like any other support action, if you fail to help another character recover stress, the GM may spend the effect die from the doom roll and inflict stress or a complication on you or your ally.

Targeting Assets, Complications and other Traits

You can target significant objects and conditions when they’re represented by traits.

You gather together a dice pool that’s appropriate, roll against the Fate Pool plus a die for the trait you’re targeting.

If you win, use your effect die against the trait.

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o If your effect die is equal to or larger than the trait you’re targeting, it’s eliminated. o If it’s smaller, you step back the trait by one.

If the condition, asset, or another trait is somehow connected to a character who would understandably resist you seizing, destroying, or disabling it

o That character becomes the opposition, not the Fate Pool. o You’re taking action against him and using your effect die, but it’s to shutdown his

trait rather than inflict a complication or stress. HERITAGES, SPECIALTIES, MILESTONES & XPS Heritages

Collection of power traits, special effects (SFX) and Limits grouped around a common theme, source or manifestation.

It can be innate as the Blood Heritage or the Pattern imprint, an Item like the Sword Grayswandir, a Creature like Morgenstern or a Shadow like Earth.

Each Heritage is defined by traits that need to be developed separately, usually starting at d6 up to d12

Blood of Order

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength Enhanced Senses Enhanced Psyche SFX – Citizen of a “True Realm”, +1 step bonus when dealing with creatures of shadow, this

does not stack with other bloodlines Limit – Fate Trigger, -1 Step when trying to be unnoticed by fatality or to stay out of troubles

Blood of Chaos

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength Enhanced Senses Enhanced Psyche SFX – Citizen of a “True Realm”, +1 step bonus when dealing with creatures of shadow, this

does not stack with other bloodlines Limit – Vulnerable to Pattern/Order effects, -1 Step when opposed (but get an additional

Heritage for free, Shapeshifter) Unknown Heritage

Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength Enhanced Senses Enhanced Psyche SFX – Citizen of a “True Realm”, +1 step bonus when dealing with creatures of shadow, this

does not stack with other bloodlines Limit – Can’t walk the pattern or assay the Logrus at character creation and inherit of one of

the other Blood limitations during play sessions (but has hidden talents and therefore starts with 3 extra Heritage Traits at d6/d8/d10 or Specialties at d8/d8/d10)

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Pattern Imprint

Shadow Travel

Shadow Manipulation

Pattern Defense

Walk the Pattern

Blood Curse


Limit – Pattern can’t be used near Amber and cost energy. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Advanced Pattern Imprint Note: requires Pattern Imprint.

Pattern of the Mind

Pattern Lens

Shadow Alteration

Pattern Aura

Erasing Shadow


Limit – Pattern can’t be used near Amber and costs energy. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Logrus Mastery Note: requires Shape Shifting.

Logrus Tendrils

Logrus Lens

Shadow Manipulation

Logrus Combat

Logrus Spell Storage


Limit – Highly sensitive to Pattern and costs energy. Used again Pattern can trigger a Complication (and gives 1PP to the user). Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the Heritage Set. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Advanced Logrus Mastery Note: requires Logrus Mastery.

Shadow Alteration

Realm of Chaos Manipulation

Logrus Conjuration

Logrus Aura

Primal Chaos Summoning


Limit – Logrus is a living creature and costs energy. Both 1 and 2 on your dice count as opportunities when using the Heritage Set. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

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Trump Artistry

Trump Crafting

Trump Identification

Trump Defence

Sense Trump


Limit – Sensitive to Shadow and cost energy, Earn 1 PP when affected by Shadow-specific limitation. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Advanced Trump Artistry Note: requires Trump Artistry.

Mind Trump

Trump Alteration

Trump Gate

Trump Trap


Limit – Trumps are parts of you and directly drain your energy, Shutdown the Heritage Set because of your exhaustion to gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Shape Shift


Shape Shift


Primal Form


Limit – Loosing yourself, get 1 PP and let the GM use your character with a specific complication. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the heritage Set.

Advanced Shape shift Note: requires Shape Shifting.



Transform Others

Blood Shape Shift


Limit – Tainted by Chaos, get 1 PP and let the GM use your character with a specific complication. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the heritage Set.

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Power Words

Spell Building

Spell Casting


Limit – Time consuming and lowered efficiency if repeated against the same target. List of effects needs to be prepared the night before maxed by die type in Spell Building. – 1 Step per similar usage against a same target.



Artefact Crafting

Creature Crafting


Limit – Sensitive to Shadow and Time consuming. Earn 1 PP when affected by Shadow-specific limitation. Heritage Set can only be used in Transition scenes.


Artefacts and Creatures created through Conjuration or specifically searched through Shadow have the particularity or becoming a permanent part of the character.

Therefore, they have a cost associated with them to translate this, based on the skills they have (to be picked hereunder) and their valour from d6 to d12.

o Might o Movement o Stamina o Warfare o Durability o Damage o Intelligent o Psychic Sense o Psychic Defense o Shadow Travel o Shadow Manipulation o Healing o Shape Shift o Trump images o Power Words o Spell Storage o Transferal


Default Limit – Lost in Shadow. Shutdown Heritage Set and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs Fate pool to recover.

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o Shadows that are attached to a character and therefore their destinies are closely linked together, the character being the ultimate master or god behind it.

o Like for the artefacts and creatures, it means that they have a cost associated with them to translate this, based on the skills they have (to be picked hereunder) and their valour from d6 to d12.

o Shadow Type Personal Shadow d6/d8 Shadow of the Realm d10 Primal Plane d12

o Shadow Barriers Communication Barrier d6/d8 Restricted Access d10 Guarded d12

o Control over Shadow Control of Content d6/d8 Control of Time Flow d10 Control of Shadow Destiny d12


Default Limit – Hard to be a God. Get 1 PP and let the GM affect your Shadow with a specific complication. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the heritage Set.


SFX needs to be discussed between the Player and the GM but usually follow the rules below

Possible triggers o Spend 1 PP o Shutdown a power trait o Add a die to the doom pool o Step back a die o Take a specific action or work in a specific condition

Possible Benefits o Step up a die o Double a die (add another die of the same size) o Add a die (usually a d6) o Keep an effect die o Recover (i.e., eliminate) stress o Reroll your dice



Animal Ken

















Page 15: Amber Heroic Roleplaying Game_Hack


All milestones follow the standard format as follow o Milestone Name o Short description o 1XP when o 3 XP when o 10 XP when

Some Milestones can be linked to the chronicle being played, even to a specific event in the chronicle and don’t have to be always tight to the character

Usually the 1XP trigger puts the character on the road toward a big decision, the 3XP one might be a scene defining moment and the 10 XP trigger should be a tough decision point.

Players can trigger the Milestone XP as described hereunder o 1 XP – as many time as you like in a scene but only once for an action and reaction o 3 XP – no more than once per Scene for any given milestone o 10 XP – once per Act and if you do you close your Milestone and choose a new one

Once a Milestone is close, you can choose the same one again if it makes sense in the chronicle and for the character.

Spending XP

You can spend 1 XP to add a PP (or change 1 PP into 1 XP) o Also increases the minimum PP you start each session with by +1 (Max 5 PP)

You can spend 5 XP to do the following… o Replace an existing Distinction with a new one. o Add or replace a Limit in a Heritage Set. o Switch two Affiliation traits. o Unlock a minor Event resource.

You can spend 10 XP to do the following… o Add a new SFX to a Heritage Set. o Step up a d6 or d8 power trait by one step. o Add a new d6 power trait to a Heritage Set. o Remove a Limit from a Heritage Set that has two or more Limits. o Unlock a major Event resource.

You can spend 15 XP to do the following… o Step up a d10 power trait by one step. o Add a new Expert Specialty or upgrade an existing Expert to Master.

Starting resources

As a member of Amber Royal Family or of Chaos Courts, it is fairly easy for a player to get all the basic resources he wants from Shadow like a good sword etc.

Therefore, a starting character can start with pretty much any resource he wants, but the modifier will always be d6

For better equipment, a player needs to spend points and get artefacts.

It is always possible for this to sacrifice a trait from an heritage Set or from a Specialty to get an item of equivalent quality

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CHARACTER CREATION EXAMPLE Melkyades Attributes – Power d8 Finesse d8 Resistance d8 Distinctions – Son of Benedict and Lintra Blade for hire The Chaos inside me I’ve Seen Worse Heritages – Blood of Order

Enhanced Reflexes d10 Enhanced Stamina d6 Enhanced Psyche d8 Default SFX – Citizen of a “True Realm”, +1 step bonus when dealing with creatures of

shadow, this does not stack with other bloodlines Limit – Fate Trigger, -1 Step when trying to be unnoticed by fatality or to stay out of troubles

Pattern Imprint

Shadow Travel d10 Shadow Manipulation d8 Pattern Defense d6

SFX – I can feel the Logrus ! Step up your dice when using Pattern vs Logrus user or in a Shadow nearby Chaos Courts. Add a die to the doom pool in return.

Limit – Pattern can’t be used near Amber and cost energy. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Heritage Set. Recover Heritage Set when stress is recovered or you awake. If Trauma is taken, Power trait usage causes extra Mental Stress.

Shape Shift

Healing d6 Shape Shift d10 Adaptation d8

SFX – Natural Weaponry, Step back the highest die in an attack action pool to add a d6 and step up physical stress inflicted

Limit – Loosing yourself, get 1 PP and let the GM use your character with a specific complication. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the heritage Set.

Specialties –

Academics d8 Brawl d8 Warfare d10 Survival d10 Influence d8 Milestones –

It is all about Blood o 1XP when you discuss your family’s heritage o 3 XP when you use Warfare to create a complication to your enemy o 10 XP when you strike fear in your enemy’s heart as Benedict does without even

fighting or when you face a vastly superior enemy in duel and kill him

Dashing Mercenary o 1 XP when you discuss the reward behind a job or flirt with someone o 3 XP when you inflict up a complication on an opponent or ally that allows you to get

away with a better reward o 10 XP when you either betray your allies with style for a big reward or decide that

something is more important than a reward and leave a big payday on the table so that you can keep your conscience clear