amazing sticker for seed germination

df∩ ˛㎊ 覽鳥茴 ' 티커씨앗 이란? 筐궜흩携馨 1컁 쬡릴曷흴 !놓 칠홅좇 ;蔓 I羲 뀔畺웝휄팁흉ξ 변에 熙膣 0ㅣ L Ei 이지가 E1켜 I얏 , 상토¸ 고급 친환경 ㅏ분 0 세트료 들어있는 I품 스ㅌ I키1앗 친환경플라스틱화분 상토 관찰일지 직경 9omX 높° I 82cm Seed Kit EI커 씨얏 . 상토 , 고곱 친환경 호ㅏ분이세트로 들어있는 I품 물민주변싹이자라니는 터켜 I얏 포함되어 있는 육묘 Iㅈ 스ㅌ !커 씨앗 10개 (太 I얏 5종 ). 압축상토 10개 . 1기 든트려ㅣ。 ㄸⅡl【 'Iㅌ υ■ 가로 28cmX 세로 11 5cm E!커i앗 . 접ㅇ I식 증이화분 2개 관찰일ㅈ 1 2개 E-● 7日7cm X I로 mcm 뤼쉘 ' 때픕 Seedm㎊ 팩타입 (㎩ c㏏ ype) 트러 1이타입 (㏊ yㅕ ype) I품 있습니 i 방울토 마토 I루 꼴라 상추 1ㅂ ㅏ질 당근 ■ㅁㅁㅁ■ 농공상융복합기업인증기술 ■ㅁㅁ■■ 서울국저발명대회특허은상, 디자인은상 ■ㅁㄸㅁ■ 한국발명진흥회우선구매추천사업선정 대한민국발명특허대전동상 ■ㅁㅁ■■ 지식경제부굿디자인인증 ■ㅁㄲ回■ 뇽수산식품부생명산업대전장관표창 ■ㅁㄸㅁ■ 벤처농업챵업경진대회우수상 口ㅁㄸㅁ■ 전국아이디어뇽업공모전수상 오먹시스스디커 I앗 ° , 코누코우는 omicsis사 고유상표입 니다 I이 지에는지적재산권 (특 , 실용실안 , ㅏ인 : 상표 ). 저작권 I 보호를받는독정적정보가모항되어있습니다 페이치의EI커 씨얏I풉 한국 , 미국 , 일본˛ 중국특허권 I 보호를받습니다 . (륵 10— 1063784호 , US Patent No 8484889, CA Patent No 2756432) 캐발'조 (주 )오 i스 소 대전광역시유성구과학로 125 한국생병공학연구원 BVC 211호 04'86ㅏ 1530 팩스 042-861-15⅜ 3 E— ma¡l info@orricsis c0'ㄲ Web ww'v omicsis com ⑨囍끊謹囍 i붙 L漣 i胤 ' '瓷 . :聾 謹풉 ¨ 1⅝ 瓏貞萎珀밟 1땀 프우 iF∫ www. st ¡ ckerseed. com '처 ㅣ품으 | 구성픔은 쁜경될 있습나 I 개발한 접이식 종이 睫이들어 있어 칙섭 ㅏ분을 뱐들어있는 |풉 :蛭 : ˛ rn'ι ':'!;'σ : ˚ '● g⅛ ξ 스ㅌ ㅣ커씨앗, 친환경플라스틱화분. 상토. 관찰일지 H-● 직경㎐ 6cm X 높미 105cm i ' 터커씨얏 종류 [ EI커 써앗 관련 수상내역

Upload: lunchntouch

Post on 15-Apr-2017




5 download


  • dfU


    ? 1

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    9omX I 82cm

    Seed Kit

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    28cmX 11 5cm

    E! i . I 2 1 2

    E- 7 7cm X I mcm


    Seedm (cype) 1 (yype) I i

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    , omicsis I (, , : ). I EI I , , I . ( 10 1063784, US Patent No 8484889, CA Patent No 2756432)


    ()i 125 BVC 211 04'86 1530 042-861-15 3 E mal info@orricsis c0' Web ww'v omicsis com

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    H- 6cm X 105cm

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    What s a

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    ed bY s own pd p kag ng ch:0:;jqvater on them to comple e the sovving process

    0m cs s St ckerseed ? b apply ng it, shown as beIow

    Cornuco asy Gardening

    "pil : '



    St ckerseeds,. ''vo pieces of paper fl ll'verpots, an

    obse at 0n dia'y a'e c0'tained

    wdth mx he ht10cm

    Cornuco Fa rm Bella

    The product consists of a set of Stickerseeds, a pack of bed s0 I,

    and an eco:fr endly fIowerpot

    St ckerseeds , eoo frien y flowerpot, a pack of bed s0 ,

    an obse ation dia'y re contained

    d meter 12 6cm x he ght 10 5cm






    Cornuco Fa rm Ann

    a pac1 0f bed s0


    Stickcrseeds, a'' eco:friendly flowerpot, a pack of bed

    soil, an obsertlation d a''' are c


    ametcr gcnnxh ht82cm

    Cornuco seed Kit

    0 Stickerseeds (vo sets of multiple species of seeds andten peat p lets). a greenhouse tray ae included

    w dth 28cm height 1 cn)

    M n sterial citation at the Life lndust Exposition b tlle Minist f Food Agric ture,

    Forest''y and Fisheries (MAFRA)

    ExceIIence award at the Vontured Agriculture Sta up Contest

    Awa at the Nat onal iDEA Contest of AgricJtu'e (RDA)

    ' Subbra

    d Seedno We haveaSubb

    nd of Cnuc , P vided Subb nd bv 0 pes (Pack- pe, T 'ype)

    ' 0m

    cs s St ckerseed Awards Prof


    :1t #1

    r Association ( I PA)


    ' :hB : Ke Eo ij



    Cornuco ,0m csis St erseed is its ow nt dernak This page ndudes exdusive infornnation protected by intdlectual prope y rights,suc''as patent,design,brand,and co rght The Omics s Stickerseed

    products described in this page re prolected b/patents registered in orea,USA,Japan,Ch na,etc(KR patent N 10'063784,US patent No&484889

    CA patent No2756432)

    omios:s, c.

    Address#211,Bio Venture Cente Korea Research Institute fB oscience&Biotechnolog ,125Gwahak ro,Yuseong gu,Daejeon305-806,Korea

    I +8242-861 1 530 Fax +82-42-861 1533 ] nfo@omicsis coln Web www om'csls corn




    ' Tvpes cf Om

    cs s St ckerseed

    P:;]F www.stickerseed. com The co'Ite"t o t'' product is su i c1 'I

    'onge depe'Idi11g:

    a coun'''y exported

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    '(KR patent No. 10 1 063784, Ppatent No. 5231678, US patent No. 8484889, CA patent No. 2756432)

    | . |zOm'csis, I c.

    s , & V C K Rere"c t ::P


    seonggu, Djeon 5- 6, K

    i +82 42-861 1 530 Fa +82-42-861 1 533


    1';F www,st cke seed. com*

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